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Interstitial electrical stimulation complications. Treatment with the Gerasimov apparatus. Biological basis of interstitial electrical stimulation

The method of interstitial electrical stimulation is modern non-drug method treatment of diseases of the spine, joints, headaches, pain syndromes. The scientific development of Professor Andrei Aleksandrovich Gerasimov was approved and recommended by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for implementation and widespread use in practice. Gerasimov's method has a high efficiency rate and is successfully used in many clinics and sanatoriums in Russia and foreign countries.

VTES according to Gerasimov is a unique method that has no analogues in world practice. Expert work is being carried out and equipment is being developed to implement the method in Germany and other European countries

The essence of the VTES method

A low-frequency current corresponding to human biocurrents is supplied through a thin conductor needle close to the affected area of ​​bone tissue. Direct impact on the painful area improves blood microcirculation, normalizes blood flow, relieves muscle spasms and swelling.

Its most important action is quick fix bone pain syndrome and restoration of nerves going from the vertebra to the limbs. This unique effect occurs only with interstitial electrical stimulation. The method quickly eliminates any neuropathic pain in nerves, used for hernial protrusions.


  • The method is most effective in comparison with other physiotherapeutic procedures, because The biocurrent is supplied directly to the affected tissue, bypassing the skin and muscles that prevent the passage of currents.
  • Has virtually no contraindications
  • Pain syndrome is relieved in 1-2 procedures, the duration of treatment is up to 10 procedures.
  • Has a long-lasting effect, reduces the frequency of exacerbations
  • Allows you to cure even complex diseases of the musculoskeletal system and herniated discs without medications and without surgery
  • The treatment period is 3-4 times shorter.
  • The cost of the course is less than other methods and in other clinics.

Treatment effect

  • Normalizes blood circulation, restores blood microcirculation
  • Prevents decomposition of joint tissues, promotes recovery cartilage tissue
  • Provides bone metabolism
  • Restores peripheral nerve endings
  • Complete pain relief in 95% (compared to the country - 37%).

Indications for the use of interstitial electrical stimulation

Pain in various departments musculoskeletal system
Damage peripheral nerves
Vegetovascular dystonia, headache, migraine
Musculoskeletal injuries
Heel spur

Cost of electrical stimulation procedure (VTES)
The procedure of interstitial electrical stimulation (ITES) is carried out by Professor A.A. Gerasimov.

Interstitial electrical stimulation- a new direction in the treatment of patients with diseases of the spine and joints.
The treatment method “Intratissue electrical stimulation” was developed and put into practice by A. A. Gerasimov, professor, head of the department of traumatology and orthopedics of the Ural State Medical Academy, academician of RAMNT.
The essence of the method is to apply a special electric current to the foci of pathology to diseased vertebrae and joints.

Interstitial electrical stimulation: features of the procedure, indications and contraindications

For the treatment of pain using the VTES method for diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, heart and blood vessels in our clinic, located next to Korovinskoye Highway (Seligerskaya metro station, Petrovsko-Razumovskaya metro station), we use Gerasimov’s method of interstitial electrical stimulation (VTES). It has proven itself well in the scientific community and among patients, and we can offer it to you as one of the ways to combat common disorders.

VTES is used as part of the complex treatment of many diseases:

  • osteochondrosis of all parts of the spine;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • heel spur;
  • gastritis, peptic ulcer;
  • hypertension (with systolic blood pressure not higher than 180);
  • headache;
  • arthrosis;
  • varicose veins veins;
  • peripheral nerve injuries;
  • enuresis;
  • chronic constipation;
  • neuritis;
  • scoliosis.

This is only a part of the main diseases for which interstitial electrical stimulation is used. The list of indications is much longer. The technique of interstitial electrical stimulation is based on the use of low-frequency pulsed currents, which are close to biocurrents human body. VTES does this in a safe way gentle correction of a person’s condition, but at the same time provides it with sufficient effectiveness to improve well-being and combat the main manifestations of the disease and frequent relapses.

Interstitial electrical stimulation also affects the causes of pathologies, normalizing blood circulation and metabolic processes, stopping the destruction of cartilage tissue and restoring the integrity of damaged fibers. The method reduces the number of relapses of the underlying disease and gives the patient the joy of movement without pain.

We offer you affordable price for interstitial stimulation (VTES) in Moscow.

The procedure is comfortable, does not require special preparation and is supervised by an experienced clinic professional. You will feel minor discomfort only at the beginning of the procedure (when the skin is punctured).

The main advantages of interstitial electrical stimulation:

  • effective elimination of pain in joints, muscles and head by restoring blood flow, suppressing spasms and inflammatory reactions;
  • reduction in the number of exacerbations per year;
  • the ability to treat joints, osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernias without surgery;
  • reducing the number of medications that need to be taken to treat and prevent the underlying pathology;
  • conducting a course of treatment on an outpatient basis.

Improvement in well-being occurs after the first 2 sessions. Pain decreases or completely disappears, motor activity expands, the patient’s quality of life improves. Reviews of interstitial stimulation confirm the effectiveness of the technique. The course of treatment is 5-7 procedures.

Contraindications to VTES:

  • headache;
  • loss of sensitivity, numbness of the limbs associated with osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernias;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • pain syndrome after operations;
  • long recovery after nerve injuries;
  • dizziness;
  • pain in the stomach and abdomen;
  • numbness lower limbs, initial changes in the walls of the veins.

Before prescribing the procedure, the doctor conducts an examination, assesses the patient’s condition and contraindications to interstitial stimulation. If you pass special treatment If you suffer from attacks of hypertension or allergic reactions, be sure to tell your doctor about it. You can ask the specialist questions regarding the intricacies of the procedure, the frequency of sessions or the price of interstitial electrical stimulation.

Interstitial electrical stimulation (ITES) is a modified version of electrophoresis. The author of this procedure is considered to be A. A. Gerasimov, who proposed the use of metal conductors in order to apply electric current directly to deep-lying tissues, and not to the skin. Thanks to this, doctors can influence the bone structures of the spine, which is used in the treatment of osteochondrosis, arthrosis and other problems with the joints and spine.

This is extremely important, since vertebrogenic problems and their attendant neurological disorders are found quite often in the population. It's connected with in a sedentary manner life and poor nutrition which lead to poor posture, scoliosis and the development of osteochondrosis.

Modern understanding of physiotherapy

The main goal of all physiotherapeutic techniques is to achieve maximum result by minimum load on the human body. Therefore, it is used to treat many diseases and is included in regimens combination therapy. Such procedures are especially often prescribed in the treatment of chronic diseases.

Thanks to positive influence Physiotherapeutic procedures on the body can slow down the progression of the disease, improve the well-being and quality of life of patients. Together with long-term drug therapy, this allows you to quickly stop the exacerbation and achieve a long and stable period of remission.

Also, physiotherapy has few contraindications, and due to its limited impact on metabolic processes in the body side effects occur extremely rarely. Therefore, procedures can be prescribed even to those patients who are on outpatient treatment. The attending physician monitors the process and, if necessary, prescribes consultations additional specialists. The procedures must be performed in a hospital, on the basis of the physiotherapy department.

Biological basis of interstitial electrical stimulation

VTES was created by Dr. A. A. Gerasimov as an improved version of electrophoresis, because the latter did not allow it to influence deep-lying organs and tissues. It was found that often the cause of pain in spinal column are problems in the bone tissue itself or a violation of its blood supply. It is the bone and periosteum that suffer from the metabolic products accumulated in them, lack of oxygen, nutrients. This leads to an increase in pain and dysfunction of the spine.

Therefore, to solve these problems, a device was created that allows generating electricity, in its characteristics close to the biocurrents of the human nervous system. With the help of conductors, it is possible to influence the vertebral tissue itself at the site of pathology, stimulating the necessary receptors of the periosteum. The current helps to relax the deep muscles that support the spine, changing the tone of small blood vessels and improving blood supply to tissues.

Thanks to this, it is possible to relieve pain, calm the nerves and improve the nutrition of bone and cartilage tissue. Has current and influence on general state– through the spinal cord and nerves it affects the peripheral nervous system, thereby normalizing the balance of hormones and stimulating the production of biologically deficient ones active substances. In the affected area, the procedure normalizes nervous excitability and conductivity.

Electric current also affects local immune reactions, stimulating reparative processes, which, together with the activation of local blood flow, allows the body to restore the vertebrae and prevent degeneration of cartilage tissue in intervertebral discs. This helps slow down the progression of osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, the formation bone growths, reduce swelling of adjacent tissues and relieve their pressure on the roots spinal cord, which are bundles of motor and sensory nerve fibers.

As a result, the procedure has complex effect, improving the condition of patients due to the influence on several links of the pathological chain at once. Eliminated as a direct source pain, in the form of edema and compression, and the cause of their occurrence, which makes it possible to achieve a much longer remission in the future. The combination of interstitial stimulation with a course of medication is especially effective. drug therapy. However, before this you need to undergo an examination in a hospital and consult with your doctor.

The procedure does not affect metabolic processes in general and is therefore quite safe. Side effects occur extremely rarely and are mild. Also, treatment sessions are almost painless; the patient may experience discomfort only in the first stages. In cases where early stage osteochondrosis is being treated, VTES can replace drug therapy and serve as an alternative to surgery.

The ability to combine electrical stimulation with other treatment methods makes it possible to use it as part of complex combined schemes to help patients with severe pathology. In this case, it is possible to act directly on the cause of the disease, and not on its symptoms, due to which a more stable and long-term remission is achieved. The cost of the procedure remains relatively small, since it does not require serious interventions and expensive equipment.

Electrical stimulation technique

Intramuscular electrical stimulation has the following indications:

  • Arthrosis or arthritis.
  • Hernia intervertebral disc, its protrusion.
  • Periarthritis, including the shoulder joint.
  • Vegetovascular dystonia, resistant to drug therapy.
  • Osteochondrosis.

Before prescribing treatment, the patient must undergo a course of examinations that will help the doctor establish a diagnosis, determine the exact location of the pathological focus and choose the optimal tactics for managing the patient. If necessary, physical therapy is prescribed as an addition to drug treatment.

During VTES, a thin metal conductor is inserted through the patient's skin. Moreover, the goal of doctors is precisely the pathology zone. It hardly hurts, so be afraid at this moment not worth it. Doctors use the segmental pattern of innervation of peripheral tissues as a guide. This allows you to determine which area of ​​the spine is best to influence to achieve maximum results.

After the metal needles are installed, a device is connected to them, generating an electric current of a certain strength and voltage, which acts directly on bone tissue. The patient will feel only a slight vibration, otherwise the procedure is painless. The duration of one session is 30 minutes; the course, as a rule, includes 6-8 procedures.

Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve a significant improvement in the patient’s condition and prolong the remission stage. The effectiveness of VTES is higher than that of conventional electrophoresis, since the method allows you to influence deeper structures, for example, bones and muscles, while the current during electrophoresis reaches only the deep layers of the skin.

What should you pay attention to when prescribing VTES?

Contraindications to intramuscular electrical stimulation are very similar to those for electrophoresis. The procedure should not be performed on people who have:

  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Hemophilia or other pathologies affecting blood clotting.
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding.
  • Infectious or allergic diseases in the acute period.
  • Installed pacemaker.
  • Decompensated hypertension or hypertensive crisis.
  • Severe heart or respiratory failure.
  • Arrhythmias.

Before undergoing a course of physical therapy, it is necessary to consult with your doctor and undergo the examinations prescribed by him. This will allow the patient to find out about the state of health, and the doctor to choose individual plan treatment, because sometimes physical therapy may not be enough.


Interstitial electrical stimulation is a modification of electrophoresis. This physiotherapeutic technique allows you to influence muscles and tissues located at a significant depth, due to which it is used to treat spinal diseases such as osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis and related pathologies, such as radiculitis.

During the procedure, using special metal conductors, the bone tissue is exposed to an electric current with specified parameters. They are selected in such a way as to correspond to the biocurrents of the body’s nervous system. Thanks to this, the technique has a complex effect on several important indicators at once - it regulates the tone of blood vessels and nerve tissue, and through them hormonal balance, the work of the peripheral nervous system.

Electric current also activates local reparative reactions, promoting rapid healing and restoration of bone and cartilage tissue. Moreover, the procedure does not require deep intervention, due to which its price remains affordable compared to complex surgical techniques. Therefore, when unpleasant symptoms you should go to the hospital, because the treatment of osteochondrosis is early stages much more effective.


I did it in 2008. Very effective)

According to statistics, every second person on the planet suffers from osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine and joints.

It would seem that there are many ways to relieve pain in the back and joints. available funds- painkillers, warming ointments. But their effectiveness is from 30 to 50%. They only temporarily numb the pain, without eliminating the real reason diseases.


A unique, unparalleled method of treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system is interstitial electrical stimulation according to the method of Academician A.A. Gerasimova is a fundamentally new solution to the problem of a diseased spine.

The basis is a special physiological current, similar to the one that goes along the nerves, only tens of times more powerful. The current is supplied through a needle-electrode directly to the pathological focus, blocking pain, dilating spasmodic vessels and ensuring adequate blood flow.

Penetrating under the skin with a thin needle-electrode, the therapeutic current expands the spasmodic vessels, ensuring full blood flow. As a result of this effect, the blood supply to the bone improves, the breakdown of cartilage tissue stops, “salt deposition” is eliminated, and the affected nerves are restored.

Biography of Professor A.A. Gerasimov

Gerasimov A.A., as a student medical institute, became interested in traumatology and orthopedics and, after graduating from university, became research fellow Ural Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics. At the institute, Andrei Aleksandrovich became familiar with “big” surgery - operations on the spine, joints, and bones.


The effect on nerve receptors is 20-30 times stronger than with conventional acupuncture.

The procedure is absolutely painless and even, according to patients, very pleasant.

Not used medications, which excludes allergic reactions and other side effects of pharmacological therapy.

Treatment time (compared to other methods) is reduced by 2-3 times, and the number of disease relapses is reduced by 3 times.

Pain syndrome is completely eliminated in 95% of patients in 3-7 procedures, and the treatment effect lasts up to 3-4 years.


    HEADACHE- vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypotension, migraine, tinnitus, dizziness

    CEREBRAL CIRCULATION DISORDER(functional), consequences of ischemic stroke.

    OSTEOCHONDROSIS- pain in the neck, in the sternum, pain between the shoulder blades, in the shoulders, elbows, numbness of the fingers, pain in the lower back, sacrum, buttocks, neurological complications.

    DISC HERNIA with neurological symptoms.

    HUMEROSCOULAR PERIARTHROSIS,OSTEOARTHROSES- pain in large joints of the upper and lower
    limbs (shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, ankle).