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Women's Viagra. What happens if a girl takes Viagra? Can men take Viagra for women?

At the beginning of the twentieth century, scientists developed a drug based on Sildenafil. The medicine was used to treat pathologies of blood vessels and heart. It was believed that one hundred Sildenafil reduces arterial pressure. During the research process, conduct tests on both women and men. And it was found that male body Sildenafl acts as a stimulating, stimulating drug. Today, Viagra is a prominent representative of such drugs. It is used to increase male potency. How does Viagra work on girls?

What is Viagra?

A drug like Viagra is intended for men. The main indication for use of the drug is erectile dysfunction. In general, Viagra can be used to treat any sexual disorders in the stronger sex. At the same time, the tablets have a positive result in the case of psychological, organic and mixed erectile dysfunction.

The main active ingredient is Sildenafil. Due to this, Viagra belongs to the list of drugs of the group of drugs selective inhibitors of FED 5. The tablet is coated blue color. The drug is available in different dosages - 25, 50, 100 and 150 mg. Depending on the cause and degree of erectile dysfunction, the doctor prescribes different dosage facilities.

The principle of action of the medicine is simple. Thanks to active substance vasodilation occurs, increases the flow of blood to the penis, and relaxes smooth muscles. All this helps a man quickly achieve an erection. Also, Viagra can be taken either once or in a course for. Today there is also female Viagra for girls. Numerous studies have shown that the composition of these two drugs is no different. The only difference is the color - pink tablets are available for girls.

What happens if a woman takes a male Viagra pill?

The process of libido formation is different in men and women. Decline sexual desire in men it can occur against the background of poor blood flow to the genitals. Girls often complain about a lack of sexual desire due to problems psychological nature. Thus, taking a Viagra tablet in a man activates blood flow to the cavernous bodies of the penis. Physical and visual stimulation will very quickly increase a young man's libido.

For a girl, to increase sexual desire, the psycho-emotional factor is important. And one tablet will not be enough. Viagra provides only physical ability sex. On mental condition the drug has no effect. If a girl takes a pill this tool There will be an increase in blood flow to the clitoris. This will increase the sensitivity of the erogenous zone.

Also, Viagra for men can increase the production of vaginal lubrication, which is also important for full sexual intercourse. In some cases, doctors make an appointment medication girls who suffer from this problem. Weak ejaculate synthesis is observed against the background of menopause and a decrease in progesterone levels. A girl should take the pill immediately before sex so that sexual intercourse does not bring discomfort.

Taking Viagra is contraindicated for girls in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy period;
  • Breastfeeding period;
  • The girl's age is under 18 years;
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • Individual intolerance to Sildenafil;
  • Combining Viagra with drugs against uterine fibroids and cancer.

In what cases is the drug prescribed to girls?

The drug is prescribed to girls to ensure normal amount vaginal lubrication, increased sensitivity of the clitoris, labia. Therefore, Viagra can be used to combat frigidity. But it is worth noting that the pills do not have an stimulating effect for girls.

Girls' blood pressure may rise for a while. This provokes the following factors: synthesis of vaginal secretions, hypersensitivity of the nerve endings of the genital organs, increased blood circulation in the pelvis. Doctors often prescribe a selective inhibitor to girls who have a history of the following diseases and pathologies:

  • Too painful menstruation;
  • Diabetes;
  • The onset of menopause;
  • Hormonal disorders of the female body;
  • After surgery to remove the uterus and appendages;
  • In case of contraindication hormonal drugs if necessary.

In the presence of these factors, girls experience general symptom- lack of vaginal secretion. This leads not only to discomfort during sex and pain, but also to disruption of the microflora intimate area. With the help of Viagra you can get rid of of this characteristic, improve your intimate life. Taking Viagra for women can be prescribed once to increase sexual desire and improve the quality of sexual intercourse. This drug for girls is available in a smaller dosage, sufficient to achieve positive result. Wherein, adverse reactions kept to a minimum.

Female Viagra

Sildenafil citrate 100 mg


Each tablet contains: 100 mg Sildenafil
Action time: 4-6 hours
Onset of action: After 30-40 minutes
Active ingredient: Sildenafil (Sildenafil)
Manufacturer: India
Taste: Bitterish

Description: Designed to solve the problems of female sexual desire disorder and female sexual dysfunction. Designed to satisfy sexual needs and prolong pleasure.

Mode of application: The effect of Female Viagra begins 30 minutes after administration and lasts at least 4 hours. Most patients can take Female Viagra daily.

The effect of Viagra on girls

Taking Viagra, a small jump will occur in the girl’s body blood pressure. Although the manufacturing company assures that the drug is aimed only at men, experts say that some females will still have a certain effect. This category includes:

  • women who are experiencing menopause
  • women suffering diabetes mellitus
  • ladies who have undergone hysterectomy
  • persons who have individual intolerance to mountain replacement therapy

What they all have in common is increased vaginal dryness.

Unlike men, women experience slightly different effects when taking Viagra. Blood will flow to the genitals, but still no significant changes will be observed. The mechanism of action of Viagra is aimed at the physiology of the stronger half of humanity.

Effect of the drug

The effect of Viagra on the body of the above representatives of the weaker half of humanity will consist in the following processes:

  • Testosterone levels will increase
  • pain during menstruation will disappear
  • during sexual intercourse, sensitivity and duration of pleasant sensations increase
  • increase body sensitivity in the area of ​​nerve endings
  • blood circulation in the area of ​​the pelvic organs will increase

Since blood flow to the organs located in the pelvic area will be increased, this will increase the release of lubricant. Thus, during sexual intercourse there will be no unpleasant sensations. pain, the excitement will intensify, and reaching climax will be much easier.

Today, despite many evidences of the relevance of taking Viagra by women, disputes on this issue do not stop. Pfizer's decision to create similar drug for women. It contained a substance that could relieve excessive tension during sexual pleasure.

After conducting research on the drug, experts decided to implement such an experiment: all women participating in the experiment were divided into 2 groups. The first group took Viagra, and the second only placebo. After a certain time, it was noted that all representatives of the first group began to experience orgasms, having sex regularly, thereby sex life was established.

The instructions for Viagra indicate that not all females can take it. The effect will be observed only in cases where a woman experiences low excitability and has a weak attraction to male, suffers from a lack of orgasms.

The main advantage of the drug is the fact that it causes artificial changes in female body he is not capable.

How to take the drug?

Having understood how the drug acts on the female body, it is recommended to learn the rules for taking Viagra. So, first of all, it should be noted that taking the drug without first consulting your gynecologist is not recommended. It is also worth undergoing diagnostics of the functioning of the cardiac system and testing for the presence of diseases. internal organs chronic. This is a very important point, since you should not risk your health in order to get more pleasure with your partner.

You need to take the drug half a tablet - that's 50 mg per day for empty stomach. This dose is standard. In the case when the drug is well accepted by the body, the dose can be increased to 1 tablet per day - this is 10 mg. But no more, because the action may be impaired, thereby causing problems with women’s health.

It is safe to say that the discovery of sildenafil - the main active drug Viagra, known to everyone, has become a real revolution in the pharmaceutical industry. After all, the problem of decreased male potency is now quite simple to solve.

Men quickly appreciated the convenience and high efficiency new drug. "Viagra" was sold out, despite quite high cost. Many men felt the joy of a fulfilling sex life. Legends began to be told about the effectiveness of magic pills and even jokes were made. Naturally, all this could not pass by women.

A little about female curiosity

Despite the fact that Viagra was developed exclusively for men suffering from erectile dysfunction varying degrees severity, many women wanted to try the drug on themselves. How does Viagra work on women? Can women take it? I will try to answer these questions below.

Let's understand the mechanism of action of sildenafil. How does it generally affect the human body?

Sildenafil - selective inhibitor phosphodiesterase type 5, so its use in men stimulates the blood supply to the penis, and at the same time relaxes the muscles of the cavernous body. As a result, all the necessary conditions for an erection to occur, but an erection does not occur without sexual stimulation.

What will happen if a woman takes Viagra? Sildenafil will increase blood supply to the woman’s genital organs and increase the secretion of natural lubrication. That is, it will actually launch the same processes that independently arise during strong sexual arousal.

Women's problems in the sexual sphere

Statistics say that almost 40% of women suffer from various sexual dysfunctions. They arise as a result somatic diseases, and as a result of many reasons of a psychological nature. To the most common female dysfunctions attribute the disadvantage sexual desire, lack or absence of lubrication, inability to enjoy sexual intercourse, anorgasmia, frigidity.

Taking sildenafil will ensure blood flow to the female genital organs and enhance their somatic stimulation. Preliminary clinical researches showed the high effectiveness of sildenafil.

What do the doctor's say

Dr. Laura Berman, a psychologist involved in research into the effects of Viagra on women, said: "We believe that there is a significant increase in sensitivity, arousal and an increased chance of orgasm." Since the mechanisms of sexual arousal in men and women are very different, experts recommend combining the use of sildenafil with a consultation with a psychologist.

When a woman has a rather piquant problem in the form of lack of desire, you can spend a long time looking for the cause within yourself, doing psychoanalysis, or use the innovative means offered by the modern pharmaceutical industry. This also applies to women. Tradename main remedy – Generic Femalegra.

As reviews show, with the help of the drug you can quickly solve the problem here and now. Tablets are equally effective if the lack of desire is due to the inability to switch after an eventful day or there is a disorder hormonal levels(for example, due to menopause). In any case, you can expect a positive result and enjoyment from intimate relationships.

As confirmed by reviews, the tablets provide the following complex effect:

  • Increases the sensitivity of erogenous zones;
  • Promote lubrication and increase comfort during intimacy;
  • Helps get rid of distracting thoughts;
  • Increases arousal and sexual desire.

The drug acts with the declared effectiveness even in the presence of pronounced menopause. Viagra can be used for women even after reaching 65 years of age. As for the lower age limit, it is 18 years old. As a result, various complexes are eliminated, and intimate relationships bring exclusively positive emotions.

As you know, everything medications are divided into groups depending on their effect on the body. According to this criterion, generic Viagra is considered as a drug recommended in the treatment of pathologies of the reproductive system, when it is important to restore the functionality of the reproductive and genitourinary spheres.

  • Insufficient physical development;
  • Excessive physical fatigue;
  • Lack of balanced, nutritious nutrition;
  • The presence of androgen deficiency against the background of age-related changes;
  • The presence of pathologies in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • Disturbance of innervation in the pelvic area (insufficient sensitivity of nerve endings);
  • Wrong lifestyle, bad habits.

What is the reason for the effect that female Viagra gives?

As a result of taking just one tablet, the production of the hormone testosterone is activated in the female body, which is directly responsible for the strength of sexual desire and arousal. At the same time, the amount of estrogen increases. As a result, women taking Viagra are maximally responsive to sexual stimulation and solving the problem of anorgasmia.

The main component of the drug is sildenafil. The same substance is also included in the composition of stimulants for men. Sildenafil acts as an active enhancer of blood supply to the pelvic organs, which leads to swelling of the labia minora, increased sensitivity of the clitoris and active work Bartholin glands, which are responsible for producing the lubricant necessary for full sexual intercourse.

Thanks to the activation of blood flow, the transmission of those present in the uterine and perineal nerve plexus nerve endings impulses to the spinal cord and brain. As a result of such changes, the sensitivity threshold of the external genital organs changes towards a decrease, as a result of which women regain the ability to have an orgasm and feel sexual arousal for a long time.

Composition of the product

In addition to the main component in the form of sildenafil, female Viagra contains:

  • microcrystalline cellulose, which cleanses the body and normalizes intestinal function;
  • anhydrous calcium hydrogen phosphate providing an auxiliary effect;
  • croscarmellose sodium, which ensures rapid disintegration of the product and its effective absorption by the body;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • hypromellose magnesium, responsible for the proper geometry of the tablets and the correct mixing of components;
  • titanium dioxide, which improves the properties of the drug;
  • increasing energy value triacetin;
  • lactose related to fillers.
Testing of a new drug for women lasted about 3.5 years. Based on the results of such work, advice was given regarding the use of an aphrodisiac.

As reviews show, Viagra for women is taken once in the amount of one tablet with a dosage of 50 mg. It is advisable that the stimulant be used once within 24 hours. You should expect the first sensations to appear after 30-60 minutes. Concerning maximum effect“magic” pill, it appears in most cases after a couple of hours. Over the next 4-6 hours, a weakening of the excitation effect is noted. To understand how effectively Viagra works, you need to take the drug at least 3 times.

Depending on the result achieved, the single dose can be adjusted to 100 mg. Viagra is available for sale for women in two versions – 50 and 100 mg. If a woman has crossed the 65-year mark, the dose can be adjusted downward to 25 mg. Also, a dose reduction is necessary when taking Viagra provokes dysfunction of the kidneys or liver, which is accompanied by the appearance of characteristic painful sensations.

The effect of Viagra may be weakened if it was preceded by use fatty foods. As a result, absorption slows down active ingredients by 25%.

The shelf life of the product is no more than 2 years. Optimal temperature regime– no higher than 30 degrees. The drug is offered for sale in the form of blisters containing pink tablets. Their quantity in one blister is a multiple of 4 and varies from 4 to 24 pieces per package. Taking pills must be accompanied by the use of large quantity drinking water.

As a result of research conducted by doctors, it was discovered that female Viagra works best on representatives of the fair sex who have entered menopause or are at the stage of active restructuring of the body. Also, as a result of taking the drug, the condition and intimate life women who had to undergo surgery to remove the uterus.

According to the instructions, female Viagra is indicated in the following cases:

  1. With loss of sexual desire.
  2. If frigidity is detected.
  3. In the absence of satisfaction after intimacy.
  4. Insufficient vaginal hydration.
  5. After surgical removal uterus or ovaries.

Contraindications for use

Due to the lack of information, you should stop taking Viagra in the following situations:

  • In the presence of severe liver or kidney failure;
  • With a tendency to decrease or increase blood pressure;
  • If there is a history of myocardial infarction, stroke;
  • If identified increased sensitivity to one or more components of the stimulant;
  • At complementary therapy donors of nitric oxide or any form of nitrates;
  • If combination with drugs based on cimetidine, erythromycin, itraconazole, ketoconazole, beta-blockers is possible;
  • If you combine Viagra with drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • During pregnancy;
  • Before planned conception;
  • In the presence of degenerative pathologies retina, if they are hereditary.

One of the disorders for which female Viagra is not applicable is retinal pigmentation, which has developed against the background of genetic disorders.

By medical indications restrictions on taking Viagra may be imposed if uterine fibroids are diagnosed.

Side effects

In some situations, female Viagra can cause the following undesirable reactions:

  • The appearance of headaches, dizziness, hot flashes as a result of a malfunction of the cardiovascular system;
  • Development of dyspeptic symptoms (belching, bloating, nausea, bowel dysfunction);
  • Nasal congestion due to the health of the respiratory system;
  • Increased heart rate;
  • Impaired vision clarity, excessive perception of light and inadequate assessment of the color design of objects. As a rule, such conditions are short-term.

According to reviews, similar phenomena develop against the background of an overdose of the drug, so female Viagra should be used only in accordance with the attached instructions.

It is necessary to understand that artificial cleansing of the body after taking an excess of Viagra is impossible, since immediately after use the drug binds to blood proteins.

Otherwise the medicine has no effect negative influence, since addiction, hormonal imbalances, and changes in the functioning of body systems are excluded.

The connection between taking female Viagra and infertility treatment

Some reviews of Viagra for women suggest that stimulation of uterine circulation and positive changes in the condition of the mucous membrane reproductive organ become fertile ground for solving the problem of infertility, if such a disorder is provoked by endometrial pathologies. As a result, the chances of successful implantation of the embryo and its proper development increase.

When taking stimulant pills for endometrial infertility, therapy is provided in initial stage menstrual cycle. After such treatment, a procedure is recommended in vitro fertilization. According to existing statistics, in almost half of the cases the required result is achieved.

The only nuance concerns side effects, which are provoked by female Viagra. It is especially important for women wishing to become pregnant to avoid an overdose of the drug, which, if abused, has a negative effect, causing an increase in the concentration of nitric oxide in the tissues of the uterus.

Today, the easiest way to purchase generic Viagra is by ordering from online pharmacies due to limited quantity means in traditional pharmacy chain. The stimulant is offered by several manufacturers - the American company Pfizer (the already mentioned Femalegra), the Indian concern Vipro Lifescience (the drug Viprogra-100), and the concern Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited. To avoid purchasing low-quality fakes, experts recommend choosing one of the first two options.

Drawing conclusions

Did you have a misfire? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, victory is not on your side.

And of course, you know firsthand that impaired potency is:

  • Low self-esteem
  • Women remember your every failure, tell their girlfriends and your friends
  • Prostate disease
  • Developing depression, which negatively affects your health

Now answer the question: ARE YOU HAPPY WITH THIS? Can this be tolerated? Do you remember that feeling when you look at a naked woman and can’t do anything? Enough is enough - it's time to get rid of potency problems, once and for all! Do you agree?

We have studied a huge amount of materials and, most importantly, tested most potency products in practice. So, it turned out that a 100% working drug without any side effects is Predstanol. This drug comprises natural ingredients, completely eliminating chemistry.

ATTENTION! PROMOTION! You can try the drug for free, place your order using the link or filling out the form below.

Can girls take Viagra?

Girls can take Viagra, including male Viagra, but it is worth considering that a girl’s body weight on average does not exceed 60 kg, so the dosage of 100 mg should be reduced by at least half. Viagra will cause a rush of blood to the corpora cavernosa, which can enhance sensations and increase the sensitivity of the clitoris. Viagra acts most effectively on a certain group, namely: women in menopause those suffering from diabetes and those who have had their uterus removed.

Taking Viagra in them will cause not only an increase in blood pressure, but also copious discharge lubricants, which will increase the pleasure of sexual intercourse with a partner.

Surely many wondered what would happen if a girl took Viagra. After all, it’s no secret that girls, like men, may experience sexual difficulties as they age. This question is not accidental, because over the years practical application, Viagra has proven itself to be very effective drug. However, it should be understood that it is only for men! Since sildenafil has practically no effect on women. The reason for this is the mechanism of its action associated with male physiology.

How does Viagra work on girls?

Initially, Viagra was developed as a means to combat angina and ischemia, however, during testing it turned out that the effect on the heart was insignificant. While it greatly increases the flow of blood to the cavernous bodies of the penis, causing an erection. It does not affect anything else, that is, it does not increase libido or cause sexual arousal. In a woman, the clitoris also consists of cavernous bodies, so the maximum that happens in girls after taking Viagra is a rush of blood to it.