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Turkish steam room: what is a hammam. Why the Turkish bath hammam is useful: contraindications, visiting rules

One of the most wonderful places for rest and relaxation, as well as health improvement, is the bathhouse. People have explored since ancient times unique properties water and its beneficial effects on the state of mind and the human body. Today there are dozens of types of baths all over the world. At the same time, the Turkish bath - hammam - is considered to be one of the best.

The Turkish bath is a whole range of procedures: steaming, massage, complete cleansing.
Main difference Turkish bath from Russian is the presence of a special temperature regime and wet steam. Steaming in a Turkish bath occurs when low temperatures: from 35 to 50 degrees. But at the same time, the humidity of the steam is quite high, it reaches almost 100%. That is, the secret of hammam lies in light, warm steam, but at the same time highly saturated with moisture.

Another distinctive feature What makes a Turkish bath different from other baths is the combination of traditional warming up in a steam room with other procedures - massage, peeling, wrapping.

In order to understand how to properly steam in a Turkish bath, you need to know its structure. Classic Turkish baths are designed according to the palm principle: there are five niches around the main steam room. The temperature in the niches is designed to increase, that is, in the first it is 70 degrees, and in the last - 100 degrees and above. In the dressing room the temperature is much lower and is only 35 degrees. A large hot stone lounger is located in the very center of the steam room. Also in the Turkish bath there are three pools with cold, warm and warmer water.

Now let’s look at the process in order of how to properly steam in a hammam.
First you need to warm up in the dressing room. Then they move on to niches, starting with cooler ones and ending with hotter ones. And only after this comes the turn of the large stone lounger. Usually it is poured with hot water. It is recommended to lie with your stomach down on a stone lounger, as in this position the body warms up better.

It should be noted that massage in a Turkish bath is one of the main procedures. Typically, massage begins after completion of all steaming procedures. The combination of steaming and massage is medical procedure. This massage is effective because the ligaments become more elastic and the muscles more flexible.

After the massage is done, proceed to following procedure- the washing up. It is also divided into several stages. First, a washcloth is soaked in soapy water and then passed over the entire body to scrub away dead skin cells. Next, after rinsing, you need to wash your body again, lathering the washcloth with more abundant soap suds.

After washing, they move on to swimming in the pools, also starting with the warmest and ending with the coldest.

About the benefits of a Turkish bath

The benefits of a Turkish bath are invaluable, because it has a beneficial effect on many organs and systems of the human body.

IN modern world exist different types baths and saunas. They differ in their characteristics and advantages, which are determined by the country of origin and its national culture. It is common to visit a Turkish bath - hamam - in beauty and health centers.

Currently, it is quite possible to equip a bathhouse in a house or apartment if you have sufficient space and financial resources. The choice of bath depends on individual tolerance to temperature and humidity. Fashion trends play an important role. It is important to understand that the idea of ​​a hammam should not be limited only to the warm air in a room with stone benches. Turkish bath is a broader concept.

About the historical features of the hammam

Hammam is an irreplaceable and obligatory part of any Turkish home, even the poorest. The premises are not particularly luxurious. The whole atmosphere of the hammam is imbued with true oriental relaxation. It is not customary to have fun or talk loudly in a Turkish bath. It is important to note that the most suitable time to visit the hammam is morning.

Who should choose hammam?

Preference should be given to a Turkish bath in the following cases:

  • low sweating;
  • after physical activity;
  • for dry skin;
  • with rosacea (it is important to limit the time spent in the steam room);
  • in the presence of endocrine pathologies.

The Turkish bath is one of the “softest”. Even the most intolerant people feel comfortable in it. The thing is that in a Turkish bath the body is heated gradually. As a result, no increased stress is created on the body, and the person does not experience discomfort.
The air temperature in the hammam makes it possible to stay in it for a long time.

At the same time, the muscles and the whole body actively relax, and thoughts are put in order. Under the influence of wet steam, the upper layers of the skin soften, pores open, dead cells are effectively removed, and toxins are removed from the body. Hammam is a wonderful activator metabolic processes and blood flow in the human body.

What benefits does visiting the hamam give?

The most important positive effects of a Turkish bath are the following:

  • relieving nervous tension;
  • eliminating stress;
  • improved sleep;
  • increased performance;
  • improvement of skin condition;
  • elimination of acne;
  • general health;
  • weight loss;
  • elimination of cellulite deposits;
  • improved kidney function;
  • normalization of the heart and blood vessels;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • prevention of muscle inflammation;
  • prevention of radiculitis;
  • prevention of respiratory tract pathologies.

How does a classic Turkish bath work?

The main hall of the hammam has several so-called sections. Opposite the center there are always several niches. Their peculiarity is that the air temperature in them rises evenly from 70 to 100 degrees. The visitor moves from one niche to another so that the body adapts to the increase in temperature.

Main rooms of the hammam:

  • Jamekan is the so-called lobby, where the ticket office and locker room are located. Here you are given clothes for visiting the hamam - peshtemal (bath towel with Velcro) and takunya (wooden platform slippers);
  • Sogukluk - the dressing room is a room with a transitional temperature between the vestibule and the main steam room. The air temperature is not higher than 35 degrees;
  • hararet - steam room. Its roof has the shape of a dome. In the center there is a large hot bed made of stone - soup or gebek-tashi;
  • soap compartment. They go into it after a massage. As a rule, soap twice
  • pool. The classic hammam has 3 pools. Each of them contains water at different temperatures;
  • rest zone.

After entering the steam room you should water hot water on the central lounger, sit on it with your stomach down. So you should warm up the body for at least 20 minutes. When the sweat comes out, you should move on to massage. This is an indispensable attribute of the hamam. After the massage, they go to the soap section, where they wash away dead skin cells. For this it is best to use rosemary or olive soap, which is used to lather a special washcloth - kese. It is made from horse hair, coconut fibers, date stamens, and luffa. You should thoroughly rub your body with this washcloth. It is not recommended to soap it heavily.

After the soap room, you should visit the pool with a comfortable water temperature. If you wish, you can repeat entering the steam room, visiting a niche with a higher temperature. After re-entering, it is recommended to dive into the pool, where the water is quite cold. Visitors drink in the recreation area Herb tea, play Board games, resting.

To achieve maximum positive effect You should follow simple recommendations:

  • go to the sauna on an empty stomach;
  • last meal - two hours before visiting the bathhouse;
  • give up alcoholic drinks;
  • After visiting the bathhouse it is recommended to consume fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • After the steam room, apply a mask suitable for your skin type to your face;
  • anti-cellulite cream is applied after leaving the steam room, when the skin is as steamed as possible and the pores are open;
  • After leaving the steam room, it is recommended to drink warm green tea;
  • tune in to relaxation and positivity.

About contraindications to visiting the hammam

Hamam is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • the presence of skin diseases;
  • serious cardiovascular pathologies;
  • acute viral and bacterial infections;
  • decreased body temperature;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypertension;
  • hypotension;
  • epilepsy;
  • intolerance to the Turkish bath.

It is important to remember that it is better to separate visits to the hammam and solarium. This is due to the fact that under the influence of a Turkish bath, the sensitivity of the skin sharply increases, which threatens to get a burn in the solarium.

Love yourself!

The Turkish hammam bath is significantly different from the Russian one we are used to. More gentle conditions for the body have been created there, so even unprepared person or having any contraindications to sudden changes temperatures can afford such luxury. How is hammam useful? How to steam properly in such a bath? Readers of “Popular about Health” who like to pamper themselves with steam will learn from this article how the eastern steam room differs from the Russian and Finnish ones, whether there are contraindications to it and will appreciate all its advantages.

What is the difference between a hammam bath and a Russian bath??

The difference between these types of baths is visible to the naked eye. Traditionally, the Russian steam room is decorated with wood, while the Turkish bath is decorated with marble. Eastern people create acceptable conditions for comfortable accommodation of guests and take care of their comfort. But the difference lies not only in the external arrangement of the bathhouse.

Hammam implies a gentle effect of steam on the body. The air temperature here fluctuates between 40-50 degrees, while in a Russian bath it is much hotter (temperature reaches 75 degrees). The air humidity in the hammam is very high - up to 100 percent, and the air itself is saturated essential oils. Lower temperatures allow this steam room to be visited by those who cannot stand extreme heat and extreme conditions. It is much more comfortable to be here, and the risk of developing problems with blood pressure is lower, because the vessels dilate slowly, in contrast to the Russian bathhouse.

Comfortable sun loungers create special conditions for relaxation and tranquility. Such rest contributes to the improvement of not only the physical body, but also the acquisition of peace of mind. Fragrant oils and teas also have a healing effect. But what exactly are the benefits of visiting an oriental steam room?

What are the benefits of a bathhouse??

So, what effect does visiting the hammam have on the body?

1. The skin is completely cleansed of sebaceous plugs and exfoliated epithelial cells.
2. The functioning of the sweat glands is regulated and normalized.
3. Blood circulation increases, blood vessels become elastic.
4. The body is gradually cleansed of toxins and toxic substances.
5. Inflammatory processes in the joints fade, with gout, lactic acid is eliminated faster, the pain goes away, and you feel lightness in the limbs.
6. Airways cleaned thanks to high humidity and essential oils.
7. Passes persistent cough, sputum discharge increases.
8. The skin becomes toned and takes on a beautiful, healthy appearance.
9. Metabolism accelerates.
10. The bathhouse is useful because it increases protective functions body.
11. Negative thoughts, fears, depression go away, leaving a feeling of complete relaxation and peace.

Steaming in a Turkish hammam is useful for people who often suffer from colds and flu, or who have a weakened immune system. If you have arthritis or gout, then bath procedures will help you forget about joint problems, become more mobile, get rid of pain and stiffness. The same applies to people who are diagnosed with osteochondrosis. Hammam is useful for those who constantly experience nervous tension or suffers from depression. Athletes should also not neglect the beneficial steam of a Turkish bath, because it will help get rid of discomfort in muscles during injuries and sprains. And for general cleansing and healing of the body, hammam is useful for everyone, of course, if there are no contraindications. What are they like?


Cancerous tumors.
Seizures, epilepsy.
Asthma (in severe form).
Varicose veins
Some kidney and thyroid diseases.

Note. For diseases of the cardiovascular system, a short stay in the steam room is allowed, but such people should not expose their body to sudden temperature changes. That is, after steaming, it is forbidden to plunge into a pool of cold water.

How to steam properly in a hammam?

The hammam consists of three rooms. In one of them there is a locker room and a place for communication and tea drinking, it is called jamekan. In the second, Soguluk, the temperature is higher (about 35 degrees), where, in fact, the initial relaxation and preparation for the transition to the third, called hararet, takes place. Here the temperature varies in the range of 35-50 degrees. In Soguluk, your stay is limited to 15-20 minutes; here you drink hot herbal tea and relax until you sweat.

Next you need to go into the heart of the hamam - hararet. Having settled down on a marble lounger, you will have a massage, which is performed by experienced bath attendants using rough mittens. Next, peeling is done, that is, cleansing the skin with brushes. After this pleasant procedure, your body will be lathered with moisturizing soap vegetable oils, after which you can dip into the jacuzzi or pool. Then again an unforgettable sensation - the bathhouse attendants apply thick foam to the body with a rough washcloth. Then you can swim or lie in the pool and enjoy pleasant communication and tea.

The Turkish hammam allows you to feel a huge surge of energy, experience a feeling of complete relaxation and get rid of mental and physical pain. It gives health and prolongs youth. Those who make it a rule to be there at least sometimes feel inspired and full of strength for new achievements.

Among many eastern peoples healthy man is equated with clean, so going to the bathhouse is a kind of ritual for them. Since ancient times, hammam has been used to put one’s body and soul in order, getting rid of everything unnecessary and, as it were, being born again.

What is hammam?

A Turkish bath that helps a person relax and achieve peace is called a hammam. Long time this place was considered a symbol of Eastern culture and traditions. Hammam is ancient public baths, which appeared during the Roman Empire. It is worth noting that the difference from Russian is due to a special temperature regime, so the value is in the range of 30-50°C.

Hammam and sauna - differences

To highlight the main distinctive features, it is necessary to compare the main parameters:

  1. To create steam and heat the room in the sauna, water is poured onto the hot stones, and in the hammam the walls, floor and sun loungers are evenly heated.
  2. When figuring out what a hammam is and how it differs from a sauna, it is worth noting that the first structure consists entirely of tiles and stones, and for the second option, in most cases, wood is used to cover the walls.
  3. If we compare temperatures, the range of 100-120°C is used in saunas, and only 40-60°C in huts. The steam rooms differ and in terms of humidity indicators, the former has a value of 10-15%, and the latter – 100%.
  4. Many people are interested in whether a sauna or a hammam is healthier, but it is impossible to give a definite answer to this question, since each option has its own advantages. In favor of the latter, we can say that such a steam room can be visited by people who cannot withstand the high temperature of a classic sauna.

How to use the hammam?

There is a certain scheme of what you need to do in this type of steam room to get pleasure and maximum benefit.

  1. You should start in a warm room, where the body should warm up thoroughly. It's better to accept horizontal position on a marble lounger. You need to stay in this room until you sweat. The temperature in the hammam is very pleasant, so in most cases visitors do not feel any discomfort.
  2. At the next stage, a massage is carried out using oils, which is performed with woolen mittens. Thanks to this procedure, blood circulation and joint flexibility improve, and the whole body relaxes. In addition, the rough surface of the mittens exfoliates the skin, removing dead cells, thereby making the skin smooth and silky.
  3. For cleansing, it is customary to use a special soap that has unique composition, so it contains olive, argon or peach oil. All this is good for the skin.
  4. On last stage must be accepted cold shower and swim in the cool pool. Thanks to this, the pores close after all previous procedures.
  5. When figuring out what hammam is, it is worth noting that the classic scheme for visiting a steam room is described above, but some salons add some more procedures, for example, after a massage you can apply special oils to the body, make a wrap or a mask. Thanks to this, you can get additional benefits, for example, cope with cellulite, dryness and other troubles.

How to visit the hammam?

First you need to understand what this version of the steam room looks like, so there are the following types of rooms:

  1. Jamekan- This is the first room where the vestibule and dressing rooms are traditionally located. If the building is made in a classical style, then there is a fountain in this room.
  2. Sogukluk- This is a washing room with showers and toilets. The temperature in this room is maintained at 30-35 degrees.
  3. Hararet– this is the main room, which is the warmest and the value on the thermometer is 50-60°C. It contains marble benches on which people relax and receive massages. In the center of the room there is a firebox that creates heat for the entire room. They call it the “belly stone.” Even in Hararet, a swimming pool is installed and it is called “qurna”.

In order for a trip to the steam room to be enjoyable, it is important to follow a number of important tips, and there are also traditions of visiting the hamam:

  1. Turkish baths have separate facilities for men and women. Visitors wear a sarong or at least tie a towel around their body.
  2. It is prohibited to drink alcohol and soft drinks while in the steam room. It is not recommended to eat food 1-1.5 hours before.
  3. Many people are interested in how often they can visit the hammam, so this should be done if possible and for health reasons. To maintain tone and health, you should go to a Turkish bath once a week.
  4. Before lying on the bench, be sure to lay a towel on it.
  5. After completing all the procedures, it is forbidden to stand up suddenly, as this can harm the heated muscles.
  6. When figuring out how to go to the hammam, it is worth indicating what time is best to stay in the Turkish bath, so it’s correct to stay there for up to 1.5 hours, but it can be longer.

What are the benefits of a Turkish bath (hamam)?

Going to the steam room has a beneficial effect on the condition of a person who has no contraindications.

  1. The health benefits of hamam are: positive impact on the condition of the skin. By cleansing the body, a rejuvenation effect is achieved.
  2. A steam room is recommended for salt accumulation, rheumatism and other problems with the musculoskeletal system.
  3. Finding out information about hamam, what it is and what benefits it has, it is worth noting the beneficial effect on respiratory and nervous system.

Hammam for sinusitis

While in a Turkish bath, positive changes occur in the body under the influence of temperature and humidity. If a person has sinusitis, then you can go to the steam room, but not throughout the entire illness. If you have a high temperature and other signs of intoxication, you should avoid going to the Turkish bath. When figuring out how to steam in a hammam, it is worth noting that it is best to go to the steam room at the recovery stage, when foreign microflora has been defeated.

  1. In this case, the procedures will have a healing effect and the immune system will be strengthened.
  2. Exposure to hot, humid air will reduce swelling of the mucous membrane maxillary sinuses and the amount of discharge, and the process of epithelial regeneration is also accelerated.
  3. During the recovery stage, steam hammams can be visited 2-3 times a week for 20-30 minutes. When the disease is chronic form is in remission, then visiting the steam room is allowed every day, but only if you feel good.

Hammam for asthmatics

If a person is diagnosed - bronchial asthma, then it’s better to forget about going to the Turkish bath. It is important to consider that if the disease occurs in a complex form with frequent attacks, then the hamam can only provoke them and aggravate the situation. If asthma is on initial stage and the doctor gave the go-ahead, then warm, moist air can be beneficial, since under the influence of moist air the volume of the lungs increases, which reduces the number of attacks. At the same time, it is important to know how to use the hammam, so you should not visit the steam room too often and stay there for more than half an hour.

Hammam for bronchitis

The moist warm air of a Turkish bath will be useful during the recovery stage, when acute phase docked. It is forbidden to go to the steam room if the body temperature is above 37°C and there is severe shortness of breath. If these contraindications are not observed, then the Turkish hammam can be useful, subject to a number of recommendations:

  1. Before going to the steam room, it is recommended to drink a lot of herbal tea.
  2. You need to breathe moderately deeply in the bath, which will promote better mucus removal.
  3. You cannot go out of the warmth into the cold air or go into the pool, since the body must cool down gradually.

Hammam for varicose veins

If a person has pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, then Turkish bath is contraindicated. This is explained by the fact that when the temperature rises, the blood vessels dilate and the volume of circulating blood increases. As a result, the load on the veins increases several times and this situation with varicose veins is very dangerous. Doctors believe that any advice regarding how to properly go to the hammam with varicose veins does not help protect blood vessels, and the danger still remains.

Hammam for colds

When a person feels slightly unwell, has a runny nose and a sore throat, visiting a Turkish bath will be beneficial. It is important to remember that if the temperature has already risen, then the steam room is prohibited.

  1. Warm air helps the pain that occurs in the muscles and joints.
  2. The bath helps to increase the body's defenses and tonify it.
  3. Humid air improves the process of mucus removal during a runny nose and stops the spread of inflammatory processes.
  4. The steam room has a positive effect on the functioning of the respiratory system.
  5. It is important to know how to properly steam in a hammam when you have a cold, so cold showers and swimming pools are necessarily excluded from all mandatory procedures.

Hammam for acne

It has been proven that with regular visits to a Turkish bath, regeneration occurs skin, which is important for cleansing the skin, getting rid of dead cells and improving appearance. The benefit is due to the fact that toxins are removed from the body, which often cause rashes on the body. In addition, do not forget that one of the stages of being in a bathhouse is peeling, which is beneficial for the skin.

How is hammam useful after a workout?

During intense sports training the muscle corset gets stressed, so the next day many suffer from sore throat and other discomfort. For a relaxing treatment, you can visit the hammam after your workout. The steam room helps restore blood circulation, relieve inflammation, improve or restore body tone and muscle elasticity, warm up the muscles and increase the supply of oxygen to the muscles.

Harm from hamam

In some situations, going to a Turkish bath can be harmful, so you need to know the existing contraindications.

  1. Pregnant women are prohibited from going to the Turkish bath, as the increase in temperature can cause harm to the fetus.
  2. Hamam for health cannot be used if a person has serious illnesses lungs.
  3. Availability high temperature And viral diseases leads to worsening of the condition.
  4. If a person has any fungal disease, then being in a warm and humid room will provoke their reproduction.
  5. When finding out what a hammam is and for whom a steam room is contraindicated, it is worth noting that visiting such establishments is prohibited if you have problems with cardiovascular system. Fever creates additional stress on the heart and blood vessels.
  6. You cannot go to the bathhouse if you have mental disorders, skin diseases, cancer and various acute inflammatory processes.

Bathing traditions, like others that have come down from time immemorial, are oversaturated with myths and are constantly growing with new ones. For example, that in a sauna extra centimeters on the waist easily melt away. Yes, weight decreases, but only due to the removal of fluid from the body. A couple of glasses of water - and the kilograms are in place. It is thanks to this myth that many people believe that the more often you go to the bathhouse, the slimmer you become. However, everything is good in moderation, because any bath, including the Turkish hammam, is medicine, and in large doses medicine is poison. A reasonable question arises: how often to visit the hammam in order to get maximum benefits and not cause harm to the body?

It’s worth starting with the fact that, despite all the mild temperatures, everything else in the hammam is very harsh. This includes severe peeling and massage, not to mention the impact of high humidity and heat on all body systems. All this indirectly answers the question of how often you can visit the hammam.

We visit the hammam without harm

The optimal number of visits to the hammam is 1-3 per week. Even one weekly visit is enough to get a healing effect, improve the condition of your skin and hair, improve your sleep, “displace” cellulite from the piquant parts of the body, and improve the condition of the musculoskeletal system.

More frequent procedures are fraught with depression of the nervous system, dehydration and other troubles. Because the temperature regime As mentioned above, the hammam is quite gentle, so you can afford more visits than if we were talking about a Finnish sauna or steam bath. You can visit the Finnish sauna no more than 1-2 times a week, and certainly not after every workout in the fitness room.

What else determines the recommendation about how often you can go to the hammam? Well, for example, skin diseases, which in overly regular and diligent trips to humid rooms (in the hammam the humidity reaches 100%) and long stays there risk aggravation.

High temperatures and humid air are a strain on the heart and kidneys, respiratory system. It is unlikely that anyone would think of doing inhalations every day without special medical indications.

Frequent exposure to 40-50 degree heat, as already mentioned, depresses the nervous system, and this can lead to an exacerbation of some of its diseases, stress, and depression. Even the idle inhabitants of eastern harems did not wash in the bathhouse every day, and not at all because they were saving water.

How often to visit the hammam on vacation

By the way, if you are planning a vacation in hot countries and you intend to bring back a luxurious, even tan, then you should start your vacation with a visit to a Turkish bath. Cleansing with peeling, subsequent nourishment of the skin healing oils will prepare her for sunbathing. The tan will be quick, rich and beautiful, and the likelihood of getting burned is low. But it is not advisable to end your vacation with a hammam - very little will be left of the golden bronze hue.
To summarize: you can go to the hammam more often than to Finnish sauna or a Russian bathhouse, but you still shouldn’t overuse it. Let a weekly trip to the hammam be a holiday for the soul and a pleasure for the body, and not the cause of any troubles.