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Different types of horoscopes by date of birth. Main types of horoscopes

Life modern man– it’s a bustle, a frantic rhythm, a lot of constant things to do. The relentless and merciless desire to improve their own well-being, turmoil, all this sometimes leads people into confusion and confusion. difficult situations. Making decisions, choosing the right path - they often help here, but you need to find answers that contain at least some truth.
Today astrologers know several types of horoscopes, but everything is predictions, attempts to predict what will happen to the person who applied for a prophecy on a specific day. Perhaps the most famous horoscope is zodiacal. There is also a variety of it - love horoscope, people also often turn to advice eastern horoscope , but is considered the most honest by most fans of forecasts personal horoscope.
Personal forecasts are usually made for money. The degree of their reliability, of course, is higher than that of mass predictions. However, everyone decides for themselves Should you believe horoscopes?, and exactly which types of them, because the truth is always only partial. In addition, there is a possibility of stumbling upon dishonest people who are not professional astrologers.

If you are contacting an astrologer for the first time, without special knowledge in this area, you may be confused and confused by the abundance of terminology and diversity various types horoscopes. In this article brief overview some types astrological charts with explanations of what and where.

1. Natal chart (birth horoscope)

This is the basic starting point - birth horoscope for one person. Natal is built on date, time and geographical coordinates birth of a person. Time is recorded with an accuracy of several minutes. In many cases, it is necessary to carry out rectification - clarification of the time of birth. There are several methods for this, and many modern astrologers usually use the condensation method. It requires the dates of several (5-10) events that have already occurred in a person’s life. For example: injuries, hospitalization, death of a close relative, marriage, moving to another city. The method is based on the fact that for the time of birth sought to within a minute, the number of aspects for all these events will be much greater than for an arbitrary moment in time.

Natal chart can say a lot about a person - what kind of character he has, what his soul is and isn’t, what is best for him to do in life, how things will turn out, and so on.

2. Synastry (compatibility horoscope)

Strictly speaking, synastry astrology(exploring the compatibility of both couples and entire teams), operates with several types of cards. The main one is, in fact, synastry. It is the overlay of two natal charts on top of each other. One zodiac circle, two house tables, two “sets” of planets. When analyzing synastry, you can often hear from an astrologer expressions like “you have a Jupiter square.” How so? This means that Jupiter at the time of the birth of one of the partners (remember - there is only one zodiac circle) was at a distance of 90° from the place where Jupiter was at the time of the birth of the other. Which means that the Jupiterian manifestations of one person are in conflict (quadrature aspect) with the Jupiterian manifestations of another. And so on. In addition to synastric charts, compatibility astrology considers composite, average and other charts that look at the relationship of two or more people from different angles and in different ways.

3. Horary astrology

Horary astrology In general, it stands somewhat apart from everything else, and horary cards are read according to different rules - not like the others. Let's say you have a question. “Will the undertaking that has started end successfully?”, “Where to look for lost keys from home?”, “Will they hire me for the job for which I was interviewed today?”, “Will I win the trial?” Horary astrology deals with answering questions that imply a “yes/no” type of formulation, and, even more apart from the rest, answering the question “where?” (usually we're talking about about missing things or even people). At the moment the question is asked (or rather, at the moment the astrologer comprehends the question), a horary horoscope. According to strictly defined astrological rules, the significator planet of the querent (questor) and quaesis (question) is determined. Further, depending on what aspect these planets will form, the horary chart is analyzed and the answer is given - yes or no.

4. Transit horoscopes

Transit cards(they say: “view current transits”) are a superposition of the current position of the stars in the sky (horoscope for a given point in time, usually the present or near future) on natal chart person. For example, if a person is interested in what awaits him in the near future, then by analyzing the transit chart and seeing, for example, the activation of the person’s natal planets by the current transit planets, we can make a forecast. The events predicted by transits are quite accurate and specific. For example, if natal Mars is negatively aspected by malefic planets, then we can confidently talk about the likelihood of injury, or at least a couple of bruises. If positively aspected natal Venus, then - about changes for the better in the area of ​​relationships, comfort, harmony with the world. This is, of course, very simplified - full analysis transit horoscope includes many factors, and is available only to those who have spent enough time and effort studying astrology.

5. Planetary Return Charts

Each planet, sooner or later, one way or another, goes through the entire zodiacal circle and returns to the same point. Planetary return charts analyze the periods from one planetary return to the next. The most common of these cards is Solar, solar return horoscope. It is counted from one person's birthday to the next. If, say, a person was born when the Sun was at 22° Gemini, then the next time it will be there exactly one year later, when the Earth makes a full revolution around the Sun. The sun will be in exactly the same position as it was a year ago, but all the other planets around it will not. Their configuration among themselves and aspects to natal planets and will tell you what the year will be like for this person - until the next return of the Sun.

Another common card of this type is Lunar. This is, as the name suggests, a lunar return chart. It is valid during the lunar month.

6. Elective (selecting the right time)

You may need this type of card if you find it difficult to determine, say, whether you should start selling your car now or wait another week. Election horoscope will help you choose the most favorable time to perform any responsible action. The analysis of electives is based on the same analysis of transit configurations.

Not all the astrologers with whom the astrologer works are listed here, but after reading this material, you can no longer be afraid of drowning in the vast ocean of astrology and its terms and, by contacting an adequate astrologer, understand any of your horoscopes for 2013: Capricorn, Sagittarius, Libra, Geminis, Virgos and others will definitely be able to do it without much effort. And the main thing is that it is already possible more or less correctly navigate the world of horoscopes and choose the one that can help you find a solution to an exciting issue more accurately than other star divinations. // liveexpert.ru

Or personality astrology. This is perhaps the most famous branch of astrology. Almost all branches of astrology concerning humans are based on it. With its help you can determine the strengths and weaknesses character of a person, determine his temperament and potential capabilities. For example, you can determine the possibility of receiving an inheritance, the possibility of moving, getting married, career and financial opportunities, and much more. In other words, with the help of natal astrology we can look at the possibilities that are potentially inherent in us and, starting from this, we can adjust our life, sort out psychological aspects personality activity and determine growth points. After the astrologer has looked at the natal chart and determined the potential capabilities of a person, then you can move on to another section of astrology.

With its help, you can find the time when an event embedded in a person’s natal chart will have the opportunity to be realized. Also, with the help of it you can trace the development trend of a current event or look at the most important dates in a person’s life. For example, career ups, marriage, moving, and potentially dangerous periods for life, so that a person has the opportunity to avoid them.

One of the very ancient branches of astrology, with the help of which you can find answers to many questions. A special feature of horary astrology is the moment of constructing the chart - it is constructed at the moment the question is asked to the astrologer, and not at the moment of the person’s birth. The horary horoscope is laconic and answers a specific question. For example:
Question: Is it worth renting this apartment?
Answer:The apartment will suit you in most respects, and the owner of the property treats you very well and is a kind, gentle person. Neighbors will also not be a nuisance. The only thing is that at first you may need to spend a little money. For example, you realize that there are not enough kitchen utensils in the apartment or decide to change the curtains. There are many more advantages to moving to this apartment.

This is what the answer looks like according to the horary horoscope. Sometimes there is a little less information, sometimes a little more, but the point is that it only answers one burning question.

In other words – compatibility horoscope or relationship astrology. To construct this type of horoscope, two natal charts are used: the map of the questioner and his partner. By superimposing one card on another, the astrologer sees points of contact and points of negation in relationships. By the way, many people mistakenly think that the compatibility horoscope is based only on love relationships. Synastry is often and successfully used in business astrology, its benefits are especially obvious when hiring a new team member or business partner.

With the help of this section of astrology, the most successful dates for starting any business are selected. The most popular request is of course a choice auspicious date for a wedding or for starting a business. But elections can also be used not in very large-scale projects. For example, you can see the most favorable time to send business letter or going to a cosmetologist.

Or astrology of stones. Using this section, you can choose a stone that will help improve or correct one or another area of ​​a person’s life. Stones are selected individually, considering the natal chart and aspects of the planets.

Mundane astrology

This section of astrology examines various events on the scale of countries and cities. Various social events, change of government and so on. Often it is the predictions of mundane astrology that we hear from famous astrologers from the means mass media. And this is not surprising, because this section concerns not one specific person, but a very large group of people, and even entire states.

Medical astrology

This name, which is very clear to all of us, speaks for itself. This section identifies current and potential human diseases. Medical astrology is used by homeopaths and diagnosticians. With its help, a person is not cured, but it is possible to detect (together with traditional doctors) hidden diseases or carry out prevention of potentially dangerous diseases to avoid their development in the future.

Karmic astrology

With the help of this section, the karmic components of human life and ways to solve the problems of embodiment are revealed.


With the help of this section, the influence of a particular area on a person as he moves around the Earth is studied.

Meteorological astrology

This branch of astrology studies natural phenomena.

That's probably all the main sections of astrology. There are a number of other sections, which some astrologers classify as independent sections, but I will still classify them as subsections, because they include a little from each type of horoscope. For example, business astrology. As a rule, this section uses and natal astrology, and predictive, and elections, and synastry. Just this type is more focused not on a specific person, but on the team or the organization itself.

I hope my article was useful to you. Be sure to if you have any questions.

– zodiac. It is based on dividing all people into 12 different ones based on their birthday. According to astrologers, stars that line up in a certain way every month have huge influence on human behavior and psychology. Therefore, based on the zodiac horoscope, experts determine general characteristics, such as character and temperament, behavior in love relationships, and also suitable professions and susceptibility to disease.

This characterization has only a grain of truth, since zodiac horoscope– is quite general, and two people born under the same zodiac sign can be the exact opposite of each other.

Natal horoscope

This horoscope is more accurate than the zodiac, as it takes into account not only the day, but also the place of birth of a person. Otherwise, this horoscope coincides with the first. They also determine the main aspects of a person’s character and his predispositions.

To compile a natal horoscope, you need information about the day, exact time and place of birth, as well as exact coordinates settlement.

A natal horoscope can be made not only for a person, but also for any other object, for example a company, building, residential building. It will determine the fate of the building and possible subsequent problems.

Local horoscope

In addition to his birthday, a person’s character and destiny are significantly influenced by his place of residence, so another horoscope - a local one - can be drawn up every time you move to a new place of residence. The local horoscope is auxiliary, additional. When moving, a person’s character and other characteristics will not change. important characteristics, only the main line of fate will change, which this horoscope reflects.

Karmic horoscope

Karma is the return of certain actions that a person has performed in his life. A karmic horoscope helps everyone determine who they were in life and what karmic sins they suffered in their present life. With its help you can learn ways to improve karma for subsequent lives.

Compatibility Horoscope

There is also a horoscope that shows two people with each other, taking into account their character, temperament, sociability, and so on. It is compiled on the basis of the zodiac or natal horoscope. The compatibility horoscope determines how well two people fit together, what difficulties await them in relationships, how to smooth out conflicts that arise, what their life together and how long will it last?

Astrology is a very ancient science. Even in ancient times, it was noted that the date of birth can influence fate. If people are influenced by the same planet, their characters may be similar. Different cultures had their own characteristics and types of horoscopes, but today only the most popular and universal versions remain. Want to know more about this? Join us in reading this publication.

Translated from ancient Greek language The word "horoscope" means "watcher of one's time." Over the course of a year, the sun makes visible movement, forming big circle celestial sphere (ecliptic). At each time period, the Earth is influenced by certain celestial bodies. A horoscope is a display of the position of the Sun, Moon and other planets on the ecliptic at a given moment.

How astrologers make their predictions

A horoscope can be constructed not only regarding a person’s fate or for the coming period. With its help, it will be possible to predict the success of an event with certain accuracy. You just need to know the geographical coordinates and time of the event.

A horoscope is a kind of projection of celestial bodies onto a given area and time period. However, instead of the usual coordinates, it is customary to take into account the ecliptic longitude for a particular object. This value is expressed in angular degrees. Conventionally, the ecliptic is divided into the zodiacal circle, which is divided into certain sectors. There are twelve of these sections, and each of them accounts for thirty degrees. Now we will take a closer look at the types of horoscopes.


The word "natal" indicates that the horoscope refers to the exact date of birth of a person. Compiled individually. To do this, you need to know not only the day, month and year of birth, but also the exact time in hours and minutes (a small error is allowed), as well as the geographical coordinates of your small homeland.

It is believed that all types of horoscopes by date of birth most fully reflect the fate of an individual. A natal horoscope can open a person’s eyes to his potential, inclinations and some life circumstances.

Local horoscope

As you can guess, this horoscope does not depend on the place of birth, but on the current place of residence of the person. In order to build it, you also need to know exact date birth. Most often, people who want to change their place of residence resort to it. Thus, you can choose for yourself optimal city or avoid mistakes if the move leads to trouble.


Astrologers usually build this type of horoscope to find out exactly how past lives influence a person’s current destiny. Created by the ascending lunar node.

Thematic horoscope

In this publication we analyze in detail the types of horoscopes. Thematic ones, in particular, are built in order to more fully reveal the circumstances of life and its various spheres. So, for example, rising sign, transferred to the degree of Venus, reveals the possibilities of love and romantic relationships. Mercury is responsible for intelligence and the implementation of professional skills.

Synastry horoscope

This horoscope is drawn up in order to find out the compatibility of two subjects. Often used in choosing a partner for marriage.


Modern science is universal; it has absorbed all the best that has ever been created by great scientists and thinkers. Currently, there are more simplified horoscopes. Different types mathematical calculations make it possible to find out a person’s fate by digital and alphabetic code. The most popular method adopted as the basis for a numerological horoscope is the Pythagorean theorem. It is curious that this outstanding ancient Greek mathematician was also a mystic.

Chinese horoscope

If we consider the types of horoscopes by year, the most popular source of information to this day remains eastern calendar. The Chinese horoscope is focused on the influence of the astronomical rhythms of Saturn, Jupiter and the Moon and is divided into twelve-year cycles. Astrologers make a generalized forecast for each of the twelve signs.

Egyptian horoscope

We know that there are types of horoscopes based on year of birth (natal, local, Chinese). IN Ancient Egypt astrologers could consider the hidden capabilities of a person using short time periods of months. It's pretty complex system, which did not take root in modern society. If in Chinese horoscope the patrons of a particular sign are animals, then in Egyptian every period of time is controlled by a deity.

Signs of the zodiac

The modern zodiac circle was developed, simplified and introduced into use by the English astrologer Alan Leo at the very beginning of the 20th century. At first he created horoscopes individually, but due to large quantity orders was forced to bring his own calculations to a truncated form. The result is something that we all enjoy using to this day. The zodiac sign is focused on the influence of the Sun in relation to natal horoscope. There are 12 of them in total in a year. However, each new sign replaces the previous one not from the beginning of the month, but on the twentieth.