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Turkish hammam: the benefits and harms of an oriental bath. What are the benefits of hamam and can there be any harm from this procedure? How to visit the Turkish hammam correctly to get the benefits, and what are the contraindications

Every person would like to look young, beautiful and healthy. Unfortunately, the years a person lives “do their job.” But if you still want to regain a piece of youth and recharge your body with health, then you should definitely visit the hammam.

When visiting the hammam, everyone can say with confidence that as a result they receive a special, very pleasant, gentle feeling of relaxation, languor. You are unlikely to experience such sensations by visiting a Russian bathhouse or Finnish sauna.

What is hamam?

The Turkish hammam is an establishment where you can perform unique procedures that can quickly cleanse the body and gain strength and energy.

In addition, a Turkish hammam can be an excellent alternative for those people who, due to their age or health, cannot stand too high temperatures. And in such a bathhouse, humidity levels will always reach 100%, and the air temperature will never exceed 50 degrees. It is this temperature-humidity ratio that allows us to talk about creating a special microclimate in which it is pleasant and useful to carry out procedures.

For the most part, the traditional hammam is the most heated marble, which is radically different from wooden beds. Marble can give pleasure and relaxation, inner peace and a feeling of leisurely life.

The highlight of a visit to a Turkish bath can rightfully be considered a soap peeling procedure, a massage in which special oils are used, as well as taking relaxing oriental teas afterward. This is the main difference between hamam and other types of baths. After all, often, in a Russian bath or sauna, the client is his own massage therapist and cosmetologist. Here everything is done by an experienced bathhouse attendant, delivering real pleasure and relaxation to his client.

Operating principle

Eastern culture has always aroused and continues to arouse interest among people. And recently, the concept of hammam has become increasingly widespread. So what is it? This is not just a place where people go to steam and wash. This is a real palace of purity, where you can have a pleasant time and restore the strength of the body. The procedures that can be performed in Turkish baths are endowed with
various beneficial properties and many people arrange a “piece of Turkey” simply in their home or apartment.

The benefits of hamam have already been proven and tested by many people, but in order for it to give maximum effect, you need to know its basic principles of operation. A real bathhouse of Turkish origin should consist of several rooms. These rooms should diverge in the form of rays from the main hall. The main hall must contain a chair or table for massage (gebek). Adjacent rooms that are adjacent to the main hall can serve as a locker room, a room for a steam generator, steam rooms or rest areas.

A classic hammam should have several steam rooms in which you can learn how to steam properly. Each of these pairs must have different temperatures heating so that the guest can choose the most suitable one for himself, while feeling as comfortable as possible.

The principle of operation of an oriental bath is quite simple. Warmth should emanate from everything in the bathhouse (walls, floor, benches), and moist, soft steam with the addition of various aromas should be supplied to the steam rooms.

A classic Turkish bath should be equipped with three pools. The first one should contain warm water, in the second - neutral temperature, in the third - cold.

The health benefits of a hammam, if built correctly, are obvious. People come here who want to rest, relax, replenish their body's strength with a charge of positive energy and simply receive aesthetic pleasure.

Turkish hammam baths are opulence in oriental style. Here the walls and floors should be made of marble, washbasins without drainage, fountains should be installed, marble mosaics can be seen everywhere, and the lighting can be made in the form of twinkling stars in the sky. This environment is conducive to rest and relaxation.

The benefits of hamam

When planning to visit a Turkish bath for the first time, a person has a very reasonable question: “What is the use of hammam?” Let's try to answer this question now. The literal translation of the word “hammam” means emanating steam. And in fact, in Turkish baths you will not encounter such high temperatures as, for example, in a Russian bath. The temperature here will not rise above 55 degrees, which is the benefit of hammam for the skin. At such temperatures, neither human skin nor hair becomes dry, but, on the contrary, becomes moisturized.

The benefits of hamam for women and men may also lie in the ways it provides relaxation. Relaxed atmosphere, soft light, aroma oils in the air, an abundance of marble, the obligatory presence of a professional bathhouse attendant - all this contributes to maximum relaxation of the human body, removing it from the outside world and pressing problems of life.

When visiting such an establishment as the Turkish bath, Hamam, the benefits will not keep you waiting. After just one visit, a person can feel the beneficial effects of Turkish sauna. And, mind you, this is not just a pleasant pastime, but also benefits for the soul and body. By visiting the hammam, a person cleanses his body, receives a charge of positive energy, and a feeling of lightness. Every visitor to such a bathhouse feels:

  • how pores open and cleanse, removing waste and toxins from the body;
  • how does it stabilize blood pressure, the functioning of the heart and blood vessels is improved;
  • how immunity is strengthened and increased, eliminates respiratory diseases;
  • how the skin regeneration process improves;
  • how the nervous system calms down, sleep improves, headaches go away and a general feeling of lightness appears in the body;

The benefit of a hammam sauna lies in its effect on the human nervous system. Here you can truly rest, relax, get rid of annoying unnecessary thoughts, and feel real comfort. Strength is infused, the blood is enriched with white blood cells, and the body’s immunity is strengthened.

Contraindications to visiting the hammam

Despite the fact that the hammam is considered the softest type of bathhouse of all existing ones, it still has some contraindications to visiting it. The hammam sauna, the benefits and harms of which all visitors should know, requires certain precautions. So, for example, when visiting a hammam, harm can be felt by those people who do not tolerate the effects very well high temperatures.

Despite the fact that visiting a Turkish bath is undeniable benefits There are still contraindications for people with chronic diseases. For example, those suffering bronchial asthma Visiting the hammam is strictly prohibited, as moist air vapors can aggravate the disease.

The benefits and harms associated with visiting Turkish saunas can have different effects on different people. Therefore, before going to the hammam, you should carefully study all the indications and contraindications. It is strictly forbidden for people who suffer from epilepsy and tuberculosis to visit the hammam. It is not recommended to go to such baths for those people who are susceptible to surges in blood pressure, who are registered with oncology and who are sick infectious diseases. People registered with a cardiologist are also not recommended to visit the hammam without permission from the leading doctor.

The benefits and harms of hamam have been tested by many Russians. Hamam, along with other attractions in Turkey, has become a favorite place to spend time among Russian tourists.

The history of the Turkish bath Hamam

The Turkish bath appeared in the 17th century by adopting the customs of Arab baths and the luxury of Roman bathing traditions. By combining and improving the most best features bath procedures these peoples, Turkish craftsmen created a hammam (the word “ham” means “heat”). The principle of organizing a hammam is considered classic, because it has not changed at all since those times.

What is the difference between a hammam and a sauna and a Russian bath?

The Turkish hammam is qualitatively different from the usual Russian bathhouse, Finnish sauna. For clarity, you can consider the features of the hammam in comparison with them.

As you can see, the differences Turkish hamam there is a lot from the Finnish and Russian baths. Thanks to the low temperature conditions, people who cannot withstand high temperatures go there. The difference in the finishing of the Turkish sauna can be seen in the photo below.

The benefits of hamam

The beneficial properties of hamam procedures have made it one of the most popular. Regular visits to the Turkish sauna will help achieve the following effects:

  • remove salt deposits;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • increase immunity;
  • relieve muscle tension;
  • cure some respiratory diseases.

The benefits of Turkish hammam for the body are based on the removal of toxins, relaxation of the body and soul.

For women's health

Most women spend a lot of time on their own appearance. The procedures offered by the hammam staff have a number of advantages: they will help preserve beauty, get rid of cellulite, improve skin condition, and strengthen hair. Healthy sleep, stress relief will be an addition after visiting the hammam.

For men's health

The beneficial properties of hamam have been proven for male body. Since it is the stronger sex that is most susceptible various diseases related to the functioning genitourinary system, it is useful for men to visit the hammam. With increased sweating, the kidneys are unloaded for a certain time, which makes it easier painful sensations. Men visiting a Turkish sauna take pictures nervous tension that occurs during stress is normalized general state body.

For athletes

After a workout, the hammam allows you to relax your joints and muscles, and relieve stress that occurs during strength training. The benefits of visiting the hamam after gym manifests itself in the removal painful sensations, which allows you to reduce breaks between workouts. However, you should not do this, because the process of muscle and tendon restoration proceeds as usual, and the felt relaxation in the hammam does not speed it up.

To relax your back muscles after training, it is recommended to steam while sitting. While lying down you can apply to your body irreparable harm: One awkward movement can lead to spinal dislocation.

Hammam for weight loss

The benefit of hammam for weight loss lies in the combination of low temperature conditions with the highest possible air humidity. Such conditions increase metabolism, sweating, and vasodilation. Fat located under the skin moves to muscle tissue, burns out. The skin becomes elastic, straightens, cellulite tubercles disappear and are smoothed out.

How to visit the hammam correctly

To understand the structure of steam rooms and the procedures offered by the hammam, you need to consider them separately.

The first room of the jamekan is a locker room with tables for tea parties and friendly gatherings, from where they go to the first steam room - soguluk. This is where you get used to the elevated temperatures and prepare the body for the main part of the procedure. The temperature is +35 C, the optimal time for warming up the body is 20 minutes. The last and main room of the hammam is the hararet, with an air temperature of +50 C. It is here that massage, peeling, and body soaping are carried out with a special mixture, which contains mainly oils of plant origin.

To obtain maximum benefit hamam for health, you need to follow certain rules visits.

  1. To beneficial features Turkish bath does not turn into a problem of dehydration, you need to drink plenty of fluids. Usually they drink in jamekan aromatic tea. Drinking alcoholic and soft drinks is prohibited.
  2. To prevent your health from deteriorating during a visit to the steam room, stop eating 1-1.5 hours before.
  3. Before placing the body on the bench, you need to put a personal towel.
  4. You should not make sudden movements after the procedures - this can cause harm to heated muscles.
  5. Women and men steam separately.

Compliance with several simple rules will make your stay in the hammam useful and unforgettable.

How often can you go to the hammam?

To get the maximum benefit from the procedures performed in the hammam, it is recommended to visit it no more than 1-3 times a week. Despite the fact that the air temperature in it is low, humidity plays a decisive role in this matter, as well as massage and peeling, which should not be carried out too often.

Excessively frequent visit Hamam can even cause harm healthy body: provoke problems with the kidneys, nervous system, dehydration.

How long should you stay in the hammam?

The optimal time spent in the hammam is about 1-1.5 hours. During this period of time, the body and soul will be cleansed. People who have no contraindications, but suffer from any other diseases, are recommended to steam for no more than 30 minutes.

Features of visiting a hammam with a swimming pool

A pool with water at room temperature is considered the final stage after all the procedures offered by the hammam. Here, complete normalization and adaptation of the body takes place after warming operations.

Not everyone can combine a steam room with a subsequent bath in the pool. For those with work-related illnesses of cardio-vascular system, you are allowed to steam in the hammam for a short time, but you will have to refuse to visit the pool: a sharp temperature change will harm the body.

Harm of Turkish bath Hamam

A visit to the hammam may not end in the best way if you neglect the basic rules of the Turkish steam room. Its harm to healthy people, which do not have any contraindications, lies in the possibility of overheating of the body. In addition to the fact that the air temperature is not considered extremely high, at maximum humidity the limbs and head quickly heat up. You cannot steam for longer than the permitted time; it is recommended to use a towel turban to protect your head from overheating.

Who should not take a steam bath in the hammam?

Exist special groups people who are forbidden to take a steam bath in a Turkish hammam.

  1. WITH oncological diseases. People steaming in the hammam accelerate blood circulation, so tumor particles and toxins quickly spread throughout the body.
  2. Having mental disorders. The hot temperatures of the hammam provoke an increase in aggression.
  3. With skin and fungal diseases. Such diseases can be aggravated by staying in the humid, warm climate of the hammam.
  4. With severe lung diseases. Humid air is difficult to inhale, especially if your lungs are not working at full capacity. A person with such diseases may begin to choke.
  5. With viral, infectious diseases, any inflammation.

People with cardiovascular diseases should be especially careful when staying in the hammam: reduce the time spent in the steam room to half an hour, and do not use the pool after the procedures.

Important! The beneficial properties of hammam have been proven for diseases at the recovery stage: bronchitis, sinusitis, colds. The main rule is the absence elevated temperature bodies.

Is it possible for pregnant women to go to the hammam?

During pregnancy, going to the hammam is not forbidden for everyone, because the benefits of the hammam for women in an “interesting” position are difficult to ignore:

  • reduces swelling;
  • reduces unpleasant symptoms toxicosis;
  • prevents numbness of the limbs;
  • reduces the risk of varicose veins.

Despite all the beneficial properties of the Turkish sauna, it is necessary to take into account some nuances, otherwise you can harm the fetus.

  1. You can start going to the hammam only after the first trimester of pregnancy.
  2. Consult a gynecologist.
  3. If you haven’t visited such places regularly before, you can’t start steaming right away.
  4. Drink a large number of fluids to reduce stress on the kidneys.
  5. Visit the hammam only with an accompanying person.

If you follow the above rules, then even during pregnancy you can receive great benefit from the Turkish sauna.


The benefits and harms of the hammam are two decisive indicators, guided by which a person decides whether to visit it or not. Many argue that a trip to a real hammam becomes one of the most wonderful adventures: it allows you to get to know the culture of an oriental bath, relax your soul and body, treat yourself to a professional massage, peeling, and end the trip with a pleasant friendly conversation over a mug of warm tea.

Hammam, also known as Turkish bath, has completely become one of the most popular and desirable cosmetic procedures and health procedures.

Hamam is a temple of relaxation where East and West meet.

Hammam is a real temple of relaxation

And yet, does boorish man give only health benefits or is he also capable of causing harm?

The principle of influence on humans

Water is health, even when it takes the form of steam that envelops the body. This aspect was discovered in ancient times by the Greeks, Romans, and peoples of the Middle East, who made the Turkish bath a philosophy of life.
In the hammam, the humidity reaches 90 - 100%, and the temperature does not exceed 55 °C, which is much healthier than the conditions of a sauna. IN Finnish sauna the air is dry and temperatures reach 100C.

Relaxation and getting rid of toxins are the beneficial properties of hamam.

Sitting on marble or stone surfaces (doctors recommend sitting, not lying), in very dense steam, inhaling warm waves of moist air, which calms breathing, gets rid of toxins through sweat.
The expansion of pores in the skin, caused by heat, allows steam to penetrate and therefore allows the skin to renew itself, becoming soft and elastic.

You will learn all the details about the hammam from the video:

How is it useful in general?

The ritual of visiting the hamam has several other features that bring health benefits:

  • Immunity increases;
  • Almost everyone visits the hamam age groups is an excellent blood pressure regulator;
  • It is easier to get rid of salt deposits;
  • The properties of steam stimulate the removal of dead skin cells;
  • Hammam steam, creating a warming effect, accelerates blood circulation and expands blood vessels. This effect is achieved by alternating hot and cold temperatures;
  • Muscle tension is easily eliminated;
  • A trip to the hammam is also useful for those who need treatment and preventive measures for respiratory diseases.

Benefits for women

The benefits of hamam for women are clearly recognized. It lies in the fact that it is precisely this part of humanity, constantly concerned about the presence of cellulite on the body, the condition of hair, skin, etc., that in this place can happily take care of the body and spirit. Relieving stress and improving sleep are also important factors.

The benefit is that you can avoid damaging your hair with dry heat, as in a sauna, for example, but, on the contrary, in the humid environment of a hammam, you can enhance growth and strengthen hair follicles.

Lots of different medical procedures With herbal decoctions, infusions, creams and scrubs, massages and steam baths - all these manipulations for women are very, very important, useful and pleasant. And if you massage with oil, you will get a stunning cosmetic effect!

Various procedures in the hammam are not only pleasant, but also useful

Benefits for men

Men, more often susceptible to diseases genitourinary system, hammam is useful like no other. Moist heat and special conditions promote excessive sweating.

This process helps the kidneys unload and relieve the painful condition for a while.

Men are more susceptible to stress and endure it more severely than women. Hammam is a place where nervous tension is relieved, blood circulation improves, and the general condition is normalized many times faster.

Benefits for athletes

Very often the hammam is visited after the gym, which can be beneficial or harmful to a person after physical activity. What is absolutely useful about a hammam after a workout is that it is easy to relax spasmodic or toned/stressed muscles, joints and ligaments.
But by coming to the hammam immediately after training, before your pulse and blood pressure have time to return to normal, you can cause serious harm to the body.
Sports doctors recommend spending about 20 - 30 minutes after training in peace, and then visiting the hammam.

Temperature stages

There are several stages with different temperature conditions hamam:

Is hamam harmful?

Much can be said about the Turkish bath - hamam, about its benefits and possible harm, but still after analysis, the pros are clearly visible than the cons.
First of all, if you want to visit the hammam for the first time, it would be very good to consult a doctor for an opinion on whether it is safe to visit a Turkish bath.

When visiting the hammam for the first time, it is advisable to consult a doctor

To spend time in the hammam only for your own benefit, you need to know about the contraindications.
First of all this:

  • presence of cancer or suspicion of it. Due to high temperatures, exacerbation or accelerated growth tumors;
  • epilepsy;
  • people with respiratory diseases (asthmatics, etc.) cannot visit the hammam, because too humid, hot air can cause another attack;
  • any dermatological diseases (atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, etc.);
  • fungal diseases. Due to the threat of infecting other visitors to the hammam;
  • high arterial pressure at the time of visiting the hammam. People with chronic hypertension You just shouldn’t abuse the long stay in the hammam. “Gymnastics” of blood vessels (alternating cold and hot temperatures), very useful for hypertensive patients;
  • pregnancy.

Even knowing about the contraindications to going to the hammam, you can soberly assess your capabilities and still, at the first opportunity, be sure to visit this place.


Going to the hammam should be an indispensable habit to truly bring health to a person.

This will allow you to protect yourself from everyday stress and take care of yourself, cleansing your body and mind.

It’s not for nothing that the Turkish bath has been known and loved since the times of the Byzantine Empire.

Similar materials

Is it possible to go to the bathhouse during a cold depends on general well-being person and the state of his body.

The bath helps to activate protective functions body, and also contributes to the normalization of thermoregulation.

For flu, cough and runny nose, as well as after severe hypothermia, visiting a bathhouse will help avoid fever in people who do not have chronic serious diseases.

Taking a steam bath is most effective at the beginning of the disease, when the throat begins to hurt and the body is hypothermic. There are quite large list chronic diseases for which hammam or baths are contraindicated.

For example, if you have herpes, then visiting the bathhouse will lead to an exacerbation of the disease due to a weakened immune system. Hammam and bathhouse are not recommended for people with cardiovascular diseases and old purulent infections.

Hammam is contraindicated for people with coronary disease heart and angina pectoris. To know whether you can steam, you should consult a doctor before your first visit to the establishment.

The benefits of hot air sauna

For flu, runny nose and cough, it is best to immediately visit the bathhouse. Moist or dry hot air reduces pain in muscles and joints.

The patient feels an improvement in mood, increases general tone body.

A bath for colds is also useful if your throat and tonsils hurt. Hammam or bathhouse allows you to cure problems with the functioning of the lungs.

  1. A bath for colds has a positive effect on the functioning of the body's defenses. The procedure stimulates the removal of mucus and phlegm during a runny nose, stopping inflammatory chronic diseases respiratory tract.
  2. Hammam is useful for people prone to respiratory diseases and those suffering chronic cough and runny nose.
  3. Hot steam has a healing effect on sore tonsils and weak lungs. Moist bath air improves the well-being of people suffering from bronchial mild asthma forms. A sauna for a cold also has a positive effect on a person’s condition initial stage ARVI and during recovery period after illness.
  4. If a runny nose and other signs of a cold appear, but there is no fever yet, then a bath will significantly reduce the severity of the progression of the disease. Using a broom tones the skin, which promotes active blood circulation. Thus, the number of leukocytes in the blood increases and immunity improves.

If you need to cope with a cough and runny nose, brooms of oak, birch, nettle and eucalyptus, as well as aromatherapy with oils, are suitable medicinal plants. All this significantly improves performance endocrine system, as a result, rapid recovery of the body occurs. One of the most effective means deep inhalation is considered, it softens mucus and cleanses the upper Airways from mucus with a runny nose.

Of course, the answer to the question of whether it’s worth taking a steam bath if you have a flu or a cold is positive. Such procedures steam skin, and increasing air temperature expands the pores. Sweating increases and the infection disappears through the pores.

It is known that people who regularly visit a hammam or a regular bathhouse have practically no ARVI. The fact is that when hot water procedures A large number of leukocytes are released in the human blood, which improves the condition of influenza and viruses.

If ARVI has already caused an increase in temperature, then there is no indication for a visit to the hammam or a regular bathhouse, since excess stress will weaken the body.

What to do in the bathhouse if you have a cold

There is a certain massage algorithm bath broom. First of all, you should not make steam bursts during the process. Sudden hypothermia should not be allowed. It is dangerous to expose the body to unnecessary stress.

During a visit to the bathhouse if you have the flu or a cold, it is not advisable to enter the steam room three or more times. On the first visit, you should massage with a broom. For the treatment of runny nose and colds, it is best to:

  • combination broom,
  • coniferous,
  • nettle,
  • eucalyptus.

On the second visit, it is worth using medicinal rubbing with two brooms. On the third visit, it is best to conduct an aromatherapy session. Essential oils you can use:

  1. eucalyptus,
  2. fir,
  3. lemon balm,
  4. peppermint,
  5. ginger,
  6. lemon,
  7. lavender,
  8. juniper,
  9. tea tree,
  10. bergamot,
  11. sandalwood

25 drops of the selected oil should be diluted in a liter of water. Ready mix poured onto hot stones to create aromatic hot steam. have long proven themselves to be effective means.

It is useful to drink at the end of the procedure medicinal tea with the following herbs:

  • Linden,
  • raspberry leaves,
  • thyme,
  • currant,
  • chamomile.

You should stay in the steam room for about 10 minutes. After the second and third visit to the steam room and the final cooling, you need to dry and rest.

Proper use of saunas and steam rooms helps reduce the risk of getting sick respiratory infection due to hypothermia.

Colds can be easily treated in the bathhouse, thanks to the healing air of the steam room, saturated essential oils. Visiting the bathhouse also makes it possible to avoid serious exacerbations of these diseases.

Cold water combined with hot air is powerful preventative measure against inflammatory processes. This is especially important for continuous cooling lower limbs, which often leads to reflexive dysfunction internal organs.

It should be remembered that a bath for a cold can cause deterioration in a person’s health. If there is a pathogenic pathogen in the body, then the body may react to a visit to the bathhouse in a completely different way than usual.

If a person feels weak while visiting the steam room, they should immediately leave it and stop the steaming process. It is best to consult a doctor about whether further visits to the bathhouse are possible and whether it is possible to expose the body to sudden changes temperature during infection.

Learn more about the benefits of a bath in the video in this article.

Greetings to regular and new readers! In the article “Hamam: the benefits and harms of a Turkish bath - all the nuances” about this pleasant procedure and its contraindications, plus a video.

Turkish hammam - what is it?

Are you familiar with Turkish baths? Hamam is a Turkish bath with 100% humidity and fifty degree air temperature. Hamam, translated from the Arabic word “ham” - “hot”, is considered the coolest of all types of baths.

The softness of the steam gives a feeling of lightness; the procedure becomes safe for those who find it difficult to stay in a classic Russian steam room with scalding steam. Thus, the subtropical climate of the hammam has a beneficial effect on the human body, preventing the blood vessels from expanding sharply.

Rules for visiting the hamam

First of all, you need to know that, unlike a Russian bathhouse with wooden shelves, the hammam is decorated with marble, under which heating pipes are located hot water. Cold marble turns into a source of pleasant, non-burning heat.

Condensation collects on the cold ceiling and flows down the walls; this is why the hammam has domed ceilings. To create steam in modern Turkish baths, steam generators are installed, which fill the room with steam, humidifying the air up to 100%.

The Turkish bath consists of several rooms. In the first one, the locker room, you will receive a towel big size and slippers, the peculiarity of which is the presence of wooden soles. You are not allowed to bathe naked in a Turkish bath.

In the main hall you will have to lie on a warm marble shelf for up to half an hour to warm up. It is during this time that your pores will open and cleanse them. But to enhance the cleansing, the bath attendant will rub your body using rough camel hair mittens. You will simultaneously receive light massage and deep cleansing of the skin.

Next procedure- soapy massage performed by a bathhouse attendant. Having whipped soap foam from natural soap made with olive and peach oils in a bag, the bath attendant will apply it to your body from head to toe, massaging you for about fifteen minutes. You can also use an additional honey or oil massage.

After enjoying the soapy procedures, you can take a dip in the pool or enjoy all the delights of the jacuzzi.

And now all the above procedures have been completed, you can go into a cool room to drink herbal tea with a bite oriental sweets. When your body cools down to natural temperature, you can go outside.

The benefits of hamam

  • The subtropical climate in this room has a beneficial effect on the entire body;
  • Penetrating into the respiratory tract wet steam treats bronchitis and pharyngitis;
  • Rheumatic, muscular and arthritic pain goes away;
  • Nervous system returns to normal, insomnia goes away;
  • Due to the opening of pores, work is normalized sebaceous glands, skin oiliness decreases;
  • Sometimes weight is reduced up to two kilograms under the influence of high temperatures in combination with a soap massage, metabolism is improved, and the process of breakdown of fat cells is started;
  • Dilated vessels improve blood circulation, thanks to the outflow of blood from the internal organs, their congestion disappears.

Hammam: contraindications

Unfortunately, not everyone can visit the hammam due to existing the following contraindications:

  • Epilepsy;
  • Oncology;
  • Kidney inflammation;
  • Diseases thyroid gland;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Liver cirrhosis and other liver diseases;
  • Pregnancy at any stage;
  • Have ever suffered a heart attack;
  • Heart diseases;
  • Purulent lesions or fungal skin diseases.

If you have at least one of the diseases listed above, you should refrain from visiting the hammam.

Everyone who is not at risk should visit a Turkish bath at least once. You will receive a bouquet of pleasure and pleasure. Feel like a real princess of the East. Enjoy the extraordinary sensations of massage, peeling, masks and herbal tea. It’s not for nothing that the hammam is called a real beauty bath!


In this video Additional Information on the topic “Hamam: benefits and harms”↓

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