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Are chicken necks good for dogs: how to give them. Chicken by-products in the diet of dogs: what can be given and what cannot? How to cook chicken feet for dogs

Meat is what will always be at the forefront natural diet dogs. Feeding your pet pure beef or even chicken fillet is not cheap, especially if the pet is large and has a good appetite.

Is it possible to replace meat with offal? What are the benefits of chicken heads? Can they harm your pet? Read our article!

The most useful thing in a chicken head is the brain. It contains a huge amount of vitamin B12, which contributes to the normal development of muscle and nervous system, and also supports the process of formation of antibodies in the blood.

Reference! A deficiency of vitamin B12 in a dog's diet can lead to hypovitaminosis and anemia.

In addition, per 100 g of product there are 17 grams of pure protein, which is quite a decent indicator for an offal of this kind.

This part of the chicken carcass does not contain tubular bones, which means that the risk of the pet choking or damaging the esophagus is minimal. The chicken skull itself contains calcium, which is necessary for strengthening teeth and bones.


When feeding four-legged friend chicken heads are worth considering following features of this by-product:

  1. The product is not thoroughly controlled, since they are practically not consumed by humans. There is a high risk of buying a product that is already spoiled and infected.
  2. Your pet may choke if he eats very quickly or his mouth is too small. Break the offal into pieces before giving them to your pet.
  3. The head is not separated from the neck, contains tubular bone, and accordingly the risk of injury to the esophagus increases.
  4. If a dog swallows its beak, then in best case scenario she will begin to suffer from belching and increased gas formation, at worst, you will choke and get an injury to your esophagus.
  5. The dog can eat a lot and not get enough. This is especially true in cases where the heads are boiled before serving. All the fat is boiled out of them and, accordingly, the product loses most of its energy value.

How to give?

Some owners make a kind of mono-diet for their pet from chicken heads, that is, they feed them exclusively with this product. Of course, this is quite economical, but for the sake of preserving the dog’s health, it is not worth doing this.

There are absolutely no carbohydrates in chicken heads, fats are boiled away during cooking, and protein may not be enough to satisfy daily requirement. Therefore, it is better to use several chicken heads as an additive to buckwheat or pearl barley porridge.

Reference! Don't forget to add vegetables and vegetable oil! This will help normalize digestion and absorb nutrients.

What to do if you eat it raw?

In its raw form, a chicken head is more nutritious and satisfying than boiled, so give it in fresh Can. However, for the same reason, you should not overfeed your dog with raw offal - this can lead to indigestion.

As for the situation with theft, the lack of education can lead to the fact that the pet gets a less harmless product, and after feasting on it, he will receive more serious and dangerous problems with health.

How to choose?

When purchasing chicken heads for food, pay attention to the following points:

  • Product color– they should be a pure, soft pink color without splashes of blue or green.
  • Smell– the offal should not emit a putrid or sulfuric odor. Ideally, it smells like raw chicken.
  • State– the product is best purchased chilled, since when frozen it is difficult to identify its degree of freshness.
  • Bird species– it is best to buy the heads of broiler chickens rather than adult chickens, as they are softer, easier to chew and digest.

How to cook?

Before cooking, remove the beaks from chicken heads, rinse thoroughly and freeze in the freezer for 24 hours to remove pathogenic bacteria. For the same purpose, they should be doused with boiling water after defrosting.

If your pet is a small breed or is still a puppy, the heads can be cut into several parts.


Boiled chicken heads with broth. This stew is suitable for feeding guard dogs living in an enclosure during the cold season.

Wash and boil the chicken heads so that the offal releases juice and fat into the water. Add some salt and grated carrots and onions. Cook until vegetables and meat are done. Serve to your dog while the broth is still warm.

Buckwheat porridge with chicken heads. Boil buckwheat or steam cereal overnight hot water and cover with a lid. Separately, boil the chicken heads over low heat for 30 minutes, add salt to the water. Mix the offal with the porridge and add a piece butter or a spoonful of vegetable.

How long should you cook?

The heads need to be poured into boiling water and cooked for 30 minutes over low heat.

You can understand the degree of readiness by the change in skin color from pink to whitish, and the characteristic smell of boiled offal.

You can also serve chicken heads raw, after dousing them with boiling water.

Why can't you feed them fried?

It is highly undesirable to give any meat and offal to your dog fried. This is due to the fat and cholesterol contained in frying oil. Its excess in the diet can lead to indigestion and problems with blood vessel patency.

For puppies

Due to the nutritional value of chicken brains and the easily absorbed calcium from the skull, chicken skulls can be given to puppies from the moment they are weaned from their mother's milk.

Before serving, they must be boiled and passed through a meat grinder, after removing the beak. Older puppies can be given heads cut into pieces.

Pregnant and lactating

Chicken heads can be a good source of B12 and calcium for the expectant mother or her offspring. However, they will not be able to satiate the animal and provide the nursing bitch with sufficient nutrients.

Use chicken heads as an addition to your main food, but do not forget to boil the offal or pour boiling water over it to avoid indigestion and poisoning.

Different breeds

Chicken heads have no contraindications for any breed, however, you should treat the product with caution if you know that your pet is predisposed to allergic reactions to raw offal and meat.

Important! Before switching your pet from food to natural nutrition– Be sure to consult your veterinarian. The same goes for adding new ingredients to your diet.


Breeders' opinions on adding chicken heads to the diet vary greatly. Some people believe that the product has low nutritional value, while others, on the contrary, rely on the presence of vitamins and calcium. The truth is hidden somewhere in the middle.

Chicken heads are quite cheap and anyone can afford to buy them, however, before you diversify your pet’s diet with this offal, you should consult a veterinarian.

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When a new tailed family member appears in an apartment or house, its owner has a lot of questions regarding its diet. Owners know that growing dogs desperately need calcium for healthy musculoskeletal development. But could chicken by-products, in particular necks, be its source? What should you know about their presence in dogs' diets?

By-products in dog nutrition

Regarding the inclusion of pets in the menu chicken necks There is a lot of controversy going on. After all, any dog’s diet should contain animal proteins every day if it is fed natural food. The most best source protein is lean meat. But feeding an animal exclusively with this product is too expensive. Therefore, by-products can also be used. These include ears, lips, and udders. After cutting the carcasses, protein remains in them, which has low biological value. This food contains some calcium, fat, and gelatin.

Bone by-products include joints, heads, bones, legs

If we talk about chicken by-products, they include necks, paws, heads, skin and entrails. High energy value poultry skeletons with trimmings of meat on them. Tailed pets really like them. It is worth noting that chicken meat rarely causes allergic reactions. That is why experienced breeders strongly recommend including it in the dog’s dietary menu.
Young pets require a variety of nutrients. Bones contain calcium, protein, phosphorus, and lime. It is very useful for puppies to chew them during the period of changing teeth - this prevents the itching with which this phenomenon is always associated. In addition, when the puppy has a bone “at hand” during the teething period, he will not damage furniture, corners and other household utensils, trying to scratch his itchy gums. It's about about the period from 4 to 6 months when the dog’s milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones.

Is it possible for a dog chicken bones?
What bones can you give to dogs?
Is it possible to feed your dog chicken heads?
Is it possible to feed a dog chicken feet?

Bones are also useful as a source of calcium. There is very little of it in meat; it contains more phosphorus. And calcium from bones is more beneficial for young animals, because it is more easily absorbed than from dairy products. If the dog chews bones systematically, then there is no need for additional calcium supplements. They should be given to puppies raw. Gastric juice copes well with their dissolution, they become a source of substances for the formation of cartilage and joints of pets. Chicken tubular bones are strictly contraindicated for dogs. They are especially dangerous for small breeds dogs. The danger is that they are fragile and sharp pieces break off when chewed. There is a risk of damage to the dog's esophagus and stomach.

There is no benefit to boiled bones because heat treatment simply turns them into dust, destroying all useful substances.

It is forbidden to give bones to dogs as the main food, because this can provoke intestinal volvulus, constipation, and intestinal obstruction in the dog. In addition, in mature dogs, this diet quickly wears down the teeth. Soft bones can be a treat after a hearty dinner.

Chicken necks in the diet of dogs

They can be given to puppies that have reached the age of two months to clean their teeth and massage their gums. This offal is allowed to be given to young pets raw and in the form of minced meat. It is advisable to scald chicken necks with boiling water. As for the frequency of the presence of this offal in the menu of young dogs, it is two or three times a week. Unlike the wings and legs of a chicken, there are no small sharp bones in the neck. Therefore, this part of the chicken spine is allowed to be given even to representatives of small breeds of dogs. Pets chew them with pleasure. As for adult dogs, they chicken necks can be fed 1-2 times a week.

Other chicken by-products on the dog menu

Chicken heads It is also allowed to feed to adult dogs. It is recommended to cut them and combine them with vegetables or cereals. There are no tubular bones in the heads, so they do not pose a danger to the digestive system of pets. But the beaks from this product must be removed.

Chicken feet You can also offer it to dogs, but first remove the claws. Many owners make jellied meat from them. It is no less useful for dogs. The regular presence of such a product in the diet replaces industrial chondroprotectors

Is it possible to give chicken necks to a dog?

    Dog digestion is different from human digestion. I have a 12 year old dachshund dog. From time to time we give boiled chicken necks, they become soft. We did not have any digestive problems as such. On this issue we consulted with veterinarian, to which we were told: You can give it, there’s only cartilage there. We do not give tubular bones under any circumstances.

    Chicken necks are given to dogs boiled. There are cartilages there and they are not dangerous when cooked. We tried to give them to our dog, but she didn’t like chicken necks. You shouldn't get carried away with chicken at all.

    Of course you can.

    Many people say that chicken necks, legs, and heads should not be given.

    You can’t give it raw, just boil it, I always buy chicken necks, heads and paws and cook it for dogs, I have two big dogs, and they eat it all well, they ask for more and there have never been any problems.

    Any meat in its raw form is harmful to a dog, but sometimes you can still throw a raw bone (just not a chicken bone)

    If you have concerns about the structure, then you can not bother and just weld these dog necks. With people, they have no problem eating what people themselves eat, and if you add potatoes or pasta to chicken necks, serving it all in the form of soup, then she will immediately gobble it all up with a bang, will be full and grateful)

    The bones in chicken necks are round and very small, so they become soft when cooked.

    We often cook chicken necks for our dogs and they eat them with pleasure. We have two adult dogs and when we cook porridge for them, we add: minced chicken, chicken heads, chicken necks, and all our dog breeder friends do the same.

    In my opinion, it's not worth it. Kiritsa has tubular bones, and some are just small. The dog may choke or get hurt. In general, you need to treat your dog’s diet - no matter whether it’s a mongrel or a titled Yorkie or Rottweiler - carefully and with understanding and not feed it just anything. It's better to spend money on good food and a piece of fresh meat, rather than looking for money (sometimes quite a lot!) for a veterinarian for your pet, or worse, you may not have time and lose the animal. They are the same as us, and we won’t eat just anything.

    You know that chicken tubular bones are not allowed, but chicken necks are completely different. Chicken necks have small bones, they are not tubular and the dog will happily eat them. I have a friend who has a Poodle dog, and no matter what she feeds it, she always adds fine sand and small pebbles (so that her dog gets used to it and is not too tender to food), and her dog lived for 18 years! I also feed my dogs chicken necks from time to time. If you have a red dog, you may be allergic to chicken.

A caring owner strives to make his dog’s diet balanced and varied. If you include chicken necks in it, your pet will receive vitamins and minerals.

This product is beneficial, but is unfairly rejected by dog ​​breeders. Experts are confident that it can and should be included in the menu.

The benefits of chicken necks for dogs are as follows:

  • it is a source of animal protein and calcium;
  • while consuming this product, the gums are massaged;
  • the replacement of milk teeth with permanent ones is accelerated;
  • bones are strengthened;
  • The beneficial substances in the product increase the dog’s endurance, make it playful and joyful.

This product is most useful for puppies who need to strengthen their teeth and bones. Their body is actively growing and developing, and digestive system He's just getting used to different foods.

Chicken necks are easily digestible and have a beneficial effect on musculoskeletal system pet. If his teeth are changing, this food will speed up the process. He it will go faster, will avoid severe pain, discomfort in the gums.


Harm from such food occurs only if it is given in large quantities and fried. It leads to intestinal obstruction and disorder digestive tract. The dog feels sick, becomes constipated, becomes weak, and refuses to play.

If this dish is given too often or too much, overeating will occur. This will lead to flatulence, a feeling of bloating, and nausea. Such phenomena can be avoided if the product is given in moderation.

How to give?

You are allowed to feed your pet this dish twice a week. A serving should be 50-60 g, but no more. It is better to feed necks in small portions to avoid overeating. They are given whole, having first been doused with boiling water or boiled.

This product can be independent, but to make it tastier, vegetables and cereals are added to it. The result will be a more satisfying and tasty dish.


In its raw form, this product can be given in moderation. The main thing is to pour boiling water over it before consumption to destroy germs and prevent poisoning. Without this procedure, your dog may develop an infection due to bacteria in the raw product.

If a dog has eaten a lot of raw necks, it will feel heaviness in the stomach, weakness, and dizziness. But this will happen not because the product is raw, but because it was eaten in large quantities.

How to choose?

When choosing this product, you should pay attention to its appearance. It should be light pink in color. Strong darkening indicates that it has begun to deteriorate. You should choose necks where there are no large quantity fat It should be in moderation, otherwise the dog will become ill from its excess.

How to cook?

Preparation is extremely simple: before consumption, boiling water is poured over the neck, veins and cartilage that are difficult to chew are removed. There is no need to add salt, pepper and seasonings; they will cause disturbances in the digestive tract. After this, the product is given to dogs. You can mix it with vegetables or porridge.

Boil the necks for 50 minutes. This way they chew better and destroy all microbes. But experts warn that the boiled product can cause intestinal obstruction. For this reason, it is given in small quantities - no more than 50 g.


Necks are often cooked along with cereals and vegetables. It turns out to be a tasty and nutritious dish.

Mix 100 g of boiled rice and 50 g of boiled necks. Cooking them is enough for 50 minutes. They will become softer and easier to chew. To this mixture add one boiled carrot and stewed zucchini. They are finely chopped and mixed with the rest of the ingredients.

It turns out delicious nutritional mixture. Add 4-5 tablespoons of sunflower or olive oil so that the food is not too dry and is better digested. There is no need to salt and pepper it. The dish is ready to eat.

How long to cook?

You need to cook them for 45-50 minutes. It is difficult to give an exact time, since everything depends on the quality of the product. It is considered ready when it becomes soft. In some cases, it is necessary to cook the product for 1 hour. This is especially important if your pet’s teeth are changing and he will not be able to chew on too hard necks.

Should I feed them fried?

Experts do not recommend frying necks, because during the frying process they become fatty, high in calories, and become soaked big amount oils This has a negative impact on work gastrointestinal tract pet, organs If he is not used to fried food, nausea and vomiting may occur.

Fried food has a negative impact on the dog's heart. To preserve her health, they refuse to fry her.

Dried treat

In dried form, this product acquires an advantage - it becomes tastier, and the dog eats it faster. It seems like an incredible delicacy to her. Dried chicken necks are often sold along with other offal. The mixture becomes even more useful.

But there is also a drawback: dried necks are sold after being treated with seasonings, which can negatively affect the animal’s digestion. Not all companies resort to seasonings; among them you can find proven ones that care about the health of dogs.

You should choose products from well-known brands that have a good reputation in the market. Experts recommend brands such as:

  • Zoogourman;
  • Native food;
  • Titbit;
  • Farm delicacies.


For puppies

It is allowed to give this product from 2 months of age. They begin to feed the pet with the smallest amount (1-2 necks each) so that he gets used to them. It is enough to give this food twice a week.

Puppies are given boiled soft necks. Raw is given to adult dogs who have more strong immunity and improved digestion.

Pregnant and lactating

Chicken necks are allowed for pregnant and lactating dogs, but in strictly limited quantities to avoid poisoning and overeating: no more than 20-30 g per serving.

This food contains vitamins and minerals that dogs require during this period, so they do not refuse it.

Breed characteristics


Chicken necks are a healthy and tasty treat that pets love. Cooking them is not difficult; you can supplement dishes with vegetables and cereals, creating nutritious, even more useful combinations. Regular consumption of such food will make the animal healthy, hardy and strong.

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One day while scrolling through the search, I came across a discussion on “Is it possible to give chicken necks and chicken heads to a dog?”

In this article on the website “Around Dogs” we will tell you about Is it possible to give your dog chicken necks/chicken heads?.

So, let's start with the fact that bones cannot form the main diet of a dog, precisely because they end up clogging the stomach. If you are thinking about chicken bones, then read two points:

1 if the choice fell on broiler chickens, they are fed with food with growth hormones (in two to three months a quite huge chicken grows, try raising one from a regular one), and they are also given antibiotics. There are no hormones in expensive feed, but you know our manufacturers (why pay more is their main motto). Its bones, of course, are not as sharp as those of a domestic dog, but they can also have harmful influence, both on the trachea and on the stomach of the dog, especially if these bones are boiled;

2 if chosen homemade chicken- their meat and bones, of course, should not contain hormones, they are more pure, but at the same time, finding the necks and heads of these chickens is much more difficult (you won’t run around the village and ask every grandmother if they have any left). head or neck for your dog).

So, my verdict on the question you asked is simple - 1-2 necks per week - as a treat (do not boil!). I don’t recommend giving a chicken head, unless you have trouble cutting off the beak. Small dogs they are not given.

Yes, even if some give necks and heads for breakfast, lunch and dinner instead of meat, even if they don’t have any problems, but this is only a temporary indicator, and no one guarantees that everything will always be in order with them.