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Exit from dry fasting. Recommendations and conclusions. Shchennikov dry fasting method

Good afternoon, dear readers. Ruslan Tsvirkun is with you again and today we’ll talk about how to properly get out of Dry Fasting. Some of you know that not long ago, I completed a course of Dry Fasting for 11 days.

Watch the video or read the text about breaking out of Dry Fasting

Fasting is very effective method overcome many diseases that arise in different stages life and prevent you from living a full life.

Many people know how to fast, but not everyone knows how to get out of fasting. Even those who know how to break fasting do not always follow the necessary recommendations and thereby sometimes harm their body.

Preparation for fasting, fasting itself and recovery from fasting are equal in importance. If you do not follow all the recommendations, you can negate all the benefits that the practice of fasting provides.

When coming out of dry fasting, the author of the method, L. Shchennikov, recommends drinking cabbage juice diluted with water in equal proportions. When I was fasting, that's exactly what I did. It is best to drink while lying on your stomach, through a straw, in small sips. A sign that the stomach has woken up and turned on is a belch. Then, after a while, you can drink another juice, carrot juice, also diluted with water. After some more time is required for the juice to be absorbed, you can start eating fruits in small quantities.

It is very important to dose your fluid intake in the first few days after breaking dry fasting. Maximum 1-1.2 liters per day, including juices and water.

If you are very thirsty, eat a juicy fruit. The fruit contains liquid, but it will not cause any problems.

On the way out of hunger, taste senses they became so aggravated for me that a seemingly simple orange tasted like some kind of unearthly Divine fruit. I ate the orange literally a few minutes after I drank a few different juices.

If fluid intake recommendations are not followed, severe serious problems, V best case scenario legs and arms swell, which causes a lot of trouble. The kidneys were in a dormant state throughout the famine and after leaving they simply cannot cope with big amount liquids.

When leaving water fasting, there are no restrictions on fluid intake.

For both options, at first, you should exclude salt, fats, meat, fish, and eggs from your food. Eat exclusively fresh, unprocessed food. Fresh fruits, vegetables, fresh juices.

That's all for today, ask your questions in the comments.

Until next time.

Sincerely, Ruslan Tsvirkun.

Congratulations on the fact that you managed to survive without water and food for a whole day. This is actually a great achievement. After all, most people do not even imagine that a person can go without food, much less without water, for more than a few hours.

During a one-day dry fast, your body received a well-deserved rest and cleansed itself a little. So that all your achievements are not in vain, you need to get out of fasting correctly.

According to most fasting experts, the right way out is even more important than abstaining from food.

Here is what dry fasting specialist S.I. Filonov writes: “The exit from SG must be strict because the exit from SG is much more important than the SG process itself. After SG, the body becomes clean, so you need to load it only with clean, fresh, high-quality products without pathogenic microflora

Of course, fasting for one day is not like that. long term and mistakes made at the exit are not particularly dangerous to health. But getting it right is important to getting the most out of your fast, as well as preparing you for longer fasts.

Below we present various options for breaking dry fasting at 24 and 36 hours.

Exit from dry fasting according to S.I. Filonov:

Exit from dry daily fasting

8.00 - drink good quality water, be sure to add Bifidum- or Lacto-bacterin to the first glass (1 sachet per glass of water), or now appeared new drug"LINEX".
11.00 - compote of dried apricots, prunes, raisins.
14.00 - kefir, bifidok or Bolotov serum.
18.00 - vegetable soup (cabbage, carrots, beets, onions, potatoes, dill, parsley).
22.00 - compote, herbal tea, honey. Exit from a 36-hour fast: the same, but starts in the evening.

Exit from a 48-hour fast: 1st day, as if from a daily fast.

Second day:

8.00 - herbal tea with honey or compote or kefir, buckwheat porridge with water, you can add a little vegetable oil (other porridges are also possible), be sure to drink one quail egg 3 times a day from the second day of fasting (don’t be afraid - quails do not get salmonellosis) on an empty stomach. This is necessary because quail eggs- this is “the entire periodic table” and, most importantly, natural stem cells, which are so necessary for the body after dry fasting. Women can make face masks: mix quail eggs with cedar oil, apply at night for 20 minutes.

14.00 - Fish soup (preferably from greenling, salmon, pink salmon), you can add a little salt. Salad, any cereals. Tea, compote, kefir, honey.

18.00 - Boiled beets, porridge Tea, compote, kefir.

22.00 - Herbal tea, honey. Exit from a 3-day fast: the first two days have already been written.

Third day of release:

8.00 - Freshly squeezed juice, salads, cereals

14.00 - Borscht or fish soup Porridge, salads, tea

18.00 - Vinaigrette, fish baked in foil, fresh juice"

Here is another exit option according to Goltis:

In the morning, clean your tongue and mouth with gauze or cotton wool, then chew 1-2 apples or cucumbers without swallowing and spitting them out. Then rinse your mouth with water and drink a glass of pure spring water. Drink slowly. An hour later, herbal tea with honey and lemon.
The entire 1st day - you can drink freshly squeezed juices, eat fruits;
Day 2 – add salad without vegetable oil, after lunch you can prepare it with a small amount of oil;
Day 3 – add porridge, vegetable soups without potatoes.

Anna Yakuba, a specialist in therapeutic fasting, offers her own option:

“liquids no more than 800-1200g. The first glass is water, after 15 minutes - a glass of whey. Next, you can take oatmeal broth, lemon water, and freshly prepared whey. Take a head of fresh cabbage, grate it or pass it through a meat grinder and eat this mass. You can eat from 150 to 200 grams at one time. food. IN next appointment/after 2-3 hours/ take the same dose, and so on 3-4 times a day, consuming no more than 1000 kcal during the first day of release. In the same way you can make a salad from fresh vegetables- cabbage, carrots, cucumber, excluding tomatoes, oil, spices. On the first day, drink liquids while lying down, through a straw. Drink in small sips. You can take diluted natural vegetable juices. If you are very thirsty, fluid intake can be increased to 1.5 liters. Don't get overtired.

On the second day you can add it to your diet flaxseed porridge, oranges, tangerines, fruits, grapefruits, raw vegetables / cabbage, carrots, cucumbers / and in the form of salads. Try to keep the volume of food no more than 500 grams, and the total calorie content no more than 1200 calories per day.”

On my own behalf, I can add that no matter which of the exit options you choose, the main thing is not to overeat and use only easy-to-digest and healthy foods at the exit. And these are, first of all, vegetables, fruits, dairy, honey

Do not add salt to your food for at least the first 2-3 days. Avoid drinking alcohol and heavy fatty foods. This will enhance the effect of fasting. If you do one-day dry fasting once a week, and then go on a dairy-vegetable diet, you can cleanse your body very well and lose weight.

Today, many people prefer instead traditional methods resort to alternative treatments for diseases. A lot has already been said about the benefits of therapeutic fasting. But there are also tougher methods. One of the most famous of them is dry fasting 3 days, the results of such treatment are self-cleaning of cells and intercellular space, activation of the strongest cleansing processes in the body.

Results of dry fasting

Voluntary regular body cleansing will help get rid of weakness, ailments, and suffering from diseases that destroy the body. The difference between the method and regular fasting is that at this time contact with liquid is completely excluded - it is forbidden to drink water, it is advisable not to wash your face or rinse your mouth. The exit from dry fasting should be gradual.

Those who are fasting using the dry method burn internal waste in the body, as if in a reactor. Due to the lack of external sources of nutrition, the body is forced to activate internal reserves in order to provide the body with energy. Understanding that in case of illness and malfunctions internal organs, will not be able to survive, he begins to heal. The first thing that happens is the burning of all excess biomass, unhealthy cells and impurities in the intercellular space. In addition, the body retains a significant part of the energy that was previously directed at digesting food for subsequent self-healing. All internal reserves begin to be used to eliminate major problems in the body.

Advocates of fasting without water talk a lot about it healing properties. According to them, this method of treatment must be used in the following cases:

  • frequent colds;
  • disturbances in the functioning of internal organs;
  • non-disappearing ovarian cysts;
  • arthritis, arthrosis and other diseases of a similar type;
  • concussion – this problem is accompanied by tissue swelling; fasting will help to quickly minimize it.

Anyone who decides to cleanse the body in this way for the first time is not recommended to fast for more than three days. However, even this period must be agreed upon with a specialist who has extensive experience in fasting.

What are the benefits of dry fasting?

The absence of moisture leads to minimal problems. Prolonged abstinence from food contributes to changes in work patterns physiological processes, activation of tissue restoration processes. During abstinence from water and food, all weakened links die, their place is taken by stronger ones. When there is a lack of water, weak, unhealthy, damaged cells are the first to suffer. Non-viable elements die, and, therefore, only the strongest will remain in the body, healthy cells capable of adapting to different conditions and give worthy offspring. This is how natural rejection occurs.

This explains the healing and rejuvenating effect of this therapy. People who successfully withstood all the necessary restrictions were able to appreciate the obvious benefits of fasting. Everyone who has undergone this says that they not only feel better, have increased stamina and immunity, but also have new strength. Some say they feel better physical indicators, others notice extraordinary clarity of consciousness and mind, as well as high performance.

One of key points In dry fasting, a competent way out of it is considered. Errors in this case can lead to negative consequences for the body. Exit must be correct and gradual, its duration must be no less than the time of abstinence itself.

Breaking out of a three-day dry fast

Coming out of fasting is a very important stage of the entire therapy process. You can have a good fast by abstaining from food and water, but ruin everything by exiting it incorrectly. A competent output can significantly enhance positive effect which was achieved by abstaining from food and water.

For the right way out From dry fasting, you must strictly adhere to the main rules:

  1. Meals should be fractional.
  2. The concentration and quantity of products consumed should increase gradually.

So, how do you need to get out of fasting correctly so that three-day abstinence brings the desired result?

On the first day, you can start eating food at any time. Many people advise starting with breakfast. However, it is still advisable to eat in the late afternoon. Because after eating in the morning and going to work, you won’t always be able to avoid unpleasant moments. Firstly, the body may react with digestive upset, which is very inconvenient outside home environment. Secondly, during the day the desire to eat a lot of things at once and cope with more is quite difficult; sleep will be a good helper in this.

Coming out of a 3-day dry fast should last at least half of this period, ideally – exactly the same amount of time. You need to eat in small portions. Water and food should be consumed little by little, several times a day, because after prolonged abstinence, the size of the stomach has decreased significantly, and it should not be overloaded, even if light food, Not recommended.

At first, after abstinence ends, it is forbidden to consume sugar, as well as berries (including melon and watermelon), plums, grapes, Exotic fruits. You should not drink beet juice in pure form(starting from the third day you can mix it with carrot juice in the ratio: 1/3 beets, 2/3 carrots). All canned food, sweets, and garlic are excluded; you should not overuse dairy products, especially store-bought ones.

Must be removed from the menu meat dishes, legumes, mushrooms, salted and spicy food. Add to diet vegetable fats possible only after the third day. The main food should be vegetable and dairy products.

Upon completion three-day fasting it will be possible to eat fresh fruits. But we must remember that they must be consumed in small quantities, first without the skin. Daily portions should be gradually increased. Then fresh vegetables and juices from them are introduced into the menu. You can prepare salads and light soups; of course, you cannot add salt to your dishes.

An approximate diagram of how to end a three-day dry fast

The first day. Drink 2-3 sips of cabbage juice, lie on your stomach for a while. There may be belching, this is normal - it means the stomach has begun to work. Next, if you wish, you can drink half a glass warm water or carrot juice. You need to drink the juice in small sips, holding it in your mouth for a while so that it mixes with saliva. The first time you drink water and food, you need to horizontal position. Next, you can drink carrot or cabbage juice all day, diluted with water in equal proportions. You can eat pureed vegetables or finely chopped salads. In addition to main meals, you are allowed to drink water.

The total volume of liquid drunk on the first day after dry fasting should not exceed one and a half liters. It is worth remembering that not only water, but also juices are also considered liquids!

Second day. In the first half of the day you can eat salads, dried fruits, herbs, vegetables and fruits, preferably finely chopped or pureed water. In the afternoon, it is allowed to introduce cereal bread (no more than 100 grams per day). On the second and third days of breaking fast, the total daily calorie content The food consumed should not exceed 1300 calories. The volume of liquid, as on the first day, should be no more than one and a half liters.

Day three. You can include fruits, boiled vegetables, jelly in your diet homemade, herbal tea (not from “stomach” preparations), vegetable soups, lemon, honey. You can add one tablespoon of cedar or burdock oil. The total volume of food should not be more than 800 grams per day, liquid - approximately 2 liters.

Day four. On this day you can eat, in addition to the same foods as on the previous day, walnuts(up to 4 pieces) or hazelnuts or pine nuts (no more than 10 grams). You can also enter river fish. Towards evening, you can start adding a little salt to your food (no more than 5 grams of salt per day).

Having become accustomed to such a diet and making sure that the body reacts normally to it, after one or two weeks you can add kefir and porridge. At first you need to eat them little by little, gradually increasing the portions.

In the following days, adherents of vegetarianism and a raw food diet can switch to their usual diet. The rest - adhere to the principles of what is right, healthy eating. The amount of food at the end of the first week of recovery from dry fasting should reach its previous (before abstinence) values. However the best option However, he will reduce the amount of food by a quarter and maintain a similar diet in the future. It is advisable to avoid snacks between main meals.

After a month, the number of meals should be gradually increased to the usual, three to four times a day. You should listen to the needs of your body, but also try not to overload it, so that all the results achieved by fasting are not in vain.

Include in diet butter, meat, protein products and other heavy foods should be the last thing, since the body will be able to completely rebuild and recover no earlier than 1-2 months after the end of fasting for 3 days. Therefore, at first it is better to replace these products with nuts or seeds.

It is important to remember that you need to come out of a three-day abstinence carefully, you need to treat your body with the utmost care, and provide it only with high-quality and natural food. The menu should consist only of fresh and healthy products. Thanks to this, breaking out of fasting will be simple and painless, and it will also be possible to maintain and consolidate the results that have been achieved.


You should start a 3-day dry fast only after all the information on this topic has been carefully and carefully studied.

It is necessary to prepare for this with all responsibility, both physically and mentally. You cannot resort to a method of therapy such as dry fasting for 3 days without consulting with good specialist. Violating the regime, quantity and sequence of food consumed (this especially applies to breaking fast) can lead to serious disorders in the body. Sometimes it is better not to starve at all than to be careless and thoughtless about it.

3-day fasting - once a month,

7 days - once a quarter.

Other fasting frequency:

1 day fast, 1 day off,

Fast for 3 days, 6-7 days - way out of fasting,

7 days in, 3 fasting, 14 days out

Water procedures:

to drench (dip) - with one's head.
(optional) enema before and during fasting (except for dry fasting) no more than 2 times a day for better cleansing bodies from toxins.

When leaving, clean your tongue with a spoon, chew thoroughly and spit out 2 apples. Slurp when chewing.

One-day dry fasting.

Exit from one-day dry fasting:
1st day – juices, fruits;
Day 2 – add salad without vegetable oil, after lunch you can prepare it with a small amount of oil;
Day 3 – add porridge, vegetable soups without potatoes.

Three-day dry fasting.

Exit from a three-day dry fast.
1st day:

  • At dawn, clean your tongue, cleanse your mouth with your finger, then chew 1-2 medium apples (cucumbers can be used, a crust of bread with garlic), slurping to let your taste buds break through, chew with all your teeth, rub the apple all over oral cavity, tongue and palate, not a drop of juice inside, spit everything out!!!
  • Rinse your mouth with water and gargle.
  • Take 3 sips of spring water.
  • After 30 minutes - 7 sips.
  • After another 30 minutes - 9 sips.
  • After another 30 minutes - 12 sips.
  • After 1 hour you can drink 1 mug herbal tea with honey and lemon.
  • After 1 hour, you can drink water or herbal tea without limiting the amount - as desired.
  • In the first half of the day, you can drink water infused with dried fruits, without the dried fruits themselves.
  • Next, after the 2nd cup of herbal tea, you can start drinking freshly squeezed juices (fresh juices), if desired, you can dilute them with water. If you don’t have a juicer at hand, then suck the juice out of an apple, orange, etc., and throw away the rest.
  • In the afternoon - fresh vegetable juice.
    Celery juice is not allowed yet, only the next day, beet juice no more than 20%.
  • 6 hours after dawn (after taking the first sips of water), you can eat berries. In the first half of the day, consume no more than 200 grams of berries. water at one time, if the weight is more than 80 kg, then 250 g.
    Juice no more than 150-200g, if the weight is up to 60 kg, then 100-150g. Drink the juice slowly over 10-15 minutes.

So, pure water, juices, herbal teas with honey and lemon (do not eat lemon, squeeze out the juice, maybe half a lemon, 1 tbsp honey). In the fall, that is, during the season of watermelons and melons, they can be consumed on the 1st day of breaking fast.

Day 2:

  • Add pollen 1 tsp possible with 1 tsp. honey, keep in mouth until dissolved.
  • Berries before lunch.
  • Fruits without mixing families (melons, citrus, stone fruits, pomaceous fruits). There is a time difference of 1 hour between taking fruits of different families. The most important thing is to listen to your body - water or juice, or tea, quantity, etc., but following the general recommendations.

3rd day:

  • Add a little sour milk– 30 gr.
  • Dried fruits.
  • For lunch, salad without vegetable oil. Lots of greens (parsley, dill, celery, cilantro, lettuce), tops, onions, peppers, black radishes, radishes, WITHOUT WHITE CABBAGE (it is recommended to generally refrain from eating white cabbage due to causing increased fermentation. It can be replaced with other types of cabbage - Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, cauliflower, broccoli)

4th day:

  • Salad with vegetable oil without salt. You can add lemon juice, apple or wine vinegar (natural!) to the salad.
  • Morning and evening 30 gr. sour milk.
  • Nuts, but we use them without mixing them. For 1 time you can - almonds - 7-12 pieces, cashews - 40-70g., pine nut– 1-2 tbsp. (already peeled), hazelnuts – 50-100g., Brazilian nut– 2-3pcs, pistachios – 40-70g, walnuts – 3-7pcs. The minimum standards are indicated for a person weighing up to 60 kg, the maximum for a person weighing more than 80 kg.

Day 5:

  • Vegetable soups without potatoes,
  • porridge,
  • sour milk up to 50g. per day, morning and evening,
  • maybe a little salt.
    In general: cereals, cereals, yeast-free bread, vegetables (baked is better than boiled).
    You can have herbal soup (nettle, dandelion, etc.)
    Potatoes and eggplants are not allowed.

Day 6: To the above you can add cottage cheese, beans, lentils, peas, soybeans, beans, sour cream.

Day 7: Cheese, quail eggs, mushrooms.

Day 8: Chicken eggs, seafood.

Day 9: Fish.

10th day: Poultry meat.

Day 11: Meat.

Entering dry fasting.

The correct entry into fasting, which can enhance the effect of the entire fast and make it less painful, is similar to the stages of exiting fasting described above, only applied in reverse order.

  • 11 days before the start of a 3-day dry fast, it is advisable to give up meat,
  • for 10 – from a bird,
  • for 9 – from fish,
  • for 8 – from chicken eggs and seafood,
  • for 6 – from cottage cheese, legumes, sour cream and so on...

But even this period of fasting should be determined for you personally by a competent specialist with experience in fasting.

Fasting without competent individual advice experienced specialist- it is forbidden!

Violation of schedules, sequence, and quantity of foods consumed (especially when coming out of fasting) can cause harm to your body.

Sometimes it is better not to fast at all than to do it incorrectly or thoughtlessly.

Greetings, friends! Today I propose to disassemble one of the most important moments malnutrition - way out of dry fasting . Experts note that you should exit correctly. But what is the point? Is it true that with an illiterate approach you can cause irreparable damage to your health? Let's study this issue.

What is dry fasting?

Dry fasting is a type of abstinence from food when the consumption of not only food, but also liquid is prohibited. Some practitioners recommend refraining from any exposure to moisture: washing your hands, brushing your teeth, taking a shower, walking in the rain.

What is the meaning of such a technique? By limiting our body without food and moisture, we force it to work exclusively in autonomous mode. This approach can get rid of a number of serious diseases:

  • oncology
  • heart diseases
  • diabetes
  • autoimmune diseases
  • psychical deviations

On the other hand, removing toxins from the body is always associated with certain risks. Due to insufficient water, cells with harmful substances cannot be properly isolated from surrounding organs. If it enters the blood in excess, there is a possibility of harm internal systems. You should also approach the process of entering dry fasting carefully.

You can learn more about dry fasting The body needs to be prepared for the upcoming stress. This will avoid a lot of problems. Losing weight in this way is a rather controversial issue.

Before using any form of fasting, consult your doctor! Improper use of one or another technique can lead to irreparable consequences. We do not take any responsibility for your actions.


Due to its complexity and ambiguity, doctors prohibit dry fasting for people with the following problems:

  • malignant tumors and neoplasms
  • cirrhosis of the liver, as well as severe hepatitis
  • severe underweight
  • tuberculosis in late stages
  • cardiac dysfunction

What is distinctive about the way out of dry malnutrition?

Many experts note that the way out of dry fasting is much more important than the process of abstaining from nutrients. Why?

At the end of the practice, the body becomes fresh and clean. Therefore, you should only consume foods without pathogenic microflora. By neglecting this, the body may simply not be able to withstand the load, which is dangerous to health.

Modern nutritionists are of the opinion that correct Getting out of malnutrition should be given increased attention. Ignorance of how internal mechanisms work can have a detrimental effect on a person.

According to experts in the field of nutrition and health, it takes twice as long to get out of dry hunger than the treatment period itself. If you were hungry 7 days , then the recovery period should last up to two weeks. You must strictly adhere to all recommendations.

That's what he says Ruslan Tsvirkun:

Let's start with the look traditional medicine. This approach is considered very controversial, because consuming animal products can be harmful to health. serious harm. Let's consider options for breaking fasting depending on the number of days of not eating.

For a day

Exit from daily allowance dry fasting should be as follows:

You need to end your fasting at the same time that you started entering. Since the main healing effect occurs at night, the end of the process should be no later than 8 o’clock in the morning. For the first 12 hours, you need to focus on water consumption.

Experts recommend drinking 8 glasses of water in the first two hours after waking up. You should drink very slowly, concentrating on each sip. The last drop should be ingested 14 minutes after the start. Afterwards you need to take a warm shower or herbal bath.

  • At 12 noon you need to drink broth with a high protein content. Usually fish is recommended, without the use of vegetables and seasonings. It is forbidden to eat flour, including bread.
  • It is recommended to start drinking at 14:00 dairy products. Kefir or whey will do. Listen to your body, do not allow unpleasant sensations.

Starting from 15-16 hours you are allowed to switch to traditional food without the use of salt and sugar. You need to eat in small portions and chew it thoroughly.

For a three days

1 day regimen the same as with daily fasting. Since 2 days The menu should be composed like this:

  • 8.00 — green tea with herbs or kefir, buckwheat cooked in water.
  • 14.00 - fresh fish soup (salmon, pollock, greenling, flounder), vegetable salad, compote, spoon of honey
  • 18.00 - buckwheat porridge, boiled beets, herbal tea
  • 22.00 - warm tea with hawthorn, honey

Diet for day 3:

  • 8.00 – fresh fruit juice, fruit salad/rice porridge
  • 14.00 - lean borscht (without meat), chopped vegetables (carrots, beets)
  • 18.00 – fish baked in foil (pollock, flounder), vinaigrette

On the third day, adding a little salt is allowed. Portions should be made according to your appetite, but do not overeat!

For five days

Exit from five days fasting includes the diet of the days described above. From day 4 the menu changes.

  • 9.00 – dried fruit compote (no sugar)
  • 12.00 – buckwheat on water
  • 15.00 - fish soup (terpug, salmon, pollock), cabbage salad, glass of kefir
  • 18.00 - plate of raw fruits (tomatoes, cucumbers), greens
  • 21.00 - milk, kefir

Diet for day 5:

  • 8.00 — oatmeal with dried fruits
  • 13.00 - boiled vegetables (carrots, beets, cabbage), freshly squeezed juice
  • 17.00 — vegetable soup, 1-2 apples
  • 22.00 — fermented baked milk, milk 1 glass

Coming out of the seven-day fasting follows the above scheme. Starting from day 6, go to traditional food. The daily diet should consist of 50% fresh vegetables and fruits. Stick to this diet for the next two weeks.

Restoration according to Goltis

Vuksta Vladimir Ivanovich (Goltis) is a famous extreme sports enthusiast, traveler and author of numerous methods for improving the health of the body. According to his personally developed “Healing Impulse” system, dry fasting should be practiced for 1, 3, 7 days.
You can learn about the Goltis method from the article on

The Goltis Academy website contains free access 4 lessons lasting 15 minutes. 50,000 people have already applied the technique on themselves and have achieved significant results in changing their health better side. As a gift, you will receive a nutrition chart to record your results.

It is safest to practice dry fasting according to Goltis under the supervision of a specialist.

Recovery after one-day fasting:

  1. day. Freshly squeezed juices, raw fruits
  2. day. In the morning juice and fruit. In the afternoon, add raw salad without vegetable oil.
  3. day. Vegetable soup without using potatoes or porridge.

The right way out three-day fast:

Products are added to the diet systematically over a period of 11 days.

  1. Pure water, herbal infusions, vegetable juices
  2. Citrus fruits, berries, honey, pollen
  3. Dried fruits, milk, vegetables
  4. Nuts, salads allowed
  5. Vegetable soups without potatoes, porridge, bread
  6. All legumes, sour cream, cottage cheese
  7. Mushrooms, eggs, cheese
  8. Seafood
  9. Fish
  10. Bird
  11. Meat products

During the 11-day period, the body has time to fully recover and return to normal mode. Reduced deadlines are unacceptable.

What to remember

The process of recovery from dry starvation is a very important process. Most experts believe that more attention should be paid to the recovery time of the body after the process itself.

It is forbidden to rush and violate basic principles. There is a risk of getting exactly the opposite results.

Thank you for your attention. Have you, dear reader, practiced the described techniques? Share your observations below. Don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter, there's a lot of interesting things ahead.

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