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Stitching pain during ovulation. In what cases is it better to consult a gynecologist? From a medical point of view

Everyone experiences pain, but the weaker sex suffers the most. The female body is a fragile structure that experiences illness for many reasons.

What does pregnancy and reproduction of a new life cost? Pain during childbirth or menstruation is a known thing. All ladies will have to endure this.

Not everyone knows, especially at a young age, what ovulation is, so they get scared when the body talks to them and makes them understand about changes through pain.

Why does my stomach hurt during ovulation? How many days does this period last? All questions have long been answered.

Pain during ovulation

This is a completely natural course of circumstances feminine nature. Experienced women thus understand and determine the most appropriate time to conceive a child.

Almost all women experience certain sensations during ovulation, to one degree or another.

The nature of these sensations may vary depending on individual characteristics body.

Someone can feel slight pain below, and someone will suffer from debilitating and unbearable pain. At the same time, some sensitive ladies may even lose consciousness.

How many days does your stomach hurt during ovulation? It’s different for everyone, but experts say that a woman can experience discomfort for several minutes, hours, or for several days.

Such injustice occurs due to the individual characteristics of a woman’s body.

Should I seek help from a gynecologist? In any case, the woman should be examined twice a year.

If a woman has been experiencing pain during ovulation for several years and already knows her body, then she will not worry, but will simply take some actions.

You can go through this period quite comfortably if you approach it responsibly. To help yourself, you need to determine the time of ovulation.

If we take a cycle of 28-30 days as a basis, then ovulatory period will occur approximately 14-15 days from the first day of menstruation.

Sometimes deviation is possible. This happens when there are problems in the body and related factors. Causes:

  1. Diet.
  2. Hormonal imbalance.
  3. Harsh and rough sexual intercourse.
  4. Stress, nervous shock, anxiety.
  5. Heavy physical activity.
  6. Diseases.

Some women note that during ovulation it hurts in different directions each time. This is true. The abdomen is bothering the side of the ovary where the egg has matured.

It is likely that if pain is present in the lower right corner of the abdomen this month, then next time it will be on the left side.

It is with the onset of ovulation that pain comes. The nature may be:

  1. Aching.
  2. Blunt.
  3. Harsh.
  4. Strongly expressed or weakly.
  5. Spicy.

This course of ovulation is natural, but not everyone feels it.

Ovulation is a special period in female body, when everything is set to conceive a child. At this moment, the follicle ruptures and the egg is released from the ovary.

Throughout the entire cycle, several follicles mature in the ovary, but only one will win and be released.

Ovulation: signs

When an egg is released from the ovary, a woman feels pain in her right or left side. In addition, you may experience:

  1. Pink or red discharge.
  2. Breast tenderness.
  3. Increase cervical mucus from the vagina.
  4. Sexual attraction.

All these symptoms indicate that the body is ready for conception. In principle, this is how the nature of a woman works and her direct purpose.

Over time, giving birth became unprestigious and expensive. Some ladies do not use this period to conceive, but rather avoid all sexual contacts.

If a woman, due to her inexperience, cannot determine the period of ovulation, then currently there is a special test for direct determination.

You can buy it at any pharmacy. But the ovulation period is usually determined by the accompanying symptoms.

To do this, a woman should keep a diary, determine an approximate number and listen to her body.

Why does pain appear in the lower abdomen during ovulation?

Ovulation is the final time of egg maturation. Causes of pain:

  1. A nagging pain below occurs due to the fact that the mature follicle stretches the ovarian capsule.
  2. When the follicle ruptures, fluid enters the abdominal cavity. It causes irritation and the woman feels discomfort.
  3. Ovulation causes pain as rupture occurs.
  4. When the egg is released, small blood vessels are damaged. When blood vessels are damaged, in addition to sharp pain, they may also appear bloody issues.
  5. At this moment, the entire body is preparing for fertilization, so the functioning of some organs inside may change, and contraction of the fallopian tubes begins. This change is also a consequence of pain.

When your stomach hurts during ovulation, this is quite natural and there is no need to be afraid of it. This is how a woman is made.

This does not mean at all that you do not need to monitor this. Sometimes pain in the lower abdomen can be accompanied by other signs that indicate serious illness and problems in the body.

Every woman should learn to understand how her period or ovulation period should proceed.

How to make ovulation days easier?

Sometimes pain below can be very disturbing and cause discomfort. To make such days less painful, there are some recommendations from experts. Adviсe:

  1. You need to relieve tension, sleep as much as possible and avoid nervous shocks. Stress during the ovulation period will only worsen the situation, and the pain will be more intense.
  2. Sports and physical activity will also be unnecessary. At this moment, your activity should be reduced to a minimum. If the pain is severe, then you can arrange an unscheduled day off.
  3. Some may be surprised and not even aware of it, but fluids can reduce the degree of pain in the lower abdomen. To feel more comfortable, you need to drink purified water before and during ovulation.
  4. If there is no doubt that the pain is caused by the ovulation period, then you can apply a heating pad to the lower abdomen, where the ovaries are located.
  5. If the pain is severe, do not endure it. It is enough to take an analgesic or antispasmodic. The most common drugs that are found in almost every home: No-shpa, Ketarol or Nurofen.
  6. During ovulation it will also help proper nutrition. Fried, salty, spicy, sweet and fatty foods. It is advised to remove legumes, chocolate and coffee from your diet for several days.

They have a negative impact on nervous system. These are also the causes of abdominal pain. In addition, bloating and flatulence may appear.

If the pain is unbearable, you can consult with specialists hormonal contraceptives. This birth control pills, which suppress ovulation and relieve unpleasant symptoms.

In this case, it is important not to overdo it and control their use, since the consequences of taking them can be serious. This is especially true for young girls who want to have offspring in the future.

Is your stomach hurting - ovulation or a consequence of a serious illness?

Pain is not always natural. No one can rule out the possibility of the disease until it is diagnosed. Some reasons why it is observed pain syndrome:

  1. Ectopic pregnancy. Associated symptoms: discharge mixed with blood, pain in the lower abdomen, which sometimes increases and decreases, resembling contractions. In this case, an increase in pain is possible during walking or defecation.
  2. At pathological diseases pain also occurs in the ovaries. These can be malignant or benign cysts, neoplasms, torsion of the ovary, etc.
  3. Rupture of the cyst and release of fluid.
  4. Ovarian hyperstimulation. Occurs during the treatment of infertility with hormonal stimulants. Additional signs: fluid deficiency, weight gain, bloating, aching pain in the lower abdomen, cystitis, shortness of breath.
  5. Ovulation can be confused with inflammatory processes: cervicitis, salpingoophoritis, endometritis.
  6. Appendicitis. In this case, the pain begins small, gradually increasing on the first day. Location: right side. Associated symptoms: nausea, anorexia, vomiting.

When should you go to the gynecologist?

It is very important to monitor your body and any changes. Can't be left to chance obvious signs. It’s better to go to an appointment with a gynecologist once again and refute your doubts.

How many days do ovulation symptoms last? Usually this is no more than 2. If the pain does not go away for a long time and is accompanied by other symptoms, then you should immediately see a doctor.

Warning signs:

  1. It is worth contacting a gynecologist if during the ovulation period the pain is so severe that the woman faints.
  2. Dizziness.
  3. Nausea and vomiting.
  4. Diarrhea.
  5. Dyspnea.
  6. During ovulation, an increase in temperature is possible. Usually this can happen for a few hours, and then it goes away on its own. If the temperature rises for a long time, it is also worth going to a specialist.
  7. Intense spotting or bleeding.
  8. Pain during urination.
  9. Migraine.

To understand what symptoms are natural for the body, it is recommended to keep notes. It is likely that each woman, due to her individual physiology, notes different symptoms.

It is necessary to observe the behavior of your body during this period, note and identify the signs.

They will be the natural course of ovulation, the rest associated symptoms, which were not noticed before, may indicate a serious deviation caused by some disease.

Useful video

Abdominal pain during ovulation is observed (and can be felt quite strongly) in one in five women. This is quite normal phenomenon. Most often this occurs due to the formation of an egg. It comes out of a ruptured follicle, which can lead to slight bleeding and leakage of follicular fluid. Both fluid and blood irritate the receptors and, if a woman has a high pain threshold, cause pain.

How many days does this part of the body ache?

The stomach hurts and lasts from an hour to two days, while different months the left and right sides may alternately hurt Right side. This happens because the egg is produced alternately by the right and left ovary. Accordingly, the source of pain also changes.

Expert opinion on the frequency of the phenomenon

Pain during ovulation has been little studied and, according to many experts, depends solely on the characteristics of the woman’s body. Everyone has a different pain threshold and reaction. internal organs, including the uterus and intestines, for irritation by blood and follicular fluid.

Possible causes before, during and after egg release

Let's look at the causes of abdominal pain in different periods ovulation:

  • Before ovulation, pain can be caused by the process of the egg leaving the follicle.
  • During ovulation, the growth of the egg follicle can also cause some discomfort.
  • After ovulation. Pain usually does not last longer than two days after ovulation. If you still feel pain after two days, pulling sensations and malaise, you should immediately contact a gynecologist, as this may be a symptom of hormonal imbalance, adhesions and other diseases.

How exactly can discomfort be felt?

Depending Depending on the individual characteristics of a woman and her body, the symptoms of ovulation can be mild or pronounced. The pain can be different:

  1. A nagging pain in the lower abdomen is caused by contractions of the muscles of the uterus due to blood and fluid from the burst follicular sac getting on it.
  2. Abdominal pain during ovulation, as during menstruation. Also occur due to the release of the egg from the follicle and irritation of the walls of the uterus.
  3. Tingling of the ovary occurs after the release of the egg, when the site of the ruptured follicle begins to heal.
  4. Aching pain. The egg matures in a special follicle. When its walls are ready to burst, they stretch - and this process can cause aching pain. This is especially felt by women who by nature big size eggs.

Pain syndrome can be associated not only with the ovulation process, but also with gynecological problems. Adhesive disease may increase pain. If a woman is tortured too much severe pain or they continue for more than two or three days, you need to consult a doctor.

Intestinal problems

During ovulation, intestinal motility increases, appetite changes, and irritable bowel syndrome occurs. That's why The following problems may occur:

Pathological pain

Periodic mild pain during ovulation should not surprise a woman. However, if the pain syndrome intensifies or does not go away within 2-3 days, these signs may become the first signs of serious gynecological diseases.

Before you think about going to the gynecologist, examine your body for the following signs:

  1. Absolute confidence that you are ovulating (fever, ultrasound or other tests).
  2. Constant pain on only one side (with normal functioning eggs are produced alternately in the left and right ovaries).
  3. No vomiting, dizziness, weakness.
  4. The maximum temperature is between 37 and a maximum of 37.3 degrees.

Other symptoms of ovulation:

  • soreness of the mammary glands;
  • increased sexual desire;
  • bloody or whitish discharge.

If a woman has a low pain threshold, has all five of the above signs, and the pain is intermittent and goes away after taking painkillers, everything is fine. If the pain is very intense and sharp, radiating to the side, you may have the following disease:

If the pain becomes pathological, you need to contact a gynecologist.

With a more thorough examination, the doctor will understand the cause of the pain.. Most common hormonal imbalance. Stress affects him poor nutrition, the birth of a child and many other factors. Often, in case of hormonal imbalances, women are prescribed oral contraceptives, antibiotics, etc.

In cases in which pain is caused by natural causes and low pain threshold, it is recommended to prescribe painkillers to alleviate the condition. These may include anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen, Paracetamol and antispasmodics. Also, with absolute confidence in natural reasons For ovulation pain, you can resort to folk remedies:

If you have pain during ovulation, you need to listen to your body and notice the slightest changes. If pain bothers you for more than 72 hours, you should consult a doctor.

Pain during ovulation bothers many girls, but most simply do not attach much importance to it and attribute it to the influence of weather, food or physical activity. But what to do if the pain during ovulation is severe and unbearable? Should I wait it out or make an appointment with a doctor?

What are the pains during ovulation?

In the menstrual cycle, 12-14 days before the onset of menstruation, a mature egg breaks the follicle membrane and begins its movement through the fallopian tubes into the uterine cavity. Against this background, you can usually notice pulling or stabbing pains in the lower abdomen during ovulation, in the lateral parts of the abdomen on the left or right, as well as pain radiating to the perineum. These pains can vary in intensity - from mild and practically unnoticeable to sharp and bright. The localization of pain depends on the cause that caused pain during ovulation, and the intensity depends on general condition health and pain threshold.

  • Sharp, stabbing pain in the right or left lower abdomen is most often associated with rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg into the abdominal cavity. Usually these pains are observed either on the right or on the left, depending on which of the ovaries ovulation occurs in. The intensity of pain can be very great and be accompanied by spotting bloody discharge in the middle of the cycle, if the follicle shell was strong enough, there are dystrophic or sclerotic changes in the ovarian tissues, inflammation in the ovarian area (oophoritis, salpingoo-oophoritis), PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), and also if you were injured during the ovulation process small vessels who were nearby.
If the pain is acute and severe, even to the point of loss of consciousness at the height of the pain attack, or intense bleeding appears, you should urgently seek emergency care. medical care, as these may be symptoms of ovarian apoplexy.
  • Low-intensity nagging pain in the lower abdomen is often associated with the reaction of the fallopian tubes and uterus to ovulation. The uterus and tubes may experience minor contractions as they rupture and release fluid from the ruptured follicle. Most often, these pains are practically unnoticeable, but the presence chronic endometritis, endometriosis or adhesions in abdominal cavity may cause increased pain.
  • Irradiation (pain not at the site of the lesion, but spreading to neighboring areas) of pain in the back, sacral region or perineal area may indicate a bend in the uterus or the presence of ectopic endometriosis. Its foci can be located throughout the abdominal cavity and respond to hormonal surge accompanying ovulation.

How to get rid of pain during ovulation?

For minor pain during ovulation, doctors usually advise taking a one-time drink of any drug from NSAID groups or antispasmodics. They may also help you:

  • peace;
  • heating pad on the lower abdomen;
  • relaxing warm bath (not for bleeding or acute severe pain);
  • plenty of warm drinks (chamomile decoction, sedatives);
  • lungs sedatives, for example, based on herbs.
For many girls, after pregnancy and childbirth, pain during ovulation decreases and becomes almost unnoticeable.

But if the pain is serious and intense, then you need to consult a gynecologist for an examination and search for the causes. painful ovulation. Sometimes the problem is solved by choosing a suitable oral contraceptive drug(COC) or hormonal drug replacement therapy(HRT). These remedies normalize hormonal background and “turn off” the ovulation process, which automatically leads to the elimination of the cause of pain during ovulation. The use of these remedies is especially recommended if you are not planning a pregnancy and have a regular sexual partner.

Many girls are familiar with premenstrual symptom or painful periods, but not everyone knows that the lower abdomen hurts during ovulation, since this phenomenon occurs in one out of five women. To get the point this process Let’s take a closer look at the causes of such pain, and for this let’s remember how the release of a female cell occurs.

Origin of pain during ovulation

The menstrual cycle consists of two periods separated approximately in the middle by ovulation, the shortest moment, lasting 24 hours, at which conception is possible.

At the beginning of the first phase, several follicles are formed in the ovary, which begin to grow under the influence of estrogen. On days 8-10, one of them overtakes its fellows and takes the lead, while the rest begin to dissolve. The leader continues to grow 2-3mm per day until it reaches the right size(20-24 mm).

Ovulation day and lower abdominal pain

When full maturity occurs, the walls of the vesicle stretch as much as possible, it bursts, and the egg is released. This is the first explanation why the lower abdomen hurts during ovulation. After such a rupture, fluid from the follicle and a small amount of blood from the rupture of the vessels enter the cavity and onto the uterus, thereby causing an irritating effect. Therefore, in addition to the fact that the lower abdomen hurts during ovulation, brownish streaks or slight bloody droplets may also appear in the vaginal discharge. Let us remind you that during the period of appearance of the cell, the discharge is abundant, transparent and similar in consistency and thickness to the white of an egg.

Duration and nature of pain

The pain is felt from a few minutes or hours to 1-2 days. They can be sharp, cutting, aching, dull or pulling, it all depends on the characteristics of the body and its reaction to pain. In the process of cell maturation, the ovaries participate in turns; in one cycle the follicle grows in the right, in the second in the left, or vice versa. Although sometimes it is possible for one of them to work for two cyclical periods in a row. It happens that the lower abdomen hurts before ovulation on one side, this shows that the tension of the wall of the vesicle has already begun here and in a few hours it will rupture and the cell will be released.

A wound in the wall of the ovary causes concern for a short time, since it begins to develop in this place corpus luteum to engage in the production of progesterone to maintain the second phase.

The pain when the female cell exits is physiological in nature. They do not cause any harm to a woman’s health and do not require any treatment if they last no more than 24 hours. But when observing such a phenomenon for the first time, it is worth looking for the cause of the malfunction in your body in order to prevent the development of any disease.

What else could happen

So, when ovulation occurs, the lower back, lower abdomen on the right or left hurts, it becomes sensitive breasts, discharges in the form of egg white, you should hurry up with sexual intercourse in order to guarantee conception.

Why does pain occur after ovulation?

We got acquainted with a number of reasons why the lower abdomen hurts on the day of ovulation, but it happens discomfort after this period. Let's look at what happens. The egg, having been released, moves into fallopian tube, fertilized male cage and already ovum descends into the uterus. There, under the influence of progesterone, all the conditions for its adoption have already been created.

Signs of pregnancy

The embryo begins to penetrate the endometrial layer on days 5-7, which is exactly how long it needs to make its way. The moment of attachment causes painful sensations in the uterus, which the woman feels in the lower abdomen and lower back, there may also be minor bloody or pinkish discharge. Implantation is the main reason why the lower abdomen hurts after ovulation a few days later.

Symptoms disappear after 1-2 days and are signs of pregnancy, which are then supplemented by aversion to familiar foods and smells, mild malaise, changes in appetite and mood, etc.

The following atypical cases should alert you:

  • The lower abdomen hurts very badly after ovulation, accompanied by headache and dizziness, and sometimes bleeding. This may be a rupture of a cyst or a disease of the genital organs caused by microbes, for example, adnexitis - inflammation of the ovary. Here the pain is periodic and radiates to the lower back. Inflammation of the appendages (oophoritis) is accompanied by aching pain, periodically radiating to the lower back, weakness, fatigue and sometimes fever. You should undergo examination and treatment.
  • Long-term pain associated with frequent urges to urination, they talk about inflammation of the bladder - cystitis.
  • Frequent, aching or sharp and severe pain in the right side, with an increase in temperature, indicates inflammation of the appendix - appendicitis.

If the pain doesn't stop

If pain persists for more than 48 hours, you should immediately contact a gynecologist, and the following plays a role:

  • duration of pain;
  • place of concentration and strength;
  • presence of temperature above 37.5;
  • this sensation is repeated in each cycle or for the first time and there are other symptoms that the doctor should be informed about in order to understand your problem and provide the necessary qualified assistance.

How to get rid of pain during the appearance of a cell

Having figured out whether the lower abdomen can hurt during ovulation and the reasons for this condition, let’s see how we can alleviate it. To solve the problem, you need to be absolutely sure that you are experiencing cell release and not inflammation or the development of a disease. You can do this:

  • take a painkiller tablet;
  • create a calm environment, arrange relaxation in combination with drinking plenty of fluids;
  • if for you at this stage the issue of contraception is relevant, then taking contraception, the action of which inhibits ovulation, you will solve two problems at once - protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy and get rid of ovulatory pain.


Pain is a natural physiological consequence of processes in the female body during menstrual cycle. The lower abdomen can hurt both during and after ovulation. You should be wary of incessant and uncharacteristic pain; for this you need to monitor your cycle and listen to your body.

  • Decline physical activity. It is recommended to stop playing sports for a while, not lift anything heavy and get plenty of rest.
  • Increase the amount of fluid you drink. It is best to drink plain but purified water.
  • Sometimes a heating pad can help if you apply it to sore spot. It should be remembered that you should not apply a heating pad that is too hot, and you should not leave it for more than an hour.
  • Minimize lack of sleep and stressful situations.
  • Balance your diet.
  • And of course painkillers. Drugs such as NO-SPA, NUROFEN, KETOROL, etc. relieve spasms well.

When to see a doctor?

Each woman experiences the process of releasing an egg differently. However, If you observe the following symptoms, then this is a definite reason to consult a doctor:

  • Severe nausea and vomiting.
  • General weakness of the body and fainting.
  • Bleeding. During ovulation, the discharge is sticky and stretchy, but in no case is bleeding.
  • Fever that lasts more than 2 hours.
  • Strong nagging pain within 2-3 days. It is possible that the pain is caused by an infection. And if no disease is detected, the doctor will most likely prescribe oral contraceptives to suppress the ovulation process.

Before you go to the doctor, prepare the following information about yourself that you will probably need.