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What are the benefits of hammam, how to steam properly, reviews. Hammam - what is it, benefits and harms, arrangement of premises and how to properly visit a Turkish bath

The bathhouse has long been special place. In it, people rested body and soul, since water has always had a beneficial effect on the human body and the state of his soul. There are several dozen types of baths in the world and each is good in its own way. The Turkish bath or hammam is considered one of the most beneficial for health. What is good about a Turkish bath, how to steam in it correctly and at what temperature? Is it possible to visit the hammam often? We will talk about this in the article.

Turkish baths

As is known from historical sources, Turkish baths were first appeared before our era. Already at that time, the hammam was a popular place for Muslims to relax. In the 19th century, they began to be called Turkish baths, because thanks to Turkey they gained popularity not only in Asian countries, but also in Europe. Having such fame and popularity, baths began to be built in all cities in every quarter. The hammam has always had its own traditions, rituals and health treatments.

In Turkey, regardless of age and gender, everyone visits the hammam. In such a room people relax, wash and communicate. Huge amounts of money have always been allocated for the construction of Turkish baths to make the premises beautiful and expensive. Stone and marble were used for construction. Loungers were also made from these materials. Traditionally the hammam consists of three rooms:

  • jamecan (cold);
  • sogukluk (warm);
  • hararet (hot).

The classic hammam is built like a palm with five fingers. There are a total of five interconnected niches in the room. They have different air temperatures, which has a beneficial effect on the human body. In the center of the Turkish bath there is a sun lounger designed to warm up the body. Usually they lie down on it with their stomach down, and the ambient air temperature is in the range of 35-50 o C. The temperature in the niches is much higher, there it ranges from 70 to 100 o C. The air humidity in the hammam is very high and reaches 100%.

There are sun loungers in the niches for warming up and massage. The sunbeds and all decorations are made of natural stone and marble. The cleanliness of the hamams was mainly monitored by the city authorities. The room was always kept clean, thorough cleaning was carried out, and the air was fumigated with special incense.

The difference between a hammam and a Russian bath

Everyone who visited Turkish bath, recommend others to definitely visit it. Unlike the Russian bathhouse, the hammam gives a gentle feeling of relaxation. There is no dry steam in it, air humidity almost always reaches 100%. A special microclimate at a temperature of 35-50 o C allows you to enjoy all the procedures of a Turkish bath.

Indoors also there are several fountains or pools with warm, warmer and cold water. There is no wood trim in the room, only marble and stone. The floors of the hammam are decorated with ceramic tiles in the form of a beautiful mosaic. The roof of the bathhouse is built in the shape of a dome and this prevents drops of condensation from dripping onto people. Thanks to this design, condensation does not remain on the walls.

IN separate room hamam stands a cauldron with hot water and another one in the middle of the hall. The boiler is maintained constant temperature, and the resulting steam enters the hall to people through special openings.

For pleasant relaxation, quiet music is played in the hall. People enjoy being here; they not only take a steam bath, cleanse their body, but also relax, communicate, and drink tea.

How to steam properly in a Turkish bath?

It is customary to visit the hammam separately; men and women do not bathe together. In the Turkish bath it is customary to spend almost the whole day while doing:

  • health improvement;
  • beauty of the body;
  • communication;
  • rest.

Before visiting the hammam, you should know certain rules and consistency. The person immediately enters the jamekan (dressing room), where he undresses, but not completely, and then goes to another room, where the body can prepare for the transition to the steam room. Here people take shower procedures, after which they wrap themselves in a sheet and take a towel with them to lie on.

The body needs to be warmed up gradually, because the temperature in each room is different and the body needs to prepare for this. Niches located in the room make it possible to choose the desired temperature. Usually they start with the coolest one, gradually moving to the hottest one. After this, you can lie down on the stone lounger in the center of the hall. You should lie on it with your stomach down to better warm up your whole body.

A mandatory procedure is body massage, as it has therapeutic effect. It is performed after other procedures. The body becomes completely different - the ligaments are more elastic and the muscles are flexible. After the massage, the body is ready for cleansing.

Body washing consists of several stages. First, use a washcloth dipped in soapy water to scrub off the dead cells, after which you need to wash everything off the body. Then use a washcloth and more abundant foam to wash the body again. When the body is completely cleansed, it is necessary to proceed to swimming in the pools in a certain order, focusing on the water temperature:

  • the warmest;
  • warm;
  • cold.

In order for hammam to bring health benefits, you need to learn how to perform all procedures correctly and know the sequence. It should be remembered that the Turkish bath is designed to cleanse the body first and foremost. The procedures allow you to wash away deep impurities. Visiting such a place has a positive effect on human health:

Total time spent in the Turkish bath should not exceed 1.5 -2 hours. This is quite enough to leave the bathhouse and feel like a different person. For beginners, 1 visit per week is enough. How many times a week to visit the hammam will depend on your health condition.

For whom is it harmful to visit?

To obtain maximum benefit All rules must be followed when visiting a Turkish bath. If you have questions, you can ask them to the administrator or other employees of the hammam. If there are contraindications, you should not visit the hammam, this is associated with certain diseases:

There is very important rule - do not drink alcohol or cold drinks. If we compare this type of bath with others, then the hammam has the fewest restrictions and prohibitions. In addition, by visiting the hammam you have the opportunity to get acquainted with the captivating culture of the East.

Bathing traditions, like others that have come down from time immemorial, are oversaturated with myths and are constantly growing with new ones. For example, that in a sauna extra centimeters on the waist easily melt away. Yes, weight decreases, but only due to the removal of fluid from the body. A couple of glasses of water - and the kilograms are in place. It is thanks to this myth that many people believe that the more often you go to the bathhouse, the slimmer you become. However, everything is good in moderation, because any bath, including the Turkish hammam, is medicine, and in large doses medicine is poison. A reasonable question arises: how often to visit the hammam in order to get maximum benefits and not cause harm to the body?

It’s worth starting with the fact that despite all the mild temperatures, everything else in the hammam is very harsh. This includes severe peeling and massage, not to mention the impact of high humidity and heat on all body systems. All this indirectly answers the question of how often you can visit the hammam.

We visit the hammam without harm

The optimal number of visits to the hammam is 1-3 per week. Even one weekly visit is enough to get a healing effect, improve the condition of your skin and hair, improve your sleep, “displace” cellulite from the piquant parts of the body, and improve the condition of the musculoskeletal system.

More frequent procedures are fraught with oppression nervous system, dehydration and other troubles. Because the temperature regime, as mentioned above, the hamam is quite gentle, then you can afford more visits than if we were talking about Finnish sauna or a bathhouse. You can visit the Finnish sauna no more than 1-2 times a week, and certainly not after every workout in the fitness room.

What else determines the recommendation about how often you can go to the hammam? Well, for example, skin diseases, which in overly regular and diligent trips to humid rooms (in the hammam the humidity reaches 100%) and long stays there risk aggravation.

High temperatures and humid air are a strain on the heart and kidneys, respiratory system. It is unlikely that anyone would think of doing inhalations every day without special medical indications.

Frequent exposure to 40-50 degree heat, as already mentioned, depresses the nervous system, and this can lead to an exacerbation of some of its diseases, stress, and depression. Even the idle inhabitants of eastern harems did not wash in the bathhouse every day, and not at all because they were saving water.

How often to visit the hammam on vacation

By the way, if you are planning a vacation in hot countries and you intend to bring back a luxurious, even tan, then you should start your vacation with a visit to a Turkish bath. Cleansing with peeling, subsequent nourishment of the skin healing oils will prepare her for sunbathing. The tan will be quick, rich and beautiful, and the likelihood of getting burned is low. But it is not advisable to end your vacation with a hammam - very little will be left of the golden bronze hue.
To summarize: you can go to the hammam more often than to the Finnish sauna or Russian bath, but you still shouldn’t overuse it. Let a weekly trip to the hammam be a holiday for the soul and a pleasure for the body, and not the cause of any troubles.

If you believe historical research and excavations, the oldest Turkish baths originated in the fourth millennium BC, on the territory of the great Roman Empire. At first, the oldest bathhouse was called “manju”, they were special buildings in which it was necessary to undergo a ritual of ablution, later the bathhouses began to be called “hamam”, which translated from Hebrew and Arabic means heat, warmth, over time the hammam became the most popular place of rest.

Thanks to the dynasty of the Omayd caliphs, the great origin of the most ancient Turkish baths - hammams - began; this dynasty preferred to lead a nomadic lifestyle, and therefore the very first hammams were built in the deserts. Much later, the construction of baths was transferred to ancient cities.

The idea of ​​​​building such baths was copied by Arab rulers, thanks to which the baths soon gained tremendous popularity throughout the Muslim world, and already in the seventeenth century their number was more than a thousand. By the end of the nineteenth century, hammams began to be called Turkish baths, since it was thanks to Turkey that this type of baths became so popular not only in Asia, but also in Europe.

Visiting hammams in the Islamic world is considered mandatory, and therefore it was decided to build them in every quarter of the city. A hammam or Turkish bath is not only a room for performing wellness procedures, it is also a special culture with its own rituals and traditions.

What is a Turkish hammam?

The most common type of hammam is the classic type; these are rooms that are usually built according to the principle of a palm with fingers. Turkish baths in modern form have five rooms that are interconnected and built in the form of niches. Each room has its own air temperature, which affects different action on the human body.

The first room is considered the dressing room. There the air temperature fluctuates between twenty-five and thirty degrees. In the center of the hammam there is a special lounger, in order to warm up the body completely, it is customary to lie on it with your stomach, then various niches are placed in a circle. In each of the niches, the air temperature is from seventy to one hundred degrees Celsius with one hundred percent air humidity. In each niche there are sun loungers that are used not only for warming up and lying down, but for various massages. The main difference between hammams and other types of baths is the materials from which they are built. Marble and only natural stone are used for interior decoration of all premises.

Compliance with customs and traditions, Turkish baths

Hammam or Turkish bath is not only a place where the body is healed and cleansed, it is also a unique culture with its own customs and traditions, which are still revered in eastern countries. Visiting the ancient baths was considered one of the obligatory activities, a neglect that could earn censure in society. A large number of ancient traditions have been preserved to this day. For example, women were supposed to visit only women's hammams, and men were supposed to visit men's hammams. It was customary to celebrate significant events in people's lives in Turkish baths. For example, the first ritual of ablution with water broken egg– performed for a newborn forty days after birth, and after the first cut tooth. In eastern countries, the ritual associated with the bride is quite seriously revered; it is called Jalim Hamami, ablution of the bride. But it was not only customary to celebrate festive events in the hamam, everyday events also fell under the celebration, since they were significant for a person: engagement, circumcision, visiting the hamam with a guest, graduation military service, getting rid of illness, etc.

The cleanliness of the Turkish baths was mainly monitored by the city authorities; very thorough cleaning of all rooms was carried out, and daily fumigation with useful incense was carried out.

IN modern world A traditional visit to the hamam is a whole complex, which consists of cleansing, restoration, healing, physical and spiritual relaxation, which is accompanied by a whole traditional tea ceremony.

How to visit the hammam?

When going to the hammam, you should remember that there is a division into male and female parts. According to the traditions of the peoples of the East, visiting the hamam is like a women's and men's club. After all, people gather here not only to take a steam bath, but also to ask for advice, communicate and discuss last news.

The Turkish bath itself usually consists of three separate rooms. The first room is like a dressing room. There are lockers for storing things and a changing room. There are also cash registers where you can immediately pay for all necessary services. In the dressing room, absolutely every visitor is given towels, wooden slippers, a sheet, and must be wrapped in a towel.

How to steam in a hammam?

The dressing room in a Turkish bath is called jamekan. After this, they go to the second room where toilets and showers are located. Already in this room there is a special temperature regime that prepares the human body for the transition to a steam room. After all the relevant procedures in the shower have been taken, you need to go to the third room. The third room is considered the main one and is called hararet, this is where the belly stone is located. This is a special elevation made of marble, in which there is a firebox, which maintains the required temperature. In the steam room you can find a huge number of benches where absolutely anyone can steam. Temperature in Turkish hamam not very high, about thirty to sixty degrees, and therefore it is comfortable even for a beginner to be here.

How to behave correctly in the hammam?

There are certain rules for visiting steam rooms. Before starting massage and cosmetic procedures, you need to sweat very well. To do this, spread a sheet on a marble rack and sit or lie on top. Due to the fact that marble beds are constantly heated, the body steams quite quickly and the pores open to the maximum. This takes about thirty minutes, after this time you can begin the massage.

The massage is accompanied by manual exfoliation of the entire body. In the modern world, massage is performed only by a specialist massage therapist, and in ancient world this was done by a specially trained attendant of the Turkish bath - telak. Vigorous body massage is usually carried out using hard, rough gloves; this can improve blood circulation. Peeling is done using special soft scrubs that not only do not injure the skin, but also cleanse the pores and remove dead skin particles. Peeling and massage are carried out in a large central hall. After these procedures, a wrapping session is carried out using special aromatic oils, clay and salt. Further dive into cool water, this is done so that the pores close after a deep and beneficial peeling.

The hammam does not have a swimming pool because the Turks consider still water unclean. Instead of a pool, the steam room can have a couple of fountains with cool and warm water, they can be used at any time. In between procedures, you can go to Jackamen and relax a bit and drink cooling drinks.

After immersing yourself in cool water, you can go to the steam rooms or sikalik Turkish bath. Each wig has a temperature of seventy to one hundred degrees. And thus, if you start steaming in a room with a lower temperature, you can adapt to the hot air and slowly move to other steam rooms.

After visiting the steam rooms, you can start following procedures, this is washing and ablution. These procedures involve generously lathering the entire body with foam using a rough washcloth, then dousing it with cold water, and finally dipping it in cold water.

After everything wellness treatments finished, the final stage is a visit to the relaxation zone. There you can not only relax, but also pour out any of the offered drinks, coffee, juice or tea. After all the procedures, rest takes place in a room called Jamekian, where the latest news is discussed and conversations are held.

The average time to visit a Turkish bath is one and a half to two hours. Since the temperature there is not very high, you don’t have to worry about overheating. After you leave the hammam, it is recommended to sit for a while and drink hot tea with milk.

Turkish bath - effects on the body

Hammam is a great way to relax the human body and the entire nervous system. After carrying out all the required procedures, not only does the body tone noticeably increase, but also the mood improves.

The main beneficial effects of a Turkish bath on the human body are:

  1. Removal of toxins, complete cleansing body from toxins;
  2. Significant cleansing of the skin, prevention of various inflammatory processes;
  3. Relieving irritation, fatigue, depressive state. Noticeable improvement in overall emotional background person;
  4. Complete cleansing of the respiratory system, getting rid of inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx and larynx, getting rid of bronchitis;
  5. Relaxation of the human nervous system, relief from migraines, insomnia and headaches;
  6. Prevention of various various diseases musculoskeletal system;
  7. Improving blood circulation and metabolism;
  8. Positive effect on joints, muscles, treatment of bruises and injuries;
  9. Improvement and cleansing gastrointestinal tract, lung function;
  10. Normalization of work sebaceous glands on skin scalp, significant improvement in blood circulation in the scalp;
  11. It has a beneficial effect on absolutely all vital systems of the human body.

If we take into account all the above written indications for visiting Turkish baths, then we can safely say that turkish hammam- This is a powerful immunostimulating agent for the human body.

Possible contraindications to visiting Turkish baths - hammams

Even though Turkish baths have a huge amount positive feedback Regarding the beneficial effects on the human body, there are still some contraindications with which visiting Turkish baths is not advisable.

Turkish baths are considered to be the safest for human health and well-being, but still, those people who have health problems should consult their doctor in advance regarding visiting Turkish baths.

Contraindications to visiting Turkish baths - hammams:

  1. Various serious inflammatory processes any various internal organs;
  2. Various heart diseases, or previous heart attacks or heart attacks;
  3. Oncological diseases, benign tumors;
  4. Various serious illnesses kidney;
  5. Diseases of the visual and hearing system;
  6. Serious various diseases respiratory organs;
  7. Various infectious diseases;
  8. Various mental illnesses
  9. Phlebeurysm;
  10. Serious thyroid disease;
  11. pregnancy.

Even despite this, Turkish baths are very in demand and popular both in the East and in European countries. Hammam is the first establishment where all tourists strive to go in order to get acquainted and immerse themselves in the captivating culture of the East.

In the modern world there are different types baths and saunas. They differ in their characteristics and advantages, which are determined by the country of origin and its national culture. It is common to visit a Turkish bath - hamam - in beauty and health centers.

Currently, it is quite possible to equip a bathhouse in a house or apartment if you have sufficient space and financial resources. The choice of bath depends on individual tolerance to temperature and humidity. Fashion trends play an important role. It is important to understand that the idea of ​​a hammam should not be limited only to the warm air in a room with stone benches. Turkish bath is a broader concept.

About the historical features of the hammam

Hammam is an irreplaceable and obligatory part of any Turkish home, even the poorest. The premises are not particularly luxurious. The whole atmosphere of the hammam is imbued with true oriental relaxation. It is not customary to have fun or talk loudly in a Turkish bath. It is important to note that the most suitable time to visit the hammam is morning.

Who should choose hammam?

Preference should be given to a Turkish bath in the following cases:

  • low sweating;
  • after physical activity;
  • for dry skin;
  • with rosacea (it is important to limit the time spent in the steam room);
  • in the presence of endocrine pathologies.

The Turkish bath is one of the “softest”. Even the most intolerant people feel comfortable in it. The thing is that in a Turkish bath the body is heated gradually. As a result, no increased stress is created on the body, and the person does not experience discomfort.
The air temperature in the hammam makes it possible to stay in it for a long time.

At the same time, the muscles and the whole body actively relax, and thoughts are put in order. Influenced wet steam The upper layers of the skin soften, pores open, dead cells are effectively removed, and toxins are removed from the body. Hammam is a wonderful activator metabolic processes and blood flow in the human body.

What benefits does visiting the hamam give?

The most important positive effects of a Turkish bath are the following:

  • relieving nervous tension;
  • eliminating stress;
  • improved sleep;
  • increased performance;
  • improvement of skin condition;
  • elimination of acne;
  • general health;
  • weight loss;
  • elimination of cellulite deposits;
  • improved kidney function;
  • normalization of the heart and blood vessels;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • prevention of muscle inflammation;
  • prevention of radiculitis;
  • prevention of respiratory tract pathologies.

How does a classic Turkish bath work?

The main hall of the hammam has several so-called sections. Opposite the center there are always several niches. Their peculiarity is that the air temperature in them rises evenly from 70 to 100 degrees. The visitor moves from one niche to another so that the body adapts to the increase in temperature.

Main rooms of the hammam:

  • Jamekan is the so-called lobby, where the ticket office and locker room are located. Here you are given clothes for visiting the hamam - peshtemal (bath towel with Velcro) and takunya (wooden platform slippers);
  • Sogukluk - the dressing room is a room with a transitional temperature between the vestibule and the main steam room. The air temperature is not higher than 35 degrees;
  • hararet - steam room. Its roof has the shape of a dome. In the center there is a large hot bed made of stone - soup or gebek-tashi;
  • soap compartment. They go into it after a massage. As a rule, soap twice
  • pool. The classic hammam has 3 pools. Each of them contains water at different temperatures;
  • rest zone.

After entering the steam room, pour hot water onto the central lounger and sit on it with your stomach down. So you should warm up the body for at least 20 minutes. When the sweat comes out, you should move on to massage. This is an indispensable attribute of the hamam. After the massage, they go to the soap section, where they wash off dead skin cells. For this it is best to use rosemary or olive soap, which is used to lather a special washcloth - kese. It is made from horse hair, coconut fibers, date stamens, and luffa. You should thoroughly rub your body with this washcloth. It is not recommended to soap it heavily.

After the soap room, you should visit the pool with a comfortable water temperature. If you wish, you can repeat entering the steam room, visiting a niche with more high temperature. After re-entering, it is recommended to dive into the pool, where the water is quite cold. Visitors drink in the recreation area Herb tea, play Board games, resting.

To achieve maximum positive effect You should follow simple recommendations:

  • go to the sauna on an empty stomach;
  • last meal - two hours before visiting the bathhouse;
  • give up alcoholic drinks;
  • After visiting the bathhouse it is recommended to consume fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • After the steam room, apply a mask suitable for your skin type to your face;
  • anti-cellulite cream is applied after leaving the steam room, when the skin is maximally steamed and the pores are open;
  • After leaving the steam room, it is recommended to drink warm green tea;
  • tune in to relaxation and positivity.

About contraindications to visiting the hammam

Hamam is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • the presence of skin diseases;
  • serious cardiovascular pathologies;
  • acute viral and bacterial infections;
  • decreased body temperature;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypertension;
  • hypotension;
  • epilepsy;
  • intolerance to the Turkish bath.

It is important to remember that it is better to separate visits to the hammam and solarium. This is due to the fact that under the influence of a Turkish bath, the sensitivity of the skin sharply increases, which threatens to get a burn in the solarium.

Love yourself!

Healing in a bathhouse is one of the favorite procedures of most people, which is not surprising: you can warm all the cells of the body, relax your muscles and have fun. Each country has its own rules and features of both the construction and decoration of saunas, and the conduct of their own rituals in them: for example, to get the maximum beneficial effect it is important to know how to properly steam in a hammam - in a Turkish steam room, which is radically different from Russian or Finnish.

Distinctive features

The hammam differs from a Russian bath primarily in the air temperature: here it reaches only 35–50°C, while Russians are accustomed to a steam room with 70°C. In a Finnish sauna, for example, this parameter reaches 70–110 degrees Celsius.

The level of humidity is also different: if in Finnish it barely exceeds 10%, in Russian it reaches 90%, then in the hammam the humidity is maintained at 100%. That is why the effect on the human body is different.

The layout also has its own characteristics.

  • The hammam always has 5 rooms, arranged according to the principle of an open palm.
  • These rooms are connected by a common hall, from which you can enter each of them.
  • Jamekan is the first room and lobby. A fountain is most often located here. There should also be changing rooms in which the visitor must take off his clothes and put on a sarong (naked bathers are not allowed to bathe in the hammam). The sarong is made from linen, so the skin breathes well during the procedure. To properly steam in a hammam, this is the best canvas.
  • A shower room in Turkey is called Sogukluk. This is already a fairly warm space, intended for ablution before a person goes to take a steam bath.
  • Hararet is a steam room itself, the temperature in which is maintained at 35–50 degrees Celsius.

Features of Hararet

In a general hammam, the steam room is usually a fairly large room with separate niches with a higher temperature, and it can be different so that everyone can find a more comfortable option for themselves. And changing temperatures allows you to better relax and warm up all your muscles.

In the middle of such a hall there is a table - chebek (the so-called belly stone). A wide variety of procedures are performed here - most often foam massage, rubbing with a goat's hair mitten.

In addition, a significant difference between a Turkish bath and a Russian and Finnish one is the absence of wooden finishing: here all surfaces are made of stone and ceramics. The table in the center is always made of natural wood. The Turks believe that it is correct to make it from marble. The walls can be covered with ceramic mosaics.

Beneficial features

The Turkish hammam is actually an amazing bathhouse, since taking a steam bath in it means significantly improving both the condition of the body, mood, and appearance.

  1. Spending time in the hammam involves complete cleansing of the body - both through sweat cells and physically through massage with a hard mitten. In the process, the skin is cleansed of dead particles, blood supply and blood flow improves. small vessels, muscles are toned.
  2. Wet steam effectively cleanses the lungs and bronchi, removing pathogenic mucus. If you use essential oil, you can have a targeted effect on the body: strengthen the immune system, tighten the skin, cure a number of diseases - such treatment can be treated women's diseases, osteochondrosis, skin problems, cellulite.
  3. With the permission of a doctor, patients with cardiovascular diseases can also visit the hammam (only correctly). If you are prone to hypertension, it is recommended to choose a steam room with a lower temperature.
  4. For Turkish residents, visiting a bathhouse has its own philosophy: according to them, bathing gives clarity of mind, strength, youth, purity of both body and thoughts, vigor, beauty and, of course, health. Men are sure that after a steam room they become more attractive to women, especially since this is exactly what ancient Turkish wisdom says.
  5. Traditionally, steaming is recommended to significantly improve the condition of the skin, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, improve metabolism and the natural removal of toxins from the body.
  6. A visit to the hammam will also be useful for the prevention of various diseases, including colds and problems of the musculoskeletal system and digestive system.
  7. Thanks to the Turkish bath you can get rid of headaches, fatigue, and increased irritability.

Visiting rules

Before going to such a bathhouse, it is important to learn everything about the hammam: how to steam properly, what to drink, what to wear, etc. If you go to a steam room directly in Turkey, you should take into account that such establishments are divided into men's and women's. It is important to respect the traditions of this people, especially since Muslims are orthodox and condemn many of the habits of Christian peoples. There is no need to impose your opinion on them, so consider other rules.

  • If you can't wear a real sarong to take a steam bath, you can use a towel provided or your own to cover your nakedness. Even in a common bathhouse, being on the women's or men's side, you should not walk around completely naked.
  • You are not allowed to drink alcohol in the hammam. In addition, it is not recommended to drink chilled lemonades and teas: here it is correct to drink only hot tea.
  • You should not eat 1–1.5 hours before the procedure. This rule should be followed especially by those who want to lose weight.
  • To massage on the “belly stone” or on a hot bench, be sure to lay out your own towel.
  • In this bathhouse, after warming up on the stones, it is not customary to cool down the body using a cool pool or dousing with cold water. It would be better to drink warm tea.

Of course, the residents of Turkey undergo the procedure in the hammam from beginning to end, not only because it is good for health, but also according to their beliefs in the complete cleansing of soul and body. For Christians, of course, such a bath does not carry a special philosophy, but if you follow the order of the procedure, you can achieve the maximum effect from visiting the hammam. Before taking a steam bath in such a steam room, pay attention to the procedure.

  1. First you need to go into a warm room, where the temperature is quite comfortable and its humidity is optimal for an ordinary room. Here you can lie down on stones or benches to warm up your muscles and whole body.
  2. Then they go to the steam room, where they wait for the sweat to release. To properly steam in such a bath means to lie down on a bench and literally warm up your body from head to toe.
  3. It would be right to do a massage in a Turkish bath. It is usually carried out with the addition essential oils and using woolen mittens. This useful procedure for joints, skin of the whole body and, of course, well-being. You can learn how to do this type of massage correctly yourself - using videos from the Internet.
  4. Next, the steamer offers to clean the epidermis with soap, which differs unique properties, as it includes olive, peach and argon oils.
  5. It would be right to treat your body with a nourishing cream after such a bath.
  6. Now it's time to move to cool room, relax with a cup of tea.
  7. They leave the hammam only when the body has cooled down after the procedures.

Of course, you can go to the hammam without a massage, but still try to add a few drops of essential oils to the steam, once chosen by Turkish women for beauty, youth and maintaining attractiveness. Then you will be able to steam with a more significant effect and pleasant sensations for every cell of the body.