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The right way out of fasting for one day. How to get out of dry fasting

Today, many people prefer instead traditional methods resort to alternative treatments for diseases. Much has already been said about the benefits of therapeutic fasting. But there are also tougher methods. One of the most famous of them is dry fasting 3 days, the results of such treatment are self-cleaning of cells and intercellular space, activation of the strongest cleansing processes in the body.

Results of dry fasting

Voluntary regular body cleansing will help get rid of weakness, ailments, and suffering from diseases that destroy the body. The difference between the method and regular fasting is that at this time contact with liquid is completely excluded - it is forbidden to drink water, it is advisable not to wash your face or rinse your mouth. The exit from dry fasting should be gradual.

Those who are fasting using the dry method burn internal waste in the body, as if in a reactor. Due to the lack of external sources of nutrition, the body is forced to activate internal reserves in order to provide the body with energy. Understanding that in case of illness and malfunctions internal organs, will not be able to survive, he begins to heal. The first thing that happens is the burning of all excess biomass, unhealthy cells and impurities in the intercellular space. In addition, the body retains a significant part of the energy that was previously directed at digesting food for subsequent self-healing. All internal reserves begin to be used to eliminate major problems in the body.

Advocates of fasting without water talk a lot about it healing properties. According to them, this method of treatment must be used in the following cases:

  • frequent colds;
  • disturbances in the functioning of internal organs;
  • non-disappearing ovarian cysts;
  • arthritis, arthrosis and other diseases of a similar type;
  • concussion – this problem is accompanied by tissue swelling; fasting will help to quickly minimize it.

Anyone who decides to cleanse the body in this way for the first time is not recommended to fast for more than three days. However, even this period must be agreed upon with a specialist who has extensive experience in fasting.

What are the benefits of dry fasting?

The absence of moisture leads to minimal problems. Prolonged abstinence from food contributes to changes in work patterns physiological processes, activation of tissue restoration processes. During abstinence from water and food, all weakened links die, their place is taken by stronger ones. When there is a lack of water, weak, unhealthy, damaged cells are the first to suffer. Non-viable elements die, and, therefore, only the strongest will remain in the body, healthy cells capable of adapting to different conditions and give worthy offspring. This is how natural rejection occurs.

This explains the healing and rejuvenating effect of this therapy. People who successfully withstood all the necessary restrictions were able to appreciate the obvious benefits of fasting. Everyone who has undergone this says that they not only feel better, have increased stamina and immunity, but also have new strength. Some say they feel better physical indicators, others notice extraordinary clarity of consciousness and mind, as well as high performance.

One of key points In dry fasting, a competent way out of it is considered. Errors in this case can lead to negative consequences for the body. Exit must be correct and gradual, its duration must be no less than the time of abstinence itself.

Breaking out of a three-day dry fast

Coming out of fasting is a very important stage of the entire therapy process. You can spend a good fast by abstaining from food and water, but ruin everything by exiting it incorrectly. A competent output can significantly enhance positive effect which was achieved by abstaining from food and water.

For the right way out From dry fasting, you must strictly adhere to the main rules:

  1. Meals should be fractional.
  2. The concentration and quantity of products consumed should increase gradually.

So, how do you need to get out of fasting correctly so that three-day abstinence brings the desired result?

On the first day, you can start eating food at any time. Many people advise starting with breakfast. However, it is still advisable to eat closer to the evening. Because after eating in the morning and going to work, you won’t always be able to avoid unpleasant moments. Firstly, the body may react with digestive upset, which is very inconvenient outside home environment. Secondly, during the day the desire to eat a lot of things at once and cope with more is quite difficult; sleep will be a good helper in this.

Coming out of a 3-day dry fast should last at least half of this period, ideally – exactly the same amount of time. You need to eat in small portions. Water and food should be consumed little by little, several times a day, because after prolonged abstinence, the size of the stomach has decreased significantly, and it should not be overloaded, even if light food, not recommended.

At first, after abstinence ends, it is forbidden to consume sugar, as well as berries (including melon and watermelon), plums, grapes, exotic fruits. Don't drink beet juice V pure form(starting from the third day, you can mix it with carrot juice in the ratio: 1/3 beets, 2/3 carrots). All canned food, sweets, garlic are excluded, and you should not overuse dairy products, especially store-bought ones.

Must be removed from the menu meat dishes, legumes, mushrooms, salted and spicy food. Add to diet vegetable fats possible only after the third day. The main food should be vegetable and dairy products.

Upon completion three-day fasting it will be possible to eat fresh fruit. But we must remember that they must be consumed in small quantities, first without the skin. Daily portions should be gradually increased. Then fresh vegetables and juices from them are introduced into the menu. You can prepare salads and light soups; of course, you cannot add salt to your dishes.

An approximate diagram of how to end a three-day dry fast

Day one. Drink 2-3 sips of cabbage juice, lie on your stomach for a while. There may be belching, this is normal - it means the stomach has begun to work. Next, if you wish, you can drink half a glass warm water or carrot juice. You need to drink the juice in small sips, holding it in your mouth for a while so that it mixes with saliva. The first time you drink water and food, you need to horizontal position. Next, you can drink carrot or cabbage juice all day, diluted with water in equal proportions. You can eat pureed vegetables or finely chopped salads. In addition to main meals, you are allowed to drink water.

The total volume of liquid drunk on the first day after dry fasting should not exceed one and a half liters. It is worth remembering that not only water, but also juices are also considered liquids!

Day two. In the first half of the day you can eat salads, dried fruits, herbs, vegetables and fruits, preferably finely chopped or pureed water. In the afternoon, it is allowed to introduce cereal bread (no more than 100 grams per day). On the second and third days of breaking fast, the total daily calorie content The food consumed should not exceed 1300 calories. The volume of liquid, as on the first day, should be no more than one and a half liters.

Day three. You can include fruits, boiled vegetables, jelly in your diet homemade, herbal tea(just not from the “stomach” fees), vegetable soups, lemon, honey You can add one tablespoon of cedar or burdock oil. The total volume of food should not be more than 800 grams per day, liquid - approximately 2 liters.

Day four. On this day you can eat, in addition to the same foods as on the previous day, walnuts(up to 4 pieces) or hazelnuts or pine nuts (no more than 10 grams). You can also enter river fish. Towards evening, you can start adding a little salt to your food (no more than 5 grams of salt per day).

Having become accustomed to such a diet and making sure that the body reacts normally to it, after one or two weeks you can add kefir and porridge. At first you need to eat them little by little, gradually increasing the portions.

In the following days, adherents of vegetarianism and a raw food diet can switch to their usual diet. The rest - adhere to the principles of what is right, healthy eating. The amount of food at the end of the first week of recovery from dry fasting should reach its previous (before abstinence) values. However the best option However, he will reduce the amount of food by a quarter and maintain a similar diet in the future. It is advisable to avoid snacks between main meals.

After a month, the number of meals should be gradually increased to the usual, three to four times a day. You should listen to the needs of your body, but also try not to overload it, so that all the results achieved by fasting are not in vain.

Include in diet butter, meat, protein products and other heavy foods should be the last thing, since the body will be able to completely rebuild and recover no earlier than 1-2 months after the end of fasting for 3 days. Therefore, at first it is better to replace these products with nuts or seeds.

It is important to remember that you need to come out of a three-day abstinence carefully, you need to treat your body with the utmost care, and provide it only with high-quality and natural food. The menu should consist only of fresh and healthy products. Thanks to this, breaking out of fasting will be simple and painless, and it will also be possible to maintain and consolidate the results that have been achieved.


You should start a 3-day dry fast only after all the information on this topic has been carefully and carefully studied.

It is necessary to prepare for this with all responsibility, both physically and mentally. You cannot resort to a method of therapy such as dry fasting for 3 days without consulting with good specialist. Violating the regime, quantity and sequence of food consumed (this especially applies to breaking fast) can lead to serious disorders in the body. Sometimes it is better not to starve at all than to be careless and thoughtless about it.

Many methods and practices are used to cleanse the body. Someone is using folk remedies, others resort to traditional medicine, and still others practice therapeutic fasting, which can be of two types - dry and water. What is difficult is dry - complete failure from water for a period of 1 to 3-4 days.

An American naturopath and researcher spoke about the benefits of the method of cleansing the body alternative medicinePaul Bragg. He believed that fasting eliminates many diseases and allows you to live longer. There is no evidence of this in traditional medicine.

The principle of dry fasting is based on refusing to drink liquid. To maintain the vital functions of all living things, water is needed. If the body is deprived of moisture for a while, then pathogenic organisms, infections, viruses will not be able to develop in the human body.

Dry fasting lasts 3 days. For a three-day period, a person should abstain from food and drink. Water treatments should be avoided:

  • brushing teeth;
  • bathing;
  • hand washing;
  • touching wet surfaces;
  • enemas.

Benefits of the procedure:

  1. Metabolism accelerates, toxins and harmful substances are released.
  2. The blood is cleansed and renewed.
  3. Undesirable formations in tissues are broken down - adhesions, vascular plaques, edema.
  4. Pass colds, acne, boils, infections.

A three-day fast is difficult to withstand, it can bring benefits and serious harm:

  • dry skin appears;
  • dizziness;
  • lips are cracked;
  • performance decreases;
  • sleep is disturbed.

Before dry fasting, you need to weigh the pros and cons. It is recommended to carry out practices under the supervision of a doctor, to be prepared - to know how to enter and exit correctly so as not to harm the body.

Preparing for a 72 hour fast

Before you start fasting for 2-3 days, it is advisable to try the one-day method. For beginners, the first procedure should last no more than a day.

In preparation for a three-day fast:

  • a week before starting a raw food diet - you can only eat raw plant foods and drink water;
  • Minimize the amount of food consumed per day;
  • Spend more time outdoors and do light exercise.

With the right preparatory stage, it will be easier to reschedule three days. The main thing is to be prepared for unpleasant sensations(weakness, irritability), weight loss.

It is important to monitor your condition, if during the process of preparation or fasting there are changes in your health - dizziness, nausea, pain, you should abandon the practice.

The process of water fasting

Fasting on water accelerates the removal of toxins, renewal of the body and has a visible effect on a person. Compared to dry, it is gentle and can last from 1 day to several months.

Pulse therapy is effective - a weekly refusal of food for 1 day, for several months. The method improves immunity, increases energy resources, and has a positive effect on intestinal microflora.

A long course helps improve brain function, cleanse toxins, gain energy, and increase performance. During fasting, unpleasant manifestations of cleansing the body may occur: the skin becomes drier, odor appears from the mouth and body, and physical ailments occur.

They enter into practice in the same way as with dry fasting - give up heavy food for a few days: exclude sweets, flour products, meat, alcohol.

The way out of a 3-day water fast has differences:

  • on the first day, introduce freshly squeezed juices; do an enema;
  • on the second day, you can gradually eat grated vegetables and fruits (excluding carrots, oranges), add oatmeal;
  • from day 7 you can gradually include familiar dishes in your diet.

During the fasting period, you need to drink a lot of distilled water. For a long procedure (more than 3 days), it is allowed to add honey and lemon juice, which will help remove toxins from the body.


Exit from a three-day dry fast. designed for 3 days, should be gradual. It is necessary to finish at the same time at which you started (morning, evening).

You should return to your usual diet and lifestyle in stages:

  • at first you can take water superficially (wash your face, brush your teeth);
  • chew one apple (but do not swallow);
  • start drinking boiled water small sips;
  • then drink a fermented milk product (kefir, yogurt), freshly squeezed juice;
  • after 10-12 hours you can eat fruit in small quantities;
  • Then you can drink warm broth.

For the first few days after leaving, it is recommended to follow a diet - consume protein food and drink boiled water. You cannot eat raw foods, salt, sugar. After a week, fresh fruits, soups, and salads are introduced into the diet. Further nutrition should include a gentle menu with a gradual return to the usual as appetite returns. Introduce heavy foods (meat, flour products) into the diet only after 1-2 months.

Results of 3 day dry fasting

Three-day fasting is known for its variety healing actions, among which:

According to practitioners, the procedure provides a powerful healing effect, especially on female body. There are cases where women managed to get rid of adhesive process and get pregnant.

The opportunity to reset is attractive extra pounds and look younger. This result is influenced by cell renewal - the condition of the skin improves.

The longer the fast lasts, the stronger the therapeutic result. For prevention and renewal of the body, you can refuse food for one day. For intensive cleaning – two to three days, and for solution serious problems with health, four days or more of abstinence from food is suitable.

According to experts, it is possible to practice fasting for longer than one day at home only under the supervision of a doctor.

Dry fasting was accompanied by a very strong internal heat, when, like on water, if I was fasting, then there was always a chill. Internal heat had to be extinguished by constant rubbing cold water. And in the evening I decided to wet myself on the street. My two youngest sons also decided to join me. The cold from the dousing was also not felt. It seemed that she was ready to douse herself with more than one bucket. The boys also really enjoyed the dousing and are asking for more today.)

I didn’t want to sleep at all at night, but this is exactly what Shchennikov wrote about in his book. I had to get up and open the window to breathe in the night air filled with nitrogen. And believe me, it was so amazing! It opened up completely before me new world smells, Shchennikov also warned about this in the book, but I didn’t think that it would be so strikingly different from the usual perception of the world. It seemed to me that nature smells of the most delicious perfume in the world, at the same time of sweets, flowers and something else indescribable! It seems to me that there is no smell like that on Earth.)) I wanted to inhale and inhale this new world of the night for me. I also want to note that the fear and anxiety of anything has completely gone. And the most amazing thing is that it’s as if our garden began to talk to me! There is a young apple tree growing opposite our window, and I was looking at it all the time. There was no wind at night, but she began to sway. And then I caught the message of information from her. She conveyed her love. She loves me and my children very much and is very happy to serve us, growing apples on her branches. But the pear, on the contrary, was very unhappy and said that there would be no harvest until we take better care of it and give it attention. Our garden was filled with new sounds and sensations for me. Although those who practice raw fasting warned about this, it seemed to me that all this was impossible. But apparently, during raw fasting, human abilities really open up beyond them!

Exit from dry fasting

My husband and I got up at 5 am and went to shower. I did a set of simple exercises on the street, prayed and thanked the Almighty for everything that exists. And they began to wait until 6 am to leave. After begging for water, we drank the first glass of incredibly tasty and much-loved water in slow sips. The thought came to mind that if every person experienced real thirst at least once, they would never pollute water bodies after that. I wouldn’t waste it so carelessly and learn to truly appreciate it. Water for us at that moment was the greatest treasure in the world!) At that moment you understand how little a person needs to be truly happy.

The second and third glasses should have been acidified with lemon juice. Then carry out the cleansing procedures again and only after that, you could drink in unlimited quantities vegetable juices. Since they are also good cleansers for our intestines.

It is recommended to drink carrot-spinach juice on the day of release. Cucumber with greens. Carrot -Apple. Water with lemon or orange juice. Vegetable juices do not need to be diluted. It’s better not to drink fruit at all on this day. Drink green and vegetable juices as much as possible. This will be more gentle for our body. You can eat raw on the first day applesauce. You can eat cucumbers with herbs. But you need to chew it so that you get all the juices from the greens.

Meals end at 18.00. Tomorrow we start individual program. And what it will bring is a big surprise for us. Upon completion of 4 not full days, both my husband and I lost 3 kg 400 g of weight. And what will happen in a month!)) B overall results I'm very pleased. For me, a lover of vivid impressions and adventures, this is definitely an interesting event in my life, regardless of how it ends.

What other advantages became noticeable after this time? My face became cleaner and smoother. I feel lightness throughout my body. Increased strength and energy. It seems that I can change everything. And I also feel a surge of creative energy, I already want to create something like that)). The feeling of fullness comes very quickly; for example, my husband ate 2 pears. I have 2 apples. Apparently the volume of the stomach has decreased and this is also a big plus. Children still gorge themselves on fruit and try different juices. But they also ask for boiled food. Although probably now in percentage, they have 70% raw food, and 30% cooked food. And this is also a big plus! In general, the further, the more interesting!

What are the disadvantages? On at the moment, while pain remains in the legs and in all joints. Sometimes my head hurts. Today, when I was cooking millet porridge for the children in water, the smell made me really want to eat it. That is, the desire for dumplings is present, but very controlled. But it seems to me that these are not disadvantages, but temporary inconveniences for now. I will continue to unsubscribe as the program progresses, I don’t promise that it will be daily. But if I get the most vivid impressions, I’ll definitely sit down to read the article. Ahead a whole month, the unknown! I wonder where this will take us, since this is just my first step on the path to raw food nutrition and healing! And now, as promised, I want to give a link to the program that we went through and where we plan to spend the next month. The program is called

A day of fasting is considered from 8 am to 8 am the next day. Many recommendations believe that you need to go out in the evening, but with dry fasting the main thing is treatment is underway at night (I described this mechanism in the chapter “Treatment of Diseases”).

The recovery period should be twice as long as dry fasting. If the SG is five days, then the output is ten days.

The exit from the SG must be strict because the exit from the SG is much more important than the SG process itself.

After SG, the body becomes clean, so you need to load it only with clean, fresh, high-quality products without pathogenic microflora.

Exit order: drink water first. The water should ideally be melt, dew or spring water. It is important how to drink: you need to add three capsules of the drug “LINEX” to the first glass of water, drink a glass of water within fifteen minutes. and what is vitally important: DO NOT RUSH, SIPS BY SIPS. So that the last sip would be around the fourteenth minute. Drinking a glass before ten minutes is very risky. Water consumption systems may not be able to cope; it’s good if you end up fainting. and so drink eight glasses of water within two hours. Then you can brush your teeth. very in rare cases It happens that the first sips of water can cause nausea. Then each sip of water must be held in the mouth, mixing it with saliva, and then swallowed after 20-30 seconds. Drinking water can be combined with washing in the shower. After a shower, it’s good to douse yourself with cold water, and then take a warm (not hot) bath with herbal infusions (no more than 8 minutes). Simultaneously with washing, you should continue to drink water for up to 12 hours.

At 12 o'clock you need to eat warm protein broth (as much as you want), fish, without vegetables, well-cooked, without salt and without bread. The broth can be cooked with spices (but do not eat the spices).

After SG you should start eating in small portions. This extended exit from the SG is associated with the need to gradually apply a load to the pancreas, which was inactive during fasting and must now be carefully put into operation.

You have to eat at 2 p.m. animal protein in the form fermented milk product: kefir, Bolotov whey - as much as you want, in small portions. When exiting, observe the following IMPORTANT rules: drink water and food slowly, in small portions. I took a sip, swallowed a piece, sit and listen to yourself. If, when chewing a portion of food, you do not feel any taste or it resembles the taste of cotton wool, this means that your stomach is not yet ready to digest this product. For you, this food is ballast. Wait a few days and try again. If during or after taking a portion you feel discomfort: pain in the stomach, dry mouth, internal reluctance to use it further, then stop taking this product. This means that it is harmful, and do not regret the money spent on products, health is more valuable.

In the absence of discomfort, the volume of food consumed should correspond to the volume of a tea glass. Consumption time is the same fifteen minutes. If you feel discomfort with one type of food, immediately switch to another type. Once, a patient of mine, having extensive experience in breaking water hunger strikes, prepared raw vegetables to break the first five-day dry fast. After the water, it was the turn of the vegetables. I swallowed the first bite and waited a minute. I wanted to continue, but then I felt a pain in my stomach, as if a knife had been stuck. Then I realized that the pain disappears if you eat boiled vegetables. After that for a long time went out on protein foods: kefir and fish broth. and there were no problems. This is necessary because after the end of SG, the body urgently needs building material, which is animal protein. Violating this rule may lead to negative consequences!

You can add salt to your food from the third day of release; it is best to use stone or sea ​​salt. Very, very gradually, dose at the tip of a knife.

Don't forget about the medicinal chewing method.

Starting from the second day, you can gradually consume bee waste products: honey, pollen. Food should be varied and well-saturated with vitamins and micro-macroelements. During the first five days after the start of withdrawal from FH, use only fresh and clean high-quality products. Do not consume sugar or sugar-containing, canned foods.

When going out, especially in the first days, you need to protect yourself from drafts and cold. in the first days of release immune system is rebuilt to neutralize food and water, so the body is weakened, then the body will be rebuilt and the immune system will become even stronger than it was before fasting.

Exit from daily fasting

8.00 - drink good quality water, be sure to add bifidum- or lactobacterin to the first glass (1 sachet per glass of water), or now new drug"LINEX".

11.00 - compote of dried apricots, prunes, raisins.

14.00 - kefir, bifidok or Bolotov serum.

18.00 - vegetable soup (cabbage, carrots, beets, onions, potatoes, dill, parsley).

22.00 - compote, herbal tea, honey.

Exit from a 36-hour fast: the same, but starts in the evening.

Exit from a 48-hour fast: Day 1, as if from a daily fast.

Second day: 8.00 - herbal tea with honey or compote or kefir, buckwheat porridge with water, you can add a little vegetable oil(you can use other cereals), be sure to drink one quail egg 3 times a day from the second day of fasting (don’t be afraid - quails do not get salmonellosis) on an empty stomach. This is necessary because quail eggs- this is the entire periodic table, and most importantly - natural stem cells, which are so necessary for the body after dry fasting. Women can make face masks: mix quail eggs with cedar oil, apply at night for 20 minutes.

14.00 - fish soup (preferably from greenling, salmon, pink salmon), you can add a little salt. Salad, any cereals. Tea, compote, kefir, honey.

18.00 - boiled beets, porridge, tea, compote, kefir.

22.00 - herbal tea, honey.

Exit from a 3-day fast: the first two days have already been written. Third day of release:

8.00 - Freshly squeezed juice, salads, cereals

14.00 at - borscht or fish soup, porridge, salads, tea

18.00 - vinaigrette, fish baked in foil, fresh juice

Fourth day:

9.00 - decoction of dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes) - 200.0

12.00 - buckwheat porridge - sloppy - 200.0

15.00 - fresh cabbage salad from 100.0, fish soup, fermented milk drink - 100.0

18.00 - vegetable broth - 200.0

21.00 - fermented milk drink 200.0

Fifth day:

9.00 - Hercules porridge with dried apricots - 150.0 green tea - 100,0

13.00 - stewed vegetables (carrots, beets, cabbage) - 150.0 juice - 100.0

17.00 - soup (carrots, beets, cabbage, brown bread croutons or bran sticks), apple - 1 pc.

21.00 - fermented milk drink - 200.0

Then you can switch to a regular diet, but ideally - preferably 2 weeks of eating with a predominance of fresh vegetables and fruits.

After breaking fast, nutrition should be ideal.

Nutrition program for good digestion (at the end of fasting)

Most people are constantly sick or almost sick because they are trying to process the huge amount of excess food that they absorb. After hunger, you can easily and quickly establish proper digestion. Make it a rule not to eat after 4 pm. If you follow this, you will have good sleep. In the morning you will feel rested. Your body will naturally cleanse itself and your body fat will normalize. Have breakfast from 9 to 10 am (or earlier). Eat a fresh vegetable salad based on carrots, cabbage and herbs (stewed vegetables in winter). The second course you will have is sprouted grain bread with honey or seaweed, or whole porridge with a little butter. Together with cabbage, carrots and greens, they will be a good stimulant for the functioning of the digestive tract, growing the correct microflora, and will restore due to feedback work endocrine system body.

Eat your salad first. This will lead to the activation of a number of processes that underlie normal operation body. For example, the secretion of digestive juices is stimulated, because raw vegetables are rich in natural stimulants. After several years of eating this way, you will feel that your body does not accept any other beginning of food. as a result, you can increase your consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits to 60 percent of your diet. Fresh vegetables, fruits and juices based on them are foods rich in vital forces. Their tissues are rich in energy, which supports the structure of body tissues and skin elasticity.

Ideal Diet 50 percent consists of raw fruits and vegetables. Fiber and pectin found in most foods plant origin, are called ballast substances, since they are not absorbed by the body. These substances are necessary, they perform important role during the digestion process: adjusts the intestinal hormonal system, and through it - the entire body, being regulators of the motor function of the intestines; create favorable microflora in gastrointestinal tract, which is partially used by the body as a complete living protein, 10 percent comes from protein foods. Protein can be in the form of meat, fish, eggs, natural cheese, or in plant form, such as nuts and seeds. Brewer's yeast, bread and sprouted wheat soup are also important part protein nutrition. They are especially irreplaceable as suppliers of vitamins B, E and D.

The remaining products are divided into three parts. One third (30%) is natural starch obtained from cereals and legumes. Another third (at least 5%) - natural sugars, contained in dried fruits, honey, freshly squeezed juices. The last third (no more than 5%) consists of natural fats, such as sunflower, corn, olive oil, natural lard, butter and ghee. People prone to obesity should avoid eating sugar, bread, and cereal products. Or eat them in minimal quantities, and the porridge should be freshly cooked. Chewing them thoroughly is absolutely necessary. At fast food a person consumes porridge 3–5 times more than necessary. This leads to obesity. If you consume a small amount of it, chewing it until it turns into milk, then constipation disappears, intestinal motility improves (at the time of chewing, peristalsis accelerates four times), and congestion in the gastrointestinal tract is eliminated.

Recovery period should be twice as long as the fast lasted. Try to eat right at least during this period. The daily routine during the recovery period remains approximately the same (walking, physiotherapeutic procedures, occupational therapy, active recreation), but for thin people you can add special procedures - oil massage of the whole body (especially the lower back), hot baths. For overweight people - sauna, body massage with evaporated urine. Following a smart fasting program like this will fill you up. vitality, and fasting will become a necessary part of your life. Day after day, observing the miracle of renewal taking place in your mind and body, you will enjoy what you have come to. right life, which every day makes you more perfect and healthy.

For very good detoxification and cleansing of the body, it is imperative to take mixed turpentine baths according to Zalmanov. The total number of baths is 10.

How to prepare Bolotov serum

Pour cold boiled well or spring water into a clean 3-liter jar.

Dissolve 1 glass of sugar and 1 teaspoon of market sour cream in water. Place half a glass of celandine grass (either dry or fresh, but always clean, without mold) in a gauze bag and sink it to the bottom of the jar using a sinker.

Tie the neck of the jar with gauze in 3 layers.

Infuse kvass for two weeks at room temperature and in a dark place. You need to be careful - remove mold on the surface and filter if sediment appears.

After 2 weeks out of 3- liter jar pour 1 liter of finished kvass into a liter glass bottle with a lid. This is a serving for approximately 3 days.

And add 1 liter of water to a 3-liter jar and add 1/3 cup of sugar.

After 3 days, the kvass will be ready again. This can be continued without changing the celandine for up to 2 months, adding water and sugar.

Take from 1 tbsp. spoons up to 0.5 cups in 20–30 minutes. before meals 3 times a day for 2 weeks. Then, to consolidate the effect, take it once a day for a month.

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A new article on dry fasting will talk about how to most effectively carry out therapeutic dry fasting, methods of preparing for it and a competent exit from a 36-hour dry fast.

Dry fasting. Other types of fasting as preparation for it

This article will talk about dry fasting and how to competently carry it out on your own. However, before moving directly to a description of the process and benefits of dry fasting, let’s take a brief excursion and figure out what types of fasting still exist.

Before embarking on the practice of dry fasting, namely fasting, when a person does not ingest not only solid food, but also liquids, including juices and water, we will describe ordinary fasting and its types, since it can serve as an excellent preparation and good start before proceeding directly to dry fasting.

If you have never fasted before, then it is advisable to start your experience with, because during it the body will experience less stress, and you will feel more comfortable during the fasting period. It is very important to try to listen to this recommendation, because suddenly stopping eating, especially if you are on a regular diet, i.e., consuming animal protein and canned products, switching to dry fasting may cause more harm what's the use.

So start your practice with, and then gradually, when you gain sufficient experience in this kind of water fasting, including cascade fasting, you can move on to dry fasting. In the process of therapeutic fasting, the stages of preparation for it, as well as the exit from therapeutic fasting, are inseparably linked with the process of temporarily refusing to eat, and in reality they are one interconnected process.

For those who, for some reason, still find the process of fasting on water too radical to start practicing it, we can advise you to experiment with another type of fasting - cascade. The scheme by which you will fast is simplified and allows the starving person to temporarily get out of hunger and then return to it again.

An example would be the following scheme: 1 day of fasting, 1 day of eating plant food, 2 days of fasting, followed by 3 days of eating plant foods, and so on. There are various programs, where the duration of the process of therapeutic fasting varies, but I would like to note that Russian people are unusually strict about following instructions, and in this kind of practice this is not always justified. What is good for one may result in negative consequences for another, so no matter what fasting program you follow, pay attention first of all to your well-being. If for some reason you cannot continue fasting, then it is better to leave it in time, analyze your well-being and possibly continue next time, taking into account the developments of past experience.

Dry fasting 36 hours. Benefits of dry fasting

So, what are the benefits of dry fasting and what is its advantage over regular water fasting? It is believed that when absolutely no food or even water enters the body, the cleansing processes that are launched in the body during fasting are significantly activated, which is why some followers of therapeutic fasting prefer to carry out one dry fast of shorter duration than a longer one. water fasting.

During both dry and regular fasting, the body’s forces are aimed at doing “spring cleaning”, hence the healing effect. During normal nutrition throughout life, cells in the body die and most of them, unfortunately, remain inside the body. In order to remove them or somehow utilize them (you will soon understand how this happens), you need to allow the body to rest from eating from time to time.

In fact, one-day fasting is not even fasting, but a fasting day. The body finally rests, first of all it rests and recovers digestive system, which has a very beneficial effect on all processes occurring in the body. But we will have to disappoint those who think that a one-day fast or fasting for 36 hours will certainly result in weight loss.

The fact is that in order for the real process of breaking down fat cells to begin, at least 3 days must pass. The body is designed in such a way that during the first days, fat reserves remain intact and a person loses only water. Therefore, it is in vain to console yourself with the thought that when you see minus 1 kg on the scales, you have said goodbye to 1 kg of body fat. Nothing of the kind, it was the water that left, which is what you saw on the scales. Therefore, losing weight can be included in the list positive results dry fasting, but only when it lasts more than 2 days.

What happens during fasting? The body, due to the lack of external sources of nutrition, begins to look for other reserves, and not only glycogen. The same dead cells that are still in the body are disposed of. This largely explains the amazing effect of dry fasting, healing from ailments during it, etc., because the body is forced to process and get rid of what has accumulated in it over a long time and what was the cause of these ailments.

If you are ready to go through a 36-hour dry fast, then you need to prepare for it. First of all, a few days before the start of dry fasting, you need to stop eating animal proteins, and just before you start the process, you need to remember to cleanse the intestines so that when you stop eating, toxins do not enter the blood. This will prepare you and make the fasting process more comfortable.

It’s even better if you carry out the practice of fasting after you have been completely on food for a long time. It is well known that long fasts are tolerated much more easily by vegans and vegetarians, not to mention raw foodists.

The process of breaking out of dry fasting is no less important. The time to recover from dry fasting should be equal to the time of the fast itself. Since we are basically talking about a 36-hour dry fast, the withdrawal time should be 24 or 36 hours. In practice, it looks like this: during the day you do not take any food, the next day for another 12 hours you continue to abstain from food and drink, and only in the evening, after this time, you can start going out.

It is better to start exiting dry fasting by drinking a small amount of water, and then after some time you can start drinking juices. Freshly squeezed citrus juices are best suited for breaking dry fasting; it’s good if they are slightly diluted with water, because during abstinence from food the body becomes very susceptible to what comes into it after the fasting process, so you need to be very careful about choice of products and flavor intensity.

Secondly, upon exiting fasting, the process of detoxification of the body still continues. Therefore, breaking out of fasting is half of the fasting process itself. If you immediately switch to a regular diet, you will minimize the effectiveness of the fasting process. So spend your recovery period with maximum benefit for your body.

The first day after leaving should be spent exclusively on juices and, best of all, on freshly squeezed citrus juices: oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruits, etc. If for some reason you do not want to use citrus fruits, then an excellent option would be pomegranate juice. It is also transparent and has no fiber, the same can be said about pineapple juice.

All clear juices are fine for you. You will have to exclude those that contain starch: carrots, beets, etc. Bananas are not suitable for the same reason. On the second day you can already eat vegetables and vegetable juices, but it is better in their raw form. Only after these two days following a 36-hour abstinence from food can you return to regular thermally processed food.

The benefits of dry fasting for 36 hours are enormous. The body mobilizes its forces. Since energy is not wasted on digesting food, all of it goes to fight inflammatory processes occurring in the body. Also at this time, the adrenal cortex begins to produce special hormones that have an anti-inflammatory effect, which further contributes to accelerated healing, if necessary.

If you do not have pronounced inflammatory processes, then dry fasting will be an excellent preventive measure to prevent the occurrence of diseases. During dry fasting, the body burns fat most effectively and cleanses the body of toxins.

The body is cleansed both from the inside and outside: the skin is cleansed, it becomes more tender, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the facial skin is completely cleansed if there were problems with it before.

If dry fasting, albeit short, for 24 or 36 hours, is carried out relatively regularly, then this will also have a positive effect on the figure for overweight people. But as you have already learned, it is impossible to achieve this effect in one go.

Also, during dry fasting, the body as a whole rejuvenates. During fasting, you seem to restart the system, so some aging processes can be reversed or slowed down.

Many people who have experienced 36-hour dry fasting note all of the above positive factors. However, you should not abuse it and carry out dry fasting for too long, more than 7 days, or practice 36-hour dry fasting with excessive intensity. It is better to observe moderation in everything.

If you want to fast regularly, for example once a week, then regular water fasting is much better suited for this purpose. Let it be just a fasting day, and psychologically, fasting on water is much easier to bear.

Dry fasting: contraindications

People with serious illnesses heart disease, tuberculosis or anemia, dry fasting should not be done. If, nevertheless, a person doubts and feels the strength to carry out a regular fast on water, then it is advisable to first consult with a doctor, and if the condition allows for fasting, then you can start it.

During the 36-hour dry fast we described, negative processes are unlikely to occur, such as weakening of muscles and a decrease in blood cells, which can lead to anemia or a decrease in the supply of vitamins and minerals in the body.

All this can only happen with very long fasting practices, so there is no need to dwell on this in detail. A 36-hour dry fast is usually safe if you are well prepared for it, and don’t just jump right off the bat after a meat diet and donuts, with dirty intestines, abruptly stopping food and water intake, and end the fast with the same abrupt exit, first thing eating a cutlet with fried potatoes on the side

This approach definitely guarantees that problems will arise both during the fast and after it. But our readers will carefully study the article and other materials related to dry fasting, so we have no doubt that your first experience of 36-hour dry fasting will certainly bring positive results.