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Why are progesterone injections prescribed? Progesterone injections in the fight against dysfunction of the female reproductive system

Synthetic progesterone is a drug that is used to eliminate all kinds of functional disorders of the reproductive system. Progesterone injections are also prescribed to treat certain forms of female infertility and recovery normal cycle menstruation.

As a rule, it must be produced by the body independently, and especially during pregnancy. If there is a shortage of it, then the woman experiences difficulties with fertilization and bearing a child.

When are progesterone injections prescribed?
  • with a natural hormone deficiency in the female body;
  • if there are ;
  • Sometimes progesterone injections are prescribed for menstruation, the task of which is to adjust their duration and the entire cycle. It is imperative to make sure that there is no pregnancy;
  • heavy periods;
  • Progesterone injections are especially relevant for IVF. They help the fertilized egg take root in the uterus, reduce the activity of its muscles, and take part in the growth and development of tissues.

Progesterone injections during pregnancy are necessary in the following cases:

  • if exists ;
  • low level of progesterone in the mother’s body;
  • flaw corpus luteum;
  • if a woman has already experienced several miscarriages.

The need for such injections is determined by taking a blood test.

How to give progesterone injections?

Typically, the procedure is done subcutaneously or intramuscularly. The last option is the most painless. Very often bumps appear from progesterone injections that were given subcutaneously. In order to avoid them, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the rules of the procedure, namely: the ampoule must be heated to body temperature and not contain crystals. This will promote better absorption of the drug into the blood. Make sure that the nurse knows exactly how to give progesterone injection, which will reduce the degree of pain and manifestations of incorrect administration.


The instructions for progesterone injections contain the following contraindications for its use:

  • lactation;
  • last month of gestation;
  • planning pregnancy in the near future;
  • work related to attention and concentration;
  • presence of breast cancer;
  • epilepsy.

The drug is used very carefully by people who suffer from bronchial asthma, diabetes, renal failure, tubal pregnancy and so on. It is not recommended to take progesterone injections and alcohol at the same time. This may significantly increase the risk of developing side effects and their severity.

Side effects of progesterone injections

A long course of treatment can lead to such pathological conditions body as:

It is also quite common that after progesterone injections there is no period. It can be explained by many reasons, which are best determined by performing an ultrasound, additional tests and consultation with your doctor. It is very important to comply required dosage. Injections of progesterone 2.5% can be given no more than 1 ml at a time. They can be taken in combination with vitamins or mineral supplements or dietary supplements.

Lack of menstruation - serious failure in a woman’s body, indicating a violation hormonal balance. To restore the normal cycle, treatment with injections is prescribed - the main thing female hormone pregnancy.

Leads to various problems in the female body, the most serious consequences is impossibility of pregnancy, i.e. actually to infertility.

The first sign hormonal imbalance is irregularity menstrual cycle. A delay in menstruation due to a shortage occurs for the following reasons:

  • due to renal failure;
  • consequences of taking certain medications - ampicillin, ethinyl estradiol, etc.;
  • reception contraception, incorrectly selected (as a rule, purchased without the consent of the doctor);
  • presence of severe psychological stress;
  • restructuring of the body during menopause.

Important! Trying to induce menstruation without a doctor’s prescription and supervision is unacceptable: a specialist will never prescribe injections hormonal drug without testing.

Lack of menstruation can be caused by a number of reasons various reasons. Since the level of progesterone in a woman’s body is normal different levels, differing tens of times, depending on the phase of the cycle. Therefore, before prescribing progesterone injections, you will have to undergo a thorough examination so as not to harm the female body.

If your period does not start on time, you should check to see if you are pregnant, for which you need to use a test strip and do an ultrasound. Progesterone during pregnancy and during pregnancy is prescribed strictly according to indications and according to different dosage regimens.

After how many injections does your period begin?

Progesterone preparations are synthetic hormones used for injections. in the form of a solution of olive or almond oil with different concentrations.

Available in ampoules with 1% and 2.5% content hormone, it is in this form that treatment is recommended to induce menstruation. The course and scheme depend on the state of health, age and other factors and are prescribed purely individually.


At this concentration, 3-8 injections are prescribed, the result should be expected 5 days after the end of the course. A single dose of the drug in this concentration should not exceed 1 ml.


1% progesterone is prescribed to induce menstruation in an amount of 7-10. Menstruation should begin within 5-7 days. Be sure to consult your doctor and never self-medicate! This can seriously affect your health.

How do they influence?

Injections affect female body Thus:

  • helps the corpus luteum recover and begin to synthesize the hormone on its own;
  • stimulates the growth of the uterine mucosa, triggering the mechanism of action of the glands;
  • relaxes the uterine muscles;
  • stimulates the adrenal glands and the production of other important hormones;
  • ensures the maturation of the egg.

Important! Causes weight gain due to fat accumulation, and also increases insulin levels.

If the malfunction in the body is minor, then within a few days menstruation will begin, which indicates that it has ended successfully, and the uterus is cleansed and expels the old layer of the endometrium.

How to inject?

Injections of this drug are given intramuscularly or subcutaneously. The doctor chooses a regimen and has the right to prescribe daily injections, or every other day. The second option is used when the delay is relatively short or in case of suspected contraindications.

Important! Having undergone a course, the patient must understand that full recovery the cycle may not occur, it all depends on the causes of the imbalance and the presence of other chronic problems in organism. As a rule, a course of injections is a one-time action to induce menstruation.

What if it hasn't started?

If the course of treatment with injections is completed, but menstruation has not started, then you need to contact your doctor again.

Lack of menstruation may mean:

  • the patient is pregnant;
  • the delay is due to other reasons.

Normal well-being and functioning of all body systems, and above all the genital area, is possible with the interaction different organs. Hormonal background is ensured by the participation not only of the presence of progesterone, but also of other hormones produced by:

  • pituitary gland;
  • hypothalamus;
  • adrenal glands;
  • thyroid gland, etc.

Only full and thorough examination will show what caused the absence of menstruation - the presence of an ovarian cyst, problems with the pituitary gland, dysfunction thyroid gland or other pathology. Eliminating the cause will restore the normal menstrual cycle.

Latin name: Progesterone
ATX code: G03D A04
Active substance: Progesterone
Manufacturer: Dalkhimfarm, Alvils
(RF), Farmak (Ukraine)
Conditions for dispensing from a pharmacy: On prescription

Progesterone is intended for use in gynecology. It is used for problems with MC, treatment of infertility, treatment of pathologies caused by insufficient levels of hormones.

Indications for use

The hormonal remedy is designed to eliminate pathologies of the female reproductive system. It is used for:

  • Amenorrhea
  • Dysfunctional bleeding from the uterus
  • Threat of miscarriage
  • Infertility caused by insufficient production of the corpus luteum in the body
  • Miscarriage due to deficiency of corpus luteum hormones
  • Painful menstruation.

Progesterone is also prescribed for delayed menstruation, if the disorder is caused by insufficient hormones in the body.

Composition of the drug

The drug is produced in the form of injection solutions with different concentrations of the active ingredient: 10 or 25 mg in 1 ml of medicinal liquid.

The auxiliary ingredients used are: benzyl alcohol and soybean (peach/olive) oil.

Medicinal properties

The therapeutic effect of the drug is achieved due to the properties of the main component – ​​the corpus luteum hormone.

After penetration into the body, progesterone changes the functioning of the uterine mucosa, transferring it to the secretion phase. Thus, it provides the necessary layer of the endometrium, in which the attachment of the egg is possible. After it is implanted, the substance promotes its proper development.

At the same time, the hormone eliminates excitability and contraction of the uterine muscles, which is very important for maintaining pregnancy, and activates the preparation of the mammary glands.

The effect of Progesterone on the secretion of gonadotropes depends on the dosage used: a small amount of drugs stimulates their formation, large doses- oppress.

After injection, the hormone is instantly absorbed. Transformed mainly in the liver, the remaining volume of the substance is retained in subcutaneous tissue. The main active metabolite is pregnadiol.

Release forms

The drug is produced as an injection oil solution. The liquid is transparent or may be slightly opalescent, uncolored or with a slightly pronounced tint (pale green or yellowish), with specific smell. The drug is packaged in sterile ampoules of 1 ml. Packaged in a cardboard box along with instructions for using a nail file for opening ampoules.

Mode of application

Average cost: Progesterone 1% (10 amp.) – 375 rub., Progesterone 2.5% (10 amp.) – 675 rub.

Progesterone is administered in injections intramuscularly or subcutaneously, depending on the purpose and condition of the patient. The dosage and duration of the course are also determined individually in each specific case.

  • Dysfunctional bleeding from the uterus

Depending on the severity of the condition, the doctor may prescribe a 6-8-day course, during which it is recommended to administer ½-1.5 ml daily. If bleeding develops after surgical curettage, then therapy can begin 18-20 days after surgery. When the patient is contraindicated for cleaning the uterus or for some reason it cannot be performed, then administration of drugs during bleeding is allowed. In this case, after 3-5 days, the body may respond in the form of increased blood loss. If therapy is carried out on a woman suffering from moderate or severe anemia, then in order to avoid complications, it is recommended to administer 200-250 ml of blood before starting the Progesterone course.

After stopping bleeding, therapy should be continued for at least 6 days. If it continues, doctors may decide to stop it.

  • Progesterone injections to induce menstruation

If the MC violation is caused hormonal imbalance in the body, then before starting treatment it is necessary to take tests to determine the level of hormones. This will allow you to more accurately determine the course and dosage of the drug. If hypogonadism or amenorrhea is diagnosed, therapy begins with the administration of estrogen drugs to improve the condition of the endometrium. After endometrial restoration is completed, hormone injections begin. If there are no special prescriptions from the gynecologist, then progesterone injections to induce menstruation should be administered according to the instructions for use. The developers of the drug advise injecting ½ ml or 1 ml. In the first case, the drug is administered daily for 6-8 days, in the second - every other day in the same course.

  • Therapy of algodismenorrhea

To save a woman from painful menstruation, it is recommended to inject ½-1 ml of drugs before it starts (6-8 days before). If necessary, repeat courses are carried out.

  • If there is a threat of termination of pregnancy (miscarriage)
  • How to inject the drug

The injection solution should be used immediately after opening the ampoule, and the remaining medicine should be disposed of.

  • Choose a place for injection: it is better to inject in the upper outer part left or right buttock.
  • Disinfect the injection site by wiping it with a cotton swab and alcohol, and let it dry.
  • Insert the needle at right angles to the surface.
  • Release the medicine slowly, pressing the plunger evenly.
  • Determine the injection site (anterior thigh, lower abdomen) and disinfect it.
  • Gather the skin into a fold, insert a needle into its base at a right angle or 45.
  • Release the medicine slowly to avoid damaging local tissue.

After completing the procedure, carefully remove the needle and press the puncture site with a cotton swab and alcohol for several minutes.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

It is undesirable to use progesterone preparations for therapy during pregnancy and pregnancy. But in case of emergency, the doctor may prescribe progesterone tablets or injections if there is a lack of corpus luteum hormones in the body and this can provoke an interruption of pregnancy.

Women who want to get pregnant in the near future should also abstain from drugs.


Progesterone should not be used for:

  • Hypersensitivity to hormone or excipients
  • Malignant neoplasms of the breast and genital organs (for monotherapy)
  • Pathologies of the liver and kidneys
  • Pregnancy (2nd and 3rd stages)
  • Predisposition to thrombosis
  • Vaginal bleeding of unknown etiology
  • Threatened miscarriage
  • Porphyrin disease
  • Diseases of the nervous system that provoke depression
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Hyperlipoproteinemia
  • Ectopic pregnancy

Precautionary measures

If the drug is used to normalize MC, then in some cases several courses of drugs may be needed. Therefore, there are no clear limits on how many days later menstruation will begin after progesterone injections. Mostly they occur 2-7 days after the end of the course. if the delay continues, then you need to visit a doctor to find out the reason. It is also worth considering that the first discharge may be scanty, or even spotty. In this case, you need to be patient and periodically see the treating specialist.

During treatment hormonal agent It should be taken into account that drugs containing progesterone can negatively affect alertness and reaction speed, causing drowsiness and lethargy. Therefore, people who manage any vehicles or working with dangerous machinery, you must exercise caution or temporarily refrain from these activities.

Cross-drug interactions

When treating with Progesterone, one should take into account the characteristics of reactions that may develop when combined with other drugs:

  • When used simultaneously with oxytocin, the ability of the latter substance to regulate lactogenesis is reduced.
  • Progesterone may reduce therapeutic effect medications that stimulate the smooth muscles of the uterus. The same effect is observed when combined with anabolic steroids.
  • At joint use with barbiturates, the effect of Progesterone is reduced.
  • Progesterone can enhance the effect of diuretics, drugs to lower blood pressure, and immunosuppressants.

Side effects

Progesterone therapy can cause a negative reaction in the body. Side effects Drugs most often manifest themselves in the form of the following disorders:

  • NS: headaches, drowsiness, depressive state, lethargy, apathy, loss of mental strength
  • Digestive organs: nausea, vomiting, deterioration or lack of appetite, cholestatic hepatitis, inflammation of the gallbladder caused by the deposition of stones ( calculous cholecystitis), liver disorder
  • Reproductive system: reduction in the duration of uterine cycles, intermenstrual bleeding, decreased sexual interest
  • Sense organs: blurred vision
  • CVS: increase in blood pressure, swelling, thromboembolism, thrombophlebitis
  • Organs internal secretion: milk production not associated with breastfeeding, baldness, weight gain, enlargement and tenderness of the mammary glands, hair growth in uncharacteristic places
  • Immune system: manifestations of individual allergies
  • Reactions at the injection site: pain, swelling.


Accidental or intentional excess of the recommended amount of drugs provokes an overdose in the form of greatly increased side effects. If they occur, the drugs are canceled, and negative manifestations removed using symptomatic therapy. After feeling better, treatment is resumed, but using a lower dosage.

Conditions and shelf life

Progesterone in the form of injection solutions is suitable for use for 2, 3 or 5 years from the date of issue (depending on the manufacturer). To avoid loss of properties, they should be kept away from light and heat sources, at a temperature of 5 to 30 ° C.


Thanks to pharmacists, today there are many drugs containing artificial or synthetic hormone. Only an experienced physician who understands the nuances of a particular drug can replace the drug in injections. Which form is best for the patient - progesterone tablets, injection solution, capsules or gel - will depend on many factors.

Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (India)

Average cost: capsules 100 mg (30 pcs.) – 366 rubles, 200 mg (10 pcs.) – 253 rubles, gel – from 242 rubles.

A drug with progesterone in the form of capsules for oral or intravaginal use, as well as in the form of a vaginal gel. The drug is prescribed to eliminate disorders caused by hormonal deficiency, to prevent miscarriage, in preparation for IVF, etc. Like progesterone injections to induce menstruation, both forms are used for MC problems.

The drug is available with different concentrations of the hormone: 100 or 200 mg per capsule, 80 mg per 1 g of gel.

The duration of the course and the method of administration to the body are determined individually.


  • The effect is similar to Utrozhestan, but costs less
  • Helps with MC problems.


  • Leaks, causes drowsiness, tachycardia
  • May cause allergies because the capsules contain peanut oil.
Dosage form:  solution for intramuscular administration [oil] Compound:

1 ml of the drug contains:

active substance: progesterone 10 mg or 25 mg;

Excipients : medical benzyl benzoate 0.2 ml, olive oil up to 1 ml.

Description: Transparent oily liquid of light yellow or golden yellow color. Pharmacotherapeutic group: gestagen ATX:  

G.03.D.A Pregnin derivatives

G.03.D.A.04 Progesterone


Hormone of the corpus luteum, has a gestagenic effect. By binding to receptors on the surface of cells of target organs, it penetrates into the nucleus, where, activating deoxyribonucleic acid, it stimulates the synthesis of ribonucleic acid. Promotes the transition of the uterine mucosa from the proliferation phase caused by follicular hormone to the secretory phase, and after fertilization creates the necessary conditions for implantation and development of a fertilized egg. Reduces excitability and contractility of the uterine muscles and fallopian tubes, stimulates the development of the end elements of the mammary gland.

By stimulating protein lipase, it increases fat reserves, increases glucose utilization, increasing the concentrations of basal and stimulated insulin, promotes the accumulation of glycogen in the liver, increases the production of aldosterone; in small doses it accelerates, and in large doses it suppresses the production of gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland; reduces azotemia, increases nitrogen excretion in urine. Activates the growth of the secretory section of the acini of the mammary glands and induces lactation. Promotes the development of normal endometrium.


It is quickly and almost completely absorbed after intramuscular administration. Metabolized in the liver to form conjugates with glucuronic and sulfuric acids. The CYP 2C 19 isoenzyme is also involved in metabolism. The half-life is several minutes. Excreted by the kidneys - 50-60%, with bile - more than 10%. The amount of metabolites excreted by the kidneys varies depending on the phase of the corpus luteum.


Amenorrhea, anovulatory metrorrhagia, endocrine infertility (including corpus luteum insufficiency), threat of miscarriage; oligomenorrhea, algomenorrhea (due to hypogenitalism); diagnosis of the formation of endogenous estrogens.

Contraindications:Hypersensitivity; breast and genital cancer (as monotherapy); liver failure; pregnancy (II-III trimesters); tendency to thrombosis, sharp forms phlebitis or thromboembolic diseases; vaginal bleeding unknown origin; failed miscarriage; porphyria. Carefully:

Diseases of cardio-vascular system, arterial hypertension, chronic renal failure, diabetes, bronchial asthma, epilepsy, migraine, depression; hyperlipoproteinemia, ectopic pregnancy, lactation period.

Directions for use and dosage:

The drug is administered intramuscularly.

For bleeding associated with ovarian dysfunction, prescribe 5-15 mg daily for 6-8 days; if the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity has been previously scraped, injections begin after 18-20 days (if scraping is impossible, they are administered during bleeding). During the treatment period, bleeding may temporarily increase (for 3-5 days); Severely asthenized patients must first undergo a blood transfusion (200-250 ml). After bleeding stops, therapy is continued for 6 days. If bleeding has not stopped after 6-8 days of treatment, further administration is not advisable.

With hypogenetalism and amenorrhea administered after the use of estrogen drugs in the form of injections of 5 mg daily or 10 mg every other day, for 6-8 days.

With algodismenorrhea treatment begins 6-8 days before menstruation, 5 or 10 mg daily, for 6-8 days.

With algodismenorrhea caused by underdevelopment of the uterus, combined with estrogens at the rate of 10,000 units every other day for 2-3 weeks; then administered for 6 days.

For the prevention and treatment of threatening and incipient miscarriage associated with insufficient function of the corpus luteum,- 10-25 mg daily or every other day, until the symptoms of a possible miscarriage completely disappear.

With a habitual abortion administered before 4 months of pregnancy.

In case of corpus luteum deficiency- 12.5 mg/day for 2 weeks from the moment of ovulation (with necessary - up to 11 weeks of pregnancy).

Diagnosis of the formation of endogenous estrogens: 100 mg once.

Side effects:

From the outside nervous system: drowsiness, headache, depression, apathy, dysphoria.

From the outside digestive system : cholestatic hepatitis, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, calculous cholecystitis.

From the outside genitourinary system : decreased libido, shortened menstrual cycle, intermediate bleeding.

From the senses:visual impairment.

From the cardiovascular system: increased blood pressure, edema, thromboembolism (incl. pulmonary artery and cerebral vessels), thrombophlebitis, retinal vein thrombosis.

From the outside endocrine system : galactorrhea, alopecia, weight gain, enlargement, pain and tension of the mammary glands; hirsutism.

Allergic reactions.

Local reactions: pain at the injection site.


When using higher doses of the drug, side effects described in the corresponding section are more likely to occur. If gestagen-dependent side effects occur, treatment with the drug should be interrupted and, after their disappearance, resumed in a reduced dosage. If necessary, carry out symptomatic treatment.


Reduces the lactogenic effect of oxytocin.

Reduces the intensity of the action of drugs that stimulate the smooth muscles of the uterus, anabolic steroids, gonadotropic hormones of the anterior pituitary gland.

When used simultaneously with barbiturates, a decrease in the effect of progesterone is observed.

Special instructions:

No data.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles. Wed and fur.:During the treatment period, care must be taken when driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially dangerous species activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions. Release form/dosage:

Solution for intramuscular administration [oily], 10 mg/ml, 25 mg/ml.


1 ml in neutral glass ampoules.

10 ampoules, along with instructions for use and a knife for opening ampoules or an ampoule scarifier, are placed in a cardboard box.

5 ampoules in a blister pack made of polyvinyl chloride film. 2 contour blister packs with instructions for use and a knife for opening ampoules or an ampoule scarifier are placed in a cardboard pack.

Progesterone injections are a drug of synthetic origin that is used to eliminate various functional disorders reproductive system. Also, progesterone injections can be prescribed by a specialist to treat certain forms of infertility that occur in the fair half of the population and to restore the normal menstrual cycle.

During pregnancy, such injections can be prescribed when there is a threat of miscarriage, as well as when the natural level of progesterone in the body decreases. To determine the insufficiency of the hormone level in the blood, a woman needs to undergo certain tests on the twenty-third day from the start of her critical days. Only a laboratory blood test can give an accurate result about whether hormonal therapy is necessary.

Most often, drug injections are administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously. The most common method is intramuscular injection, since this method is considered less painful. But subcutaneous administration of the drug is often accompanied by compactions and even hematomas. Progesterone in ampoules is available in the form of 1 and 2.5% solutions of one milliliter. After the injection, the drug is very quickly absorbed into the blood and its effect begins within an hour after administration.

Decomposing in the patient’s liver, the medicine is excreted from the body in the urine in the form of metabolic products. Before use, the ampoule with the medicine must be held in your hand so that the medicine has time to warm up. This action ensures oil composition maximum absorption into the patient's blood.

If crystals are visible when the ampoule is cleared, then it is advisable to first heat it in a water bath until completely dissolved, and then cool it to room temperature. Dosage this drug is exclusively individual and should be selected only by a qualified specialist.

Based on the evidence obtained as a result of the conducted laboratory research, the specialist makes a decision on prescribing the drug. Let's consider the main indications for use:

  • Natural lack of natural hormone levels in the female body;
  • Bleeding that occurs and has nothing to do with menstrual periods;
  • The drug can be prescribed to adjust the length of the menstrual cycle, and the specialist must first make sure that the woman is not pregnant;
  • Heavy menstrual cycle;
  • Low level of progesterone in the blood of the expectant mother;
  • If there is a threat of miscarriage;
  • If a woman has already had several unsuccessful attempts at pregnancy, which ended in spontaneous rejection of the fetus;
  • Insufficient level of corpus luteum in the female body.

Any need for injections is determined only by taking a blood test. To reduce pain when using the drug, you must follow certain instructions. It is important to ensure that the specialist knows exactly how to inject the medicine.

In addition to indications for use, there are also instructions on contraindications, which include: breastfeeding, the last month of pregnancy, planned pregnancy, any cancer mammary glands and epilepsy. If any point is present, injecting the drug is strictly prohibited.

Experts strongly recommend not to self-medicate and prescribe the dosage of the drug, since such actions are fraught with unwanted side effects, which can ultimately have a very negative impact on your health.

According to the instructions, the drug should be used with extreme caution for patients who suffer from asthma, renal failure and tubal pregnancy. It is also prohibited to drink alcohol-containing drinks during treatment, as such interactions can significantly increase the risk of side effects and increase their severity.

Possible consequences

Before using the drug, it is important to carefully read the instructions, which can be found inside each package. As a rule, a long course of treatment can cause the following pathological changes in the body:

  • Increased arterial pressure and swelling;
  • After injections, nausea, vomiting and liver dysfunction may occur;
  • Depressive state and systematic headaches;
  • After injections occurs speed dial body weight, a significant decrease in libido, the mammary glands become coarse and painful;
  • There is an increase in blood clotting;
  • Increased drowsiness;
  • Appearance allergic reactions for a medicinal product;
  • The injection sites become painful.

Most patients note that after a course of injections they disappear critical days, this condition can be explained by many reasons, which are best found out using ultrasound examination And additional consultation from your treating doctor.

It is very important to follow the instructions and observe the permitted dosage of the drug; for example, a 2.5% solution can only be injected one milliliter at a time. This drug can be taken in combination with vitamins and dietary supplements.

Release form and storage conditions

Today, progesterone can be found not only in the form of injections, but also in the form of tablets, capsules and gel. Progesterone tablets are prescribed in medical practice For oral administration, in capsules - for intravaginal administration, and the gel is accordingly intended only for external use.

The effectiveness of the drug in the form of tablets and capsules is much more noticeable than using the gel. The tablets, once inside the body, are quickly absorbed into the patient’s blood, due to which healing effect achieved after a few hours.

Recently, experts are increasingly prescribing progesterone tablets or capsules for use, and injections are gradually fading into the background. This is due to the pain of the injections and their incorrect administration, which is very often accompanied by the occurrence of hematomas. Many experts have come to the conclusion that the use of tablets will be safer for patients, especially since they are in no way inferior in effectiveness to injections.

The drug can be purchased at any pharmacy, however, it is dispensed strictly according to the prescribed prescription. According to the instructions, it should be stored at a temperature of fifteen to twenty-five degrees in a place protected from children. Shelf life at proper storage is five years from the date of issue, upon expiration specified period It is best not to take risks and not use the drug.

The average price for a package of injections is two hundred rubles and may vary depending on the manufacturer, the number of tablets in the package and the region of the country in which you live. If the patient cannot afford such a cost, then the specialist can write a prescription for similar medicines, which will have the same pharmacological effect, but will cost less.

Regarding reviews of medicine, then they are mostly positive and many women who have had problems with normal childbearing note the effectiveness of the application. However, you can also stumble upon negative reviews, which are mainly associated with the occurrence of side effects from the use of the drug.

Despite the fact that some representatives of the fair sex did not note any changes that affected their health. But be that as it may, you shouldn’t try to self-medicate based on reviews alone; it’s best to get examined, and then use progesterone according to the instructions.