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My boyfriend smokes weed. How to tell if a person smokes weed: symptoms in adults and teenagers

Help!! I don’t know what to do at all, the fact is that my boyfriend has been smoking weed for a very long time, for 7 years already... We’ve been together for 3 years, before I somehow didn’t particularly prevent him from getting rid of this addiction for my sake, because I thought that I was with him temporarily, we’d have fun, and then we’d break up. But in the end, I fell in love with him madly. And now we live together and it so happened that I got pregnant and now I’m expecting a baby from him. He is very caring, attentive, he has a lot of advantages and positive qualities. But I realized that I couldn’t come to terms with the fact that when the child was born he would continue to smoke.. He himself tried to quit many times, but he became very nervous and irritable. As a result, he relapsed and started smoking even more. His environment also influences him in many ways; all his friends smoke weed. I can’t let him go anywhere at all and forcibly keep him under home supervision. I frightened him many times with separation, he promised to quit smoking every time, but to no avail. My conversations and requests do not help. I see that he himself suffers from what does not work out. I don’t want to separate and raise the baby alone. What to do? Is the only way out to end the relationship?

Answers from psychologists

Hello, Tanya!

You write that your boyfriend has been smoking weed for a long time and now this has become especially worrying to you in the prospect of having a baby. Why has this become so important to you now and was unimportant before? Why did this become such a nuisance?

Maybe it looks ugly? or does the guy become uncontrollable, irresponsible or unfocused? Bad example for a child? Do you feel bad about your health, get sick often and won’t be able to help you with your child?

Perhaps you assume that you can take responsibility for the guy’s health into your own hands? And do you think it is necessary to force you to quit smoking weed? Perhaps you feel that your boyfriend is not smart enough and needs guidance on staying healthy?

Apparently, you understand that outside advice and requests are not a sufficient reason to stop using weed. This kind of addiction is considered a disease that requires treatment. Treatment is not necessarily medicinal, but psychological. The reason for this dependence, as a rule, is quite serious and is associated with the formation of a dependent character in childhood (and its some immaturity). And it, in turn, is associated with a tendency to depression. Therefore, you can only cope with such a habit comprehensive measures. Moreover, for the success of this event, it is important that the person himself wants it and is motivated for treatment and is ready to take responsibility for his own health.

In a certain sense, your attempts to help your guy quit weed may be hindered: he will be tormented by a feeling of guilt and shame in front of you, which only increases the need for smoking.

Therefore, it seems to me that you can help him by finding out specifically where, how and when you can undergo such treatment and telling the guy about it. When he is mature and ready, he will be able to use this information.

Good luck, Tanya!

Sidelnikova Anna, psychologist Helsinki

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Smoking weed - the consequences for men can be irreversible. Not only does the speed of movement and activity of sperm decrease, but erectile dysfunction also develops. The rate of hair growth decreases, and early baldness is possible. The harm from smoking is not observed immediately, but after long time. Therefore, it is believed that marijuana has no effect on the body.

Clinical picture

Smoking weed becomes addictive very quickly. This leads to the emergence and manifestation of various disorders not only mental, but also physical health person. Parents of teenagers should know the harm that marijuana can have on the body. Doctors agree that smoking marijuana causes the development of schizophrenic disorders, which lead to the development of dementia and denial of pronounced mental defects by the sick person.

Young people are faced with the opportunity to try this method of relaxation more and more often. Not only the media and various films, but also literature are pushing people to take such a step. Many people believe that smoking hashish, marijuana or other synthetic analogues is not harmful to health.

Why does society have different opinions on this matter? According to research by scientists in North America and European countries, smoking cannabis leads to rapid addiction. It can develop into a desire to try harder types of drugs. Thus, a person, unnoticed by himself, becomes dependent on the use of drugs of varying strengths on the body.

The opinion that the use of recreational drugs does not harm a person comes from European and North American countries. Scientists from these regions speak about the pathological effects of marijuana on the body, since such research is stimulated by the state. middle Asia also often demonstrates the sad statistics about drug addicts addicted to smoking.

A long period of toxic substances entering the body when smoking weed is accompanied by:
  • deterioration of human reaction;
  • decreased brain activity;
  • loss of the ability to communicate clearly;
  • decreased activity;
  • losing weight;
  • mental exhaustion;
  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • frequent manifestations of psychosis.

Such symptoms lead to disability, disturbances of consciousness, and sometimes coma. Every drug addict from strong varieties of cannabis goes through a state of psychopathization. Dementia soon progresses as toxic substances damage brain cells. This stage of addiction is called amotivational syndrome because the patient has no desire for any physical or mental activity.

Deterioration of the smoker's condition

Smoking is contraindicated for men suffering from vascular diseases. In such cases, the influence of weed accelerates the development of dementia. This is due to the fact that after men the blood flow slows down. Such intoxication leads to swelling of brain tissue. The walls of blood vessels are affected by blood plasma. Nerve cells are compressed, which leads to their degeneration. The integrity of the structure is compromised cell nucleus due to chronic intoxication. Similar pathological processes occur in all parts and structures of the brain. Such symptoms lead to the development of toxic-dystrophic encephalopathy with vascular disorders.

With long-term smoking of narcotic drugs from cannabis, not only mental disorders are observed. A smoker experiences physical ailments:

  • poor coordination in space;
  • weak reaction to external stimuli;
  • low eye mobility;
  • blurred vision;
  • poor color perception;
  • structural changes in the retina and optic nerves;
  • damage to the cardiovascular system by cannabinoids;
  • arrhythmia, angina pectoris;
  • pathological changes in the system respiratory tract, strong and irreversible impact to the lungs;
  • change in tongue color;
  • constant runny nose;
  • swelling of the uvula.

Smoking weed contributes to the development of respiratory tract infections and lung cancer. Toxic substances irreversibly affect endocrine system person. Hormonal and secretory functions weaken. First of all, a person stops feeling sexual desire. Sex does not bring pleasant sensations and emotions. IN early age impotence develops.

There is an established opinion among men that marijuana has a beneficial effect on potency. This is one of the reasons for the rapid spread of cannabis addiction. Young people are trying weed for a new sexual pleasure. Smoking marijuana is associated with increased male erection, prolongation of intercourse, increased orgasmic sensations, and even the ability to experience it more than once.

How does marijuana affect potency?

Research shows that cannabis has a negative effect on the male body. Yes, at first, when using it, a young man receives increased pleasure from sex due to changes in consciousness. As the body adapts to cannabinoids, increasing the dose of marijuana is required to achieve the same results.

  • Persistent changes in hormonal levels.
  • Decaying libido against the background of altered consciousness and redistribution of priorities.
  • Development of prostatitis due to disturbances in prostate trophism.

If a man uses hashish or weed for a long time, the condition of the blood vessels changes irrevocably. Including those that provide a rush of blood to the penis. The end result is impotence and infertility.

When using weed or hashish for a long time, the condition of the blood vessels changes irrevocably.

Scientists report cases of sensation severe pain in the genitals during orgasm after smoking weed. This is the reaction of cannabinoid receptors located in the penis to an increase in the dose of THC. The suffering was so intense that men lost the desire to have sex for a long time, and the pleasure of another marijuana cigarette remained available.

Is there a positive impact

The psychogenic effects of cannabis depend on the individual’s mood. If he smokes weed for relaxation, he gets the effect of inhibition, if for vigor, he becomes laughing and talkative, and if he smokes to enhance potency, he will feel a surge of sexual power. Naturally, the effects of marijuana are individual, but its dependence on psychological mood has been scientifically proven.

Andrologists claim that persistent and strong erection against the backdrop of a smoked “joint” - this is the fruit of a fantasy modified by cannabinoids. The statement is also relevant regarding unforgettable sex and enchanting orgasm after using marijuana.

The verbal description of the effects by “experienced” people becomes the reason for the desire to try the drug and the basis for the feeling of “benefit”, similar to the described effect. A person gets what he expects.

Prolongation of sexual intercourse smoking weed occurs under the “anesthetic” effect of THC. This substance can dull pain, and therefore is used in medicine. If a person switches from anasha to concentrated types of drugs (hashish), his sensitivity decreases significantly, and obtaining an orgasm requires the use of an increased amount of marijuana.

Signs of intoxication

Threshold effective dose for THC it is 50 mg/kg. After adaptation to it, the “high” occurs when using stronger weed or smoking an increased amount of cannabis. After a couple of months of regular marijuana smoking, a man needs a dose of 100–200 mg/kg THC. If the smoker continues to increase the dose, there is a risk of intoxication. It manifests itself:

  • Increased heart rate.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Panic attacks.
  • Inhibition of all reactions.

After consuming large doses of marijuana, it will take 6–10 hours to induce an erection.

In the presence of sexual desire contact is doomed to failure. After consuming large doses of marijuana, it will take 6–10 hours to induce an erection. Due to changes vascular tone she will be inferior, and the man is unlikely to achieve orgasm. This indicates the arrival of a critical moment - if a man does not stop using cannabis, he will soon become a drug addict, impotent and lose interest in life.

Impact on other functions of the male body

The harm of marijuana is the slow destruction of a man’s psyche. Over time, he switches to finding new sources of pleasure, as the effect of weed becomes too weak. Disturbances in the functioning of the body have already occurred and other drugs only accelerate their progression.

Regular use of marijuana causes a complex of toxic-organic damage. They occur in all tissues and organs, but are often disguised as the effects of other, hard drugs. If a man smokes a lot, problems appear most quickly respiratory system. Somewhat later, changes in the psyche will be noticeable.


Hemp cannabinoids disrupt natural balance acetylcholine in the body. This is a protein compound that transmits excitation through nerve cells. Inhibition of its synthesis is the main mechanism for the development of “lethargy” in smokers. Under the influence of marijuana, vasoconstriction occurs, and as a result, ischemia develops in large areas of the cerebral cortex. Swelling of the perivascular tissue is fraught with the death of neurons. The consequences are disturbances in the thought process, gradual loss of cognitive abilities, impaired coordination of movements, memory, loss of skills.

The consequences of marijuana use are disturbances in the thought process, coordination of movements, memory, loss of skills.


Inhaling acrid smoke while smoking marijuana harms the receptors in the mouth and nasal cavities. Hashish and other cannabis drugs increase the risk oncological diseases mucous membranes of the mouth, throat, larynx, lungs. Trying to get best effect, smokers retain smoke inside themselves for a long time, which is harmful to the bronchi. Due to deteriorating social status, many marijuana users suffer from tuberculosis. The life of every smoker is accompanied by Chronical bronchitis and obsessive cough.

Endocrine system

The undesirable effects of marijuana on the body's humoral regulatory system appear later than all other effects. Over time, a man’s balance of all hormones is disrupted, and the thyroid and pancreas suffer. Digestion is disrupted and metabolism worsens. A man develops signs of gynecomastia. Due to a significant decrease in testosterone levels, a guy can become effeminate and gain weight. The body's defenses suffer, immunity decreases, and ARVI becomes more frequent. Disruption of the adrenal cortex provokes the appearance of edema, foci of inflammation, and unreasonable pain.

Marijuana use can cause serious problems with the thyroid gland.

Psychological changes

Panic attacks and attacks of aggression, loss of motivation and social connections, frequent lethargy, weakness and apathy. All these are manifestations negative influence weed on nervous system men. Among mental disordersprolonged depression, neuroses, psychoses, schizophrenia. When high, a man loses his understanding of “bad” and “good” and becomes asocialized. Large doses THC can cause severe auditory and visual hallucinations. During such attacks, a drug addict can commit suicide and injure himself and others.

Reproductive functions

Negative effects of weed on reproductive system men are manifested by impaired fertility. The testicles decrease in size, become loose, and stop producing male sex hormones, the main one of which is testosterone.

Spermatogenesis is disrupted, and sperm lose their ability to fertilize an egg. Becoming hyperactive under the influence of THC, they “burn out” until they approach her. Even if a sperm is able to fertilize an egg, there is a risk of fetal abnormalities since THC causes gene mutations. The spermogram of “plan” lovers reflects a deterioration in the quantitative and qualitative parameters of sperm, which significantly reduces a man’s chances of conceiving a child.

Men should not use cannabis to stimulate potency. Even one time positive influence marijuana for sex is not guaranteed, but there will certainly be a strain on the heart. Only healthy man can be a good lover, and cannabis and health are incompatible concepts.

Good afternoon, dear girls. Is it worth building a relationship with a person who smokes weed? I’ll tell you a story from my life and call it this: my boyfriend smokes weed. I met my boyfriend more than two years ago, at that time I didn’t think that everything would turn out exactly like this.

He was very handsome in appearance, it was interesting to communicate with him and spend time with him.

Before that, I didn’t know him and had never even seen him, although he is a friend of many of my acquaintances. Everything happened very quickly, but best friend, worried about me, and said that my boyfriend smokes weed so that I would not start a relationship with him. But I didn’t want to hear anything.

It got to the point that I got pregnant, I told him, he was glad, he was waiting for it. I was confused what to do next. And so he goes to sea, on a voyage, I’m waiting for him, already at the first stage of the relationship we constantly quarrel, I don’t know, maybe it was connected with my pregnancy.

My boyfriend smokes weed

And then my beloved arrives, during this time I rented an apartment and made renovations with his mother. He begins to go out constantly, since I have never met people who smoke weed, I could not even think that this could happen, and also to me. The man had been smoking for a long time, I didn’t understand what was wrong with him, but he was talking and drinking beer.

And so I go to the maternity hospital, and nervous soil I’m giving birth to a baby, a sweet daughter, and he’ll be the last to know about her birth. At this time, he is having fun with friends, smoking weed and drinking.

My daughter and I come home, she cries, he yells, then even at home in the toilet I started constantly finding bags of grass, we quarrel even more often. He became impudent and didn’t think about us at all. He could smoke at home, come out of the toilet and immediately go to bed, I endured everything, tried to do something.

Nothing worked, nothing interested him. He just needs to smoke and have fun with friends who are just like him, only they don’t have a girlfriend or a child.

Break up or reconcile?

I often went to see my mother and tried to break up with him, but I loved him so much that after a week of separation, he said that he no longer communicated with his friends and was done with smoking, and he brought us back.

No, it’s all a deception, time passed and everything changed in a new way. Again this search for him, again trying to get him out.

His mother cried with me and asked me not to leave, and helped to wean him and get him out of this hole, as sometimes it worked.

Time passed, and jealousy increased, he gets high, he starts to make trouble, he can pull hair, he hit me once, he threw a knife, he once dragged a child’s bed, he hit the furniture at home, I endured everything, I thought love could conquer everything, but even this is not within her power strength.

He comes from the sea, loves me and my daughter for two days, and then everything follows the same old pattern. He has absolutely no strength to tolerate this, he doesn’t want to be treated, he says that he doesn’t smoke anything. But according to him appearance It becomes immediately noticeable whether my boyfriend smokes weed or not.

If I hadn’t lost my head so much at the time I met, I would never have started this relationship, or even communicated with such a person. Recently he returned from a flight for two days with us and five with friends, I warned him that his feelings were fading, the end was near, so that he would not smoke.

But no, it can’t be fixed, my boyfriend is smoking weed again. And just recently he left again, writes and asks if I will wait for him, but I no longer feel practically any feelings for him. Just hatred, he thinks that everything is fine with us, but I cry from morning to evening, my daughter is a copy of him and I will never forget this man.


With this article I want to say, think before you build a relationship, get to know a person well, and only then have children from him and build a family. I didn’t do it and now I’m shedding bitter tears, don’t make stupid mistakes, appreciate and love yourself.

Be happy.

2016, . All rights reserved.

Relationships between young people often have many problems, and modern world Another problem was added - smoking weed by one of the partners, most often a guy. Somehow the phrase from the lips of young girls that my boyfriend smokes weed sounds commonplace. Many do not even attach much importance to this fact, but it is in vain, because the young man is ruining his life. What to do if a guy smokes weed, what should you do?

Firstly, I would like to say that if a girl is going to fight the addiction of her young man, then this is a loving and strong person. After all, curing a person from drug addiction is not easy. Although many people mistakenly believe that marijuana is not a drug, it is not, and smoking weed is no less addictive than heavier substances. A girl who has decided to wean a young man off weed needs to be patient, as this is a difficult and long process. You shouldn’t put a guy before a choice - either smoking or me, as this will only anger the young man and will not bring any results, and if the relationship is not very strong, then such persistence can cause a breakup. It would be wiser to call the guy for a frank conversation and explain that smoking weed is bad, talk about all the consequences that come with using marijuana. It is also recommended to find out why the young man does not want to quit such a harmful habit and why he is attracted to it. Only such conversations will help influence your soulmate and help the guy.

Any girl whose boyfriend smokes weed needs to understand that time must pass before planning a serious relationship with such a person, getting married and having children. Because smoking marijuana can affect the health of future offspring.

If conversations do not bring any results, then you can try to seek help from your parents or a person who has authority with the guy. The main thing that this person I didn’t smoke weed myself, but opposed it bad habit. It is very important that relatives and friends do not put pressure on the young man, but try to influence him through indirect methods. And the girl, in turn, must help her boyfriend in the fight against drug addiction and be a support in everything.

In addition to all the conversations, it is recommended to persuade the young man to go for a consultation with a doctor. If the bad habit is only initial stage, then you can get by with just one consultation with a psychologist, but if a guy smokes weed for a long enough period of time, then a narcologist is also needed, otherwise health problems cannot be avoided. It’s just very important to remember that if you force a person to undergo treatment, then you can hardly expect anything good. The guy will probably go through the course of treatment, but only so that everyone will leave him alone, and then he will return to his old ways.

It's interesting to know that 70% of guys quit smoking weed only after health problems begin, mainly with erection. And only 5% give up this bad habit for the sake of the health of their future children. Moreover, almost 90% of respondents sincerely believe that smoking marijuana is a completely harmless activity and does not lead to addiction.

In conclusion, I would like to note that if a guy smokes weed, then the girl should be patient and not press on her beloved, as such behavior will cause reverse effect. And the most the best option for a girl to go to a psychologist and get advice on how to communicate with people who have drug addiction. Only the right approach will help rid the guy of a bad habit.