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Thistle flowers, magical and medicinal properties of the plant. Evil eye herb

At first sight, thistle seems more menacing than attractive, and yet its flowers are very beautiful. Sharp, blade-like spines protect it from any attacks. The blue, reddish or purple fluffy head - like a colored dandelion, enlivens the dark greenery of the plant. Delicate beauty is visible from afar, but try to tear it away! You'll prick yourself in no time.

It is not surprising that the thistle has become a national symbol of the stern but noble Scots. By the way, knightly Order of the Thistle, established by King James VII of Scotland back in the seventeenth century, exists to this day and is the second most important order of knighthood in Great Britain after the Order of the Garter. Members of the order could be not only knights, but also ladies (this tradition, of course, has also survived to this day), and the order’s motto “Nemo me impune lacessit” (“No one will touch me with impunity”) is still minted on coins of one pound, decorated with a stylized image of a thistle.

Thistle has long been considered protection from dark forces and evil people.. The very name “thistle” is associated with the ability of this plant, established in the minds of our ancestors, to “harry,” that is, to frighten, scare away devils. In the old days, thistle was used to fumigate houses and barns, protecting their inhabitants from diseases and intrigues evil spirits. But not only devils and evil spirits are scared away by thorns - if you believe the signs, the evil looks and thoughts of enemies will also bypass a house decorated with a thistle sprig.

Embroider a prickly protective flower to protect yourself and your loved ones from evil - both otherworldly and in human form.

And so that the sharp thorns do not inadvertently push away from you those who do not wish harm, embroider a harmless, light-winged butterfly or a hard-working bee nearby. Not only do they fly between the formidable spines of a flower on a sunny day without any problems, but they also bring benefits by pollinating it. By the way, a butterfly or a bee means that there is a cloudless sky and a bright sun above your head (that is, no problems) - only in such weather do these insects fly, pleasing the eye with motley multi-colored wings or delighting the ear with a bass buzz, meaning that it is cool in the fall And snowy winter You will be able to enjoy delicious and sweet honey.

Previously, it was very difficult to find a picture with thistle - designers and manufacturers unfairly avoided this proud and stern plant. But recently, several amazing designs with thistles have been released (for example, by the companies "", "", "").

The same properties are possessed by the prickly, angry and very thistle-like feverweed.

Join the Order of the Thistle, and no evil looks or spirits will be afraid of you!

Designs with thistle and eryngium, presented in the embroidery store " ".

Do you know that nature (or Higher power) have provided remedies for a person from any ailment, energy ones are no exception?

People who have fallen under, painfully seek help in magical rites, turn to the Church, not suspecting that every day they literally trample underfoot something that can cure them instantly.

We are talking about herbs that sometimes grow stoically in the most inappropriate places.

They break through the shackles of asphalt and slabs, trying to catch the eye of the suffering, to suggest a simple answer to their “complex” question.

Naturally, the herb against the evil eye is far from a panacea. Required inner work, getting rid of your own negative worldview postulates.

But the medicinal leaves and stems themselves will help in restoring normal energy balance.

For the most curious, let’s say right away that magically, protective herbs reveal themselves. They have a very distinct slightly spicy aroma (not all do).

But any herb with a pleasant smell, even not mentioned in the article, has a certain effect on human energy. And now about each in more detail.

Shot-grass familiar to many from legend.

She talks about how Archangel Michael delivered the world from the evil spirits hidden in the thickets of this wondrous plant.

He saw the scoundrels and put them to flight. Demons and other creatures fell straight into Hell. They remembered their shame for all time.

And now they shun the arrow grass as if it were pure fire.

This wonderful plant is dried and kept in the house. It drives away negativity. It is also used to treat cattle. Yes, and it helps with wounds.

But how to distinguish it from other representatives of vegetation? Most likely, in different areas completely different herbs have a similar name.

So, a real shoot - the grass looks like it was shot through with a fiery sword. According to this sign they are looking for her.

St. John's wort, according to sorcerers of all nations, has incredible power.

It helps against the evil eye and damage, and cures many diseases.

It should be collected on Ivan Kupala. If you hang a bouquet at home, you won’t have to think about the evil eye.

Sun Grass– Elecampane is strong with its roots.

It, if dug up and dried correctly, helps break any spell.

They sewed a piece of root into a shirt. It was believed (and it is true) that elecampane helps protect relationships from the bad influences.

Helps a lot of people thyme.

This herb is used against an angry brownie, to protect one’s nest from anger and envy.

Thyme works well together with its plant relatives. A bouquet of this herb with yarrow and fern is made to protect against aggression.

If you have rowdy neighbors living nearby, then be sure to get such a natural ikebana.

For a long time in Rus' people have been using wormwood.

It not only drives away harmful insects, but also evil spirits.

Just one branch needs to be hung above the front door or placed in a beautiful vase. This way the house will be protected from unkind people and other entities.

It is customary to highlight separately Chernobyl.

Although it is a species of wormwood.

This grass is collected on Midsummer's Day. It will help maintain health spoiled by the evil eye or envy from the outside.

Herb against the evil eye - thistle

When studying the topic “Herbs from the evil eye”, one cannot ignore the plant, in the name of which the name of the evil eye is clearly heard. This is a special herb.

And she stands out in appearance. Attracts everyone's attention.

Some people think thistle is beautiful and put it in bouquets, while others find it disgusting. Only his main advantage is not at all in his appearance.

Another name for the herb more reflects the essence of its effects. They call it a palace.

Chertogon was a must to take with you on a long journey. He helped avoid many misfortunes.

And for a personal talisman they used its juice. They soaked a handkerchief with it, and then secured the result with wax and incense.

The ritual is secret. It is carried out only by knowledgeable, strong people.

And the future is invited to pick some thistles, place them under the pillow and not take them out for seven days. Only after this do they begin the ritual.

Sometimes the palace is called grandfather. This is a special honor, the dedication of the plant to the Powerful and Wise Perun.

It is clear that the power hidden within him is irresistible to the evil spirits.

If you keep thistles at home, there will be fewer scandals, the brownie will be more docile, people who are unfriendly or simply ogling will begin to avoid your yard (apartment).

If nightmares interfere with normal life, then you need to collect a bouquet of this herb and place it at the head of the bed. You will sleep peacefully.

How to use grass to remove negativity

The plants themselves, placed or hung at home, work as amulets. They drive away evil spirits.

And in order to clean the field from the evil eye caught on the street or in another place, special rituals are needed.

Some of them will relieve you of nervousness or suspicion, worries, others will help restore your health, and others will harmonize relationships.

If the evil eye has affected your thoughts. They became pessimistic, nervous, panicky.

  1. St. John's wort is required. You can collect it yourself or buy it at a pharmacy.
  2. Make a powder from the dried herb.
  3. Place a little in a canvas bag under your pillow. (Sometimes they buy a special roller filled with herbs). The rest must be added to drinks (tea, coffee).

The grass is added with the words:

“I am collecting the power of the earth! I drive away the evil one! St. John's wort will defeat any devil and return me happiness!”

These same words must be said before going to bed. Treatment lasts up to seven days.

Usually a person immediately understands that he has gotten rid of the evil eye. Returns to him good mood, dreams become bright.

To remove the malaise caused by the evil eye, you need to collect a bouquet of twigs of thistle, fern, and spruce.

They hit themselves on the head (crown) with the words:

“I drive out the crows with a black fight. Crows of black, angry, dissatisfied! Go for a walk and don’t remember the Servant of God (name)! Amen!"

Repeat three times.

If envy affects relationships loving people, then remember the root of elecampane.

It must be washed thoroughly and sewn into a canvas bag.

Then it is worn near the heart for three days. After that, he should be next to the couple.

It is necessary that both people step over the spine at least thirteen times a day.

For example, it can be placed under the threshold.

In the thirties of the 19th century, one very rich landowner appeared at all social events and instantly fell asleep. This is because the famous fortune teller Lenormand predicted his death in his own bed, after which he threw away all the bedding.

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Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Magic properties thistle

Among the plants used in esoteric rituals, thistle grass stands out especially - the magical properties of this representative of the flora are also used in folk medicine, and for protection from enemies. Spiny stems with bright crimson buds are found in abundance in old churchyards. This is not an accident, since previously cemeteries were specially planted with thistles: it drove away all “evil spirits,” reliably separating the worlds of the dead and the living.

Magic herb thistle for amulets and amulets

Home protection

The plant cannot be denied its visual appeal, although the idea of ​​collecting a bouquet of flowering stems and putting it in a vase somehow never comes to mind. By the way - completely in vain! Thistle drives out any evil from the house (from those very notorious “devils” to ordinary negative emotions, left by ill-wishers). Such a bouquet will perfectly protect the family from discord and scandals if their cause lies in someone else’s slander.


Thistle grass exhibits its magical properties to the maximum during the flowering period. It is at this time that it should be collected and dried for future use. Further such blanks are used as needed. A sick person can put a bag of crushed dried flowers under his pillow, and an unlucky person can make a personal amulet from one small twig tied with hair.


  • In order to prevent evil from entering the house from the outside, it is advisable to pour powdered rhizomes under the threshold.
  • You can protect yourself from envious or selfish people with the help of a dry fagot hanging near front door.
  • There used to be a belief: lightning would not strike a house if, at the first sign of a thunderstorm, you burned several flowers stored in the stove.
  • Thistle potion was mixed with incense and worn on the chest to ward off robbers and prevent accidents.

Thistle and love magic

Directly to love magic(i.e. for the purpose of awakening feelings) the plant was used extremely rarely. The only exception is a thistle love spell performed on a married man. In this case, the grass was not taken for the sake of creation; with its help, they tried to destroy the attachment that the object of divination felt for his legal wife.

The magical properties of thistle have been proven. Thistle (thistle) is a plant that can be used to alarm (scare) evil spirits (devils). Its other name is grandfather, since the ancient Slavs dedicated this herb to Grandfather Perun. This perennial with spines, the height of which can reach 2 meters. The flowers are bright purple in color and located at the top of the head. Capitate inflorescences with many flowers are in a wrapper of covering leaves, which towards the end gradually turn into long spines. The plant has a powerful roller-shaped rhizome. The flowering period is quite extended in time - from July to mid-September inclusive. Its homeland is considered to be North Africa, Asia (southern Siberia), as well as Europe (the Baltic states). In folk medicine, the entire plant, popularly called thistle, is used. The properties of the root decoction are considered hemostatic. In addition, this decoction should be used for neurosis and chronic insomnia. The seed fruits are of particular interest. Parts of the plant should be added to tea to relieve cough and bronchial diseases. In addition, tea with thistle flowers and leaves is very useful during autumn-spring courses of preventive treatment. Thistle harvesting is carried out from July to September. Since at this time the plant gains maximum strength. It should be dried in air, preferably under a canopy, since when drying in the shade the maximum amount of useful substances contained in leaves and flowers. Before drying, the plants should be divided in half. Rhizomes for pharmaceutical raw materials are dug up in spring (April) and autumn (October). Thistle is a herb whose value lies in its harmlessness. Nursing mothers have long used it as a milk extractor. In India and China, the green part of the plant is used as a liver cleanser. In European countries, for many centuries, milk thistle extract has been used for liver diseases (hepatitis and cirrhosis). In the Middle Ages, thistle served as a panacea for many diseases. With his participation, skin diseases, consumption, and jaundice were treated. All Russian medieval medical books necessarily mention thistle as a means of treating many diseases. “Frightening devils”, “alarming devils” - this is the name of thistle in the ancient Slavic language. Application in magical rituals he found in accordance with his name. Therefore, it is used mainly to protect the home from all evil spirits. A plant stem with a flower was hung above the entrance and they were sure that this would be enough to protect the house. The Scots have a special love for thistles; the image of this plant is not only on the coat of arms of this British province, but also on the coat of arms of Great Britain. The presence of thistle in state emblems is a symbol of misanthropy, life asceticism, defiance and vindictiveness. As the Book of Genesis says, it was through the thistle that Adam, expelled from Eden, was punished. And in works of Christian architecture and painting, the presence of this plant is an emblem of martyrdom. However, there is another side to the symbolism of this prickly flower. Like most plants with thorns, thistle is not only considered a talisman, but also endowed with magical properties fast healing wound It used to be believed that where thistles grow, there is no longer room for power from the underworld. Therefore, the rhizomes of this plant, as well as its seeds, were planted on the graves of sorcerers and those people who were cursed. This prevented the evil spirit from dragging the souls of these unfortunate people into the underworld. Dried flowers were used to fumigate a home if there were suspicions that evil spirits had settled there or that someone had caused damage. The smoke of this plant is very pungent and its smell does not disappear for a long time. A person also had a hard time from such fumigation, but he had to endure it, since no damage could resist fumigation with dry thistle. Dried flower of this prickly plant with hair wound around it has the ability not only to protect the owner of this hair, but to return damage to the envious person. To do this, follow the following procedure. The thistle flower should be cut off by the person for whom it will be a talisman. It needs to be picked on a hot afternoon on the eve of the appearance of the new moon. There should not be a single stranger nearby. Both flowers (old and new) are worn together until the onset of full moon. After which the old flower should burn in the fire. But before being burned, one should say goodbye to him and thank him for the service he performed for a whole year. A special feature of this ritual is that each subsequent flower absorbs the power of its predecessor. Hunting weapons should be fumigated with thistle smoke so that they can kill game on the spot without unnecessary pain. If you carry the whole plant with you, this will guarantee that a dead vampire or devil will not risk approaching such a person. Thistle is used in magic as one of the ingredients in the preparation of witchcraft potions. For example, for a potion that casts out demons. In addition to thistle, it includes: spring water, mimosa and lavender. Cooking tools include: porcelain or wooden cutting board, clay dishes(cup), magic knife, cauldron and silver spoon. Water is poured into a clay bowl. Then use a silver spoon to measure out a portion of crushed lavender until it does not taste like tea. The rhizome of the plant is finely chopped on a board and added to the cauldron, which is placed on low heat. The potion is stirred clockwise after 7 minutes, 14 minutes and 20 minutes. After this, the boiler is removed from the heat. Color final product should turn out silver. Steam from the potion can also be seen on the third day, when it is poured into separate vessels, which are placed in the corners of the room, from where evil spirits are expelled with the words: “Mimosa, lavender, Holy shamrock (Holy thistle), Drive out Evil, dispel it in time, Let this moment disappear forever! The magical properties of thistle have been known for a long time. Thanks to its sharp needles, it has always been considered a universal protective talisman that protects against vampires, devils, poltergeists and various kinds energy attacks. Nowadays, those who are interested in magic continue to use it in various rituals. The magical properties of thorny thistle The word “thistle” has ancient Slavic roots, and literally means “to alarm the devil”, “to scare the devil”. This name clearly reflects its magical purpose. In Scottish culture, this plant occupies absolutely special place– it was even placed on the coat of arms. This is believed to reflect the misanthropy, defiance and vindictiveness of the state. It is believed that a herb such as thistle is used in magic primarily as a talisman for homes against evil spirits. To do this, a stem with a flower was hung above the entrance to the house - it was believed that this would prevent one evil spirit from entering the room. In ancient times, when people were afraid of witches and sorcerers even after their death, it was customary to plant thistles on their graves, which protected both the world of the living and the afterlife from negative influence dead magician. Moreover, this action prevented the devils from dragging the soul of the unfortunate person to Hell. It is believed that thistle can not only cause wounds, but also accelerate their healing. Therefore, thistle was also used in magic as a healing potion. In ancient times, many people carried thistles with them as a talisman: after all, neither a vampire, nor a witch, nor a ghoul could get close to such a person. Thistle was also used in the rites of exorcism - expelling a demon that has taken possession of a person. It, along with other ingredients, was added to a special potion that helped the priest cope with evil spirits. Thistle from the evil eye and damage This plant provides universal protection to those who have been hit by an energy blow of varying strength - the evil eye or damage. There were several ways to fight. If the residents of a house believed that an evil spirit had settled in the house, or that someone in the household was damaged, it was customary to fumigate the room with smoke from the dried flowers of this plant set on fire. It is worth noting that this is a rather unpleasant procedure: the acrid smoke has a very specific smell And for a long time persists in the room, even if it is thoroughly ventilated. Another way to combat damage is quite simple: if you take a dried thistle flower and wrap it around the hair of a person who has been energetically affected, the evil eye or damage will return to the person who caused it. However, here it is important to follow the smallest instructions for carrying out the ritual: the flower must be cut personally by the person who needs the amulet and strictly on the hot afternoon before the new moon. This must be done alone. thistle in magic One flower is worn for a whole year, then a new one is cut, and until next year and started lunar cycle You need to have both copies with you. When the new moon comes, the old flower should be burned, but before that it should be thanked for its help. Every year you need to burn one old flower and add one new one in its place. Each flower absorbs the power of its predecessors, which is why such a talisman becomes more powerful over the years. A herb like thistle not only relieves the evil eye and damage, but is also a preventive measure. In other words, you can have the thistle color as a talisman without waiting for a bad situation to occur. Remember that thistle is a powerful plant and should only be used for simple self-defense by a beginner in magical matters.

Fern on the night of Ivan Kupala helps a person find treasure, St. John's wort drives away evil spirits, snowdrops are widely used in love magic, and so on.

Thistle's name speaks for itself. The Old Slavs believed that this plant helps protect a person from troubles, damage and the evil eye. But the most important property was the ability to prevent evil spirits from entering the house. Thistle sprigs were hung on the front door frame, placed under the threshold and secured in the shutters.

Use in folk medicine

In addition to mystical properties, thistle also has a number of very valuable therapeutic features, which are still widely used in folk medicine. The second name of thistle is grandfather. This plant can reach a height of more than 2 meters and has a thick stem that is topped with small flowers of a bright purple hue.

Each such “cap” is surrounded by pointed leaves, which sometimes turn into spines near the bud itself. The thistle's root system is very developed; the plant can bloom from July to September.

Our grandmothers used thistle decoctions in the fight against viral and colds. This tea also helped with difficulty breathing, asthma and bronchial spasms. It was often drunk in winter and spring, during vitamin deficiency, to prevent strengthening the immune system.

Thistle has no contraindications for pregnant women and small children. Tea from this plant was used by those who, after childbirth, had problems with a lack of breast milk.

In the east, thistle is better known as faithful assistant to cleanse and normalize liver function. Extracts from it were used to combat cirrhosis and all types of hepatitis. This is a real panacea for almost all diseases. Poultices made from thistle decoction are recommended to be used for skin diseases, rash, psoriasis, various dermatitis.

Our ancestors used a decoction of this plant as a strong hemostatic agent. It was drunk at nervous disorders, insomnia, epilepsy and neuroses. The flowers and roots of the plant were used to treat scrofula and gonorrhea. Doctors often prescribe baths with thistle for restless and hyperactive children.

IN Tibetan medicine Thistle is used for stomach problems, gastritis, peptic ulcer, diarrhea. It is often used as an emetic, for washing dirty, festering wounds and ulcers. In the latter case, they do not use a decoction, but a pulp of crushed dried roots of the plant.

Some gourmets use thistle as a seasoning for various dishes.. It is used to make salad dressings and added to soups and refreshing drinks. Honey produced by bees pollinating in the thistle fields is considered one of the most delicious and healthy. It has a golden or greenish hue and a slightly bitter taste.

Magical properties and photos of herbs

Thistle is often used for various magical purposes. He has strong protective properties, used in the manufacture of amulets and herbal dolls. The very name of this plant indicates its ability to protect a person from the machinations of evil spirits.

In former times, thistles were planted on the graves of the dead, because it was believed that the root system of the plant would create reliable protection around the soul of the deceased, and thereby will not allow the devils to drag his soul to hell for the sins committed during life.

Dried thistle inflorescences were fumigated at home, when moving, and on large church holidays. The smoke emanating from a smoldering plant is very caustic and unpleasant; people believed that in this way the room would be cleared of negative energy and harmony and peace would be maintained in the family.

If it was believed that a person was under damage or the evil eye, he was put to sleep on a pillow stuffed with a mixture of thistle and St. John's wort, and a church candle was burned at his head for seven days in a row. In this way, foreign energy was removed from the patient’s aura and his life balance was restored.

Various amulets and talismans were made from the plant. The most powerful and at the same time simplest is considered to be a dry sprig of thistle tied with a strand of human hair. For this amulet, the plant must be cut at noon during the waxing moon. It was believed that such an amulet would not only protect its owner from damage, envy and the malice of ill-wishers, but would reward those who tried to harm him.

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