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All cat breeds with photographs. What are the smallest cats? What is the name of the breed of cat with short legs?

Everyone has heard about the large animals of the Maine Coon breed, but few people know what the smallest cats are. Cats that weigh less than 3 kg are considered small. These are artificially bred breeds that use in great demand. Such a pet looks exotic, elegant, and stands out among others.

Few people know that the smallest cat is Skiff-toy-bob. This breed was officially recognized only a few years ago. These cats owe their appearance to a nursery in Russia where they breed such animals. The color of representatives of this breed is similar to the Siamese. An adult cat can weigh about 2 kg.

These animals have a muscular body and a bushy tail, Blue eyes. They are unpretentious in care and have a non-conflict character. Such cats are little known and there is no fashion for purchasing them. But they rightfully occupy 1st place among small-sized cats.

Most animal lovers are sure that the smallest cat breed in the world is the Munchkin. In fact, these animals are short, but not small. The appearance of such a myth is due to the popularity of this breed. Not surprising, because such a small cat stands out with its paws. They are half as long as ordinary cat. Also she has a body small size and elongated shape. They weigh from 2.5 kg. But the tail is strong and proportional. IN sitting position The munchkin rests on it rather than on its hind legs.

These pets require special care

Such pets require special care. They are susceptible to spinal diseases due to their disproportionate physique. The most common pathology is excessive arching in the back. Because of their structure, cats experience heart pain and suffer from pulmonary diseases. Weakened muscles make the spine fragile. It is recommended to avoid falls and jumps from heights. It is necessary to take into account the structure of the body when choosing a toilet. The tray should have minimal sides. When choosing a scratching post (device for claws), it is better to give preference to low models.

10 smallest cat breeds (video)

Other breeds with short legs

Many small cat breeds have been developed by crossing munchkins with other species. This is how they appeared:

  • Skookum;
  • Dwelf;
  • minskin;
  • kinkalow.

Dwelf and Minskin are hairless cats. These animals were bred by crossing a Munchkin and a Sphynx. Representatives of both breeds have short legs and a body without hair. Their body is small, does not exceed 20 cm. The average weight is 2 kg. The resulting species is smaller than its ancestors. Both breeds are similar in appearance, but Minskin cats are smaller in size.

Gallery: the smallest cats (25 photos)

These animals are characterized by the same problems as munchkins: diseases of the spine, the possibility of fractures, pathologies internal organs. They don't like the cold. For them you need to organize a cozy room, protected from drafts. Despite the lack of fur, cats must be bathed. An ordinary basket or box can serve as a house for an animal. It's economical.

Munchkins became the ancestors of the Skookum and Kinkalow breeds. The former are distinguished by long and curly hair. Kinkaloo is a fluffy, but not wavy, cat. Both are characterized by short legs and small dimensions. Their sizes do not exceed 2 kg. Such breeds have become famous recently, and they are expensive, so few people have purchased them.

Caring for long-haired dwarf cats involves thorough combing. You need to wash your coat with shampoo regularly. Dwarf animals are less resistant to weather changes. Therefore, it is so important to protect your pets from drafts, and after bathing, wipe their fur dry and comb it.

Singapura cat

This is another little favorite. But among dwarf breeds they are not champions. The weight of Singapura cats can reach 3 kg, but such animals have a harmonious physique and a pleasant light brown color. Wool medium length, paws are standard. Cats of this breed have been around people for a long time. This natural look Therefore, such pets are peaceful and willing to make contact with the owner.

Since their debut in 1995, the Munchkin cat has been a source of controversy among experts. It was assumed that due to short legs and skeletal development, cats would have a shorter lifespan than other animals. But time has proven that short legs are not a physical defect, but distinctive feature. Ironically, the discussions around the new breed contributed to the growth of its popularity.

In the article we will tell you what the munchkin breed is, whether there are consequences for unusually short legs and where to buy a short-legged kitten.

Origin story

Munchkin cats are not the result of a dubious experiment created by human hands, their original appearance they are due to an autosomal recessive mutation.

Even at the beginning of the 20th century, cats with characteristic characteristics were found everywhere on the European continent. short paws. However, the breed known today originated in the USA, in the state of Louisiana.

In 1983, Sandra Hochenedel adopted a cat with short legs who was expecting offspring and named her Blackberry. Kittens born after a certain period inherited the characteristics of their mother. From the Blackberry offspring, using ordinary domestic cats, the targeted breeding of the breed began, which was named munchkin in honor of the munchkin - a small people from the fairy tale “The Wizard of Oz”.

In the early 1990s, a group of breeders applied to the International Cat Association (TICA) to register the breed. In the fall of 1994, after much controversy, the organization accepted the Munchkin into the development program, which tracks the pedigrees of animals involved in the breed's selection and breeding statistics under the supervision of the Genetics Committee. The CFA still does not accept the Munchkin breed, considering it genetically inferior due to its abnormally short legs.

Description of the Munchkin breed

Apart from shortened limbs, munchkins are visually no different from ordinary cats, with short or long hair. The outcross program under which the breed is developing provides for genetic diversity, for this purpose, as well as to obtain necessary features In the offspring, in addition to ordinary domestic animals, other breeds are used. At the same time, the task of breeders is to ensure that the result of selection does not resemble a miniature copy of a purebred pet.


The Munchkin breed standard is established by the International Cat Association (TICA). In addition to the characteristic shortened paws and slightly rounded chest, the exterior responds following criteria:

  • Head: relatively wide, is a modified wedge with slightly rounded contours. The cheekbones are high, the muzzle is moderate with a firm chin, a flat forehead and a nose of medium length, which is permissible for a slight deflection.
  • Ears: triangular are relatively large, vertically located, wider at the base with rounded tips.
  • Eyes: large, in shape walnut , located widely and at a moderate angle to the base of the ears. The color of the cat does not affect their color, but it should be clean and expressive.
  • Torso: of medium length, with pronounced muscles, strong thighs. Due to the more elongated hind limbs, it is noted smooth rise of the body from withers to croup animal. The tail is of medium thickness, tapers to a rounded tip, and is carried vertically when moving.
  • Limbs: short, the rear ones are slightly larger than the front ones. Forelegs in length are approximately 7.5 cm. The four paws are set straight, without bending in or out.
  • Average duration life Munchkin's is 14-16 years old, which corresponds to the typical age of cats of other breeds.
  • Standard weight adult cats is from 2 to 4 kg.
  • The breed allows both short and long thick and soft wool, with a developed undercoat, no restrictions regarding color.


When the registration of the new breed was considered, some experts were against it because they believed that cats were genetically inferior and would have the same health problems as dogs with short legs, such as dachshunds. However, research shows that the Munchkin breed different good health and doesn't have much specific diseases.

Only occasionally in pets lordosis is diagnosed. The disease consists of a curvature of the spine that bends inward into the body due to shortening of the muscles that support it. correct position. This puts pressure on the trachea, lungs and heart. Lordosis - relatively rare disease and cats of other breeds are prone to it. In addition, Munchkins are predisposed to pectus excavatum.


These unusual short-legged cats are distinguished by their cheerful disposition and friendliness, which makes them ideal companions. Munchkin social by nature, gets along with children and pets who live in the house. They need constant communication, which means they cannot be left alone for a long time.

Cats are easy to train, so early childhood pets easy to teach tricks. Short legs are not a deterrent for climbing curtains, bookcases or sofas. They are amazingly fast and flexible when needed.

Munchkins are observant. You can often see standing on hind legs a cat that is trying to see what has attracted its attention. For this manner they are even called "kangaroo cats".

Photos of colors

The munchkin color, as mentioned earlier, can be absolutely any color.

black shorthair white with brown markings sand white chinchilla brown tabby tortoiseshell


Cats are easy to keep and do not require complex actions from the owner. To keep your pet healthy and beautiful, you need to follow the recommendations given.


Cats are characterized by high cleanliness, however, the owner must systematically carry out grooming, which includes two mandatory hygiene procedures:

  • Bathing. Cats do not like to take baths, but they should be bathed at least once every three months. At the same time, using specially designed shampoos without strong odor.
  • Combing wool. Munchkins need to be brushed systematically to remove dead and matted hair. For cats with short hair, the procedure is carried out at least once a week, and long-haired pets need daily brushing.


It is important to stick to a predetermined feeding schedule to help avoid digestive problems. The frequency of feeding directly depends on the age of the pet:

  • up to 3 months - 5 times a day;
  • from 4 months to a year - 3 or 4 times;
  • from 1 year - 2-3 times a day.

The diet must be of high quality and appropriate to the age of the animal. The basis of cat nutrition is lean meat, which is combined with vegetables and grains. Before serving the meat, it is boiled or scalded with boiling water. The cat is provided with access to fresh water. Ready-made commercial food is best given to adult munchkins.

Walking your pet

Due to their compact size, Munchkins are suitable for keeping in apartments and country houses. They, like other cats, in addition to living quarters, are drawn to explore the surrounding nature, walk on green grass and run after birds.

For this purpose, to avoid dangerous situations, the owner walks the pet using a special harness. If the territory of a country house is fenced, then the cat is allowed to explore the yard without a leash.

Munchkin cats travel easily, so the owner can not part with his pet, but take it with him on a trip out of town or on vacation.

Breed card

Characteristics of a cat Notes
General information Characteristic looking cat, great companion
Character Friendly, calm cat
Appearance Short-legged cats are otherwise similar to regular domestic cats. Comes from an ordinary street cat
Behavior at home Affectionate, moderately active, can run quickly if necessary Jumping on short legs is quite difficult, so that your things lying on the shelves will remain intact
Care Just like any other cat. Longhaired Munchkins have a silky coat, making them easier to care for than many other longhaired breeds. Shorthaired Munchkins require less maintenance when it comes to grooming.
Health problems No special health problems noted Fears that munchkins, like dachshunds, may suffer from spinal problems have not been confirmed

How to choose a kitten

It is better to buy a Munchkin kitten from a professional breeder. The age of the future pet is allowed from 3 months. Before purchasing, the future owner needs to pay attention to the following points:

  • Kitten behavior and activity;
  • Compliance of the exterior with the breed standard;
  • Signs of illness, such as pus-filled eyes or nasal discharge.

Important! When purchasing a kitten from a nursery, the new owner must be presented with the following documents:

  • Purchase and sale agreement, which will stipulate important conditions transactions.
  • Pedigree for the Munchkin.
  • Veterinary passport, which contains notes about the vaccinations given.
  • Instructions for keeping a kitten.

The cost of a kitten varies from 40 to 50 thousand in Moscow nurseries, in other regions of Russia, the price fluctuates from 20 to 30 tr. At the same time, a munchkin with an excellent pedigree will cost much higher, and kittens with minor defects sell cheaper.


An unusual fact in the development of long-haired and short-haired forms of the breed is crossing with outbred cats. As a result solid color is less common compared to tabi color.

When munchkins mate with each other, all kittens have short legs. But in the first generation, when munchkins mate with ordinary cats, no results.

Until recently, it was difficult to purchase a munchkin kitten in Russia. Today you can buy a purebred pet from a breeder in almost every big city countries.

Thus, there are several nurseries in Moscow, the largest of which are

Short-legged cats have become popular pets only recently, since the end of the 20th century. Work on breeding new and consolidating existing breeds does not stop. Breeders surprise with unusual combinations of basic species to achieve the desired result. We tell you what breeds of cats with short legs are common:


Perhaps the very first (and therefore famous) breed of short-legged cats, which served as the “starting point” in the selection of this type of cat. Received as a result of natural mutation. The front legs are slightly shorter than the hind legs, the tail is in vertical position. The muscles are well developed. Standards allow short and long hair different colors. Average weight– 3-4 kg.

Active, sociable and extremely peaceful animals. Because of short have adapted to “examine the surroundings” in a kangaroo position, i.e. sitting on its hind legs and leaning on its tail. The front legs are lowered to the sides.

A variety of cats based on crossing the Selkirk Rex and. However necessary genes Lambkina are still not secured. Miniature pets, the weight of adults is about 3 kg. Head standard size with a compact body and short legs, it looks disproportionate.

Curly and straight-haired representatives with short or long hair are allowed.

Known for their patient disposition, curiosity, and intelligence. They get along well with other animals and get along with children. Always playful and active, they can jump to small heights.


By crossing La Perm and La Perm cats, a breed of cats with curly hair and short legs was obtained. Short and long fur of various colors is allowed. The vibrissae are necessarily curly.

A cheerful, active cat with a curious character, devotion and affection for the family. Loves affection and attention to himself, prefers joint games, incl. with other animals or children.


Representatives of the species appeared as a result of hybridization and Canadian Sphynx. According to the standards, this is a breed of hairless cats (light fluff is allowed). The ears appear disproportionately large.

Cats are friendly, sociable, and active. They combine a proud disposition and sincere affection for the owner. Playfulness is maintained for high level throughout life. It is noteworthy that they have practically no hunting instinct, so they are also friends with natural “prey”.


A rare breed, breeding work on which has not yet been completed. Obtained in the early 90s on the basis of the American Curl.

They have long or short soft hair, ears bent back (not all individuals). The body has a standard length with short legs. Average weight – 3 kg.

Kinkaloos are renowned for being talkative, friendly and playful. Find common language with other animals and with children, avoid conflicts. Non-aggressive. Prefer active image life, love walks. They gladly accept human affection and attention.


A rare young breed (created in 2008), represented by only 40-50 individuals. Derived from:

  • Canadian Sphynx;
  • American Curl.

Some individuals have ears curled back; the standards for coat are similar to those of the Canadian Sphynx (let's say fluff). Miniature cat, the average weight of which is 2 kg. The body is muscular, the neck and legs are massive. Such pets are active, friendly and very sociable, they know how to take offense and ignore the owner. They are distinguished by their peaceful nature towards other furry animals. They play well with children.


They were bred in 2008 in Texas based on the Savannah and Bengal species for the sake of their beautiful color.

The color of cats of this breed is similar to the African genet, a wild mammal (of the civet family). The coat of all genets is short.

Genettes are characterized as affectionate, playful and energetic. Individuals are self-confident and proud, but will never refuse the owner’s attention and joint games.


A young breed of cats with short legs, derived from Persians. Miniature representatives, who, at the same time, have a majestic appearance: from the Persians they got soft fur and a flattened muzzle, from dwarfism and a weight of up to 3 kg. Short-haired and long-haired variations in any colors are allowed. Individuals have inherited the health deficiencies of both parent breeds.

They are famous for their intelligence, energy and sociability. They are absolutely non-aggressive and do not suffer from selfishness. They are friendly towards people, love affection and attention. They remain playful throughout their lives.

Short-legged representatives of the listed breeds have a gentle character. They are distinguished by playfulness, sociability with other animals, friendliness to children, and an absolute lack of aggression. They can hardly be called pets: very quickly they become full members of the family.

You can also check out - an excellent alternative to cats at home. If you suffer from an allergy to wool, you can choose a feathered pet for yourself. More details in the material.

People have surrounded themselves with pets since time immemorial. A person needs selfless affection, love, loyalty and devotion. He looks for them among other people, but cannot always find them. More often he finds what he needs among dogs and cats with short or long legs. The last nuance is often not particularly important. The main thing is that the animal makes his life emotionally richer and gives him warmth.

According to statistics, more than 70% of people have pets. Most often as pet choose a cat or a dog. Cats are most suitable for those people who do not like or for some reason are not able to go for walks often. A person also mainly chooses a cat breed in accordance with his own character.

What are the benefits of cats with short legs? The owners of such animals claim that they have an amazing character. They are intelligent, sociable, good-natured, inquisitive and cheerful, that is, they are suitable as a companion for any person, even with the most gloomy character. These cats are affectionate and playful, so they will return a good mood to any owner.

At the same time, they are self-sufficient and intelligent, so they will not “bother” you when you don’t want it. Such pets easily find a common language with other cats or representatives of other biological species. They are absolutely not shy about their short legs. At the same time, they can always stand up for themselves, since they are naturally endowed with a strong spirit.


This is a hairless cat breed with short legs that was developed by crossing Munchkins with Sphynx cats in the United States. The name of the breed is literally translated from Italian language like "child". Distinctive feature for babies - tassels on the tips of the ears. The average weight of such a cat is about 3000 grams. They also have an endearing habit of sitting on their hind legs.

You can buy a kitten of this breed at a nursery; most likely, they will give you a young Canadian Sphynx. When purchasing, pay attention to the cleanliness of the animal's eyes and ears, as well as its character. The kitten should not be afraid of you. The price for a representative of this breed can vary from 70 to 350 thousand rubles.

As for care, he does not need special care. Kittens of this breed have excellent health. True, they often freeze due to the lack of fur, so try to keep the air temperature at home from falling below 22 degrees. By the way, you can try a blouse on your cat if you decide to take her for a walk. Most likely, she will not refuse.

As for nutrition, choose high-calorie foods ( special feed, low-fat raw meat, poultry, dairy products. The cat needs to be bathed a couple of times a month.


Crossing short-legged munchkin cats with Persian cats made it possible to obtain this breed. A small Napoleon with ordinary paws can be purchased for 30-50 thousand rubles, and the price for representatives with a rare color on miniature paws reaches 80 thousand rubles.

Kittens of this breed are very easy-going, making them suitable for people with small children. Such a cat will never hurt or scratch a baby. However, there is a risk that such a calm pet will easily go into the arms of to a stranger, even if you can expect trouble from him. Therefore, it is better not to allow representatives of this breed to walk on the street alone.

When it comes to grooming, Napoleons are unpretentious. They only need extra attention when walking and early age, like all kids. Such cats need to be systematically combed. If you got a short-haired representative of the breed - once a week, if you got a long-haired one - 2 times.

A pet of this breed should be fed 2 to 4 times a day. Nutrition should be balanced, that is, the menu should include proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Lamkin are short-legged cats. The breed is distinguished by curly hair and weight, from 1800 to 4000 grams. Representatives of this breed are often also called “dwarf rexes.” The progenitors of these cats are Selkirk Rex and Munchkins. For now, the breed is still considered experimental by breeders.

Representatives of this breed have long hair. Therefore, such long-haired pets require special care. The owner will need a special comb for curly cats and free time to comb it at least once a week. To make the curls look beautiful, after combing they need to be sprayed with water.

The kitten will need to be bathed approximately once a month. To do this, buy in advance special shampoo for long-haired cats. There is no need to comb your pet immediately after bathing, otherwise you may damage the structure of its coat. Short-legged cats of this breed look very beautiful in the photo, due to their amazing curls.

The best way to feed your lambkin is industrial feed himself high class, because they already contain all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and microelements. If you prefer natural feeding, vitamin supplements The pet will have to be fed additionally. The menu of a cat of this breed must include wet and dry food, in approximately equal proportions. At the same time, the cat should always have access to fresh water.

The breed is quite rare, so it is best to check the cost with the owners of the nursery.


These are representatives of the cat family with an elongated body and short legs. This breed was not bred artificially. It appeared as a result of a natural mutation. Males on average can reach a weight of up to 4 kg, females - a little less. These pets love to sit on their hind legs.

As for caring for these amazing cats, special attention should be paid to nutrition. Cats of this breed often suffer overweight, therefore, owners need to exclude any possibility of uncontrolled feeding of their pet. It is important to draw up balanced menu and determine daily norm food depending on the condition of the cat, its age and lifestyle.

Short-haired representatives of the breed require less grooming than long-haired ones. For individuals with short hair, it is enough to brush them once a week, and for those with long hair, twice a week. This procedure will get rid of lost hair and prevent tangling of the fur.

Another important point– timely cleansing ears and nail trimming. Veterinarians recommend brushing your cat's teeth once a week. The sooner you accustom your kitten to these manipulations, the easier it will be to care for him in the future.

A kitten of this breed will cost you a considerable amount. Minimum price healthy pet will be about 55 thousand rubles. There are few nurseries specializing in this breed. Therefore, you will have to pay extra for the rarity of the pet.

The final cost of the baby consists of the costs of maintaining a pregnant cat, paperwork, vaccination, maintenance and upbringing of newborn kittens. The appearance of the baby will also affect its total cost.

Short-legged Skookum cats

These felines have long, wavy hair and short legs. The breed emerged as a result of crossing laperm cats with munchkins. Males of this breed weigh up to 4 kg, females - up to 3.5 kg. Interestingly, the charming pets of this breed have longer front legs than their hind legs.

There are no special nutritional requirements for animals of this breed. However, the breeder will be able to answer all your questions regarding the recommended diet in detail. Cats are unpretentious, so they do not require special care. Particularly careful care of wool is needed before exhibitions. It is washed with shampoo and dried thoroughly. For special splendor, it is sprayed with water.

If the pet will be kept in normal conditions and eat well special problems his health will not be good. There is one caveat when breeding - you cannot cross cats of this breed with representatives of other breeds, otherwise there is a risk of kittens being born with deformed paws.

Skookums are an expensive breed, as they are rare, developing and even experimental. It is difficult to buy a kitten of this breed not only in Russia, but also in the world. They are sold in nurseries in Europe and the USA. Therefore, if you decide to get such a kitten, get ready for serious expenses.

Perhaps everyone knows about short-legged dachshund dogs, but few pet lovers know that among the representatives of the cat family there are individuals with short legs. This unusual and funny breed of cats also has a name and is called munchkins. Unusual cats with short legs and pretty faces have recently appeared more and more often in various nurseries, and cat lovers are happy to purchase this “miracle of nature.” Peaceful and docile munchkins quickly win the hearts of all household members and become real family members. So where did this unusual breed of cat with short legs come from?

The history of the origin of munchkin cats

In Russia, this breed of cat is still little known, but in Europe these short-legged cats are the most common. Munchkins are pretty young breed and they appeared in the 80s of the last century. In the United States, a woman named Sandra Hochenedel adopted a cat with short crooked legs into her home. Sandra picked up the kitty, who was soon to lamb, on the street and gave her the nickname “Blackberry.”

It is from the day of birth of the Ezhevichka kittens that it is customary to count the history of the Munchkin breed. All the cubs of the short-legged cat had the same paws of non-standard length, but their health was not a cause for concern. Thus, the emergence unusual breed cats with short legs did not occur as a result of the painstaking and lengthy work of breeders, but because natural mutation. Exactly dominant gene provided many generations of Munchkin cats with short legs.

Due to the dominance of this gene, short-legged cats could be crossed with cats with limbs of normal length and, as a result of such mating, get most of kittens with short legs.

Funny name the cats were given in honor of the tiny people who lived in the fabulous Blue Country, whom he described in his book "The Wizard of Oz", Lyman Frank Baum.

There is an assumption that short-legged cats appeared in the 30s of the last century in Great Britain, but local felinologists were unable to preserve the unusual breed of cats because of the outbreak of World War II. But nevertheless, some representatives of this breed survived in the Soviet Union. This is evidenced by references to short-legged cats by a German author who visited the USSR in the 50s. But, nevertheless, no official documents confirming the appearance of short-legged cats before the 80s were found.

The munchkin cat breed was officially registered in the 90s, and at the same time the short-legged pets received recognition from the International Cat Association.

Appearance and varieties of cats with short legs

Munchkin cats are divided into subspecies based on the length of their limbs. So, short-legged munchkins are:

  • dwarf;
  • standard;
  • ultra-short.

The color can be varied, and according to the length of the coat, munchkins are divided into short-haired and long-haired. At the same time, the short-haired representatives of the breed have a “plush” short coat, and the long-haired ones have an elongated, silky coat with a well-developed undercoat. Cats have almond-shaped eyes of any color.

In some cases, short-legged cats will give birth to one or more kittens with normal limb lengths. But such kittens are not discarded from breeding, since they are also carriers of the gene and their offspring will have short legs.

Munchkin variety

Munchkin character

Despite the short legs, these cats are very mobile and active. They, just like them, love to jump onto various high surfaces, and do it quite deftly. And the tail actually serves as a “fifth paw” for munchkins. If the cat needs to look around, he sits on his hips and, stretching out, leans on his tail. The pet presses its short front paws to its chest.

Munchkins are friendly and docile in nature.. Kittens love active games and never show aggression towards small children. They quickly adapt to a new home, find a common language with all household members and other pets, and love to spend time with their owner. Easy to learn and therefore the owner, if desired, can teach his short-legged pet various simple tricks.

Munchkins differ from other representatives of the cat family not only in their short legs, but also in several more unique features. Funny munchkins, for example, love to make hiding places. This feature furry pet in a sense, disciplines its owners. So, it’s better for them not to scatter their things all over the apartment, otherwise they will have to look for them in places they couldn’t even think of.

Another feature of munchkins, more characteristic of dogs, is the arrangement of their own place. Short-legged cats they find a certain place and “get attached” to it, considering it their personal refuge. It is better for the owner to buy a special cat house for the munchkin if he does not want the pet to appropriate the owner’s chair for himself, “equipping” it with handy tools found in the house.

Short-legged pets love walks fresh air . They can be taught to use a leash at an early age, so that in the future they can calmly walk with the cat in the park.

Representatives of this breed are quite easy to care for. The care is standard and consists of the following:

When choosing a tray for a munchkin, it is worth considering the fact that representatives of this breed like to cope with both needs at the same time and therefore it is desirable that the “toilet” be larger. The sides of the tray should be low so that short-legged pets can easily climb into it.


Representatives of this breed are under no circumstances can't feed plant foods , because cats' stomachs cannot digest them. The diet of a short-legged cat must consist of high-quality dry industrial food and lean meat dishes. In small quantities, occasionally, you can also give sea ​​fish, and once every couple of weeks feed the cat a chicken egg.

Munchkins should not be overfed as they tend to become obese.. Don’t forget that your pet’s water bowl should always be in the public domain. The water should be filtered, not running. It must be renewed every day, and the bowl must be washed thoroughly.

The average lifespan of short-legged cats is about 15 years., given that proper feeding and compliance with all rules for care and maintenance.

Price of short-legged kittens

In the United States and Europe, short-legged cats are very popular among numerous felinologists. She also gains fame in Russia, still remaining a rather rare breed cat. Due to their low prevalence, the price of munchkins is quite high. The price depends largely on the exterior and starts at $250, rising in some cases to $800.