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If the wound twitches. Antibacterial therapy is of two types. Treatment of infected weeping wounds

Since a person is surrounded a large number of pathogens, they can easily penetrate the wound. In this case, there is infectious inflammation wounds. His treatment should begin without delay, before complications of infection arise.

Symptoms of wound inflammation development

How does wound inflammation occur? Infectious agents can enter the wound either at the time of injury or through dirty hands, unsterile dressings, contact with insects, and so on.

A healthy person can cope with inflammatory pathogens through leukocytes and antibodies. The immune system produces substances that neutralize pathogens infectious lesion and stop their reproduction. This means that infection in the wound occurs when there are too many pathogens, and the immune system unable to cope with them due to weakening of the body.

Complications after inflammatory diseases wounds

Purulent inflammatory processes in the wound,

Sepsis (blood poisoning),

tetanus (tetany),

gas gangrene,

erysipelas on the wound,


Features of treatment for wound inflammation

Inflammation requires special treatment. At the first stage of therapy, the doctor examines the wound in an open state at each dressing, and assesses the general condition and dynamics of the process. The edges of the wound are treated with iodine solution and alcohol. The wound cavity is cleaned of pus and areas of necrosis using a gauze ball or napkin. Dead tissue is cut off. The wound is washed with antiseptics and, if necessary, drained and loosely packed.

Of no small importance is the use of special enzymes with necrolytic and anti-inflammatory effects. Modern medicine For these purposes, he also uses ultrasound, vacuum treatment of the wound cavity, and laser.

When the inflammation subsides and the wound cavity is cleared of non-viable tissue, doctors begin a new stage, the task of which is to suppress the infection itself and stimulate reparative processes. If there are no complications at this stage of treatment, there is no need to use drainage or an hygroscopic dressing. The use of ointments containing antibiotics and stimulants begins. Secondary sutures are applied, and the edges of the wound are closed with adhesive tape.

Later, during the scar formation phase, various physiotherapeutic procedures become relevant.

Treatment of an inflamed wound, especially in the presence of pus, is carried out locally, and in addition, general treatment is carried out.

Objectives of local therapy for wound inflammation

During local treatment, the doctor is faced with the following tasks:

fight against various microorganisms in the wound area,

providing drainage to remove pus,

cleansing the wound area of ​​dead tissue,

reduction of inflammation.

Methods of general treatment of inflammatory wound diseases

General treatment consists of the following areas

Antibacterial therapy inflammation.

General detoxification of the body/

Wound treatment aimed at increasing immunity.

Anti-inflammatory treatment.

Therapy is symptomatic.

Injuries, often with severe damage to the skin and tissues, are fortunately not an everyday situation, but, alas, not excluded.

Inflammation of the wound, the causes of which can be very diverse, is a natural process in severe wounds.

If you do not respond to wound inflammation in time, the symptoms may intensify significantly and enter a critical phase, leading to serious complications. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main signs characterizing wound inflammation, the treatment of which, subject to simple rules, can be fast and effective.

Wound inflammation: causes inflammatory process on various stages healing

The healing of any wound surface occurs in three physiological stages, each of which is characterized by certain visual and symptomatic manifestations. It is worth noting that the healing of damaged tissue is always accompanied by an inflammatory process, the signs of which decrease as the wound heals. In order to promptly identify and prevent atypical inflammation, you need to know well what characterizes each stage of healing.

Stages of healing and external manifestations wound inflammation

Exudation - local reaction vessels and tissues. It is characterized by slight swelling, as well as slight redness of the tissues surrounding the wound and the release of a specific exudate (liquid part of the blood) from it. Wound exudate on at this stage represents clear liquid. Often there are blood clots in it. Over time, the surface of the wound becomes covered with a whitish film - fibrinous plaque. Duration of this period depends on the area and depth of the wound surface and can last up to seven days from the moment of injury. If at this stage the wound becomes infected, the amount of exudate released increases sharply. It becomes cloudy and acquires a characteristic odor.

Regeneration (proliferation)- restoration of damaged tissues. At this stage, tissue granulation occurs. Fibrinous plaque disappears, the tissues are covered with new cells, forming small tubercles on the wound surface bright red(granulation). There is practically no exudate from the wound; it is still transparent and may contain only a small amount of blood. At the slightest injury, the exudate becomes bloody. Discoloration of granular areas, pallor, indicates re-infection.

Epithelialization- complete healing and scar formation. There is no exudate, the surface of the wound is dry. Inflammation at this stage can only occur due to damage or secondary infection.

With large wounds, healing may occur unevenly. Often the central part of the wound surface is cleaned faster and the edges of the wound do not have time to heal, which slows down its healing.

Sometimes the inflammation of the wound surface increases sharply or its healing proceeds too slowly. There are a number of reasons that can affect the inflammatory process.

Inflammation of the wound: causes affecting slow healing and re-occurring inflammatory process

1. Primary or secondary infection of the wound surface.

Primary - infection directly during injury;

Secondary - may arise as a result of incorrectly performed, in violation of the rules of asepsis, primary processing wounds. As a result of infection due to repeated mechanical trauma to the wound surface or improper local treatment.

2. Weakened immunity and general exhaustion of the body. Chronic infectious diseases (HIV, AIDS, tuberculosis and hepatitis). Availability chronic diseases that can impair blood circulation: varicose veins veins, diabetes, chronic pathologies kidneys, liver, as well as disorders and malfunctions of the cardiovascular system.

3. Deterioration or disruption of diet and rest.

Often, exacerbation of inflammation in a wound is associated with improper treatment, or rather, with self-medication.

Wound inflammation: symptoms of inflammation of the wound and nearby tissues. Possible complications

During primary or secondary infection, the wound cavity can get anaerobic bacteria, fungi and microorganisms of various origins, which are the root cause of the resulting inflammation.

The main symptoms of wound inflammation and their signs:

Increased temperature in the area of ​​the wound surface;

Sharp hyperemia (redness) of nearby tissues and their swelling;

The released exudate becomes cloudy and viscous - purulent;

Throbbing pain in the wound area;

General malaise: increased body temperature, dizziness, weakness, and in some cases nausea.

Wound healing - difficult process and not only the speed of healing, but also the absence of complications depends on the correctness of the prescription and the accuracy of the treatment. Incorrect treatment may contribute to the occurrence of sepsis, tetanus, gas gangrene, rabies. The appearance of purulent and infectious inflammatory processes in the wound area: abscesses, infiltrates, phlegmon or erysipelas.

Wound inflammation: treatment and prevention of possible complications

Wound treatment- a rather lengthy process. The speed of healing depends on the nature of the injury, the degree of infection, the depth and area of ​​the injury, as well as general condition body. Therefore, first of all, local treatment is carried out aimed at reducing inflammation.

Perform daily sanitation of the wound using aseptic solutions, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial medications local application: solutions and ointments, preparations that allow you to clean the wound and protect it from secondary infection. In the early stages of healing and further treatment of the wound, aseptic solutions are used: 3% hydrogen peroxide; ready-made solutions “Chlorhexidine”, “Furacillin”, “Fukartsin”; a weak solution of potassium permanganate, etc. They treat the edges and wash the wound cavity, cleaning its surface from contaminants, specific secretions and foreign bodies caught during injury (splinters, fragments, debris, etc.). Also, bandages are applied with aseptic solutions in the first few days. The use of ointments at this stage is not recommended. Ointment dressings are applied later, depending on the condition of the wound.

In parallel with local treatment carry out general drug therapy, aimed at suppressing the infection - a course of antibiotics is prescribed, drugs that increase immunity and help reduce the inflammatory process. In more severe cases, it may be prescribed infusion therapy(droppers) to reduce intoxication. Along with this they carry out symptomatic therapy aimed at suppressing side symptoms and treatment of chronic diseases.

At the granulation stage, inflammation is treated with ointments, gels or special powders that inhibit the growth of granulations and prevent drying out of the wound surface, which can protect the wound from re-infection. Under no circumstances should Vishnevsky ointment be applied to the wound at this stage. It increases blood flow and circulation in the wound area, thereby stimulating intensive growth granulations. The tightening of the edges of the wound during healing may not keep pace with the growth of tissue in the center of the extensive wound surface. The epidermis will not have time to cover the new tissues, and they will remain open, rising significantly above the skin level. The popular name for this unpleasant formation is “wild meat”.

After complete healing and during the period of scarring, the wound site should be properly treated for several days (3-4 days) with a solution of brilliant green (green) or apply bandages with alcohol solution calendula. This will help relieve inflammation that accompanies the scarring process and speed it up.

Relieving wound inflammation and treating it are directly related. If inflammation is not reduced, wound healing will be delayed, and if the wound is treated incorrectly, inflammation will intensify. To relieve inflammation and treat wounds, in parallel with drug treatment, tools and techniques can be used traditional medicine. It is highly recommended that you seek advice before using them. professional doctor, since many remedies involve tight closure of the wound surface medicinal herbs and applying lotions with infusions and decoctions of herbs to its surface.

To prevent the wound from becoming inflamed and to heal quickly, its surface must “breathe”. Tight covering of the wound surface contributes to the accumulation of exudate and, accordingly, additional inflammation. And this is fraught with serious complications.

A common pathology that is addressed to surgeons is a purulent wound. This condition requires timely and adequate treatment, to avoid severe consequences. In the treatment of purulent formation, antibacterial agents are used that suppress dangerous microflora and help cleanse it. In addition, symptomatic treatment aimed at eliminating pathological symptoms is advisable.

In this section you will find answers to the following questions: what are the causes and symptoms of infection of injuries, how to treat purulent wounds, what drugs can be used, what to smear on a purulent wound, how to properly bandage a suppurated wound, and you will find answers to other equally important questions that interest you .

Causes of wound suppuration

Any wound can fester. The process of suppuration develops under the following conditions:

  • Contamination of the wound, entry of foreign bodies into it. This contributes to significant contamination of the wound with bacteria;
  • Large area of ​​damage, crushing of soft tissues, puncture wound with a narrow and long course;
  • The presence of areas of necrosis (dead tissue), blood clots in large quantities.

In modern surgery, there are several main reasons that provoke the development of purulent injury:

Symptoms of infection

The clinical picture of a purulent wound is very characteristic. Experts identify both local and general symptoms, the severity of which depends on the type and size of the injury.

TO local characteristics relate:

  • In the lumen of the injured area are visualized purulent discharge. Their color can range from light yellow to brown. It depends on the causative agent of the infection (staphylococcus, streptococcus, coli, fungi and so on);
  • Intense pain. In the presence of an unopened abscess or swelling, it is pulsating in nature. Sometimes the pain is unbearable;
  • Hyperemia(redness) in the area of ​​damage;
  • Swelling of the surrounding soft tissues;
  • Local hyperthermia, that is, the skin around the wound is hot to the touch;
  • If a limb is damaged, its functions are severely impaired.

General signs of pathology are characterized by a violation of the patient’s condition:

  • Weakness, lethargy;
  • General hyperthermia is an increase in body temperature, which is accompanied by chills;
  • Decreased appetite or its complete absence;
  • Nausea;
  • At laboratory research blood reveals signs of inflammation; leukocytosis (increase in the number of white blood cells), accelerated ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate).

How to remove pus from a wound

For processing to be effective it is necessary. If there is little pus, then you can simply wash the wound with solutions. However, when heavy discharge the contents of the injury should be drawn out. Drains can be used for this purpose.

Drainage happens:

Local medications are aimed at preventing the spread purulent infection wounds throughout the body. In cases where this type of therapy does not have the desired effect or complications develop, it is indicated general treatment using systemic action.

The following groups of drugs are most often used:

  • Tetracyclines (Doxycycline);
  • Semi-synthetic penicillins (Ampiox, Ampicillin);
  • Macrolides (Azithromycin, Clarithromycin);
  • Aminoglycosides (Gentamicin, Izepamycin).

System antibacterial drugs are available both in the form of capsules, tablets, and in the form of solutions and powders for injection. What shape medicine The attending physician decides whether to use it in a given situation.

When the infection has spread significantly, parenteral antibiotics are indicated. IN severe cases they are administered intravenously.

It should be remembered that uncontrolled use antibacterial agents leads to the adaptation of microorganisms to them and the appearance stable forms. That is why all prescriptions should be made by a doctor and only if other treatment methods do not work.

Wound dressing and bandage care

It is carried out 1 – 2 times a day depending on its condition.

In some cases, emergency dressing may be required:

  • Significant contamination and wetting of the bandage;
  • Appearance bloody discharge, which are clearly visible on the bandages;
  • Increased pain;
  • If the bandage has slipped and exposed the wound.

This manipulation is performed by a surgeon and nurse. With pronounced pain pain relief is required.

Dressing a purulent wound:

During the day it is necessary to monitor the bandage and monitor its condition. It must be protected from getting wet and dirty. If the bandages are moderately saturated with pus, the nurse should bandage the bandage. If the discharge is heavy or bloody, you should inform your doctor.

Traditional methods of treatment

Justified in the presence of small wounds with slight release pus. Before using such methods, you should consult with your surgeon and rule out allergies to the components.

For washing and processing use:

Aloe pulp has a good wound healing effect. The leaf of this plant should be washed, peeled and used whole or crushed (gruel). This compress needs to be changed every 3 hours.

Antiseptic and antibacterial property possesses onions and garlic, they are also used in treatment purulent wounds. A paste is prepared from them, which is applied to the injury on a napkin. This compress should be secured with a bandage.

Possible complications

Purulent wounds can lead to the development of complications:

  • Unhealed wound- if for a long time (longer than 7 days) there is no visible tendency towards cleansing and healing;
  • Lymphangitis- inflammation lymphatic vessels located near the damage. There are red strands on the skin. In this case, the infection extends beyond the wound surface;
  • Lymphadenitis– the infection spreads to regional The lymph nodes. They increase in size (visualized round formations) and hurt. There may be a slight increase in body temperature;
  • Osteomyelitis- inflammation bone tissue. This condition develops when the infection penetrates deeper into the soft tissue;
  • Sepsisgeneral infection organism, which manifests itself as intoxication. In severe cases, there are signs of brain damage and coma.

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When receiving a wound of any nature, the most important point is to prevent possible tissue infection, which will significantly complicate treatment and increase the healing period of the injury.

If infection has occurred and an active purulent-inflammatory process is observed, it is important to know what measures should be taken to correct this situation.

What to do if the wound has festered, how to treat a festered wound, what ointments can be used and how to treat a purulent injury at home - you will learn more about all this by reading this article.

Signs of an infectious process in a wound

It is important to remember that any wound received, regardless of its type, size and severity, is considered infected with harmful microorganisms. The only exceptions here are injuries resulting from surgical interventions and carrying out operations, since they immediately undergo the necessary processing and are therefore considered sterile.

If an infection develops that gets into the wound along with a traumatic object or from environment, certain signs can be observed. In particular, on early stage development of an anaerobic infection, severe intense pain appears at the site of injury, creating a feeling of tissue distension. In this case, pain may appear unexpectedly, seemingly against the general background normal condition patient and relative well-being. Such pain may appear in different period, which can range from several hours after treatment of the injury to 1 – 2 days.

The nature of the pain differs in intensity and persistence, it is not possible to eliminate such sensations medicines. The pain persists even after the bandage is removed or loosened, it becomes exhausting, constant, and disrupts the patient’s sleep and peace.

Some time after infection, pronounced swelling begins to appear at the site of the wound, occurring in the direction from the peripheral part of the purulent-type injury to its center, while the surface of the tissue acquires either a sharp pallor or a purplish-bluish color.

The phenomenon of tissue crepitus may occur when gases begin to accumulate in them. Gradually they begin to appear and Clinical signs presence of toxic-infectious shock.

In some cases, signs of infection may be smooth, not indicating the presence of obvious pathological process. In this case, to clarify the diagnosis and identify the development of infection, a special bacteriological study is carried out.

What to do if the wound is festering

The goal of treating a purulent wound in which suppuration is observed is always to remove from it not only protruding pus, but also dead tissue.

Before starting to treat a wound, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water., as well as monitor the cleanliness and sterility of all materials and instruments used. Hands can be treated with an antiseptic, after which medical disposable gloves should be worn.

Bandages, as well as gauze for liners in dressings and gauze napkins, must be sterile. This condition is mandatory. Instruments used for dressing must be sterilized.

After removing the dirty bandage from the damaged area and carrying out the initial cleaning of pus, the gloves must be changed. After this, you should use tweezers to take a gauze napkin, soak it in iodine, and treat the surface of the skin around the wound several times. This measure is necessary to prevent re-infection of the injured area with bacteria and microbes located on the surface of the skin.

After washing and cleaning, you should apply a special ointment that belongs to the antibacterial category and has antimicrobial effect, for example, Solcoseryl, composition. The ointment is applied directly to the surface of the wound, covered with a sterile gauze pad, which is attached with pieces of plaster or a sterile bandage.

Treatment of purulent wounds always involves proper and regular treatment., changing dressings, as well as applying specialized ointments to the wound site. Treatment should be as intense as possible, so it is important to carry out treatments and change dressings every 4 to 6 hours.

Preparations for the treatment of festering wounds

The main means of treating purulent wounds are specialized ointments, which have special requirements in medicine.

Means for the treatment of purulent wounds should:

  • Effectively destroy infections located inside the injury.
  • Slow down and completely stop the development of the inflammation process.
  • Clean wounds from secreted pus, as well as dead areas of damaged tissue.

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  • Form a reliable barrier that protects the wound from the penetration of various harmful microorganisms from the environment.
  • Do not interfere with the removal of pus. Purulent formations must have a free exit.

When treating at the first stage of the recovery process, starting approximately from the third day after receiving the wound, it is recommended to use water-based ointments, for example, Sulfamekol, Levomekol, and Dioxin at a concentration of 5%. In addition, after cleaning and treating the wounded areas, ointments are applied, the purpose of which is to stop the growth and spread of bacteria, as well as to accelerate tissue regeneration processes.

It is important that the ointments applied accelerate the granulation process. You can also use, for example, Tetracycline or Gentamicin.

Ointments are also used in treatment, providing combined action, capable of not only eliminating the existing inflammatory and infectious process, but also stimulating the healing of damage. Such remedies include the well-known Vishnevsky ointment, Oxycyclosol, and Levomethoxin. The application of such drugs under medicinal dressings stimulates faster scar formation.

Often, in the treatment of purulent wounds, conventional Ichthyol ointment, having a budget cost and excellent efficiency. She has a pronounced antiseptic effect, has an analgesic effect on damaged tissue. In addition, ointment with ichthyol has anti-inflammatory properties.

An important point is that this drug, when applied to wounds, does not enter the general bloodstream, and therefore does not have a systemic effect and does not affect the entire body. Such properties of the drug allow it to be used even in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women.

Traditional methods for treating purulent wounds

How to treat a festering wound at home:

When to see a doctor

You should consult a doctor for help if you receive any fairly serious injury. skin and soft tissues.

Of course, minor injuries, such as ordinary household cuts with a kitchen knife when cooking, scratches and other minor injuries, can be treated at home yourself using the right means and carrying out timely treatment of wounds. But for more serious injuries, you should consult a doctor.

Seeing a doctor is mandatory if signs of inflammation, pain, tissue swelling, severe redness and the formation of pus begin to appear in the wound.

What to do if the wound festers and does not heal for a long time? If in this case the patient’s condition worsens, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

Abrasions, splinters and other skin damage usually do not cause concern, but in vain

Photo from udoktora.net

“It will heal before the wedding,” people say - and they are terribly surprised at the big problems that arise because of trifles. How to avoid complications?

Human skin is an amazingly durable and easily regenerating organ. Minor abrasions and scratches healthy person heal in a matter of days and without consequences. At the same time, with unstable immunity, poor location, contamination, even trivial damage poses a danger, becoming a “gateway” for various infections. Much depends on the nature of the wound. Let's look at the most common of them.

A cut
Deep damage, wide wound surface, caused by a sharp object. The most favorable wound for healing is that nearby tissues are not damaged, the flowing blood will “wash away” the bacteria, and infection is unlikely. Possible complications: foreign body, bleeding, tendon damage, rough scar. Special treatment does not require, for large cuts it is better to tighten the edges of the wound with a plaster or BF glue; in case of scarring, consult a dermatologist.

A small wound surface, the damage was caused by a sharp narrow object (nail, thorn, needle), the outflow of blood and ichor is obstructed, a favorable environment for anaerobic (not requiring oxygen) bacteria. Possible complications: foreign body (fragment), infection. Requires observation for 2-3 days.

Wide, uneven, usually contaminated wound surface, there is damage or crushing of soft tissue, hematoma. A favorable environment is formed for staphylococci, streptococci and other bacteria. Possible complications: slow healing, suppuration, infection. Requires careful processing and removal of damaged tissue.

Laceration with damage to the skin and soft tissues, caused by a sharp object (claw, thorn). Possible complications: slow healing, infection. Requires careful processing.

Coral disease and more

Through scratches and abrasions, pathogens of many diseases enter the body. In general, doctors consider any wound other than a surgical one to be infected. In a person suffering from circulatory disorders, diabetes, reduced immunity, depression, overwork, the chance of getting infected is higher. Infection is also facilitated by pollution, exposure to cold and damp (wet shoes and clothes) or humid heat. How can you get sick from a simple scratch?

Sepsis, aka “Antonov fire” and blood poisoning. Occurs due to contamination of the wound with staphylococci, streptococci, and less commonly other microbes. Symptoms - redness of the skin around the wound, swelling, purulent discharge, severe headache, amazing chills, temperature up to 39-40. Requires urgent medical attention.

Felon- spicy purulent inflammation finger or toe due to an infected puncture or abrasion. Symptoms: excruciating bursting pain, redness and swelling of the phalanx, nail, joint, sometimes visible accumulation of yellowish pus under the skin. Requires urgent surgical intervention.

Tetanus - infection, caused by clostridia and affecting the entire nervous system person. Symptoms: acute, twitching pain in an already healed wound, convulsions (first of the jaws - a person cannot open his mouth), then of the whole body, paralysis and in 17-25% death. When pricked by rusty objects and soil getting into the wound, a prophylactic tetanus vaccination is necessary.

Cat scratch disease, or rickettsicosis, carried by domestic animals, most often cats. Symptoms: the appearance of a pink rash at the site of scratches, then lymphadenitis, fever, headaches, malaise, loss of appetite. The disease lasts 2-3 weeks and requires medical supervision.

Coral disease- a disease of tourists and divers. Few people know that living corals are dangerous to humans; even the slightest scratch is enough to cause severe allergies and inflammation. Symptoms: the damaged area turns red and swells, suppuration begins, the lymph nodes become enlarged, and the malaise lasts for several months. In severe cases, exacerbation of chronic diseases occurs. Medical assistance required.

Proper dressing of wounds

Initial treatment of cuts, scrapes and abrasions should always be done. Even if you are confident in your own iron immunity.

1. Clean the wound surface from debris, dirt, etc. (if necessary).

2. Clean the wound clean water With laundry soap or hydrogen peroxide.

3. Inspect whether there are hanging pieces of skin or soft tissue, how deep the wound is, whether the bleeding has stopped, whether there are any foreign bodies left.

4. If you need to cut off several pieces of skin, do it with nail scissors treated with alcohol. For extensive injuries, you need a doctor!

5. If there is a foreign body and it is small (a splinter, a plant thorn, etc.), remove it yourself with tweezers. Try to remove a broken needle or pin with a magnet. Large shards of glass sharp pieces It is better not to pull out iron, wood chips, etc., especially those located near large vessels - bandage the wound and carefully take the victim to the hospital.

6. If the bleeding does not stop, lift the limb up, pack the wound with sterile gauze or a hemostatic sponge, apply a tight bandage (for an hour or two, no longer), apply ice (in a bag so as not to contaminate the wound). If the dressing gets wet quickly or blood is flowing more than 30 minutes - consult a doctor.

7. Rinse the wound with chlorhexidine, and if desired, lubricate it with brilliant green. Iodine burns the wound surface, use it only as a last resort.
8. Wounds on the feet, palms, fingers, in places where clothing or shoes will put pressure on them, it is better to bandage or seal them with BF glue or a “breathable” plaster.

9. With normal immunity and health, the scratch will be covered with a scab in 1-2 days and will heal completely in 3-7 days. If the wound festers, the skin around it turns red, pain appears - try again rinsing the wound with peroxide, treating it with chlorhexidine and lubricating it with antibiotic ointment.

10. If the pain intensifies, the redness and swelling spread, and the skin around the wound becomes hot, consult a doctor. If the skin turns black, it appears bad smell, the temperature rises - urgently go to the hospital!