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How to steam in a sauna correctly? Turkish sauna. Finnish sauna - how to steam properly

All over the world, when people hear the word "sauna", they think of Finns. "Sauna" means "bathhouse" in Finnish. The word "sauna" was borrowed and passed into many other languages. Some researchers believe that the sauna was invented during Byzantine Empire, or borrowed by the Scythians from the Slavs, who were associated with the Finns. One way or another, the sauna is an original Finnish tradition.

What are the benefits of a sauna?

  • In sauna blood vessels become more flexible and blood circulation in the limbs improves.
  • Blood flow to the skin increases. It brings nutrients to the subcutaneous layer and superficial tissues.
  • The sauna trains the cardiovascular system and improves heart condition.
  • The sauna puts the body into a state of artificial fever (hyperthermia). Fever is part natural process healing the body. This “fake fever” stimulates the immune system, resulting in increased production of white blood cells and antibodies to fight the disease.
  • Athletes use the sauna to loosen tense muscles after a hard workout.
  • A sauna makes you feel refreshed and increases your energy levels.
  • The sauna is a means of increasing muscle flexibility. It creates a feeling of deep relaxation of the body and mind.
  • The sauna opens the pores of the skin, soothes muscle pain, and increases blood circulation. General Products metabolism are excreted through the skin.
  • Leave your clothes in the locker room.
  • Take a shower to moisturize your skin and remove any possible fragrant odors.
  • The maximum time spent in the steam room is from 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Leave the steam room if you feel uncomfortable or sleepy.
  • Cool off with a swim in the pool.
  • Drink 1-2 glasses of water or sports drink(avoid caffeine).
  • Repeat the session, but do not make more than 3 visits to the steam room at a time.
  • Make sure you are not allergic to any fragrance oils before using them.
  • Take a shower after the procedure.

In the case of combined facilities, such as a sauna and a bathhouse, you can switch from one type to another. It is important that you cool down completely after each session. Never enter a steam room if your body is warm (or worse, hot) and never change types of heat treatments until you have cooled down properly.

  • Do not drink alcohol before or during the sauna. Alcohol dehydrates the body, can cause drowsiness, and increases stress on the heart.
  • After exercise, you need to give your body enough time to cool down before exposing it to the heat of a sauna to avoid heat stroke. You must rest for at least 20 minutes.
  • Drink plenty of water or herbal tea before and after the sauna to replace fluids lost during the procedure. Sweat glands can produce up to 30 grams of sweat per minute, so dehydration is quite possible real danger, if you're not careful. Fatigue and other signs of dehydration may occur with a loss of 1-2% of body fluid weight. Symptoms of severe dehydration include dizziness, rapid heartbeat and excessive thirst.
  • Also, make sure you don't take too much before the sauna.
  • Persons with low blood pressure (sauna lowers blood pressure) and pregnant women should not use the sauna. High temperatures can harm your fetus.
  • Children's ability to tolerate heat is limited because the fat layer of their skin is thin and their excretory system is immature. Children can, however, use the sauna completely safely if precautions are taken.

What are the benefits of a sauna? It helps your body remove toxins, relaxes it, and last but not least strengthens the immune system and awakens the power of self-healing.

Over time, the skin becomes best view, you look younger and fresher, replenish your energy reserves, and receive happiness hormones. True, the only thing that going to the sauna will not give you is that you will not lose weight. Only immediately after bathing in the sauna will you achieve weight loss, as you have released fluid, but you will soon replenish it.

Despite all the benefits of a sauna, steam bathing in any form is unsuitable or even dangerous for some people. If you have a cold or, even worse, if the flu is on the way, only bed rest helps.

While the sauna has a positive effect as a stimulant on the immune system, in this case the wave of hot air weakens you even more, since the heat of the Finnish sauna awakens foci of inflammation. Acute inflammation, increased blood pressure, epilepsy, heart and circulatory system diseases are sufficient reasons to avoid the sauna or at least consult a doctor first. Cancers, open tuberculosis, as well as too large wounds mean only one thing: swimming in the sauna is definitely prohibited. In addition, if you use the following instructions and rules for taking a sauna, your health will not be in danger.

Soul lovers

It sounds trivial, but it is important: before swimming in the sauna, you should go to the toilet and take a warm, cleansing shower. The aroma of perfume or cream residues interfere with normal bathing in the sauna, since the film of fat on the skin prevents natural sweating.

After a warm shower (and before a sauna), you should definitely dry yourself well, otherwise sweating will be too difficult. If you have cold feet, warm them well in advance. This is best done in a warm foot bath at a water temperature of 40°C. A robe and slippers are also necessary for our business." good health" However, both are removed in front of the sauna door.

The higher the hotter it is

As I already reported, each sauna has different temperature zones. While the floor has a very moderate temperature, from 35 to 40°C, the lowest wooden step is 60°C, with each step the heat increases from 10 to 20°. Sitting at the very top is a matter for the experienced. The body can only tolerate 100°C with regular use of the procedure.

The temperature increasing from bottom to top is proportional to the decrease in air humidity in the sauna. Specifically, this means that at 100°C at the highest level the maximum humidity is 5%. On the floor, on the contrary, it is 60%.

It is important that the humidity in the sauna is at the correct level. Too dry air very quickly dehydrates the mucous membrane, and too humid air prevents good sweating, since the body in a room with high humidity cannot give off the required amount of moisture and thus in sufficiently cool down. Otherwise we wouldn't know how to deal with the heat.

Thinking back to my school days, here is another rationale from physics: since hot air expands, it contains less oxygen than cold air. Smart people have calculated that the oxygen content at the highest level of the sauna corresponds approximately to its level at an altitude of 2500 meters in the mountains. Now it’s clear: the air is becoming rarefied. You may not notice this because you are in a relaxed state, that is, you are not performing any movements.

Actually, why are there wooden benches in the sauna? The answer is simple: wood is a material that does not become too hot under the influence of heat, and you can sit on it.

Get up! Sit down! A small tutorial on how to sit correctly on a bench

Of course, the success of taking a sauna depends on your constitution and the rhythm of stress relief. However general rule It is believed that a newcomer to the sauna is initially on the lower bench.

There are also people who, during the procedure, change benches from bottom to top and at the end of the hover - from top to bottom, following the motto: a different bench every two minutes.

According to the idea of ​​the classic sauna, this is not only wrong, but also harmful to health. Because highest goal is to relax and steam properly.

The sauna requires maximum performance from the blood circulation. Therefore, loads are prohibited in it. And changing the altitude level is a big load on the body under these conditions. Besides, you are disturbing other people. And I wouldn’t like to see irritated sauna visitors...

It is believed that in a Finnish sauna it is better to steam quickly and intensely at a high temperature than for a long time at a low temperature. In addition, here is a very “hot” tip in the literal sense: lying down is better than sitting. If you have the opportunity (there is enough space), then steam while lying down, your whole body will be in the same temperature zone.

If this doesn't work, try sitting on a bench with your legs raised and pressed down. Then a large number of blood will not stagnate in the veins of the legs. Its circulation is accordingly balanced.

Before leaving the sauna, straighten up slowly. Without making any strenuous movements, you unload circulatory system. Light exercises in movement, rotation of the legs, which load the muscles of the calves, will help avoid dizziness and darkening of the eyes.

Sauna in numbers

After three trips to the sauna, you will lose up to one and a half liters of fluid. Specifically, this means that your body will lose a fifth of its total water balance. Little helpers are responsible for this, namely about three million sweat glands who do their duty.

If you are new to the sauna, it is enough to steam for 8 to 12 minutes, and if you are a professional, you can safely stay for a quarter of an hour. Of course, perception plays a big role here. own body. I know from myself that in best periods In my life, I am more resilient in the sauna. If I'm in the middle of a stress phase, I can stand the heat worse.

This can be explained by the fact that the body must completely relax when steaming. Count on a total of 2-3 hours if you go to the sauna, otherwise the effect of relaxation will be low.

You should not exercise immediately before going to the sauna. Wait until your heart rate, breathing rate and blood circulation return to normal, which also applies between sauna sessions. This is a time to cool down and rest. I admit that during breaks I always swim, which benefits me, which means it’s good.

Why do men sweat a lot but women don't?

It has been scientifically proven that we sweat faster and more intensely. But it is also known: if you want to sweat, study.

The skin must first get used to the sauna, then it will get better from time to time.

It is equally important to take in plenty of fluids. By at least, it takes a man a whole day to regain the lost fluid. Therefore, it is better to constantly drink 2 to 3 liters per day. Pamper your body first mineral water without gas.

Advice: you should steam naked

At first, healthy shame is completely understandable, but the fabric interrupts the skin's breathing process and can even cause redness with heavy sweating.

Do this: after you have wrapped a dry towel around yourself, enter the steam room. Then remove the towel and spread it so that your body is only touching the towel and not the wooden bench.

Another tip: a classic sauna towel has two sides with different patterns. Make a note of which side you were sitting on and place the towel on that side up again and again each time you enter the sauna. Otherwise it will be unhygienic.

And one more “rule of hygiene”: do not wipe off sweat in the sauna with either your hands or a brush. And to avoid any unpleasant surprises, it is also believed that it is better to remove jewelry before visiting the sauna. The chain, by the way, heats up so quickly that it can leave a burn mark...

The sauna is not the place for big speeches

They don't speak in the sauna. In addition to being unnecessarily stressful, talking in a hot sauna disturbs other guests. Therefore, it is enough to briefly greet everyone upon entering. If you come with your partner, you should also avoid affection. It goes without saying that there should be no particularly hot love affairs here. We have already discussed how tension in the hot walls of a sauna can negatively affect you.

Steam delivery is the height of bliss

Some people love it, others don't. The supply of steam in many cases crowns a bath in the sauna. Water is poured from a wooden ladle onto the stones on the sauna stove. A cloud of steam rises with a strong hiss. By waving the towel, you once again signal to all participants that they can steam.

If the sauna master (some saunas have one) supplies steam every time at the end of the hour, you should start bathing 10 minutes earlier to get to the supply. However, at least 3 minutes is needed to warm up enough before this.

Of course, steaming is not suitable for everyone, as the water vapor sticks to the body and causes sweating. The blood supply to the skin is stimulated, and some people feel a burning sensation on the skin.

If you supply steam yourself, do not use a lot of water, as otherwise the heat due to the large volume of water vapor may be unbearable, especially for those sitting on the upper bench. Moving down, if there is room, is not a solution to the problem, since the air at this level is even worse. The Finns called the steam supply “leulu”, which translates as “hot breath”...

The one who supplies the steam fights the battle with the heat. After this, the body needs cooling with water. And I’ll say it again: steam supply is not mandatory. A trip to the sauna will be complete without this. However, you should not run out of the sauna in the middle of the procedure, so as not to harm your blood circulation. In addition, it should be remembered that the release of steam may bring pleasure to other participants.

Stimulus for your senses (aromatherapy oils in the sauna)

If you like the steam, you can also try adding a few drops of different essential oils into the ladle The impact of steam will become even more intense.

Orange or lemon oil maybe your partner has it (to strengthen her skin) in her cosmetics closet.

But in the sauna, perhaps, we can also benefit from it. Using 3 drops on the first, 4 on the second and 5 drops on the third steam will instantly lift your mood and any nervousness will disappear. And after that you will be able to concentrate well, which is important when you need to work after the sauna.

  • If the working day is over, it is better to take cedar oil. This health-promoting remedy is suitable for feeling pleasantly tired while bathing in the sauna and then having a wonderful sleep.
  • If you're looking for a little erotic impact, jasmine works well.

There are, of course, a number of other essential oils that, when used as intended, will have a powerful effect. But it is important that you never pour pure oil on the stones. A fire may break out.

Typically masculine shades of the fragrance include amber, cedar and cinnamon. If possible, incorporate these scents into your personal aromatherapy.

You can't do without cooling

There is no sauna service positive influence without adequate cooling afterwards. The contrast effect of hot and cold ultimately results in health benefits. From Finnish paintings we know that local residents, the pioneers of the sauna, also cool down after steam bathing in the snow and do not freeze at all. It is important that excess, collected heat leaves the body again. The heat accumulator must be discharged either by going to Fresh air, or by using cold water. Breathe calmly but deeply so that the mucous membranes respiratory organs could cool down and receive oxygen.

Please note that the cooling phase lasts almost as long as the time spent in the sauna. How to cool down: with a hose according to Dr. Kneipp's method or in the shower - depends on your taste. One thing is certain - those with high blood pressure should not use the pool.

Also pay attention that the water always flows onto the skin in a stream and covers the body. Small droplets on the skin only lead to excessive chills. Foot thermal baths are also necessary, use them alternately with taking a cold shower or separately from it.

Quantity matters

Although a one-time sauna bath is relaxing, it does not allow us to achieve the health benefits we desire. Regularity is necessary. Once a week is a wonderful cycle; if you have the opportunity to walk more often, it is better for you. However, you should only use the sauna once. So, the general rule is: 1 time per week – 3 doses at a time; from 3 times a week to daily visits - only 1 appointment at a time.

Visiting a bathhouse or sauna is a great way to get rid of physical and mental stress. If you visit a sauna at high temperatures, endorphins and serotonin are produced, which gives a feeling of lightness and euphoria. "Challenger" tells you how to and how not to behave before, during and after a sauna.

The main benefit of a sauna and steam bath is to cleanse the body: in one session you can lose more than a liter of fluid. The body is cleansed of waste and toxins, the skin is cleansed of dead particles. Well, you yourself - from unpleasant thoughts. Going to the sauna after training is also useful - it increases blood microcirculation and reduces the amount of lactic acid that accumulates in the muscles during intense physical activity (that is, the muscles hurt less the next day). Regular use of the sauna even increases the body's stamina and normalizes blood pressure.

The difference between a sauna and a bathhouse is that in a Russian bathhouse the humidity is almost 70%, and in a sauna it is 3-8. At the same time, the temperature in the bath ranges from 50 to 70 degrees, and in the sauna - from 100 to 110. Most fitness clubs have saunas, while baths are extremely rare.

A sauna or steam bath by itself cannot be a means of losing weight. When visiting a sauna, the body loses fluid, but not fat. Dehydration, burns and loss important microelements- this is what can happen if you sit in the sauna for too long.

Stanislav Zhitnikov

Wellness Park Club Instructor

The sauna is a great way to relax and unwind after a workout, but we are not talking about any kind of fat burning at all. You won't be able to lose weight in a sauna, so don't delude yourself. The frequency of visits to the sauna rather depends on how much free time you have, and on individual characteristics your body. I recommend going there at least once a week for 10 minutes. You can do it more often, but you need to remember that high temperatures create additional stress on the heart, so steaming every day is definitely too much. Use of oils and others cosmetics in the steam room they are more of an aesthetic nature; they do not have any effect on the internal processes of the body. After the sauna, you definitely need to lie on the sun loungers for 10-15 minutes, let your blood pressure return to normal, and most importantly, eat.

Denis Semenikhin

Bestselling Fitness Author, Workout & Nutrition Video Blog Creator, The Man Who Always Smiles

Nowadays, most fitness centers have saunas. Very often, visitors, out of a desire to spend their time as efficiently as possible, want to work out on exercise machines, run on the track, swim in the pool, and go to the sauna/bathhouse. This absolutely cannot be done, since both a sauna and a steam bath are a load on the cardiovascular system, stress for the whole body. Do not expose your body to unnecessary stress and do not visit the sauna after training, and especially before it. Set aside a special day for water procedures: Take a relaxing swim in the pool, take a good steam in the sauna without rushing, and don’t forget to drink plenty of plain water.

Do you like to visit the sauna: sit in the steam room and then plunge into the cool pool? Have you ever wondered whether it is harmful to health, how correctly and how often you can go to the sauna, what procedures are most useful in it?

What is a sauna

Sauna and bath - these are respectively Finnish and Russian names for the same room and procedure. This is a steam room with dry (sauna) and wet (bath) steam obtained by pouring water or herbal infusions onto hot stones.

Essentially, a sauna in modern form represents the fusion of several elements of nature - fire, air and water; they, in reasonable combination, cleanse the body of filth and the soul of evil thoughts. Our ancestors knew this, and today it is no less relevant.

Nowadays, the sauna has gained popularity among men and women who care about their health, who want to lose weight and cleanse the body . Today, any self-respecting sports club, beauty salon or health center has saunas.

How does a sauna affect the body?

The sauna is useful for almost everyone - from babies to the elderly, the main thing is to use it correctly. When visiting a sauna, the cardiovascular system is trained, blood flow is activated, the pulse increases, and the pressure remains the same. By activating metabolism, excess fats are burned and “bad” cholesterol is eliminated.

The bathhouse is useful for people with both increased and low blood pressure: under the influence of steam from water and herbal infusions the pressure returns to normal. As a result, the blood absorbs oxygen more actively and delivers it to the tissues.

It is important that sauna steam has a stimulating effect on muscles and skin, enhancing their metabolic processes and removing toxins. This is especially good after physical activity, training and competitions.

The sauna perfectly calms and heals the nerves; due to the pleasant warmth, tension is removed from the body, it relaxes, and along with the body it relaxes and nervous system . Changing temperatures improves mood, raises emotional tone, relieves stress and eliminates signs of depression. The bath can rejuvenate, especially if you make visiting it a tradition; it strengthens bones and joints, they retain their mobility longer.

However, in order for the sauna to provide its maximum useful properties without harming the body, you need to visit her special rules, you should properly prepare for the hike and take everything you need with you.

What to take to the sauna

Why visit the sauna?

To make your visit to the sauna useful and enjoyable, you must follow some rules. You need to prepare some necessary things with you - these should be a clean cotton sheet, a bath towel, washable sandals or flip-flops, and a special hat. All these items can be purchased in special departments for saunas and baths.

If you want to combine a visit to the sauna with cosmetic procedures, prepare in advance masks and scrubs, body cream that you will use.

The body loses a lot of fluid in the sauna, so take tea with you clean water or herbal infusions for drinking. You can use berry decoctions, compotes, and diluted warm juices. You should refrain from drinking in the sauna. alcoholic drinks and soda, sweet juices.

It is not recommended to eat heavily before visiting the sauna - have a light snack vegetable soup or cottage cheese with fruit. You should not have feasts in the sauna with dense and fatty food and alcohol, as many vacationers do, then the sauna will do harm instead of benefit: the combination of dense food, alcohol and heat is a blow to the body. Before going to the sauna, you can’t do a lot of intense training.

Do not wear lenses or jewelry in the sauna; they may become very hot, melt, and cause burns. Visit the sauna naked; swimsuits and swimming trunks are unhygienic.

Before entering the steam room

Before entering the steam room, you need to wash your body in the shower, but you should not get your hair wet. There is no need to wash the skin with soap so as not to wash off the protective film; it will protect the skin from drying out in high temperatures. After a shower, thoroughly dry your body from the water, then in the steam room it will heat up evenly.

You can’t put cream on your body, it will disrupt cutaneous respiration and will clog your pores. When entering the steam room, put on a hat.

How long to steam and rest?

When visiting the sauna, there is no need to rush - the ideal time for the procedure is a three-hour session, this is especially useful in the afternoon, after 15-17 hours, or in the evening. Remember that the body requires rest after a sauna.

The most optimal is three visits to the steam room with rest periods; this is the most useful rhythm of the procedure; changing high and low temperatures is most effective.

Initially, sit on the lower shelves - there the temperature is usually up to seventy degrees, and on the upper shelves the temperature can reach hundreds of degrees. It is important to be in the same thermal zone with your whole body - lie on a shelf with a towel or sheet under you. In the sauna you need to breathe through your nose and not talk.

You need to stay in the steam room for as long as you feel comfortable there, but if you come to the sauna for the first time, limit your time to five to ten minutes and leave. Cool off with a cool shower or dip in the pool, and drink a cup of tea or a healthy drink.

Then rest - the body should cool down completely, usually the rest after the steam room should be equal or longer in time than visiting the steam room. The pool is very nice and effective method stretch your muscles and cool your body after the steam room: thanks to the change in temperature and activity, metabolic products are removed from the muscles and their tone improves.

Contraindications for sauna

Expectant mothers should definitely not visit the sauna at any stage of pregnancy - high temperatures can cause miscarriage or placental abruption. Use caution when using the sauna skin diseases- V acute stage You can temporarily refuse to visit, and if your skin is dry, you can reduce the time you spend in the steam room.

The sauna is not contraindicated for heart patients, but the temperature in the steam room should be lower than usual.

A popular set of measures to achieve ideal body proportions includes balanced diet, sports activities and healing procedures in the sauna. The variety of types of steam rooms is surprising: Russian bath, Finnish sauna, turkish hammam, Roman baths, newfangled infrared cabins. They are united by their main components – high temperature and varying degrees air humidity.

Abroad, people are accustomed to relying on information about the Finnish sauna, but only Russians are committed in spirit and body to the traditions of the Russian bathhouse with a broom. In one sauna session you can lose up to 2 kg of weight, but the water in the body will quickly be replenished, and the percentage of fat lost in these kilograms will be minimal. If visiting the sauna becomes a habit, then the body cells will quickly get used to the best state for themselves.

Temperature difference

Lazy Finnish saunas differ from active Russian baths by drier air - humidity 5-10% at the same high temperature. A proper Russian bathhouse requires warm air temperature 80–120°C at humidity 40–70%. The hammam, like the thermal baths, will set the heat when 40–70°C with almost 100% humidity. Important condition in order to steam properly: there can only be one highest indicator - either humidity or temperature.

The Russian version is located in the golden mean from all these extremes and is distinguished by the inconstancy of its parameters. At high humidity, deep warming up the body is achieved in more favorable conditions, but the body’s sweating function is lower than in an aggressive dry air space. Approximate ratios of parameters accepted for steam rooms in the civilized world:

  • dry – 90–120° C, humidity 5–10%;
  • humid – 70–90° C, humidity 20–40%;
  • steam – 60–80° C, humidity 40–60%;
  • steam – 40–50° C, humidity up to 100%.

All these values ​​can be present in one steam room at once, since the air at the floor level is heated to 40° C, the lower shelf level – 60° C, the upper level – 120° C. Naturally, air humidity changes at these levels in proportion to temperature. On lowest level it will be equal to 60%, but in fact high level the shelf will be 5%. Hot air expands, so it contains less oxygen and becomes thinner, as in the mountains at an altitude of 2500 meters above sea level.

Impact principle

Active sweating in a sauna, it begins after the human body reacts to the high temperature of the surrounding air. At this time, what happens in our body:

In addition, bath procedures facilitate the functioning of the kidneys and relax the bronchi.

According to the regulations, no one can know how to steam in a sauna, since there is no identical thermoregulation of organisms, everyone has their own threshold high and low temperatures. It is the constitution of the body and the rhythm of relieving tension from the muscles that determine the intensity of the appearance of droplets of sweat on the body. To avoid getting heatstroke in the sauna instead of the expected recovery, you need to: listen to your feelings, and not fanatically follow all the advice and rules.

For achievement correct result all actions in the steam room must be consistent and measured, without special physical activity. The circulatory system operates in a bathhouse at maximum productivity, which is a considerable strain for of cardio-vascular system. Not recommended exercise immediately before visiting the sauna, although it is the sauna that best restores and relieves muscle tension.

Food and water to lose weight

At the right approach you need to drink a drink per day 2–3 liters mineral water without gas. In the sauna, drink any liquid in small sips and no more than a glass at a time, so as not to create unnecessary stress on the kidneys. A light meal before bath procedures should be at least 2 hours in advance. You can’t steam on both a full and an empty stomach – this increases the load on the heart.

Preferably before visiting the sauna drink a glass of juice with pulp. After the first entry into the steam room, experienced people drink diaphoretic tea from a mixture of herbs. After the second visit, it’s time for vitamin collection. Also after taking procedures to replenish water-salt balance the body is allowed:

  1. Light, salty food.
  2. Still mineral water.
  3. Weak green tea.
  4. Weak black tea with lemon, raspberries, honey.
  5. Decoctions with mint, oregano, rose hips, strawberries.

If you go to the sauna with the aim of improving your body health and losing weight, then it is not recommended to consume the following both before and after the steam room:

  • The coffee is strong.
  • I eat heavy food.
  • Alcoholic drinks.
  • Carbonated drinks.

IN Ancient Rome They believed that you could get better if you steamed full stomach. If you want to lose weight They enter the steam room on an empty stomach.

Deterioration of health

Before starting regular trips to the sauna, it won’t hurt consult your doctor, how to steam bath for you personally. It is not recommended to visit the sauna for children under 8 years of age, since their body’s thermoregulation has not yet been adjusted. Pregnant women also need to be careful with bath procedures. It is advisable for all those with allergies to odors to warn in advance about their ailments, since aromatic oils are widely used in steam rooms.

If basic requirements for behavior in the sauna are not met, problems may appear. symptoms heatstroke:

There may even be a sudden loss of consciousness(fainting). At feeling unwell person at heatstroke need to translate it to cool room, provide rest, give him water to drink and put on his head cold compress. Appeal for medical care in this case it is mandatory.

Frequency and preparation

If there are no contraindications to visiting the sauna for health purposes, the number of visits may be limited by your reluctance. Duration of effect from bath procedures about a week, so maximum effect Visits will be given 1-2 times a week. Reasonable take a sauna regularly so that the body gets used to certain cycle, strengthened the immune system and the skin became radiant from the inside.

The average for the total time of visiting the bath service complexes is 2–3 hours, of which only about 30–50 minutes are spent in the steam room itself. Time of individual stay in the zone high temperature needs to be increased gradually. Even a person adapted to the sauna temperature tolerates the heat differently depending on his psychological and physical condition. How to steam in a sauna is decided each time by the body itself; you just need to listen to its sensations.

Any clothing in the sauna interrupts the breathing process of the skin, but if a swimsuit or swimming trunks is necessary, then synthetics must be excluded. For hygiene reasons, you will need a towel or sheet to lay on the hot shelf. The classic bath towel has two different patterns to define the outer and inside. This helps determine which side of the towel you placed on the shelves the previous time.

How to steam in a sauna

Before starting, there should be no feeling of extreme fatigue or cold hands and feet. There are no loud conversations in public steam rooms; a short greeting at the entrance to the steam room is enough to avoid irritating the “hot meditators.” You need to breathe in a sauna in a way that is comfortable for you, but we recommend you try it inhale through the nose - exhale through the mouth.

Also, before entering the steam room for the first time, you must:

  • remove jewelry to avoid getting burned by metal;
  • empty the intestines and bladder;
  • take a warm shower and leave your hair dry;
  • put on a bath headdress.

During the procedure in the heart of the sauna, you need to consider:

  1. People enter a steam room with low humidity without drying themselves; with high humidity, it’s the other way around.
  2. Sweat is not wiped off with either hands or a brush.

The main adviser will tell you how to steam in a sauna correctly - your body.

First entry into the steam room

Recommended temperature for first entry for 5 minutes 70–90° C. If the sauna is warmed up up to 100° C, then time is possible reduce to 3 minutes. The time is calculated depending on the regularity of the procedures and can be up to 20 minutes. Beginners are located on the bottom shelf and must lie down so that the body is located in the same temperature zone. Ideally, your feet should be slightly higher than your head. This body position reduces the load on the heart and relaxes the muscles of the limbs as much as possible.

The position of the body must be changed periodically. If it is not possible to lie down, then position yourself so that your legs are raised average level. Movements should be smooth and gradual. When getting up from a lying position, you need to take an intermediate sitting position for a short time. During the first run use brooms early– the skin is not steamed and can be easily injured. After the first visit, take a shower at room temperature and relax, wrapped in a towel for 20–30 minutes.

It is important that the shower provides a good stream of water to your skin, and not a small stream that will only cause you to feel chills. During the rest period, the ritual of drinking diaphoretic herbal tea or simply still water is obligatory. Jump into the pool after the first entry, it is not recommended, and if you have heart disease and a tendency to high blood pressure, the swimming pool during the sauna is contraindicated. People plunge headlong into a cold pool, so it’s better to do it last so as not to enter the steam room with wet hair.

Second entry into the steam room

Before the second, after a longer run, we get under the shower again and without drying ourselves, we go into the already heated sauna. If the air is too dry, it can harm the mucous membranes of the respiratory system. You can release steam by splashing some water aromatic oils on the hot stones of the furnace. Now comes the turn of brooms - this is a kind of massage that speeds up the process of breaking down fat cells.

Stimulate sweating, you can rub the body after the second session with a mixture of honey and salt. The number of repetitions of entering the steam room is not limited, although most people steam in 2-3 sessions. On the last call temperature rise is reduced by moving to the lower shelf, gradually removing the body from extreme mode.

Muscle tightness, which manifests itself during constant psychological stress, goes away. Everyone can determine the basics of how to properly steam in a sauna in order to relax the muscles and sweat thoroughly, ridding the body of sludge and tightness. To reinforce this habit get rid of extra pounds it is necessary to force our three million sweat glands to work regularly.