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Weed is the consequences of smoking. Let's figure out what to do if a guy smokes weed


Be patient and persistent. If you decide to take on such a difficult task, you will have to endure a lot of torment, because influencing an adult is not so easy. Tears, screams and pleas are unlikely to help in such a matter. The ultimatum “either me or smoking” does not always work, and when pronouncing it, you must be one hundred percent sure of the guy’s feelings, otherwise you risk being disappointed.

And some non-standard advice against those who not only smoke, but also throw bulls into:
- coat the smoker with Vaseline;
- spray pepper spray into the keyhole neighbor a smoker (as long as it wasn’t there at that time);
- make smokers laugh with small, but funny and “caustic” leaflets, hanging them on;
- arrange anonymous calls for him, while the neighbor goes out to smoke, and you can listen to a few phrases about the dangers of smoking. It is possible that he will not listen to the end, but, according to at least, he will have to look up from his cigarette and go to the phone;
- torment the smoker with anonymous letters (can be electronic) with loud calls like: “Quit smoking.”

Try to understand why the young man lied to you. It is very important! For example, the “curator of a major project” sincerely loves you, values ​​your relationship, but was either embarrassed to admit that he occupies a very modest position, or was afraid that you would lose interest in him and would not want to meet. So he “promoted” himself.

In the above case, of course, it is a lie of honor, but there is no particular sin here either. It’s best for you to seriously but kindly explain to your loved one, saying that you were very upset by both his insincerity and the fact that he said such things about you, so that you could imagine that his status plays a decisive role! If he wants your relationship to continue, let him forget about the lies. And then remind him that everything is in his hands. He wants to make a career - for God's sake. Let him put in the effort and perseverance.

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Some long-time heavy smokers picked up their first cigarette in adolescence. And if they could then be explained what would happen many years later, when the bad habit develops into addiction, many would probably not smoke for company or simply out of a sense of solidarity with their peers.

If you begin to notice that your teenager’s hands and hair smell cigarette smoke, there are traces of tobacco in your pockets, there are lighters, matches, or you just caught your child with a cigarette in his hands, it’s time to take decisive action. As a rule, a teenager does not yet have a psychological and physiological dependence on nicotine. If he quits smoking, he will not be haunted by the problems of “nicotine withdrawal.” Therefore, you can stop a teenager from smoking quite simply, using psychological methods of influence.

In addition, parents should become an example for their son or daughter. If it is not customary to smoke in your family, but you yourself healthy image life, it is unlikely that your child will want to follow the example of peers who are trying for the first time tobacco products or alcoholic drinks. And if one of your family members smokes, it’s time to not only wean your teenager from the bad habit, but also show it through your own experience.

TO psychological methods influence on a teenager can be attributed to the reward system. Agree with your child that if he stops smoking, he will get what he has dreamed of for so long. It all depends on the individual needs of the teenager. And if some people want to have a new computer, for others you can offer a trip to the mountains, the purchase of a sports motorcycle, a car, etc. as motivation. Detailed mechanisms of motivation in the fight against smoking are described on the website http://vnezavisimosti.ru.

When the motivation to quit smoking has been found, try to isolate your child from the company of peers in which they smoke and do not miss the opportunity to indulge in beer or strong cocktails. Parents must clearly understand that it is simply impossible to prohibit something for a teenager. Therefore, it is worth approaching the problem using other methods. Psychologists have long noticed that if a child communicates with enthusiastic people, he is unlikely to be attracted to bad habits.

Try to find a new hobby for your child that will completely captivate him. There will be no time left to communicate with peers who smoke. And since psychological and physiological dependence on nicotine has not yet developed, a teenager without special problems will forget that he smoked.

Limit your pocket expenses. Of course, in modern life the child must have a certain amount to have breakfast or lunch at school, college, pay for transport, so completely deprive him Money impossible. But to take careful control of financial expenses and give out the amount that is required every day is quite within the power of parents. A complex approach To solve the problem, it will help to wean the teenager from smoking and never remember the bad habit.

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Many parents constantly nurse and rock their baby if he begins to act up. Subsequently, a number of problems arise. Weaning a baby off your hands is not so easy. Over time, the child understands that with the help of screaming and crying he achieves his goal. It is necessary to wean oneself from such a habit.


Let your child feel his daily routine. Set aside specific times to spend time together and play. At another period, if the baby begins to show his whims, forcing his parents to take him on hands and, you need to let the child understand that while the mother is busy with business and cannot approach him. The main thing is not to give in to children's whims.

Play with your baby, for example, on the sofa or rug. If mom indulges all his whims, then tame him independent play it will be hard. Parents who have made a firm decision to wean their child from motion sickness hands oh, we must put him to bed early. As you fall asleep in your place, you will become calmer and stop throwing too many tantrums.

Teach your child to fall asleep and not hands Oh. Create a comfortable and cozy environment for your child good sleep. If the baby sleeps in daytime, then cover the windows with curtains and turn off the lights. Getting used to it, the baby will understand that it is time to sleep. In an unlit room he will calm down much faster.

Give your child a bath before bedtime, do special massage Using baby cream or oil will help him fall asleep quickly and calm down. Try reading something out loud to your baby while he lies next to you. This method is suitable for those who do not like the whims of the night. After the baby falls asleep, he must be transferred to a crib, otherwise the baby will have a desire to constantly sleep with mom and dad.


  • baby in arms

Some cat owners believe that the most effective method stop your pet from scratching furniture- it's just trimming his claws. This is not entirely correct, because the procedure of cutting claws is quite unpleasant and even painful for animals. Wean off cat You can scratch furniture in other, more humane ways.

You will need

  • - scratching post;
  • - cat mint;
  • - spray with citrus scent;
  • - a bag of spices;
  • - tin or glass jar;
  • - several coins;


To scratch furniture, provide it comfortable spot for the point of the claws, for example, purchase a special post designed for this purpose. Before you do this, observe which surfaces your pet likes to scratch the most: hard, soft, with or without corners. Such observations will help you choose the most attractive scratching post for your pet.

Your next task is to attract the cat to the scratching post by any means. Try to show your pet what a new unfamiliar object is for, namely, pretend that you yourself are sharpening your claws on a post. You can spray the scratching post with catnip, the smell of which will not leave any cat indifferent. Never force your pet to scratch an object that is unfamiliar to her. The animal may become frightened and no longer approach the scratching post at all.

Be sure to encourage correct behavior. Praise, pet and give her a favorite treat every time she uses the scratching post. Thus, very soon she will notice the relationship between the owner’s affection, a tasty treat and her good behavior.

To stop your cat from scratching furniture, treat the area around her sofas, armchairs and chairs with a citrus-scented spray or hang a bag filled with strong-smelling spices near the furniture. Get ready for the smell in the room to be not very pleasant, but it will scare the cat away from the furniture for a long time.

You can stop your cat from scratching furniture with the help of another interesting, and most importantly, effective method. Take a tin or glass jar small size. Throw a few coins into it and close the lid. Every time you see your pet, shake the jar of coins vigorously. Cats loud sounds, so they immediately run away from the room in which they are distributed.


Remember that it is simply impossible to force cats not to sharpen their claws at all. They do this not at all out of harm or resentment toward you, but because of their natural need.

A significant proportion of adult smokers are people who became addicted to this bad habit in childhood. If your child also takes up a cigarette, you need to act immediately and decisively. It will be much more difficult for him to quit in adulthood.

Good afternoon, dear girls. Is it worth building a relationship with a person who smokes weed? I’ll tell you a story from my life and call it this: my boyfriend smokes weed. I met my boyfriend more than two years ago, at that time I didn’t think that everything would turn out exactly like this.

He was very handsome in appearance, it was interesting to communicate with him and spend time with him.

Before that, I didn’t know him and had never even seen him, although he is a friend of many of my acquaintances. Everything happened very quickly, but best friend, worried about me, and said that my boyfriend smokes weed so that I would not start a relationship with him. But I didn’t want to hear anything.

It got to the point that I got pregnant, I told him, he was glad, he was waiting for it. I was confused what to do next. And so he goes to sea, on a voyage, I’m waiting for him, already at the first stage of the relationship we constantly quarrel, I don’t know, maybe it was connected with my pregnancy.

My boyfriend smokes weed

And then my beloved arrives, during this time I rented an apartment and made renovations with his mother. He begins to go out constantly, since I have never met people who smoke weed, I could not even think that this could happen, and also to me. Human for a long time he was smoking, I didn’t understand what was wrong with him, but he was talking and drinking beer.

And so I go to the maternity hospital, and nervous soil I’m giving birth to a baby, a sweet daughter, and he’ll be the last to know about her birth. At this time, he is having fun with friends, smoking weed and drinking.

My daughter and I come home, she cries, he yells, then even at home in the toilet I started constantly finding bags of grass, we quarrel even more often. He became impudent and didn’t think about us at all. He could smoke at home, come out of the toilet and immediately go to bed, I endured everything, tried to do something.

Nothing worked, nothing interested him. He just needs to smoke and have fun with friends who are just like him, only they don’t have a girlfriend or a child.

Break up or reconcile?

I often went to see my mother and tried to break up with him, but I loved him so much that after a week of separation, he said that he no longer communicated with his friends and was done with smoking, and he brought us back.

No, it’s all a deception, time passed and everything changed in a new way. Again this search for him, again trying to get him out.

His mother cried with me and asked me not to leave, and helped to wean him and get him out of this hole, as sometimes it worked.

Time passed, and jealousy increased, he gets high, he starts to make trouble, he can pull hair, he hit me once, he threw a knife, he once dragged a child’s bed, he hit the furniture at home, I endured everything, I thought love could conquer everything, but even this is not within her power strength.

He comes from the sea, loves me and my daughter for two days, and then everything follows the same old pattern. He has absolutely no strength to tolerate this, he doesn’t want to be treated, he says that he doesn’t smoke anything. But according to him appearance It becomes immediately noticeable whether my boyfriend smokes weed or not.

If I hadn’t lost my head so much at the time I met, I would never have started this relationship, or even communicated with such a person. Recently he returned from a flight for two days with us and five with friends, I warned him that his feelings were fading, the end was near, so that he would not smoke.

But no, it can’t be fixed, my boyfriend is smoking weed again. And just recently he left again, writes and asks if I will wait for him, but I no longer feel practically any feelings for him. Just hatred, he thinks that everything is fine with us, but I cry from morning to evening, my daughter is a copy of him and I will never forget this man.


With this article I want to say, think before you build a relationship, get to know a person well, and only then have children from him and build a family. I didn’t do it and now I’m shedding bitter tears, don’t make stupid mistakes, appreciate and love yourself.

Be happy.

2016, . All rights reserved.

Marijuana is one of the most common drugs among young people. The first attempts to “get acquainted” with this plant often occur at adolescence. It is important for parents to recognize in time a dangerous moment when their child - son or daughter - begins to use weed (anasha or plan). Signs of marijuana use are easy to notice, especially if a guy or girl takes cannabis-based drugs regularly. First of all, one should be wary of emotional emancipation - causeless laughter, talkativeness, as well as sharp increase appetite.

External signs of mild infatuation

Effectfrom smoking a marijuana cigarette appears in the first seconds. After 20–30 minutes it reaches its maximum. Over the course of 3–4 hours it gradually weakens. In adolescents it is more pronounced than in adults. After smoking marijuana or anasha (hashish), the main load falls on the blood vessels. Heart rate increases to 100–130 beats per minute (normal 60–80 beats), blood vessels expand, the tone of the bronchi decreases.

The first signs of taking a herbal drug:

  • increased heart rate, increased A/D;
  • irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes - they become inflamed, reddened (pupils of normal size);

  • a feeling of dry mouth - a person who has smoked marijuana (hemp) is thirsty and his voice is slightly hoarse;
  • a sharp increase in appetite is a consequence accelerated metabolism, usually a drug addict is drawn to sweets.

Cannabis is the active ingredient of hemp (marijuana), has pronounced action on the psyche. Therefore, it is possible to determine that a person has recently smoked weed not only by external signs, but also according to my mood. It is characterized by an extraordinary emotional upsurge: the person who smokes weed sees everything “in pink color" The people around them seem kind and friendly, and the addict himself is inclined to “give goodness.” Aggressive behavior It is not typical for a person to be in such a state.

The most ordinary actions bring pleasure. After marijuana, sounds and colors are felt more subtly. This explains the fact that smoking cannabis is popular among the “bohemians”. Under the influence of weed, the perception of the surrounding world changes, and attention to the smallest details becomes more acute.

Weed lovers are characterized by emotional liberation. They become talkative, and their laughter is often heard - both with and without reason. Speech slurs a little after marijuana, the tongue barely moves in the mouth. The addict’s movements change: due to impaired perception of the size of objects, a lack of coordination and a staggering gait appear.

Sometimes by eyes or behavior young man it's hard to tell if he smoked cannabis. Pay attention to another sign that allows you to suspect the use of marijuana: it is a sweetish smell that resembles burnt grass. It saturates the smoker's hair, his clothing - you can't confuse it with anything.

Signs of long-term use

Long-term use of cannabis derivatives has negative impact for the whole body. In the process of smoking weed, a large amount of harmful substances– resins, combustion products, plant microfibers. Consequently - heavy smoker marijuana is characterized by problems with the bronchi and lungs ( Chronical bronchitis), there is a risk of developing emphysema.

Regularly enter the blood harmful products burning cannabis. Together with diseases respiratory system this provokes hypoxia - oxygen starvation, which primarily affects the activity of the brain. Dependence on weed leads to memory impairment, slow thinking, and even dullness and lethargy. It becomes more difficult for a marijuana smoker to perceive new knowledge - this is reflected in studies and work.

Long-term use of marijuana affects the condition of cardio-vascular system. Drug addicts experience constant tachycardia, blood pressure surges, and may complain of heart pain. People who have been dabbling in weed for many years experience a complex of specific symptoms (amotivational syndrome). It is characterized by:

  • Frequent mood swings: causeless aggression And physical activity suddenly give way to an attack of love for the people around you and a state of relaxation.
  • Weakening interest in life: a chronic smoker becomes apathetic, he is not interested in the problems of his family, and is not interested in his own future.
  • Indifference to appearance - a person rarely washes, does not pay attention to the condition of his clothes. He emits a suffocating smell of sweat mixed with the “aroma” of weed.

You can tell if a man or woman is addicted to drugs by their speech. For someone who abuses marijuana, it becomes either fast and slurred, or slow. Periodic panic attacks occur for no reason, followed by periods of relaxation. The psyche of a marijuana smoker undergoes serious destructive changes.

The presence of marijuana in the body is easily determined using a blood or urine test. At regular use traces of hemp remain in the body for 1–3 months. Therefore, a simple drug test will make sure that a person smokes marijuana.

How to determine an overdose

With regular use of marijuana, a person develops tolerance to the main active substance hemp - tetrahydrocannabinol. Smoking usual dose weed no longer gives the expected effect, which leads to the desire to increase the amount of the drug, since physical dependence has already developed. As a result, the risk of such dangerous consequences like an overdose of marijuana. Its symptoms can develop either very quickly - within a few minutes, or be distant - appearing 1-2 hours after smoking weed:

  • Tremors of the limbs, convulsions, and muscle cramps appear.
  • The pupils dilate and there is no reaction to light.
  • There is redness of the face, dry mucous membranes.
  • Rising arterial pressure, the pulse increases significantly.
  • Are developing neurological disorders: speech is extremely inhibited, difficult, movements are sweeping.
  • Sometimes depression of consciousness (stupor) is observed.

With severe development, mental disorders may appear. The smoker becomes delirious, has hallucinations, and may show signs of disorientation in time. He is characterized by anxiety increased anxiety, suspicion, fear. Under influence panic state he may try to commit suicide, his actions become inadequate.

If the smoker is not given timely assistance, symptoms of a weed overdose can last for several hours, and in severe cases– up to 2–3 days. If such situations are repeated regularly, it causes serious harm body.

It is impossible to die from an overdose of marijuana; this would require smoking several tens of thousands of doses of cannabis at once. But the risk of losing your life due to heart pathologies increases significantly. In addition, it can lead to death mental disorder during drug intoxication: committing suicide under the influence of marijuana is not uncommon.

Always irreversible, but this is one of the most popular types of weed use, which is gaining more popularity every day. Using weed may have wide range physical negative effects, which every specialist can talk about. However, there are also consequences, especially for children and unhealthy people.

Effects of smoking weed on the fetus

If the husband smokes every day, what harm can be done to the child? The effect of weed on the ability to fertilize men is of great interest. Some smokers are capable of fertilizing - have more high level sperm activity than other people.

Or they are more fertile at some particular stage of life. Men with usually low level sperm activity, may risk remaining infertile forever.

When women smoke weed, they reproductive system also contains narcotic substances and tetrohydrocannibinol. This can change the man's sperm entering the woman's body, making fertilization more difficult. The man may not be a smoker.

Test for smokers

Choose your age!

The harm of the plan for men

Men who smoke weed before puberty slows the onset of puberty. If a man is thinking about starting a family, he should quit. Studies show that smoking more than once a week can reduce your sperm count by a third. When combined with other drugs, including cocaine and ecstasy, more than half.

Chronic and increased use of marijuana changes hormones and reduces testosterone levels. Tetrohydrocannibinol may affect endocrine system humans, blocking the secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone. This leads to decreased production of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone. Therefore, testosterone production decreases.

Testosterone is responsible for many things that distinguish a man from a woman. For example, muscles, voice and body hair. Less testosterone means large quantity estrogen. Estrogen provokes the growth of fat deposits in men.

Take the smoking test

Necessarily, before taking the test, refresh the page (F5 key).

Do they smoke in your home?

Medicinal uses and its effects on the nervous system

Everyone knows what weed looks like, but what it consists of is not. Tetrohydrocannibinol triggers processes in the brain to release large quantity dopamine This gives the smoker a pleasant sensation. May also enhance sensory perception and time perception.

In the hippocampus, tetrohydrocannibinol changes the way information is processed, so judgment may be impaired. It will be difficult to remember what is happening.

Changes also occur in the cerebellum and basal ganglia. It impairs balance, coordination and reflexes, making driving under the influence of weed very dangerous.

Very large doses, may cause hallucinations or delusions. Possible link between use and problems mental health. To understand this theory you need more research. People with schizophrenia experience worsening symptoms.

After the effects of weed end, depression appears after smoking. For some it causes concern. Many smokers develop an addiction.

Tetrohydrocannibinol lowers pressure in the eyes, which relieves glaucoma symptoms within a few hours. Required additional research to understand the active ingredients in marijuana. It is also unknown to what extent this safe way treatment of glaucoma.

The pharmacological effect of marijuana extends throughout the central nervous system. It is believed to relieve pain and inflammation. Marijuana is useful in combating seizures and spasms.

Early effects of smoking

Depending on the quantity, quality and method of consumption, marijuana can cause a feeling of euphoria. That is, high stimulation of brain cells to release the chemical dopamine. When smoking, a feeling of euphoria appears almost immediately.

Changes in mood may occur and there is often talk of possible relaxation. Some users experience increased sensory perception. At the same time, colors appear more vibrant and noise becomes louder. For some, weed causes altered perception of time and increased appetite.

Other effects include:

  • feelings of panic, anxiety and fear (paranoia);
  • hallucinations;
  • increased heart rate;
  • drowsiness, apathy, numbness in the later stages;
  • problems with concentration;
  • decreased ability to perform tasks requiring coordination;
  • inflammation of the eyeballs;
  • distorted sense of time.

If a woman smokes during the luteal phase, it reduces the level of prolactin in her body.

Health experts report that smoking weed often causes premature birth. Tetrahydrocannabinol is the most harmful component. It can enter the placenta and cause some undesirable effects on the baby's nervous system.

Insufficient oxygen and blood supply causes low birth weight of the baby. Low weight, small gestational age may make the baby susceptible to infections. The risk of jaundice also increases respiratory diseases. Possible problems with feeding.

Children may be born with increased risk intellectual and psychological problems. Marijuana may affect certain developing parts of the fetal brain.

The child will have problems with attention, memory, and thinking. Research shows that small amounts of tetrohydrocannibinol are ingested by nursing mothers. It also affects the baby's brain.

Among women, smoking weed, irregular menstrual cycle, development of infertility.

Impact on teenagers

Teenagers are more susceptible to weed addiction because their brains are not yet fully developed. When children smoke weed, they can permanently alter the nervous system. It will be impossible to restore it.

It affects brain development, impairs thinking and functions responsible for learning.

Studies have shown that people who started had certain disorders. Marijuana use contributed to worsening IQ. Smokers between the ages of 13 and 38 had an average IQ of 8 points less. In adults, not all abilities returned. Those who started smoking weed as adults had a 3-point IQ difference.

Among teenage consumers, the level of memory decreases. This is possible signs reduction of neurons.

Such deviations persist even two years after the teenager stopped using marijuana. This indicates that this drug has a long-term effect. Those who start using weed after age 21 do not experience such brain damage.

Smokers report that they sometimes have difficulty organizing their thoughts—remembering certain things. Sustained weed use can slow down the reaction.

Weed - the consequences of smoking

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It's rare that a girl will like it if her boyfriend smokes. Of course, it’s unlikely that anyone will like such a bad habit. Tarred clothes, bad breath, yellow teeth and wasted money does not add charm to a man. And if a guy smokes spice, this generally equates to drug addiction and you should immediately sound the alarm.

You can only try a cigarette or weed once and immediately develop irresistible craving to smoking. Bad habit quickly subjugates and deprives the smoker of willpower. Cigarettes control human life and health. But quitting smoking, especially when there is support nearby, is still possible, the main thing is to want it.

More and more young people are choosing a healthy lifestyle, without cigarettes, smoking mixtures, weed and alcohol. If your boyfriend smokes, is not one of them, and does not want to hear anything about the harm caused by cigarettes, then you definitely need to fight this. You shouldn’t leave everything to chance. Better try to stop the guy from smoking.

The sooner smoking man will refuse addiction, the higher the likelihood that he will get rid of it for good, since nicotine becomes more and more addictive every day. It is more difficult for an experienced smoker to give up cigarettes than for a beginner. Spice lovers develop especially severe physical and mental dependence.

Several methods to stop a guy from smoking

If you don’t know how to help a guy quit smoking, then first of all, tune in and be patient, because you will have to put a lot of effort into this. Main methods to achieve the goal:

What should I do if my boyfriend smokes weed? Do everything that is recommended when nicotine addiction, if this does not help, the help of a narcologist and psychologist is required.
In no case should you be too intrusive in asking a guy to quit smoking or using blackmail. Don't even think about secretly mixing different products.

Do not forget that if a guy smokes spice, then the methods described above will only help at the beginning of the development of addiction, then it is necessary special treatment prescribed by a qualified professional.

Video: How to Quit Smoking Using the Allen Carr Method