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The benefits and harms of a Turkish bath: the correct view of the hammam. Turkish bath hammam. Benefit and harm. Visiting rules

The Turkish bath has three sections. The first is a lobby with a fountain, changing rooms and a ticket office are located here. At the cash desk you need to pay for the desired procedures. You can choose regular washing or washing with massage. At the ticket office you will be given a special bath towel with Velcro and traditional wooden slippers. The changing rooms are a cross between a den and a locker, where you can leave your belongings in a locked drawer.

After putting on flip-flops and wrapping a towel around your hips, you need to go to the next room. It contains toilets and showers. In the next, main section, in fact, all the main action takes place.

Hararet is warm rather than hot. The temperature cannot be compared with that which usually reigns in Russian baths. There is a lot of soft, thick steam, and light penetrates through special holes in the dome. There are marble benches everywhere on which visitors lie. Massage therapists work in special niches. Hot and cold water flows from numerous taps into special sinks. Most often, in the back of the hall there is a small pool, which serves for decorative purposes, since the Turks consider standing water unclean and do not bathe in it. In the middle of the room there is a special elevation called the “belly stone.” There is a firebox underneath, and the stone itself distributes heat throughout the room.

The process itself

First you need to lie down on a heated marble lounger, laying a towel or sheet on it to sweat thoroughly. The low temperature in the hammam allows even those who have poor tolerance to visit it. high temperatures. However, heated marble and high humidity warm the body no worse than a Finnish sauna with its soaring temperature. After about half an hour of lying on the marble bench, your body becomes relaxed and ready for the massage.

Now you can go to the massage therapist, who is located nearby at a special bench or in a special niche. Traditional Turkish massage is highly intense, so if you are not used to it, it may seem quite painful. However, there are a lot of benefits from it. At the end of the main massage session, the bath attendant stands on the visitor’s body and massages with his feet. After this procedure, give a little rest and relaxation.

Now the actual washing begins. The bathhouse attendant scrubs visitors with a special horsehair mitten, which removes dead layers of skin. Then the bathhouse attendant dilutes a special soap and literally envelops the visitor with soap foam and flakes, massaging a little along the way. Then the visitor washes his hair in a marble sink, pours warm water and then very, very cold.

A visit to the hammam takes on average from one and a half to three hours, leaving behind incredible feeling cleanliness. In the lobby, after all procedures, the visitor is offered soft drinks and a huge fluffy towel. If a visit to the hammam has deprived you of strength, you can lie down for a while on the lounger in the booth -

Hammam has long been famous for its beneficial properties. But is there any harm from Turkish bath and how often can I visit it? We will tell you about all the benefits and harms of hammam in this article!

Fans of the Russian bath have an alternative - the Turkish hammam, which in translation means blooming steam. In its traditional design, it is a spacious room with marble cladding and 5 niches with different degrees. The temperature in them does not rise above + 45°C. Moving from section to section, everyone can choose a mode that is comfortable for themselves.

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Bath etiquette

This option is suitable for those who like to relax and feel the beneficial effects of air flavored with herbs and essential oils. In such conditions they like to engage in spa treatments and have leisurely conversations. oriental women. Traditionally, they spend the whole day in the bathhouse, but for hygiene procedure and relaxation is enough for a couple of hours. To obtain maximum benefit, important:

  • Do not hurry;
  • Follow the rules;
  • Do not break the sequence of steps.

Before visiting the steam room, first enter a room with a temperature of + 35°C. Staying in a warm dressing room prepares the heart for thermal stress. After adaptation, they go to the hararet - the washing room. In the round marble hall in the middle there is a gobektashi (belly stone), on which procedures are performed. Below it in the basement there is a firebox with a boiler, from where steam is supplied through pipes.

Enjoy Your Bath!

Lying on a heated stone, it is easy to forget about chronic fatigue and everyday problems. No need here:

  • Give in to the heat;
  • Torture the body with a broom;
  • Cool off periodically in the pool.

A visit to the steam room comes down to one goal - to sit on a towel and sweat heavily. After 10 minutes, sweat flows in streams, and because of the veil of thick steam, it is impossible to distinguish objects half a meter away. After a quarter of an hour, the relaxed body is ready for bath procedures.

A professional massage and a cloud of soap foam will help you feel bliss. First, the dexterous hands of the bathhouse attendant knead each joint until it crunches. Not only the arms are used, but also the legs. Classic Turkish massage involves kneading the prone body with the soles of your feet. After the execution, rest is required. Then the bath master puts on a kise mitten woven from horsehair or hard fibers and literally removes the skin in layers.

The bath attendant is cheating olive soap in a mesh bag, squeezes out a mountain of snow foam onto the body. Gently rubs the skin and pours it on at the last moment ice water. Instead of a soap massage, you can choose a classic or lymphatic drainage massage. After the procedures, the body becomes weightless. The feeling of lightness and pleasant sensations are worth subjecting it to “torture”.

Treatments for rejuvenation

It’s just the right time to apply nourishing products to pristinely clean skin, instantly penetrating through open pores into the deep layers of the dermis. It is not forbidden to carry out:

  • Massage with coconut oil;
  • Rub in the honey-vitamin mixture;
  • Wrap with Moroccan clay, chocolate, seaweed.

Select procedures from the list or limit yourself to applying peach, grape seed, or olive oil.

Treatments in the hammam are not only pleasant, but also useful for rejuvenation and health promotion.

  • Decay products and salts are removed from the open pores along with moisture.
  • Tissues and blood are saturated with oxygen.
  • Intensifying cell division and blood flow.
  • The keratinized cells of the epidermis are removed.
  • The skin texture is evened out.

Oriental sauna for weight loss

Nutritionists say that the steam room is one of the the best means against cellulite and fat deposits. Hot air accelerates lymph flow and blood, which helps fight subcutaneous deposits. The optimal effect is achieved by combining diet and spa treatments - anti-cellulite massage, mud or algae wraps. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • For improving oxygen supply and penetration of nutritional components, the steamed skin is cleansed by peeling. The following abrasives are used: salt, coffee or special remedy with fruit acids.
  • The body is rubbed with soap self made With anti-cellulite components- essential oils, minerals Dead Sea, olive oil and peeling.
  • Distributed onto thighs, buttocks, thighs active substance. Then the body wrapped in film.

What do you choose for wraps?

For elimination orange peel Applications with green coffee, berry extracts, kelp, coconut oil, special gels and creams are effective.

  • Coffee promotes the breakdown of fat, accelerates cell renewal.
  • Vitamin-mineral complex with brown algae nourishes and tightens the skin.
  • Creams They are not able to get rid of subcutaneous fat, but they have a lifting effect and even out the texture.

Ideally, a bandage wrap with gel impregnation is used, which activates drainage in the subcutaneous matrix. After 30 minutes, the applications are removed. The temperature of a heated body decreases gradually. To tighten pores, pour on yourself cold water or jump into the pool. In one session, up to 3 cm of volume is lost.

How often should you go to the hammam?

IN paradise I would like to visit often. Turkish women do not deny themselves pleasure and find a reason to spend quality time once a week. There are no restrictions for experienced steamers, but one visit per week is enough for beginners. After a month you can increase it up to 2 times. If you take a bath more often, it will decrease healing effect.


Despite the high humidity, due to the low temperature and soft steam it is breathable full breasts. A visit to the Turkish bath will help with ARVI, nasal congestion, lingering cough. The procedures strengthen the immune system and allow you to forget:

Regular visits to the hammam will stop the development of hypertension in the initial stage

If you believe historical research and excavations, the oldest Turkish baths originated in the fourth millennium BC, on the territory of the great Roman Empire. At first, the oldest bathhouse was called “manju”, they were special buildings in which it was necessary to undergo a ritual of ablution, later the baths began to be called “hamam”, which translated from Hebrew and Arabic means heat, warmth, over time the hammam became the most popular place of rest.

Thanks to the dynasty of the Omayd caliphs, the great origin of the most ancient Turkish baths - hammams - began; this dynasty preferred to lead a nomadic lifestyle, and therefore the very first hammams were built in the deserts. Much later, the construction of baths was transferred to ancient cities.

The idea of ​​​​building such baths was copied by Arab rulers, thanks to which the baths soon gained tremendous popularity throughout the Muslim world, and already in the seventeenth century their number was more than a thousand. By the end of the nineteenth century, hammams began to be called Turkish baths, since it was thanks to Turkey that this type of baths became so popular not only in Asia, but also in Europe.

Visiting hammams in the Islamic world is considered mandatory, and therefore it was decided to build them in every quarter of the city. A hammam or Turkish bath is not only a room for performing wellness procedures, it is also a special culture with its own rituals and traditions.

What is a Turkish hammam?

The most common type of hammam is the classic type; these are rooms that are usually built according to the principle of a palm with fingers. Turkish baths in modern form have five rooms that are interconnected and built in the form of niches. Each room has its own air temperature, which affects different action on the human body.

The first room is considered the dressing room. There the air temperature fluctuates between twenty-five and thirty degrees. In the center of the hammam there is a special lounger, in order to warm up the body completely, it is customary to lie on it with your stomach, then various niches are placed in a circle. In each of the niches, the air temperature is from seventy to one hundred degrees Celsius with one hundred percent air humidity. In each niche there are sun loungers that are used not only for warming up and lying down, but for various massages. The main difference between hammams and other types of baths is the materials from which they are built. Marble and only natural stone are used for interior decoration of all premises.

Compliance with customs and traditions, Turkish baths

A hammam or Turkish bath is not only a place where the body is healed and cleansed, it is also a unique culture with its own customs and traditions, which are still revered in eastern countries. Visiting the ancient baths was considered one of the obligatory activities, a neglect that could earn censure in society. A large number of ancient traditions have been preserved to this day. For example, women were supposed to visit only women's hamams, and men were supposed to visit men's hammams. It was customary to celebrate significant events in people's lives in Turkish baths. For example, the first ritual of ablution with water broken egg– was performed for a newborn forty days after birth, and after the first cut tooth. In eastern countries, the ritual associated with the bride is quite seriously revered; it is called Jalim Hamami, ablution of the bride. But it was not only customary to celebrate festive events in the hamam, everyday events also fell under the celebration, since they were significant for a person: engagement, circumcision, visiting the hamam with a guest, graduation military service, getting rid of illness, etc.

The cleanliness of the Turkish baths was mainly monitored by the city authorities; they carried out very thorough cleaning of all rooms, and daily fumigation with useful incense.

In the modern world, a traditional visit to the hamam is a whole complex, which consists of cleansing, restoration, healing, physical and spiritual relaxation, which is accompanied by a whole traditional tea ceremony.

How to visit the hammam?

When going to the hammam, you should remember that there is a division into male and female parts. According to the traditions of the peoples of the East, visiting a hammam is like a women's and men's club. After all, people gather here not only to take a steam bath, but also to ask for advice, chat and discuss last news.

The Turkish bath itself usually consists of three separate rooms. The first room is like a dressing room. There are lockers for storing things and a changing room. There are also cash registers where you can immediately pay for all necessary services. In the dressing room, absolutely every visitor is given towels, wooden slippers, a sheet, and must be wrapped in a towel.

How to steam in a hammam?

The dressing room in a Turkish bath is called jamekan. After this, they go to the second room where toilets and showers are located. Already in this room there is a special temperature regime that prepares the human body for the transition to a steam room. After all the relevant procedures in the shower have been taken, you need to go to the third room. The third room is considered the main one and is called hararet, this is where the belly stone is located. This is a special elevation made of marble, in which there is a firebox, which maintains the required temperature. In the steam room you can find a huge number of benches where absolutely anyone can steam. Temperature in Turkish hamam not very high, about thirty to sixty degrees, and therefore it is comfortable even for a beginner to be here.

How to behave correctly in the hammam?

There are certain rules for visiting steam rooms. Before starting massage and cosmetic procedures, you need to sweat very well. To do this, spread a sheet on a marble rack and sit or lie on top. Due to the fact that marble beds are constantly heated, the body steams quite quickly and the pores open to the maximum. This takes about thirty minutes, after this time you can begin the massage.

The massage is accompanied by manual exfoliation of the entire body. IN modern world massage is performed only by a specialist massage therapist, and in ancient world this was done by a specially trained attendant of the Turkish bath - telak. Vigorous body massage is usually carried out using hard, rough gloves; this can improve blood circulation. Peeling is done using special soft scrubs that not only do not injure the skin, but also cleanse the pores and remove dead skin particles. Peeling and massage are carried out in a large central hall. After these procedures, a wrapping session is carried out using special aromatic oils, clay and salt. Further dive into cool water, this is done so that the pores close after a deep and beneficial peeling.

The hammam does not have a swimming pool because the Turks consider still water unclean. Instead of a swimming pool, the steam room can have a couple of fountains with cool and warm water; they can be used at any time. In between procedures, you can go to Jackamen and relax a bit and drink cooling drinks.

After immersing yourself in cool water, you can go to the steam room or sikalik Turkish bath. Each wig has a temperature of seventy to one hundred degrees. And thus, if you start steaming in a room with a lower temperature, you can adapt to the hot air and slowly move to other steam rooms.

After visiting the steam rooms, you can start following procedures, this is washing and ablution. These procedures involve generously lathering foam over the entire body using a rough washcloth, then pouring cold water, and finally a dip in cold water.

After everything wellness treatments finished, the final stage is a visit to the relaxation zone. There you can not only relax, but also pour out any of the offered drinks, coffee, juice or tea. After all the procedures, rest takes place in a room called Jamekian, where the latest news is discussed and conversations are held.

The average time to visit a Turkish bath is one and a half to two hours. Since the temperature there is not very high, you don’t have to worry about overheating. After you leave the hammam, it is recommended to sit for a while and drink hot tea with milk.

Turkish bath - effects on the body

Hammam is a great way to relax the human body and the whole nervous system. After carrying out all the required procedures, not only does the body tone noticeably increase, but also the mood improves.

The main beneficial effects of a Turkish bath on the human body are:

  1. Removal of toxins, complete cleansing body from toxins;
  2. Significant cleansing of the skin, prevention of various inflammatory processes;
  3. Relieving irritation, fatigue, depressive state. Noticeable improvement in overall emotional background person;
  4. Complete cleansing of the respiratory system, getting rid of inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx and larynx, getting rid of bronchitis;
  5. Relaxation of the human nervous system, relief from migraines, insomnia and headaches;
  6. Prevention of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  7. Improving blood circulation and metabolism;
  8. Positive effect on joints, muscles, treatment of bruises and injuries;
  9. Improvement and cleansing gastrointestinal tract, lung function;
  10. Normalization of work sebaceous glands on the scalp, significant improvement in blood circulation in the scalp;
  11. It has a beneficial effect on absolutely all vital systems of the human body.

If we take into account all the above written indications for visiting Turkish baths, then we can safely say that turkish hammam- This is a powerful immunostimulating agent for the human body.

Possible contraindications to visiting Turkish baths - hammams

Even though Turkish baths have a huge amount positive feedback relatively beneficial effects on the human body, there are still some contraindications with which visiting Turkish baths is not advisable.

Turkish baths are considered to be the safest for human health and well-being, but still, those people who have health problems should consult their doctor in advance regarding visiting Turkish baths.

Contraindications to visiting Turkish baths - hammams:

  1. Various serious inflammatory processes any different internal organs;
  2. Various heart diseases, or previous heart attacks or heart attacks;
  3. Oncological diseases, benign tumors;
  4. Various serious illnesses kidney;
  5. Diseases of the visual and hearing system;
  6. Serious various diseases respiratory organs;
  7. Various infectious diseases;
  8. Various mental illnesses
  9. Phlebeurysm;
  10. Serious thyroid disease;
  11. pregnancy.

Even despite this, Turkish baths are very in demand and popular both in the East and in European countries. Hammam is the first establishment where all tourists strive to go in order to get acquainted and immerse themselves in the captivating culture of the East.

It is a complex of steam rooms that fully correspond to the real oriental version of the bathhouse. A Turkish bath consists of two rooms that differ in air temperature and humidity:

  1. in the first room the humidity level is very low, the temperature reaches 110 degrees;
  2. in the second room the humidity fluctuates between 75% and the temperature 45-50 degrees.

A humid room is an ideal option for those for whom high temperatures are contraindicated for health reasons.

Fighting excess weight

A comfortable microclimate gives complete relaxation and tranquility, has a beneficial effect on the body, helps to get rid of excess weight. Experienced nutritionists who create a comprehensive weight loss program always include a hammam in it.

Visiting a Turkish bath affects weight loss in the following ways:

  • heat exchange slows down, as a result of which oxidative and metabolic processes body;
  • metabolism accelerates, subcutaneous fat accumulations are broken down;
  • skin pores open, sweating increases, and is eliminated from the body excess liquid, waste, toxins and others harmful substances.

In one visit to the Turkish bath you can get rid of 1-2 kg. Will help enhance the effect herbal teas, which you need to drink before the first run and in between.

Do not forget that kilograms quickly disappear due to the removal of fluid from the body, so if you do not watch your diet, the weight will return. But the general health effect that improves the functioning of the body helps to lose weight for a long time. That is why hammam is part of a weight loss program.

Additional useful procedures

Hammam improves appearance skin, helps fight cellulite. To get the maximum benefit, you need to take advantage of the moment while the skin is steamed and the pores are open, and pamper your body with pleasant treatments.

The most popular procedures in the bathhouse are body peeling, wrapping problem areas, masks, massage. After their use, the skin is cleansed, tightened, smoothed, and becomes soft and soft to the touch. The most commonly used procedures are: natural ingredients:

  • Ground coffee beans are suitable for peeling;
  • for wrapping - sea ​​salt, seaweed, honey, chocolate, clay, olive oil.

Unlike the Russian or Finnish bathhouse, the Turkish version does not have negative influence on the hair, on the contrary, it strengthens and moisturizes it, making it manageable and smooth. The same can be said about nails, they become strong, grow quickly, and do not break.

Hamam has been a popular pastime for Easterners for many centuries. In the last few decades, the culture of oriental health recreation has reached Russia. Few hamam lovers know its exceptional benefits, the peculiarities of visiting a Turkish sauna and contraindications to this procedure.

What is a hammam: differences from a traditional bath

They call it Hamam public baths in the Middle East (Türkiye, Azerbaijan, Iran, Afghanistan and some countries Central Asia). These peoples have been developing the Eastern tradition of visiting for centuries Turkish hamam. The benefits of visiting such establishments in Russia are questioned. Often local entrepreneurs offer only a name from a traditional Turkish bath.

There are several features of a real Turkish hammam:

  • Temperature from 35 to 50 degrees.
  • Air humidity 90-100%.

Despite the fact that you can learn the technique of the original Turkish bath in any Turkish village, Russian entrepreneurs They do everything at random, endangering the health of visitors. A real Turkish hammam has benefits for the body only if traditional indicators are adhered to: 100% air humidity at a temperature range of 35 to 50 degrees. Thanks to these parameters, a unique microclimate is created that allows you to visit the hammam with benefit and safety.

The Arab writer Yusuf Abdalhadi said: “Whoever has committed many sins, let him build a bathhouse to wash them away.”

What is the benefit

The main advantage of the Turkish traditional bath is the low, comfortable air temperature, which is not capable of harming the body. The benefits of a Turkish sauna will not be long in coming: usually visitors feel an improvement in their health the very next day. Among the many useful properties We have compiled a list of the main healing effects of visiting the hammam:

  • Stabilization of blood pressure.
  • Accelerates metabolic processes, which is useful for those losing weight.
  • Improves cerebral blood microcirculation, improves psychological condition, relieves stress and depression.
  • Relaxes muscles, removes stagnant processes in the body.
  • Removes toxins and other harmful substances through the pores.
  • Removes acne, protects against acne. Accelerates the recovery processes of the skin, rejuvenates the skin.

Turks spend from 30 minutes to several hours in steam rooms without much concern. The whole spectrum beneficial effects A medium-temperature sauna probably cannot be included in one article. The carriers of Turkish culture themselves highlight the special effect of the hammam bath on the rejuvenation of the skin, blood vessels, nervous and respiratory systems, and joints.

Skin rejuvenation

Like Russian or Finnish sauna, Turkish has a beneficial effect on almost all body systems. Especially useful boor will be for women.

Traditional Turkish bath

The procedures perfectly cleanse pores, normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands, moisturize and tighten the facial skin.

Due to its beneficial effects on external organs, hammam has a rejuvenating effect. Turkish baths can be considered one of the cosmetic procedures. Steam softens the skin, cleanses oily skin face and whole body. Sebum secretion is normalized, oxidative processes are enhanced, and the removal of accumulated toxins is accelerated.

Blood circulation improves

Under the influence of steam from a Turkish sauna, stagnation is eliminated. The vessels and subcutaneous capillaries of the face dilate. Due to the dilation of blood vessels, blood flow from internal organs improves. The heart and blood vessels become toned. Good blood circulation speeds up absorption useful substances from products, ensures brain performance, regulation of all body systems.

Heal your nerves

A visit to the Turkish hammam has a positive effect on your psycho-emotional state. The relaxing properties of the procedures are difficult to overestimate; both body and soul rest here.

Regularly spending time in Turkish sauna The nervous system is strengthened, anxiety and insomnia go away, and a good mood appears.

If you are concerned headache then hamam is an excellent way out of the situation. Based on reviews on forums, you can read opinions that hammam will help cope even with migraines. It is especially useful to attend treatments for people suffering from insomnia - after visiting the hammam in the evening you will fall asleep without problems.

For the respiratory tract

With 100% humidity, breathing in a Turkish bath is easy; the temperature allows you to breathe freely. A visit to the hammam will be useful for people suffering from frequent bronchitis, during seasonal ARVI and influenza diseases. Prolonged warming of the body and respiratory tract Due to warm steam, it improves immunity and strengthens the upper respiratory organs.

Expert review

Hammam will be useful for chronic bronchitis, wet or dry cough. We especially often recommend visiting the bathhouse for smoker’s cough and other ENT diseases, excluding periods of exacerbation. Can't visit similar procedures during periods of exacerbation of respiratory system diseases. The harm from such procedures in this case is unpredictable.

For sore joints

Hammam is often used to reduce pain for arthritis, rheumatism and osteochondrosis. Give in symptomatic treatment almost all types of joint diseases. Reviews say that hammam is useful for muscle strains. After hard physical labor or exercise, the hammam will prevent pain in the muscles.

How often can you visit the hammam?

The optimal number of visits to procedures in the Turkish hammam is considered to be 2-3 times a week. The healing effect will be noticeable even if you go to the Turkish bath only once a week. But if you attend procedures more than three times a week, you can get harm instead of benefit. It is not recommended to steam more often as this can lead to depression of the nervous system and dehydration.

In Turkey itself, hammams are extremely popular. In Istanbul alone there are more than a hundred of them; in the provinces they can be found in even the most remote village. In some places, bathhouses from 200-300 years ago have been preserved. The procedure of washing in hamams has been used in the Middle East for more than a thousand years.

Difficult to determine optimal quantity time spent in the hammam in one session. It can be argued that if you follow the Turkish technology, the bath is useful for 15-45 minutes. However, this issue has not been studied anywhere; according to reviews from frequent guests of hammams, you can sit in the steam room for more than an hour without harm to your health. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly monitor your well-being.

Harm and contraindications

Many people are wary of hamam, not understanding what benefits and harm such procedures can bring. It is worth noting that visiting a Turkish bath is safer compared to a Russian or Finnish sauna. Temperature allows you to breathe easily indoors and does not put unnecessary stress on the body. However, it is worth noting that in some conditions it can be harmful.

Thus, hammam is useful for frequent bronchitis, but is contraindicated in severe forms bronchial asthma. Improved blood circulation is achieved due to vasodilation, therefore procedures are contraindicated in varicose veins veins Experts identify a number of other contraindications that can cause harm:

  • Kidney inflammation.
  • Chronic latent psychoneurological diseases (epilepsy).
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Hypertension, tachycardia and other heart diseases.
  • Varicose veins

If you have not found any problems associated with contraindications, you should not mindlessly spend a lot of time in the hammam. To avoid harm, it is necessary to constantly listen to the body's reaction to increased temperature. If you feel unwell, you must immediately leave the steam room, drink a glass of water at room temperature, and wipe your face with a damp towel.