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Which dogs should not be walked? Dogs that don't need to be walked. Miniature pet and walks

After all, apartment conditions are ideal for a small animal. They take up very little space and can even fit in a small purse if you need to take your dog with you. Such breeds are quite clean and will not cause their owners trouble with cleaning up hair throughout the entire apartment. Dogs that do not require walking are different.

Domestic dogs, breeds that do not require walking.

Domestic dogs of the Shih-Tu, Japanese Chin and other breeds whose weight usually does not exceed 10 kg are considered decorative. However, dogs of the same category can differ in weight and height, and if she has gained an extra 2-3 kg, this does not change her breed.

Japanese Chin

The dog's weight is 2-4 kg, height up to 25 cm, life expectancy 12-14 years. Inexperienced owners will be able to cope with caring for a representative of this breed.

Chins have a cheerful behavior and are nimble and lively dogs. They show intelligence and give tenderness to those they know well. They are wary of strangers and feel uncomfortable in an unfamiliar place. Japanese Chins get along well with other pets, but if you don't give them enough attention, they become jealous.

Shih Tzu

The Chinese dog breed is suitable for inexperienced owners. Regular weight The animal weighs 4-8 kg, height 20-28 cm, and life expectancy more than 15 years.

Shih Tzus are trusting, mischievous, cheerful, selflessly loving. Like little optimists, they love to play and lie around to their heart's content. If children treat them with care, they get along well and generally find common language with everyone. At the same time, these dogs have dignity that sometimes turns into pride, because they love to be the center of attention.

Pomeranian Spitz

The breed originates from the German lands. They do not weigh much, up to 3 kg, height 18-30 cm, and live about 12 years. They are distinguished by their lively temperament and intelligence.

The Spitz is a good companion for lonely people. You can carry it with you - they are only happy to be with their owner. If there are small children in the family, they may be careless with the dog, which will likely lead to its irritability. Pomeranians tend to bark often with their ringing voice, but this can be avoided by training it with puppy age.


The dog's height is 20 - 28 cm, weight is about 5 kg, life expectancy is up to 16 years.

They have a cheerful temperament and are very loyal to their owner. Papillons are incredibly energetic and love to hunt all kinds of animals. small size while playing with her. They are intelligent, easy to train and submissive. Right well-mannered puppy The Papillon will remain curious, but also calm. Dogs know how to get along with other animals, even involving them in their games.

A person in a modern environment is often busy with business. Constantly lacks time, and to carry out a multi-hour walk with big dog- sometimes you get lazy. As a way out of the situation, a small breed dog would be appropriate here, since it requires almost no physical activity. At the same time, a dog of a decorative breed is a real guard, a tame animal, and a pleasant companion who will not part with its owner even when traveling.

Let's face it, too many people decide they want a cute little adorable dog to love and care for. They spend a huge amount of time and money to choose that perfect dog, but after a couple of months, when the effect of novelty wears off, the animal is left without attention, and at the same time comes the understanding that having a dog is work.

We just want to go up to such people, shake them and shout: “A dog is not a decoration for the lawn or a trinket for the house!” In addition to the basic needs - water, food and a place to sleep - the dog needs attention, affection, emotions, grooming, and physical activity.

For those who still want to get a dog, but absolutely do not want to walk with it for 30 minutes a day, spend time and money on it, and take it to the groomer every week, we offer this list of easy-to-own dogs. We understand that there are people who, for whatever reason, are physically unable to walk their dog every day, but still need a companion. In that case, just ignore the word “lazy” in the title of the article and continue reading.

Note: We absolutely do not advocate ignoring any animal or neglecting its needs - only that you do not get an energetic Border Collie if just walking to the car makes you irritated. And you shouldn’t adopt a Shih Tzu that requires constant grooming if you’re too lazy to comb your own hair. Take home a dog who, for a tenth of the care, will love you just as much.

Bolognese (French lapdog)

The breed is believed to have originated in southern Italy from dogs like the Bichon Frize. Until the early 19th century, bolognese were popular as companions among the royal court and nobility of Spain. This is a robust breed of toy companion dog without any of the typical genetic problems. Consider the needs of Bolognese:

The Bolognese will be a great dog for your apartment. This indoor and decorative breed has a strong build and weighs 3-6 kg - this is comparable to the size of a baby.

Bologneses are playful, but not very active. Periodic, but not regular walks are suitable for them.

These dogs are very intelligent and easy to train. They can be shy around strangers, but are great with children and other animals.

This long-haired breed with white fur. It mats easily but doesn't shed much and is considered hypoallergenic.

Japanese Chin

The Japanese Chin (also known as the Japanese Spaniel) was actually bred in China and brought to Japan as a gift from the Emperor. This breed became very popular among the Japanese nobility, and Japanese Chins were first brought to Europe in the early 19th century.

The space requirement is minimal. These small dogs weigh only 1.8-3.2 kg and their size barely reaches 30 cm.

The need for training is minimal. Japanese Chins are intelligent, quiet and reserved dogs. They get along well with almost everyone, including strangers, children and other animals. They are also very aware of their surroundings.

The need for physical activity is minimal. These dogs seem to be created to sit on their owners' laps. In addition, due to their shortened muzzle, excessive exercise can lead to breathing and heart problems. Periodic short walks are ideal.

The need for grooming is moderate. Wool Japanese Chins requires regular brushing to keep it shiny and the dog to look well-groomed. Small shedding occurs throughout the year, but without a specific odor.

Disadvantages: difficult to train during the first 4 months of life. TO possible problems health related: displacement kneecap, heart disease, back disease, cataracts.


Greyhound dog in the list of ten best dogs for lazy owners?! Yeah, live and learn. Yes, they are very fast over short distances, but their energy does not last long. Indeed, for the unusual combination high speed and their love of lounging on their pillows, they were even nicknamed “fast lazy people” or “sofa potatoes.” Greyhounds have been living and hunting with humans for a very long time; mentions of them are found even among the ancient Egyptians and Greeks. What do greyhounds need for a happy life?

The space requirement is small. Yes, this is a really large breed (height is approximately 70 cm and weight is 26-40 kg), but these dogs also feel comfortable in small spaces. Generally, Greyhounds are quiet, gentle animals and are more suitable as an apartment dog than smaller, more active breeds.

The need for training is rather small. Greyhounds are quite obedient and get along well with strangers and children. school age and other dogs. You may have to train them to behave well around small children and small animals.

The need for physical activity is low to moderate. Yes, Greyhounds are excellent sprinters and enjoy running, but they don't need regular exercise. Walking 20-30 minutes every day will help older dogs stay healthy.

The need for grooming is small. Greyhounds have short, soft fur and no undercoat. These dogs are suitable for people with allergies.

Flaws: increased sensitivity skin and sensitivity to extreme temperatures.


Yes, they are a very large breed of dog, but they are completely unpretentious. This one is powerful guard breed was bred in the mid-19th century after mixing the English Mastiff with the Old English Bulldog. The purpose of bullmastiffs was not to attack an attacker, but to stand in front of him or knock him down and hold him. For their size they are really inactive. They need:

Due to their size (60-70 cm height and 40-60 kg weight) they need enough free space in the house to just move and lie down, but they are very calm and reserved and do well in apartments. They are best suited to live with their owners.

But you will have to train your bullmastiff so that he does not pull you while walking. Dogs of this breed are very family friendly; they are balanced, calm and get along well with children. Essentially, they love human attention and are very affectionate.

Bullmastiffs have a short smooth wool, which almost does not shed.

The need for physical activity is low to moderate. Bullmastiffs are calm and not very energetic, they are even known as lazy dogs, they are quite content to just lie on the couch. However, due to their size, it is worth considering the possibility of obesity. Bullmastiffs do best on long, leisurely walks.

Disadvantages: There is a tendency to bloating, dislocation hip joint, displacement elbow joint and eye problems. Can't stand it extreme temperatures. They're drooling.


Bred in China, pugs were most likely used as royal gifts or barter not only in their homeland, but also in Tibet and Japan. This is how they appeared in Europe. Pugs need:

These dogs weigh no more than 8 kg (if they are not overfed) and grow up to 30 cm. Ideal for apartment life!

The need for training is low. Even though pugs look like they've been hit by a door, they are very gentle and love to play with children. They are also stubborn. Seriously consider training if you don't want to see your Pug on the couch because he will insist.

The need for grooming is moderate. This is the drawback. They are a short-haired breed, so pugs do not shed much. However, you will need to clean your dog's wrinkles periodically to avoid irritation or inflammation.

The need for physical activity is quite low. You really don't have to do much training with this dog. Because of special structure pugs have very short heads and muzzles respiratory tract. This means they have trouble breathing when overexerted and have difficulty controlling their body temperature (dogs do this by using rapid breathing). Therefore, large dogs are absolutely contraindicated for pugs. physical activity and walks where they can get hot.

Disadvantages: Possible respiratory problems, hip dislocation and encephalitis. Pugs also snore. Don't let them on your bed if you are a light sleeper.

Glen of Imaal Terrier

The Glen of Imaal Terrier is a working dog from Ireland bred to hunt vermin, badgers and foxes. Their needs:

The space requirement is rather small. These terriers weigh up to 16 kg, about the same as a two-year-old child) and grow up to 35 cm. They are perfect for keeping in an apartment or house with a small yard.

Training needs are low to moderate. Intelligent and easy to train, Glen of Imaal Terriers are great with children and adults, but can be greedy with other dogs. Additionally, if they are poorly socialized, this breed may view other animals in the house as prey and attack them.

These dogs have relatively short legs, so jogging is not suitable for them, as are jumping and other active physical activities. Short walks along the street will be a good option, and there is no need to do them every day. What's more, Glen of Imaal Terriers are said to be excellent self-trainers, so if you have your own yard, they'll love it (but you'll need a good fence because these dogs love to dig).

Without proper care, the coat of these dogs can grow up to 10 cm long and become dull, but Glen of Imaal Terriers hardly shed.


Bulldogs were originally bred in the 17th century to guard bulls for butchers. Later they began to be used in dog fights. When fighting was outlawed, breeders began selecting dogs with calm personalities to soften the breed. What do bulldogs need:

Space requirements are low. These dogs are small but muscular and can weigh up to 20 kg. They will be fine living in an apartment, but you should not get this breed if you have back problems.

The need for training is low. Bulldogs are very affectionate and loyal and get along well with adults, children and other pets.

The need for grooming is low. They are a short-haired dog, but they require regular cleaning of the wrinkles and folds on their face.

Physical activity. Bulldogs are not at all active dogs, but they easily gain overweight, so they still need a little physical activity. Only low-intensity exercises such as regular walks are suitable for bulldogs. Remember that due to the shortened muzzle, heavy physical activity and exercise in the heat can seriously harm the health of bulldogs.


The Puggle is considered a young mixed breed. She was obtained by crossing a pug and a beagle. The Puggle may be born from direct breeding or in the second or third generation. They do not require much grooming and can make excellent pets. What do puggles need?

Space requirements are low. Puggles are quite small (height 30-35 cm and weight 10-12 kg), and they are quite comfortable in houses and apartments.

The need for training is low. Puggles are very balanced and cheerful. On the one hand, they are strong and playful animals, and on the other hand, they are loyal and tactile. They get along well with everyone, including other pets and children. Puggles love to please their owners.

The need for physical activity is rather low. These dogs also have energy for training - their relationship with beagles makes itself felt, so periodic walks outside or games in the yard are most suitable for them. On the other hand, due to the shortened nasal cavity inherited from Pugs, prolonged and vigorous exercise is prohibited because it can lead to problems with breathing and body temperature control.

Grooming requirements are low to moderate. Puggles do not require extensive grooming, but they do shed quite a lot, especially in the spring. They may also need periodic cleaning of wrinkles depending on how much they inherited from the Pug.

Disadvantages: Due to their shortened nasal cavity, puggles are slightly more prone than usual to heat stroke.

Rat terrier (pied terrier)

Rat Terriers are also known as the Rat Terrier, Pied Piper Terrier, and American Hairless Terrier. This breed was bred to catch, oddly enough, rats. And other pests that they can catch. Originally originating in England, rat terriers became very popular on American farms in the early 20th century. It is even known that Teddy Roosevelt went hunting with them. Rat Terrier needs:

Space requirements are low. The maximum weight of dogs of this breed is 15 kg, they grow up to 56 cm. This is approximately the size of a shoe box. There are also miniature rat terriers up to 30 cm in height and up to 10 kg in weight.

The need for training is low. Rat Terriers are very friendly and get along well with everyone: strangers, children, dogs, cats. They are cheerful, but can be sensitive to changes in their environment, for example, to increased activity or mood of the owner. If you want to train a Rat Terrier, you will not have any problems as these dogs are very intelligent.

The need for physical activity is low. Rat Terriers enjoy snuggling on their owner's lap or on the couch as much as they enjoy running around the yard. Periodic training, games or walks will be just right for them.

The need for grooming is low. This is a smooth-haired breed that hardly sheds.


The Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed in the world, named after the state of Chihuahua in Mexico, where it was discovered in 1850. No one knows exactly how Chihuahuas appeared, but most likely they are descendants of dogs from researchers in China and Spain.

The space requirement is minimal. These are real domestic dogs: their weight is approximately 0.5-3 kg, they even fit in a purse.

The need for training is low. But if you have other animals or children, consider another breed, otherwise you will have to deal with a canine nervous breakdown. Chihuahuas are fiercely loyal to one person, but they are often too excitable and nervous.

The need for grooming is low. Both short-haired and long-haired types require minimal grooming.

The need for physical activity is minimal. Periodic walks will be just right. But do not let your Chihuahua gain excess weight, as this will lead to serious problems with health.

Disadvantages: Chihuahuas are susceptible to several genetic abnormalities: epilepsy, hypoglycemia, heart problems, tracheal collapse.

Boston Terriers are good-natured, intelligent and easy-going. Despite the fact that they were bred as a breed of fighting dogs, there is not an iota of aggressiveness in them - just a little stubbornness. Because of their good manners and color, they were nicknamed “American gentlemen.” They are good for living in the city because they do not require large quantity physical activity and complex care, and almost do not shed. At the same time, they love attention, are inquisitive and devoted to their owners.

Among the disadvantages: they snore a little and do not tolerate cold and heat well. Like other short-faced breeds, they may have difficulty breathing. Caring for them is very simple: you need to feed them twice a day, sometimes brush them with a stiff bristle brush and wash them as needed.

English bulldog

English bulldogs ideal for living in apartments due to their main feature - pathological laziness. But not only! They have a surprisingly flexible character, they are calm and patient. They become very attached to the family in which they live. In England they are called nanny dogs because of their gentle and caring attitude towards children and the elderly. English bulldogs will never attack first, but will defend their own. Taking care of them is not difficult: you will have to force them out for short walks, wipe their fur once a week with a damp towel, comb it with a stiff brush, and make sure that the folds on the face remain clean.

These dogs may have breathing problems, so it is best to install an air conditioner in your home. English Bulldogs are prone to obesity. Digestive problems can be avoided if you do not mix dry and natural food. Bulldogs are also quite slobbery.

Cavalier King Charles

It is believed that representatives of this breed, by their presence in the house, create comfort and reduce stress. Cavaliers literally radiate optimism and are ready to make friends with anyone: another dog, a child, and even a cat. These are small but confident dogs. The only problem is that they don’t like to be left alone for a long time, so they are suitable for people who work at home, housewives and retirees. If you are present in the room, they are already happy and do not require additional attention.

These are fairly sedentary dogs, so it will be enough for them a short walk once a day. You can easily carry them around the city; they behave perfectly in public places. They are unpretentious in food and do not require special care. They need to be combed a couple of times a week and washed once a month.


Pugs are suitable for those who like to be sociable and active dogs. These kind and cheerful creatures will follow you from room to room and climb into bed when you go to bed. They love to be petted and held. They get tired quickly, so you won’t have to walk them for a long time. They love to take a nap on the couch and eat.

One problem with pugs is that they shed a lot, so many owners brush them every day. You will also have to carefully care for the folds on the face - wipe them with a damp cotton swab. This will be easy to do because pugs are very obedient.


The Whippet is probably one of the most discreet and intelligent dogs in the world. She hardly smells or barks, and if she does give in, it means something really important has happened. Whippets are independent, can be alone for a long time, and love peace and tranquility. Best qualities the perfect flatmate. They are obedient, affectionate, but at the same time incredibly sensitive. You shouldn’t shout at them, and the tense atmosphere in the house can make them sick.

This breed is paradoxical in its own way: it is passive at home, but on the street it runs around like crazy. The hunting roots show. Whippets require a lot of walking. In addition, once or twice a week you will need to brush their fur, ears and teeth.


For a dog of such modest size, the Chihuahua has amazing strong character. They are bold, jealous and distrustful. At the same time, they are incredibly devoted to their owner. In a family, they will choose one “their” person and will never let him out of their sight. Chihuahuas are very affectionate and do not like to be left alone, but they can easily travel in their bags, which they selflessly protect.

It may seem that such sensitive dogs require serious care, but this is not so - they are quite unpretentious. They need to be combed every now and then, their teeth, ears and eyes cleaned, and protected from the cold. If there is no time for a walk, don’t worry - all they need to do is run from one room to another.

Russian greyhound

It's hard to believe, but this one is big hunting dog loves the comfort of home very much and can be an excellent company for a city dweller who doesn’t mind going for a run in the morning. Thanks to its grace and agility, the greyhound will not cause much trouble in the house. This dog appreciates a relaxed lifestyle and loves to curl up somewhere warm on the couch. For a greyhound to be healthy, you need to keep it in good condition. physical fitness: let her run and play outside a lot, eat responsibly.

Greyhounds are very clean, but shed quite a lot, so they require frequent brushing. These are majestic and proud dogs with a subtle psyche. They will never curry favor with the owner, but they will respond to love and care with devotion.

Yorkshire Terrier

5 BREEDS OF DOG THAT YOU DO NOT NEED TO WALK The most popular breeds of “pocket dogs” that easily adapt to life in a city apartment, do not need daily walking, and still give a lot of love and tenderness Small breeds of dogs that do not need daily walking and quite easily adapt to life in a city apartment, they are very popular today. Their “information hunger” can be partially or fully compensated for by home games and sufficient attention from the owners, and “out of need” walks are taken to the balcony or to the tray, which they are accustomed to from puppyhood. Here are 5 popular breeds dogs you don't have to walk: 1. Chihuahua Samaya miniature breed dogs in the world, originally from Mexico. Chihuahuas usually weigh up to 3 kg, but they differ good health, stable psyche and good-natured disposition. Very obedient and cheerful kids who choose only one owner for themselves, and maintain friendly relations with the rest of the family. Puppies are perfectly accustomed to walking on a diaper or tray, so you can walk with them only for your own pleasure. It is believed that the Chihuahua is well adapted to living in an apartment and tolerates loneliness well while you work or mind your own business. 2. Japanese Chin A lively, nimble and cheerful dog weighing 2–4 kg and lifespan up to 14 years. Smart, loyal and affectionate with people they know, but in an unfamiliar place they can easily get confused and be very wary. Otherwise, chins are very playful, get along well with other pets, are easy to train and can master complex commands, so even inexperienced owners can easily cope with caring for this breed. 3. Shih Tzu A trusting and mischievous breed of Chinese dogs, whose weight ranges from 4 to 8 kg and life expectancy is more than 15 years. Your Shih Tzu will adore you to pieces, especially if you play with her, treat her with care, and give her enough attention. The dogs get along well with all family members and are suitable even for inexperienced owners. The Shih Tzu does not need much physical activity, is highly clean and can easily be litter trained. 4. Pomeranian This fluffy little ball looks like soft toy, actually a lively, smart and temperamental dog German origin. Spitz weigh up to 3.5 kg, live about 12 years and can boast that they have captured the heart of Queen Victoria herself. Spitz - faithful companion, a friendly pet and great companion lonely people. The dog is easy to train - this breed even took 23rd place in the list of the most smart dogs. Therefore, when the family has small child, which is disturbed by the ringing bark of the Spitz, the puppy must be trained from birth. 5. Chinese Crested These glamorous beauties come in two varieties: hairless and powderpuff. Very loyal, affectionate and graceful animals, incredibly devoted to their family. They love hugs, crave attention and tenderness for themselves, and can be a little timid in unfamiliar surroundings. Puppies are neat and clean and adapt well to a diaper or litter box, but the dog loves new experiences and will need periodic walks if it does not receive enough attention from its owners. More photos on video

There are dogs that are playful and active, there are dogs that are active and require attention, and there are those that you don’t even notice until they want to eat.

Knowing the workload modern people, we can assume that many would be happy to have a pet, but there is not enough time, and the dog needs to be looked after, fed, walked and put in order.

So, there are dog breeds that will suit even the laziest and busy people. The main thing is to love your four-legged friend and provide him with at least minimal care.

French bulldog

Charming pop-eyed dogs not only look very cute, but are perfect for keeping in a city apartment. Their compact size, docile nature and lack of need for active walks and training make them ideal animals for lazy owners. At the same time, French bulldogs Playful and kind in nature, they get along easily with all family members, including children. The only thing is that representatives of this breed have a weak respiratory system, so they often snore and snore loudly, and when walking they experience shortness of breath.


Miniature lap dogs of this breed love to be the center of attention, they are cheerful and playful, and, despite their tiny size, they are very brave. Dogs of this breed are trainable, they have a stable psyche and a good disposition. Suitable for keeping even in small apartments, you can take them with you on vacation or on a picnic. Chihuahuas do not really like long walks; they can easily be trained to go to the toilet in a litter tray.

Japanese Chin

These toy-looking toy dogs were bred in Japan, and the name of the breed translates as “treasure, value.” Truly extraordinary dogs. They are very attached to their owner and have a balanced character. Manifestations of aggression or uncontrolled activity are practically alien to them. They love to run and jump, but will never bother their owners. Another plus in their favor is that chins are practically silent; they do not make barking, but rather sounds similar to singing. Because of this, they are often called "furry samurai."

Yorkshire Terrier

Decorative breed small dogs native to England. The charming Yorkies have a perky disposition, are smart and easy to train. They are often found in small city apartments, because these miniature dogs do not need long walks and are easily accustomed to home toilet. Due to the fact that they have no undercoat, they practically do not shed. But you will have to comb them at least once a day to keep them long wool not confused.

English bulldog

The closest relatives of French bulldogs are similar to them, but at the same time they are different. They have a more “severe” appearance, and their character is not as easy as that of the “French”. But they are very attached and devoted to their owner. English bulldogs will not jump on you to prove their love, and in general they cannot be called active. Slow, short walks a couple of times a day are enough for them. And they will never run away from their owner. And although their size is larger than that of French bulldogs, these dogs are quite suitable for small apartments, because most of the time they lie down in secluded places.


Cheerful Pekingese are equally happy both at home next to their owner and on a walk. Affectionate, friendly and funny dogs do not require active walking or physical activity. Pekingese are not at all cowardly and it is even recommended to train them so that excessive manifestations of aggression develop into protective instincts. At the same time, they always treat the owners and “members of the article” in a friendly manner. Well, don’t forget about grooming!

Chow chow

An excellent option for lazy owners, because these exotic dogs are also lazy. They love to lie around and doze on soft bedding. Many people say that Chow Chows are like cats in this regard - they only need a couple of hours of activity per day and 15-20 minute walks, and the rest of the time they doze and rest. Chow-chows are dogs with a difficult character, they are smart, stubborn and serious, but if you find the key to them, they will respond with affection and gratitude.



It's not just tiny dogs that are suitable for inactive owners. The impressive size of mastiffs is also suitable for keeping in apartments and small houses. They are also called “gentle giants” because mastiffs love to curl up on the couch. These are calm, friendly dogs with a balanced character. IN active games and do not need walks; large physical exertion is contraindicated for them. A couple of walks a day for 20-25 minutes will be enough for them.


Pugs look funny and delight owners not only with their original appearance, but also cheerful character. They are very kind and sociable creatures, they love to have fun and play with their owners, but will not bother them. Most of From time to time they sleep or lie quietly in their place, but sometimes, more often in youth, they have bursts of activity. After running and frolicking, pugs calm down and behave sedately again.

Boston Terrier

These dogs are often called "American gentlemen": firstly, because of their black and white coloring, similar to a tuxedo, and secondly, because of their politeness. Your neighbors won't even know that you have a dog - these terriers are so quiet. They are truly well mannered, low maintenance and easy to train. But don’t offend your dog just like that. If you yell at a Boston Terrier for no reason, a very eloquent expression of resentment appears on its face.