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How pregnant women sleep at 7 months. Which sleeping position is suitable for pregnant women?

Of course, every pregnant woman wants to give birth to a healthy and strong baby. But besides healthy eating and a proper lifestyle, another aspect is important in this matter - sleep. So what is the best way for a pregnant woman to sleep so that both she and her baby are comfortable?

If you always sleep on your stomach

Until 12-13 weeks of pregnancy, you can safely lay down the way you are used to and how comfortable it is for you, including sleeping on your stomach. After all, the uterus at this stage has not yet begun to extend beyond the pelvis. True, in this position your chest may not allow you to sleep - it becomes very sensitive. If not, you can sleep peacefully on your stomach, but remember that soon you will have to change your position anyway.

After 13 weeks, without even looking at the fact that the child is reliably protected from external influences damage to the uterus, amniotic fluid and muscles, you will most likely feel uncomfortable lying on your stomach. And doctors believe that already from the second (and even more so the third) trimester you can’t sleep on your stomach. Let's not forget about the chest. During this period, glands that produce milk are formed in it. Therefore, if you plan to breastfeed for as long as possible, then you should not squeeze it and interfere with the normal development of the glands.

If you like to sleep on your back

As already mentioned, in the early stages you can choose any sleeping position that is comfortable for you. But the more voluminous and heavy the baby becomes, the more it squeezes your internal organs– intestines, liver, kidneys. You should not overload these organs when they already have to work intensively.

That is why doctors do not recommend constantly lying on your back in the second and last trimesters. When you stay in this position for a long time, the large vena cava running along the spine is compressed. When it is squeezed, blood flow sharply decreases, which can cause attacks of dizziness, tachycardia and a feeling of suffocation.

The most undesirable option is when the compression of the greater vena cava lasts a long time - more than an hour. This often leads to fetal hypoxia, varicose veins and can even cause premature detachment placenta! Therefore, try to lie on your back as little as possible, or better yet, do not lie on it at all, even if you do not experience any discomfort.

What is the best way to sleep so as not to harm yourself and your baby?

Doctors strongly recommend that all expectant mothers always sleep on their side, preferably only on the left. It has been proven that it is in the position on the left side that blood circulation in the body occurs in the best possible way. The advantage of this position is also that in it the child remains in a cephalic presentation. If you sleep like this all the time, he will not roll over into the pelvic position, which is most important in the second and last trimesters.

But if a pregnant woman really wants to lie on her back, then she should try to maintain an intermediate position. This is easy to achieve if you place a pillow on one side.

What should a pillow be like?

Different pregnant women like different sleeping pillows. Some people like to place small flat pillows under their head and legs, while others find it more comfortable to squeeze a pillow between their legs - this relieves tension from the pelvic area. Which pillow is better to sleep on?

Present on the market different types pillows For example, there are universal pillows that are filled with polystyrene beads. By appearance they resemble a crescent moon or a banana. The advantages of such a pillow are that during pregnancy it really gives comfortable sleep, and after childbirth it can be used while feeding the baby.

If, for certain reasons, you do not want to purchase a special large, voluminous pillow, then a large one can help you. soft toy. It’s also great for a pregnant woman to sleep on, tucked under her head or held between her legs. Or you can try sewing a pillow yourself. You only need to remember the main conditions - the pillow should be about two meters long and a meter wide. You can stock up on polystyrene balls for it in advance at the construction market, or go to a furniture store to get them. Don't stuff the pillow too tightly, let it be comfortable and soft. You can also make your own cotton cover with a zipper so you can wash it if necessary.

Let all the tips above help you enjoy your sleep. Let every time you go to bed, you and your little one feel great and rest 100%!

Kalinov Yuri Dmitrievich

Reading time: 3 minutes

The expectant mother has to go through many transformations: her body, lifestyle, diet and habits change. Changes do not affect a woman’s rest, so you need to know how to sleep during pregnancy in order to feel comfortable and for the baby to develop safely.

Dependence of sleep quality on gestational age

During the first trimester, many women complain of constant fatigue and drowsiness, which is completely normal for this period, because it is transforming hormonal background. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about this, but simply try to give your body as much rest as it requires.

As for the second half of the term, here the situation changes in reverse side. Very often, expectant mothers begin to suffer from insomnia. Anxiety about the upcoming birth, a big belly and a kicking baby keep you from falling asleep. And if in the first case there is no need to cope with excessive sleepiness, then in the second you should look for solutions and understand how to sleep during pregnancy.

Let's figure out how a pregnant woman should sleep correctly and how to organize her schedule in order to sleep sweetly and soundly at night.

Most important point- daily regime. If the body gets used to falling asleep and waking up at the same time, then problems with insomnia and falling asleep are unlikely to arise.

First months of pregnancy

If we're talking about about the first months, there are practically no restrictions. Doctors do not prohibit pregnant women from sleeping on their back, left or right side until about 12 weeks. The only thing is that it is better to avoid the position of lying on your stomach. The fact is that in this way the expectant mother squeezes the rapidly growing and painful breasts. And in general, it’s better to immediately get used to sleeping on your side.

Must be strong.

A rested mother is emotionally calm and can bear it better stressful situations, which means the risk negative influence per child external environment will be minimized as much as possible.

Only most mothers face such a problem as the inability to find a comfortable position, especially if the woman is used to sleeping on her stomach.

You are allowed to sleep as you please. There is no belly yet, the uterus is not actively developing, there is no load on the spine and pressure on the internal organs. Lying on your stomach for a long time will be prohibited, so from the first days of pregnancy you should gradually develop a new habit of lying on your sides.

It will surprise many that you can’t sleep not only on your stomach from the 20th week, but also on your back, and if everything is clear with your stomach, then what are the dangers of sleeping on your back at night? In this position, stagnant blood circulation processes in the area begin to develop. lower limbs and small pelvis.

This is fraught with varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Sleeping on your stomach is dangerous because it puts excessive pressure on the baby and slows down the growth of the uterus. As a result, complications arise during pregnancy, there is a risk of difficult childbirth, and abnormalities in the development of the child. Sleeping on your back from the second trimester causes the following complications:

  • (lack of oxygen);
  • deterioration general condition(dizziness, headaches);
  • circulatory disorders;
  • kidney and liver dysfunction;
  • backache;
  • lack of vitamins, macro- and microelements in the fetus;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

All these complications are caused by the rapid growth of the uterus and fetus, which has a strong pressure on the vena cava running from the lower extremities to the heart.

At first, you may not notice the first complications, thinking that the pain in your legs and back is caused by weight gain. Subsequently, a violation is noted heart rate, shortness of breath appears, leading to complications during delivery.

The best option is predominantly the left one. In this position, all vital processes in the woman’s body are normalized, blood circulation improves, and the child receives a sufficient amount of nutrients for its normal development and organ formation.

But for some women who are accustomed to resting on their backs, developing a new habit causes a number of difficulties. For such cases, there are simple recommendations.

To avoid turning over when resting, before falling asleep you can place bolsters or pillows rolled up from a blanket under your side. It is welcomed as an option to use special pillows for women in a position in which the body is fixed on both sides.

Right or left? If a woman does not have a fetal presentation, it is recommended to sleep on the left one; if the fetus is presented on the right, choose the right one. This measure helps the fetus to take the desired position as labor approaches.

If you can't sleep

A happy and, at the same time, anxious time, especially for those women who are giving birth for the first time. After all, there are so many thoughts in your head and fears inherent in the first pregnancy.

Changes in the body, a growing belly, heartburn are the causes of insomnia, this is especially common in the third trimester. By ceasing to get enough sleep and proper rest, a woman feels overwhelmed and tired, and this does not have a very good effect on the course of pregnancy, child and childbirth.

Fight insomnia traditional method taking sedatives and sleeping pills, is strictly prohibited by gynecologists.

They are prescribed only as a last resort. To normalize sleep, remedies are used traditional medicine-, lemon balm or mint. A walk in the air before bed helps you fall asleep easier.

A common occurrence that prevents women from falling asleep and wakes them up in the middle of the night is cramps. They occur due to insufficient calcium concentration in the body. You can fight them only by taking vitamins and minerals.

If a cramp occurs at night, the woman needs to get up, walk around a little, and do self-massage of the place where the unpleasant sensation occurs.

Sleep should be sound and restful. A well-rested mother is the key Have a good mood, well-being and emotional stability, and this will have the best impact on the course of pregnancy.

To prevent complications, women carrying a baby need to sleep correctly - on the right or left side.

Sooner or later, one way or another, every expectant mother is faced with the question of how to sleep during pregnancy. At a certain stage of pregnancy, sleep positions familiar in everyday life become unacceptable for women. Sleep is already disturbed after hormonal changes body, and then there are significant changes in the figure expectant mother.

How to sleep during pregnancy?

Constant sleepiness during pregnancy is not uncommon. Only towards the end of pregnancy may problems with sleep arise. Big belly no longer allows you to find a comfortable position, and in your head there are various anxieties and thoughts about upcoming birth. Insomnia occurs at night, and during the day this makes you very sleepy. And if there is no need to fight drowsiness, then you can and should fight insomnia. For example, for many pregnant women, for quality and good sleep help: - a walk in the fresh air before bed, - an open window in winter or even a balcony door in the summer at night, - taking a soothing bath before bed, - drinking mint tea at night or warm milk with a little honey - correct mode days and meals.

Sleeping positions during pregnancy

So, in the first trimester, a pregnant woman can afford to sleep in absolutely any position - in the one to which she is accustomed and which is the most comfortable for her. However, if a woman already knows about her pregnancy, then she should slowly accustom herself to fall asleep in other positions recommended for subsequent periods.

As soon as the belly becomes noticeable (for some this happens as early as the thirteenth week, for some at the twentieth, and for others even at the twenty-fifth), it will no longer be possible to sleep on your stomach - once again, it will no longer be possible - two.

Sleeping on your back is still physically possible, but from the twenty-eighth week onwards it is undesirable for a woman and child for all medical reasons.

There are two poses left - on the right side and on the left. With transverse presentation, doctors usually advise sleeping on the side where the baby's head is located. In theory, sleeping on the left side is more favorable for both the health of the mother and the health of the child. However, few people can sleep all night in one position; this is impossible and not necessary. Therefore, any doctor will recommend that his patient change sleeping positions three to five times a night: from one side to the other. This is also acceptable for breech presentation of the fetus.

How should and can a pregnant woman sleep: on her stomach or on her back?

As already mentioned, in the first trimester there are no restrictions on sleeping positions for pregnant women. The expectant mother can sleep both on her stomach and on her back, i.e. the way she feels most comfortable.

In the second trimester, a pregnant woman is already recommended to sleep on her left side, but she can still sleep on her back. But sleeping on your stomach is unlikely to be possible - it will be both an uncomfortable position for the mother due to the protruding tummy, and an unhealthy position for the health of the baby and the pregnant woman herself.

In the third trimester, doctors categorically do not recommend sleeping either on your stomach or on your back. This can even be dangerous for the fetus and lead to negative consequences.

Can pregnant women sleep on their stomach?

As long as the belly does not protrude and interfere with sleep, the expectant mother can willingly indulge in Morpheus in the “on her stomach” position. However, as soon as it begins to grow and the fetus develops quickly enough, it is better to change this habit. It is worth choosing a different sleeping position, because... despite being protective for the baby amniotic fluid, there is a risk of injuring the baby. And, in the end, it just becomes inconvenient.

Can pregnant women sleep on their back?

You can sleep on your back for quite a long time, but from the second trimester it is no longer very useful, and from the third it is absolutely harmful. The constantly increasing size of the uterus and the equally rapidly growing fetus put more and more pressure on the intestines, lumbar spine, and vena cava of the pregnant woman. And this can lead to problems such as poor circulation and insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus. In this regard, the following problems may arise:

  • frequent dizziness and fainting;
  • labored breathing
  • increased heart rate, tachycardia and arrhythmia
  • pressure drop
  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids
  • impaired blood circulation in the kidneys and placenta.

Often in such cases, the baby himself signals to his mother that he is uncomfortable and lacks oxygen - he begins to actively push. If you roll over on his side, he will immediately calm down.

What is the most comfortable and healthy sleeping position during pregnancy?

So, it has long been proven that the most comfortable and useful posture for sleeping during pregnancy - on the left side, right leg bent at the knee and lying on a pillow.

Exactly in this situation:

  • blood flow to the placenta improves (which means the baby also receives enough oxygen for its development);
  • the kidneys are working well (which is especially important in recent months);
  • swelling of the legs and arms decreases;
  • no pressure on the liver;
  • the back and pelvic area do not hurt;
  • Optimal functioning of the mother's heart is maintained.

In the case of transverse presentation, in which the baby's head is located on the right side, doctors recommend sleeping on the right side to help the baby take the correct position in the future.

Pillows of different sizes also help you find a comfortable sleeping position. You can experiment with them: place them under the stomach, under the leg, between the legs, under the lower back - it all depends on the choice of the expectant mother.

The main thing is that a woman can gain strength and relax in her sleep, because she has childbirth ahead of her, which requires a lot of strength and energy. And after giving birth, few mothers manage to fall into a deep, long sleep: after all, there is already a baby who requires constant care, even late at night.

  • If you are worried about insomnia, do not use it under any circumstances. sleeping pills(they can only be prescribed by a doctor, and then only in extreme cases). Remember that any medicine affects not only you, but also your unborn baby.
  • Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks at night. During pregnancy, it is necessary to avoid or significantly reduce the consumption of carbonated water, coffee, and strong tea.
  • Try not to drink a lot of fluids or overeat 2-3 hours before bedtime. If you suffer from evening or night toxicosis, you can eat a few crackers or drink a glass of kefir.
  • Before going to bed, you can go out to breathe fresh air However, under no circumstances should you engage in vigorous physical activity.
  • Try to establish a clear sleep routine: go to sleep and wake up at approximately the same time.
  • If you wake up with leg cramps, you need to get up and stand for a while, and then do a pinch-relaxation massage. Cramps are a sign of a lack of calcium in the body. Increase your diet intake of foods containing this microelement.
  • If fear and anxiety before childbirth interfere with sleep, attend prenatal training courses, talk to friends who have already given birth, and watch good films. The knowledge gained and pleasant conversations will help you not to be afraid, which means you can sleep sweetly at night.

And remember, no matter what position you choose, if your blanket is too light in winter, and too hot in summer, if you sleep less than 8 hours, if you watch horror movies at night or have a big fight with your husband, you are unlikely to be able to fall asleep soundly and sleep healthy sleep. Take care of your sleep and appreciate every hour of it.