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Vertical cracks in teeth. Cracked teeth: types and treatment

Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the body. But if for a long time If you don’t take care of it and constantly subject it to heavy loads, it will collapse. As a result, the enamel cracks and needs treatment. To prevent serious consequences, you should contact your dentist in a timely manner.

Enamel cracks are not only an aesthetic defect

What causes cracks to appear?

Cracks in tooth enamel most often occur on upper jaws. Why does it occur this problem:

  • People who have the bad habit of biting off wire and cracking nuts with their teeth are exposed to this kind of trouble.
  • If caries is left untreated for a long time, the tooth enamel weakens and may crack. Frequent use of toothpaste with a large number abrasive particles.
  • Application medications during self-medication.
  • Constantly eating solid foods. They have a strong effect on the enamel.
  • A sharp change from a cold to a hot dish and vice versa. During cold weather, the cells in the enamel contract, and under the influence of hot food they expand. As a result, the dental tissue may not withstand it and crack.
  • If you don't eat enough food, your teeth don't have enough nutrients.
  • During jaw injuries. And also due to incorrect actions of the dentist.
  • Work that involves constant exposure to cold or heat. Poor environmental conditions.
  • Regular meals containing large quantity acids leads to pH imbalance. And also on this process affected by gastrointestinal diseases, abuse of sweet foods and taking potent medications. As a result, tooth enamel becomes thinner and cracks.
  • Availability bad habits. Cracks in tooth enamel often occur among amateurs tobacco products and alcoholic products.

Bad habits cause cracks

Any of the above reasons can lead to the appearance of either a minor crack or a deep chip.

Types of cracks

All types of enamel cracks are usually divided according to the direction of the split:

Vertical split. The crack runs parallel to the side wall of the tooth. As a result, the tooth is divided into two parts. Quite often the crack reaches the roots. In this case, it is no longer possible to cure the tooth; it is removed. If the crack affects only the crown and the root remains intact, then endodontic treatment is possible. This procedure is the strengthening of a tooth using an artificial crown.

Vertical cracks due to impact

Horizontal split. If you delay your trip to the dentist, the cracked part will soon break off. Depending on the location of the split, the amount of tooth lost will depend. If the chip affects a small area of ​​the chewing area or incisal edge, but the crack does not affect the pulp, then the tooth loss is insignificant. If a crack in the enamel of a tooth occurs near its neck, then all upper part. In this case, significant dental care. Such treatment will not be cheap.

Deep horizontal cracks are highlighted with a marker

Inclined split. The crack runs diagonally. If not timely treatment The chip reaches the crown. If such a problem occurs, the tooth cannot be cured. It all depends on the chipped area in the coronal part. If the volume is not significant, then appropriate treatment is carried out. If the fracture is large, the tooth is removed completely.

Sloping cracks on front teeth

Internal split. This situation is the most insidious, because it cannot be seen visually. This crack always leads to a fracture.

Weakened teeth and those that already have a filling are most likely to crack.

Feelings of a crack

Any crack always causes pain. But it’s quite difficult to determine which tooth hurts on your own. After all, the pain has a wandering character.

Cracks and erosion of enamel after braces

If there is a crack, a person may feel the following:

  • increased pain during eating, because when chewing, force is applied to the crack;
  • painful sensations may appear when eating hot or cold food, as well as when being in conditions with high or low temperature;
  • if not external stimulus, then the pain disappears and reappears when it is present.

If a person notices the above symptoms, then it is worth going for a consultation with a dentist. It is not always possible to detect a problem visually. Qualified specialist using special equipment, examine the entire jaw and sound accurate diagnosis.

If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, the patient may experience additional symptoms:

  • since necrotic processes begin to occur in the pulp chamber, the shade of the enamel of the diseased tooth begins to change;
  • V oral cavity an unpleasant odor begins to be present;
  • there is a feeling of a slight lifting of the diseased tooth, and any touch to it causes sharp pain;
  • near the cracked tooth the gums begin to swell and turn red;
  • pathological periodontal pockets occur.


Many people are concerned about what to do if a crack appears on a tooth. The main thing is not to self-medicate. As soon as this problem is discovered, you should immediately go to the dentist for an examination.

If teeth are damaged, treatment is always prescribed only after examination. The specialist will evaluate the depth, size and other characteristic features damaged tooth. An X-ray examination is required. Only after this the doctor will tell you what can be done with this crack.

To eliminate minor damage, a remineralization procedure is used. It involves the application of specially developed gels to the teeth, which are equipped with large amounts of phosphorus, potassium and fluoride. This composition strengthens very well tooth enamel. After this, the crack is filled with a special composite. A lamp is directed at the damaged tooth, under the influence of which the material hardens. This procedure requires repeated actions after 6 months.

The process of remineralization of enamel with a special preparation

If the enamel is cracked front tooth, then use veneers. These are very thin plates that can mask such a defect. But they can only be used without the presence of pathology.

If the pulp was not affected during the split, then only part of the dental tissue is removed and restored with a crown. If the pulp is damaged, dental prosthetics are performed only after the nerves are removed and the canals are properly sealed.

When a patient does not go to the dentist immediately after discovering a crack and it has already begun to develop pathological process, then such a tooth cannot be treated.

Before and after treatment of cracks

Severe damage to the pulp with extensive spread of the inflammatory process to soft fabrics leads to tooth extraction.

Preventive measures

Avoid going to dental office will help preventive measures. Observing simple rules You can avoid seeing the dentist forever. These precautions will help protect your teeth not only from chipping, but also from other dental defects and diseases:

  • daily care of tooth enamel, following all the rules;
  • It is necessary to brush your teeth only with a brush with medium hardness;
  • It is recommended to choose toothpastes containing fluoride and calcium;
  • nutrition must be correct and balanced;
  • Do not frequently drink carbonated drinks, strong tea and coffee;
  • It is forbidden to eat hot and cold food at the same time;
  • you need to get rid of the habit of constantly gnawing on a pen or pencil, and also
  • crack nuts using teeth or open lids;
  • consumption of sweet foods should be in minimal quantities;
  • it is necessary to completely stop using tobacco products and minimize alcohol intake;
  • Carry out a mandatory dental examination by a dentist every 6 months.

Paste with minerals and calcium to strengthen enamel

If you follow simple rules, you can protect your teeth from various cracks. It is very important to understand that any dental problems are not only an aesthetic defect, but can also pose a danger to human health.

As you know, the upper part of each tooth naturally has a protective shell, the so-called tooth enamel. However, despite its strength, under excessive loads during certain period the enamel may crack. This can happen by various reasons, for example, when eating very hard food, injury, or using your jaw as pliers.

In any case, with such damage to your teeth, you need to contact a dentist as soon as possible, since the crack that appears under further loads can easily go deeper and damage the tooth root, and this will require serious surgical intervention.

There are a number of factors that can cause such dental damage:

  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the body necessary for the formation of strong tooth enamel, which is a consequence of poor nutrition;
  • eating foods with high level acidity and sugar, which negatively affects the condition of the enamel, gradually corroding it;
  • simultaneous consumption of very hot foods and cold drinks, which leads to a sharp temperature contrast in the oral cavity, causing the enamel to crack;
  • bad habits of gnawing hard objects and foods (nuts, seeds), which in case of sudden efforts will lead to chipping of the enamel;
  • dental injuries due to impact;
  • diseases and spasms of the masticatory muscles, which is expressed in uncontrolled compression and movement of the jaws and has a negative mechanical effect on the enamel;
  • side effects from medications due to their excessive use;
  • medical errors made by the dentist during treatment procedures.

If no action is taken, a crack in the tooth may affect the root.

In some cases, the crack is difficult to find on your own, which is quite possible if, for example, the enamel on the front tooth is cracked. In other cases, it would be wiser to rely on the opinion of your attending physician after reviewing the x-ray data. After all, you may not even suspect the presence of an injury if, for example, it is a consequence of unprofessional treatment in the previous period.

If damage appears shortly after installation on given tooth fillings or crowns, you should visit a dentist immediately. This way you can avoid further complications, as well as save your money on replacing a low-quality filling or crown.

When a crack appears, it is necessary to eliminate the load on the affected tooth.. The debris puts pressure on the pulp, as a result of which an inflammatory process can begin, which is fraught with further complications. When open wound access is created for various infections to blood and nerves. This, in turn, may lead to the need to remove the pulp. That's why It is extremely important to visit your dentist in advance to avoid oral diseases, in particular periodontal disease.

You may not notice a crack in your tooth right away, so visit your dentist regularly

Conditional division of dental cracks into types

  • horizontal crack usually encircles the tooth perpendicularly and, if left untreated, leads to chipping. The closer to the base the crack is located, the more dangerous it is. A crack located at the neck of the tooth, closer to the gum, may entail the removal of the entire crown part and exposure of the pulp. In this scenario, restoring the tooth will be difficult and expensive;
  • vertical crack, based on the name, runs parallel to the growth and divides it into two halves, in some cases separating the wall of the tooth from its main part. It should be understood that such a crack can go all the way to the tooth root, thereby allowing bacteria access to the pulp. Once infected, the pulp is extremely difficult to cure. In cases where the crack covers the entire length of the tooth, it is usually removed. But if a tooth has split in half, into two parts, and one of the halves is loose, but the root of the other part is not affected, and the remaining body as a whole stands firmly, then the broken wall is removed, and the tooth is subjected to endodontic treatment and fitted with a crown;
  • inclined crack divides the tooth diagonally relative to its growth axis. Left untreated in the event of such an injury will certainly lead to a chipping of the corner part and in most cases will require the installation of a crown;
  • intradental crack is considered the most problematic from the point of view of diagnosis and treatment. With an internal crack, damage can spread from the root upward. Independently determine the presence of such an injury on early stages possible only if the damaged parts, being uneven, touch the pulp and damage it. Unfortunately, such a crack is very difficult to notice until it reaches the root. In the most severe cases it may spread to the jaw bones with further fracture.

Cracks can lead to chipped teeth.

What to do if a tooth is split in half

First, you need to take an x-ray of the damaged area to determine the size of the crack and its location. The dentist whose treatment you will be undergoing will most likely send you a photo. It is important to understand that with the next load the tooth may crack completely.. What to do if a tooth cracks vertically - realize that if you delay, the damage can go deeper and touch the root part, then it will no longer be able to be saved from removal.

A crack of this kind may lead to partial or complete injury root. Usually it passes through both opposing walls of the tooth, sometimes only through one. Most often, vertical cracks spread over the entire tooth, and unless they break off the wall, they are complete in terms of their length and affect the root.

The crack may not be noticeable at first.. In the early stages, when the crack is still small, you may experience discomfort and unpleasant itching in the gum area and not even suspect that a crack has formed on or inside the tooth. For this reason, it is important to take an x-ray, since in many cases signs of damage may not be noticed.

The dentist, after reviewing the image and conducting an examination, will prescribe appropriate treatment. As a rule, it is necessary to prevent the penetration of bacteria, stop infection of the pulp, eliminate the crack and figure out whether it is necessary to remove the damaged tooth or whether it is possible to limit ourselves to installing a crown.

Try to visit the dentist as soon as possible.

What to do immediately after a cracked tooth

You need to go to see a dentist. However, if you are unable to see a dentist on the same day, then you need to take the following steps:

  1. Treat the oral cavity with antiseptics or herbal infusions specifically designed for this purpose, preventing infection of the pulp.
  2. Use painkillers, if necessary, but don't do this if you plan to visit the dentist within the next six hours.
  3. Protect the tooth from contact with food, foreign objects, and even the tongue to avoid dislodging debris and damaging the gum tissue.
  4. Do not expose the tooth to temperature changes, trying not to take cold or hot food and drinks.

It is important to emphasize that all of these are only temporary measures. You should visit your dentist as soon as possible to avoid unpredictable and dangerous consequences for your oral health. If you delay, you may lose a tooth, pulp, and even get a crack in your jawbone.

In some cases, a crack may form on the front teeth, which is usually associated with the gradual thinning of the enamel. Often people do not pay attention to damaged enamel until the crack absorbs a sufficient amount of coloring matter from the food consumed and becomes more noticeable. A tooth in this condition is very vulnerable, since weakening of its structure can lead to chipping as a result of strong physical activity at him.

A crack in your tooth enamel can ruin your smile.

What to do if your front tooth is cracked

As a rule, if the crack in the enamel does not go further, then such an injury can be cured by filling the tooth and, for example, installing veneers for cosmetic and protective purposes. If the crack goes further, an inflammatory process may begin, and the tooth will have to be either removed or depulped and carefully filled.

In some cases, enamel can be built up on the post or a crown can be used as a protective mechanism. A crown can also be used in cases with already pulpless dead teeth if a crack has formed on them.

Cracks also occur in wisdom teeth, since in the process of their growth and location they can be subject to serious acidic destruction. In most cases, the doctor will not waste time treating such a hard-to-reach tooth and will prompt you to remove it. This will be the most reasonable step in this situation, since a damaged wisdom tooth will only cause you pain and discomfort, and its existence is not necessary. The teeth in those places are practically not involved in the process primary processing food, and their absence can only be noticed by a person examining your oral cavity.

Cracks in hard-to-reach teeth most often lead to their removal.


Cracks in teeth can be identified by a number of symptoms:

  • the source of pain is difficult to determine, since it can manifest itself in different places;
  • tooth sensitivity increases and the reaction to cold or hot food worsens, and It's a dull pain after temperature changes it does not go away immediately;
  • biting, chewing, as well as closing and opening the jaws causes pain;

If a cracked tooth is left untreated, it can lead to pulp infection and inflammation., which means the appearance of new symptoms:

  • an unpleasant odor begins to spread from the mouth;
  • the enamel darkens due to the death of tissue in the pulp chamber;
  • the gums near the damaged tooth begin to swell and cause pain when touched;
  • the root may become mobile, and the tooth itself may become out of alignment.

In dentistry there are different methods diagnosis of dental cracks. As a rule, the attending physician, based on the patient’s complaints, makes a tentative diagnosis and if he believes that the problem is related to a crack, then he begins to search for the problem, having previously familiarized himself with the X-ray data.

Typically, a tooth with a crack responds the greatest pain upon palpation. The dentist can also use coloring compounds. When applied to the surface of the enamel, you can identify a crack in it. The condition of the periodontal pocket can also determine inflammation in the gums and suggest the presence of a crack.

Small cracks may not be noticeable to you until one day the crown part chips. Even a small crack makes the tooth less durable and, under heavy load, it can suddenly crack. To avoid this, you should visit the dentist at least once every six months in order to prevent and detect problems in your oral cavity.

A beautiful smile and straight, flawless teeth are every person’s dream. The condition of the teeth indicates the patient’s overall health and well-being. Dental care is of great importance, however, some pathologies can manifest themselves regardless of whether the rules of oral care are followed or completely ignored. Thus, cracks in the front teeth usually appear as a result of mechanical damage. The danger of this anomaly lies in the fact that even on the front teeth, a crack can not be noticed immediately, but only when the affected area begins to hurt and cause discomfort while eating.

The article provides detailed information about the reasons for the formation of cracks in the frontal dental units, signs of pathology, and its varieties. In addition, you can find out what methods can be used to eliminate the defect and what rules must be followed to prevent its occurrence. Dentists' recommendations will help regulate your daily diet, which is quite important for maintaining dental health, as well as make adjustments to your daily routine.

In most cases, the appearance of a crack in tooth enamel is associated with negative impact on the teeth by the patient himself. However, sometimes a defect can arise for objective reasons. In any case, it is necessary to determine which factors provoked the development of the anomaly, since the nature of the methods for eliminating it in the future will depend on this.

A crack in tooth enamel may appear for the following reasons:

  • as a result mechanical damage dental unit. As a rule, this occurs while chewing solid food. At the same time, the reason for the formation of a crack may be the presence of a bad habit, say, gnawing the tip of a pen or cracking nuts with your teeth;
  • lack of vitamins necessary for the full functioning of the body. Vitamins for teeth are necessary to strengthen them;
  • transferred serious illness, which was treated with antibacterial drugs;
  • dysfunction immune system. This is especially true for the off-season;
  • injury to a front row unit as a result of a strong impact. Please note that this may not only lead to the formation of a crack, but also complete loss tooth;
  • a sharp change in the temperature of drinks and dishes. For example, drinking cold juice immediately after hot soup can trigger an abnormality;
  • consumption of high-acid foods;
  • pathological mobility lower jaw during sleep, as a result of which the tooth may crack;
  • dentist errors (incorrectly selected pin, incorrect use of dental instruments).

Pay attention! Having identified a crack in your teeth, the cause of which is unknown, you should immediately contact a specialist, since this defect is dangerous not only due to aesthetic discomfort, but also the development of other more serious problems. serious illnesses, for example, caries.

Types of cracks

Depending on the direction, there are three types of cracks:

  1. vertical
  2. diagonal;
  3. horizontal.

Let us dwell in more detail on the features of each type.

Vertical crack

A vertical crack is located vertically along the tooth. The peculiarity of this variety is that not only the tooth is affected, but also the dental nerve, so often classical methods are powerless and the affected tooth must be removed.

Additional information! Treatment of teeth with a vertical crack is possible only in the early stages of the development of the pathology, however, in most cases, patients learn about its existence after identifying additional signs and symptoms that appear much later.

Diagonal or inclined crack

The crack is located diagonally on the front tooth. If you contact a specialist in a timely manner, the damaged unit can be saved. Otherwise, part of the tooth may simply fall off, and it will no longer be possible to do without surgical intervention.

Horizontal crack

A horizontal crack crosses the tooth like an equator, clearly separating its upper and bottom part. Inadequate treatment or lack thereof may well lead to tooth chipping. If the damage is located closer to the top, the probability of complete loss of the damaged unit is quite high. Moreover, the pulp may open, which can lead to long and expensive treatment.

The first signs of pathology

To avoid tooth loss, when a defect is first identified, you should contact your dentist. However, in many cases, patients are not even aware of the presence of a crack, so classical treatment methods are powerless.

The easiest way to determine the anomaly is on the front teeth; a chip can be noticed during a thorough examination. Cracks on the units of the lateral rows are less noticeable; they can only be identified by the following signs:

  • Under the influence of hot and cold food, pain appears in the oral cavity, the tooth reacts to cold and hot. After eating this food, the pain goes away;
  • manifestations of pain without a specific cause and place of concentration;
  • When chewing food, the pain intensity increases.

How to identify a defect, diagnostic methods

Make an accurate diagnosis and differentiate this pathology from other diseases with similar symptoms maybe only experienced doctor dentist. Having examined damaged teeth, the specialist will also prescribe effective treatment or will inform you about the need for surgical intervention.

Diagnosis of pathology is carried out on the basis of an examination of the oral cavity and patient complaints.

In addition, dentists use the following methods:

  1. identifying lesions using a special brush without bristles;
  2. the use of special coloring components used in dental practice;
  3. examination of the affected area under a microscope;
  4. inspection of nearby soft tissues. If a tooth is damaged, the adjacent tissues usually swell.

Important! In order to timely identify the development of one or another dental disease, you should visit your doctor at least 2 times a year.

How to get rid of cracked front teeth

After identifying a crack in the front or side teeth, the patient has a completely natural question: what to do and how to eliminate the defect?

If the situation is not very difficult and the opportunity to save dental unit remained, doctors use the following treatment methods:

  1. strengthening enamel through mineralization. This allows you not only to strengthen it, but also to prevent further growth of the problem. The procedure involves applying special gels containing calcium, fluorine and phosphorus;
  2. the use of composite materials to mask the defect. The method is quite effective, it allows you to completely hide the crack, the only drawback is its fragility, so the procedure should be repeated from time to time;
  3. fastening of veneers. Usage this method recommended in cases where the size of the crack is so large that it is no longer possible to solve the problem with the help of a composite gel.

Following the rules of a healthy diet and daily routine

Teeth can also crack due to poor nutritional habits.

  1. hard cheese;
  2. fermented milk products (kefir, yoghurt, cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream);
  3. greens (parsley, basil, dill);
  4. fruits;
  5. vegetables;
  6. berries;
  7. natural juices.

It is advisable to avoid some foods altogether or limit their consumption.

You should exclude from your diet:

  1. hot and cold food and drinks;
  2. salt, salty foods;
  3. alcohol.

Pay attention! Bad habits, especially smoking, have a negative impact on the condition of your teeth, so it’s better to forget about cigarettes.

  1. You should brush your teeth after every meal, at least 3 times a day;
  2. refuse whitening pastes that erase the top layer of enamel;
  3. use pastes for strengthening;
  4. massage the gums with a brush with soft bristles, this will increase blood flow to the affected area;
  5. rinse the mouth with infusions based on medicinal herbs, in particular chamomile and sage.

To prevent the formation of an anomaly, you should:

  • take care of your teeth, avoid consuming solid foods;
  • visit the dentist regularly;
  • use vitamin complexes contains vitamin D, which promotes better absorption of calcium;
  • use teeth for their intended purpose, and not for cracking nuts, opening bottles and performing similar procedures.

If you detect the first signs of crack formation, you should seek help from a specialist. Timely and effective treatment increases the chances of saving a damaged tooth.

Video: how to treat cracked teeth

The appearance of vertical cracks in teeth is a rather unpleasant phenomenon that requires the intervention of dentists. At the same time, some experts believe that if there are minor cracks, teeth need not be filled if they do not cause discomfort or lead to pain.

If a crack occurs in a filled tooth, medical intervention is necessary. Only a dentist can prescribe qualified treatment, as well as find out how deep the crack penetrates into the tooth and what danger it poses.

It is especially worth examining cracks in teeth that react to sudden temperature changes or sweet or sour foods. The resulting discomfort may indicate the onset of caries or periodontitis, since healthy enamel does not respond to such food features.

Important! If an uncharacteristic and difficult-to-diagnose toothache occurs or there is a crack extending deep into the root of the tooth, additional intervention by an endodontist who specializes in eliminating defects in the pulp and dental canals is required.

Causes of cracked teeth

  • excessive consumption of foods that contrast in temperature (cold ice cream and hot tea);
  • excessive consumption of sour juices and highly carbonated drinks with phosphoric acid, which destroys and spoils tooth enamel;
  • regular microtrauma of teeth in the process of biting off solid food, gnawing nuts, candies, seeds;
  • unregulated grinding of teeth in sleep, opening jars and durable lids with teeth;
  • constant use of whitening toothpastes containing soda and other aggressive abrasives;
  • the beginning of the development of dental diseases - gingivitis, periodontitis, caries;
  • violation acid-base balance oral cavity, which is caused by poor and poor oral hygiene;
  • presence of bad habits – smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs;
  • received dental injuries - strong blows on the jaw, bruises, falls.

Important! Often cracks occur due to a lack of calcium in the body. In this case, you need to review the menu and carry out a procedure to strengthen tooth enamel.

Symptoms of an existing crack

Only a specialist can determine the presence of microcracks, however, the presence of an obvious crack can be easily determined by the existing symptoms:

When the external stimulus is removed, pain long time may not return. If the crack is large and located in the visible area, it is easy to detect and seal it. However, vertical cracks can be located between the teeth, on the roots, outside the visual inspection area, then without a thorough examination and x-ray Even a specialist cannot always find them.

Therefore, if you have acute and recurring pain, you should immediately contact a specialist who can diagnose and find a crack in the stage of minimal destruction. It is necessary to heal cracks, since if there are microdamages, the soft tissues around the tooth may subsequently become inflamed, which will lead to bleeding and sore gums.

Important! A vertical crack without proper treatment will quickly lead to inflammatory processes in the pulp and severe destruction. This can be determined by darkening of the enamel as a result of developing necrosis or bad taste, odor in the mouth. Swelling of the gums and pain with pressure may develop around the diseased teeth. Sometimes a crack can contribute to the development of mobility of the walls of the tooth root; in this case, diagnosing the crack is quite simple.

Attention! Healthy teeth require regular inspection at the dentist.

Presence of a vertical crack in the crown

Cracks in crowns often appear as a result of a gradual decrease in the enamel layer as a result of mechanical stress when chewing or biting food. The appearance of a small and unnoticeable crack will subsequently contribute to the occurrence of a chip or fracture of the entire crown. Minor tooth trauma that does not affect the pulp tissue can be treated quite simply by probing or installing a new crown.

More deep damage With clear signs started inflammatory processes in the pulp of the tooth must be treated as quickly as possible. The tooth must be depulped, thoroughly disinfected and sealed. After which a new crown can be installed.

The appearance of a crack in the root of a tooth

The occurrence of a vertical crack in the root of a tooth is a more complex and difficult to diagnose type of tooth damage. It can only be determined through a thorough examination using a microscope. If there is no accompanying destruction and inflammation, small cracks in the roots cannot be detected even with x-ray examination. Over time, such a crack can turn into a fracture in the tooth, into which microbes will enter and ultimately the tooth can completely collapse.

Pay attention! A root crack without proper treatment will gradually increase from bottom to top. With this type of destruction, there is no pain, and the patient becomes aware of the damage only when the tooth breaks completely and it is not possible to save it. Such damage most often develops in pulpless, already treated teeth.

Vertical crack of wisdom tooth

Wisdom teeth, due to certain characteristics - prolonged eruption, constant exposure to pathogenic microbes, inaccessible location, are destroyed much more often than others. If a crack occurs in a wisdom tooth, most likely the doctor will decide to remove the tooth, since due to its inaccessibility it is not possible to cure it. In addition, these teeth do not provide any functionality, so removal will not negatively affect chewing functions.

Attention! Cracked wisdom teeth are rarely restored.

Cracks inside a tooth

Internal cracks are among the most difficult. Internal cracks often appear when the tooth is destroyed and it is very difficult to treat. Most often, internal cracks begin from the root upward to the chewing surface. It will be possible to feel such destruction only if the damaged areas touch the constantly injured pulp, as a result of which the patient may feel unpleasant, painful sensations. If there is no pain, the tooth will gradually deteriorate, which will lead to a chipping of the wall or a fracture.

Treatment methods for cracks

Vertical cracks are classified and treated depending on the type and degree of destruction.

Important! Untreated cracks can lead to complete tooth destruction. In this case, doctors will be practically powerless to restore the damaged tooth. It is removed and a bridge or implant is placed.

Prevention of vertical cracks

To prevent cracks from occurring of various etiologies On the teeth, prevention is necessary, based on strengthening the enamel of the teeth. TO preventive measures include:

  • systematic high-quality oral hygiene, every six months professional cleaning in the clinic with removal of stone, deposits, plaque;
  • using a soft toothbrush that does not injure the gums and at the same time cleans the teeth well;
  • the use of toothpastes, rinses, gels containing enamel-strengthening components;
  • consuming enough dairy products, fresh vegetables, minimizing the consumption of carbonated drinks containing phosphoric acid, dyes and sugar;
  • limitation sharp drop temperatures during meals;
  • giving up bad habits.

These preventive measures are aimed not only at preventing the occurrence of cracks, but also at preventing various oral diseases - gingivitis, periodontitis and maintaining a healthy smile.

Video - Restoration of cracked teeth

Video - Cracked root or tooth