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When puppies' fontanelle becomes overgrown. Spitz - fluffy smile

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    1. I took an article from one site


      Maria24 said:

      CHIX, when you said that dogs with a large fontanel don’t live long, then you probably meant the cause of death was not the fontanel, but hydrocephalus... And such dogs live very short lives.

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      Hmm, maybe even so, but I didn’t seem to know about hydrocephalus.

      Maria24 said:

      I took an article from one site
      “Fontanelle (molera) - a non-fused area of ​​the skull bones.
      Impaired ossification of the frontal bones - non-fusion of the fontanelle (fontanel). In newborn puppies, on the crown of the head there is a soft area along the border of the bone sutures - the fontanelle. In exceptional cases of such uncovered places cranium maybe several. In a healthy, normally developing individual, during development skeletal system ossification of the sutures occurs and the fontanelle(s) become overgrown. Sometimes this continues until 7-10 months of age (in weak individuals), until the time the puppies are sold. However, if the fontanel has not closed before 12 months of age, then it will remain permanently.
      The reason for the appearance of molera is the infantility (underdevelopment) of the fetus, and then the puppy. A direct indication of the incorrect breeding use of individual individuals in the breed, artificial reduction in weight and size, congenital deformities (due to either a disease or a genetic “failure”).
      Found in different breeds, but a larger percentage belongs to “that” group.
      The divorcees agreed on the fontanelle quite a long time ago. Let me remind you that the fontanelle is the unfused bones of the skull. This trait is characteristic only of Chihuahuas, although with the help of selection the dogs will soon lose this sign. Surveys of Chihuahua breeders and owners conducted in Sweden showed that the majority of dogs either do not have a fontanel at all or it is quite small (up to 0.5 cm), a quarter of dogs have a medium-sized fontanel (0.5-1.0 cm), and a small number of dogs have a large fontanel ( 1.0 - 2.0cm), dogs with a spring larger than 2cm were not observed. In most cases, dogs have only one spring, rarely - more than 1 spring. In practice, there are cases where the fontanel is overgrown by the age of 5-6 years. Usually in puppies at 2-3 one month old There are 1-2 small springs (sometimes more), which later become overgrown. The springs do not bother the dog and do not affect the health of an individual dog. The danger of breeding dogs with open springs is that there may be a genetically determined appearance of puppies with hydrocephalus (water on the brain). However, such puppies are clearly visible when purchased: they have an “extreme” head (i.e. very round high forehead, short muzzle, often bulging eyes) and, what is especially characteristic, a large spring (more than 2.5 cm). Such puppies rarely live past one year and usually die at the age of 4-7 months. "

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      Now everything is clear, thank you Maria, that’s why I was waiting for you, very comprehensive information, otherwise ignorant jokers started attacking me. 100 points to you!

    2. Inga said:

      I haven't been on the forum for a long time, hello everyone!
      Just verbal skirmishes, but I don’t see anything wrong with that, it means the forum is alive, there are more and more sneeze lovers.
      I have Glashka, the so-called “mini”, we are soon 2 years old, we weigh 1 kg 090 g (we lost a little weight in the summer), the fontanel is not overgrown, and it seems to me that it is not small. People who are not knowledgeable also often ask me the question: “Oh, she’s so small, she probably won’t live long?” I don't take offense at such questions. Where else can people ask questions about the life expectancy of such dogs if not on the forum? It seems to me that this is what the forum was created for, otherwise it might turn out like in the fable - “the cuckoo praises the rooster because he praises the cuckoo.” Maria really gave a lot comprehensive information. Thank you!
      And...well, don’t take everything to heart, I’m sure that the question about the life expectancy of minis was not asked with the intention of hurting or offending, what interested the person was what he asked.

    3 one month old puppy Spitz has an unovergrown spring measuring about 1.8 cm in length and up to 0.8 cm in width (at its widest point). What is the probability that it will become overgrown/not overgrown? And is there any point in waiting? (feeding ready-made food super-premium class, additional 1-2 tablets. Ca + P + vit.D3) This puppy was purchased with the condition of further breeding use and exhibitions, at an appropriate cost. The breeder did not say anything about the pathology, although I asked more than once. And also, please tell me, if this does not improve, is it possible to present something to the breeder who denied the fact of defects, or to the club that issued a normal metric, without the appropriate notes, for such a puppy?


    It is worth asking the breeder at what month the fontanelles of the puppies from his kennel become overgrown. This is important for you.

    Then consult your veterinarian. He will examine the puppy's skull bones and tell you for sure. And only then it will be possible to make claims to the breeder. Although he might not have known that this would happen.

    I have already shown the puppy to the veterinarian, she prescribed tablets with Ca, but she cannot give any forecasts, she only says that the fontanel is quite large and advised me to return the puppy. But I don’t know whether it will be legal now, after the deal? I just thought, maybe there are some statistics to determine the probability of whether such a spring will be overgrown or not. Then you may not have to return it. Elena Valerievna, from your answer it’s a little unclear how the breeder could not have known that this would happen if he had the puppy 5 days ago? (they brought it to me from another city). And also, please clarify, if it doesn’t bother you, is it possible that in dogs from different kennels the fontanelles overgrow into different time? Shouldn’t they normally last for 1.5 months (i.e. before activation)? For example, testes, in the absence of abnormalities, can be felt as early as 10-14 days, regardless of the breed, and many breeders, in which case, talk nonsense about the fact that you need to wait until their release until 8-9 months, and some even wait , but sometimes they don’t expect anything. Somehow I don’t want to be one of them, and besides, this breeder is no longer trustworthy. And, if I'm not mistaken, then the metrics are for puppies with congenital discqualities. defects are issued with the note “not for breeding use” or with a note for re-examination at 6 months. Or am I misunderstanding something? Please clarify, I no longer know where to turn and have no experience in such situations.


    Many breeders do not carefully examine puppies. And these fontanelles may simply not be noticed.

    I think that non-closure of the fontanel depends not on the breeder, but on the dog (puppy) itself. And this is very individual.

    But if a bitch mates too often, then in her offspring the fontanelle may heal much later or not heal at all.

    The defects that are noted in the puppy do not include cleft fontanel.

    And one more observation - non-closure of the fontanel often occurs with hydrocephalus. And this must also be kept in mind.

    Consults Veterinarian and zoopsychologist Elena Gordeeva - consultations on cats and dogs

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    Pomeranian Spitz– an excellent choice for both professional dog breeders and amateurs small dogs.

    They are playful and attractive appearance, are valued at exhibitions and rarely get sick.

    But sometimes illnesses occur in Spitz dogs, and the owner must know the symptoms of an impending problem and react to them correctly.

    Spitz, unlike many dogs, unpretentious in food: They can eat meat and indulge in porridge. In this advantage lies a great danger, since an incorrect diet or an accidental bone on the street can lead to a problem.


    With gastritis it becomes inflamed inner shell stomach, and it ceases to perform its functions.

    It has two forms: acute and chronic. The acute form occurs when the dog has eaten a lot of food that is harmful to the gastric mucosa: too fatty/spicy/cold/hot, spoiled. The chronic form appears either as a consequence of untreated acute form, or as a result of long-term (over 1-4 weeks) exposure small doses bad food on the stomach. It’s better for your pet, or buy


    • For acute form- vomit, slight increase temperature, bad smell from mouth.
    • For chronic form – loss of appetite, constipation or diarrhea, vomiting (without connection with food intake). The stomach is swollen.

    Treatment: selection proper diet, elimination of symptoms.

    Ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract

    Peptic ulcer disease most often develops as a consequence of untreated gastritis. The tissues that make up the gastrointestinal tract are destroyed with the formation of holes and “holes”. An ulcer can lead to the death of your pet.

    Symptoms: vomiting blood (stomach ulcer), diarrhea with blood (intestinal ulcer). The pain is pronounced, there is no appetite.

    Treatment: medications or surgery, depending on the condition of the sick dog.

    Intestinal obstruction

    The obstruction in the intestines is almost always either a foreign body or dry feces. Foreign body can get into the intestines when the owner did not keep an eye on the Spitz, who saw “this tasty-looking thing lying on the ground.” Dry stool often occurs in older or dehydrated dogs.

    Symptoms: prolonged constipation, bloating.

    Treatment: drinking plenty of fluids if necessary, take laxatives. Most often it is necessary to use surgical intervention, since Pomeranian Spitz, due to small size, even a piece of sausage wrapper can cause major obstruction.

    Food poisoning

    The list of edible and not so things that can poison a Spitz is huge: from dry food to rat poison. Poisoning from spoiled food products is the most common.

    Symptoms: vomit.

    Treatment: Activated carbon, drink plenty of fluids after the stomach has cleared. During a vomiting attack, you need to remove the collar to avoid suffocation.

    Don't scold your dog for ruining the carpet.– she does not control the process.

    Important! If there is blood in the vomit, the dog has difficulty breathing or behaves strangely, you need to urgently take it to the veterinarian, as poisoning from poisons, tablets or chemicals is possible.


    Pomeranians love to eat a lot and often.. They are especially greedy for human food– be it a piece of pizza or a chocolate bar. A begged-for supplement and a couple of “snacks” between breakfast and lunch lead to the fact that the Pomeranians turn into loose fat globules within a month.

    Pet with overweight doomed on the sides for bone fractures and joint deformations, since Pomeranians cannot boast of strong paws.

    Besides, obesity leads to gastrointestinal and metabolic diseases, which are much more difficult to cure.

    Symptoms: excess weight, low mobility.

    Treatment: diet, physical activity.

    Respiratory system diseases

    Spitz immunity copes well with viruses and bacteria, so infectious diseases they are rare. But there is one anatomical feature, which the owner must know about.

    Respiratory tract infections

    More often dogs get bronchitis(inflammation of the bronchi) or rhinitis(inflammation of the nasal mucosa).

    Symptoms: the temperature is elevated, the dog seems apathetic and tired, and the appetite is reduced. With rhinitis there is a runny nose, with bronchitis it is absent. A muffled cough is heard.

    Treatment: antibiotics or antiviral drugs, rest, plenty of fluids, a gentle diet. In general, treatment is the same as for humans.

    The special structure of the larynx

    In Pomeranians, the laryngeal cartilages are not closed. Therefore, during active movements, stress, drinking or inhaling cold air, the dog may begin to cough.

    Symptoms: the Spitz coughs annoyingly, takes a pose in which it seems as if he wants to “cough up” foreign object, caught in the larynx.

    Treatment: the dog needs to be calmed, warmed, picked up and stroked. In a couple of minutes the cough will go away.

    Hair diseases

    Spitz have good hair, which is easy to care for. In addition, dogs shed very carefully - the fallen hair clings to the rest of the coat and is not spread throughout the house.


    Dog owners think that dandruff is a disease, although dandruff is a symptom. Normally, skin sheds in the same way as hair - dead cells flake off and fall off, being replaced by new ones. In some diseases and conditions this process accelerates sharply, and flakes of dead skin become too noticeable.

    Symptoms: Dandruff itself is a symptom. It may be accompanied by others, such as itching or redness.

    Treatment: depends on the cause of dandruff.

    Alopecia X

    - this is hair loss on any part of the body. In several species of dogs (including pomeranian) occasionally alopecia X occurs - hair loss that has no apparent cause.

    Veterinarians think that the cause of the disease lies in genetics, but so far no significant evidence has been found for this.

    Symptoms: The dog's hair is falling out on an area of ​​his skin. The skin in the affected area turns black.

    Treatment: no effective treatment not found. Small positive result castration gives in males. Over time, the hair in the affected area grows back.

    Fontana problems in Pomeranians

    The fontanelle is the area on the top of the head, which is not covered by the skull. Newborns, kittens, and puppies have fontanelles. In larger individuals (humans, average and big dogs) fontanelles are overgrown bone tissue in the first few months of life, but at dwarf dogs“holes” often remain in the skull.

    On my own fontanel is not dangerous– between the brain and the skin there is a fairly strong connective tissue, which protects such an important organ.

    They create a problem for show dogs, because recently brain tissue not protected by bone has become an “exclusion criterion.”

    Finding a dog's fontanelle is easy. You need to place (but do not press!) your finger on the top of your head. If there is a fontanel, you can feel warmth and pulsation.

    If you move your finger around this place, you can find clear boundaries of the absence of bone.

    Important! On this issue, it is better to first consult with a veterinarian - excess calcium can cause incurable early pathologies in development.

    To maximize to increase the chance of fusion of the skull, it is necessary to give puppies preparations containing calcium from the first weeks of life.

    Rodnicho k(molera ) is a soft area on the head that occurs as a result of non-fusion of the skull bones. Any representative of a decorative breed of dog can have a fontanelle, usually the smallest and thin-boned individuals. There are fontanelles different sizes And different shapes, large, with a diameter of half the skull, and small - the size of a pea, round, and also shaped like slits, with uneven edges. At exhibitions, it is a disqualifying fault.

    Puppies can be born with or without fontanelles. Usually by 3 months the fontanel is overgrown, especially if the baby had it very small in size, or in the form of a narrow slit. In some dogs, the fontanel closes only by the age of one year, and in some it does not close at all. If you press your finger against the dog's parietal area with molera , you will feel a pulsation and be able to estimate the size of the hole in the skull. Such animals must be handled very carefully, since the brain is covered only by thin skin and there is a high probability of the animal dying from injury. Doctors believe that a large fontanel is a sign of hydrocephalus, when the thin bones of the skull and high pressure cerebrospinal fluid can lead to dropsy of the brain. Read about hydrocephalus. According to statistics, a very small number of dogs with fontanelles are sick animals.

    In "Diseases of the Brain" 1989, Green and Braund stated that many clinically normal toy breed There may be open fontanelles without concomitant hydrocephalus. The doctors Walker and Rivers , veterinarians at the University of Minnesota concluded that the presence or size of a fontanel and the condition of hydrocephalus are in no way related to each other. Dr. Alexander de Lahunta from the University Cornell in New York, one of the leading neurologists in this country, said that to call any open area an anomaly would be erroneous.

    Certainly It is not advisable to breed dogs with molera , but breeders are risky people, and it’s no secret that such dogs are bred, especially if the sire is very small, purchased from a well-known kennel, good-looking, and of elite origin. Those. Breeders do not attach much importance to an open fontanelle if the dog is healthy.

    Even if parents do not have fontanelles, their children may have fontanelles.

    In my house, puppies with fontanelles were also born, but after 2 months, they were completely overgrown, or significantly decreased and became very tiny. Why is that? I try to feed mommy very well. I definitely add it to her diet every day. mussel calcium , with vitamin D. I start feeding babies at 3 weeks.

    Small bitches often have little milk, and babies greedily begin to eat the first complementary food, usually warm boiled milk, then “Tyoma” curd, which they receive every day, then calcined curd, boiled finely pureed beef with rice porridge, (I grind rice on coffee grinder until flour), stewed vegetables. Be sure to introduce all products into the menu gradually. I feed my babies often and more, I’m not afraid that they will large and plump - let them grow as they are destined to grow in size, so will become in the end, you can’t fool nature... If the babies eat well and gain weight, they will not be completely tiny and naturally their fontanelles will quickly begin to overgrow. The trouble is that in ornamental breeds Dwarf specimens are highly valued, especially among majority The fontanelles of such puppies do not become overgrown, and the breeders do not want to increase the weight of such puppies. Who in our time will stand by slabs and cook porridge? "Then more why is it needed, just weight gain….”, slightly better than dog food give food.

    I would like to add that when raising babies with not overgrown fontanelles, do not forget to add mineral supplements to the diet, because all puppies need calcium to build the skeletal system. But calcium is very poorly absorbed if there is an excess squirrel those. meat, and balance is needed here. From mineral supplements I advise you to use 8 in 1 preparations from an American company.

    CALCIDEE Calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D tablets with a pleasant taste and smell of milk contain calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D in the optimal ratio for proper development bones and teeth in puppies and kittens. They are simply necessary for pregnant and lactating bitches and cats. A drug of this composition is compatible with any balanced feed and other multivitamin supplements.
    Give the tablets whole or crush them into food.
    For small dogs, cats, kittens: 1/2 - 1 tablet per day
    Compound: Dicalcium phosphate, dry whey, stearic acid, silicate, magnesium stearate, cholecalciferol, vanillin.

    To quickly heal the fontanel, puppies are prescribed Osteogenon.

    In conclusion: dwarf breeds, the smallest representatives of the dog family, and they should be treated especially tenderly, regardless of whether they have a fontanel or not. They are not created to herd livestock, catch criminals, fight wolves, they live for our joy and give us love and affection.

    Let your charges make you happy and be healthy!

    Alexandrova Svetlana “Nursery Fighting Falcon »

    A dog's fontanelle is a molera. The fontanel (molera) is a soft area on the head that occurs as a result of non-fusion of the skull bones. Any representative of a decorative breed of dog can have a fontanelle, usually the smallest and thin-boned individuals. Fontanas come in different sizes and shapes, large, with a diameter of half the skull, and small - the size of a pea, round, and also shaped like slits, with uneven edges. At exhibitions, it is a disqualifying fault. Puppies can be born with or without fontanelles. Usually by 3 months the fontanel is overgrown, especially if the baby had it very small in size, or in the form of a narrow slit. In some dogs, the fontanel closes only by the age of one year, and in some it does not close at all. If you press your finger against the parietal area of ​​a dog with a molera, you will feel a pulsation and be able to gauge the size of the hole in the skull. Such animals must be handled very carefully, since the brain is covered only by thin skin and there is a high probability of the animal dying from injury. Doctors believe that a large fontanel, a sign of the disease hydrocephalus, when thin bones of the skull and high pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid can lead to cerebral fluid. Read about hydrocephalus here. According to statistics, a very small number of dogs with fontanelles are sick animals. In Diseases of the Brain 1989, Green and Braund stated that many clinically normal toy breeds may have patent fontanelles without associated hydrocephalus. Doctors Walker and Rivers, veterinarians at the University of Minnesota, concluded that the presence or size of a fontanel and the condition of hydrocephalus are in no way related to each other. Dr. Alexander de Lajunta of Cornell University in New York, one of this country's leading neurologists, said calling any open area an abnormality would be misleading. Of course, it is not advisable to breed dogs with molera, but breeders are risky people, and it is no secret that such dogs are bred, especially if the sire is very small, purchased from a well-known kennel, good-looking, and of elite origin. Those. Breeders do not attach much importance to an open fontanel if the dog is healthy. Even if parents do not have fontanelles, their children may have fontanelles. "In my house, puppies with fontanelles were also born, but after 2 months, they were completely overgrown, or significantly decreased and became very tiny. Why is this? I try to feed my mother very well. Be sure to add mussel calcium to her diet every day, with vitamin D. I start feeding babies at 3 weeks. Small bitches often have little milk, and babies greedily begin to eat the first complementary food, usually warm boiled milk, then “Tyoma” curd, which they receive every day, then calcined curd, boiled finely pureed beef with rice porridge, (I grind rice on coffee grinder until flour), stewed vegetables. Be sure to introduce all products into the menu gradually. I feed the kids often and more, I’m not afraid that they will be large and plump - let them grow, whatever size they are destined to grow in size, that’s what they will become in the end, you can’t fool nature... If the kids eat well and gain weight , they will not be completely tiny and naturally their fontanelles will begin to quickly overgrow. The trouble is that dwarf specimens are highly valued in decorative breeds; in most of these puppies, the fontanelles do not heal, and breeders do not want to increase the weight of such puppies. Who in our time will stand at the stove and cook porridge? “Besides, why is it needed, just weight gain....”, it’s better to give a few dog food. I would like to add that when raising babies with not overgrown fontanelles, do not forget to add mineral supplements to the diet, because all puppies need calcium to build the skeletal system. But calcium is very poorly absorbed when there is an excess of protein, i.e. meat, and balance is needed here. For mineral supplements, I advise you to use 8 in 1 preparations from an American company." - comments from a breeder from one of the nurseries. CALCIDEE Calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D tablets with a pleasant taste and smell of milk contain calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D in an optimal ratio for the proper development of bones and teeth in puppies and kittens. They are simply necessary for pregnant and lactating bitches and cats. A drug of this composition is compatible with any balanced food and other multivitamin supplements. Application: Give the tablets whole or crumble into food. For small dogs, cats, kittens: 1/ 2 - 1 tablets per day Ingredients: Dicalcium phosphate, whey powder, stearic acid, silicate, magnesium stearate, cholecalciferol, vanillin. To quickly heal the fontanel, Osteogenon is prescribed to puppies. And in conclusion: dwarf breeds, the smallest representatives of the dog family, and to they must be treated especially tenderly, regardless of whether they have a fontanelle or not. They are not created to herd cattle, catch criminals, fight wolves, they live for our joy and give us love and affection. Let your charges make you happy and be healthy!