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The edges of the eyes turn yellow. What parts does the eye consist of? Liver dysfunction

10040 03/24/2019 6 min.

You can learn a lot about a person’s character, mood, and even habits by looking at a person’s face. Some symptoms of existing internal pathologies are also reflected here. Often such signs can be noticed by looking closely at the eyes of the interlocutor and, in particular, at the state of the whites.

Symptom Definition

Yellowing of the sclera

The outer (visible) part of the eye consists of the pupil (inner black circle), around which the iris (colored part) is located. More often, eye color is determined by its color - brown, blue, gray. We perceive most of the eyeball as white if the eyes are healthy. Therefore, this part is most often called protein, although medical term– sclera.

In total, the eyeball is covered with 3 membranes: outer, middle and inner. The main role belongs to the outer shell, which is the most durable, supports the shape of the eyeball, and it is to it that the oculomotor muscles. Therefore, any change in the color of the sclera, in particular, is a signal of functional disorders not only in the eyes, but also, often, in internal organs and systems.


A change in the color of the sclera of the eyes can affect the entire area of ​​the eye or appear partially, in the form. Sometimes this symptom appears gradually, and the patient does not attach much importance to the change in the color of the protein. Meanwhile it is very serious symptom, and most often he talks about the onset or development of a serious pathology in the body.

More about the appearance yellow spots read on the white of the eye.

The most common reasons for changes in the color of the sclera to yellow are:

  • Liver problems. Most often, this phenomenon is caused by a violation of the conjugation reaction with glucuronic acid, as a result of which the excretion of bilirubin (a chemical pigment compound) is disrupted;
  • Zhiroviki. As a result of a malfunction in the reactions of lipid metabolism, wen (wen) may appear in the eye area, which can only be removed surgically like fighting with others pathological condition– growth of the conjunctiva;

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  • Heredity. Sometimes the yellowish color of the sclera speaks only of a genetic predisposition transmitted by inheritance;
  • Jaundice of newborns. It can appear in children at birth as a result of the presence of excess red blood cells that came to the baby while still in the womb. This phenomenon disappears without a trace approximately 2 weeks after the breakdown of red blood cells;
  • Other reasons. The sclera of the eyes may turn yellow due to a deterioration in the general condition of the body: due to overwork, lack of sleep, irregular routine, poor nutrition, poor lighting. In this case, the color of the proteins is quickly restored after the causes are eliminated.

The eyes can tell a lot not only about the emotions being experienced, but also about the state of a person’s health; they signal the onset of pathological processes in the body. If you or loved one yellow squirrels eyes, the causes of such a symptom must be found out in order to prevent the development of dangerous diseases.

Yellowness of the eyes is a fairly common phenomenon. Many people do not attach importance to this and go to the clinic only if their symptoms worsen. general well-being. This significantly complicates therapy and especially advanced cases can lead to fatal outcome. Only slight, unstable yellowing of the whites indicates less serious problems.

If parents see yellow whites of a newborn's eyes, there is no need to rush to panic. The causes of so-called jaundice in a baby can be:

  • physiological;
  • pathological.

Immediately after birth, the baby’s skin and eyes have a pronounced yellowish tint, since during intrauterine development his blood is oversaturated with red blood cells. As a result of their breakdown, insoluble bilirubin is produced (pigment yellow color). It is difficult to process directly due to the immaturity of the child’s body. During the first 2-3 weeks of life, yellowness disappears without a trace. If this does not happen, action needs to be taken. Pathological jaundice in a baby it causes:

  • diseases of the blood, liver parenchyma or gall bladder;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • intestinal diseases in which bilirubin is reabsorbed.

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In any case, you must contact a specialist of the appropriate profile to prescribe drug treatment. In case of intestinal dysfunction, urgent surgery. It happens that a child’s sclera has a slightly noticeable yellowish color, which is genetically determined.

  • Liver dysfunction

It is this organ that is responsible for the production of bilirubin. If the liver malfunctions, significant volumes of this substance enter the circulatory system and stain the whites of the eyes and skin. An increase in bilirubin in the blood begins when:

The doctor will prescribe antiviral and liver function-restoring drugs or anthelmintics.

  • Biliary tract dysfunction

In this case, you need to consult a gastroenterologist who will make recommendations on dietary nutrition and will appoint necessary medications, including choleretic drugs.

  • Malignant tumors on the cornea, sclera, conjunctiva, or orbit of the eye

The yellow color of the cornea appears during the growth of tumors, for example, with melanoma, the most severe form of cancer. Slowness in such a disease is a person’s main enemy, since it is necessary urgent help ophthalmologist surgeon.

  • Pterygicum is an intensive growth of the mucous membrane of the eyeball.

Excess yellowish tissue covering the cornea should also be removed surgically.

  • Wen are yellow in color (lipomas and pingueculae).

The appearance of wen in the eyes is a rare phenomenon, the cause of which lies in a violation of lipid metabolism in the body. You can get rid of this disease by following a diet, but extreme cases surgical intervention is indicated.

With tumors, pterygicum, and wen, yellowness is localized at the site of formation. This explains, for example, why the whites of the eyes are yellow around the edges.

If the yellow color of the eye whites is not clearly expressed, it may not be caused by proper nutrition. Then you will have to make the following adjustments to your diet:

  • refrain from spicy, salty, fried and flour foods;
  • stop drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • include foods high in ascorbic acid in the menu.

In addition, if a person has slightly yellow whites of the eyes, the reasons may be:

  • prolonged work at the computer;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • lack of oxygen as a result of a long stay indoors;
  • loads on the organs of vision due to reading while lying down, embroidering in poor lighting, etc.

As for smoking, this habit, of course, is detrimental to health, but, contrary to popular belief, it does not create a jaundiced effect.

Change your lifestyle and your eyes will become clear again.

Eyes are not only capable of reflecting inner world humans, but also represent a natural indicator, thanks to which it is possible to determine general state body. If the proteins gradually change their color, this indicates the presence certain disease. It is worth noting that some illnesses can cause not only severe harm to a person, but also cause the development of irreversible processes. Therefore, it is important to diagnose the disease in a timely manner and begin its treatment. Why do people have yellow eyes? What could be causing this?

in humans: reasons

Many people, having noticed such changes, do not rush to seek help from highly qualified specialists. After all, most believe that yellow squirrels are not a cause for concern. In addition, such changes do not cause a feeling of discomfort. A person in this condition may feel good. However, disturbances in the body still occur. Even a spot on the whites may indicate the development of a certain disease.

Yellow eyes in humans are a sign of a serious illness. Typically, this symptom occurs when:

  1. Liver diseases.
  2. Various infections.
  3. Viral hepatitis.
  4. Conjunctivitis.
  5. Problems associated with the bile ducts.
  6. Neoplasms of both benign and malignant types.

What to do?

Yellow exists. This is not a pathology. However, if a person’s proteins change color, then first of all you should contact a specialist. Only a doctor can determine main reason occurrence of such a violation.

A specialist can make a diagnosis only after a thorough examination of the patient. In some cases, such changes are not pathology. Yellow eyes in humans can be a congenital feature.

The problem lies inside the body

Why did people's eyes turn yellow? The symptoms of such a change in any disease are usually the same. Most often, yellow eyes in a person indicate the presence of malfunctions in the liver. After all, this organ performs a number of functions in the body important functions. If it malfunctions, you must serious treatment. There is no point in prolonging or aggravating your condition with such violations. After all, the liver ensures the vitality of the entire body.

Yellow eyes in a person are a sign of such unpleasant disease like hepatitis. Most often, the symptom occurs with a disease of group A. With hepatitis, spots often form on skin. In some cases, their complete color change is observed.

Changes in children

Newborn babies also often experience changes in the color of proteins. Why does this happen? The main reason is that even in the womb, the child’s blood is saturated with red blood cells. After the baby is born, they begin to gradually disintegrate. After 10 - 14 days, the color of the whites returns to normal.

Eye diseases

A change in the shade of proteins also occurs with some This should include:

  1. Pterygium.
  2. Pingwekulu.

A disease such as pinguecula develops as a result of disturbances in lipid metabolism. This leads to the appearance of yellow wen. As for such an ailment as pterygium, this is one of the forms of conjunctivitis that affects most of the eye. If the disease is neglected, the person may lose vision.


Why do some diseases cause yellow eyes in humans? photo similar phenomenon presented above. It looks scary. Changes often occur with a disease such as melanoma, or conjunctivitis, which is oncological in nature.

It is worth noting that such a disease occurs extremely rarely. The disease is very difficult to identify and diagnose. The patient can be saved only with timely treatment.

Common Misconception

There are many ailments that can change the color of the whites of the eyes. Some people believe that this phenomenon may occur due to smoking. However, this is a misconception. Of course, smoking is a harmful and dangerous habit for health. This does not affect the color of the whites of the eyes.

Most often, the cause of changes is hidden illnesses or an incorrect diet. Therefore, if the whites turn yellow, you should not only seek help from specialists, but also reconsider your diet.

First of all you need to:

  1. Eliminate salty foods from your diet.
  2. Avoid flour and fried foods.
  3. Limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  4. Include in your diet foods containing a large number of vitamin C.

Daily regime

Rest is important. Heavy loads on the organs of vision can lead to changes in the color of proteins, as well as to the development of certain diseases. There are many reasons for this phenomenon. Among them:

  1. Reading while lying down in poor lighting.
  2. Lack of sleep.
  3. Daily work on a laptop or computer.

Lack of normal rest can lead not only to changes in the color of the protein, but also to deterioration of vision. It is for this reason that experts recommend: walking more often fresh air, take breaks from work, do simple exercises.

Such events are not just a rest for the eyes, but also the prevention of many diseases. In addition to this, you can use various means for care. These could be eye drops, various lotions, and so on.

Prevention of yellowness of proteins

Any preventive actions help reduce the risk of illness. Taking care of your eyesight is also necessary. To prevent the development of diseases, you need:

  1. Correct, and most importantly, balanced diet. A person must use large quantities vegetables, fruits and protein products. It is worth giving up smoked, fried, salted, flour and alcohol.
  2. Long walks, preferably outside the city.
  3. Full sleep. An adult should rest at least 8 hours a day. If the patient has low blood pressure, then he should devote 9 to 10 hours to sleep.
  4. If your working day is spent in front of a computer monitor, you should take short breaks.
  5. It is recommended to take vitamin complexes.
  6. If the color of the proteins has changed as a result of overwork, then you should use drops and lotions to eliminate the symptoms.

In conclusion

Yellow eyes in a person indicate the presence of a hidden disease in the body. It is not recommended to start the disease, since any changes in the body entail serious consequences. At the first signs of discomfort, you should immediately seek help from specialists. The doctor must conduct a thorough examination, which includes not only a visual examination, but also various studies blood, ultrasound, etc.

The eyes are not only an organ of vision, but also a kind of indicator of the state of the body. If your eyes turn yellow, this may indicate the presence of some serious diseases. Moreover, organs that are far from the organ of vision are affected. In this article we will look at the main causes of yellow eyes. We’ll tell you what diseases this may indicate and what other symptoms it may accompany.

Eyes may turn yellow due to the following factors:

  1. liver diseases;
  2. eye diseases;
  3. blood diseases;
  4. diseases of the biliary tract;
  5. metabolic disease;
  6. pancreatitis (acute, chronic);
  7. the body's reaction to taking medications;
  8. intoxication of the body;
  9. malignant tumors (eyes or other organs).

Other reasons that can cause yellow eyes (rare):

  1. lack of sleep;
  2. long hours of work at the computer;
  3. bad habits (alcohol, smoking).

In any case, you need to see a doctor and get tested necessary tests. Even if nothing else bothers you, the disease can proceed unnoticed. In addition, eye diseases detected in the early stages are completely curable.

Liver diseases

The liver processes the enzyme bilirubin. It is necessary to prepare fats for breakdown. Without bilirubin, the process of fat absorption by the body is impossible. If the functioning of the liver is impaired, the production of the enzyme increases or decreases. As a result, the eyes turn yellow first.

Hepatitis is divided into several types:

  1. hepatic.
  2. hemolytic (arise due to the accelerated breakdown of hemoglobin, which the liver cannot cope with).

Hepatic hepatitis can be:

  1. Viral. In this case, in addition to yellowness of the eyes, the sick person develops chills, fever, headache, loss of appetite, enlarged liver.
  2. Toxic. Characterized by acute development, symptoms similar to viral hepatitis. Kidney function may be impaired.
  3. Alcoholic. Develops as a result alcoholic impairment liver and has symptoms of viral hepatitis.
  4. Leptospirosis. Develops suddenly, the liver enlarges. There are symptoms such as muscle weakness, fever, decreased hemoglobin levels, diarrhea.

Yellow whites of the eyes may indicate the presence of jaundice (hepatitis A). It happens:

  1. Cholestatic. The bile ducts are blocked by excess bile. Additional symptoms– pain in the right side, dizziness, nausea.
  2. Enzymopathic. This is a hereditary defect that results in insufficient bilirubin synthesis.

Also of note is neonatal jaundice. It usually does not lead to liver changes. Occurs as a result of the baby’s adaptation to extrauterine life. Characterized by yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes. As a rule, it goes away on its own within 10-12 days. However, if there is an incompatibility of Rh factors, more serious treatment is required.

Yellow whites of the eyes may indicate liver disease if additional symptoms are present:

  1. pain in the right hypochondrium;
  2. nausea;
  3. temperature (from 37 degrees);
  4. enlarged spleen;
  5. anemia;
  6. varicose veins of the esophagus.

Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis after a thorough examination.

Eye diseases

Yellowing of the whites of the eyes may indicate an ophthalmological pathology.

Yellowness of the eyes may indicate eye disease. Many ophthalmological pathologies are accompanied by yellowing of the protein. This:

  1. malignant tumors of eye tissue (often conjunctiva);
  2. eye melanoma;
  3. pinguecula (a formation on the eyeball that resembles a wen);
  4. pterygium (a disease in which the conjunctiva of the eye grows, extends into the sclera and limits the field of vision).

All pathologies require surgical intervention, and on early stage. Therefore, the appearance of yellow spots on the white of the eye is a reason to consult an ophthalmologist.

Other diseases of the body

Some pathological processes in the body are accompanied by yellowing of the whites of the eyes.

Blood diseases

Characterized by the destruction of red blood cells. As a result, a large number of indirect bilirubin. The liver cannot cope, bilirubin enters the body tissues (for example, the eyes) and causes a yellow color. Blood diseases with similar symptoms include:

  1. malaria;
  2. erythrocyte membranopathy;
  3. erythrocyte hemoglobinopathy;
  4. autoimmune anemia;
  5. poisoning with hemolytic poisons.

Biliary tract diseases

Bile is produced in the liver and removes various harmful substances along the biliary tract. If transportation is disrupted (blocked pathways), pressure increases and rupture may occur. Bile enters the blood. blockage biliary tract provoke:

Pathologies that cause disturbances in bilirubin synthesis are most often hereditary. This:

  1. Hemochromatosis (disorder of iron metabolism).
  2. Wilson-Konovalov disease (copper metabolism disorder).
  3. Gilbert's disease

Gilbert's disease is a disease that has another name - constitutional jaundice. It is rare, and several times more common in boys than in girls. Clinical signs:

  1. yellow eyelids;
  2. yellowing of the eyeballs.

A change in the blood formula is characteristic. Yellowness of the eyes appears if the patient is hungry. Otherwise, the eyes look healthy.

The disease is incurable. Among the methods that improve symptoms are diet and drugs with a choleretic effect.


This is a disease of the pancreas, which results in inflammation of its tissues. The gland increases in size and begins to compress bile ducts. The pressure causes a rupture, bile enters the bloodstream and causes yellowing of the skin and eyes.

Other reasons

Often smoking people They may notice that their eyes have turned yellow. Nicotine itself does not affect eye color. But it increases the load on the liver. The organ is also additionally loaded with combustion products, toxins and tars that enter the body when smoking.

In addition to yellow eyes, smokers have a yellow tint to their skin. Doctors call this “a sign of subacute toxic hepatitis.”

Another factor that causes yellow eyes is excess carotene in the body. May occur in people who eat a lot of carrots. In this case, you should diversify your diet.

The third reason is chronic fatigue. In this case, a person may have an unhealthy appearance, pale skin and yellowed eyeballs. To get rid of these symptoms, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  1. walk more;
  2. take breaks from work;
  3. monitor proper nutrition (include seafood, vegetables, fruits containing in the diet, avoid spicy and fatty foods).

In most cases, yellowness of the eyes is associated with serious disorders in the functioning of the body - diseases of the liver, blood, bile ducts or the organ of vision itself. This symptom cannot be ignored - you need to see a doctor and undergo an examination.

The fact that the whites of the eyes have changed color in itself does not bother the patient too much. Yellow eyes are a peculiar, well-known and very dangerous symptom (sign), but who is ready to immediately run to the doctor for such a ridiculous reason, take time off from work, or take some tests? The Russian man refers to the bad environment and continues to use high doses alcoholic beverages (alcohol), even when your eyes have already turned yellow!

Yellowing of the sclera of the eyes occurs due to failures in internal processes both in the eyes themselves and in other organs. It may also be due to metabolic disorders. It is almost impossible to independently find out where a significant portion of unsplit bilirubin came from in the blood, tissues and organs.

Possible diseases

People with yellow eyes are primarily suspected of developing liver disease. There are other reasons not related to fatal dangerous diseases and pathologies. Seeing a doctor will help you gain confidence in your health or get timely necessary appointments. The first steps in studying the patient’s condition: examination, questioning, blood tests, stool tests.

Liver diseases

BY THE WAY! Yellow bilirubin is toxic substance. Its long-term presence in the body in an undigested form is especially dangerous for the nervous system.

There are several types of hepatitis (“hepato” - liver, “itis” - inflammation):

  1. Hemolytic variety. The destruction of a large number of red blood cells in the blood leads to an increase in enzyme levels. Bile pigment is distributed in the skin and sclera of the eyes and causes them to turn yellow. The causes of such hepatitis can be hereditary, immune, infectious (malaria, leptospirosis) or toxic (bites of poisonous creatures). Alcohol syndrome very similar in manifestations to both viral and toxic hepatitis. Hemolytic anemia(babesiosis, etc.) are also characterized by yellow eyes and staining of the mucous membranes.
  2. Liver variety. Violations of physiology and anatomical changes in the liver itself can cause hepatosymptoms. As a rule, the reason lies in blockage of the bile ducts (cholestasis) and poor flow of bile from the liver. Besides yellow eyes the patient will experience pain, nausea, dizziness.

Are hepatitis, cirrhosis and jaundice curable?

Everything is subject to medical control. Treatment of the disease is necessary in any case, otherwise treatable hepatitis can lead to an irreversible process of destruction - cirrhosis.


Gospel disease, or jaundice, develops according to the same principle: the free enzyme is not absorbed by the liver cells and is distributed in the tissues and mucous membranes. Yellowing of the skin occurs and the whites of the eyes become brightly colored. This symptom can occur for various reasons:

  • Red blood cell hemoglobinopathies (autoimmune hemolytic diseases) are associated with excessive destruction of red blood cells, and the level of hemoglobin (oxygen-carrying protein) decreases sharply, which is obvious in a blood test. A decrease in the number of lymphocytes in the blood will also indicate to the doctor the pathology;
  • When the main component of bile is produced in excess, suprahepatic jaundice is formed;
  • If liver cells cannot bind enzyme molecules, the doctor is dealing with hepatocellular jaundice. Testing for direct bilirubin is one of the necessary laboratory tests;
  • The mechanical reason for the formation of yellow eyes and skin is an imbalance between the secretion of bile from the liver through the duct and the absorption of the residues back from the intestines.

At different types jaundice, yellowing of the skin and sclera of the eyes is accompanied by pain, malaise, enlargement of organs, and changes in biochemical parameters. Only a doctor can compare the indicators of direct and indirect bilirubin, hemoglobin, leukocyte levels, all bodily symptoms and establish an accurate diagnosis.

BY THE WAY! If the mucous membranes are not affected by staining, then the disease is called false - it is just an accumulation of carotene in the skin. Pseudojaundice is not common, but can be easily corrected.

Eye diseases

Any body tissue can accumulate pigments obtained from food or external environment. Removing pigment from the mucous membranes of the eye is also difficult because the eye may be weakened by illness, stress or bad habit. For example, smoking almost always leads to the appearance of a lung yellowish tint to the white of the eye. The presence of eye diseases such as conjunctivitis (and subsequent subconjunctival hemorrhage) enhances the effects of smoking.

Gilbert's disease

Hereditary pathologies of liver cells consist in the fact that not all functions work correctly, so the enzyme accumulates (indirectly) in the blood and plasma. When the concentration reaches its limit, it is redistributed into the most vulnerable and permeable tissues - the sclera and the mucous membrane of the eye. The yellowing effect of the eyes increases with stress loads, starvation, the presence of infections and bad habits. There is a whole group of well-studied hereditary diseases, in addition to Gilbert's disease. For these pathologies, the patient is advised to undergo periodic examinations and lifelong medication.

Sometimes yellowish spots (nevi, allergic), compactions (age-related) and neoplasms appear on the protein. The affected eye must be shown to an ophthalmologist and a referral for research is obtained.

Blood diseases

Hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells) is normally compensated by liver cells. If for some reason the liver does not have time to cope with the “waste” of hemolysis, the blood plasma, and then other tissues, acquires a characteristic shade. Yellowing of the eyeball is typical for a number of hereditary diseases blood:

  • Erythrocyte membranopathy;
  • Erythrocyte enzymopathy;
  • Hemoglobinopathy;
  • Hemolytic anemia.
  • Malaria;
  • Babesiosis;
  • Helminthiases;
  • Poisoning with poisons (phenol, heavy metals, chloroform, etc.).

Other reasons

If the biliary tract is disrupted, yellowing of the whites of the eyes becomes obvious. Gallbladder and the pancreas must be checked first. Due to stress, poor quality food and lack of sleep, brownish-yellow circles may appear around the eyes. A yellowish tint to the sclera occurs during pregnancy. In non-borns, jaundice is usually considered a normal variant.

The white of the eye, due to its natural sensitivity, helps in the most early stages identify serious illnesses. Under the supervision of a doctor, a woman’s health, beauty, pregnancy and maintaining youth are much better. The fair half is more sensitive to health. Men more often cite environmental reasons for the yellowness of their eyes, neglecting a visit to the clinic.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of the causes of yellowness of the eyes is based on the results of a patient interview and clinical examination. Combinations of clinical examination, interview and laboratory method allow the doctor to choose the optimal way to find answers to the patient’s query, why did the whites of the eyes turn yellow?

Laboratory research is the most important method diagnostics Analyzes of feces, urine and blood, even general ones, allow us to create a complete picture of the processes occurring in the body of the owner of yellowed eyes.


The patient should show the ophthalmologist eyeballs with a yellow tint. If not found eye diseases, the doctor will redirect the patient to a therapist, gastroeterologist, infectious disease specialist or oncologist. In almost all cases, hepatoprotectors are prescribed, and other recommendations depend on the diagnosis.