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What to do if you are burned by steam. Providing first aid and further treatment for steam burns

Steam burns in everyday life quite often. Being careless or rushed in the kitchen can lead to heat burns, ranging from mild redness and swelling to huge, painful blisters and poor circulation.

You need to know how to provide first aid for a steam burn at home.

Adequate measures taken in a timely manner will speed up the healing of the affected area of ​​skin, but incorrect actions can worsen the condition of the victim.

Features of steam burns

Steam is one of the aggregate states of a substance, in everyday conditions - water. It would seem that the effects of boiling water and steam are essentially the same.

But for some reason there is an opinion that steam burn more dangerous than a burn boiling water In fact, it is justified:

  • the temperature of boiling water is 100 0 C. The temperature of steam, especially if it is under pressure, is sometimes much higher;
  • Once on the skin, water (even boiling water) instantly cools down to body temperature. Steam, passing from a gaseous to a liquid state and “settling” as moisture on the skin, gives off much more heat.

There are four degrees of severity of steam burns:

For thermal injuries of degree III-IV, therapy is carried out in a hospital, usually using surgical interventions on skin transplantation.

The severity of a steam burn is significantly affected by the area affected.. Usually in everyday life, steam affects the skin for a short time, causing I-II degree burns.

But the affected area is sometimes quite extensive. If less than 10% of the body surface is damaged, home therapy is possible.

To determine the affected area, the “rule of the palm” is used. The area of ​​the palm is about 1% of the total area of ​​human skin. By applying it to the affected area, you can accurately assess the extent of the burn.

Or you can use the “rule of nines”. According to it, the affected area is determined as a percentage (they are multiples of nine) characteristic of different parts body:

  • back, chest – 18% each;
  • legs – each 18%;
  • hands – each 9%;
  • neck, head – 9%.

You should immediately consult a doctor if the area of ​​burns is more than 10-15%.

Thermal effect on a large surface of the body leads to burn shock: infectious processes, from the inside the body is toxically affected by the decay products of the affected tissues.

A burn of 50% of the skin can be fatal.

In everyday life, steam burns almost all parts of the body. The most dangerous to health are:

Before treating a steam burn, it is necessary to find out the extent of the skin damage..

In this case, it is necessary to take into account important nuance. Domestic steam burns are usually accompanied by severe pain, but with significant lesions it is not there: nerve endings destroyed.

If there is no pain, you should definitely consult a doctor - to prevent the development of gangrene, it is sometimes necessary to remove “dead” areas of skin.

In the event of a steam burn, it is important to respond to the situation in a timely manner.

First aid measures include:

Here's what you shouldn't do if you get a steam burn:

  • abruptly tear off clothing from the affected area;
  • puncture or cut off blisters;
  • apply oil and fat to the affected area;
  • use alcohol solutions.

Any burn, no matter how minor, damages the skin.

For its speedy healing and prevention negative consequences Like scars, various factors influence:

  • severity and extent of the lesion;
  • promptness of taking first aid measures;
  • adequacy of therapy.

The healing process of a steam burn causes peeling, itching, a feeling of tightness, and sometimes inflammation.

For a first degree burn, it is recommended to apply dressings twice a day until signs of skin damage are completely eliminated.

After removing the bandage, the affected area should “breathe” - it should be kept open for some time. The range of ready-made anti-burn ointments, sprays and balms is quite wide.

But before treating a burn on your hands with steam, it is better to enlist the support of your loved ones - applying a bandage yourself under such circumstances is inconvenient.

For second degree burns, more serious and extensive lesions, the victim requires hospitalization.

If the eyes are affected by steam, the eyelids can be treated with Syntomycin ointment or brilliant green. It should be applied carefully, without touching the affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes.

The mucous membranes of the eyes can be treated with Albucid or Levomycetin drops.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine knows many recipes for treating steam injuries. Treatment of steam burns at home is possible for lesions of the 1st and initial 2nd degrees.

For more serious burns, therapy under the supervision of a doctor is necessary - independent treatment can aggravate the situation.


Homemade ointments are very effective for minor steam burns:

Prevents the formation of bubbles by using regular raw yolk chicken egg– it should be beaten well and carefully applied to the burn. This remedy is most effective immediately after a burn.


Natural compresses quickly relieve pain and help prevent inflammatory processes:

At night, plantain leaves are applied to the affected skin areas.. During the day, you can use a bandage soaked in propolis. For greatest effect the dressing should be changed periodically.


Healing lotions are excellent for healing burns:

Timely use of folk remedies helps eliminate burning and redness of the skin, alleviates pain and prevents complications.

How to treat a steam burn homemade ointment or a purchased spray, everyone decides for themselves. But it’s a good idea to stock up on home remedies that will always be “on hand” - in the refrigerator.

One of these products is a balm from sunflower oil and common burdock. It is very easy to prepare. You should wash and chop the roots of young burdock, add unrefined oil and keep on low heat for about 20 minutes.

Cool the mixture and strain. You can also store sea buckthorn oil in the refrigerator - in compresses it heals wounds and burns very well.

There are many methods for treating thermal burns, the effectiveness of each of them has been tested over the years. But when choosing any folk remedy, it is better to play it safe and consult a doctor.

Inadequate or untimely response to a steam burn can lead to serious negative consequences.

Steam burns in everyday life quite often. Being careless or rushed in the kitchen can lead to heat burns, ranging from mild redness and swelling to huge, painful blisters and poor circulation.

You need to know how to provide first aid for a steam burn at home.

Adequate measures taken in a timely manner will speed up the healing of the affected area of ​​skin, but incorrect actions can worsen the condition of the victim.

Features of steam burns

Steam is one of the aggregate states of a substance, in everyday conditions - water. It would seem that the effects of boiling water and steam are essentially the same.

But for some reason there is an opinion that a steam burn is more dangerous than a boiling water burn. In fact, it is justified:

  • the temperature of boiling water is 100 0 C. The temperature of steam, especially if it is under pressure, is sometimes much higher;
  • Once on the skin, water (even boiling water) instantly cools down to body temperature. Steam, passing from a gaseous to a liquid state and “settling” as moisture on the skin, gives off much more heat.

There are four degrees of severity of steam burns:

For thermal injuries of grade III-IV, therapy is carried out in a hospital, usually with the use of surgical interventions for skin transplantation.

The severity of a steam burn is significantly affected by the area affected.. Usually in everyday life, steam affects the skin for a short time, causing I-II degree burns.

But the affected area is sometimes quite extensive. If less than 10% of the body surface is damaged, home therapy is possible.

To determine the affected area, the “rule of the palm” is used. The area of ​​the palm is about 1% of the total area of ​​human skin. By applying it to the affected area, you can accurately assess the extent of the burn.

Or you can use the “rule of nines”. According to it, the affected area is determined as a percentage (they are multiples of nine) characteristic of different parts of the body:

  • back, chest – 18% each;
  • legs – each 18%;
  • hands – each 9%;
  • neck, head – 9%.

You should immediately consult a doctor if the area of ​​burns is more than 10-15%.

Thermal effect on a large surface of the body leads to burn shock: infectious processes develop, and the decay products of the affected tissues have a toxic effect on the body from the inside.

A burn of 50% of the skin can be fatal.

In everyday life, steam burns almost all parts of the body. The most dangerous to health are:

Before treating a steam burn, it is necessary to find out the extent of the skin damage..

In this case, an important nuance must be taken into account. Domestic steam burns are usually accompanied by severe pain, but with significant damage there is no pain: the nerve endings are destroyed.

If there is no pain, you should definitely consult a doctor - to prevent the development of gangrene, it is sometimes necessary to remove “dead” areas of skin.

In the event of a steam burn, it is important to respond to the situation in a timely manner.

First aid measures include:

Here's what you shouldn't do if you get a steam burn:

  • abruptly tear off clothing from the affected area;
  • puncture or cut off blisters;
  • apply oil and fat to the affected area;
  • use alcohol solutions.

Any burn, no matter how minor, damages the skin.

Various factors influence its speedy healing and prevention of negative consequences such as scars:

  • severity and extent of the lesion;
  • promptness of taking first aid measures;
  • adequacy of therapy.

The healing process of a steam burn causes peeling, itching, a feeling of tightness, and sometimes inflammation.

For a first degree burn, it is recommended to apply dressings twice a day until signs of skin damage are completely eliminated.

After removing the bandage, the affected area should “breathe” - it should be kept open for some time. The range of ready-made anti-burn ointments, sprays and balms is quite wide.

But before treating a burn on your hands with steam, it is better to enlist the support of your loved ones - applying a bandage yourself under such circumstances is inconvenient.

For second degree burns, more serious and extensive lesions, the victim requires hospitalization.

If the eyes are affected by steam, the eyelids can be treated with Syntomycin ointment or brilliant green. It should be applied carefully, without touching the affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes.

The mucous membranes of the eyes can be treated with Albucid or Levomycetin drops.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine knows many recipes for treating steam injuries. Treatment of steam burns at home is possible for lesions of the 1st and initial 2nd degrees.

For more serious burns, therapy under the supervision of a doctor is necessary - independent treatment can aggravate the situation.


Homemade ointments are very effective for minor steam burns:

Prevents the formation of bubbles by using ordinary raw chicken egg yolk - it should be beaten well and carefully applied to the burn. This remedy is most effective immediately after a burn.


Natural compresses quickly relieve pain and help prevent inflammatory processes:

At night, plantain leaves are applied to the affected skin areas.. During the day, you can use a bandage soaked in propolis. For the greatest effect, the bandage should be changed periodically.


Healing lotions are excellent for healing burns:

Timely use of folk remedies helps eliminate burning and redness of the skin, alleviates pain and prevents complications.

How to treat a steam burn, with homemade ointment or a store-bought spray, is up to everyone to decide for themselves. But it’s a good idea to stock up on home remedies that will always be “on hand” - in the refrigerator.

One of these remedies is a balm made from sunflower oil and common burdock.. It is very easy to prepare. You should wash and chop the roots of young burdock, add unrefined oil and keep on low heat for about 20 minutes.

Cool the mixture and strain. You can also store sea buckthorn oil in the refrigerator - in compresses it heals wounds and burns very well.

There are many methods for treating thermal burns, the effectiveness of each of them has been tested over the years. But when choosing any folk remedy, it is better to play it safe and consult a doctor.

Inadequate or untimely response to a steam burn can lead to serious negative consequences.


When preparing food, steam burns are a common occurrence, since living conditions require frequent contact with sources of this danger. Careless handling of a steamer, boiling kettle or pan can lead to injury. Inaction, as well as incorrect actions, can lead to the condition skin will worsen significantly. Swelling, poor circulation, redness, blistering and others negative effects may manifest differently in each person, depending on the severity of the burn, skin condition and other factors.

First aid

Many people don't know what to do if they get a steam burn because they've never experienced it before. Very important point is first aid that must be provided immediately after injury.

  1. First of all, you need to free the injured area from any clothing that may be on it.
  2. After this, the area should be cooled and rinsed with running water. cold water. Under no circumstances should you use ice for this, as this creates a risk of damaging the skin area. Thanks to cooling, the pain significantly decreases, and washing reduces the chance of infection of the burned area.
  3. The next step is to disinfect the burn site. You can use regular soap to clean it thoroughly. If this is not done, complications may occur in the burned area.
  4. Next, you can begin direct treatment with the chosen remedy. Medicinal ointments and other medications are not recommended to be applied by rubbing, as this may create additional irritation. This is also fraught with additional pain during application.

How effective first aid is provided for a steam burn depends on how successful and fast it will be. further treatment. This does not affect the treatment method you choose.

Folk remedies for the treatment of burns

If you have a steam burn, there are several treatment options. ethnoscience is wide range a variety of recipes, many of which are prepared from improvised materials. Among the most popular of them are:

Burdock balm

The balm is something that should be prepared in advance in case you have a problem with a burn. It can be used as first aid for steam burns at home, simply by taking it out of the refrigerator. Includes:

  • burdock;
  • unrefined sunflower oil.

Burdock root (it is advisable to use a young plant) should be crushed and poured with oil. After this, you should simmer everything over low heat for 20-30 minutes. When the mixture has cooled, strain it through a sieve. The resulting liquid should be packaged in convenient containers and placed in the refrigerator. After receiving a burn, the balm can be used during treatment immediately after first aid.

Methods of modern medicine

Methods modern medicine They also have effective tools that you should have on hand. Such means include:

Not all products may be available in pharmacies in right moment, although these are very common drugs. It is advisable to stock up on both pharmaceutical and traditional medicines in advance. In any case, the main thing is to follow these recommendations as carefully and carefully as possible so as not to worsen the situation. If the burn is very serious, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

This is due to carelessness, haste and the simultaneous performance of several actions at once. A heat burn can result in mild redness or large blisters. Excessive exposure to hot steam leads to problems with blood circulation. How to cope with the resulting injury and eliminate damage to the skin? Experienced experts answer this and many other questions.

First aid: all the details of the process

Steam burns can cause severe damage to the skin. The possibility of developing complications and their severity directly depend on the first aid provided and its timeliness. Standard scheme includes:

  • cooling of the skin. To do this, the affected area must be lowered under the stream. cold water. A container with cool liquid will also work. Attention: applying ice to the burned area is prohibited, this action is dangerous due to frostbite;
  • after cooling, the affected area is treated with the product local action. Preference is given to Chlorhexidine or Hydrogen Peroxide. Antiseptics can eliminate bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms;
  • the skin is treated with an anti-burn agent. This may be a topical cream or spray;
  • The skin is protected with a sterile bandage or bandage. They must be changed every 4 hours to avoid the material sticking to the skin and suppuration.

If the burn from hot steam is extensive, the person must be wrapped in a clean sheet and laid down. The damaged area is located as high as possible, which eliminates possible swelling. Additionally, the victim is provided with plenty of fluids.

Attention! Under no circumstances should you: abruptly remove clothing from the damaged area, pierce the resulting blisters, apply fatty products and use alcohol-based solutions. Such actions can lead to a worsening of the situation, which will entail the need for treatment in a hospital setting.

Basic principles of therapy

Any type of burn is accompanied by damage to the skin. To speed up their healing, it is advisable to resort to specialized therapy. On the speed of healing and general health The patient is affected by the following factors:

  • the severity of the lesion and its extent;
  • timely provision of first aid;
  • adequacy and effectiveness of prescribed therapy.

Steam burn treatment is aimed at speedy recovery skin and preventing the development of complications. In most cases, damage to a minor area is accompanied by pain, peeling, acute itching and inflammatory process. The extent to which the burn is affected depends on the type of burn.

In case of first degree damage, all symptoms must be eliminated. For this purpose, experts recommend making dressings using ointments, creams and sprays with an anti-burn effect. The frequency of changing the dressing depends on the degree of damage, on average it is 2-4 hours. The skin must “breathe”. Before applying the bandage, it is advisable to pause for 15-20 minutes.

For injuries of the second and third degree, a person needs professional medical care. The area must be treated with a special solution and an anesthetic applied. At intense pain Lidocaine or Novocaine is widely used.

If the eyelid is affected, the area is treated with Synthomycin ointment or regular brilliant green. Important: the product must be applied carefully, without touching adjacent areas of the skin and mucous membranes of the organs of vision. To restore the mucous membrane of the eyes, according to the doctor’s recommendations, use Albucid or Levomycetin drops.

Drug therapy of the affected area

The modern pharmacological market has a lot effective means allowing for short term eliminate the consequences of a burn. The most popular drugs are:

  • Panthenol;
  • Olazol;
  • Anestezin;
  • Levomekol.

Panthenol is a product produced in the form of a spray. It is based on dexapenthenol, it is active substance, helping to restore the skin and eliminate thermal damage. Regular use of the medication guarantees fast healing and elimination of pain syndrome. The convenient release form allows you to use the product anywhere.

is a cream based on dexpanthenol. The action of the product is similar to Panthenol. However, he has one thing undeniable advantage, This antimicrobial effect. The use of the drug allows you to eliminate all the consequences of the burn and prevent the inflammatory process.

Olazol is an aerosol based on an antibiotic. The drug is used for intense damage to the skin, accompanied by an acute inflammatory process.

Anestezin eliminates pain, and in combination with sea ​​buckthorn oil guarantees fast healing.

Radevit and Levomekol ointments have a good effect. This budget resources to speed up the recovery process.

Attention! All drugs are presented for informational purposes only. In case of acute lesions of the skin, effective and adequate therapy the attending physician can prescribe.

Alternative medicine recipes

The ferry implies the use not only medications, but also traditional medicine. At the core unconventional methods There are a lot of available tools, the most popular among them are:

  • egg yolk;
  • aloe juice;
  • linseed oil;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • fir oil;
  • rhubarb and honey

Egg yolk has an enveloping effect. It must be applied to the burn site and secured with a bandage. Attention: keeping the bandage on for more than 2 hours is prohibited! Prolonged wear can cause the yolk to dry to the skin, which will lead to additional damage.

Bee products, in particular honey, have an antiseptic and healing effect. The product is applied to the affected area and fixed with a sterile bandage. The procedure is repeated 2 times a day.

Aloe juice and plant leaves accelerate regeneration processes and eliminate the inflammatory process.

Flaxseed oil is used as a compress in combination with finely chopped onion. The bandage remains on the damaged area for about 12 hours.

Sea buckthorn oil effectively copes with 1-3 degree burns. Used in the form of compresses.

Fir oil is used according to a similar algorithm as sea buckthorn oil. The compress is applied for 5 minutes, no more than 3 times a day. This effect is sufficient to quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

A mixture of rhubarb and honey helps treat severe burns with blisters. A tablespoon of the sweet ingredient is used per plant stem. The compress is applied to the affected area for 30 minutes, the frequency of use is 4 times a day.

Attention! Traditional medicine is not used as the main treatment regimen. Therapy with alternative means is an auxiliary method of treatment. Its effectiveness depends on the regimen prescribed by the doctor and its compliance by the victim.

Every person has experienced a burn at home at least once. varying degrees. Moreover, all these are the simplest, but no less painful burns. It is enough, for example, to carelessly lean over a boiling pan or kettle - and you can get a thermal burn from the steam. How to deal with this type of burn, and how to alleviate your condition? This is exactly what we will talk about in the article below.

Why is it important to know how to deal with a burn?

First of all, incorrect treatment leads to a worsening of the situation in case of steam burn. Therefore, you need to know exactly what actions to take when treating a burn. A burn can cause:

  • skin deformations,
  • inflammation, inflammation
  • swelling,
  • circulatory disorders.

In addition, you need to pay attention to sunburns and know what actions to take to neutralize them. Because exactly sunburn and steam burns may remain the most common burn injuries to the skin in domestic conditions. Information about this will be useful, because informed means armed!

First aid for steam burns

In the very first time after a burn, it is necessary to rid yourself of being near a source of steam. If a person finds himself in this situation, he needs to get away from the source of steam as quickly as possible. If the burn occurs under clothing, the damaged area must be immediately freed from the fabric. The action should be carried out very carefully, without pulling the fabric, but carefully separating it from the skin. You can use scissors to cut the fabric and gradually separate it from the body. Such accuracy and this approach are due to the fact that there is no additional trauma to the skin. Typically, the steam will form a blister at the site of the burn and does not need to be opened. The next step should be cooling. To do this, place the burn area under running cold water for 15-20 minutes. This ensures cooling of the internal and external skin. Soon after this, the pain should subside a little, the nerve receptors calm down, but the pain will return as soon as the damaged area is removed from under the water. Next you need to apply it to the damaged area. sterile bandage from gauze. The wound is pre-treated with either Panthenol or Rescuer spray.

Important! If a large area of ​​skin is affected, you need to wrap the person in a clean sheet and call a medical team. There can no longer be any question of self-treatment such a burn, the larger the affected area, the greater the chance of getting an associated infection.

Steam burn to eyes

What should you do if steam gets into your eyes? If it happened thermal burn eyes, you need to apply brilliant green or synthomycin ointment to the skin around the eyes. But you need to remember that these products should not get on the burn site. Also, the eyes are instilled with sodium sulfacyl or chloramphenicol drops, applying on top gauze bandage. If your eye is burned, you need to visit an ophthalmologist.

Is it possible to independently assess the severity of a steam burn?

In order to understand how to treat a burn, you need to find out the severity of the problem. This is influenced by the area of ​​the affected surface and the degree of burn. The severity of the lesion varies depending on its depth:

  • First degree of severity. There is swelling and redness near the burn site. A person is bothered by a tingling sensation and itching, pain syndrome is also present, but it is blurred.
  • Second degree of severity. The skin becomes blistered with serous fluid inside. Complete healing of the wound occurs after 14-15 days. The burn is quite painful and may sometimes require the use of painkillers.
  • Third degree of severity. There is a high temperature, which destroys the outer and inner covers of the skin, as well as muscles.
  • Fourth degree. Skin death and peeling occurs. Such injuries require qualified treatment, which is carried out in burn clinics.

the degrees are described in more detail in the material - The severity of the burn also depends on the area of ​​the wound. So, with a burn of more than 10-15% of the skin, burn disease, leading to burn shock and intoxication of the body. All of the above can be attributed to the issue of steam burns. To estimate the area of ​​skin affected by steam, you need to apply the “rule of the palm” as well as the “rule of nines”. The fact is that The palm makes up about 1% of the total area of ​​the human body. The “rule of nines” is that the following information: the burn of the torso in front and back is about 18%, the burn of each leg is also 18%, the burn of the neck and head is 9%, the burn of each of the arms is 9%, and 1% is accounted for by the burn crotch. Let us note that there is another way of injury from hot steam, which can also lead to burns, but not the surface, but internal organs. If hot steam is inhaled, then Airways receive a burn, which can provoke the development of pulmonary edema and the appearance of pneumonia.

Is it always necessary to call an ambulance in case of a steam burn?

Calling an ambulance for a steam burn always directly depends on how extensive the affected area is. If the damage is within 5% of the body, then even with the first degree of severity of the burn, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. If the ferry gets burned old man or child, you also need to immediately call an ambulance. For lesions of the groin, head or eyes, a mandatory visit is indicated medical worker. Of course, you can take measures on your own, there is excellent material on this topic - but everything always depends on the degree of damage to the skin.

What should you not do if you are burned by steam?

It is strictly forbidden to suddenly remove clothes from a person. You need to slowly cut away the tissue on and near the affected area. If you cannot do this yourself, you must not touch the affected area and wait for the ambulance to arrive. Despite a large number of numerous tips from the area alternative medicine, should not be applied to the affected area any place folk remedies or oil. Such treatment will lead to aggravation of the condition and will also cause increased pain. This is especially true for applying oil to the skin, because this creates a kind of film on the surface of the skin, and underneath it a bacterial infection develops, which is so dangerous for burns. Once blisters have formed, under no circumstances should they be punctured. When punctured, the risk of wound infection increases, which will lead to complications and slow down the recovery process. Do not touch the affected area with dirty hands, smear with alcohol-containing solutions, or apply iodine and brilliant green to the affected area.

How is steam burn treated?

If there is and up to 5% of the body is affected, then treatment can be performed at home. To do this, you need to use ointments and sprays and apply a sterile bandage. When proper treatment, such minor burns will heal quickly. For second and third degree lesions, you should consult a doctor. He will clean the wound of foreign particles and epidermis, and treat the wound with an antiseptic. In general, the treatment is close to what happens after contact with hot water, so it’s worth studying the material separately - The fourth degree involves exclusively treatment in a burn center. To treat a burn, apply a sterile gauze bandage, which needs to be changed once every few days. When treating the wound, the doctor uses syntomycin emulsion, furatsilin ointment, dermazin and other medications that accelerate healing. If there is pus in the burn wound, then wet dressings are used, soaked in various antiseptics, for example chlorhexidine or furatsilin. For severe burns of a large area, treatment should be comprehensive, and only on the territory of specialized centers. It happens that a wound requires skin grafting; to perform it, doctors clean and prepare the wound.