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How long does it take for a baby to cut his first tooth? How long does it take for a tooth to grow after erupting?

Source for formation permanent teeth serves as epithelial dental plate. The timing of their formation is somewhat behind those for baby teeth. Root rudiments begin to appear only by the fifth month of intrauterine development.

Permanent teeth are divided into 2 groups:

  • Substituting, which have analogues in the milk kit. These include incisors, canines and premolars.
  • Additional, which have no temporal predecessors. These teeth are represented by molars.

The rudiments of permanent replacement teeth begin to grow in the same alveolus with milk teeth, located behind their lingual surface. And only after some time they are completely isolated by bone tissue.

The formation of additional teeth begins even later, only after a year, which is associated with the need to increase the size of the jaw.

Molars in most cases complete their growth by 15-18 years

At what age do they appear?

The start and end times of the replacement of baby teeth with a permanent set are approximately the same for all children. Slight fluctuations from the average age indicators can be observed among representatives of different regions. It is believed that the hotter the climate, the earlier the child’s molars grow.

The table presents age indicators reflecting the time when teeth from the permanent set begin to erupt according to various authors.

Dental kit Age of eruption of molars in a child (in years)
according to Vinogradova according to Novak according to Lukomsky
Central incisors 5-6 6-9 6-9
Lateral incisors 7-9 7-10 7-10
Fangs 12-13 9-14 9-14
First premolars 9-11 9-13 9-13
Second premolars 9-11 10-14 9-15
First molars 4,5-7 5-8 7-8
Second molars 12-13 10-14 10-15
Third molars 18-25 18-20 15-24

Disagreements in the timing of molar eruption according to different authors are explained by the fact that the studies were carried out in different regions and with a difference of several decades.

Teething order

Most parents are sure that the first permanent teeth appearing in a child’s mouth are incisors that grow to replace the milk teeth. But that's not true. Before the temporary teeth begin to fall out, children aged about 5-6 years have their first molars, which are not present in the primary dentition, emerge.

  • the lower and then the upper central incisors appear;
  • then the lateral incisors emerge on the lower and upper jaw;
  • after the incisors, the upper and lower first premolars erupt;
  • the next ones to change are the fangs;
  • then the second premolars appear above and below;
  • The second and third molars are the last to erupt, while “wisdom teeth” may never appear on the surface of the gums.

This sequence of appearance of molars in a child is not accidental. In it, nature took into account all the necessary growth rates of the maxillofacial system. Therefore, if this order is not violated, the correct bite is formed.

How long do they grow?

In most cases, a child of 12-13 years old has already lost his last milk teeth, although the resorption of their roots occurs somewhat earlier. At this point, teeth from the permanent dentition are present in the oral cavity, which continue to grow and have varying degrees root formation.

Knowledge normal terms growth and formation of roots is important in the event of any pathologies, since these parameters are decisive when choosing treatment tactics.

In the process of tooth root development, it is customary to distinguish 2 stages:

  1. Stage of unformed apex.
  2. Unclosed apex stage.

At the first stage the root reaches its maximum length, but at the same time its walls are located parallel to each other. The root canal is quite wide and ends in a bell in the area of ​​the future apex. In this case, the periodontal gap is noticeable only on the sides of the root.

At the second stage There is a gradual formation of the apex of the tooth root. The root walls gradually come closer together, the periodontal fissure is finally distinguished, which is somewhat expanded in the apical region.

The completion of the formation of dental roots has its own timing for different teeth:

Since the eruption of third molars does not have a clear timing, it is not possible to determine the specific age of formation of their roots.

The fact that the dental roots are finally formed can only be judged by the results of radiography. The main criteria are the absence of the apical foramen and the presence of a clear periodontal contour.

Thus, the final growth of dental elements and their full maturation ends only by the age of 15-18, when the child’s maxillofacial apparatus reaches adult size.

For many children and their parents, the time when their first teeth erupt is often quite difficult. Therefore, many parents begin to worry and prepare for this process in advance, so as to, so to speak, recognize the face of their enemy in advance.

So, let's figure out how and when your child's baby teeth should erupt.

At what age do teeth erupt?

Most children begin to erupt their first teeth at six months of age. If your child’s teeth don’t erupt, then there is no need to worry right away, as there are delays of several months, and sometimes children are born with teeth already. Most often there is nothing wrong with this, since delays can be caused solely by heredity, but if your child has a delay in the eruption of baby teeth, then it is better to consult a doctor, as sometimes the cause of this may be.

Now let’s take a closer look at the timing of teething in babies. We figured out when the first teeth erupt, but which teeth erupt first and if the first tooth has already erupted, then when should we expect the second?

  1. The two lower front incisors erupt first. Age – 6-9 months.
  2. The two upper front incisors are cut second. Age – 7-10 months.
  3. The third are the second (lateral) upper and lower incisors, which erupt almost simultaneously, but the upper ones will be the first. Age – 9-12 months.
  4. Following them are the first upper molars. Age – 12-18 months.
  5. With a difference of a month, the first lower molars catch up with them. Age – 13-19 months.
  6. Then they cut through upper canines. Age – 16-20 months.
  7. And the lower canines follow them. Age – 17-22 months.
  8. After them, the second lower molars erupt. Age – 20-23 months.
  9. And the last to close this hit parade are the second upper molars. Age – 24-26 months.

You can consider this process in more detail on the table of timing of baby teeth eruption.

Thus, we can answer the question: when do the last baby teeth come out? – by the age of two and a half, your child will have twenty teeth.

How long does it take for the first teeth to erupt?

In principle, we have sorted out all the deadlines, but there are still several questions that concern parents and need to be answered.

All parents, of course, are interested in how long it will take for teeth to erupt, especially the first ones, which often cause a lot of trouble and sleepless nights.

So how many days does it take for the first tooth to erupt? There is no definite answer to this question, since this process occurs differently for everyone. Sometimes teeth come out quickly, literally in two days, and almost completely painlessly, but sometimes this process can drag on for a week. So here you only have to hope that your baby will be lucky and his teeth will come through quickly and relatively painlessly.

How to help a child when he is teething?

First of all, you need to pay attention to the fact that when a child begins to teethe, he really needs attention and affection. Of course, a child needs this all the time, but especially these days.

You can also help your child by gently massaging his gums to relieve pain. Of course there is also medicines, which can help relieve the child’s pain - which are used to lubricate the gums. But here you need to pay attention to the age at which they can be used.

And if your child has a fever during teething, which happens quite often, then if it lasts a long time, give the child.

The process of cutting baby teeth is often difficult for the child and for the parents, but still, when everything goes well, there is great joy in this process - the child gradually begins to take steps in adult life, in which, alas, there is nowhere without teeth.

A little man has appeared in the family. For parents, this is a great joy, but at the same time a great concern. And the most important thing in the first year of a baby’s life is his health, which largely depends on the condition of the child’s teeth.

When do teeth start cutting?

According to statistics, the first teeth begin to cut, starting from the seventh month of life. But, in general, the period when children cut their teeth is quite individual - this can happen at four or ten months.

What time do the first teeth begin to cut? many factors influence, among which:

  • general physical state child;
  • illnesses that the child suffered;
  • quality of baby's nutrition;
  • the nature of the child’s nutrition (breastfeeding or artificial feeding);
  • the nature and quality of nutrition of a nursing mother;
  • complications during childbirth;
  • climatic conditions in which the child lives (it is believed that in hot climates teeth appear earlier).

The timing of the appearance and condition of the child’s first teeth in to a large extent Also depends on the course of the mother's pregnancy, namely from the following factors:

  1. How future mom ate.
  2. Did you have enough vitamins and essential microelements in your diet?
  3. Did you lead healthy image life.
  4. What diseases were there?
  5. Were there any complications during pregnancy and their nature?
  6. What medications did the expectant mother take?

By about three years of age, a child should have all of his baby teeth erupting (a total of must have 20 teeth). The two lower front teeth appear first, followed by the two upper front teeth about a month later.

By 12 months, the baby already has 8 teeth - 4 lower and 4 upper incisors. In the next 6 months, 4 more teeth are cut and these are the first molars - 2 lower and 2 upper. The next 4 teeth will appear in about two months - these are the upper and lower canines, and when the child is two to three years old, the last molars appear - two upper and two lower.

How long can a tooth cut? Usually the tooth is cut in 2-3 days, but sometimes this period increases to a week or even more.

On a note. The given dates are quite approximate, and they can only be considered as a guideline. Shifts in terms, either in one direction or the other, do not in any way affect the condition of the teeth.

Milk teeth have one characteristic feature- they are so close to each other that between them there are not even small gaps. Gaps between baby teeth appear over time as permanent teeth begin to emerge. Nature intended this to be so for a reason - permanent teeth are larger than baby teeth, which means they need more space on the gums.

Features of the eruption of baby teeth

A baby’s very first tooth can appear either in splendid isolation or in pairs with another tooth. It’s the same with subsequent teeth - they can appear one by one or in pairs, and even four at once.

Often The order of cutting also changes teeth, for example, the first molars appear later than the canines. It is too normal phenomenon and parents should not worry about this.

Parents should start worrying when the child is one year old and not a single tooth has erupted yet. The reason for such a delay may be some illness, including rickets. You should immediately contact your doctor so that he can refer your child for examination.

Signs of teething in a baby

Main features early onset of teething:

Based on the condition of the gums, you can approximately determine when teeth will begin to cut – two to three weeks before this, the gums become slightly swollen and red.

During this period the child becomes irritable and restless, often cries, pulls various items into the mouth and rubs the gums, which cause painful and itchy sensations. The baby produces a lot of saliva, which can cause irritation of the skin around the mouth. To prevent this, you need to regularly wipe your saliva.

A runny nose is another possible accompanying symptoms the beginning of teething. It appears due to the increased functioning of the nasal glands, as a result of which watery discharge comes from the baby's nose. clear slime. Such a runny nose usually goes away quickly and does not require treatment with nasal drops; you just need to periodically clear the child’s nose of mucus so that it does not interfere with breathing.

Pain in gums may radiate to the ears - the child tries to stick his fingers into the ear canal and scratch inside the ear.

During this period, almost all children's appetite decreases or disappears altogether. There is no need to try to feed the child; it is better to give him more to drink.

Often, when teeth appear, a baby develops diarrhea with a frequency of no more than three times per day, which usually lasts a maximum of two days.

Why can there be diarrhea?? Doctors call these probable reasons occurrence of diarrhea:

  • excessive salivation in the child, which causes loose stools;
  • acceleration metabolic processes in the baby’s body, which causes changes in the intestinal microflora;
  • weakening of the immune system during teething.

During this period, the baby's temperature may rise. If the temperature has risen no higher than 38 degrees, then there is no need to worry, but if the temperature is 38.5 or higher, you should consult a doctor. Such heat may be a consequence not only of teething, but also of some kind of infection. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Helping your baby while teething

The easiest way, if a child is very bothered by pain and itching in the gums, is to take the baby in your arms, talk to him, feel sorry for him, caress him, in every possible way distracting the child from the unpleasant sensations. We must try to switch the baby’s attention to something interesting and new.

Ease pain and relieve discomfort in the gums in the following ways:

  • mechanical impact on the gums.
  • medications.

Mechanical impact on the gums


This rubber or plastic rings or toys, chewing which the child scratches the gums, thereby reducing itching. For greater effect The child is given a teether with liquid inside to chew. It is recommended to pre-cool the teether in the refrigerator - after all, as you know, cold acts as a pain reliever. However, the teether can be replaced with regular drying or dry crusts of bread.

Chilled pacifier

Sucking a chilled pacifier- this is old folk way relief of painful and unpleasant sensations in the gums. If for some reason the child does not want a pacifier, then it can be replaced with a cold metal spoon. The main thing is not to forget about the rules of hygiene oral cavity– during the teething period, this is more important than ever.

Gum massage

Gum massage done using a special brush. This brush is placed on the index finger and gently massages the baby’s gums with gentle movements.

If you don’t have a massage brush, you can massage your child’s gums index finger, wrapped in a clean gauze swab. Before the massage, the tampon should be soaked in cold, clean water and then wrung out.

Massage slightly soothes itching and other unpleasant sensations in the gums.

Important. Before the massage, you should thoroughly wash your hands and sanitize them. disinfectant solution. Tampons should not be reused. The massage brush must be thoroughly disinfected before and after the massage.


Soothing gels

Soothing gels are intended for external use - they smear the baby's gums when they begin to bother him during teething. These drugs relieve and relieve painful sensations in the gums due to the content of painkillers, such as lidocaine. Menthol (to cool the gums) and astringents are also added to the gels.

The most popular gels at present are Mundizal, Calgol, and Dentinox. In case of allergy to lidocaine, Doctor Baby should be used. The method of using soothing gels is to smear the gums four times a day for three days in a row.

The drug "Dentokind"

Teething is a serious burden on the baby’s still fragile body. As already mentioned, the child becomes restless and irritable, his temperature may rise, diarrhea may begin, loss of appetite and sleep disturbances. In order to reduce these negative phenomena, it is recommended to give your baby Dentokind. This drug, which is specially designed for children, reduces pain, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also relieves restlessness in the baby and improves sleep.

Only the attending physician should prescribe Dentokind and determine methods of its use.


Teething is an event that inevitably occurs in the life of every child. The main thing for parents during the period when children are cutting teeth is not to panic, not to fuss and to strictly follow all the recommendations of the attending physician.

And then everything will go as it should, and mothers, fathers, grandparents will forever remember that joyful day when the baby cut his first teeth.

One of the important stages of baby development is teething. Before the parents had time to breathe a sigh of relief after the newborn’s colic had ended, a new test awaited them. The process of the appearance of a child’s first baby teeth can take quite a long time and in many cases be accompanied by symptoms that not only cause discomfort to the baby, but also cause pain. In such cases, it is quite difficult to determine whether such symptoms are actually caused by teething or disease.

Regardless of how a baby’s teeth come out - with a rise in temperature, a runny nose and a capricious mood, or completely unnoticed, all parents look forward to the appearance of their baby’s first tooth. For many families, such an event even becomes a small, unique holiday with obligatory photos as a souvenir.

The baby's first tooth is a source of pride for the whole family, as well as a symbol of the transition to new stage growing up. This is why parents are so worried about timing and are trying to calculate whether the baby’s development meets established standards.

During the period when children are teething, main question, which all parents ask - how many months should the very first erupt? baby tooth. They are also interested in the order in which the remaining canines, incisors and molars come out during normal teething and how to help the child if they come out too painfully.

Standard timing for the appearance of teeth in infants

Each child’s body is individual and has its own characteristics - it is not so easy to accurately predict at what point a particular baby’s teeth will come out. There are a number of factors that significantly influence the time limits for the eruption of the first and subsequent teeth. These include:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Child nutrition. Is there enough calcium that the body receives?
  3. Climate. In hotter climates, children begin to cut their teeth earlier.
  4. Gender. More often, the first teeth erupt in girls earlier than in boys.

In addition to these factors, the time for teeth to appear can be affected by:

  • child's race;
  • mother's diet during pregnancy;
  • environmental situation in the place of residence and other features.

There are certain generally accepted age standards teething. They are averaged and not strict, but it is from them that all pediatricians start when assessing the child’s development during examination. For the appearance of the first teeth, the normal age is 6-8 months, and by the age of one year their number usually increases to 8.

The standard situation is when by the age of three the child already has all 20 “beauties”, but even after three years it is quite natural that the child still continues to cut his last molars.

Early eruption of baby teeth

There are cases when the baby’s first milk teeth appear 1-3 months earlier than the known period. Such a deviation from the norm should not frighten parents too much. The reason for early teething may be the mother’s intake of complex multivitamins and minerals during pregnancy, including vitamin D and calcium, as well as overconsumption fermented milk products, which include cheese, cottage cheese and kefir.

It is recommended to show a child with early teeth to the dentist once every six months - the earlier the teeth appear, the higher the likelihood of a problem such as caries. If the baby has teeth before 2-3 months, then the baby needs additional examination. So early age eruption may indicate hormonal disorders or pathologies associated with mineral metabolism in the body.

Late first teeth

It also occurs reverse situation when the baby is already a year old and still has no teeth. Since by the age of one year the smile of the baby in the photo should please with at least 1-2 teeth, a baby without a single tooth should be taken to the dentist for an examination in order to exclude it from the list possible reasons illness or developmental defect.

What can cause delay in teething:

  • rickets or other disorder mineral metabolism in the child’s body;
  • frequent illness and weakened body;
  • endocrine pathology;
  • poor nutrition and late introduction of complementary foods due to allergies to cottage cheese, eggs, vegetables;
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract with disturbances in the processes of digestion and absorption;
  • prematurity - than earlier due date the baby is born, the longer the delay in teething will be;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • hereditary diseases of bone and cartilage tissue;
  • edentia is a congenital malformation, which consists in the absence of the rudiments of baby teeth.

If a child was born premature, all processes will proceed somewhat slower (we recommend reading:). This also applies to teething - if the baby doesn’t have one yet in a year, he definitely needs to be shown to the dentist

Time limits and sequence of teething in a child

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The table shows age norms and the order of teething in children:

This chart should not be taken as a clear schedule of when and in what order children cut their teeth. It is believed that the baby's lower front incisors are the first to appear. It may well happen that the upper incisors or even canines appear first - this is absolutely normal and only means that the child has his own physiological characteristics body.

The only thing worth paying attention to in the cutting sequence is pairing. If one tooth of a pair has appeared, but the second is not there yet, while the others are already starting to cut, you should consult a dentist. Such a disorder may be a sign of a congenital anomaly.

If your baby has a timing or sequence problem, this is not a sign of developmental problems. This diagram shows how teething occurs in most cases, and nothing more.

The most common questions related to the appearance of teeth in infants

  1. How long does it usually take to cut the first tooth? Most often, the eruption itself lasts about 1-3 days and it can be very difficult to understand when exactly the process began. Often parents, and sometimes pediatricians themselves, with moderate swelling of the gums and severe drooling, mistakenly believe that teething has already begun. It is important to know: similar signs may appear in a child several months before the appearance of the first tooth (we recommend reading:).
  2. Is teething the most painful thing for a baby? This is true. The cause of especially strong pain The structure of the fang itself is used: sharp, uneven edges and thickness.
  3. Is the sequence important in the appearance of the top and lower teeth? As with any deviation from the standard eruption order, the top or lower teeth- doesn't matter. Everything depends solely on individual characteristics body.

Caring for baby teeth

There is a general consensus among pediatricians that there is no need to brush a child's teeth before the age of two, but it is worth monitoring their health from the very first tooth. In this matter the main role is played general hygiene and a healthy lifestyle for the baby. Simple rules must be followed:

  1. In the house where the child lives, the air should be cool and humid, then the saliva in the mouth will not dry out, and this prevents reproduction large quantity bacteria.
  2. Food shouldn't for a long time be in the mouth of infants. Constantly monitor children with this habit and promptly remove food debris.
  3. In addition to other drinks, give your child clean water to drink throughout the day. In addition to quenching thirst, it helps flush out bacteria and food remaining in the mouth.
  4. The first thing you should teach your child to do before learning to brush his teeth is to rinse his mouth with water.

Pure water The baby needs it not only to maintain fluid balance, but also to rinse the mouth from food debris - this happens spontaneously

The most important facts about baby teeth in children

As a result, you can collect all the most important information related to teething into a single list of facts:

  • a deviation of 6 months on both sides of the age limit is normal;
  • violation of the accepted order is not a sign of pathology or any disease;
  • there are no such methods or medicines, which could speed up or, conversely, slow down the process of teething, as well as determine in advance the order in which the child’s teeth appear;
  • during a difficult period for a child, his condition can be alleviated with the help of special chilled teethers, which temporarily reduce itching and relieve discomfort (it is not recommended to let children chew carrots, apples, bagels or crackers instead of teethers, as the child may simply choke on them);
  • When the child turns one year old, he should be taken to the dentist for an examination: the doctor will do overall rating condition and development of the oral cavity, count the number of teeth, check the condition of the gums and work jaw joint, and will also look at how the frenulum of the tongue has formed, because it irregular shape may subsequently lead to incorrect pronunciation of some sounds.

If the baby does not have any obvious problems with his teeth, then from the age of one, visiting the dentist once a year will be enough. The rest of the time you should just accustom the little one to proper care behind your teeth.

Chewing teeth are those teeth that are located further than the incisors (front teeth) and canines; in dentistry they are called premolars and molars. People also often call them posterior or radical. Chewing teeth, both baby and permanent, can cause a lot of trouble for parents and children when they erupt.

Types of chewing teeth

There are only 8 primary chewing teeth, 4 on each jaw, 2 on each side. Officially, the pair of back teeth is called the first and second molars. Compared to permanent teeth, they are smaller and also have thinner enamel, increased fragility and a greater risk of damage.

Scheme of baby teeth eruption

After the growth of the baby tooth is completed, a period of physiological rest begins, lasting about three years. Then the roots begin to shorten, dissolve, and the tooth becomes mobile and falls out. A permanent one grows in its place.

Permanent chewing teeth called premolars and molars. Counting from the middle of the jaw, premolars are the fourth and fifth, and molars are the sixth, seventh and eighth.

Scheme of eruption of permanent teeth

Chewing teeth are called molars because of their shape. Premolars are also called small molars. First and second molars differ in root structure and crown shape. The sixth and seventh teeth of the upper jaw each have three roots, a cuboid crown and 3–4 cusps. The lower molars have 2 roots. In this case, the second molar is smaller than the first.

In total, each person has 8 premolars and 8 molars. Permanent teeth, which are the eighth in a row - wisdom teeth - do not erupt in all people. As a rule, the total number of teeth is 28 (of which 16 are chewing).

When and in what order are they cut?

Chewing teeth begin to grow in babies after a year, when the first 8 teeth - incisors - are already in place. They do not appear in a row: after the first molars (their number in the dental formula is 4), fangs (3) usually grow, and only then do the second molars (5).

The dental formula shows which teeth the child has already grown, designating each by its number from the center of the jaw.

Table: sequence and timing of eruption of first and second primary molars

It is important to remember that any sequence of eruption of baby teeth, as well as the timing of their appearance, deviating from the generally accepted ones by no more than six months, is an individual variant of the norm.

Video: timing and order of teeth appearance

Permanent molars in children begin to emerge around the age of six.. First, the first molars (6) grow, then a pair of premolars (4, 5), canines (3) and only after the canines - the second molars (7).

Table: sequence and timing of eruption of permanent premolars and molars

Age Dental formula Decoding
Boys Girls
5.5–7.5 years5.5–7.5 years6 6 First molars
6 6
8.5–11 years8.5–10 years6 4 2 1 1 2 4 6 First premolars
6 4 2 1 1 2 4 6
8.5–12.5 years8.5–12.0 years6 5 4 2 1 1 2 4 5 6 Second premolars
6 5 4 2 1 1 2 4 5 6
10.5–13.0 years10.5–12.5 years7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Second molars
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

The order in which permanent teeth erupt is also very arbitrary. By about 13 years of age, a child has 28 permanent teeth.

Symptoms of eruption of molars

As a rule, the eruption of primary molars occurs relatively painlessly and easily, compared with the appearance of incisors and canines. The baby may become lethargic, moody and restless for several days..

Main symptoms:

  • increased temperature (usually no higher than 38 degrees);
  • runny nose;
  • excessive salivation;
  • sleep disturbance and anxiety;
  • itching and soreness of the gums;
  • sometimes - indigestion and stool disorders.

It is important to remember that during teething the child’s immunity is weakened, therefore, if several alarming symptoms Within 2–3 days, you must consult a pediatrician or dentist to rule out an infectious disease.

In most cases, the appearance of molars is accompanied only by a runny nose.

Video: Doctor Komarovsky about “dental” runny nose

Eruption of permanent posterior teeth usually does not cause deterioration general condition and therefore is easily tolerated by children. But there is another problem here. During the period of mixed dentition, it sometimes happens that the baby tooth is firmly in its place, but the permanent one is already beginning to erupt. This often occurs asymptomatically and painlessly. However, if this process is not noticed in time and the baby tooth is not removed in dentistry, then the permanent one may grow uneven or will grow between the milk teeth, pushing them apart. There is a serious risk of the child developing a malocclusion.

Video: period of mixed dentition in children

How to help a child

The appearance of baby teeth can be facilitated with special silicone teethers. There are teethers filled with water; they need to be kept in the refrigerator for 20 minutes before use. Older children whose permanent teeth are cutting in are given solid foods to chew (for example, an apple or crackers). This is also necessary for the teeth to get used to the load.

Remember that children who do not yet know how to chew can only be given any foods to scratch their itchy gums in a special mesh - a nibbler.

Nibbler helps massage gums safely

Video: what not to do to relieve itchy gums

If necessary, the doctor prescribes special dental gels with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, as well as drugs general action, relieving pain and reducing inflammation:

  • gels based on lidocaine and benzocaine (for example, Kalgel and Kamistad);
  • anti-inflammatory and homeopathic gels (for example, Cholisal and Traumeel S);
  • painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed by your doctor, including dosage form, suitable for the child by age (as a rule, these are paracetamol and ibuprofen preparations, for example, Eferalgan and Nurofen).

Before using medications, be sure to consult your doctor: only he can determine a safe and effective dosage.

Photo gallery: remedies to relieve teething symptoms in children

Nibbler will not only help relieve itching of the gums, but will also teach the baby to chew. Eferalgan syrup contains paracetamol. One of the most popular ibuprofen-based remedies for pain and fever is Nurofen suspension.
Traumeel S - homeopathic anti-inflammatory drug
The pronounced analgesic effect of Kalgel lasts about half an hour
Elongated teethers are ideal for massaging the gums in the areas where the molars are erupting.