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Key points in raising a puppy. Key points on how to raise a puppy How to raise an adult dog correctly

Have you decided to get a dog? This great solution. The dog will greet you from work, happily wagging its tail. And forced hiking will improve your health. And let's face it, we all love furries!

However, in reality, it turns out that the decision to get a dog is not so successful. Our beloved Bug destroyed half of the apartment, ate the neighbor's cat, runs away during a walk and does not come to us when we call her.

I often see so-called dog owners on the street who can barely keep up with their dog because it pulls on their leash. In parks you can often hear screams addressed to the furry bastard and see other joys of dog lovers.

For some reason, dog owners rarely think about the fact that a puppy, like a child, needs training. So I decided to talk to professional trainer and learn first-hand the golden rules for raising dogs.

Malkov Mikhail

Professional trainer, figurative instructor. Has been involved in professional training since 1995. Studied at the Rostov School of Service Dog Breeding of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Until 2003, he worked as a canine inspector at the Center of the Canine Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the search for explosives and narcotic substances with special-purpose dogs.

Since 2009 - involved instructor (RKF certificate No. 2759). Since 2007, 4-time winner of the Russian Championships among dog handlers of the State Tax Committee, multiple winner in the obedience sections (OBIDIENS 3) and in the protective section of the competition.
The latest result is 2nd place at the Russian Championship in Krasnodar in 2010. The main area of ​​activity is dog education, behavior correction, sports training in the sections of obedience and protection.

First steps

The most common mistakes when choosing a dog

When choosing a dog, it is important to choose a breed that would suit the personal qualities of the handler. If you are extremely calm person, phlegmatic and have chosen a Malinois, of course there will be problems. If you are an athlete and choose a St. Bernard, there will be a problem. It is important that there is a match between the chosen dog and the owner’s lifestyle.

The most common mistakes when raising a dog

Humanizing a dog is a fundamental mistake. Ignorance of physiology, ignorance basic principles education and training. Permissiveness regarding the actions of dogs.

Problems arise from this. A dog can do whatever he wants. The dog can go wherever he wants. The dog can bark at whomever you want. You don't have to execute the commands.
We all love our dogs, but love and permissiveness are two different things.

How to feed your dog correctly

Many owners feed their pet before a walk. However, doing this is wrong and even harms your pet. The dog is a predator. From a physiological point of view, a predator must first receive a load, catch its prey and only then eat it. After eating, predators rest, and the dog should also rest after walking and feeding.

If you feed your dog before a walk, then when it actively moves, plays, runs, the likelihood of intestinal volvulus or gastric volvulus increases.

In addition, if a walk is combined with an activity with a dog, then if the food motivation is satisfied, the effectiveness of the activity drops significantly (if the dog demonstrates a desire to do something at all).

It is enough to feed an adult dog of medium and large size in the evening, that is, once a day. For small dogs, it is enough to feed them 2 times a day. If a dog is intensively training or training, then the dog is fed based on the level of stress and energy expenditure of the body.

How to train a dog to go to the toilet outside and not in the house

A small puppy will still go to the toilet at home. There is no escape from this. Everyone experienced this. Try to go outside more often. When performing natural necessities on the street, do not forget to praise the dog. At home, never punish, much less enforce physical punishment. You can angrily express your dissatisfaction. Be patient, you will have to clean up after him often and treat these places with some kind of antiseptic.

Do not use diapers. If a puppy is trained to go to the toilet in the same place in the house, we will form a certain pattern of behavior, and then it will be very difficult to train him to go to the toilet outside. A stereotype is developed: a diaper or a corner is a toilet. This behavior is shaped and reinforced by the owner. We praise when the dog went to the diaper, how can we then explain to the dog that it has grown up and does not need to go in the apartment, and the toilet has moved outside. Of course, you can retrain a dog, but we are creating a problem for ourselves that will then need to be solved.

When left alone at home, she starts barking. Barks when he hears someone passing through the door

First, you need to find out the cause of your anxiety. She barks at extraneous sounds, out of sadness or just because.

We need to teach her to stay at home so that she behaves calmly. Reinforce the dog's calm behavior when we leave the dog for a short period of time. You don't need to come in when she's barking. Otherwise, we will reinforce the dog's barking.

Before leaving, increase physical stress and stress on the nervous system so that the dog comes home from classes, eats, rests and goes to bed.

Some dogs are afraid of loud noises, such as thunder or firecrackers

There can be many reasons for this behavior. This is a weak nervous system, this is negative life experience, these are negative associations with loud sounds, painful sensations, which coincided with loud sounds. Mostly, dogs that live in the city have a weak nervous system.

This can be corrected during classes. It is necessary to instill in the dog positive associations that are associated with loud sounds. This will be like a signal. Firecracker explosion - lots of delicious food. Firecracker Explosion is a great intense and highly anticipated game. Over time, the dog will perceive loud sounds as a call to play. It is important to remember here that each fear, like each dog, requires an individual approach.

Behavior on the street

How to train an active breed dog to behave calmly

You got a dog active breed, accordingly, must provide the dog with an adequate load for its temperament. Physical activity and stress on the nervous system, playing sports that are suitable for dogs of this breed. Show the way to satisfy her needs, which are characteristic of the breed.

At the same time, you need to accustom the dog to the crate so that it can calmly remain alone in the crate. Of course, the dog cannot be in it all the time. You can be “locked up” for no more than 4 hours, provided that the dog is provided with activity during the day. The cage should be of such a size that the dog can stand up and turn around freely.

If the dog is in a crate, then you can take two short walks (15-20 minutes a day) and add one intense walk to this.

How to train a dog to walk calmly next to you without pulling on the leash

Whoever leads whom on a walk leads them. The main thesis should be this: it is you who are going for a walk with me, and not I who are going for a walk with you. It is multifaceted to consider the relationship of the dog to the handler and vice versa, i.e. These are, first of all, issues of raising the dog and issues of the dog’s relationship to the person - to the handler.

A tight leash should mean to a dog that he is doing something wrong. At the slightest tension on the leash, it should at least stop. In addition, the dog must react sensitively to each tug of the leash, which corresponds to the level of excitement nervous system, size and breed of dog. Create discomfort for the dog when the leash is tight, show him the path to a comfortable state. Comfortable - near the guide’s leg, but this is not a “near” command.

The dog runs away and does not respond to its name

If you cannot control your dog with commands, then do not let him off the leash. A dog is always learning. In this case, she learns not to directly listen to the handler and not to respond to his commands. Practice obedience commands on a leash until it becomes automatic.

How to stop a dog from picking up on the street

Firstly, it is important not to teach her to pick her up from the ground at an early age. Show her that this is bad.

Secondly, time on a walk is the time that we can devote to our dog (exercises with it and communication). There is no need to waste it on the dog learning something bad and dangerous for itself. Walking is the joy of doing something and learning something necessary.

Thirdly, to show that picking up food from the ground has a negative connotation for the dog.

It is necessary to create positive associations with such an element of equipment as a muzzle so that the dog loves this muzzle. Most owners train their dog incorrectly: they put the muzzle on, tighten it, and go outside. The dog, of course, doesn't like it. In addition, the muzzle must be selected correctly. A loose muzzle is needed so that the dog can open its mouth and breathe.
The optimal models are either plastic or metal (rubber-coated).

Eliminating aggression

The dog behaves aggressively towards its owners, towards family members or passers-by, towards other dogs

Basically, a dog behaves aggressively for two reasons. Firstly, aggression could be born of fears. The dog is afraid of passers-by because to it they may look somehow unusual. Accordingly, aggression is defensive reaction: Don't come near me, otherwise I'll bite you.

Secondly, banal self-affirmation, and this is a consequence of the wrong relationship between the owner and the dog.

Aggression towards owners can arise from the most various reasons. Some dog doesn’t like cutting his nails and snaps because of it. The other dog doesn't like children. The third one prevents me from walking past the bowl when she eats. Accordingly, each of these cases must be dealt with separately. General recommendations can't be here. Needed individual approach in order to find the “source” of this behavior.

As a rule, a dog, anticipating something negative for itself, knows how to avoid it - demonstrate aggression or attack. First of all, questions arise for the owners. What have you done to prevent such problems from arising? Why didn’t you pay attention to this earlier, but now, when the problem has reached such a level?

Aggression towards other dogs is also a separate case. The dog itself can provoke aggression. She does not try to defend herself, but attacks first. This only means that the owner allowed this to happen from the very beginning, incorrectly introducing him to other dogs in childhood or at another age. Failed to correct in a timely manner early manifestation this aggression, taking into account breed and individual characteristics dogs. Accordingly, it is not working on the problem now. Everything suits him.

Depending on the cause of aggression, a behavior correction technique is selected. In any case, fix it yourself aggressive behavior dogs are difficult. If you think that this behavior is incorrigible, then you are mistaken. By and large, with the right approach aggression is removed quickly enough.

Dog jumps on people when meeting

This kind of behavior occurs quite often when a dog jumps on people when meeting them, regardless of whether they are acquaintances or just passers-by. Even when meeting the owner, the dog strives to rise higher to the owner.

The first thing to do is show the dog that jumping is not beneficial for him. Of course, there is no need to kneel or scold her. The dog jumps because it is such a greeting ritual. The dog is very happy that the owner has come, and the greeting ritual for dogs is to lick the face. Accordingly, you need to jump to do this.

It is necessary to change the greeting ritual to one that suits both the dog and the owner. Do you want me to pay attention to you? Do you want us to talk when I arrive? I'm glad to see you too, come and sit down with me. When the dog has taken the required position, you need to reinforce this behavior. This is how the greeting ritual changes. The dog understands that it is not profitable for it to jump. This does not lead to the result she needs.

How to behave correctly in the event of a dog attack or someone else’s dog showing aggression towards you

It all depends on what kind of dog it is. Pariah dogs that live just next to a person do not attack people.

If these are mongrels, then it is enough to show that we are picking up some kind of stone from the ground. Dogs, having a lot of life experience, run away. You can try telling them in a rude and confident voice to leave.

In case of a dog attack service breed you need to try to give some command out of obedience: “sit”, “lie down”, etc. This must be done in a confident, commanding voice.

Dogs that are professionally trained will not attack people. The guides take great care of them and do not allow such situations. The dogs themselves know that they can only attack a person on command. This category of dogs is the safest.

Large dogs (biting breeds) such as Staffordshire terriers can deliberately attack a person. If I have any object with me - an umbrella, a bag, a box, I put this object in front of me. I will tell the dog to move away from me in a loud commanding voice. Most likely, the aggression will be directed either at the object, or the dog will refuse the attack attempt. If you still couldn’t avoid the attack, then try to hit them with improvised objects. internal organs or eyes.

Attack is different from attack, and if we are talking about my health or the health of a person, then we need to fight for it with all our might.

Choosing a trainer and training a dog

When meeting with a trainer over the phone, find out where the classes are held and make arrangements to attend those classes. See how the classes are going. At this time, talk to the handlers and dog owners who have been attending classes for a long time.

Look at the results they achieved during classes. Find out how long they spent studying with this instructor and try to evaluate the results of their work.

You need to find out from the instructor where he received his education, what results he achieved during the period during which he trained dogs, and how long he worked as an instructor. If possible, ask to see his personal dog. Because if he couldn’t train his dog, then naturally how can he train your dog?

Ask the coach if he has participated in any competitions or tests. As someone, with his own dogs or with dogs prepared by him. What results have you achieved? Find out about his canine training. About work experience. Results for completing courses such as OKD, ZKS, managed city ​​dog(BH) are not trainer achievements - this is just a test training.

When attending a training session with a trainer, you will need to take some things with you. If you come to obedience classes with a small dog or puppy, then you will need: a soft collar, a long leash (5-7 meters), a short leash (2 meters). Under no circumstances should it be a roulette wheel. Belt bag. Food from the dog's diet or treats. Clothing that suits the season is better than sportswear. All this is necessary to make it comfortable to work with the dog.

You can start training your dog when it starts eating on its own and starts running on its own. 3-3.5 months is the optimal age.

Raising a dog begins when you bring the dog home. But even before that, it is better to consult with an instructor so as not to create problems in the future.

Owners small breeds It’s also worth thinking about the coach. dwarf dachshunds, french bulldogs, fox terriers, jagd terriers and others small dogs. All dogs need training. People need to be taught to behave appropriately in society. Regardless of the size of the dog, we must deal with them and make sure that the dog does not cause problems to the owner either at home or to people on the street.


You can read a lot of tips on raising a dog on the Internet. However, it is worth remembering that, like a child, a dog needs to be raised, and this issue must be approached individually. The requirements for education and training are similar, but the ways to achieve results, like dogs, are different. If you start training on time with a competent and professional trainer, and work on the task at home, then many problems will be avoided, and many behavioral deficiencies will not be acquired at all.

If a puppy has settled in the house, then you now have to teach him everything necessary that an adult dog should be able to do. It doesn’t matter at all whether it’s a purebred or a mongrel. You've probably already read a huge number of articles where you learned the basics of raising puppies for dummies. But it happens that the baby came to you completely by accident, and you have no experience in keeping a dog. So how to properly raise a puppy?

First steps in training

Training is a kind of science, by studying which you will find the answer to the question “How to raise the perfect dog?. Remember that without it the puppy will not be able to become a worthy member of society. There are many ways to train, some of which can be found in the video. But you won’t teach a tiny puppy to commands that are still difficult for him. So where to start?

Meeting the puppy

Raising a puppy begins from the first days of its appearance in the house. Now you are both a parent and a teacher for him. The dog baby doesn’t know anything yet and is not familiar with your household.

As soon as you get home, sit your baby on the floor and let him sniff the new territory. He will be scared, but natural curiosity usually overcomes fear and forces the puppy to start exploring everything around. At this time, you should be close to him, talking in a calm voice.

Once your puppy has become familiar with his surroundings, squat down to appear smaller in size, and call him. He doesn’t know his name yet, but he will respond to your voice. When the puppy runs up, praise him. If the baby is scared and does not want to approach, then you can lure him with a treat.

After the baby gets comfortable with you, introduce him to your household. At the same time, ask not to make noise - loud sounds will scare the puppy.

But it is advisable to get acquainted with other pets on neutral territory or not from the first day the puppy moves into the house. First, accustom the animals to each other’s smell: let an adult dog or cat sniff the baby’s thing and vice versa. After some time, organize a meeting for them under your supervision. Remember, even if an old-timer animal is wary of a new resident, you cannot beat him! This will develop bad relationship between them.

Place and toilet training

The key to successful coexistence of a dog and a person in the same apartment is the absence of problems with the toilet. Naturally, at first the puppy will pee wherever he feels like it - it’s difficult for him to control this process. Therefore, it is very important to correctly explain to your baby where to go to the toilet. Use the following method.

For the first time, choose a place for the WC next to the puppy’s bed. Also place several “toilets” in other areas of the apartment. Absorbent diapers are best suited for these purposes. They can be moistened with baby's urine - the smell will help identify the toilet.

In the next video you can learn more about toilet training a puppy.

The key to success in training is your attentiveness and reaction. Observe your puppy after sleeping, feeding, or playing. As soon as he starts sniffing everything around, you need to pick him up and take him to the place prepared for the toilet. When he recovers, praise him. Be patient: some dogs grasp this science on the fly, others will have to be swaddled many times - you cannot beat them for mistakes.

Gradually reduce the number of toilet diapers to one, which you move to the corridor towards the exit. When the baby learns to endure for a long time, it is thrown away, but until 5-6 months there should be a “duty” diaper in the apartment.

Another command that people start learning right away is “Place”. It's easy to learn how to do it correctly. When the puppy has had enough of playing and is tired, take him to the bedding, saying “Place,” put him on the bed and pet him. This is one of the best ways.

So that your puppy grows up healthy and strong, with early age accustom him to hygiene and veterinary procedures. Such as bathing, ear cleaning, nail trimming, etc.

We teach you to answer the call

One of the important commands for a dog is “Come to me.” You can easily get used to it while the baby is small. To do this, say the puppy’s name and, when he runs up to you, say “Come to me.” Be sure to praise him and give him a treat. Repeat for a few minutes every day, and turning your practice into a game is a great way to reinforce it.

This video will tell you what a beginner in the world of dog breeding should know about training.

Night cry

At the very beginning life together A puppy weaned from its mother will cry at night. Many dog ​​owners are not prepared for whining and, in order to calm the dog down, they take it to bed with them. If you don't want your dog to sleep with you always, then don't do it! The best way- move the baby's bedding to the bed and lower your hand to him. This way he will feel your warmth and will not be lonely.

By the way, in no video you will find a demonstration of training a puppy to sleep alone.

How to properly limit the scope of what is permitted

Any crime entails punishment - the great Fyodor Mikhailovich wrote about this. However, when it comes to dogs, things are not so simple. Remember that animals have their own society, rules and orders, they perceive the world differently - many videos and films have been made about this. Our task is to teach them to distinguish between what is good and what is bad. The main thing is to avoid the verb “beat”, because there are many other ways of education.

Learning to prohibit correctly

Raising a puppy is impossible without prohibitions, but remember that you can only scold the baby while committing a crime. If you come home from work and everything in the apartment is upside down, it is useless to make a row and beat the puppy. He will associate punishment with your arrival, but not with a torn pillow.

The most common mistakes owners make

Now you know how to raise a dog, but there are always shortcomings and aspects that you do not know. Unfortunately, no matter how much literature dog owners study, they continue to make mistakes when training a puppy. Let's take a closer look at them.

  • Few incentives. When a dog does everything right, don't be greedy kind words, you can give treats and pet them. Prove that she is the best in the world.
  • Poking the muzzle into excrement. The baby should not be beaten for what he has done on the floor. This will only scare him. So just calmly clean up after him and watch him more carefully next time so you have time to take him to the diaper.
  • Lack of games. Yes, puppies can ruin things in the apartment. Therefore, it is important to teach the baby to play. He must distinguish his things from the owner's things. Never let him play with shoes; the dog will not distinguish old sneakers from new ones, which may become his next toy.
  • Lack of communication. It is also important not only to communicate with the puppy yourself, but also to allow him to contact other four-legged animals, as well as people. This is necessary for socialization.
  • Tidbits from the table. A dog drooling at the table is not a pleasant sight. You can wean your animal off being in the dining room using the “Kitchen” command. The method is quite simple: when you sit down at the table, take the puppy out into the corridor and say the command.

Remember that dogs are smart - if things don’t work out right away, then learn to communicate with her, just as she learns to understand you. Proper education A puppy is the key to a prosperous life together with an adult dog.

Raising a dog is a difficult task, but quite doable. The main thing is to follow the basic rules of training so that the owner always remains the indisputable leader for the dog. Today we’ll look at possible training mistakes and find out why animals grow up disobedient.

To raise your pet correctly, it is important to understand the characteristics dog psychology: every dog ​​sees a pack in his family, so the owner’s duty is from the first day of the puppy’s presence in the house to prove himself a strong and confident leader, otherwise your pet will take this place (by at least, in his presentation). The consequence of this position of the animal is disobedience and excessive aggression.

The dog must be trained in basic skills and natural needs(regular walks, toilet, sleep). However, this will not be achieved without mastering the simplest commands. To educate the perfect pet became possible, you will have to show strength of character and not retreat until you achieve unquestioning obedience.

The dog's place in the domestic hierarchy

Still, it is important to make the animal respect its owner from the very beginning. If you don't do this, you will never be able to influence your pet's behavior. There are several important rules that must be observed in the process of education:

  • feed the dog only after the whole family has had lunch: in pack conditions, the leader is always the first to get enough, and only after that the weaker members of the pack are allowed to eat;
  • immediately stop the dog’s attempts to be the first to go through the door - the leader always and everywhere goes first, and the rest of the pack members obediently let him through. Confidently and firmly detain the animal, giving a strict command “No!”, and enter first. At the same time, it is categorically not recommended to hit the dog - a firm hold is enough;
  • remember your unconditional leadership even during games - victory always remains with the stronger member of the pack, that is, with you;
  • If we're talking about about an adult dog, try not to give in to your pet’s suggestions to start playing: such an initiative should come purely from you;
  • the animal should be raised so that it follows the commands received the first time;
  • Teach your pet that he has his own place in the house, and stop all attempts to occupy the owner’s furniture, especially if the dog stubbornly refuses to leave it.

Basic principles

  • The dog needs a constant daily routine. If you follow a clear schedule, over time the pet will get used to walking and eating at approximately the same time, and will patiently wait for the appointed hour;
  • the animal must feel the authority of not only the owner, but also all family members;
  • regularly devote time to training - the success of mastering basic commands will depend on their frequency;
  • start training work immediately after the puppy appears in the house. Animals are receptive to learning up to 2 years of age. When your pet gets older, it will become much more difficult to re-educate him. The question is how to educate adult dog, requires a different, more comprehensive and professional approach;
  • To the question of whether it is possible to beat your dog during training, the answer is clear - it is impossible. Even in natural conditions, leaders and mothers of wolf cubs only lightly bite the puppies on the withers, or simply push them onto their backs with their noses.

Be that as it may, it is quite possible to re-educate a dog, the process will just take more time and require maximum effort, because you have to change the already established character of an adult animal.

Common mistakes

Many inexperienced dog breeders are prone to common mistakes when purchasing and raising dogs:

  • You should not buy an animal spontaneously - the decision to have a pet should be conscious and balanced;
  • training should not be neglected - the puppy’s basic habits are formed early, and if time is lost, it will be more difficult for you to achieve obedience;
  • be united in prohibitions and encouragements with all family members: for example, if one person forbade the dog to sleep in the master’s bed, the rest should under no circumstances violate this prohibition;
  • do not abuse rewards - a treat should always act as a pleasant bonus for following a command or other merit;
  • pay due attention physical activity pet;
  • You should not leave your dog alone for a long time - animals do not like this.

Since childhood, Marina dreamed of big dog, with which you can fearlessly walk the streets at any time of the day. After all, a large, formidable dog is a real protector! When the opportunity arose, the girl got a boxer.

But here's the paradox: in appearance Jesse - angry dog, however, as soon as a stranger approaches her (no matter what the person’s intentions are - to stroke or hit), the dog hurries to retreat. At the same time, he drags the poor housewife along with him on a leash.

Marina doesn’t understand why a service-breed pet is madly afraid of people. But breeders and trainers will say right away: Jessie made mistakes. Not only Marina, but also everyone who wants to get a dog or has already done so, it is important to know how to avoid them!

From childhood, the puppy must get used to things, people, sounds, and other animals. If something is not recorded in his memory, this object or individual will continue to seem dangerous to him. Thus, dogs that have grown up exclusively in the company of women begin to be afraid of men, and vice versa.

Improperly raised dogs have different reactions to danger. Some run away, like Jesse, others hide, others seek protection behind the back of the owner, whom they themselves were supposed to shield from the unknown, and still others even experience involuntary urination.

There is also an aggressive form of reaction - the dog is the first to attack something or those it fears. IN best case scenario she barks, at worst she bites before the enemy has time to come to his senses. Moreover, fear is stress, which is known to shorten a pet’s life. And it is already short in animals.

So make every effort to make your pet less afraid. To do this, you need to help the puppy fully understand the world around us. Three initial periods of dog development - your chance to instill in your pet everything necessary qualities and adjust negative traits. Don't delay - waste time!

Early childhood

The pet must be with its mother until it reaches 8 weeks of age. During this time, the baby will learn to be a dog and learn the first principles of discipline from his mother. The bitch will growl at the puppy, in whom she recognizes the leader. Will try to suppress his disobedience.

This will have a good effect on the pet’s character in the future: he will learn to recognize the leader – the owner. An important skill that puppies learn during this period is dental control. They bite their relatives, and they reciprocate. This is how kids understand what pain is and learn to regulate the force of their bite, clench their teeth so as not to cause discomfort, or, on the contrary, to really fight.

Communication with the mother dog in the future determines how the pet will behave with individuals of the opposite sex, and who he imagines himself to be. I wonder what if early childhood The puppy has only been with people, he considers himself a human, and his relationships with other animals will be tense. During this period, a person should often take the baby in his arms and stroke him. Otherwise, the dog will never be able to trust its owner.

The right choice

At this time, you will be able to determine which puppy will succeed without special difficulties educate obedient dog. Make him your pet. Sometimes a mother dog aggressively raises her babies. Some breeders are afraid that she may harm them, so they take them away from their separated mother and raise them separately.

There will be many difficulties in raising such dogs. The pet that was the first to run up to you, pushing away its fellows, is the leader. This will also be difficult to make obedient. A trembling dog huddling in the corner is too shy and timid. He will never become a real protector for the owner and his family. This will make parenting much more difficult. Opt for the “golden mean” - an inquisitive dog with a balanced character.

Time of learning

Until the puppy reaches 5 months, he should learn and see as much as possible. The most important meeting is with the veterinarian. Bring your pet to the doctor for the first time, but do not perform unpleasant procedures. Let the veterinarian pet the animal and give it treats, routine inspection and will give you advice.

This will develop a positive attitude towards the clinic in the dog. Get vaccinated another time. It is at this stage of development that incubation period vaccinations. The puppy should avoid contact with other animals to avoid getting sick. Many owners, being careful, do not walk the baby during this time. But this is wrong.

This is how a pet gets strangers and animals. To prevent this from happening, you can take your dog outside in your arms or in a carrier to places where animals are not walked and there is no risk of encountering them. Such short walks are priceless for a baby!

As soon as the quarantine time has passed, go outside with your pet and spend as much time there as possible. It is very important to communicate with adult dogs that are raised correctly. They are the ones who will teach the pet the “dog code of conduct.” You can take the puppy to the breeder from whom you got it several times. Let him talk to his parents.

The dog must see other animals, people, children, approach them, sniff them. Don't encourage your pet's fear. Don't try to calm him down. If you say, “Don’t be afraid, baby!” and pet him on the head, the dog will think that fear is the right thing to do. After all, she is praised for this. It’s better to ignore your pet’s reaction and show him that things or individuals are not worth being afraid of.

Let's say a baby is scared of a vacuum cleaner. Keep cleaning. You can sit down slightly on the mechanism and call your pet. He will understand that the object is not dangerous and will run up to you. And you will encourage his courage. Give him a treat. Praise your dog for every brave action. At first, always take lots of treats with you on walks.

But remember: for the dog to need your rewards, it must be hungry. At this stage, the owner has a chance to forever earn the authority of the pet. You will be the one who will protect the dog, explain what he shouldn’t be afraid of, and who he can count on in case of real danger.


Don't overdo fearlessness training. Too much stress in one day is dangerous for a dog’s psyche. The period from 6 weeks to 5 months is considered the time of imprinting fear: if the baby experiences severe fear, this experience will haunt him throughout his life. So protect your dog from severe stress and any possible injuries.

Tatyana, accountant: We picked up Irma on the street. She was about 10 weeks old. The dog was dying of hunger. When she got stronger, she began to eat everything. It didn’t matter whether it was tasty or not, Irma was hungry and full. The veterinarian explained: our pet is simply afraid of one day being left without food again, because she was starving during the period of character development, and “stores” food.

Vasily, veterinarian: A friend of mine's dog fell out of a chair with a backrest when he was a child and injured his paw. Now he is afraid of such chairs and even barks at them. I had to eliminate the source of fear and acquire stools. Transitional age From 6 to 10 months, your puppy will turn into an adult. Be prepared for his behavior to deteriorate noticeably.

To begin with, the dog will try to establish a hierarchy in your “pack” - family. Naturally, he wants to become a leader. Therefore, during this period, you should be more active in training in order to show your pet every day who is boss in the house. If you can’t show your character on your own, this one will show you how to behave with your dog.

IN adolescence The dog exhibits the so-called “flight instinct.” Stop letting your pet off the leash. Replace the strict leash with a more maneuverable tape measure. This way the dog will have the necessary freedom, which you, however, will be able to control.

Communication with the fugitive

The dog will continue to run away if you scold him when he returns. During the escape, he will have a good time, and then he will receive a serious beating from you. Of course, the dog will conclude: being free is better than being with an angry owner, so he needs to escape again and, perhaps, forever.

Therefore, as soon as you find the dog, praise him for returning, feed him tastier than usual, play with him. A warm welcome will show the fugitive that he is loved more at home than on the street, where there are also many dangers.

Consequences of errors

What to do with dogs like Jessie, whose character is already formed, but not in the way it should be? Trainers assure that the consequences of improper socialization can be corrected.

  1. First, find out exactly what your pet is afraid of. Stranger men? Children under 5 years old? Other dogs or cats? Start working on overcoming your fear.
  2. Praise and encouragement are the most effective techniques in this case.
  3. Take control of the situation. Create a barrier between the dog and the source of its fear - stand between them so that the animal understands that as long as it is near you, nothing threatens it.
  4. But do not scold or punish your dog for being timid. After all, then you will get a cowardly and embittered pet, which will be even more difficult to socialize. It is in your power to raise yourself a friend in life, not a problem!

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Training a dog begins before you even bring a puppy into your home. Unless you undertake to feed a blind, abandoned orphan with a pacifier. But then you will have to become not only a dairy mother for him, but also begin to teach him the basics of canine cohabitation. Observe the bitch, especially how she handles her litter. She affectionately licks them (so in the future, when the dog wants to show his goodwill towards someone, he will lick them), teaches them games. But when a naughty puppy goes too far, the mother sharply pulls him back: first she squeals, then she grabs the fighter’s scruff with her teeth and shakes him a couple of times. This is the first phase of training.

The second phase begins with weaning the puppy from its mother. The new environment and separation from the family cause shock in the young animal. To smooth it out, try to start with the same methods that his parent used. The first night in a new home is very important. The dog is used to sleeping under the warm side of his mother and surrounded by other puppies. No matter how comfortable his rug is, it's still not the same. Even if the dog managed to sniff its new habitat during the day and calm down a little, play, eat and even take a nap, whining will inevitably begin at night. Here it is important not to show weakness: if you take pity on him and take him to your bed, the pet will sleep there for the rest of his life. During the first nights, place a warm heating pad under your puppy's side.

At the age of one and a half months, it is necessary to continue raising the dog so that it adapts to human society. In an animal pack, a subordinate member flirts with a stronger one, touching him with his paws. This endearing habit can result in a rapidly growing puppy large breeds can inadvertently knock over a child or an elderly person, not to mention ripped tights. If you are a man and would not mind your pet throwing himself at your feet to show his love and devotion, think about the ladies who come to your house. To avoid embarrassment, it is better to immediately wean him from showing his feelings in this way. Therefore, the “fu” or “no” command is almost the first one you need to teach your dog.

It is very important to raise a dog at the age of three months, when, especially in males, the instinct of dominance awakens. These are pack animals, and, as you know, they must have a leader. It will be either you or your dog - there is no third option. The condition of parity and democracy is possible in individual cases, but not as a rule. Otherwise the dog will be disoriented. She feels comfortable if she is clearly aware of the chain of hierarchy. Don't let her dominate any family member.

After you do necessary vaccinations, you can train your puppy to go out into the world. He should already know his nickname, understand and execute the commands “come to me!”, “sit!” and “ugh!” The last order must be pronounced in a stern and sharp voice, not allowing for objections, and the first, on the contrary, in a gentle tone. If, after an offense, the child, obeying the command, comes up to you, do not punish him under any circumstances.

It is very important to thoughtfully approach the question of how to educate. After all, unlike a person, she is dominated by the instincts of distant ancestors bred by breeders. Do not be surprised if your pit bull, showing extreme patience with the antics of children, becomes wild and goes berserk at the sight of a stranger. To teach your pet social behavior, you need to consult with an experienced dog trainer or even send the dog to a training school.

Dogs for protection, hunting and herding breeds in the conditions of an ordinary city apartment also need to curb their nurtured “native” habits. In order not to bark for half an hour at every sound made by your neighbors behind the wall, so that the shepherd does not rush at the postman, the dachshund does not tear up the lawn like a bulldozer, and the setter does not rush headlong after a cat or pigeon, you need to wean them from these habits. It is generally not recommended to let your dog off the leash on the street - he may simply get lost in the crowd. But even in nature, a dog must obey its owner unquestioningly. To do this, you must become a recognized leader for her, and to achieve this, you need perseverance and strength of character.