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Visit to the hamam. Turkish bath hammam: benefits and harm

Despite the fact that among all the steam rooms the softest is the Turkish hammam, there are still contraindications to visiting it. So, who shouldn’t go there at all, and who can go, but be careful?

Of course, those people who react poorly to high temperatures should be especially careful. In addition, visiting the hammam can aggravate some diseases. For example, it is strictly forbidden for people who suffer from bronchial asthma to visit the Turkish bath. It is noteworthy that on early stage diseases, a bath is even recommended, but in later cases it will only worsen the person’s condition. Visiting the bathhouse is strictly contraindicated if you have epilepsy or tuberculosis.

Surely many ladies are interested in whether pregnant women can go to the hammam? Most doctors believe that hot procedures expectant mother will not do any good. However, they do not prohibit it - if the hamam was a habitual thing for a woman, and the pregnancy proceeds without any problems, then the doctor allows it. similar procedures. However, it is recommended that you inform the establishment's staff about your situation. So, if you are not sure that you should visit the hammam during pregnancy, it is better to abandon this idea, no one knows exactly how your body will react.

For what diseases is it better not to go to an oriental bath?

It is not recommended for hypertensive patients to go to the bathhouse - in the second or third stages of the disease, everything can end badly. Contraindications for visiting the hammam bath should also be taken into account by people who suffer from cancer, especially in cases where there are inflammatory processes in the body, accompanied by fever. People with infectious diseases- it’s better to wait out the disease so that later, in healthy condition, visit the bathhouse. By the way, because some people neglect this simple rule, and you should not visit the hammam during pregnancy.

Visiting the Turkish steam room is not recommended for those people who have once suffered from the disease of cardio-vascular system. To get permission, you should visit a cardiologist - it is quite possible that he will give the go-ahead for short visits to the bathhouse, since in this way a person can train his heart - but the main thing is not to overdo it.

You should not go to the hammam during your period, as high temperatures and massage will affect the increase in blood loss. In principle, if you are careful, you can go - but again, this is done at your own peril and risk; it will be much safer to wait a few days.

People suffering from atherosclerosis do not tolerate sudden temperature changes that occur when swimming in a pool after a steam room. Cataracts and inflammatory processes of the skin are also contraindications for going to the Turkish bath. People suffering from varicose veins should not go to the bathhouse if they are poor condition. If the disease is not yet critical, and the doctor has allowed you to visit the bathhouse, then you must take precautions - rest your legs raised up against the wall of the steam room, never stand still while cooling, you must move or walk.

Of course, there are contraindications to visiting Turkish bath and with a severe headache, it can progress, and for a person the trip can end in fainting.

Hammam is not the place to choose for relaxation if you like to drink a bottle, alcohol intoxication is a serious burden on the body, and, combined with the impact high temperatures, it can lead to trouble.

It is not advisable to take children to the hammam - doctors are against it; excessive stress can have a detrimental effect on the child’s health. In general, it is recommended to go to such baths at a certain age - from 12 years old, although older people should also go there with caution.

Each nation has its own bathing traditions. Turkish bath or hammam is a place that is chosen by many tourists post-Soviet space and not only. There are a great many advantages from this fascinating procedure. It’s not in vain that folk wisdom lives on - the day you sweat, the day you don’t grow old. However, in pursuit of overseas pleasure, people often forget that the Turkish bath has some contraindications. About them and we'll talk below.

With asthma and hypertension - not a step

To those people in medical card which have information about the diagnosis " bronchial asthma", you should forget about visiting the Turkish bath. Moreover, this contraindication is very strict, without any arguments like: “one time won’t do anything.” If the disease is severe, with frequent attacks, then this bathhouse can only provoke them.

There are serious contraindications to visiting the hammam baths for patients with epilepsy, pulmonary tuberculosis, as well as for those who have suffered a myocardial infarction. True, with the latest diagnosis, after six months of rest, it is possible, with permission and prior advice from a doctor, to lift the ban on this bath.

Hypertension in its first degree (when the pressure is within 140-159 to 90-99 mm Hg) is not a strict contraindication for this Turkish miracle. But if we are talking about people with the second (160-179 per 100-109 mm Hg) and third (180/110 mm Hg and above) degrees of hypertension, then this bath should be strictly avoided. With such pressure, jokes are really bad.

About, however, like any other types of baths, people who have oncological diseases. You should not visit her if your body temperature rises, even if it is slight. If a person has acute infectious process, he should also refrain from bath procedures until the disease goes away completely.

Whose bones does steam break?

Turkish baths are known for their enticing pools. It is, of course, a pleasure to change a stuffy steam room to one with water, but not everyone is able to feel good from such a procedure. It is not recommended for so-called core patients: ischemic disease, severe atherosclerosis blood vessels, arrhythmia, angina pectoris, heart failure.

Has a negative effect on people suffering from kidney disease, thyroid gland. It is strictly contraindicated for patients whose eyes are affected by cataracts.

At varicose veins veins, especially in severe conditions– any bathhouse is not good for you. If this phenomenon is not critical, then the hammam is visited with the following measures precautions:

  • If you are lying in a steam room, your legs should be raised up and rested against the wall;
  • When you cool down again, after a strong steam, do not stand in one place for a long time, move, walk slowly;
  • Do not dangle your legs and do not sit in one place for a long time.

Inflammatory processes the skin does not heal well due to such features of this bath as very high humidity (up to one hundred percent) and high temperature.

It is also worth treating others with respect and not going to the bathhouse when there is a fact of the presence of any transmittable or simply “contagious” disease. Despite the measures taken to sanitization public places, there is a possibility of transmitting the disease to other visitors.

Those people who develop headaches on the day allotted for visiting the bathhouse will not find salvation in the hammam. You shouldn’t take risks, because you probably don’t know enough about the reasons for their appearance. The bath should not provoke attacks and unpleasant symptoms. Bathhouse is joy and pleasure.

Bathhouse is not a cafe

It’s no secret that even the smallest portion of alcohol at any strength is a test and a burden on the body. A Turkish bath is also, although pleasant, a test of human reserves and the capabilities of the body. There is no point in exposing yourself to double the load. This kind of doping may not only fail to produce results, but will also cause old problems to appear.

Grandchildren and grandmothers

The official age limit for children to visit the hammam is three years. However, many pediatricians do not recommend taking children to the bathhouse until they are ten or twelve years old. It is quite difficult for older people to endure baths. They should wisely choose the maximum for their body temperature regime and also don’t set bath records.

In a Turkish bath it is quite possible to achieve a state where it is clear that a person has over-steamed. You should be especially careful when taking all the procedures offered there if you are visiting the hammam for the first time. Here, the principle of more is better can work in the opposite direction. These are not contraindications, but rather recommendations, because each client individually knows the abilities of his body more accurately.

There is also a precaution that will not always be written about in the medical record. Very often your doctor knows nothing about this at all. It's about about individual intolerance and negative reaction of the body to high temperatures. In this case, discomfort may not come immediately, but after some time.

Pregnancy and hammam

Obstetricians and gynecologists have long been saying that the onset of pregnancy and the entire duration of pregnancy is a period of banning the bath. Everything is explained by this: the reaction of a pregnant woman’s body to an increase in the temperature of the surrounding space can be from very insignificant to the most deplorable.

In such a situation, any risk in the slightest degree is absolutely prohibited. If a woman decides to go to a Turkish bath during her menstrual period, this may also lead to serious consequences. A sufficiently high temperature and the massage offered there will significantly increase the amount of blood loss.

It is a complex of steam rooms that fully correspond to the real oriental version of the bathhouse. A Turkish bath consists of two rooms that differ in air temperature and humidity:

  1. in the first room the humidity level is very low, the temperature reaches 110 degrees;
  2. in the second room the humidity fluctuates between 75% and the temperature 45-50 degrees.

A humid room is an ideal option for those for whom high temperatures are contraindicated for health reasons.

Fighting excess weight

A comfortable microclimate gives complete relaxation and tranquility, has a beneficial effect on the body, helps to get rid of excess weight. Experienced nutritionists who create a comprehensive weight loss program always include a hammam in it.

Visiting a Turkish bath affects weight loss in the following ways:

  • heat exchange slows down, as a result of which oxidative and metabolic processes body;
  • metabolism accelerates, subcutaneous fat accumulations are broken down;
  • skin pores open, sweating increases, and is eliminated from the body excess liquid, waste, toxins and others harmful substances.

In one visit to the Turkish bath you can get rid of 1-2 kg. Will help enhance the effect herbal teas, which you need to drink before the first run and in between.

Do not forget that kilograms quickly disappear due to the removal of fluid from the body, so if you do not watch your diet, the weight will return. But the general health effect that improves the functioning of the body helps to lose weight for a long time. That is why hammam is part of a weight loss program.

Additional useful procedures

Hammam improves appearance skin, helps fight cellulite. To obtain maximum benefit You need to take advantage of the moment while your skin is steamed and your pores are open, and pamper your body with pleasant treatments.

The most popular procedures in the bathhouse are body peeling, wrapping problem areas, masks, massage. After their use, the skin is cleansed, tightened, smoothed, and becomes soft and soft to the touch. The most commonly used procedures are: natural ingredients:

  • Ground coffee beans are suitable for peeling;
  • for wrapping - sea salt, seaweed, honey, chocolate, clay, olive oil.

Unlike Russian or Finnish sauna, Turkish version does not have negative influence on the hair, on the contrary, it strengthens and moisturizes it, making it manageable and smooth. The same can be said about nails, they become strong, grow quickly, and do not break.

Vitenevo village
Moscow region, Mytishchi district

Visit to the hamam

How to go to the hammam correctly?

Hamam (Turkish bath) is famous for its amazing abilities to heal the human body. But in order for a visit to the hammam to bring only benefits, it is worth getting acquainted in advance with how to properly carry out bath procedures.

Following traditions

According to Turkish tradition, the hammam is not only used for washing. Its main purpose is to care for the body, maintain its beauty, and also provide complete relaxation. Reach maximum effect It is possible only if you follow a certain algorithm for visiting the hamam, formed over thousands of years of history. Residents of Turkey observe order unquestioningly. And this becomes one of the explanations for the amazing attractiveness of Turkish women, their bright beauty, which lasts for a long time. And also the attractiveness of Turkish men, vigorous and fresh at any time of the day.

Warm up properly

The rules for visiting a bathhouse in Turkey dictate: first you need to warm up your body. To do this, they go to the steam room, where they spend about half an hour.
The procedure is as follows. Place a sheet on a warm shelf made of marble or other natural stone and lie down on it - on your stomach. At the same time, the legs are raised slightly: the feet are placed on a rolled up towel. This enhances the effect. It is not recommended to make sudden movements so as not to accidentally stretch the muscles: in a warm state this can happen easily.

Now you need to forget about everyday affairs and completely surrender to the relaxation process. Relaxation happens quickly. Heated air, the humidity of which is almost 100%, envelops the body, softens the throat, and moisturizes the lungs. A special sprayer can be installed in the steam room for essential oils: steam is saturated with healing ingredients, which enhances the effect of the procedure.

The atmosphere in the hammam is special, the lighting is dim. All this contributes to relaxation. Tension from the muscles gradually begins to go away, thoughts are adjusted to a calm mood, and the mood improves. In order for relaxation to be as complete as possible, it is not recommended to talk in the steam room. The main task here is to calm not only the body, but also the mind. Then the effect of staying in a Turkish bath will be maximum.

Incredible massage

The next stage is massage. It is no longer performed in the steam room, but in the next room. In Turkey, the large central hall of the bathhouse is traditionally used for massage. Massage techniques different ones may be used. Traditionally, a hard mitten made of goat wool is used: the masseur massages the body with energetic movements. This activates blood circulation, skin tone increases, and it is cleansed of toxins. The effect is on the entire body, due to which, after leaving the hammam, the visitor feels noticeably refreshed, cheerful and rejuvenated.

The massage is traditionally followed by peeling. The procedure is designed to remove dead skin particles from its surface. This makes the skin smooth and soft, its color improves. A variety of formulations can be used for peeling. One of the favorites in Turkey is a special Moroccan clay that foams like soap. Therefore, peeling is called soap peeling.

Cosmetic procedures

When the massage and peeling are completed, the body is filled with lightness, you can go to the shower. After washing the body, they usually go to the pool to just lie in cool water. You can take a break and drink a cup of green tea. Then the skin is covered healing oils. Warm, moist, cleansed of toxins and dead skin cells, the skin gratefully accepts beneficial ingredients. Grape seed oil, peach oil, olive oil and others have an excellent effect. Can be supplemented cosmetic procedures wraps, masks. They will be especially effective after visiting the steam room, massage and peeling.

Cup of tea

This is followed by rest in a special room where there are tables and sofas. In Turkey it is called Jamekyan. You can enjoy a cup aromatic tea, coffee or natural juice. Here comes the time for conversation, discussion of news, exchange of impressions. In general, a stay in the hammam takes one and a half to two hours. This is enough to enjoy all the delights of a Turkish bath and chat with those who keep you company. When the body has completely cooled down, having finally drunk tea with milk, you can go home.
You can spend more time in the Turkish bath. In Turkey, a whole day is allotted for this.

By gender

If you intend to go to the hammam, the rules dictate that you do so separately: men and women in Turkey visit the bathhouse exclusively in the company of members of their own sex. This gives you the opportunity to completely relax, without having to worry about how you look in the eyes of the other half of humanity.

In addition, it is not customary to be naked in a Turkish bath. Men wrap a towel around their thighs. Women are wrapped in a sheet, which is removed during massage and peeling. But after completing these procedures, the body is again dressed in a towel or sheet. This is done to ensure that all visitors and massage therapists feel comfortable.

Food and drink

Drinking liquids in the hammam is permitted. However, there are rules here that must be strictly followed. So, you cannot drink alcohol in the hammam. Alcohol and bathing procedures are incompatible - everyone says it bath traditions world, not only Turkish. It is not recommended to drink drinks that are too cold. A sharp contrast between a heated body and an icy liquid can lead to unfavorable developments. You can simply get sick, for example, with a sore throat. The best option- Tea coffee, natural juice. Not too hot, but not cold either. But you shouldn’t eat in the hammam. This creates unnecessary stress on the body, which is not at all needed here.

Is it always possible?

A visit to the hammam is not always possible. There are circumstances in which it is not recommended to go to the Turkish bath, or your visit should be postponed for some period of time.
- Pathologies of the cardiovascular system: high arterial pressure a previous stroke or heart attack. Since blood circulation increases in the hammam, and the load on the heart and blood vessels increases, this can negatively affect health.
- Inflammatory processes - on the skin and inside the body. Additional heating in such a situation will only worsen the condition.
- Various tumors of different nature, especially malignant ones.
- Kidney pathologies.
- Serious visual and hearing impairment.
- Mental illness.
- Varicose veins: increased blood circulation, which occurs in the hammam, with varicose veins in different parts body is not recommended.
- Pathologies of the thyroid gland to a serious extent.
- Serious illnesses respiratory organs.
- Pregnancy.

How often can you visit a Turkish bath?

If you go to the hammam regularly, your mood will be wonderful, your body will be...
fresh and cheerful. Back pain will become a thing of the past, cellulite will also become a memory. In general, hammam affects the human body as a powerful immunomodulator. Many respiratory diseases disappear. State immune system improves significantly, colds are happening less and less often, and the energy is increasing. But it is not recommended to visit the Turkish bath too often. If you've never done this before, experts recommend starting with one hike a week. If you visit a Turkish bath weekly, the effect will be noticeable after a short time. And this is quite enough.

Hamam according to all the rules

In order for a visit to a Turkish bath to bring maximum benefits, it must be built according to all the rules. Otherwise, the desired effect will not be achieved. The Hamam Stroy company has been building and equipping hammams for more than twelve years. According to special projects developed by our designers and technologists, several dozen Turkish baths were built, each of which is unique.
This makes it possible not only to visit the hammam in the spa center, but also to become the owner of your own Turkish bath. We build hammams in Moscow and the Moscow region. All details can be found by calling the phone numbers listed on the Hamam Stroy LLC website.

The Turkish hammam is not just a place where people can wash themselves and enjoy health treatments. First of all, this type of bathhouse is a piece of rich oriental culture, a work of art, a unique structure with its own ritual characteristics and traditions, allowing at least a short time plunge into the life and mysterious worldview of the East.

The traditional Turkish bath, hammam, dates back to the early 17th century. But if you look deeper, the ancestor is the ancient baths, the secret of construction of which was borrowed from the Romans by the Arabs, and the Turks, in turn, improved the Arab soap houses. With the adoption of Islam in eastern countries, interest in this type of bath has grown so much that ancient churches of other faiths began to be rebuilt as hamams.

Even the great prophet Muhammad emphasized the importance of the bath as an integral part of the faith, which contributes to the fertility of the Muslim population. Although the hammam is considered an original Turkish heritage, this type is characteristic of almost all eastern countries.

Word "hamam" is derived from Arabic "boorish", which means heat or "spreading steam". And this name fully reflected the work process of this institution. Water in a huge cauldron was brought to a boil and steam, through small holes, heated the walls, floor, and benches made of marble.



Over time, Turkish baths turned into real places of worship, where customs and traditions were strictly observed. own rules behavior. Everyone was allowed to visit, without differences in age or wealth, even women could afford this luxury. One day a week was specially allocated for them, and the entire premises were entirely at the disposal of the female sex. In addition to bathing, Muslim women exchanged news, gossiped, discussed outfits and, of course, men. By the way, if the husband was prohibited from visiting the bathhouse, the eastern wife could file for divorce.

In its original form this view eastern bath preserved only in Istanbul and Bukhara, and is one of the most notable attractions of these cities. Almost all large European cities can boast of modern hammam buildings, trying to fully or partially get closer to the Turkish original.

The main room can only be accessed through the dressing room, which is associated with the hand. Here, at a temperature no higher than 35 degrees, the body gradually warms up, preparing for ritual procedures.

Clothes are left in the locker room , since appearing naked is contrary to national traditions, they put on a special towel called a sarong and relax their body on a heated marble table, decorated in best traditions East. Since the pipes that heat the room run under the floor, to avoid burning your feet, you wear shoes with wooden soles.

Happening in the next room "ablution» bodies. Watering warm water from a copper bowl, using a special olive soap and mittens with a rough surface, a professional bathhouse attendant performs a peeling massage, the purpose of which is to free the skin from dirt, dust, and dead cells. After rinsing clean water man is ready to get into "holy of holies"- steam room.

The central hall is a spacious room, in the middle of which there are benches and loungers. "Chebek-tashi" , translated from Turkish, literally means "belly bed", that is, you should lie on them with your back up. All the luxurious decoration of the hall and seating areas are made of marble, and this stone, judging by Turkish legends, when heated, expels all ailments from the body, all negativity from the soul, and all black thoughts from the head.

Temperature, pools and waterfalls

The air temperature here ranges from 50 to 60 degrees Celsius. Some hammams have small pools or waterfalls. They are not intended for swimming, but to maintain the necessary humidity in the room. This is an essential feature and difference between a hammam and a sauna or bathhouse. The body warms up due to moist steam, and not as a result of high temperatures. Hot air flows through special holes, sometimes with the addition of flavors, which harmoniously complements the process of relaxation and tranquility.


Foam massage is performed on a flat stone called "gebek-tashi". The body of the steaming person is wrapped in thick foam and each area of ​​the skin is thoroughly massaged with a hard washcloth. After this procedure, blood circulation and lymphatic drainage improve, the skin becomes silky and elastic, and spiritual mood rises to the level of bliss. The stay in the steam room ends with rinsing under warm water.

From the central hall you can alternately move through rooms with different temperature ranges. At the same time, the body, receiving certain loads, gets rid of toxins, toxic substances, and gains freshness and vigor.

If desired, you will receive an oil massage, peeling, all kinds of wraps with sea ​​salt, honey, healing clay. An old Turkish proverb says that if a person goes through all the rooms of the hammam, his illnesses will leave him forever.

At the end of the bath procedures, you can visit the steam room again, or you can finish the ritual by rinsing in a pool with cool water, after which you can drink tea in the relaxation room, chat with friends, or even smoke a real Turkish hookah.

Massage in the hammam bath

I would like to say something special about massage. A person who is not experienced in the Eastern wisdom of this action may at first think that he has fallen into the hands of cruel chiropractors or executioners. Bones crunch, joints break and twist, it seems, a little more, and you will run away wherever your eyes look. But the masters know their business, and the consequences of a miracle massage will not keep you waiting long. After such procedures, a feeling of lightness sets in, the body becomes flexible, elastic, filled with youth and health.

Modern Muslims, however, like their distant ancestors, can spend the whole day in such a bathhouse, which, given comfortable temperature and humidity conditions, has absolutely no effect on their health. Meetings take place here, holidays are celebrated; fortunately, the comfortable and pleasant atmosphere promotes leisurely and cordial communication.

The benefits and harms of visiting a Turkish bath - hammam

A visit to the hamam, like other similar establishments, can bring great benefit For human body, but if there are contraindications, the consequences can be negative. What are the benefits of a Turkish bath (hamam)?

Hammam is no special exception, and like any other bathhouse, it has great advantages. Soft, gentle temperature regime and wet steam help a person to completely relax, put things in order nervous system and truly relax. A beneficial atmosphere has a positive effect on all body systems:

  • Improves heart function, strengthens the walls of blood vessels
  • Increases immunity, helps with colds, treats respiratory diseases
  • Cleanses the body of toxins, removes toxins and other harmful substances
  • Relieves joint and muscle pain, helps with disorders of the musculoskeletal system
  • Speeds up metabolism, which promotes rejuvenation and weight loss
  • Effectively affects the skin, cleanses, moisturizes, promotes regeneration, makes it firm and elastic

With regular visits to the Turkish bath, you can forever forget about depression, insomnia, and get rid of stress conditions, and without the participation of doctors and psychologists.

Thanks to its soft and gentle action, turkish hammam It has fewer contraindications than other baths, however, if you have health problems, it would not be superfluous to consult your doctor. You need to be extremely careful if you have:

  • some skin diseases(eczema, fungus) – humidity can cause aggravation;
  • oncology – hot air stimulates growth cancer cells;
  • hypertension - heat stress can cause an increase in blood pressure;
  • inflammatory processes;

In any circumstances, moderation comes first. Even if you are completely confident in your good health, at minor signs If you feel unwell, you need to leave the steam room, sit down in a cool place, drink water with lemon, or call the bathhouse workers for help.

It is better to visit the hammam on a day off, you will have more time for relaxation, all kinds of massages, you can have a good rest and improve your health. Easterners believe that morning is the most convenient time days for these procedures, since the body is still relaxed and amenable to all kinds of influences.

  • You should not go to the Turkish bath on an empty stomach. , at the same time, it is also not recommended to abuse food. Can be eaten light vegetable salad, drink freshly squeezed fruit juice or a glass of tea with lemon.
  • You can't spend too much time in the steam room , you should alternate visiting it with cooler rooms. Before lying down on a hot stone, be sure to lay down a towel and make sure that all parts of your body are approximately at the same level.
  • Do not make sudden movements while in pairs Yes, this can have a bad effect on warmed up muscles.
  • Replenish periodically water balance in organism , drink more fluids, preferably natural water, herbal teas.
  • After warming up in the main steam room, The decrease in body temperature should occur gradually . Take a plunge first into warm water, then into cool water, and you can finish the procedure with an ice pool.

How often you can visit the hammam depends on your well-being, personal perception of the eastern way of healing, and, of course, you need to have free time, since a trip to the Turkish bath will not cost you an hour or two.

Fans healthy image life and have a nice rest all over the world the benefits of the Turkish method of cleansing the soul and body have always been appreciated. Unfortunately, not all modern buildings under the eastern name correspond to the original. Therefore, in order to experience a true national ritual, admire the beautiful interior and feel divine bliss, you need to visit the homeland of hamam - Turkey. Only there will a new view of the world open to you, you will learn to have a philosophical attitude towards difficulties and learn to enjoy life.