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Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) is a universal medicine. Acetylsalicylic acid: instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Gross formula


Pharmacological group of the substance Acetylsalicylic acid

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

CAS code


Characteristics of the substance Acetylsalicylic acid

White small needle-shaped crystals or light crystalline powder, odorless or with a faint odor, slightly acidic taste. Slightly soluble in water at room temperature, soluble in hot water, easily soluble in ethanol, solutions of caustic and carbonic alkalis.


Pharmacological action- anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antiaggregation, analgesic.

Inhibits cyclooxygenase (COX-1 and COX-2) and irreversibly inhibits the cyclooxygenase metabolic pathway arachidonic acid, blocks the synthesis of PG (PGA 2, PGD 2, PGF 2alpha, PGE 1, PGE 2, etc.) and thromboxane. Reduces hyperemia, exudation, capillary permeability, hyaluronidase activity, limits energy supply inflammatory process by inhibiting ATP production. Affects the subcortical centers of thermoregulation and pain sensitivity. A decrease in the content of PG (mainly PGE 1) in the thermoregulation center leads to a decrease in body temperature due to dilation of skin vessels and increased sweating. The analgesic effect is due to the effect on pain sensitivity centers, as well as the peripheral anti-inflammatory effect and the ability of salicylates to reduce the algogenic effect of bradykinin. A decrease in the content of thromboxane A 2 in platelets leads to irreversible suppression of aggregation and slightly dilates blood vessels. The antiplatelet effect lasts for 7 days after a single dose. During the series clinical trials it has been shown that significant inhibition of adhesion blood platelets achieved at doses up to 30 mg. Increases fibrinolytic activity of plasma and reduces the concentration of vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors (II, VII, IX, X). Stimulates excretion uric acid, since its reabsorption in the kidney tubules is impaired.

After oral administration, it is absorbed quite completely. In the presence of an enteric coating (resistant to the action gastric juice and does not allow absorption acetyl salicylic acid in the stomach) is absorbed into upper section small intestine. During absorption, it undergoes presystemic elimination in the intestinal wall and in the liver (deacetylated). The absorbed part is very quickly hydrolyzed by special esterases, so T1/2 of acetylsalicylic acid is no more than 15-20 minutes. It circulates in the body (75-90% in connection with albumin) and is distributed in tissues in the form of salicylic acid anion. Cmax is reached after approximately 2 hours. Acetylsalicylic acid practically does not bind to blood plasma proteins. During biotransformation in the liver, metabolites are formed that are found in many tissues and urine. Excretion of salicylates occurs primarily through active secretion in the renal tubules in unchanged form and in the form of metabolites. The excretion of unchanged substance and metabolites depends on the pH of the urine (with alkalinization of urine, the ionization of salicylates increases, their reabsorption worsens and excretion increases significantly).

Application of the substance Acetylsalicylic acid

IHD, the presence of several risk factors for IHD, silent myocardial ischemia, unstable angina, myocardial infarction (to reduce the risk of recurrent myocardial infarction and death after myocardial infarction), repeated transient cerebral ischemia and ischemic stroke in men, heart valve replacement (prevention and treatment of thromboembolism), balloon coronary angioplasty and stent placement (reducing the risk of re-stenosis and treating secondary coronary artery dissection), as well as for non-atherosclerotic lesions coronary arteries(Kawasaki disease), aortoarteritis (Takayasu disease), valvular mitral heart defects and atrial fibrillation, prolapse mitral valve(prevention of thromboembolism), recurrent thromboembolism pulmonary artery, Dressler's syndrome, pulmonary infarction, acute thrombophlebitis. Fever in infectious and inflammatory diseases. Pain syndrome low to medium intensity of various origins, incl. chest radicular syndrome, lumbago, migraine, headache, neuralgia, toothache, myalgia, arthralgia, algodismenorrhea. In clinical immunology and allergology, it is used in gradually increasing doses for long-term “aspirin” desensitization and the formation of stable tolerance to NSAIDs in patients with “aspirin” asthma and the “aspirin” triad.

According to indications, rheumatism, rheumatic chorea, rheumatoid arthritis, infectious-allergic myocarditis, pericarditis - currently used very rarely.


Hypersensitivity, incl. “aspirin” triad, “aspirin” asthma; hemorrhagic diathesis(hemophilia, von Willebrand disease, telangiectasia), dissecting aortic aneurysm, heart failure, acute and recurrent erosive and ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastrointestinal bleeding, acute renal or liver failure, initial hypoprothrombinemia, vitamin K deficiency, thrombocytopenia, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, pregnancy (I and III trimester), breastfeeding, childhood and adolescence up to 15 years when used as an antipyretic (risk of developing Reye's syndrome in children with fever due to viral diseases).

Restrictions on use

Hyperuricemia, nephrolithiasis, gout, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum(history), severe liver and kidney dysfunction, bronchial asthma, COPD, nasal polyposis, uncontrolled arterial hypertension.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Application large doses salicylates in the first trimester of pregnancy is associated with an increased incidence of fetal development defects (cleft palate, heart defects). In the second trimester of pregnancy, salicylates can be prescribed only after assessing the risks and benefits. The administration of salicylates in the third trimester of pregnancy is contraindicated.

Salicylates and their metabolites in small quantities penetrate into breast milk. Accidental intake of salicylates during lactation is not accompanied by the development adverse reactions in a child and does not require termination breastfeeding. However, when long-term use or appointment in high doses ah breastfeeding should be stopped.

Side effects of the substance Acetylsalicylic acid

From the outside cardiovascular system and blood (hematopoiesis, hemostasis): thrombocytopenia, anemia, leukopenia.

From the gastrointestinal tract: NSAID gastropathy (dyspepsia, pain in the epigastric region, heartburn, nausea and vomiting, severe bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract), loss of appetite.

Allergic reactions: hypersensitivity reactions (bronchospasm, laryngeal edema and urticaria), the formation of “aspirin” based on the hapten mechanism bronchial asthma and the “aspirin” triad (eosinophilic rhinitis, recurrent nasal polyposis, hyperplastic sinusitis).

Others: dysfunction of the liver and/or kidneys, Reye's syndrome in children (encephalopathy and acute fatty degeneration liver with rapid development of liver failure).

With prolonged use - dizziness, headache, tinnitus, decreased hearing acuity, blurred vision, interstitial nephritis, prerenal azotemia with increased blood creatinine levels and hypercalcemia, papillary necrosis, acute renal failure, nephrotic syndrome, blood diseases, aseptic meningitis, increased symptoms of congestive heart failure, edema, increased levels of aminotransferases in the blood.


Increases the toxicity of methotrexate, reducing its renal clearance, the effects of narcotic analgesics (codeine), oral antidiabetic drugs, heparin, indirect anticoagulants, thrombolytics and platelet aggregation inhibitors, reduces the effect of uricosuric drugs (benzbromarone, sulfinpyrazone), antihypertensive drugs, diuretics (spironolactone, furosemide). Paracetamol and caffeine increase the risk of developing side effects. Glucocorticoids, ethanol and ethanol-containing drugs enhance negative impact on the gastrointestinal mucosa and increase clearance. Increases the concentration of digoxin, barbiturates, lithium salts in plasma. Antacids containing magnesium and/or aluminum slow down and impair the absorption of acetylsalicylic acid. Myelotoxic drugs enhance the manifestations of hematotoxicity of acetylsalicylic acid.


May occur after a single large dose or when long-term use. If a single dose is less than 150 mg/kg, acute poisoning considered mild, 150-300 mg/kg - moderate, when using higher doses - severe.

Symptoms: salicylic syndrome (nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, blurred vision, dizziness, severe headache, general malaise, fever - a poor prognostic sign in adults). More severe poisoning - stupor, convulsions and coma, non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema, severe dehydration, acid-base balance disorders (first - respiratory alkalosis, then - metabolic acidosis), kidney failure and shock.

At chronic overdose the concentration determined in plasma does not correlate well with the severity of intoxication. The greatest risk of developing chronic intoxication is observed in elderly people when taking more than 100 mg/kg/day for several days. In children and elderly patients initial signs Salicylism is not always noticeable, so it is advisable to periodically determine the concentration of salicylates in the blood. A level above 70 mg% indicates moderate or severe poisoning; above 100 mg% - extremely severe, prognostically unfavorable. In case of poisoning moderate severity hospitalization required at least for 24 hours

Treatment: provocation of vomiting, purpose activated carbon and laxatives, monitoring of acid-base balance and electrolyte balance; depending on the metabolic state - administration of sodium bicarbonate, sodium citrate solution or sodium lactate. Increasing reserve alkalinity enhances the excretion of acetylsalicylic acid due to alkalinization of urine. Alkalinization of urine is indicated when the level of salicylates is above 40 mg%, provided by intravenous infusion of sodium bicarbonate - 88 mEq in 1 liter of 5% glucose solution, at a rate of 10-15 ml/kg/h. Restoration of bcc and induction of diuresis (achieved by administering bicarbonate in the same dose and dilution, repeat 2-3 times); It should be borne in mind that intensive fluid infusion in elderly patients can lead to pulmonary edema. The use of acetazolamide for alkalinization of urine is not recommended (may cause acidemia and increase toxic effect salicylates). Hemodialysis is indicated when the level of salicylates is more than 100-130 mg%, and in patients with chronic poisoning- 40 mg% and lower if indicated (refractory acidosis, progressive deterioration, heavy defeat CNS, pulmonary edema and renal failure). For pulmonary edema - mechanical ventilation with an oxygen-enriched mixture in positive end-expiratory pressure mode; Hyperventilation and osmotic diuresis are used to treat cerebral edema.

Routes of administration


Precautions for the substance Acetylsalicylic acid

Undesirable joint use with other NSAIDs and glucocorticoids. 5-7 days before surgical intervention it is necessary to stop taking it (to reduce bleeding during surgery and in the postoperative period).

The likelihood of developing NSAID gastropathy is reduced when prescribed after meals, using tablets with buffer additives or coated with a special enteric coating. Risk hemorrhagic complications considered the smallest when used in doses<100 мг/сут.

It should be borne in mind that in predisposed patients, acetylsalicylic acid (even in small doses) reduces the excretion of uric acid from the body and can cause the development of an acute attack of gout.

During long-term therapy, it is recommended to regularly perform blood tests and examine stool for occult blood. Due to observed cases of hepatogenic encephalopathy, it is not recommended for the relief of febrile syndrome in children.

Interactions with other active ingredients

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There are drugs that do not need any special introduction. And it happens that the scope of a familiar product turns out to be much wider than we think. A good example is acetyl acid, familiar to most people since childhood. What does this drug help with and what possibilities does it contain?

Justified popularity

Acetyl acid is the same thing as aspirin. The substance has been known since the time of Hippocrates, when a natural healing substance was extracted from willow bark. People habitually call the drug as aspirin, although its original name sounds exactly like “acetylsalicylic acid”.

The drug is widely known due to its reasonable cost, as well as its high effectiveness in the treatment of many diseases. Many people associate fever and chills with colds and ailments with taking this particular medicine. But what does acetyl acid not help with? In addition to fighting colds, the substance is actively used as a remedy for blood clots and headaches. This miracle drug is much more “multitasking” than many people think.

Instructions for use of acetyl acid

Acetylsalicylic acid is classified as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with an analgesic effect. When starting to take it, you should not only know the main indications, but also be aware of the possible additional properties of this unusual substance.

When is the drug used?

As a rule, acetyl acid is used to relieve pain of various etiologies, as well as to treat a number of inflammatory diseases. Indications for its use include the following:

  • high body temperature, which accompanies, in particular, respiratory tract infections;
  • headaches;
  • toothache;
  • severe pain during menstruation;
  • pain due to osteoarthritis;
  • neuralgia;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • pain due to osteochondrosis;
  • rheumatic fever;
  • rheumatoid arthritis.


The use of this active substance should be avoided in case of the following ailments and conditions:

  • age up to 15 years;
  • stomach and intestinal ulcers;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • bearing a child and breastfeeding;
  • acute and chronic pathologies of the kidneys and liver;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Using medication to reduce fever for colds is the first thing that comes to mind for most people. Indeed, it copes with this task perfectly. In addition, the remedy helps eliminate chest pain due to lesions of the respiratory tract. However, to combat hyperthermia, it is more often recommended to use Paracetamol: the drug is safer and can be safely given to children

To reduce high body temperature, drink acetyl acid 3-4 times a day, 1-2 tablets. It is important to ensure that the daily dose of the substance does not exceed 4 g.

Treatment of rheumatism and joint pain

Acetyl acid has proven itself to be an effective remedy for various types of arthritis, rheumatoid and joint pain. For the treatment of such diseases, tablets are taken 2-3 g per day, divided into 3 times. A peculiarity of the treatment of joint diseases with their help is the duration of administration, which the doctor determines individually.

Antithrombotic properties

The use of the drug for the treatment and prevention of heart and vascular diseases became possible thanks to the discovery of its antiplatelet properties. It has such a fast and powerful antithrombotic effect that it is used for emergency treatment of heart attack, angina pectoris, ischemic stroke, and vascular thrombosis. Timely administration helps to avoid fatal consequences in a number of dangerous situations. However, it is worth remembering the negative aspects of the drug: it greatly irritates the intestinal mucosa. In this regard, the use of the drug for prevention should be discussed with a doctor, he should select a gentle dosage.

Skin care

The use of acetyl acid for acne in home cosmetology may seem surprising. However, our grandmothers knew this method of improving facial skin.

To combat acne and small pimples, the substance is used in the form of a solution. To create a product according to the simplest recipe, just dilute the tablets of the drug in boiled water, after which you can start applying it to the skin. The mask is kept on the face for 10-15 minutes, after which it is washed off.

A more complex and fast-acting recipe involves adding honey and lemon juice to the resulting solution. A teaspoon of the product is applied to problem areas of the skin for 10-15 minutes. This mask is quite aggressive, but it helps to get rid of acne very quickly.

Acetyl acid from pomelia

The benefits of acetylsalicylic acid for hangover syndrome are widely known among people. It is drunk after meals, washed down with water or milk. You can take no more than two tablets at a time. The product can be taken throughout the day, adhering to the maximum daily dosage.

It is important to remember that the combination of alcohol with acetyl acid can cause internal bleeding, so it is permissible to take the medicine no earlier than 6 hours after a violent feast.

By understanding what acetyl acid helps best and in what situations it is best to avoid it, you can use it effectively in many cases. The usual medicine has a fairly wide range of capabilities and can provide no less effective help than its more expensive “colleagues”.

Since ancient times, Aspirin has been an essential component of any first aid kit. This is a real savior that can instantly relieve back pain, migraine or aching toothache. But the medicine must be used strictly according to the instructions. It is advisable to consult your doctor in advance.

Composition and release form

The main component of the drug is acetylsalicylic acid. Corn starch is used as excipients, and the tablets are white in color and round in shape. On one side there is the inscription “ASPIRIN”.

The medicine goes on sale in cardboard packages. Tablets are packaged in 10 pieces. The medication is available in pharmacies without a prescription. Therefore, to use the tablets, it is not necessary to see a doctor. But it is not advisable to take medication without prior consultation. Many people know what Aspirin is, but do not delve into the conditions for taking the drug. But it has many side effects.


Aspirin tablets can relieve various types of pain. This drug cannot eliminate the cause of the disease. It is used only to alleviate the patient's condition. The medication can be used for migraines. Relief occurs within half an hour after taking the tablet. For women, the medication can be used for painful menstruation. If the pills provide only a temporary effect and return after a while, you should consult a gynecologist. You may need treatment with hormonal drugs.

The drug Aspirin is also often used in dentistry. This remedy helps relieve toothache in a matter of minutes. The medication is used as an auxiliary medication after tooth extraction. But it is not recommended to use it yourself. Pain may indicate serious problems. You won't be able to avoid visiting the dentist's office.

“Aspirin” is a tablet that is used as an adjuvant in the treatment of diseases accompanied by fever and aching joints. The patient's condition improves significantly. But medicine based on acetylsalicylic acid only removes the symptoms. It is imperative to take additional doses. And in some cases, antibiotics cannot be avoided.


The drug "Aspirin" is very popular today. Many people take it without even consulting a doctor. This is wrong. At first glance, this seemingly harmless medication has many contraindications. First of all, the drug is prohibited for children. You can start using it as a pain reliever only from the age of 15. There is a risk of children developing liver failure.

People who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract should take Aspirin tablets with caution. The medication is contraindicated in patients with gastric ulcers in the acute phase. Pregnant and lactating women should avoid taking medications containing acetylsalicylic acid. The only exception may be the second trimester of pregnancy. The drug can be prescribed only when the potential benefit to the expectant mother outweighs the risk to the fetus.

In rare cases, patients may experience hypersensitivity to certain components of the drug. If any side effects occur, you should consult your doctor.

Special instructions

For children under 18 years of age, drugs based on acetylsalicylic acid are prescribed with caution. This is especially important if the patient has a viral infection. The risk of developing Reye's syndrome increases. Patients who are prone to allergic reactions should only take Aspirin tablets under supervision. This medicine may cause bronchospasm or an asthma attack. In the best case, treatment should take place in a hospital setting.

Therefore, caution should be exercised in patients with a history of allergies. Those suffering from allergic rhinitis should also avoid taking Aspirin tablets. You can improve the condition of the body or relieve pain with the help of other drugs that do not contain acetylsalicylic acid.

It is also worth considering that the main active ingredient of the drug “Aspirin” prevents the normal excretion of uric acid from the body. As a result, gout may develop. This is especially important to remember for patients who have a corresponding tendency.


The drug "Aspirin" can only be prescribed to adults or children over 15 years of age. The drug is taken orally. The dosage depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and the condition of his body. For mild pain, the patient can take half an aspirin tablet. It is advisable to take the medicine with plenty of water. This way the medication will dissolve faster and have a positive effect on the body.

For severe pain or fever, take a whole aspirin tablet. This is the maximum single dose. The interval between doses of the medicine should be at least 4 hours. You should not take more than 6 tablets per day. The effect of Aspirin will be positive only if it is used correctly.


Using the medication not according to the instructions is fraught with serious consequences. A moderate overdose is characterized by dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Hearing may be impaired, as well as coordination of the patient's movements. This condition does not require hospitalization. You just need to reduce the dosage or completely stop the drug.

Severe overdose is more dangerous. The patient may experience shock, loss of consciousness, and respiratory failure. In the most severe cases, patients fall into a coma. This condition requires prompt hospitalization. Treatment begins with gastric lavage. The patient is under the supervision of doctors in a hospital setting for several days. Specialists monitor the patient’s acid-base balance and also replace fluid loss.

Side effects

Unpleasant symptoms may also occur when using the medicine according to the instructions. They are mostly associated with the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. From the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting may occur. In rare cases, there may be blood in the stool. If the patient's condition worsens, you should stop taking Aspirin tablets and seek help from a specialist.

In rare cases, problems with the circulatory system occur. The patient may experience nosebleeds. If an unpleasant symptom appears several times, it is better to discontinue the drug. There are many painkillers that do not contain acetylsalicylic acid. To select the appropriate medication, it is better to consult a doctor.

Drug interactions

You should take other medications with caution if you have to use Aspirin tablets. This medication may increase the toxicity of methotrexate-based medications. It is not recommended to prescribe Aspirin tablets together. Antihypertensive drugs and diuretics should also be taken with caution.

Acetylsalicylic acid preparations are not recommended for use in conjunction with alcohol tinctures. This combination increases the negative impact on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastritis or peptic ulcers may develop. In the most difficult cases it opens. For the same reason, it is not recommended to drink alcohol during the treatment period.

Acetylsalicylic acid is a drug that has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. The medicine eliminates fever and pain, reduces platelet aggregation. Find out how to use the drug, in what quantities to use and what acetylsalicylic acid helps with - detailed instructions for use contain all the necessary information.

Pharmacological action

The drug prevents the synthesis of prostaglandins, which are involved in inflammatory processes and contribute to the appearance of pain and fever. As a result of a significant decrease in the amount of prostaglandins, blood vessels dilate, which promotes increased sweating. So the drug has an antipyretic effect.

When using the medication, the nerve endings become less sensitive to pain. The medicine is taken orally, the maximum level of the active substance in the blood is achieved in a short time - after 10-20 minutes. The level of salicylate resulting from metabolism increases within two hours. The components of the drug are excreted by the kidneys. Partial elimination occurs 20 minutes after taking the drug; salicylate is partially removed from the body after 2 hours.

Release form and composition

Acetylsalicylic acid is available in tablets. The composition is represented by different amounts of the active substance - 100, 250, 50 mg, supplemented with citric acid and potato starch.

Aspirin and Analgin

Many people are interested in whether aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid or not? Is acetylsalicylic acid aspirin or analgin? Aspirin is a derivative of salicylic acid. Acetylsalicylic acid, often called aspirin, was obtained by replacing one hydroxyl group. Therefore, analgin is a completely different drug.

What does Acetylsalicylic acid help with?

For many decades, aspirin has been the most popular drug in the world.

The medicine is prescribed when it is detected:

  • fever;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • rheumatic fever, occurring in acute form;
  • Dressler's syndrome;
  • rheumatic chorea;
  • a heart attack in which the lungs are affected;
  • acute thrombophlebitis;
  • headaches, including migraines;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • neuralgia;
  • various pain sensations - during dental diseases, during menstruation, accompanied by discomfort; pain in muscles and joints;
  • diseases of the spine accompanied by syndromes, the list is presented by osteochondrosis, sciatica, lumbago;
  • myocardial infarction, ischemic heart disease, atrial fibrillation, thromboembolism (used for prevention).

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications to the use of the medicine are presented in a list that includes:

  • portal hypertension;
  • bleeding in the digestive tract;
  • Reye's syndrome;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • aspirin triad;
  • insufficient amount of vitamin K in the body and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • the presence of erosive and ulcerative lesions in the gastrointestinal tract in an acute form;
  • hemophilia;
  • insufficiency of liver and kidney functions;
  • the presence of a dissecting aortic aneurysm;
  • hypoprothrombinemia;
  • periods of pregnancy, lactation;
  • excessive sensitivity of the body to the components of this drug and other drugs that eliminate inflammatory reactions, which is manifested by the development of rhinitis and the appearance of urticaria.

Possible negative reactions

Some people may develop side effects:

  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • skin rashes;
  • the appearance of tinnitus;
  • the occurrence of erosive and ulcerative lesions, bleeding in the digestive tract;
  • angioedema;
  • development of the aspirin triad;
  • the appearance of pain in the abdomen;
  • the occurrence of thrombocytopenia, anemia;
  • development of anorexia;
  • Reye's syndrome;
  • bronchospasm;
  • the appearance of headaches, dizziness;
  • visual impairment;
  • hemorrhagic syndrome;
  • deterioration of the condition in chronic heart failure;
  • disorders of the kidneys and liver.

If the doctor has prescribed acetylsalicylic acid, the instructions for use and contraindications should be carefully studied to avoid negative consequences.

Using large doses of the drug

If the drug is used in large quantities that do not correspond to the recommended doses, negative reactions of the body are possible. Overdose leads to the following problems:

  • disturbances of acid-base balance and electrolyte;
  • confusion;
  • nausea accompanied by vomiting, pain in the abdomen;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • hearing and vision problems;
  • tremor;
  • drowsy state.

In rare cases, abuse of the drug leads to metabolic acidosis and coma.

How to take

According to the instructions for use of acetylsalicylic acid, tablets are taken after meals. You can drink the drug not only with plain water, but also with alkaline mineral water, as well as with milk.

The dosage is determined by the doctor. If it is not possible to see a doctor and the problem is not significant, you can take aspirin in the amount of 1-2 tablets, which corresponds to 500-1000 mg. The dose is indicated for an adult. 3-4 doses of medication are allowed per day.

Is it possible to use 2 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid 4 times a day? It is prohibited to use the medicine in such quantities. The maximum daily dose corresponds to 6 tablets. You can be treated with the drug for no longer than two weeks.

Effect on blood clotting

Acetylsalicylic acid thins the blood. To find out how to take tablets to improve the rheological properties of blood, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will select an individual dosage. To prevent platelet aggregation, the drug is used in an amount of 0.5 tablets/day. The course duration is usually 2-3 months.

Myocardial infarction

To prevent myocardial infarction, use 250 mg of the drug per day. For thromboembolism and cerebrovascular accidents, 0.5 tablets/day is also used. Gradually the amount of the drug is increased to 1000 mg (2 tablets/day).

Instructions for the use of Acetylsalicylic acid for fever in children and adults

Aspirin is usually prescribed for colds.

Tablets for fever should not be used on an empty stomach. If you need to bring down the temperature of an adult, the recommended dosage is 250-1000 mg of the drug. You can take the medicine 3 or 4 times a day.

For fever, children are given from 100 to 300 mg of the drug. It is advisable that the dose of the medication be selected by a doctor. The dosage size for children is determined according to age.

  1. To the child over two years old give 100 mg of medicine.
  2. From three years old 150 mg is allowed.
  3. When treating a child over four years old it is necessary to use 200 mg of the drug, and when treating a child of age over five years old– 250 mg.
  4. Acetylsalicylic acid in the recommended amount can be given to a child 3 or 4 times a day.

For headaches

Acetylsalicylic acid is an effective remedy for headaches. You can also take Paracetamol. The drug is potent, so it can either benefit the body or harm it. When determining the appropriate dose of the drug, you should be as careful as possible. If rest is not planned in the near future, take two tablets. If after taking the drug it is possible to sleep or relax, the dose of the drug should be reduced to 0.5-1 tablet. To obtain the desired effect, the medication must be taken immediately after the onset of discomfort.

The indicated doses of the medicine are intended for use by adults. This treatment option is not suitable for children.


Regardless of the reasons for the development of headaches, it is possible to effectively solve the problem. For example, in everyday life people often take the drug for a hangover. But we should not forget that the medication only eliminates the pain, but not the hangover itself. To get rid of the problem, use other medications when you have a hangover.

How does aspirin affect blood pressure?

Does aspirin increase or decrease blood pressure? The medication does not affect blood pressure in any way. The ability of the drug to eliminate pain during migraines and reduce intracranial pressure is explained by its ability to thin the blood. Using the drug for hypertension is harmful due to the risk of bleeding.

Treatment for menstruation and toothache

Can the product be used during menstruation? In such cases, you can use the drug, but with caution and obtaining prior consultation with a doctor. The recommended dose is 1 tablet 2 times a day, but it is still better to use other painkillers for these purposes - analgin, spasmalgon, no-shpu.

Aspirin also helps with toothache, as it can have a pronounced analgesic effect. But you cannot use more than 4000 mg of the product per day. Otherwise, severe damage to the brain and internal organs may occur. Children under 12 years of age should choose other medications, as should pregnant women. When a toothache occurs, Paracetamol will also help.

How to get rid of acne

The drug helps get rid of acne. It acts quickly and is one of the most effective remedies. Acetylsalicylic acid, when used on the face, destroys bacteria, which helps stop the inflammatory process and dry the skin. For treatment, the tablet must be dissolved in water and the liquid used for wiping. The solution is applied pointwise, directly to pimples.


  1. A face mask with honey promotes healthy skin. For 3-4 tablets, honey and water in the amount of 1 tsp are required. and 5 drops respectively. A paste is prepared from these components and applied for a quarter of an hour. The remaining product is washed off with warm water.
  2. A mask with acetylsalicylic acid for acne may also contain other ingredients, for example, black clay. The component is prepared in the amount of several tablespoons, diluted with water to obtain a homogeneous mass. Then the last and main ingredient is added - Acetylsalicylic acid in powder form (1 tablet per 1 tablespoon of clay). Cover the face with the prepared gruel for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with cool water.

If you decide to use acetylsalicylic acid to fight acne, do not forget that the courses should be short, otherwise you can dry out the skin. If you have dry skin, be careful when choosing this acne treatment method.

Acetylsalicylic acid is suitable for the face in cases where the skin is oily

Before using masks, make sure that the body's reaction to the effects of the components is normal. Otherwise there is a risk of irritation. When searching for a product with acetylsalicylic acid for acne, reviews will help you make the most correct choice.

Acetylsalicylic acid for hair

Aspirin has a beneficial effect on hair follicles. Preparation:

  • restores shine;
  • eliminates the consequences of unsuccessful staining;
  • Lightens undyed hair naturally;
  • increases volume;
  • accelerates the growth process;
  • neutralizes the negative effects of chlorine when visiting the pool;
  • eliminates electrification and alopecia.

However, not everyone can use aspirin for hair restoration and not always. You can’t make compresses and masks often. When used externally, the main component of the product penetrates well through tissue. Aspirin for hair can be used from the age of 12, since with earlier use there is a high risk of Reye's syndrome. For those who have eczema, psoriasis or seborrhea sicca, as well as those with sensitive skin, care based on the use of Acetylsalicylic acid is not suitable.

Easy to use: dissolve 2-3 tablets in warm water and add to any hair mask.

Carrying a child, lactation

During pregnancy, it is strictly forbidden to use Acetylsalicylic acid. A nursing mother should also not use the medicine. The medication is not prescribed to pregnant women due to the harmful substances it contains.

Aspirin and alcohol

It is important to know how to take medicine so as not to harm your body.

Are acetylsalicylic acid and alcohol compatible?

With their simultaneous use, the mucous membrane of the digestive tract is irritated, which can provoke the development of allergies, the appearance of ulcers and intragastric bleeding, the occurrence of a stroke, a heart attack. Possible death.

You should take the medicine before drinking alcohol. Using it a day in advance will reduce the severity of your hangover.

Combination with caffeine

Caffeine can be used with the drug. However, there are contraindications, so you should consult your doctor.

Best before date

The shelf life of the medicine is 2 years. The product should be stored at room temperature in a place where light and moisture do not penetrate, children and animals do not have access.

What acetylsalicylic acid is, what it helps with and how to take it is indicated in the instructions for use. It is especially important to consult a doctor when treating children. For young patients, the drug can be very dangerous.

Instructions for use

Attention! The information is provided for informational purposes only. This instruction should not be used as a guide to self-medication. The need for prescription, methods and doses of the drug are determined exclusively by the attending physician.

General characteristics

International and chemical names: acetylsalicylic acid;

(2-acetoxy)benzoic acid;

Basic physical and chemical properties: tablets are white, with a flat surface, scored and chamfered;

Compound: 1 tablet contains 0.25 g or 0.5 g of acetylsalicylic acid;

Excipients: citric acid, potato starch.

Release form. Pills.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Analgesics and antipyretics (Antipyretics- medicines that reduce body temperature during fever). ATC code N02B A01.

Pharmacological properties

Pharmacodynamics. Acetylsalicylic acid is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, a salicylate derivative. The main mechanism of action of acetylsalicylic acid is inactivation (Inactivation- partial or complete loss of activity by a biologically active substance or agent) enzyme (Enzymes- specific proteins that can significantly accelerate chemical reactions occurring in the body without being part of the final reaction products, i.e. are biological catalysts. Each type of enzyme catalyzes the transformation of certain substances (substrates), sometimes only a single substance in a single direction. Therefore, numerous biochemical reactions in cells are carried out by a huge number of different enzymes. Enzyme preparations are widely used in medicine) COX ( cyclooxygenase (Cyclooxygenase(synonymous with PGN2 synthetase) is the main prostaglandin (PG)-forming enzyme, which, in the presence of molecular oxygen and a number of cofactors, catalyzes the oxidative cyclization reaction of the five central carbon atoms in the arachidonic acid molecule with the formation of unstable cyclic endoperoxides PGG2 and PGN2, which are then in different tissues and with the participation of different enzymes they are converted into several types of substances with high biological activity - eicosanoids (prostaglandins of different series (PGE2, PGE2a, etc.), prostacyclin (PG12) and thromboxane (TXA2). There are two isoforms of COX in the body: 1) constitutional, that is, a constantly synthesized isoform called COX-1\; 2) inducible isoform of COX-2, the biosynthesis of which is triggered mainly by exposure to pathological, including pro-inflammatory, stimuli and growth factors. Although both isoforms of the enzyme have a similar primary protein structure and carry out similar catalytic reactions in the metabolism of arachidonic acid and the formation of PG, the inflammatory and algogenic (pain) effects of eicosanoids are associated predominantly with the COX-2 isoform, while a number of PG effects are of a physiological type (e.g., regulation microcirculation in the gastric mucosa) - with COX-1 activity. COX and its isoforms are the target of NSAIDs. Depending on the selectivity of inhibition of COX isoforms, non-selective (non-selective) NSAIDs, drugs with a predominant effect on COX-2 and specific COX-2 inhibitors (coxibs) are distinguished.), as a result, production decreases mediators (Mediator- a substance that transfers excitation from a nerve ending to a working organ and from one nerve cell to another) inflammation: prostaglandins, prostacyclins and thromboxane.
A decrease in the synthesis of prostaglandins leads to a decrease in their influence on the thermoregulation centers, which leads to a decrease in temperature increased due to inflammation. Reduces the sensitizing effect of prostaglandins on pain-sensitive nerve endings, which reduces their sensitivity to pain mediators. Irreversible inhibition of thromboxane A 2 synthesis platelets (Platelets- blood cells involved in the blood clotting process. With a decrease in their number - thrombocytopenia - there is a tendency to bleeding) determines the antiplatelet effect of acetylsalicylic acid.

Pharmacodynamics (Pharmacodynamics- a branch of pharmacology that studies how a drug - alone and in combination with other drugs - acts on the human body. The pharmacodynamics of the drug is assessed by its effectiveness, tolerability, and safety. For this purpose, special methods of clinical and functional research are used, both with a single administration of the drug and during its long-term use. Methods must have high sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility) acetylsalicylic acid depends on the daily dose:

small doses – 30-325 mg – cause inhibition aggregation (Aggregation(accession) - the process of combining elements into one system) platelets;

average doses – 1.5-2 g – have analgesic (Analgesic- pain reliever, analgesic) and antipyretic effect;

large doses – 4-6 g – have an anti-inflammatory effect.

At a dose of more than 4 g, acetylsalicylic acid enhances excretion (Excretion(later Latin excretio) - the same as selection) uric acid (uricosuric effect), when prescribed in smaller doses, its elimination is delayed.

Pharmacokinetics. When taken orally, it is almost completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Time to reach maximum concentration in plasma (Plasma- the liquid part of the blood, which contains formed elements (erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets). Various diseases (rheumatism, diabetes mellitus, etc.) are diagnosed based on changes in the composition of blood plasma. Medicines are prepared from blood plasma) blood (Tmax) is 10-20 min. T max of total salicylate, which is formed due to metabolism (Metabolism- the totality of all types of transformations of substances and energy in the body, ensuring its development, vital activity and self-reproduction, as well as its connection with the environment and adaptation to changes in external conditions), is 0.3-2 hours. The degree of binding with proteins (Squirrels- natural high-molecular organic compounds. Squirrels play extremely important role: they are the basis of the life process, participate in the construction of cells and tissues, are biocatalysts (enzymes), hormones, respiratory pigments (hemoglobins), protective substances (immunoglobulins), etc.) blood plasma is 49-70%. 50% is metabolized during the initial passage through the liver. A glycyl conjugate of salicylic acid is formed. It is excreted from the body through the kidneys in the form of metabolites. Half-life (Half-life(T1/2, synonymous with half-elimination period) - the period of time during which the concentration of a drug in the blood plasma decreases by 50% from the initial level. Information about this pharmacokinetic indicator is necessary to prevent the creation of a toxic or, conversely, ineffective level (concentration) of the drug in the blood when determining the intervals between administrations)(T 1/2) is 20 min. T 1/2 for salicylic acid - approximately 2 hours. Penetrates into breast milk, synovial fluid, and cerebrospinal fluid.

Indications for use

Rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, infectious-allergic myocarditis (Myocarditis– inflammatory disease of the heart muscle of an infectious, allergic or toxic-allergic nature), pericarditis (Pericarditis- inflammation of the pericardium.). Feverish syndrome in infectious and inflammatory diseases. Pain syndrome (Pain syndrome- a painful subjective feeling that appears due to the impact on the body of super-strong or destructive stimuli. There are pain syndromes of the head, face, mouth, back, etc.)(of various origins): headache (including those associated with alcohol withdrawal syndrome), migraine (Migraine- headache caused by a narrowing of the blood vessels in the brain and a decrease in blood flow in certain areas of the brain. Accompanied by nausea, vomiting, women are more likely to suffer), toothache, neuralgia, lumbago, thoracic radicular syndrome, myalgia (Myalgia- muscle pain caused by spasm, compression, inflammation or muscle ischemia), arthralgia. As an antiplatelet agent (doses up to 250 mg/day): coronary heart disease (Coronary heart disease– a chronic pathological process that is caused by insufficient blood supply to the myocardium. Most cases (97–98%) are the result of atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries of the heart. The main clinical forms are angina pectoris, myocardial infarction and coronarogenic (atherosclerotic) cardiosclerosis), the presence of several risk factors (Risk factor- a general name for factors that are not the direct cause of the disease, but increase the likelihood of its occurrence) coronary heart disease, painless ischemia (Ischemia- local anemia due to mechanical blockage of the arteries or lack of blood supply) myocardium (Myocardium- muscle tissue of the heart, making up the bulk of its mass. Rhythmic coordinated contractions of the myocardium of the ventricles and atria are carried out by the conduction system of the heart), unstable angina pectoris (Angina pectoris- a syndrome caused by myocardial ischemia and characterized by the episodic appearance of a feeling of discomfort or pressure in the precordial region, which in typical cases occurs during physical activity and disappears after its cessation or taking nitroglycerin under the tongue (angina pectoris)), myocardial infarction (Myocardial infarction- ischemic necrosis of the myocardium, caused by a sharp decrease in the blood supply to one of its segments. The basis of MI is an acutely developed thrombus, the formation of which is associated with the rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque)(to reduce the risk of recurrent myocardial infarction and death after myocardial infarction), repeated transient cerebral ischemia and ischemic stroke (Stroke- acute disturbance of cerebral circulation (hemorrhage, etc.) with hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc. Manifested by headache, vomiting, disturbance of consciousness, paralysis, etc.) in men, heart valve replacement (prevention and treatment of thromboembolism), balloon coronary (Coronary- a surrounding organ in the form of a crown (crown), related to the coronary arteries of the heart, for example, coronary circulation) angioplasty and stent placement (reducing the risk of recurrence) stenosis (Stenosis- narrowing of any channel) and treatment of secondary coronary artery dissection), with non-atherosclerotic lesions of the coronary artery (Kawasaki disease), aortoarteritis (Takayasu disease), valvular mitral (Mitral- related to the atrioventricular valve of the heart) heart defects and atrial fibrillation (Atrial fibrillation- frequent (more than 300 per minute) irregular disorganized electrical activity of the atria or ventricles), mitral valve prolapse (prevention of thromboembolism), recurrent pulmonary embolism, pulmonary infarction, acute thrombophlebitis (Thrombophlebitis- a venous disease characterized by inflammation of the venous wall and thrombosis. The occurrence of thrombophlebitis is preceded by inflammation of the vein - phlebitis and periphlebitis), Dressler's syndrome. In clinical immunology and allergology: in gradually increasing doses for long-term desensitization and the formation of persistent tolerance (Tolerance- a decrease in the reaction to repeated administration of the substance, the body becomes addicted, which is why a larger and larger dose is required to achieve the effect inherent in the substance. They also distinguish between reverse tolerance - a special condition in which a smaller dose is required to achieve a given effect, and cross-tolerance - when taking one substance increases tolerance to taking other substances (usually from the same group or class). Tachyphylaxis is the rapid (literally after the first use) development of tolerance to a drug. Also an immunological state of the body in which it is unable to synthesize antibodies in response to the introduction of a specific antigen while maintaining immune reactivity to other antigens. The problem of tolerance is important in organ and tissue transplantation) to acetylsalicylic acid preparations in patients with asthma and the “triad”, which are aggravated by taking acetylsalicylic acid.

Directions for use and doses

The drug is taken orally after meals.

For fever and pain in adults – 500-1000 mg 3-4 times a day. The daily dose should not exceed 3 g. The duration of treatment should not exceed 2 weeks.

To improve the rheological properties of blood - 250 mg/day for several months.

For myocardial infarction, as well as for secondary prevention in patients who have suffered a myocardial infarction - 250 mg 1 time per day.

As inhibitor (Inhibitors- chemicals that inhibit enzyme activity. Used to treat metabolic disorders) platelet aggregation – 250 mg/day for a long time.

For dynamic cerebrovascular accidents, cerebral thromboembolism - 250 mg/day with a gradual increase in dose to a maximum of 1000 mg/day, for the prevention of relapses - 250 mg/day.

Children – 50-200 mg 3-4 times a day; single dose for children from 2 years old – 100 mg, 3 years old – 150 mg, 4 years old – 200 mg, starting from 5 years old – 250 mg; daily dose – at the rate of 200 mg per 1 year of life.

Side effect

Acetylsalicylic acid-Darnitsa may cause allergic reactions in case of hypersensitivity to the drug, hives (Hives- a disease characterized by the formation of limited or widespread itchy blisters on the skin and mucous membranes), angioedema (Angioedema- (Quincke's edema), acute limited paroxysmal swelling of tissues. Quincke's edema is the body's reaction to an allergen. Externally, Quincke's edema manifests itself as sharply limited swelling of tissues (mainly lips, eyelids, cheeks), sometimes skin rashes at the site of swelling, usually without itching or pain), various exanthemas, eosinophilia, bronchospasm. If you are hypersensitive to the drug, you may develop anaphylactic shock (Anaphylactic shock- a symptom complex of acutely occurring general severe manifestations of immediate-type allergic reactions, mainly characterized by initial excitation and subsequent depression of the function of the central nervous system, bronchospasm, severe arterial hypotension), asthma, in patients with bronchial asthma there is an increase in frequency and intensification of attacks. With long-term use, ototoxic, nephrotoxic and hepatotoxic effects may develop. When taken orally, the drug has a specific effect ulcerogenic (Ulcerogenic- causing ulcers) action, causes erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastric mucosa and duodenum (Duodenum- the initial section of the small intestine (from the gastric outlet to the jejunum). The length of the human duodenum is equal to the diameter of 12 fingers (hence the name)), gastrointestinal bleeding. In very rare cases, hepatogenic encephalopathy (Encephalopathy- a collective term denoting organic brain damage of a non-inflammatory nature. There are congenital encephalopathy - as a result of embryopathy, and acquired - as a result of infections, intoxications, injuries, vascular diseases of the brain, etc. There are no specific manifestations of encephalopathy\; Neurosis-like (asthenia, irritability, insomnia, headache) and (or) psychopath-like (narrowing of the range of interests, passivity, emotional incontinence, rudeness, etc.) disorders, memory and intellectual impairments may come to the fore.. Asthma, “triad” (eosinophilic rhinitis (Rhinitis- inflammation of the nasal mucosa, runny nose), recurrent nasal polyposis, hyperplastic sinusitis). Aseptic meningitis. Increased symptoms congestive heart failure (Congestive heart failure– providing organs and tissues with blood and oxygen in quantities insufficient to maintain normal life functions), swelling (Edema– tissue swelling as a result of a pathological increase in the volume of interstitial fluid). Vomiting, nausea. Thrombocytopenia (Thrombocytopenia- decrease in platelet count), anemia (Anemia- a group of diseases characterized by a decrease in red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood), leukopenia.


Hypersensitivity to acetylsalicylic acid and the components of the drug. Acetylsalicylic acid-Darnitsa is contraindicated for peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum (including medical history (Anamnesis- a set of information about the development of the disease, living conditions, previous diseases, etc., collected for the purpose of use for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prevention)), gastritis (Gastritis- a disease manifested by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach wall) with increased acidity, gastrointestinal bleeding, portal hypertension (Portal hypertension– a pathological condition characterized by increased pressure in the hepatic portal vein system), venous stagnation, blood clotting disorders; in the first 3 months of pregnancy and breastfeeding women.

Bronchial asthma, severe liver and kidney dysfunction, chronic (Chronic- a long, continuous, protracted process, occurring either constantly or with periodic improvements in the condition) or recurrent dyspeptic symptoms.


With a mild form intoxication (Intoxication- poisoning of the body with toxic substances) The drug may cause: nausea, vomiting, pain in the epigastric region, dizziness, tinnitus, headache. In severe cases - confusion, tremor (Tremor(trembling) - rhythmic repetitive movements that occur in any part of the body), suffocation, metabolic acidosis (Acidosis- a shift in the body’s acid-base balance towards increasing acidity (decreasing pH)), coma, collapse (Collapse– a severe, life-threatening condition characterized by a sharp decrease in arterial and venous pressure, depression of the central nervous system and metabolic disorders). Possible lethal doses: for adults - above 10 g, for children - above 3 g.

Treatment. Correction of acid-base balance, water-electrolyte balance, infusion (Infusion(IV administration) - administration of fluids, medications or blood products/components into a venous vessel) solutions of sodium bicarbonate, sodium lactate.

Features of application

For patients with functional liver and kidney failure, the dose of the drug should be reduced or the interval between doses increased.

Since Acetylsalicylic acid-Darnitsa, like all non-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, causes irritation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, the drug should be taken only after meals with water, alkaline mineral waters, sodium bicarbonate solution (preferably milk).

With long-term use of Acetylsalicylic acid-Darnitsa, the presence of blood in the stool should be checked to identify ulcerogenic effects and blood tests should be done (effect on platelet aggregation, some anticoagulant activity).

Children and teenagers with hyperthermia (Hyperthermia- overheating of the body. A person with a body temperature above 41-42C may experience heatstroke) It is advisable to prescribe the drug only if other analgesics-antipyretics are ineffective. If such patients experience vomiting as a result of taking the drug, then Reye's syndrome should be suspected. The drug is used with caution to treat patients with allergic rhinitis, nasal polyposis, and urticaria.

Before planned surgical interventions, it is necessary to stop taking the drug 5-7 days before surgery.

Interaction with other drugs

The drug increases the effect anticoagulants (Anticoagulants- drugs that reduce blood clotting), hypoglycemic sulfonylurea derivatives. Reduces the effectiveness of spironolactone, furosemide, and antihypertensive drugs.

Increases side effects corticosteroids (Corticosteroids- hormones produced by the adrenal cortex. Regulate mineral metabolism and the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. They are used in medicine when they are deficient in the body, as anti-inflammatory and antiallergic agents), methotrexate.

Caffeine and metoclopramide increase the absorption of acetylsalicylic acid in the gastrointestinal tract.

Acetylsalicylic acid blocks gastric alcohol dehydrogenase, which increases the level of ethanol in the body.

General Product Information

Conditions and shelf life. Store out of the reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Shelf life – 4 years.

Vacation conditions. Over the counter.

Package. 10 tablets in a blister pack, 1 blister pack in a pack.

Manufacturer.CJSC "Pharmaceutical Firm "Darnitsa".

Location. 02093, Ukraine, Kyiv, st. Boryspilskaya, 13.

Website. www.darnitsa.ua

Preparations with similar active ingredients

  • - "Arterium"
  • Acetylsalicylic acid - "Darnitsa"

This material is presented in free form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug.