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What if you yawn often? Causes of frequent yawning and how to quickly get rid of it

Many studies have been devoted to the phenomenon of yawning, but scientists still cannot agree on the main purpose of this phenomenon. Let's try to understand the most common hypotheses, some of which are quite original.

Lack of oxygen
For quite a long time it was believed that with the help of yawning, the body takes a breath of air and replenishes the lack of oxygen in the blood. As a result, this theory was refuted, since a person who was given more oxygen or placed in a newly ventilated room did not stop yawning. This means that it is not a matter of oxygen and its quantity.

Brain cooling
According to another theory, a person supposedly yawns to cool the brain. Experiments conducted by American scientists demonstrated that those subjects who had cold compresses applied to their foreheads yawned less often when watching videos of people yawning than subjects without compresses or with warm compresses on their foreheads. If the subjects were asked to breathe only through their nose, they also yawned less often, because in this case, when breathing, the brain receives cooler blood than when breathing through the mouth.

Presumably, another purpose of yawning may be the need for the body to stretch and relax tired and tight muscles. First of all, this applies to the muscles of the pharynx and tongue, but also to the muscles of the whole body: this is why a person often stretches when yawning. Perhaps this kind of warm-up of the muscles while cooling the brain will help invigorate the body and come to a state of readiness.

That is why frequent yawning, the reasons for which have not yet been determined, can “attack” a person before some important event: an artist can yawn before a performance, a student before exams, a parachutist before a jump. When a person is bored or wants to sleep, he also yawns, because the process of yawning will help invigorate numb muscles and a sleepy brain.

Yawning helps your ears
While flying on an airplane, it is very useful to yawn: it will help get rid of congestion in the ears, which occurs when there is a difference in pressure outside and inside the head. eardrum. Since the middle ear cavity communicates with the pharynx through special channels, yawning, by opening these channels, helps equalize the pressure in the ears.

Mirror neurons
Yawning is incredibly contagious. A person begins to yawn not only at the sight of people yawning real life people, but even when viewing photos and videos of people yawning. Often you only need to think or read about yawning to start yawning uncontrollably yourself. However, not everyone has the ability to perform a mirror yawn. Children under five years of age are resistant to mirror yawning because they do not yet have the ability to empathize with other people, and children with autism do not become infected with yawning, either when they actually see it or when watching a video of them yawning. How to explain this phenomenon?

The contagiousness of yawning is created by the so-called mirror neurons, which are located in the cerebral cortex, not only in humans, but also in primates and some birds. Mirror neurons have empathy, firing when a person observes someone else doing something. It is mirror neurons that determine the ability to imitate - it is clearly visible, for example, when studying foreign language and with empathy: it’s as if we not only notice the state of another person, but also actually experience it ourselves. One of the brightest examples imitative behavior - mirror yawning.

Animals yawn too
Scientists believe that imitative yawning appeared in primates when coordinating the actions of group members: if one of the primates yawned in danger, his state was transmitted to the rest, and the group quickly came to a state of readiness for action.

Yawning is not only transmitted from person to person, but also from person to dogs. It has been noticed that the dog begins to yawn at the sight of its owner and other people yawning. At the same time, it is impossible to deceive the dog: if you simply open your mouth, imitating a yawn, it will not yawn in response. Next to a yawning person, the dog becomes relaxed and sleepy, that is, it copies not only the owner’s behavior, but also his physiological state.

Yawning as a sign of intimacy
Italian scientists discovered in 2011 that the contagiousness of yawning demonstrates a measure of emotional closeness between people, since it most often occurs among friends and close relatives of the yawner. Distant acquaintances and strangers are much less likely to become infected with yawning.

Yawning as a symptom of illness
Frequent, prolonged yawning can be a sign of various diseases - from body thermoregulation, high blood pressure, arterial thrombosis and brain stem damage to sleep problems. Frequent yawning also occurs with depression and anxiety (the level of the stress hormone cortisol in the blood increases).

If you are suddenly “attacked” by incessant yawning, you should consult a doctor and check your blood pressure, heart and blood vessels. But first, it won’t hurt to stop being nervous and get a good night’s sleep - suddenly the yawning will disappear by itself.

“If you yawn, it means you want to sleep” - this generally accepted point of view is not entirely true and very superficially reflects the cause and purpose of yawning.

After all, we yawn not only before going to bed, but also after waking up, when we are alert and fresh. We yawn in a stuffy room and in moments of fatigue.

Yawning is also contagious: if someone yawns on public transport or in a classroom, there will immediately be many who want to do the same “for company.”

Yawning is the hardest thing physiological process absolutely necessary for normal life human body. In the teachings of yogis, it is considered one of the five vitality person.

Why, about its benefits and mechanism, about symptoms possible diseases, interesting facts in this article.

Yawning mechanism

How we yawn

A reflex (involuntary) deep and prolonged inhalation is replaced by a quick exhalation, accompanied by widespread open mouth and a characteristic sound.

What's happening

The act of yawning involves the vascular, nervous, respiratory, circulatory, skeletal and muscular system human body.

The nasopharynx channels open and straighten, leading to maxillary sinuses, and eustachian tubes, which lead to inner ear, the alveoli of the lungs open wide and their deep ventilation occurs. Blood supply and nutrition to the brain accelerates.

Causes of yawning and its effects on the body

Brain overheating

According to the American scientist Professor Andrew Gallup, yawning is provoked by exceeding the critical temperature of the brain. The study was carried out on budgerigars; these birds have quite large brains and do not yawn collectively.

As the temperature rises environment, they began to yawn twice as often. This means that yawning is a natural “fan” (like a computer processor), provided by nature

This study explains the fact that yawning can be stopped by cooling the forehead and breathing frequently through the nose.

Decreased performance

Wakefulness is a heterogeneous process; it consists of phases of activity and inhibition. During periods of decreased activity, all our organs and systems work more slowly, breathing becomes rarer and shallower, which leads to the accumulation of metabolic products (carbon dioxide, for example) in the blood.

Yawning forces the muscles of the neck, face and oral cavity, which leads to an increase in blood flow speed, acceleration of metabolism, and removal of harmful metabolites from the body. All these processes improve the functioning of the brain and nervous system.

Nervous tension

Students may yawn before exams, paratroopers before a jump, and artists before going on stage. Thus, by saturating the blood with oxygen, the body helps us not to fall into a stupor (), at the most crucial moment.

The state of torpor is a genetically inherent reaction to danger, to nervous tension. Yawning neutralizes this reaction by stimulating brain activity and allowing you to control the situation.

Forced Wakefulness

Have you noticed how you want to yawn early in the morning or late in the evening? When we have to stay awake during the time allotted for sleep, yawning helps keep the brain active by supplying it with oxygen.

Information saturation

With mental fatigue, nerve cells and the brain slow down their work. In this case, yawning not only helps the active perception of information, but also signals the need to change activities and rest.

Yawning can be caused by stale air in a poorly ventilated room. In this case, yawning occurs almost always and in everyone. Clean and moderately cool air is one of the most important factors efficient work.

Oxygen starvation is often a consequence of accumulation in the body, which makes it difficult to supply oxygen to the tissue of all organs and systems.

The contagiousness of yawning

Many theories try to explain this mysterious phenomenon.

One of them suggests the ancient roots of yawning:

Primitive people lived in packs, like monkeys, and kept each other warm during sleep. Yawning served as a signal for going to sleep, which was transmitted to each other, which made it possible to coordinate the collective actions of the group.

Japanese scientist Atsushi Sengu studied autistic children and concluded:

the cause of collective yawning is empathy - the ability to perceive emotional condition And inner world another person, to empathize. People with autism yawn only when their body requires it, and never “for company.”

The results of an experiment by American researchers also support Atsushi’s conclusions:

10 participants watched a video of people yawning while a sensor-connected magnetic resonance imaging scanner recorded brain activity. The areas responsible for empathy began to work actively, which was reflected in the yawning of the experimental subjects.

You can subject yourself to this test:

If you easily react to someone else’s yawning and join in the collective process of yawning, then responsiveness and sensitivity are not alien to you.

Studies have shown that people who are subtle, capable of introspection, and a sense of empathy are more prone to collective yawning. Tough, uncompromising individuals rarely yawn for company.

In total, 40–60% of people are susceptible to this “infection,” and they yawn even when they read about it or watch it on TV.

Deserves special attention emotional connection man and dog, which willingly yawns after its owner. Portuguese scientists from the University of Porto explain this interspecies empathy between humans and animals with a centuries-old history of cooperation that dates back 15 thousand years.

Symptoms of possible diseases

Yawning, despite its harmlessness, can signal:

  • about problems with regulating brain temperature, its oxygen starvation,
  • about hormonal imbalances,
  • serve as a harbinger of such dangerous disease like multiple sclerosis.

It accompanies migraine and precedes an epileptic seizure.

You should pay close attention to obsessive yawning and seek advice from specialists.

Animal yawning

It has been noticed that large predators yawn intensely before a hunt, as they prepare for physical exertion: they enrich the blood with oxygen, which the heart pumps to all parts of the body, which provides energy for rapid throws and fast running.

Animals also yawn in other circumstances that require fast response or nervous tension. For example, a monkey's yawn coupled with a grin is a characteristic warning signal to a rival male or predator. Rats yawn when hungry.

When a hippopotamus yawns, it releases gases accumulated in the body. A considerable volume of them is produced by 16 sections of the stomach - three large and eleven small. It should be noted that the gases are not at all smelly, and zoo visitors enjoy watching the hippopotamus open its mouth 150 degrees.

  • Not only people yawn, but also many mammals, birds, reptiles,
  • unborn children yawn in the womb,
  • an unsuccessful yawn can lead to a dislocated jaw,
  • a yawn usually lasts up to 6 seconds,
  • under with a gaze I can't yawn
  • In Japan, industrial gymnastics are practiced: during breaks, workers yawn. Moreover, the body readily responds to artificial yawns with real yawns. This original warm-up significantly increases labor productivity,
  • people yawn more often in the company of relatives and friends than in strangers,
  • Until the age of five, they are too selfish and not susceptible to yawning, they are not yet able to empathize with others.

The benefits of yawning

Doctors are unanimous that natural yawning is beneficial:

  • Blood supply to the brain improves, speeds up metabolic processes, performance is restored.
  • Relieves eye strain - the jaw muscles, which receive tension when yawning, are directly connected to the optic nerves.
  • The pressure in the middle ear is equalized when flying.
  • The air in the lungs is deeply ventilated.
  • Yawning rejuvenates the skin of the face by enriching the blood with oxygen.
  • Stretching while yawning gives physical activity muscles of the back, legs and arms.

While I was preparing and writing this article, I yawned to my heart’s content. What I wish for you:

Yawn to your HEALTH!

Sources: “Yawning”/Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron, A. Borbeli “The Mystery of Sleep”, www.newsland.ru.

Elena Valve for the project Sleepy Cantata.

I advise you to watch the following video about yawning, it will logically complement this article:

Yawning often attacks without any reason and sometimes puts a person in an awkward position, while it is not always possible to fight it. Some yawn silently, some from the heart, some yawn from boredom, others in a stuffy room, you can yawn from lack of sleep or for company, having become infected from another onlooker. Will try to understand the question: why do you need to yawn and why does yawning attack?

Not only people, but also animals yawn: cats, dogs, horses and hippos; it has been noticed that animals often use this technique to intimidate their enemy, thereby showing their sharp teeth. More interesting fact: yawning can be contagious among those people who are prone to empathy; callous people are very rarely susceptible to such a reaction to a yawner, while autistic people do not react at all in response.

Why does yawning occur?

In medical terms, yawning is a breathing act at the level of reflexes, which is an inhalation through the mouth and a quick exhalation, while an additional influx of oxygen occurs into the body. But scientists still cannot decide on the question: why do you need to yawn? There are a number of assumptions with which we can agree.

What does yawning mean?

  • Shortness of breath and yawning. When there is an excess of carbon dioxide, the body reacts to eliminate the imbalance. By taking a deep breath and yawning, while tensing the muscles of the face and neck, a person receives an additional flow of oxygen to the brain cells and blood vessels.
  • It is recommended to yawn on an airplane in order to equalize the pressure in the body. When yawning the channels between ears and nasopharynx, which eliminates congestion in the ears. The same thing happens not only on the plane, but also on the ground.
  • When yawning, a person often wants to stretch, and therefore improve blood circulation in the muscles, the result is increased attention. Yawn acts as a kind energy drink, absolutely harmless and, on the contrary, very useful.
  • Simultaneously, Yawning is a kind of relaxation and stress relief. Very often people yawn when they are nervous, this is a way to reduce psycho-emotional stress and improve their mood.
  • Yawning before bed helps prepare the body for sleep and relax.
  • Yawning often occurs when it is hot or stuffy. This can be explained by the fact that the brain needs to “cool” during the day if the surrounding conditions are uncomfortable. When yawning there is an influx of cool air to brain cells.

Frequent yawning is a sign of disorders in the body

It would seem that yawning is useful activity for the body, but frequent yawning may be a sign oxygen starvation brain, problems with blood circulation and blood vessels, the cause of other diseases. In such cases, the body needs help, you should take medications to nourish the brain and eliminate oxygen starvation, such as, which is not only useful for brain function, but also for strengthening the entire circulatory system and general condition body. In addition, you should visit a doctor.

While reading this article, perhaps someone has already yawned; I would like to hope that it is not out of boredom, but for health reasons. From all of the above, the conclusion suggests itself that if nature created this reflex, then it is necessary, although we do not know its operating principle for certain.

So, yawn to your health, with pleasure and to your heart's content!

Photo 1. Yawning is not unique to humans. Source: Flickr (Janačka).

Causes of frequent yawning

provoke frequent attacks there can be a huge amount of yawning various reasons. In some cases, its appearance is not caused by any pathologies, while in others it indicates serious illnesses. If you yawn regularly for no reason, you must undergo medical treatment. diagnostic examination.


Physiological reasons – phenomena when yawning is caused by non-pathogenic factors. These include:

  • Lack of air- may occur when long stay in a stuffy room, so the body tries to get oxygen.
  • Brain overheating- when a person for a long time is in overvoltage, it begins to heat up. When yawning, a person swallows a lot of air, which ensures ventilation of the brain. Open the window and place it on your forehead cold compress to alleviate your condition.
  • Decreased body activity– if the body is tired, all metabolic processes in it slow down. Therefore, metabolic products accumulate in the blood. Thanks to yawning, blood circulation in the body is restored, heartbeat, metabolism accelerates.
  • Fatigue and lack of sleep– the most common reason frequent yawning. It can be triggered by frequent lack of sleep or chronic fatigue. This is due to the fact that the brain cannot renew itself due to lack of sleep. To start the whole process in it, it needs oxygen.

Note! To get rid of yawning, just cool down and have a good rest. This will restore metabolic processes.

Psychological and emotional

A number of emotional and psychological factors can provoke frequent yawning:

  • Severe overvoltage– yawning acts as a psychological release. Such a manifestation may indicate an approaching nervous breakdown.
  • Chain reaction– if someone from the environment starts to yawn, the person who sees it repeats after him.

Why does a person yawn in his sleep?

IN in rare cases people yawn in their sleep. Usually the cause of this phenomenon is:

  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Migraine.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Therapy with antihistamines.
  • Deficiency of vitamins and microelements in the body.
  • Sleeping in an awkward position.

Frequent yawning as a symptom of illness

In some cases, yawning can be caused by a nearby pathological conditions. It may indicate a fainting state if it is accompanied by dizziness, darkening of the eyes, a drop in blood pressure and a decrease in body temperature. In addition, the following diseases may be the cause of this phenomenon:

  1. Vegetovascular dystonia.
  2. Multiple sclerosis.
  3. Respiratory failure.
  4. Long-term depression.
  5. Violations in cardiovascular system: heart failure, ischemia, tachycardia, arrhythmia.
  6. Atherosclerosis – deposition cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.
  7. Diseases endocrine systems s: hypo-, hyperthyroidism, diffuse goiter and others.

Note! If you regularly suffer from yawning, get tested. This phenomenon may indicate serious pathologies.

How to stop constantly yawning

Frequent bouts of yawning cause discomfort to any person. Of course, because of them, a person cannot work normally or be in society. To get rid of constant yawning, you can take the following steps:

  • Breathe through your nose- this way you can lower your body temperature, cool your blood, and therefore stop yawning. If you feel a yawning attack approaching, try taking a few breaths through your mouth.
  • Have a drink cold water – this will lower your body temperature, after which the yawning will stop.
  • If you work in a hot, stuffy room, always keep a bottle of chilled liquid handy.
  • Do some exercise– this will help disperse the blood and speed up the metabolism.
  • Eat something cold– Watermelon, melon or ice cream are best for this.
  • Make yourself a cold bandage or compress on your forehead - this will invigorate and relieve yawning.
  • Ventilate rooms regularly.
  • As soon as you feel a yawn coming, rest your tongue on the upper palate.

Photo 2. Ice cream is a pleasant way to combat yawning.

Yawning is an unconditioned reflex, manifested in the form of a special respiratory act that occurs involuntarily. It all starts with a long take a deep breath, during which all possible obstacles to the penetration of air are eliminated, namely, the mouth and glottis open wide. Immediately after inhalation there is a quick exhalation, accompanied by a characteristic sound.

It should be noted that not only people yawn, but also almost all living inhabitants of our planet - mammals, birds, amphibians and even fish. We ourselves begin to yawn in the womb.

The exact causes of yawning have not yet been fully established; at the same time, there are several hypotheses regarding the occurrence of this reflex.

Fatigue and lack of sleep

Very often people begin to yawn when they are tired and have not had enough sleep. At such moments, inhibition processes begin to predominate in the brain, as a result of which activity decreases. nerve cells. The processes of inhibition of brain neurons affect many functions of the human body, including breathing, which becomes less deep and rare. As a result, oxidized metabolic products begin to accumulate in the blood. They irritate specific receptors and provoke yawning.

This version gives yawning a certain physiological meaning. During yawning, the blood is enriched with oxygen and accumulated carbon dioxide. In addition, blood flow in the vessels of the brain increases. This happens because when yawning, the muscles of the face, neck and mouth tense. Together with blood, more blood begins to flow into the brain nutrients and oxygen, and metabolic products, on the contrary, are intensively excreted. As a result, brain activity stops for some time.

Most likely, nature has provided such a mechanism in order to postpone rest for some time if for some reason it cannot take place. However, you should understand that this cannot continue for long, and if you have already begun to yawn, then perhaps it is time to rest and recuperate.

Brain overheating

This version explains situations when yawning appears in a completely alert person, and its appearance cannot be explained by fatigue or lack of sleep. This can happen due to anxiety, psychological stress, or being in a hot and stuffy room.

In this case, according to scientists, the cause of yawning is overheating of the brain, which requires maintaining constant temperature, and even a slight increase in it leads to disruption of its activity. Yawning is necessary to regulate brain temperature. During the initial deep breath, a fair amount of cold air enters the body. In the lungs, this air heats up, cooling the blood, and is quickly expelled. Cooled blood enters the vessels of the brain and takes away excess heat. If the problem persists, yawning may recur.

The benefits of yawning

According to doctors, yawning is beneficial: it relaxes the muscles and expands respiratory tract. Thanks to yawning, fatigue and nervous tension are relieved, and brain function is activated. This normalizes arterial pressure, mood improves, which reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Yawning as a symptom

You should be wary if yawning does not stop and repeats without any notice. apparent reason. Uncontrollable yawning may indicate the presence of a number of pathological conditions that require specialist intervention.

If repeated yawning is accompanied by drowsiness, malaise, weakness, then this may indicate diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems, syndrome emotional burnout and chronic fatigue.

Attacks of uncontrollable yawning can occur when vegetative-vascular dystonia, violations cerebral circulation, for migraines, multiple sclerosis. Such yawning should not go unnoticed and you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

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