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Treatment of ear hematoma in dogs. Hematoma in a dog - symptoms. Causes of hematomas

Animal ear hematoma- this is an accumulation of a mixture of blood and lymph in the area auricle between skin and cartilage tissue. That's enough common occurrence in cats and dogs. The Best veterinary clinic in Novosibirsk provides services for surgical treatment of auricular hematoma on the day of treatment.


The formation of otohematoma is associated with damage to blood vessels in the ear area. This may happen as a result of:

  • bruises;
  • insect or other animal bites;
  • scratching (including those caused chronic otitis media, allergies or otodecosis);
  • chronic dermatitis.


Otohematoma looks like a hemispherical tumor on the surface of the auricle. The formation is soft to the touch, painful, hyperemic. Possibly mild fever and anxiety. The animal constantly tilts its head towards the damaged ear, obsessively tries to scratch it, or simply shakes its head.

Treatment of auricular hematoma

Uncomplicated cases are treated by evacuating accumulated blood and lymph by puncture with a needle, followed by aspiration of the fluid and injection of anti-inflammatory drugs into the resulting cavity. Typically, a solution of novocaine (0.5%), antibiotic and hydrocortisone is used for these purposes.

If the cause of hematoma formation is scratching due to itching, then mandatory treatment of the disease causing this itching is carried out at the same time. Also appointed antihistamines in order to prevent relapses.
In case of persistent relapses that do not respond to conservative treatment, it is prescribed surgical treatment otohematomas.
The skin in the area of ​​the hematoma is cut open, blood and fibrin are cleaned out, then pressed against the cartilage and fixed suture material. This prevents further accumulation of contents under the skin.

After surgery, it is mandatory to prescribe antibacterial drugs, and daily local treatment of the auricle with antiseptics is carried out. The auricle is covered with absorbent material and secured with a bandage. It is advisable to use a special collar until healing occurs. Sutures are removed between nine days and three weeks after surgery.

Prevention of ear hematoma formation

The resulting hematoma may long time disturb the animal. Without treatment, the skin on the pinna of the ear may rupture spontaneously. In this case, the ear can become infected with the formation of necrosis. Sometimes the accumulated fluid resolves on its own, but the skin remains wrinkled, the auricle is deformed and remains thickened due to the active growth of fibrin in the cavity.

Prevention of hematoma is timely treatment pet ear diseases. To do this, it is necessary to regularly examine the animal’s ears for the development of otodecosis, otitis media or dermatitis. Dirty ears are wiped with hypoallergenic lotion. Insecticidal treatment should be carried out regularly if the animal has free range on the street.
If a hematoma is formed as a result of injury, it is important to provide proper first aid. Placed on the auricle cold compress and a tight bandage.

The attentive attitude of the owner is the best prevention hematomas of the auricle.

Prices, rub.

The price does not include consumables and additional work

Question and answer

Good day. In your clinic, a dog (Labrador) underwent ACL surgery using the TPLO method. 04/16/2019 will be a month. There will be a similar one on the second paw. But there is a desire to sterilize the dog endoscopic method ASAP. We need to come to you on May 16, 2019 for a follow-up appointment and x-ray. Is it possible to perform an operation to sterilize a dog on the same day? Or is it early? And all these manipulations can harm speedy recovery dogs (taking into account the fact of the frequency of use of anesthesia, etc. medical supplies), as well as a recovery course for the development of the operated paw. Thank you! Irina

Question: Is it possible to do TPLO surgery and sterilization at the same time?

Hello! Yes, everything can be done at the same time. This does not affect the recovery process in any way.

Hello! The dog had acute renal failure after anesthesia 2 years ago. For two years now, the tests have been normal. The dog is now 8 years old. After each heat, she has severe cramps. The dog has not given birth. Can she be sterilized? What anesthesia is best to use? Now I'm very afraid of anesthesia. Tatiana

Question: is it possible to sterilize a dog if there was acute renal failure after anesthesia?

Hello! Sterilization is indicated. Risks taking into account normal tests no more than in other planned patients. Propofol anesthesia is used.

Hematoma is a small hemorrhage from damaged or ruptured vessels when mechanical damage. Often hematomas occur after falls or bruises. They are quite common in dogs, especially young dogs.


Hematomas most often occur as a consequence of injuries that caused bone fractures, severe bruises or ruptures of blood vessels. But there are other reasons for such hemorrhages.

  1. Microtraumas. They usually appear during surgery, especially in cases of incomplete stopping of bleeding.
  2. Bites from other dogs. If a pet has been in a fight with relatives, it is quite possible that hematomas will form.

Types of hematomas

Hematomas are classified according to several characteristics.

  1. By localization. It depends on where the hematoma is located further treatment pet. There are such types of hemorrhages as subcutaneous, intermuscular, intraorgan, intracranial and pararectal.
  2. At the site of hemorrhage. There are such types of hematomas as venous, arterial, pulsating and mixed.

Depending on where the hematoma is located, further treatment depends. Sometimes hemorrhages can cause your pet considerable pain and discomfort if they interfere normal functioning organs. Sometimes to combat hematomas it is necessary surgery(especially when pus accumulates in the damaged area).


You can even determine the presence of hematomas yourself, as they can easily be felt with your fingers. In addition, there are additional signs of hematomas.

  1. The appearance of swelling, which has a clearly expressed form and contours. A hematoma is characterized by a rapid increase in size and volume.
  2. Soreness. When touching the site of hemorrhage, the dog experiences discomfort, which may manifest itself as whining or sudden movements. However, after a few days after the hematoma appears, the pain subsides and the dog does not experience severe discomfort.
  3. The area where the hemorrhage occurred has an elevated temperature.
  4. The nearby lymph nodes become enlarged.

Sometimes hematomas practically do not cause the dog any discomfort and disappear quickly enough without additional treatment, but in most cases the dog needs to be given help.


In order for the fight against hematoma to be more effective, you need to contact a veterinarian. He will help you appoint correct treatment and prescribe the most appropriate procedures.

Treatment of hematomas consists of several stages.

  1. The beginning of treatment is aimed at removing the remaining blood particles. For this they use various ointments, compresses, lamps, valorization and solux.
  2. If the hematoma is extensive, surgical intervention is necessary. It is necessary to remove the accumulated blood from the area of ​​hemorrhage and inject novocaine-antibiotic solution into the affected area. After this, the dog is given a tight pressure bandage.
  3. To treat an ear hematoma, surgery will also be required. The resulting blood clot must be removed through surgery, after which the animal must undergo the necessary course of antibiotics.

In order to prevent the formation especially dangerous hematomas, you must consult a doctor at the first suspicion of hemorrhage!

The auricle of dogs and cats consists of three parts: outer, middle and inner.

1. Outer ear. Consists of the auricle, the motor apparatus of the auricle and the external auditory canal.

2.Middle ear. Consists of eardrum, tympanic cavity, chains of auditory ossicles and auditory tube.

3. Inner ear . Contains balance and hearing receptors. Consists of the bony and membranous labyrinths.

Bone labyrinth inner ear - system of cavities, in the rocky part temporal bone, is, to a certain extent, an imprint (“storage”) of the membranous labyrinth.

Membranous labyrinth is a set of communicating cavities, the walls of which are formed by connecting membranes, and the cavities themselves are filled with endolymph. These cavities form an oval sac with three semicircular canals, a round sac with a membranous canal, and an endolymphatic duct. The walls of the semicircular canals are lined with thin hairs.

The main pathologies of the hearing organ in dogs are: hematoma of the auricle, inflammation of the outer, middle and inner ear, otodectosis, dermatitis, eczema, adenoma of the ceruminous glands, foreign bodies in the outer ear canal etc.

Mechanical damage closed type(injuries, scratches as a result pathological process in the auricle) can cause hematomas or lymphatic extravasation requiring treatment in veterinary clinic a qualified specialist.

Hematoma- a type of bruise in which blood vessels rupture. A cavity forms under the skin containing coagulated or liquid blood. They often form in dogs and cats after injuries to the ears.

Treatment hematoma is aimed at removing accumulated blood and lymph. At the first stage of treatment, the doctor may suggest performing a puncture followed by aspiration of the contents and injection into the cavity medicines. If a hematoma has formed due to scratching due to itching, attention should be paid to treating the underlying disease (otitis media, allergies, otodectosis, etc.), thus preventing recurrences of the hematoma.

In case of relapse, surgical intervention is necessary. Above the hematoma of the auricle with inside a skin section is made, a fairly long straight or S-shaped incision, in which cicatricial deformation of the auricle is less likely during subsequent healing. Blood clots and fibrin are removed from the cavity. The cavity is sanitized. The skin separated from the base of the cartilage is pressed and fixed with through stitches. The stitches are placed in a checkerboard pattern along the ear to prevent circulatory problems. This method ensures a constant outflow of fluid until the cavity is completely healed.

After surgery, antibiotic therapy is used and local treatment auricle antiseptic drugs. The auricle is fixed with a bandage that absorbs secretions. For additional ear protection, it is advisable to use a special collar. Stitches are usually removed 2 weeks after surgery.

If you don't carry out therapeutic measures, the disease can develop in two ways. In the first case, the skin on the auricle, in the place of greatest tension, breaks out on its own, allowing the accumulated fluid to escape. Tissue infection and the development of necrosis (death) of the auricle are possible. In the second case, the accumulated fluid gradually resolves. In this case, the auricle, as a rule, becomes deformed and remains wrinkled for life.

Ph.D. Veterinarian, surgeon, therapist Volvak A.O.

Due to an accidental injury, a dog may develop a lump on its body. Do I need to go to the veterinarian to determine the cause of the disease or can I treat it myself?

In the article you can find out answers to frequently asked questions, and also write in the comments your experience and actions that helped you cope with a similar problem, but in any case it would not be a bad idea to go to the veterinarian for additional examination and identifying the causes, as well as choosing options to eliminate them.

The dog has a large hematoma full of fluid in the withers area; treatment at home

A fluid-filled hematoma may appear on the ear after a fight, accidental injury, or scratching.

There are two methods of treating this disease: conservative and surgical. The first is that the animal’s hematoma and the fluid filling it are sucked out with a syringe. After this, the needle is not removed, but an antibiotic is injected through it into the hematoma cavity to destroy the pathogenic microflora.

The procedure is repeated several times until liquid stops accumulating in the area of ​​the cone.

If conservative treatment doesn't help, they resort to surgical intervention. Sometimes after surgery the ear becomes deformed, tilts to one side or becomes smaller in size.

Simultaneously with the treatment of the hematoma, it is necessary to establish the cause of its occurrence. If it is otitis media or ear mite, due to which the dog was scratching its ear, it is necessary to treat the disease with appropriate medications.

Hematoma in a dog under the skin on the side, back, neck, paw, abdomen, head treatment at home

Hematoma occurs due to rupture blood vessel, and hemorrhage into the muscles. The cause of its occurrence may be injury or bruise, fractures, vascular ruptures, complications after surgery.

Sometimes it is difficult to determine the presence of a lump due to the animal's thick fur. If the hematoma is small and does not cause much discomfort to the pet, there is nothing to worry about; it will soon resolve on its own.

If the lump increases in size, hurts a lot, or appears from it purulent discharge, you need to rush to the doctor.

Hematoma in a dog after a bite from another dog, injection, surgery, vaccination, blow

There are different types hematomas depending on where they are located:
- intracranial;
- intermuscular;
- subcutaneous, etc.

When you visit a veterinarian, he will determine the nature of the swelling by taking appropriate tests, and only after that will prescribe treatment.

Bumps that appear after injections or vaccinations most often go away on their own and do not require any specific treatment.

A lump on a dog’s neck under the skin, jaw, what is it?

There are lymph nodes under the dog's jaw, so the presence of a lump in this place may indicate serious illness. If it does not go away within a month, you need to contact a veterinary clinic to clarify the diagnosis.

A lump on a dog’s neck after an injection, vaccination, or fight

Lumps on the neck may be a sign dangerous disease– lymphosarcoma. Therefore, even if you are sure that the cause of the tumor was a fight or a vaccination, it is better to undergo an examination at veterinary hospital, where they will accurately determine whether the neoplasm is benign or not.

Bumps after subcutaneous administration Drug symptoms may appear when the animal’s body reacts to the injected medicine or due to improper injection technique.

A lump on a dog’s neck is the size of a chicken egg, on both sides, it itches until it bleeds

It is imperative that you take your dog to the veterinarian. A lump in the form of a hematoma may be inflamed lymph node. It’s good if the tumor is of high quality, but it could be lymphosarcoma. The sooner you start proper treatment, the greater the chance of saving your dog.

This is such a handsome Lord. Pay attention to the left ear.

Hello friends! Recently I had to treat a dog with an ear hematoma, meet this handsome guy's name Lord. Today I propose to talk about what an ear hematoma is in dogs, the reasons for its appearance and methods of treatment.

Hematoma of the auricle, otherwise called otohematoma, is an accumulation of fluid between the cartilage and skin of the ear. A hematoma occurs due to rupture of blood vessels and/or lymphatic vessels, as a result, the ear greatly increases in size.

Main Causes of Injury

A dog can damage its ear on its own when it itches and scratches its paw or rubs its head on the ground, furniture, or other objects. During outdoor games with relatives, after bathing, when he shakes his head violently.

But itching in the ear can occur when exposed to foreign body, allergies, mite development or bacterial otitis media.

Also, a dog often gets injured during a fight with another animal: dogs, cats, representatives of wild fauna.

A person himself, through negligence, can harm his pet, if interested, I wrote how she was treated for an ear hematoma and how it arose.

Treatment methods

Two main methods are used, the first is conservative, when the contents of the hematoma are removed using a syringe.

Draw out the contents using a syringe

First, prepare the surgical field, trim the hair, treat the skin with an antiseptic (chlorhexidine, peroxide, iodine solution or similar drug). Then in top corner A puncture is made in the ear and the fluid is withdrawn, if possible completely. It is important that the dog is well fixed and does not twitch, otherwise problems can arise.

After the cavity has been emptied, do not immediately remove the needle; a solution of antibiotic, dexamethasone and novocaine must be injected through it. Each doctor has his own proportions and substances; they also depend on the size of the dog and the hematoma cavity.

I usually use for one injection: 0.5 ml of dexamethasone + 0.5 ml of novocaine + 0.5 ml of antibiotic. Ceftriaxone 500 mg is diluted with 5 ml of novocaine 0.5%.

The solution is administered to suppress microflora in order to reduce swelling and bleeding.

In this way, apply a tight bandage to the ear.

Sometimes, after the procedure, a tight bandage is applied to the ear to compress the vessels and reduce the rate of filling of the cavity.

Usually, after pumping out, the liquid accumulates again after a few days, so the procedure has to be repeated. And about 5-7 such repetitions are done, if positive effect no, the size of the hematoma does not decrease, then they resort to operative method treatment.

This method is good because it does not cause severe pain in the animal, and the cartilage is less likely to become deformed, but it does not always give a positive result.

Operative method

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. The surgical field is prepared, then the hematoma is opened.

Significant hematoma

Stitching the ear

Or a drain is inserted, the wound is not allowed to heal, and the hematoma cavity gradually decreases.

The operation allows you to quickly eliminate the hematoma, but with this method, deformation of the auricle almost always occurs, the ear becomes smaller, bends, and becomes thicker than a healthy one.


So that you don't encounter ear hematoma in your dog, pay attention to the underlying causes that lead to injury. In short:

Friends, I wish your dog never to suffer from an ear hematoma, but if such a problem happens, do not delay in contacting the veterinarian. Treat not only the hematoma, but also find and eliminate the reason why it occurred. See you in new issues, I look forward to your questions and wishes.