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Etiology and pathogenesis. Bubonic plague - symptoms. Forms of plague

All of us [living in the] Gulf of Mexico region are being force-fed one new signature recipe, and it's already becoming available all over the world. And although this recipe was carefully guarded for 8 months, after studying the abundant “supplies” received by the residents of the coast, we were able to “figure out” it. We have these ingredients in abundance, but the recipe itself and the method of preparation are no longer any special secret.


Fill a large bowl with salty ocean water. Add a generous dose of crude oil, followed by a cup of liquid correction. T-ita (from Nalco - under company name"corexit"; just be careful not to spill a drop on yourself!). Then stir gently and let sit for a day or two. When the new liquefied oil mixture begins to settle to the bottom of the bowl, be sure to let the resulting gases bubble happily to the surface in an orange foam. This will mean that you can move on to the next - and most important - stage.

Quickly add syn-bio (from JCVI, SGI and other private companies), as well as a colloidal mixture containing iron, copper and other natural chemical elements to initiate an interactive maturation process. Let all this calmly stand for at least 6-9 months and nothing interferes with it. When the gas stops coming to the surface, and the mixture at the bottom takes the form of a black gelatinous liquid, consider that the first stage of preparation is completed.

The cool thing about this new cutting-edge recipe is... what exactly formed after completion of this first stage. [It turns out] no one knows! And it’s not surprising that some people started calling it I don’t know what “BP’s special dish on a silver platter.” But have no doubt: as soon as this “decoction” at the second stage begins to release mutant biologically active ingredients (which it seems to have already begun to do), the rest of the world will immediately “suddenly” pay attention to it...


There was no oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. If you fill a glass with water and, while holding it in your hand, bump into something, causing some of the water to spill out, then yes, this is a spill. But if you open the tap and let the water fill the glass, and then continuously overflow, this is no longer a spill. Closer to April 22, 2010, as a result of numerous drilling operations that began in [section] Mississippi Canyon-252 back in 2009, the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico became covered with faults, and continuous flow of crude oil, and most importantly - gases accompanying oil, such as methane. And this is called “oil and gas flow”.

If there is a continuous flow of toxic crude oil and gases into the Gulf, how can it be stopped? No way. The only solution to such a problem is to find a way to interrupt [such a flow] before it can reach the surface in large quantities. This is exactly the kind of outflow that has occurred, is occurring, and will continue to occur in the Gulf of Mexico.


Microbes can transform, process and destroy toxic oil and gas. Natural microorganisms in all oceans (for example, bacteria) are known to do this, and it usually takes tens of years or more. This is a slow natural process. So yes, natural biology can do this job, but in the case of a continuous flow, even all the “hydrocarbon-hungry” microbes of the world combined will not be able to eliminate such an amount of oil and gas in a short period of time. The decisive factor here is time.

Over the past decade, synthetic biology has emerged as an emerging scientific field. Today there is already genetic biology that artificially forms chains of RNA and DNA - both viruses and bacteria.

In the 1980s, designer jeans were considered fashionable. Today we have genes"from the designer."

Shortly after Deepwater Horizon's hell broke loose, US government scientists - with grants paid for by BP - began giving us "deep hints" about what exactly they were doing with all that crude oil and gas. In May 2010 [magazine] National Geographic quoted Dr. Terry Hazen from the US State Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory :

“...we can introduce genetic material into natural microbes through a bacteriophage—a virus that infects a bacterium—to give the native microbes DNA that will give them the ability to break down oil.” “Or,” he said, “in some laboratory you can create a completely new organism that will rapidly multiply in the ocean, eat oil, and which will need certain stimulants to live”...

According to Dr. Hazen, considered the world's leading expert on the biological remediation of oil pollution, there were two possible solutions. Either use artificially constructed viruses, which are called bacteriophages (or “phages” for short) to infect and change the genetics of natural bacteria [living in] the Gulf, or artificially create a completely new organism, that is the new kind bacteria that will eat oil and/or gas and introduce it into the [waters of] the Gulf of Mexico.

“This discovery provides a rare glimpse into the remarkable capabilities of an unknown family of microbes in the depths of the Gulf.”

Agree. WITH scientific point It is inconceivable that any other natural microorganism could do this, and artificially constructed microbes are definitely “obscure” compared to natural ones.

Georgia State University microbiologist Samantha Joey, who conducted an independent analysis of methane in the Gulf of Mexico, also agrees with me. Her words:

“It would take some supernatural microbes to do [what they claim].”

That's how it is, Samantha. They were designed “to order” and their “supernatural” genetics were created artificially.

On September 9, 2010, in a radio interview entitled Bridging The Gap(Fill in the blanks) taken from Dr. John Waterman was as follows:

“Microbes can transform; they may change. Viruses can turn into bacteria, and bacteria can turn into mold. In the Gulf we have a bacterium that has the ability to transform. She can transform [mutate] because she is attacked by a virus. This virus can change the genetics of a bacterium in such a way that it turns [mutates] into something very dangerous.

Some of these changed bacteria can become deadly, as bad as ebola. If the transformed bacterium becomes “volatile”, it will begin to be transmitted from person to person.

We are now on the brink of what could become a deadly pandemic. They must have known that this was the case. Everything she needs What [the bacteria] need to do is invade a human host... and once it starts, it becomes impossible to stop.”

In October 2010, I was contacted by Dr. Ricky Ott, author of a book about the aftermath of the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska. Her degree focus is in marine biology with a focus on the effects of oil on zooplankton. In those days, she had just read my article “It’s Foolish to Try to Fool Mother Nature,” and wanted to talk to me. To this day, she is the only American scientist who agrees with me that genetically engineered bacteria are eating into the oil in the Gulf of Mexico.

In an article she published while working in Ocean Springs, Pc. Mississippi, called " Biological recovery or biological threat? Dispersants, bacteria and disease incidence in the Gulf» Ricky recalls how the words of one local grandmother [nurse] made her reconsider her entire understanding of crude oil bioremediation. This grandmother said that she had the feeling that oil-eating bacteria “throw at everyone and cause skin diseases" Here's some of what Dr. Ott wrote:

"To make things even scarier, some of the oil-eating bacteria have been genetically altered or biologically engineered to be better at eating oil - including Alcanivorax borkumensis and some Pseudomonas."

Pseudomonasalcaligenes is a Gram-negative aerobic bacterium that is used for bioremediation purposes because it can degrade aromatic hydrocarbons such as benzene or methane. And Alcanivoraxborkumensis is also a gram-negative bacterium used for the same purposes, so it can decompose [various] petroleum hydrocarbons. Here you go. Another confirmation that artificial genes “by designer” are the reason that oil and gas in the Gulf is being “consumed” at an alarming rate.

But why are these gram-negative bacteria so important? The thing is, as Ricky Ott said,

“Petroleum-eating bacteria produce biofilms. Research has shown that these biofilms quickly colonize other gram-negative bacteria - including those known to infect humans."

Nurse Schmidt, with whom Ricky Ott worked in the Bay Area, explained it this way:

“This looks like a large-scale bacterial storm. And this may explain [why] different people different sets of symptoms are observed. In some we see respiratory complications, and in others we see cutaneous or gastrointestinal manifestations. I believe this is due to a large number colonized bacteria."

But this is not just any ordinary bacterial storm. In this case, there are artificially created bacteria for the biological cleaning of oil pollution that have caused mutations in countless species natural organisms in the waters of the Gulf and its airspace. As these various colonies begin to grow and colonize [other organisms], you will witness perfect genetic storm.


Since July 2010, I have written many articles on various forums, trying my best to warn - not only my family and friends, but the whole world - about the transformations taking place in the Gulf of Mexico. I described in detail and accurately how this evolution occurred and is still happening. FYI, I did some research and posted my findings on the World Vision Portal forum, a forum channel on YouTube, on the Blue Plague blog , and on weekly radio programs on the Living Light Network . In August, I appropriately dubbed the future pandemic the “Blue Plague of the Gulf of Mexico.”

To my disappointment, only a few were even willing to listen to me. I have been ignored or shunned on most Internet sites - the same sites owned and operated by people who supposedly claim to represent the people of the Gulf Coast. Although many of them do not represent us in any way. Some exist for their own purposes, such as “finding clients for their law practice”... Others use the Bay Area victims only to make a name for themselves. Still others disappeared altogether once BP and government agencies declared the Gulf oil disaster over. Meanwhile, the truth about this is that it is by no means over. The worst is yet to come when warm water and air accelerate the growth of synthetic, mutated viruses and bacteria this spring and summer.

What is happening in the Gulf of Mexico is not a regional problem only for those who live there. This is a problem on a global scale. Subtle viral and bacterial signs are already starting to appear everywhere. Mysterious, unexplained diseases affecting fish, marine mammals, animals, poultry, trees, plants arise due to artificial genomes that transform natural organisms and cause their mutation - both in the ocean and in the air.

I talk constantly with both my family and friends, including doctors, scientists, registered nurses, boat captains, shrimpers, and fishermen. They all agree that "scientifically engineered" mutated organisms - resulting directly from the introduction of artificially engineered genomes into the Gulf - can and will certainly become a pandemic or even multiple pandemics. As a friend of mine with 30 years of experience in traumatology and clinics in Louisiana said,

“It's like an opera in which the main characters are Frankenstein and Neptune. And when the crayfish finally whistles in the final scene, it may be that only a few of the audience will get to hear it.”

In conclusion, I’ll just say what I haven’t stopped saying all these months...

Wherever the Gulf blows,

Where will the water flow from the Gulf...



Bacteriophages are viruses that modify the DNA of bacteria. There are many types of bacteriophages. Some simply infect the host bacterium, others make their own “insertions” and change the bacterial chromosomes.

Some of these viruses transfer their DNA material to the host cell and cause changes in its genetic code. Certain bacteriophages can enter a host cell, but rather than immediately producing new viral material, the bacteriophage's DNA is simply integrated into the bacteria's chromosomes.


Bacteria are large groups of single-celled microorganisms that grow to a certain size and then reproduce themselves through asexual reproduction. Under optimal conditions, bacteria can grow and divide at rapid rates; Some bacterial populations can double every 9.8 minutes. In general, bacteria have a single ring chromosome and inherit identical copies of their parents' genes (that is, they clone themselves).

WITH Intia is a very beautiful and euphonious name. Even too beautiful for a product of genetic engineering - a synthetic bacterium artificially bred to clean up oil spills. Its large-scale use in the Gulf of Mexico resulted in unpredictable consequences: bacteria stopped eating oil and switched to other organic matter. It's people's turn...

Cynthia suddenly decided to diversify her diet with more acceptable products than oil: shellfish and corals, fish and seals. Poor animals, once in water contaminated with synthia, do not survive: the bacteria destroy the entire skin in a couple of days, which turns into terrible bleeding ulcers. And only when the problem seriously affected humans, the bacteria were given a more fair and accurate name - “blue plague”.


In May 2010, a sensational message spread around the scientific world: the company Synthetic Genomics Inc.Under the leadership of geneticist Jay Craig Venter, she created a completely artificial cell with a computer-designed genome that does not contain any natural DNA at all. Moreover, this new form of life had the ability to self-reproduce and function organically in any cell. The prospects for a scientific discovery look absolutely fantastic. Venter himself, testifying before the House Energy and Economics Committee on May 27, 2010, said: “One of the great advantages of synthetic genomics is that there is no longer a need to access any physical source of a specific DNA sequence. Fragments of this sequence are simplyare created from scratch through chemical synthesis and assembled into entire chromosomes and organisms. This ability to synthesize (prescribe) DNA and use it in the construction of new cells can catalyzemajor transformations in terms of what properties organisms can be endowed with..." Simply put, it became possible to create microorganisms with any given properties to achieve various goals. For example, to generate fuel. Back in 2009, Craig Venter and his company entered into an agreement with oil and gas giant ExxonMobil to develop cheap and environmentally friendly fuel. The issue price is $600 million. The source of biofuel will be algae with a modified genome, which, by absorbing carbon dioxide, synthesize new hydrocarbons, similar in composition to the organic substances of oil and useful for the fuel industry. All algae need is sunlight and water, their biomass increases very quickly, and they can be grown in unlimited quantities. Even more promising are bacteria that can secretehydrogen. But Yale University researchers have developed a direct method for generating electricity using bacteria. Just two cells can convert the energy of chemical reactions into electricity with an efficiency of 10%.Synthetic biology will easily help fulfill the daring human dream - so that everyone on earth is well-fed and healthy. Millions of bacteria colonies will be able to synthesize countless amounts of food, medicine and other necessary substances, purify water,destroy deposits of plastic and other waste. In this case, the costs will be minimal, andweather vagaries will no longer affect the process of growing crops.Work is already underway to create symbiont bacteria that can live in the human body, search for cancer cells in it and destroy them. And in the future, we should expect the emergence of a system of so-called biobricks, from which it will be possible to assemble new organisms as easily as in a children’s construction set. And therefore, Dr. Drew Andy’s call: “To hell with nature! Let's build new living systems that will be easier for us to understand, since we created them ourselves.” And here, very opportunely, a sensational oil platform disaster occurs in the Gulf of Mexico. At first glance, gigantic oil spills are unthinkable not only to destroy, but even to contain. Cynthia comes to the rescue...


The use of synthetic bacteria to clean up the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico initially yielded amazing results. The number of oil spills was rapidly decreasing, the surface of the bay was clearing. To activate the process from aircraft and sea ​​vessels There was a continuous spraying of chemicals, day and night, which created conditions for the rapid proliferation of bacteria. The press spoke with delight about the victory of reason overuncontrollable element. However, this did not last long: the bacteria mutated, stopped eating oil and switched to feeding on other organic compounds. Moreover, the bacteria began to somehow structure, unite, and in the depths of the bay blue-green “lenses” - colonies of artificial bacteria appeared, which devoured absolutely all organic matter in their path. The bottom landscape after passing through such a “lens” looked like something out of a disaster movie: frozen, dead corals hang over the sandy bottom of the bay, strewn with shells of eaten mollusks, shells of crabs and other arthropods. Nothing alive. Meanwhile, the “Blue Plague” was making its way ashore. Birds died by the thousands in Arkansas and New Orleans. It was reported that “the birds showed signs of injury breast tissue, there were blood clots and extensive internal bleeding in the body cavity,” that is, destruction blood vessels with hemorrhage. People who swam in the Gulf of Mexico were soon covered with ulcers, and a week later they died in agony. The activity of synthia, as it turned out, causes the formation of ulcers not only on the skin, but also in the internal organs. Skin rashes, boils, tumors, pneumonia, internal hemorrhages along with many other symptoms recently acquired by Americans living in the Gulf of Mexico area are directly related to these bacteria.

In 2010, during the “Exchange of Opinions” program on Voice of America radio, a nightmarish figure was announced: more than 100 thousand people in the region were already sick with the “Gulf plague”, hundreds of millions would be affected one way or another. Meanwhile, CNN reported: “128 British Petroleum spill response workers have fallen ill; they were asked not to go to public hospitals.” But authoritative scientists warned about such a development of events. Dr Helen Wallace of Genewatch UK, a UK genetics research watchdog, told reporters that the synthetic bacteria could be dangerous. “If you release new organisms into the environment, it can do more harm than good,” she says. - By releasing them into contaminated areas for the purpose of cleaning, you, in fact, create a different kind of pollution. We don’t know how such organisms will behave in the wild.”


Former oil industry executive with 25 years of experience and now human rights activist Ian Crane said that what is happening inThe Gulf of Mexico is an operation to exterminate the population. Retired American Colonel Michael Edward wrote an article in February 2011, “The Blue Plague of the Gulf of Mexico is Sanctioned Bioterrorism,” in which he emphasized that American residents living in the southern United States were subjected to “genetically engineered biological terror.” He believes that “purposefully engineered biological warfare will soon become global as horizontally transferred synthetic genes spread silently through water and air. It has already begun to suddenly appear in fish, birds, mammals and humans.” According to Edward, there are now four artificially created genetically modified bacteria present in the Gulf of Mexico. All forms of life - from plankton to whales and humans - faced the same problems here. Artificial bacteria multiply very quickly and cannot be destroyed by any of the known antibiotics. The person whose body is infected with this infection is doomed. This means that the regional catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico is becoming a global problem. Meanwhile, the creation of a new company (with the participation of the capital of BP, the culprit of the oil nightmare) was announced - Synthetic Genomics Vaxins Inc. (SGVI). It will focus on developing the latest generation of vaccines using genomic technologies. This promises super-profits: first make artificial microbes, infect almost the entire population of the globe with them, and then offer a “saving” vaccine...

Just recently, a columnist for the website Sister Mercy reported terrible things in the Gulf of Mexico.
And the worst thing is not the pollution of the water area with hydrocarbons. The worst thing is the biological experiments of the British Petroleum company, which is trying to fight spilled oil by using artificially created oil-eating bacteria.

They are the “blue plague” of the Gulf of Mexico.

Instead of a preface.

An October review of Gulf of Mexico Metastasis (Link) mentioned BP's use of synthetic "petroleum-eating" bacteria to clean up the Gulf spill. Upon closer examination of the topic, it turned out that we could be talking about the accidental or deliberate use of broad-spectrum bacteriological weapons, which pose a potential threat to life on Earth as such. Despite the enormity of the disaster, the environmental and economic damage it caused, and the considerable number of deaths, “no one had anything to do with it.”

BP slightly shook its finger and the corporation feels quite comfortable and even has a profit of 1.1 billion. pounds sterling for the third quarter of 2010. Link

Many publications on the English-language Internet, as well as videos, indicate that there is a concealment of the true scale of the tragedy at the government level. Small groups of independent researchers and local Internet/radio broadcasts on the topic go largely unnoticed; some of them died under strange circumstances. At the same time, possible consequences what may very well be one of the key “moves” in the game of reducing the Earth’s population is so important that it is irresponsible to dismiss this information. There are too many incredible coincidences found in and around this topic. But about them next time.

So, here's the first material. This article is replete with technical terms, but certainly deserves attention. In their publications and radio broadcasts, researchers in solidarity with the author of the article challenge the scientific community: check our data and conclusions, confirm or refute them, just don’t be silent! Over the course of several months, many adults and children who swam or walked near the Bay fell ill with a strange disease that caused no effective means. Short news reports continually state the death of residents from the so-called. "unknown virus", "blue flu" or "blue plague". And silence... But the Gulf of Mexico is connected to the whole world across the Atlantic...


It's stupid to try to fool Mother Nature. Those who think they can get away with it may suddenly discover that the revenge will be much greater than they bargained for. And all because Nature will respond with such short teething blows that will shake the very foundations of the earth, as well as life itself. Playing the role of the Creator is a very dangerous game.

In light of its new logo and corporate image campaign, BP wants the public to perceive it in the spirit of its new slogan: “Beyond Petroleum”. BP is much more than just oil company. What is revealed next about BP and its “bigger-than-oil” activities, both before and after the Gulf of Mexico disaster, will build the puzzle for the reader in a step-by-step manner. And when he reads everything here and puts the pieces of the puzzle together, it will become more than obvious to him that VR tried to fool Mother Nature... and she is striking back with a vengeance, which will affect the entire world. This deadly game has gotten out of control. What began in the Gulf of Mexico in February 2010 has now grown into a man-made biological nightmare of unknown proportions.

Synthetic genomics
(Genomics is Scientific research the entire DNA sequence of the genome of an organism. The genome is the collection of all the genetic information contained in the chromosomes of an organism, including its genes and DNA sequences).

On June 13, 2007, BP entered into a long-term research and development contract and made an undisclosed investment in a company called Synthetic Genomics Inc., based in Rockville, California. Maryland. Synthetic Genomics, co-founded by Dr. J. Craig Venter, would turn genomics-based technologies into a moneymaker.

BP/ Synthetic Genomics extracted such DNA from oil-bearing geological formations (more precisely, from biological organisms living in crude oil) and applied DNA sequencing to them. Translated into understandable language, this means that they took DNA from microbial cells living in underground oil reservoirs, i.e. bacteria or viruses, after which they began to develop them in a laboratory environment in order to identify, isolate and decipher their chemical and genetic properties. In addition to the initial identification and isolation steps, additional “sequencing techniques” were also applied.

A key aspect of the deal between BP and Synthetic Genomics was the development of biological transfer processes for crude oil that could lead to enhanced oil recovery. That is, their goal was to develop new microbes with laboratory-created genomes that could increase the flow of oil and gas extracted from the reservoir. For an oil-producing company like BP, “more oil and gas” extracted from their subsoil translates into “more profit.” This process is known as microbiological enhanced oil recovery or MEOR.

The microbiological method of enhancing oil recovery involves the use of microorganisms for additional extraction of petroleum products from an oil-bearing deposit. These microorganisms are introduced there through oil wells so that they produce byproducts that stimulate oil production. Since such processes promote the mobility of oil and maintain its flow, they can be used to extract large volumes of oil from the well.

Microorganisms produce slippery substances called surfactants (surfactants). These substances break down oil. Because they are naturally produced by biological microorganisms, they are called bio-surfactants. They act about the same, slippery to the touch detergents, and help oil escape more freely from host rocks and fractures.

Oil is a thick liquid with a very high viscosity, meaning it has low fluidity. Microorganisms help break down the molecular structure of crude oil, making it more fluid and easier to extract.

As by-product During their life activity, microorganisms produce carbon dioxide. Over time, this gas accumulates and begins to displace oil, squeezing it out of rocks.

The alliance between BP and Synthetic Genomics was focused on the development of new microorganisms with artificially created genomes (synthetic DNA) to improve the flow rate of gas and oil reservoirs. The alliance itself was publicly announced on June 13, 2007. How long ago the alliance agreement itself was actually concluded is classified corporate information.

It is logical to assume that since BP is paying for genetic research to enhance oil recovery and production, it would need to introduce the newly minted microorganisms created as a result of its alliance with Synthetic Genomics into the oil reservoir located under the 252 license in the Mississippi Canyon geological block.

According to BP's application to the Mineral Management Service (MMS), they were to drill and kill 2 exploration (non-producing) wells, designated Wells A and B. In the event of solving the problem of increasing current and future production using enhanced oil recovery (MEOR) technology ) exploration wells are usually used to inject or introduce microorganisms and a nutrient medium for them into an oil reservoir.

The first exploration well was partially drilled by Transocean in October 2009, but its semi-submersible drilling platform Marinas was damaged by Hurricane Ida and was towed away for repairs in late November. On February 3, 2010, the semi-submersible Deepwater Horizon began exploration drilling to complete the work left unfinished by the Marinas rig. On February 13, 2010, BP informed the US Minerals Management Service that it had encountered uncontrolled gas emissions and large cracks at the base of the well. It was for this reason that she applied there, and on the same day received permission to liquidate and plug the well.

Shortly thereafter, Deepwater Horizon began drilling another exploration well for BP. The results of this second drilling operation are well known to all of us: the Deepwater Horizon platform was destroyed on April 22, 2010. The only fact regarding both exploration wells that cannot be refuted is the extremely high gas pressure at the outlet of the oil reservoir and the resulting cracks in the ocean floor .

Say hello to Cynthia
In 2003, IDKV successfully synthesized a tiny virus that infects bacteria. And by 2008, the institute’s team was able to synthesize a bacterial genome. On May 6, 2010, IDKV reported that they had already created self-reproducing bacterial cells controlled by a chemically synthesized genome, which were called “synthetic mycoplasma mycoids JCVI-syn1.0.” This completely artificial cell with a computer-designed genome does not contain any natural DNA at all. Researchers from the Canadian ETC Group named her Cynthia. It contains special chains of “watermarks” so that its genome is recognized as artificial, and also has an indicator of antibiotic resistance.
One can only guess for what purpose this bacterium is endowed with hereditarily programmed resistance to antibiotics.

This new form of life has the ability to self-reproduce and function organically in any cell into which it is introduced. Its DNA is artificial, and it is this synthetic DNA that controls the cell and is one of the building blocks of life. Thanks to its computer-engineered DNA, this synthetic bacterial cell is the first of its kind. All funding for the work was provided by Synthetic Genomics Inc., a company with which BP is in an alliance and in which it has a significant stake in the assets.

Indeed, in strict accordance with its newly proclaimed motto, BP has gone far beyond purely oil interests...

Why was it necessary to mark the artificial genome with watermarks? Likewise, it is made a uniquely identifiable and patented (that is, privately owned) asset. What happens if a person is infected with Cynthia, this dangerous variant of the bacteria? The use of penicillin-based drugs to combat such an infection will not give any effect. Antibiotic resistance is part of her DNA, so it would be a waste of time.

What would happen if all of humanity were infected by this self-replicating life form through direct contact with it or through inhalation? Will we be exposed to the DNA of these artificial cells floating through the vessels of our bodies? Will Cynthia's cells combine with other bacteria in our body, giving rise to new, deadly bacteria?

Since this microorganism is man-made and computer-programmed, will it be exposed to electromagnetic radiation at frequencies to which its genomes are susceptible? There are a lot of questions that still need to be answered. But the most important thing is this: will we find these answers in time?

Let's continue to assemble our mosaic. The picture is starting to emerge little by little.

How to get rid of all this oil?
The oil spilled from the well is located deep at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. She won't be going anywhere for a long time. Its quantity is constantly replenished. There are no oil plumes there. But there are deep oil lakes.

In an interview with Rick Wells on the True News radio show on June 28, 2010, the late oil industry expert Matt Simmons, when asked why the US government is not taking the solution to the Gulf of Mexico oil crisis into its own hands, stated : “BP says it alone has the only technology to resolve it.” Given their three-year alliance with Synthetic Genomics and the genetic creations they have created, it is possible that the US federal corporation in the District of Columbia could be convinced that BP's breakthrough genomics technologies would be the preferred bet in this game. After all, an oil spill of this magnitude has never happened before.

From a scientific point of view, attempts to control natural microorganisms have always encountered problems. In a variety of environmental conditions, they behave too unpredictably. Chemist Chris Reddy of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution compared microbes to teenagers because they are just as difficult to control. In contrast, artificial microbial life forms like Cynthia are completely controllable through programming of computer-generated DNA.

Microbial ecologist Kenneth Lee argues that only microbes can eliminate oil in the ocean, and that biodegradation cleans up most oil from the environment. History confirms the correctness of his words, but the time required for this can take decades or even longer. We don't have that much time to remove oil from the Gulf.

Scientific American magazine writes: “The last and only defense against the ongoing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico are billions of tiny hydrocarbon-eating microbes. In fact, the primary motivation for using over 830,000 gallons of chemical dispersants on the film of oil on and below the surface of the water was to break the oil into smaller droplets that could be more easily absorbed by bacteria.”

If only there were some super-high-efficiency microorganism that could do this job much faster and more efficiently (wink or two).

It remains to add a few more pieces of the mosaic, and you will see the whole picture.

Dispersant factor
It is difficult to understand why BP decided to continuously spray dispersants such as Corexit from aircraft and ships from early May 2010 - day and night. This spraying was carried out not only over the bay, but also along the coastline. It is claimed that Corexit disperses oil, breaking it into smaller fragments, but is this the only reason for such a large-scale spraying operation?

In rainwater samples recently taken from the Gulf of Mexico, natural mineral elements, like copper and iron along with nickel, aluminum and magnesium. This is very unusual for the composition of rain clouds formed from a salty ocean. The only logical explanation is that such elements are supplied to the waters of the bay, from where they are transported with water evaporation and into rain clouds. And this can only happen in the only way: as a result of spraying a substance containing these elements in the air and above the surface of the bay and/or by injecting it under the surface of the water.

Are such components contained in Corexit? According to the manufacturer (Nalco) - no. This means that these natural elements must be added to what is then sprayed along with Corexit - but why? What is the benefit of adding elements like copper and iron to sea ​​water? Meanwhile, it is these natural elements with a nutrient medium that are added to the soil to accelerate plant growth. So why are they added to sea water?

Bacteria actively multiply in nutrient media. Natural minerals are essential building blocks of the nutrient medium in which bacteria thrive. Think of this spraying as "hydrofertilizing the bay" to make it a more fertile environment for hungry oil-eating bacteria. So-called dispersants not only break crude oil into smaller fragments, they also add activating minerals to it so that bacteria can multiply more rapidly and eat the oil faster. Such bacteria are called biopurifiers or bioremediators.

The big picture is starting to emerge. You're almost there.

Cynthia has a cousin.
The only missing component is a new and previously unknown gene for oil-eating bacteria that can survive low temperatures at great depths - where the lakes of oil and tar are located - so that they can decompose them faster than any known natural bacteria.

In a paper published in the journal Science, Terry Hazen and his colleagues at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory reported that in late May and early June 2010 they discovered cold water and underwater oil plumes, previously unknown species of bacteria eat oil and decompose it at an accelerated pace.

A few more movements, and our mosaic will be completely formed.

Hurricanes and vaccines from the depths of genomics
As I stated during our premiere broadcast on WVP Radio in August, no hurricanes will enter the Gulf of Mexico this year. (14) Since then, there hasn’t been one and there won’t be one. Otherwise, hurricanes and high-speed atmospheric currents would spread these synthetic bacteria throughout the planet.

They (i.e. BP, British Petroleum - N.S.) have to isolate the biological nightmare they created until they either find a way to control it or create a vaccine based on artificial genomes of microbes to neutralize its effects. Wasn't this their plan all along?

On October 7, 2010, Synthetic Genomics Incorporated [with equity capital invested by BP] and IDCV announced the formation of a new company, Synthetic Genomics Vaxins Inc. (SGVI). The privately held company will focus on developing next-generation vaccines using genomic sequencing and IDCV's expertise in artificial genomics, coupled with the intellectual property and business acumen of Synthetic Genomics Inc. to significantly improve and refine the vaccines under development.

How exciting it is that the BP/Synthetic Genomics alliance now has its own proprietary vaccine company! However, what will this cost humanity? It’s so profitable: not only to create artificial bacteria, but also to offer a vaccine against them in case any problems arise. When you create bacteria and control their DNA, you know how all this can be stopped. Truly, BP is much more than oil!

"We are happy to use our Hi-tech in the field of synthetic genomics to revolutionize vaccine production,” said Fernanda Gandara, President of IDCV.

Impact on humans

The ETC Group is an international civil society organization based in Ottawa, Canada. In their recent press release they stated that:

“Synthetic biology is a high-risk, profit-making field by building organisms from previously poorly understood parts. We understand that laboratory-created life forms can escape and become biological weapons, and that the use of such forms poses a threat to the existing natural diversity of life forms. Most worryingly, Craig Venter is putting this powerful technology at the service of the world's most irresponsible and environmentally damaging industry, partnering with corporations like BP and Exxon to accelerate the commercialization of synthetic life forms."

Now we have scientific confirmation that “previously unknown species of oil-eating bacteria in cold water” are greedily gobbling up oil in the Gulf.

How do these new synthetic bioremediation bacteria from the Gulf interact with humanity? This is a completely virgin and secret territory. We already know how marine mammals such as whales and belugas reacted to them. And those who did not leave the affected areas died... along with all other marine fauna and coastal vegetation. While the effects of crude oil on human health are well understood, the effects of dispersants containing man-made oil-eating bacteria are not. No one has done anything like this before, not to mention the incredible scale of operations now taking place.

There is a reason that gun-laden soldiers and armed local police forces guard these so-called "dispersants" stored in warehouses and staging areas along the Gulf Coast. If competent specialists were able to analyze samples of these substances, the chemical and biological anomalies contained in them - even unique DNA signatures - would become public knowledge. BP still calls its wizards' concoction Corexit in order to hide the fact that it is no longer just a branded product from the manufacturer.

The physical symptoms of the “VR flu,” “VR mucus,” “blue flu,” or whatever you want to call it, are as unique as the synthetic bacteria used in the Bay. Since humanity is carbon-based, how exactly will these artificially created, hydrogen- and carbon-hungry bacteria affect human flesh?

Internal bleeding along with ulcerating skin lesions are typical physical symptoms of the signature of their computer-generated DNA.

BP and its paid hangers-on released a man-made biological plague into the Gulf of Mexico, and it got out of control. The whole world is a victim of their greed and recklessness. By taking on the role of creator, they began to play a very dangerous game with limitless consequences for life as we know it.

Those who allowed and agreed to such a cover-up bear equal responsibility for this with BP. Those of us who live in the Bay Area must demand that every national and local politician and government agency explain why they allowed this to happen and why they are allowing it to continue. They are all responsible for lying to us and hiding the truth from us.

So, have you collected all the pieces of the puzzle? Now do you see the whole picture?

This is what colonies of artificially transformed bacteria look like

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Translation from English
Sister Mercy

Plague is a deadly disease that has no age or gender differences. It has multiple routes of infection and is characterized by severe symptoms. The vector of infection is black rats. It is not for nothing that the plague has such a popular name - the Black Death. In the 13th – 16th centuries, the plague took the lives of 25 million people over the 300 years of its invasion in Europe alone. Treatment for plague for a long time was ineffective, mortality reached 99 - 100%.

A brief excursion into history

History does not know of a single disease that has claimed more human lives than the Black Death - the plague. 3 major plague pandemics have been officially recorded.

The Black Death was first mentioned in historical documents dating back to 1334. The plague was recorded in the south and east of China, India and Turkestan. The infection then spread to the territory where Libya, Egypt and Syria are now located. By the end of 1348, the disease had struck the population of Italy. In this country it was particularly rampant, and no treatment yielded results. Some documents refer to the first plague pandemic as the “Florentine Plague.” Neither doctors nor church ministers could help the desperate population. The Black Death fueled an anti-Semitic movement against the Jewish population. Many believed that it was because of the Jews that punishment came from above. The massacre of Jews in the 13th century reached a special scale - all Jewish settlements were killed in 3 cities of France.

The second plague lasted until the end of Justinian's reign. Therefore, in the 16th century, the Black Death received such a name - the “Justinian pandemic.” During this period, a quarantine was established for ships arriving at the ports. They had to stay in the port for 40 days. This reduced the spread of the plague throughout the cities, but treatment of the disease was still unsuccessful. Often there were no living people left on ships that were in quarantine - the plague killed everyone. It was observed that the plague had receded after the Fire of London. Cities where the Black Death reigned began to be burned. A cure for the plague was found only in 1666. But few people noticed that soap and water became the real weapons against the plague.

Susceptibility to the disease is very high - the Black Death has no gender or age restrictions. Plague refers to natural focal infections. Natural plague zones exist on all continents. They are not only available in Australia. So, for example, in the territory Russian Federation There are 12 danger zones where there are outbreaks of plague.

Besides territorial zones narrower synanthropic zones are also distinguished:

  • urban hotspots
  • port outbreaks
  • ship fires

Rodents are considered the sources and keepers of the infection, and fleas are considered to be the carriers, remaining infectious for up to 12 months. The plague infection is located and multiplies in the digestive tube of the flea. A plug with a large number of plague microbes forms in the front part of the flea - a plague block. Here's how rats become infected with plague:

  • flea bites rodent
  • Bacteria are washed away from the plague block
  • with reverse blood flow, the bacterium is transmitted into the blood of the rodent, making it a source of infection

Paths of infection by plague

The National Guide to Infectious Diseases defines plague as a zoonotic disease that is not transmitted from person to person. That is, a person can catch an infection from an animal, but no one can become infected from a person. This is not a completely accurate definition. Most scientists attribute the Black Death to zoonotic diseases, when the infection is transmitted from both animals and people.

The disease can be transmitted to people in the following ways:

  • Flea bites are transmissible;
  • Through infected animals upon contact with damaged skin or mucous membranes;
  • Upon contact with biological fluids of an infected person (urine, secretions, sweat) - contact;
  • Through household items with which an infected person or animal has come into contact - household contact.
  • Through the air in the pneumonic form of plague - airborne;
  • When consuming contaminated food.

The causative agent of the disease

In appearance, the causative agent of plague, the bacterium Yersinia pestis, resembles a stick. It does not have flagella or spores, but when it enters the body, it forms a capsule and begins to grow and multiply quickly. 40 hours after settlement, entire colonies of adult bacteria form in the body. The bacterium is highly contagious. This is facilitated by a number of predisposing factors:

  • The capsule that envelops the bacterium protects it from antibodies.
  • Small villi help to penetrate into the environment.
  • The capsule contains substances such as coagulose, which interfere with blood clotting.
  • Antigens to the antibodies that the body is trying to produce are produced at a temperature of 36 degrees and are very active.
  • Some substances found in bacteria suppress the oxidative process, reducing the body's protective activity.

That is, all the features of the bacterium Yersinia pestis contribute to its virtually unhindered growth and reproduction. The causative agent of this disease is very stable. It remains infectious for a long time:

  • The bacterium lives in the sputum of a sick person for 10 days;
  • On clothes, handkerchiefs, underwear of a patient that came into contact with the secretions of an infectious person - up to 90 days;
  • In water, the bacterium remains alive for 90 days;
  • In the pus of the wound of an infected patient - 40 days;
  • In soil, the bacterium remains deadly for up to 7 months;
  • The death of the bacterium does not occur even at low temperatures and freezing;
  • It can only be killed by direct force. ultraviolet radiation and the use of disinfectants - it dies in 30 minutes. At high temperature– 100 degrees – death occurs instantly. It is for this reason that some historians claim that the plague in London was eliminated by the famous London Fire, during which it was completely destroyed most of cities.

But the real salvation from the plague - the antibiotic that conquered the Black Death - was developed by Bacon.

Symptoms of the Black Death

The incubation period of plague lasts from the moment the pathogen enters the body until the first clinical manifestations - from several hours to two weeks. The first pathogens that enter the body of a healthy person remain at the entry point (for example, on a bite wound); some move to the lymph nodes. The period begins clinical manifestation diseases.

The first signs of plague are clearly expressed:

  • Chills and fever suddenly appear.
  • The high fever lasts until death or at least 10 days.
  • There is severe weakness and aches throughout the body.
  • Thirst and nausea are symptoms of any type of plague.
  • In the pneumonic form of plague, the main symptoms are coughing up blood and constant, incessant vomiting of blood.
  • Also, the main signs of the plague are a special facial expression, which is called the “plague mask.” Dark circles appear on the face under the eyes, facial expressions take on an expression of horror and fear, suffering. The tongue is covered with a thick coating - a chalky tongue.

The standard symptoms of the disease are easy to identify in separate group. There are 4 of them:

  • At the site of entry of the pathogen, a spot appears, which is characterized by stages: it transforms into a rash that rises slightly above the skin - a papule, then into a vesicle filled with liquid.
  • Formation of a plague bubo on the second day of the disease in the area of ​​the lymph nodes. Lymph nodes during bubonic plague greatly increase in size. The pathogen multiplies in them and an inflammatory-edematous reaction occurs.
  • Changes appearance person: there is pallor or blue discoloration of the limbs and nasolabial triangle, face. The pulse changes and blood pressure decreases.
  • When sick, blood clotting decreases.

Forms of the disease

Taking into account the methods of infection of the disease, its localization and prevalence, the following forms of plague are distinguished:

Signs and symptoms
Localized form Generalized form
Skin plague Bubonic plague Septicemic plague Pneumonic plague
A bubble with serous contents appears on the body. When palpated, pain is felt, and after opening the bubble, an ulcer with a black bottom forms at the bottom - therefore, another name for the plague, as mentioned earlier, is the black death. Increase lymph nodes. This can be one node, the dimensions of which vary from walnut to the apple. The node is shiny and red, dense, painful on palpation. On the 4th day the bubo becomes soft, on the 10th day it opens. Death occurs within 4 to 10 days. Rapid deterioration general condition sick. Visible signs appear - hemorrhages on the skin, mucous membranes, internal bleeding. The most dangerous among all types of plague. All the symptoms of the plague appear sharply, and pulmonary symptoms are added to all this. The pathogen attacks the walls of the alveoli. Clear signs– dry cough, which intensifies after 2 days, sputum appears. At first it is a foamy discharge, clear like water, and then becomes bloody. Sputum contains a large number of pathogens that are transmitted by airborne droplets. Death can occur 5-6 days after infection.

Some researchers also identify a mixed form of the disease, when one type transforms into another. The most common are pneumonic and bubonic plague. Death from the plague has always been very high and reached 95 - 99%. Today, when ways to combat the plague have been found, it is treated, but the mortality rate reaches 5 - 10%.

Diagnosis and treatment

Many cities that were overwhelmed by the plague were burned. Doctors who tried to help infected people dressed in anti-plague suits. These were floor-length leather raincoats. A mask with a long beak was put on the face, into which various herbs were placed that have antiseptic properties. When the doctor inhaled, the herbs sterilized the air. Doctors put garlic in their mouths, rubbed their lips with it, plugged their ears with rags, covered their eyes with crystal lenses - all entry points were closed for the pathogen, contact was as limited as possible. Such protection actually protected against infection for a short time.

Today the diagnosis of this dangerous infectious disease includes a number of studies. It is carried out in anti-plague suits, in specially equipped laboratories.

  • Comprehensive examination of those places where symptoms dominate: enlarged lymph nodes, nasopharynx, blood, urine, feces.
  • Standard laboratory tests of sputum are carried out.
  • X-ray diagnostics of lymph nodes, focal rashes.
  • Be sure to examine the patient’s place of residence, etc.

Treatment is carried out in several directions: etiotropic (against the pathogen), pathogenic (fight against general symptoms), symptomatic therapy. People suspected of having the plague must be treated with antibiotics.

Disease prevention

Prevention and treatment of the disease can be specific and emergency.

  • Specific prevention includes the use of antibiotics.
  • Emergency prevention is vaccination, which few people consider to be an effective method of saving oneself from the plague.

Plague is a zoonotic disease, so vaccination does not create lasting immunity to the disease, as, for example, the smallpox vaccination once helped. Vaccination against plague only reduces the risk of contracting the plague. Therefore, vaccination against plague is not included in the list of mandatory vaccinations.

The vaccine is recommended to be given to those who are at risk: medical personnel in plague outbreaks, laboratory workers, people in those professions who, due to the nature of their work, encounter foci of infection: archaeologists, geologists, ecologists, etc.

Mass prevention through vaccination is considered inappropriate even in areas that have acute outbreaks of this disease.

  • Firstly, immunity against the disease after vaccination does not last long.
  • Secondly, no studies have been conducted to confirm the effectiveness of mass vaccination, so it is unknown how the plague will behave once it enters the vaccinated body. In Vietnam, where a plague epidemic was recorded, vaccination did not help protect against this disease.
  • It is also necessary to take into account that the plague vaccine is very expensive.

Vaccination is carried out with a live vaccine, which is administered subcutaneously to people from 7 to 60 years old and subcutaneously to children from 2 to 7 years old, as well as pregnant and elderly people. Revaccination against plague is carried out a year later. But once again we draw your attention to the fact that vaccination against the plague does not save you from the disease, but only reduces the risk of contracting the infection. It should also be borne in mind that the vaccine was developed against bubonic plague and is not at all effective against the pneumonic form of the disease.

With the introduction of antibiotics to combat the plague, the danger of this disease has greatly decreased. But there is no certainty that the black death will not return again. The problem of the plague remains relevant today. Over the past 60 years, 4 thousand cases of plague have been registered in the territory of the former USSR. There is still no consensus on how to carry out treatment and prevention, on the benefits of vaccination, or on ways to combat vectors of infection.

Bacteria Cynthia (Mycoplasma laboratorium) is a strain of mycoplasma capable of independent reproduction, bred in laboratory conditions using gene transplantation. The synthetic type was intended to destroy the consequences of an oil spill in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico by absorbing it into bacteria.

But something went wrong... The American media screams in the news about the terrible deaths of birds, fish and other marine life, whose internal organs and skin have literally rotted, corroded by unknown microorganisms.

Not only animals became victims of a terrible incurable disease. Human deaths have also been recorded. The epidemic began precisely in the Gulf of Mexico area, which leaves no doubt about who the culprit is: Cynthia.

The Birth of Cynthia, or the Minimal Genome Project

The essence was to isolate from mycoplasma 381 genes that are minimal for the life support of a cell using the synthesis of a DNA chromosome sequence. As soon as a chromosome carrying a minimal set of genes was synthesized, it was immediately transplanted into Mycoplasma genitalium, hoping that by dividing the mycoplasma would reproduce cells with an artificial set of DNA.

In 2010, the creation of Mycoplasma laboratorium, consisting of 1 million base pairs (pairs of identical RNA or opposite DNA) synthesized from scratch, Mycoplasma mycoides, transplanted into Mycoplasma capricolum, was officially patented. After the genome was inserted, the new species became capable of reproduction.

Bacteria testing in the bay

The news of the creation of a safe biological ocean cleaner from oil pollution has spread all over the world.

In 2011, it was decided to release bacteria into the World Ocean to destroy oil spills that pose a threat to the ecology of the entire earth. The bacteria fed exclusively on oil, which became the source of pride for its creators.

But soon terrible consequences appeared - microorganisms got out of control. There were messages about terrible disease, called by journalists the “Blue Plague,” which caused the extinction of a huge number of birds, fish, and animals that lived in the Gulf of Mexico.

"Blue Plague"

According to unproven data, the Cynthia bacterium stopped feeding on Gulf of Mexico oil, switching to more “tasty” food. Getting into microscopic wounds on the body of animals, it spreads through the bloodstream to all organs and systems, literally corroding everything in its path in a short time.

In just a few days, the skin of the seals became covered with ulcers, constantly bleeding, and then almost completely rotted. The affected areas depicted in the photo cannot but evoke disgust, but at the same time compassion for animals. Also, during examinations of the dead, ulcers and blackening on internal organs were discovered.

Information has emerged that the bacteria have switched to people. Diseases were recorded among local residents who swam in the Gulf of Mexico, leading to death.

Looking at photos of people's limbs on initial stage illness, you can notice red blisters on the affected areas, like burn marks - the first symptom of a multiplying infection. Blisters are very painful. Timely treatment, namely surgical scraping of the affected areas, can save you from amputation.

There is no cure for Cynthia’s bacteria; not a single antibiotic works on her, so death is inevitable. Once in a tiny wound, it begins to multiply with amazing speed.

The only way out, as with gas gangrene, is to amputate the affected area, preventing the infection from spreading further. Otherwise, infected internal organs begin to bleed, and the person dies from internal hemorrhage.

On the coast of the bay it often washes up strange, tarry-looking balls. Judging by the photos presented, they are brown, about the size of quail egg. This is the result of the release of oil deposits that contain the culprits of infection.

The balls should absolutely not be touched or broken. By destroying red blood cells, they can cause bleeding - ear, vaginal, rectal, nasal, especially in women and children. But is Cynthia really the culprit of this terrible incurable disease, and is the disease really so new?

Necrotizing fasciitis

A disease similar in its course and symptoms to the “Blue Plague” is called necrotizing fasciitis. It is caused by bacteria that have long been known to everyone - Streptococci, namely Streptococcus pyogenes, as well as Clostridia (Clostridium perfringens).

Microorganisms affect subcutaneous tissue, corroding the flesh, causing rotting, why does a person dies. Quite often outbreaks of the disease are recorded, which may indicate Cynthia’s innocence.

Points for and against

The scientists who created the bacterium Mycoplasma laboratorium unanimously claim that the bred bacterium is capable of feeding only on oil, which is a product of plant origin.

Cynthia simply cannot digest animal protein, which may indicate her innocence. Just as it removes responsibility from its creators, and also makes the government innocent, which allowed the release of bacteria into the World Ocean, which gradually spreads them throughout the planet.

It would seem that everything is logical, unless the bacterium, capable of accelerated reproduction and not dying from the action of antibiotics, acquired new abilities and characteristics through the process of mutation, and learned to feed on animal organisms.

The demonstrative swimming of the American president and his family in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, in a place significantly distant from the accumulation of the Cynthia bacterium, does not guarantee that it is not the causative agent of the terrible plague. Local residents are prone to panic, many even moved to a safer place of residence.

Massive fish kill in the New Orleans area, death of a huge number of birds in Arkansas. The same symptoms and external signs indicate the spread of infection: blood clots indicating ruptures of blood vessels and internal organs, abdominal bleeding. There have been news reports of sternum injuries in birds, as well as an unknown toxin allegedly causing their deaths, which is hard to believe.