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Medical center Diamed-clinics on Sheremetyevskaya. Clinic "Diamed" on Sheremetyevskaya

Medical center "Delomedica (Diamed LLC)" provides legal entities wide choice of services. With their help, you will always be aware of the health and performance status of your employees. Medical services for organizations are provided in accordance with all necessary standards of the Ministry of Health. By using this service, you can save not only time, but also money.

All you need is:

It is very convenient to work with them, since we quickly respond to requests and provide only highly qualified specialists. Each team is equipped with all the necessary sterile equipment, so the medical examination will begin as soon as it arrives on site.

What we provide

The medical center "Delomedica (Diamed LLC)" takes into account that enterprises with different areas of employment need different services, so here you can order:

  1. , with the help of which prevention and early detection can be carried out occupational diseases. By conducting this type of inspection, you are showing concern not only for your employees, but also for your business. The productivity and quality of manufactured products depends on the health of the team.
  2. , which will help assess the effectiveness and performance of a potential employee. After all, replenishing the team with new healthy employees increases the profit of the enterprise. Thanks to our work you will learn everything necessary information about a person and you can correctly calculate his usefulness for your company.
  3. , medical examinations, which will be needed in order to conduct high-quality monitoring of the employee’s condition during the shift. This service will be especially useful for enterprises where employees are engaged in hazardous production or work that requires increased attention.
  4. . Required view inspection for every citizen of our country. If you do not want this procedure to annually distract your subordinates from work, then feel free to contact us for help. We do this procedure in a matter of minutes, so the entire plant can be inspected in one day.
  5. , which is necessary to determine the state of mental health. If physical pathologies are noticeable for ordinary person, That mental health a person can only be correctly assessed by a specialist. Pathologies with this aspect of the human condition should not be underestimated. Since mentally unbalanced employees can ruin not only their own, but also the health of others, so do not forget to examine employees in a timely manner, and then their work will not bring unpleasant surprises.
  6. Why you should contact us

    The medical center "Delomedica (Diamed LLC)" provides its clients with high-quality service at a reasonable price. Having ordered medical services for organizations, you will greatly simplify your life. A team of doctors comes directly to the enterprise, so you no longer need to worry about how to gather and deliver employees for examination. You will significantly reduce the time spent on this procedure. Workers are freed from standing in line and are distracted from work only for the time necessary to conduct a medical examination.

Total 72, average rating 4.8

I had already made an appointment with a therapist (I went to Elena Potapova), when somewhere I came across information about how, in general, the clinic is expensive and this and that. Of course, I was already prepared for the worst, that they would suck the money out of me and not help. It turned out that everything was exactly the opposite. As a result, everything together (appointment, examination, etc.) came out less than in another clinic where I was a few months before. The doctor herself is moderately sociable and friendly, but she doesn’t get into her soul, which for me is very good. In general, the impression is positive in all respects; it’s good that I didn’t cancel the appointment then.

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So you sleep once in a tent without a pad, and that’s it, you will become an eternal patient of the urologist. And it would have been fine right away, but at first I was diagnosed with both ovarian inflammation and some kind of infection. But as soon as they took me to the hospital, everything immediately fell into place. Marinets saw me after the diagnosis. But I still had an excellent impression about it: I know that many people with pyeloniphritis are simply constantly suffering, but for several months now I practically don’t remember, only perhaps after intimacy, and even then Marina Sergeevna says that this will pass, I really want to believe her.

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The most unusual and pleasant period in my life is associated with this clinic. Here I was observed before and during pregnancy. I didn’t feel sick, I didn’t feel sick, I ate normally, everything was just fine, well, maybe only in the end, of course, it became heavy and my legs began to swell, but that’s just flowers, I understand perfectly well. And all this time the doctors of this clinic supported me. They fussed with me, rejoiced together when everything worked out, and watched for 9 months. I saw Odintsova, a couple of times when she wasn’t there, I had an appointment with Morukova, I had an ultrasound done with her, she also seemed to be a good doctor. Everyone there became like family to me, and I’m glad that there’s such a place near our house. good clinic, and not the average consultation with a huge crowd of pregnant girls in the corridor in line.

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Victoria 5

When I need to do an ultrasound, I immediately make an appointment with Tatyana Sergeevna. I can’t imagine what I’ll do if she suddenly quits – I’m terribly used to her. To her manner of communicating with patients, to the way she explains everything, turns the screen and even shows. In principle, you always quickly get used to good things. So I wish her only further career growth, and that her loving patients can always find her! I chatted with the girls, I know for sure that I’m not the only one. I really hope that the gynecologists at this clinic are the same, I want to go again and consult about OK.

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Valentina 5

I was consulted by Mitina only twice, it is difficult to make a global assessment of her activities, but the impressions from two appointments were very good. The very way she conducts the reception, how she examines. It is immediately obvious that the doctor knows well what medical ethics is and does not try to go beyond it. I prescribed only the most necessary tests, I already had experience of this kind, I know that they are usually prescribed just for show, and my friend works in a paid laboratory, I constantly consult with her on such issues. The examination was also good, it didn’t even hurt, although I usually shrink all over in this chair when I see the dilator. If something happened, I would return to her without hesitation.

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Marinets Maria Viktorovna is the only urologist I have been with whom I wanted to continue treatment. A year and a half ago, I went to a doctor for a banal certificate, and received a diagnosis with which I still suffer. Yes, maybe I'm not a very pleasant patient myself. But I pay money and I want to like it. I have changed many doctors, but I really liked Marinets: his approach is businesslike and even a little assertive, but at the same time he communicates very politely. And, finally, at least the first progress is visible for me after all this time.

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It seemed to me that I already had permanent cystitis. Even if nothing “cut”, I ran to the toilet very often, in public transport I couldn’t travel at all, because if I really wanted to, there was absolutely nothing I could do with myself. Therefore, I am tenfold grateful to M. V. Marinets, who helped me get rid of not an abstract, but a very concrete problem. I came to her without recommendations, without anything, paid an amount for the appointment, which was small in general, and in the end I got results so quickly. But they say that everything is done here only through friends.

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For me, I’d rather pay once for the entire treatment at once and get immediate results, than go to several “free” doctors, to whom I’ll end up paying more and without results. This is why I believe that Mitina A, who works at this clinic, has a cost of admission that is really worth what she does and how she helps. If you contact us, it is better, of course, to immediately clarify what the price is, what is included in the price, and what to pay for separately. Moreover, according to my observations, here they usually show all their cards honestly. And then you can objectively decide whether the result is worth the money and whether you can pull it off. Because one appointment with her definitely wouldn’t have helped me. I visited 10 times in 4 months. But I got rid of a problem that did not allow me to live normally for 3 years.

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Thank you very much to Tatyana Sergeevna, the doctor who did my ultrasound. I suddenly felt a pain in my lower back, I went to another clinic altogether, not here, where she works. I was immediately referred to a urologist, who then performed an ultrasound. I wanted to go straight through without delay, but they had a line, so I went to Diamed: I called here, they told me, yes, come, freely. The kidneys were checked, everything was fine. Tatyana Sergeevna was even surprised when I told her how much it hurt. And then she looked at me and said: let’s check for an ectopic one. I doubted it, but oh well, I’m lying there, I’ll pay extra, no big deal. It turned out it was really ectopic! Yes, if it weren’t for her, they would have treated my healthy kidneys until I left! I'm still shocked that this can somehow be confused at all.

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If we take a 10-point scale, then I would rate the gynecologist of this clinic, L. B. Odintsova. Exactly 9. A well-delivered speech keeps itself within limits, examines it carefully enough and does not allow itself to make comments. Analyzes are always the bare minimum required; additional tests are optional. I was treated by her for quite a long time, I had inflammation on the left side, and not once in the entire time of communicating with her was there a situation because of which I would want to change the gynecologist.

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Hope 5

Sobolevskaya Lyudmila is a very friendly doctor, you know, there are some who are quiet and very calm. With such people you always feel free at the reception and are not afraid to ask and clarify something once again. Well, she is well versed in her field: I received answers to all the questions that interested me, why my allergy “mutated”, and what I should do next. After treatment, many of her symptoms disappeared. I was lucky enough to meet her by chance, but I’m always surprised how difficult it is to find a good specialist and how much depends on the doctor...

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I had a procedure here that was not quite standard for a medical clinic, a lifting treatment. I just accidentally found out from a friend that in the center not far from my house there is a cool cosmetologist, Tatyana Kolosova. My friend looked at me like I was a fool. Apparently, everyone knows that the most normal cosmetologists are doctors who are also dermatologists, and they do not work in beauty salons. But I didn’t know. But now I will. Because the procedure went really well. I haven’t made such jokes very often, so I was perhaps even delighted by the average effect, but most of all I liked the attitude. Truly as a doctor to a patient, and not as a “master”. Rest assured, for yourself and for your health.

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Kirill Zhukov 4

I won’t hide the fact that I chose this neuropathologist Parenkov because he is a man. I have a whole range of problems with this doctor, starting from problems in the neck and ending with blood vessels in the head, I visit him periodically, that’s why I want to find one who would guide me, so as not to carry cards and not retell everything. Well, I’m a little tired of female doctors. As a result of this unusual choice, I attacked the best neurologist of all those who observed me. Finally, I heard something new and not well-worn, new treatment options. And with all this, his reception costs 1.5 times less than in the previous place.

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Natasha Voblikova 5

I have always believed that little depends on the ultrasound doctor, it’s either visible or not. I realized how wrong I was when, during one of these examinations, the doctor simply missed the pathology, did not notice, maybe he was angry, or was in a hurry, and this led to complications. Therefore, the next time I was appointed, I spent a lot of time studying reviews, prices and everything else. I settled on Okaryachenko, it’s close, people seem to be praising it. From one visit, of course, it’s difficult to judge how objective all opinions are, but she really talks clearly and in detail, which is something many people lack. And he behaves kindly. I don’t have to check something very often, but next time I’ll probably turn to her if price policy not to change, for me this is rather the upper acceptable limit of cost.

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Victoria Maksimenko 3

I got otitis media when I swam in the river earlier than I should have. This has never happened before, I thought I was going to die, how painful it is. Volkova saw me the same day I came - I looked at her schedule on the Internet, and I didn’t have to go to the therapist to get a referral to her, much faster. My biggest fear was that I would have to go to the hospital, but it turned out okay. I had to pay for three appointments in total, but in the hospital I would have spent a lot more time and would not have been able to finish my work calmly in the evening.

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Vadim Tkach 5

For the second time I am convinced that this clinic is quite good attitude to patients. Precisely as patients, and not as money bags: doctors do not seek to sign up for the most expensive procedures, but simply offer several treatment options. Options are generally good, because who cares what is more convenient. For example, it was more convenient for me to lie in a day hospital for three days than to travel for three hours for procedures for a week. If all the other doctors are the same, then great.

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Elena1987 5

The main reason why I have changed several urologists since my kidney problems began is that they frankly did not care, even though I paid them money for it. With Andrey Gyng, I wanted to stay and continue treatment to the end precisely because he behaved exactly the opposite: even before prescribing something, he always clarified whether I could do it. Otherwise, you know, as sometimes happens, they’ll prescribe a bunch of things, and sometimes there’s not enough money, sometimes there’s not enough time, and in the end they just give up. And with him, I completed the entire treatment in one breath.

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I had a very bad stomach pain in the lower part and my periods were somehow strange. I almost diagnosed a tumor myself and quickly ran to Morukova, the doctor who my close friend sees and whom she had recommended to me for a long time. But instead of a tumor, I was diagnosed with pregnancy! I didn’t think that I would be among those who would be able to miss such a joyful moment and waste it. Morukova is a great fellow in the sense that even at the first appointment she helped me pull myself together and not give in to panic, as it turned out later, in my situation this was very useful.

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An examination and conclusion from a neurologist for a cardiologist was needed. How everything is tied up for our doctors, but where to go? While I was at the first examination and at the second examination, for which I came with an ultrasound and an MRI, I regretted several times that Parenkov was not a cardiologist and not my attending physician: it was noticeable that the set professional behavior was in control, friendly, but not too much. Even though I have a paid doctor, he’s not like that at all. I didn’t have any problems with him, as I thought, but now I want to enroll my mother.

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I tested hormones in this clinic thyroid gland. All the results arrived quickly, as promised, the results were additionally sent to the post office, although I also came for papers. The staff is polite, no problems with the fact that I was only able to arrive half an hour later than the appointed time. Somehow they carried me through calmly, and that’s all.

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Irina Sevruk 5

I had a consultation with Balyabina a few days ago. Everything is approximately as I imagined in terms of the clinic and the doctor; my question (I needed to take a smear for examination) was resolved quickly, although I had also asked before. They already called from the clinic, everything is ready, you can come and pick it up, quite quickly.

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Olga Reznichenko 5

Lifting massage - generally very a good thing. I had it done at this clinic at Ryakhovskaya’s. The first time it hurts a little, but then you even start to like it and relax. But the contours are seriously tightened. The effect is much better than from masks - it’s like being pierced. Although I am terribly afraid of injections.

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Svetlana 5

Thanks to Okoryachenko, and to the entire medical center. They write it down on time, everything is clear when you arrive. I was delayed for a maximum of 10 minutes at the appointment. Everything was done quickly without any questions asked.

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I came to Maria Valeryevna basically by accident. I have known the Diamed Medical Center for a long time and if I urgently needed to see a doctor, I always went to him. Therefore, when I needed a dermatologist, I signed up for the center on Sheremetyevskaya. I was worried about a strange rash or pimples on my face. They lasted for more than a month, looked terrible and did not go away. Maria Valerievna carefully examined me, took a scraping and then made a diagnosis. It turned out that it was all to blame subcutaneous mite. The doctor explained what it was and prescribed treatment. When I was treated, I came back - the scraping was already clean. Thanks to Maria Valerievna for your professionalism!

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Dmitry Selivanov 5

Recently my kidneys began to bother me. And, for staging correct diagnosis, it was necessary to undergo an ultrasound. The procedure, in principle, is not complicated, but it is always nice when such things are carried out by a qualified and friendly doctor. To undergo this procedure I went to the Diamed clinic. It was recommended to me by a work colleague. I must say that the clinic made a pleasant impression on me - cleanliness everywhere, modern diagnostic equipment. I was received by a doctor, Tatyana Sergeevna Okaryachenko. Experienced doctor ultrasound diagnostics, polite and pleasant person. And most importantly, he is an expert in his field. The procedure went quite quickly. The next day I already received the results.

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TERRIBLE! I went to a gastroenterologist with abdominal pain, and over the phone they said an appointment costs 1,600 rubles. The doctor was Natalya Ivanovna Lyashko. Result: Doctor Lyashko N. And she turned out to be not a gastroenterologist, but a therapist (I learned this from the payment receipt), they tried to cheat me out of 20 thousand tests, IVs and injections, and there was also a line in the check for 1,500 rubles for prescribing treatment. Regarding the diagnosis, she answered, how do I know, take all the tests and we’ll see. Among the medications she prescribed Allahol! It's just the edge. Scam and unprofessionalism! I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS CLINIC.

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Very bad clinic. They extract money from patients. They deceive doctors about their qualifications. Personally, when I went to see a gastroenterologist, after paying, I found out that he was an ordinary therapist. On the sign in their clinic, to confuse patients, only the doctor’s last name is written. Well, of course, the qualifications of doctors are very low. Result: they were sent to the wrong doctor, the diagnosis was incorrect, they tried to cheat them out of 20,000 rubles various analyzes, 15,000 rubles for IVs and injections, in addition to the prime amount, 1,500 rubles were added to the check for the so-called development of a treatment regimen. The case took place at the Diamed clinic on the street. Sheremetyevskaya 27. Doctor Lyashko.

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I went to Diamed on Sheremetyevskaya on the recommendation of my close friend, who talked about how gynecologist Lyubov Borisovna did emergency contraception. Such an undesirable incident also happened and Lyubov Borisovna Odintsova immediately called back. She told me what time to come and what to bring with me. I did everything necessary procedures and everything, thanks to the doctor, remained without consequences. Afterwards she suggested that I choose an individual contraceptive and made recommendations. I agreed and everything was done top level. Now only to Odintsova for gynecological issues.

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Evseeva Elena 1

01/18/2017 I came to Diamed to get an ultrasound and test general analysis blood. These days there was a promotion on ultrasound. The specialists were not aware that there were discounts on their official website. When checking, the girls at the reception found out that yes, there is, but the discount will be on Thursday. At the same time, one of them (who usually sits by the window) was extremely dissatisfied with this fact and did not hide her emotions of dissatisfaction. They asked me to come the next day. That day I only had a general blood test and the specialist girl was sincerely friendly.
But that's when I came on Thursday. Not only did the ultrasound specialist scare me with the results, unable to competently explain the current situation with my health, but she also boorishly stated: “Here are your results, go to your clinic, you don’t want to be treated with us,” this was 01/19/2017 last name I didn’t remember the gynecologist. So, after such a statement, it became known that a discount is not provided for THIS examination. I had to pay the full price! BEFORE the ultrasound, it was difficult for me to tell about this, because the girls at the reception were busy with breakfast and chewing. Who prevented one from staying on duty while the other went on a break? Why are they both there if they both sit and chew in the presence of visitors? So the impressions were disgusting! Just think, it seems like the clinic is paid, but there’s no point.

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After I recovered well after giving birth, I started exercising and went on a diet. Of course, I managed to lose quite a bit of weight, but the problem is that the weight was noticeably coming off my figure, but not really from my face. I had a double chin and it stayed there; I couldn’t get rid of it. Yes, of course it has decreased, but it has not completely gone away. My fitness trainer said that I need to do myofascial facial massage in order to get rid of my double chin. He recommended Lyudmila Vasilievna Sobolevskaya to me, saying that she is well-praised in our city. I made an appointment and liked the way she did the massage. After just a couple of procedures I felt the effect.

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Elizabeth 5

Contacted medical Center Diamed, at the beginning of the month, to make an appointment with a dermatologist. Rashes in the form of acne began to appear on the skin frequently, although this is not too common at my age. I made an appointment with Maria Valerievna. I had never seen her before, so I was a little nervous about what kind of specialist she was. But from the very first minutes of the dialogue, I realized that she was a great professional, as she began asking for all the details, right down to what I eat and drink. She received a lot of recommendations from her, and also prescribed me several medications. After treatment, I noticed how the condition of my skin changed, and I remembered her recommendations for the rest of my life and try to follow them.

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Quite by accident I got an appointment with the wonderful doctor Lyudmila Sobolevskaya. I went to her for a course of myostructural facial massage. I needed it after maxillofacial surgery. Also, this type of massage helps smooth out wrinkles. Lyudmila Vasilyevna is a professional in her field, I go to her for a massage as if I were on a holiday - it is so relaxing and pleasant that every time I leave her feeling in a great mood. By the way, the prices are quite reasonable. In other clinics the cost is much higher, but the Diamed clinic on Sheremetyevskaya makes prices affordable for any segment of the population.

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I've been suffering for seven years now panic disorder, I consulted many doctors, some of them couldn’t even diagnose me, others simply stuffed me with expensive and heavy drugs that only suppressed my personality and emotions, but did nothing for my recovery. I was already desperate, I thought that I would continue to exist without the right to life. Then my friend recommended psychologist Anna Viktorovna Ermonskaya from the Diamed clinic. I made an appointment and went to see her, but without much enthusiasm, I no longer trusted any doctor. Anna Viktorovna, to my surprise, immediately understood what I had, gave me a clear diagnosis and said that she could help me. This encouraged me, even though I had very little faith. But after a month of consultations, my condition began to improve, the drugs that the doctor prescribed to me also do not kill me, but actually help. In a short period of time I began to come to life. I am very grateful to Anna Viktorovna for her help and hope for a happy future!

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Svetlana 5

I was bothered by pain in the left hypochondrium, sometimes even very strong. I got scared and went to see Natalya Mikhailovna Lyashko at the Diamed center. She examined me and prescribed additional examination, which I passed directly in the center. The examination confirmed her suspicion of pancreatitis and she prescribed me treatment, which quickly relieved the pain and reduced inflammation. She recommended avoiding such exacerbations in the future. A competent and kind doctor who really helped me. Does not prescribe anything extraneous and only necessary medications. good doctor and the center, I recommend it!

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At the Diamed medical center, I was observed by gynecologist Lyubov Borisovna Odintsova. A very pleasant, knowledgeable specialist. Helped me get rid of thrush and cure uterine erosion. It wasn’t scary for me as a young girl to go to a non-appointment; she examines me carefully and explains everything in detail. Even the colposcopy was carried out perfectly, since I have a special physiological state cervix, I felt almost nothing. No extra ones hormonal drugs does not prescribe. I plan to get pregnant in the future and I don’t regret at all that I turned to her, as my health has improved. Most likely I will also see her during pregnancy.

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Seeing everything around in a black light and always expecting a dirty trick from everyone is a very scary state. And it brought me to honey. Diamed Clinic, got an appointment with Anna Viktorovna Ermonskaya. The psychologist is young, almost my age, so from the very first conversation we understood each other. She is what I need, and I am how to start changing by trusting the doctor. In general, they began to rebuild my thinking. It was not at all easy to give up the life to which I was accustomed. But Anna is a patient person, and with each approach she sculpted me into a different woman. Through the efforts of psychologist Ermonskaya, I learned to enjoy life and not be afraid of it

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Svetlana 5

I would like to express my deep gratitude to the Diadem medical center in the person of Lyudmila Vasilyevna! I made an appointment with her for myofascial facial massage. The years go by and as you know appearance you are no longer the same as you once were in your youth. And going under the knife is also risky, especially when you know about sad experience their friends and the consequences after such intervention. Therefore, my step was taken in the direction of massage. Lyudmila Vasilievna you just have golden hands. After completing the course, I really admire myself when I look in the mirror. And my husband somehow began to treat me differently - I really changed! Thank you very much!

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Svetlana 5

I was tired of doing hair removal at home because I couldn’t achieve a quality result on my own. I decided to go to a professional doctor and get hair removal. I looked at the options on the Internet and positive feedback I chose Dr. Maria Valerievna Ryakhovskaya, who performs such procedures at the Diamed clinic on Sheremetyevskaya. Maria Valerievna turned out to be a very kind and friendly person, with whom we had a pleasant conversation. After which she got to work and carried out the procedure for removing hair from the face and hands as painlessly as possible. I was very pleased with the result. I recommend Maria Valerievna as a specialist.

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I visit the Diamed Medical Center with my “women’s” problems. I always get treatment from one doctor - Alla Leonidovna Mitina. She always finds the exact cause of my ailments and directs me to necessary examinations and after the test results, he prescribes competent courses of treatment that have never caused me side effects and always with positive dynamics. Alla Leonidovna is always friendly and polite with me, she performs all manipulations during examinations carefully, without causing unpleasant physical sensations. Always uses sterile instruments and hygiene products. I am very pleased with the way she conducts the appointment, and how the clinic staff works as a whole!

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Alexander Kondratyev 5

I was tormented by prostatitis for a very long time, but despite this, I never dared to go to the doctor. I thought maybe it would pass or pass. But time passed, and it only got worse, and I decided to act. I contacted the Diamed medical center on Shchelkovskaya. My treatment was carried out by Gynga Andrey Grigorievich. The doctor is very smart and clearly cares about his patients, which is very pleasing. Naturally, after a dialogue with him, I somehow felt better and I realized that there was a chance for recovery. Andrei Grigorievich gave a list of tests that needed to be taken, and after that a course of my treatment was prescribed. To some extent, I didn’t really believe that anything would work out, but gradually I felt better. Thank you.

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Yulia Kondratyeva 5

Unfortunately, I was struck by the flu last month. I decided to go to the Diamed clinic on Sheremetyevskaya. I was referred to Natalya Mikhailovna Lyashko, I immediately liked her as soon as I saw her. She talked to me quite calmly about my illness, after which she prescribed treatment and prescribed next time reception. I followed all her recommendations, thanks to which I was able to get rid of the flu in just a week. I am very grateful to Natalya Mikhailovna for the quality service provided medical care. Now, if anything happens, I will, of course, only turn to her.

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Maria Karpova 5

As soon as I turned 30, I started visiting cosmetologist Maria Valerievna, who works at the Diamed center. I like that the specialist is always polite and in a good mood, with which she energizes her patients. I had problems with acne that I couldn’t overcome with anything, and cosmetologist Maria Valerievna helped me a lot with this. She prescribed me different procedures that helped me get rid of acne. The procedures did not take effect from the very beginning, but gradually - after a week the first result was already noticed, and after a few days there were no acne visible at all. This is what a professional means.

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Vitaly 5

I turned to Elena Viktorovna Krivobok, who works at the Diamed medical center, since I have recently been tormented by terrible insomnia, because of which I cannot study normally at the institute. The doctor examined me and prescribed me medications. I liked the fact that Elena Viktorovna communicated with me very politely, which, of course, endeared me to her as a doctor. I bought the recommended drug on the same day. Already on the first day I felt its effect, slept through the night without any problems. I am grateful to Elena Viktorovna for the quality medical care she provided me.

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Kristina Pimenova 5

In Diamed on Sheremetyevskaya I want to pay Special attention doctor Tatyana Vladimirovna Kolosova. This is not the first time I have visited her and I can say that she is an excellent specialist in the field of cosmetology. I have with adolescence I started having problems with my facial skin and I struggled with this problem for many years, but it was ineffective. I liked the doctor right away; she did not force expensive procedures on me, but explained in detail how to be treated and in what specific ways. I trust her completely, because literally after a month my skin began to look significantly better. I will continue to visit her in the future! Thank you

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Yulia Kondratyeva 5

Girls, I recommend hyaluronic acid to everyone, especially closer to 30. The oval tightens well, the skin becomes more elastic. I had a procedure done by a cosmetologist from Diamed, Maria Valerievna, they call it in a fashionable way, biorevitalization. I don’t know, to be honest, whether there is any difference between it and conventional injections, but the cosmetologist herself recommended this procedure to me and I am very glad that I agreed! Thanks to the cosmetologist for the recommendation and for making everything go so smoothly and well!

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Smirnova L.V. is an experienced and understanding doctor. After my diagnosis, I was prescribed procedures that I could not afford. Smirnova suggested a good alternative, which, as I see myself, also helps. I visited her 3 times, all three times - positive impressions.

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Thank you very much to Vika for the excellent lymphatic drainage and correction program! This is exactly what I needed after giving birth. I seemed to have lost weight, but still everything was somehow flabby, not right. Now I feel fit and rejuvenated, very cool!

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Alexey 5

For a long time I was tormented by pain on the right side of my abdomen after a hearty lunch. Baralgin tablets at night did not help much. After visiting a therapist at the district clinic, I received a referral for an ultrasound scan abdominal cavity. Using the computer, I found the nearest clinic from my house called Diamed. I easily made an appointment online with doctor T. S. Okaryachenko. I was later convinced that I had made the right choice. The doctor quickly found gallbladder three pebbles. I liked the clinic itself, without queues and unnecessary fuss. The devices are modern and the specialists working on them are smart. The results of the examination were released immediately. The surgery to remove the stones was quick and without complications. Thanks to Dr. Tatyana Sergeevna.

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Victoria 5

Over the years, my mother has become more complicated bronchial asthma, became heavier. She and I went to see Sobolevskaya together for a consultation. They looked for a doctor specifically, that is, there was a reasonable choice in advance due to recommendations and track record. We needed not only to find the reason why it was complicated (as we thought, it turned out not to be a matter of age, as many doctors told us), but also to find suitable medication, my mother also has intolerance and contraindications. Everything we expected from the doctor was realized in full. Absolutely satisfied.

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Angelina 5

My mother-in-law had problems with her legs, formed heel spurs. No matter what treatment was given, nothing helped. Then, based on reviews, I found the Diamed center and made an appointment with Natalya Mikhailovna. After her appointment and recommendations, the heel problem began to gradually improve. Of course, the spurs did not disappear or resolve overnight. But my mother-in-law is actively undergoing treatment. He says that stepping on his foot doesn’t hurt so much. Thank you very much to Natalya Mikhailovna. Without unnecessary actions, she explained everything and told me how to be treated. I also conducted a shock wave therapy session. Everything went well, painlessly.

healthy? /

My son, he is 21 years old, six months ago began to complain of pain in his side. I sent him to Diamed,” where I go to see a gynecologist and therapist. The son was examined by doctor Elena Viktorovna, tests were done, and he was sent for an ultrasound. It turned out that he had kidney stones. The pain was very strong. For almost two months, my son went to appointments. Each time we were greeted very warmly, the doctor was always very polite, reassuring, and encouraging. I took medication and was also prescribed a diet. Now everything is fine, no pain. On behalf of both, I want to say a big thank you to Elena Viktorovna.

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Osana Karaseva 5

I was lucky to find a male ultrasound doctor, Dmitry Orlov, at the medical center on Sheremetyevskaya. I always prefer to have men tested, but it’s getting harder and harder to find. Dmitry did not disappoint, he did everything efficiently and without further ado, and prepared the result right there.

healthy? /

I was pleasantly surprised when I visited the Diamed clinic. How much attention and patience the doctor Sergei Alexandrovich showed to my mother - already elderly woman! Mom couldn’t be happier when they left the office, she talked for a long time about what a good doctor she had found - she was used to the fact that older people were often treated with irritation, brushed off, sometimes angry - she had encountered this in her life. But here everything was completely different. We will undoubtedly come again.

healthy? /

Yaroslav Serpov 5

When I began to feel pain when urinating and was faced with the problem of poor erection, I decided to immediately contact a competent specialist. An acquaintance recommended Oleg Aleksandrovich Junker, who works at the Diamed clinic on Sheremetyevskaya, and I made an appointment with him. The doctor immediately inspired confidence; after an examination and conversation, he diagnosed me with prostatitis and described the treatment in detail. I strictly followed all the instructions and after a week I noticed how the discomfort went away and my erection improved. During the month of treatment, I completely forgot about the disease, because nothing bothered me. I am grateful to the doctor, he is well versed in his specialty. I can confidently recommend it.

18.02.2017, 23:27

I contacted Tatyana Vladimirovna at the Diamed medical center in order to select a rejuvenation program and cosmetic treatment. I am no longer young, and my skin was quite problematic. During my first appointment, Tatyana Vladimirovna gave me a consultation and selected a plan cosmetic procedures and answered all my questions. I can note that the doctor really has good knowledge in his field...
I contacted Tatiana Vladimirovna at the Diamed medical center to select a rejuvenation and cosmetic treatment program. I am no longer young, and my skin was quite problematic. During my first appointment, Tatyana Vladimirovna gave me a consultation, selected a plan for cosmetic procedures and answered all my questions. I can note that the doctor really has good knowledge in his field, and one can feel his professionalism. Quite attentive and concerned about the comfort of the procedure. She spent even more time with me than planned. As a result, they did peeling, cleaning and injected Botox. I am very pleased with the result, I feel much younger now!

Clinic "Diamed" on Sheremetyevskaya

29.01.2017, 13:07

On January 18, 2017, I came to Diamed to have an ultrasound and a general blood test. These days there was a promotion on ultrasound. The specialists were not aware that there were discounts on their official website. When checking, the girls at the reception found out that yes, there is, but the discount will be on Thursday. At the same time, one of them (who usually sits by the window) was extremely dissatisfied with this fact and did not hide her emotions of dissatisfaction. They asked me to come the next day. On this day I only passed the general...
On January 18, 2017, I came to Diamed to have an ultrasound and a general blood test. These days there was a promotion on ultrasound. The specialists were not aware that there were discounts on their official website. When checking, the girls at the reception found out that yes, there is, but the discount will be on Thursday. At the same time, one of them (who usually sits by the window) was extremely dissatisfied with this fact and did not hide her emotions of dissatisfaction. They asked me to come the next day. That day I only had a general blood test and the specialist girl was sincerely friendly. But when I came on Thursday... Not only did the ultrasound specialist scare me with the results, unable to competently explain the current situation with my health, she also boorishly stated: “Here are your results, go to your clinic, you don’t want to to be treated with us,” it was January 19, 2017, I didn’t remember the name of the gynecologist. So, after such a statement, it became known that a discount is not provided for this particular examination. I had to pay the full price! And before the ultrasound, it was difficult for me to tell about this, because the girls at the reception were busy with breakfast and chewing. Who prevented one from staying on duty while the other went on a break? Why are they both there if they both sit and chew in the presence of visitors? So the impressions were disgusting! Just think, it seems like the clinic is paid, but there’s no point. Update dated February 7, 2017. I recently wrote negative feedback about the Diamed clinic on Sheremetyevskaya. But, I was pleasantly surprised that my problem did not go unnoticed. The situation was resolved, there was an agreement with the management about a free analysis, they kept their promise, they did everything, I have no complaints. I thank Tatyana Viktorovna for her responsiveness to her patients. I recommend this clinic because your difficulties will not go unnoticed; the management will help you understand the current situation and provide the necessary support. It's nice. Thanks for the work! Evseeva Elena Alexandrovna.

Clinic "Diamed" on Sheremetyevskaya

28.01.2017, 01:25

There were disturbances in the reproductive system of the body caused by frequent stress at work, poor nutrition And general tone an organism that has sagged due to sedentary work and in general sedentary lifestyle life. As a result - erectile disfunction, weak riser. I visited a urologist in a free clinic, his consultations and treatment tactics did not help, I decided that saving money in this matter was of no use, so I turned to Andrei Grigorievich. His...
There were disturbances in the reproductive system of the body, caused by frequent stress at work, poor nutrition and the general tone of the body, which sagged due to sedentary work and a generally sedentary lifestyle. The result is erectile dysfunction and weak erection. I visited a urologist in a free clinic, his consultations and treatment tactics did not help, I decided that saving money in this matter was of no use, so I turned to Andrei Grigorievich. His treatment tactics were already much more effective; my wife and I appreciated the results after two months, for which we are very grateful. By the way, the prices in the clinic are quite affordable, for such quality treatment I don't mind paying.

Clinic "Diamed" on Sheremetyevskaya

23.11.2016, 13:41

Hello, I want to thank the doctor at the Diamed clinic. I was breastfeeding my baby at the time, and some lumps formed and my breasts began to hurt terribly. It’s good that I turned to Vladislav Yuryevich Kirsanov, a mammologist, in time. I found out the cause and essence of the disease. He prescribed treatment, of course I couldn’t feed the baby any longer, but the most important thing is that they started treatment on time and the breast could be saved. Very grateful for...
Hello, I want to thank the doctor at the Diamed clinic. I was breastfeeding my baby at the time, and some lumps formed and my breasts began to hurt terribly. It’s good that I turned to Vladislav Yuryevich Kirsanov, a mammologist, in time. I found out the cause and essence of the disease. He prescribed treatment, of course I couldn’t feed the baby any longer, but the most important thing is that they started treatment on time and the breast could be saved. I am very grateful for the qualified help. They didn’t leave me in trouble, they helped cure an insidious illness. They treated me well, a polite and well-mannered person. I took into account my capabilities and the treatment was not expensive. Thank you.

Clinic "Diamed" on Sheremetyevskaya

20.11.2016, 00:26

businessPrice.No.Recently visited the Diamed medical center. I came here for the first time on the recommendation of a friend. I have always had problems with my skin, no matter what I did: masks, peelings, and tried to improve my nutrition. Naturally, I did everything myself, without consulting a cosmetologist. But then a friend advised me to contact Neschetnaya Natalya Vadimovna, a dermatologist-cosmetologist at this center. I didn't think that with mine problem skin something is possible...
businessPrice.No.Recently visited the Diamed medical center. I came here for the first time on the recommendation of a friend. I have always had problems with my skin, no matter what I did: masks, peelings, and tried to improve my nutrition. Naturally, I did everything myself, without consulting a cosmetologist. But then a friend advised me to contact Neschetnaya Natalya Vadimovna, a dermatologist-cosmetologist at this center. I didn’t think that anything could be done about my problem skin, but Natalya Vadimovna simply worked wonders. Naturally, not in one visit - this simply does not happen. After several treatments, my skin simply blossomed, acne and other problems went away. I feel happy, I really regret that I used to self-medicate and lost so much time, because it is so important to find good specialist, which will have professional help. I am very grateful to Natalya Vadimovna, I will recommend her to my friends.

Clinic "Diamed" on Sheremetyevskaya

10.08.2016, 11:46

"Diamed" left a vivid impression of itself. Initially I thought that this was an ordinary clinic where no one needed you, and the doctors didn’t care about you. But after the first appointment, I radically changed my mind. I have been through the commission here several times, they work very clearly and harmoniously, they treat you with respect and due attention, and most importantly, they consider you to be a person. I was very pleased with what I saw.

Clinic "Diamed" on Sheremetyevskaya

26.07.2016, 16:01

I would like to thank Victoria Vadimovna for the excellent course on rejuvenation. I haven’t felt so great for a long time, I even wanted to get a new hairstyle, change something, although I’ve been doing this for a hundred years. Out of 5 procedures, I was late for 4, my eternal problem. Calmly, without any questions, she accepted me, didn’t even say a word!

Clinic "Diamed" on Sheremetyevskaya

13.05.2016, 12:06

I have always had cysts that dissolve. And then suddenly, whoops, I was sent for surgery. It’s logical that it all had to end like this, but for some reason I wasn’t particularly worried. Thanks to Mitina, the gynecologist at Diamed (a clinic near my house), for talking some sense into me, thank you for helping me cope with all this. Now nothing really bothers me at all. Even my periods became less painful. Very nice,...
I have always had cysts that dissolve. And then suddenly, whoops, I was sent for surgery. It’s logical that it all had to end like this, but for some reason I wasn’t particularly worried. Thanks to Mitina, the gynecologist at Diamed (a clinic near my house), for talking some sense into me, thank you for helping me cope with all this. Now nothing really bothers me at all. Even my periods became less painful. It’s very nice that there are doctors who care.

Clinic "Diamed" on Sheremetyevskaya

26.04.2016, 00:07

When you've been visiting gynecologists since the age of 17, and you're already about 30, you somehow automatically begin to distinguish good doctors from so-so. I have a whole bunch of chronic charms, so I'm very interested in good gynecologist. When I got to Svetlana Vitalievna, I immediately realized that my approach to her would be useful. Maybe she didn’t completely cure me of all my illnesses, but at least I got off the ground and stopped seeing these doctors...
When you have been visiting gynecologists since the age of 17, and you are already about 30, you somehow automatically begin to distinguish good doctors from so-so ones. I have a whole bunch of chronic problems, so I am very interested in a good gynecologist. When I got to Svetlana Vitalievna, I immediately realized that my approach to her would be useful. Maybe she didn’t completely cure me of all my illnesses, but at least I got off the ground and stopped depending so much on these doctors, I can at least begin to improve my personal life as a human being. There is, of course, experience here. great importance it has, but when I talk with a doctor from this field for at least 10 minutes, I can immediately tell whether he is a specialist or so, get away from me as soon as possible. Here Svetlana Vitalievna is a doctor, so a doctor. I hope that our communication with her and my treatment with her will continue, nothing will spoil my plans.