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The drug polygynax composition and dosage forms. What does Polygynax help with? Instructions for use

Most women mistakenly believe that an analogue of Polygynax suppositories is everything famous drug"Terzhinan." In fact, these are two completely different medications in composition and action. The composition of Polygynax vaginal capsules includes antibiotics (polymyxin, nystatin and neomycin), which have a detrimental effect only on pathogens of bacterial and fungal origin. And Terzhinan suppositories contain components of anti-inflammatory and anti-trichomoniacal action.

In this article we will tell you who the drug “Polygynax” (suppositories) is indicated for. The instructions state that suppositories can be used to prevent candidiasis, even the dosage is indicated by the treating gynecologist. According to experts, this remedy shows excellent results and can be used immediately before birth to prevent the newborn from becoming infected with Candida fungi. However, the medication can be used as prescribed by a doctor and only if tests have confirmed the presence of pathogenic microflora.

Indications for treatment

The drug is often used as local therapy for vulvovaginal bacterial, cervicovaginal, vaginal and mixed infections that were caused by sensitive microflora:

  • fungal vaginitis;
  • mixed and (including nonspecific);
  • cervicovaginitis and vulvovaginitis.

Appointed to for preventive purposes to prevent fungal and infectious diseases immediately before childbirth, surgery in the genital area, abortion, diagnostic intrauterine examination, diathermocoagulation of the cervix, as well as before or after installation of the IUD. It is allowed to administer the medicine “Polygynax” (suppositories) during menstruation. The instructions recommend not to interrupt the started course. Otherwise, the therapeutic effect may not be achieved.

Is it allowed to use the drug “Polygynax” (suppositories) during pregnancy?

The instructions (the average price is 200 rubles) informs that the drug can be used by women who are pregnant. But doctors strongly do not recommend carrying out treatment on your own. Although the drug does not penetrate the blood and placenta, it is nevertheless prescribed with extreme caution. This is due to the fact that the drug has not yet undergone thorough testing. clinical studies and therefore cannot be absolutely safe.

Usually, it is prescribed for more later and before childbirth. The action of vaginal capsules is aimed not only at eliminating clinical manifestations(itching, burning, unpleasant odor and secretions), but also to eliminate infectious agents. It has also been proven that the medication improves blood circulation in the genitals, thereby normalizing the condition of the mucous membranes and tissue.

Doctors' opinions on effectiveness and safety this drug diverge. But most experts are still confident that the threat from the disease is many times greater than the hypothetical danger from using Polygynax suppositories.

Directions for use

The course of therapy is 14 days. If suppositories are used as prophylaxis, the duration does not exceed a week. Capsules must be administered in a lying position, before bedtime. Thanks to their soft structure and convenient shape, the candles are easy to use. The procedure is carried out once a day. During the treatment period you can not stop intimate life. Do not interrupt therapy even when menstruation has begun.

If a dose was missed for some reason, then the next time it is simply doubled (two capsules are administered). During pregnancy, the treatment regimen is prescribed by the gynecologist individually after passing all necessary tests. Before starting to use suppositories, the doctor takes a smear for sensitivity (to identify sensitive microflora). During use, allergic reactions in the form of burning, mild itching, irritation of the mucous membrane, and redness are not excluded. These phenomena are rather an exception to the rule.

Additional information

You can regularly find enthusiastic comments from patients who note the high effectiveness of using the drug. The medicine “Polygynax” (suppositories) quickly and permanently relieves unpleasant thrush. The instructions do not recommend using condoms during treatment and Doctors do not recommend simultaneous use with spermicides ( chemical contraception), since the activity of the drug may be reduced.

How to store?

It is better to purchase the drug from specialized pharmaceutical pharmacy chains. Before purchasing, be sure to look at the manufacturing date, which should not be more than one and a half years old. They need to be stored in a refrigerator or in a dark place where the temperature does not exceed +25 o C.

Side effects

During treatment, usually with long-term use, allergic reactions may occur (eczema, itching, rash, urticaria, in the genital area. Cases of intoxication have not been reported to date.


If the dosage is exceeded, dizziness and painful sensations in the abdominal area. No such manifestations were recorded. If you experience similar symptoms, you should stop therapy and consult a doctor to change the drug. Violations and serious side effects The drug "Polygynax" (suppositories) does not provide treatment.

Instructions, reviews from doctors and consumers

The opinions of specialists are in some cases positive. Doctors speak enthusiastically about medicine and consider it one of the best for getting rid of bacterial and inflammatory diseases. This is confirmed by the patients themselves, who got rid of candidiasis with the help of vaginal capsules.

The result was noticed after two doses: unpleasant symptoms in the form of discharge and itching were eliminated. And also normalizes vaginal microflora. Therapeutic effect saved long time. The product “Polygynax” (suppositories) deserves high marks. The instructions give clear and precise recommendations for its use.

At the slightest suspicion of thrush, you should seek help from a gynecologist to prevent negative consequences. After all, this disease seems harmless only at first glance. Only properly selected treatment will help avoid complications. You can cope with this disease using the popular remedy “Polygynax”.

The main advantages of the medicine are minimal side effects, enough wide range actions, high efficiency and reasonable cost. Helps well with inflammatory diseases vulva and vagina. You can buy them at any pharmacy chain or in online stores

Practical Application

This drug has a detrimental effect on ureaplasmosis, which allows you to “kill two birds with one stone” with one stone. It must be remembered that treatment of candidiasis should be carried out by both partners. During therapy it is forbidden to use alcoholic drinks. It is not recommended to take during lactation and in the early stages of pregnancy.

The article clearly described all the recommendations for using suppositories, and whether to use them or not is up to you and your doctor to decide. Even if this remedy did not suit you personally, do not be upset. Nowadays, there are a number of effective antifungal drugs that are aimed at combating candidiasis and other infections, these include the medications “Pimafucin”, “Livarol”, “Nystatin”, “Klion-D”.

One of the most convenient medicines used to treat various gynecological diseases infectious nature, is Polygynax (often erroneously called "Polygynax"). This medication is produced in the form of suppositories, from which Polygynax is considered the perfect medicine to eliminate disturbances of the vaginal microflora. Pharmacological action of this medicine is to provide an antifungal and antibacterial effect. Nystatin, the main component of the drug, has a unique fungicidal effect, which is manifested in its relationship to Candida fungi. Polymyxin B and neomycin can have a destructive effect on gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria.

Pay attention! Streptococci and anaerobes are not sensitive to this drug, therefore, for diseases caused by these microorganisms, it is recommended to give preference to another medicine.

Release form and composition

This medication is available in the form of vaginal capsules. It contains neomycin, polymyxin B and nystatin. In every capsule of this medicine contains 35 thousand IU of neomycin sulfate, IU of polymyxin B and 100 thousand IU of nystatin. Among the auxiliary components of the drug are hydrogenated soybean oil, gelatin, tefose 63, glycerol and dimethicone 1000. Externally, the drug Polygynax looks like light yellow capsules oval shape, which are made from a homogeneous liquid mass. The internal contents of these medical suppositories are yellow-brownish in color. This medication is sold in 6 capsules in one blister. Each cardboard package contains 1 – 2 blisters.

What are Polygynax suppositories prescribed for?

  1. This medicine is recommended for vaginitis of various etiologies(mixed, fungal and nonspecific).
  2. Candles are assigned medical specialists for vulvovaginitis - inflammatory diseases in which a bacterial process develops on the external parts of the genital organs. In most cases, this disease affects women from puberty to old age.
  3. Also this medicine helps with cervicovaginitis – inflammatory diseases cervix.
  4. Medical experts recommend the drug for the prevention and treatment of infectious complications of gynecological interventions.
  5. Polygynax suppositories are effective for diathermocoagulation of cervical erosion, as well as before hysteroscopy and diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity.

Contraindications to the use of these suppositories include periods of pregnancy and lactation, as well as hypersensitivity to the substances present in their composition.

This medicine is intended for intravaginal administration. The suppository should be inserted as deep as possible into the vagina while lying down (preferably before bedtime). For prophylactic purposes, this medication should be used for 6 days. In the treatment of vulvovaginitis and vaginitis average duration treatment is 12 days.

As a rule, Polygynax begins to provide healing effect already 2 – 4 days after the start of use. If you forget to take the capsule at night one or more times, resume treatment at the usual dosage.

Side effect

If capsules are used incorrectly, in some cases the following may occur: adverse reactions like burning and itching. Extremely rare in quality side effects allergic eczema or irritation is observed. If you notice a deterioration in your health during treatment with Polygynax, immediately contact your gynecologist.

Interaction with other drugs

This drug is used to eliminate vaginal bacteria, for which Polygynax is a popular gynecological medicine. It has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, destroying many harmful microorganisms: from streptococci to Candida fungi.

First of all, it is necessary to clarify that Polygynax is antifungal drug, which is used primarily in gynecology. Its composition is dominated by two gentle antibiotics, in particular, neomycin and polymyxin B, which can not only paralyze the activity of pathogenic microorganisms and have a destructive effect on the walls of their membranes, but also prevent their further reproduction in a sick body.

There is a pronounced susceptibility to this antibiotic such gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria as corynebacteria, staphylococci, escherichia, enterococci, mycobacteria, klebsiella, ureaplasma and others. Unfortunately, this group did not include anaerobic microorganisms and streptococci, which are adapted to the effects of these components.

It is also necessary to highlight such a component of Polygynax suppositories as candida, histoplasma, and the action excipient dimethylpolysiloxane improves metabolism, relieves itching and stimulates penetration active substances into the epithelium lining the vaginal walls.

Among the analogues of Polygynax, Nystatin, Terzhinan, Vagiclin and Vagilac should be highlighted, but they are rather similar in their chemical composition and criteria for action in the body than identical ones.

Polygynax is produced exclusively in the form of vaginal capsules, and the features of their use can be found in the attached annotation.

Polygynax suppositories: indications and contraindications

Having studied the details of the composition of Polygynax suppositories, as well as finding out the spectrum of their action, you can determine the scope of their application. Yes, given antifungal agent considered appropriate for fungal and bacterial lesions female organs pelvis (candidiasis and vaginitis).

The list of contraindications for Polygynax suppositories is kept to a minimum and is limited solely by individual intolerance to its components. The use of Polygynax during pregnancy and lactation is also not approved. However, as shown medical practice, doctors very often prescribe these vaginal suppositories future and young mothers.

Polygynax suppositories: side effects and overdose

In general, the antibiotics included in Polygynax suppositories quietly adapt in the body without detecting their effect, so side effects are quite rare, but they still occur. Such anomalies are limited to exacerbation allergic reactions and then only for early stage treatment, as well as some discomfort during the next administration of the Polygynax suppository.

If the allergy does not go away after a couple of days, then you should stop similar treatment and contact a leading gynecologist. No evidence of overdose was found.

Polygynax: Instructions for use of suppositories

Polygynax suppositories are used vaginally in the amount of two capsules per day. It is important to note that immediately after inserting the suppository, it is advisable to linger for a while. horizontal position for a while. The course of treatment varies from six to 10 days. In the first case, we are talking more about prevention, and in the second – about therapeutic therapy. Sometimes such therapy can take a longer period.

Features of the use of Polygynax candles

When found characteristic disease necessary full examination both sexual partners, as well as during treatment complete failure from sexual intercourse. It is necessary to maintain personal hygiene, wear natural cotton underwear, and stop introducing hygienic tampons.

When combined with other medications, it is important to remember that Polygynax suppositories can significantly suppress the activity of local spermicidal contraceptives.

Polygynax suppositories: reviews from former patients, price

Polygynax suppositories are especially often used in the treatment of thrush. It is important to note that based on the reviews of most patients, we can conclude that Polygynax is really powerful tool against candidiasis, which not only eliminates all alarming symptoms, but also prevents further infection. Also, many young ladies prefer this particular medicine in the price-quality ratio, that is, high productivity at a reasonable price.

Of course, there are reviews of side effects, but such cases are extremely rare and are caused by a number of predisposing factors. One way or another, there is a concept of a certain “individual effectiveness”, when Polygynax suppositories “suited” some patients, but others considered them absolutely useless.

One way or another, this antifungal agent really works, productively eliminating pathogenic microorganisms localized in a woman’s vagina.

The price of Polygynax candles in capsules, 12 pieces - in retail chains - from 400 rubles.

Instructions for Polygynax Virgo - emulsion for intravaginal administration from the manufacturer of the drug Laboratory Innotec International (France)

16:24 Polygynax candles: instructions, application, reviews -

Thrush is a diagnosis that every woman has encountered at least once in her life. That is why today a huge number of medicines aimed at eliminating a characteristic infection predominate on the free market. One of these drugs is Polygynax suppositories. General description Polygynax suppositories First of all, it is necessary to clarify that Polygynax is an antifungal drug that is used primarily in gynecology. [...]

*registered by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (according to grls.rosminzdrav.ru)

Registration number:


Trade name: POLYGINAX

Group name: Neomycin + Nystatin + Polymyxin B

Dosage form:

vaginal capsules

Composition per 1 capsule

Active ingredients:

Neomycin sulfate……………….35,000 IU
Polymyxin B sulfate………… 35,000 IU
Nystatin…………………………100,000 IU


Tefoz 63®…………………….125.0 mg
Hydrogenated soybean oil………..…30.0 mg
Dimethicone 1000………………2500.0 mg

Composition of the capsule shell:

gelatin……………..381.2 mg
glycerol……………..191.5 mg
dimethicone 1000………86.9 mg


Soft capsules are light yellow to beige in color, oval in shape, containing a semi-liquid homogeneous mass. The contents of the capsules may vary in color from yellow to brown.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Combined antibiotic.

(antibiotics: aminoglycoside + polyene + cyclic polypeptide)

ATX code: G01AA51

Pharmacological properties


A combined drug whose effect is determined by its constituent components. Provides antibacterial, bactericidal and antifungal effect. Neomycin and polymyxin B are active against many gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms; Streptococcus spp. And anaerobic bacteria insensitive to these antibiotics. Nystatin has a fungicidal effect against fungi of the genus Candida.

Improves trophic processes in the vaginal mucosa.

Pharmacokinetics. It is evenly distributed throughout the vaginal mucosa, providing a local bactericidal and fungicidal effect. It is practically not absorbed from the surface of the vaginal mucosa.

Indications for use


Infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by sensitive microorganisms: nonspecific, fungal, mixed vaginitis, vulvovaginitis and cervicovaginitis.


Preoperative prevention of infectious complications during gynecological interventions;
- before and after diathermocoagulation of the cervix;
- before intrauterine diagnostic procedures;
- before childbirth.

Contraindications for use

Hypersensitivity to any component of the drug.
I trimester of pregnancy.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Use during pregnancy in the second and third trimesters is possible only|only| as prescribed by a doctor in cases where the expected benefit|self-interest| for the mother exceeds the potential risk to the fetus.
The lactation period is a contraindication; if necessary, use the drug in this period breastfeeding is stopped.

Directions for use and doses

For vaginal use.

Lying on your back, the capsule is inserted deep into the vagina in the evening before bed.
The course of treatment is 12 days. Prophylactic course 6 days.

If you miss one or more capsules, resume taking the drug at the usual dose.

Side effects

Allergic reactions, burning, itching, irritation in the vagina. Allergic contact eczema. At long-term use Maybe systemic manifestation side effects of aminoglycosides.

If any of the side effects indicated in the instructions get worse, or you notice any other side effects not listed in the instructions, tell your doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

Special instructions

Before using the drug, it is necessary to first take a smear and carry out a bacteriological analysis.
The duration of use of the drug should be limited in order to prevent the development of resistance to it in certain pathogens and the risk of reinfection.
During treatment, it is not recommended to use latex caps and condoms.
You should not interrupt the course of treatment during menstruation.


No data available.

Effect on ability to drive vehicles

No data available negative impact the drug on the ability to drive vehicles and other mechanisms.

Release form

Vaginal capsules.
6 capsules in PVC/aluminum blisters.
1 or 2 blisters with instructions for use in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

2 years. Do not use after the expiration date indicated on the package.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies
according to the recipe.

Laboratory Innotek International
22 Avenue Aristide Briand, 94110 Arceuil, France

Produced: Innotera Shuzi
Rue René Chantereau, L "Isle Vert, 41150 Chouzy-sur-Sis, France

Russian representative office
JSC Laboratory Innotec International (France):
127051, Moscow, st. Petrovka, 20/1

Unfortunately, even perfect adherence to the rules and standards of personal hygiene, as well as the use of contraception during sexual intercourse, cannot provide guaranteed protection from women's diseases. Ailments of this type can develop against the background of decreased immunity or in combination with some other diseases. They should be treated exclusively under medical supervision, and various medicinal formulations can be used. A good medicine used in the treatment of female diseases is Polygynax.

What is the composition of Polygynax?

Given drug represents combination remedy with antibacterial effect. It is intended for vaginal use and looks like vaginal capsules. Polygynax is a combination of components such as neomycin, nystatin, and polymyxin B.

One capsule of this medicine contains 35,000 IU of neomycin sulfate, the same amount of polymyxin B, and 100,000 IU of nystatin. In addition, the drug contains other auxiliary components, namely: tefose 63, hydrogenated soybean oil, dimethicone 1000, as well as gelatin and glycerol.

Externally, the medicine looks like oval-shaped soft capsules. They are colored light yellow and contain inside a liquid mass of uniform consistency, which in turn has a yellow-brown color.

What are the indications for Polygynax?

This medicinal composition can be used in the treatment of infectious-inflammatory ailments such as vaginitis of various etiologies (fungal, mixed and nonspecific), vulvovaginitis, and cervicovaginitis.

In addition, Polygynax can be used for prophylactic purposes to prevent infectious lesions shortly before performing certain gynecological interventions.

So it can be prescribed before diathermocoagulation of uterine cervix erosion, hysteroscopy, diagnostic curettage uterine cavity, as well as before labor.

It is worth considering that this medicinal composition cannot be used in the first trimester of pregnancy. In addition, a contraindication to its use is the patient’s individual intolerance to any of its components.

Polygynax is often prescribed to expectant mothers who are in the second or third trimester of pregnancy, if the potential benefits of using the drug exceed possible risks for a growing fetus. The composition should not be used during breastfeeding If during lactation there is an urgent need to use this drug, then you should completely stop breastfeeding for the entire period of therapy.

The drug is used to treat thrush; its antifungal effect is achieved due to the presence of nystatin in its composition. It destroys the cell membrane of fungal formations. Polygynax is also effective if thrush has caused vaginal dysbiosis. Its components are effective in combating many pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria.

What is the use of Polygynax?

This medicinal composition is intended exclusively for intravaginal administration. After thoroughly washing your hands and freeing the capsule from the package, it must be inserted deep into the vaginal cavity. The procedure is carried out lying down immediately before bedtime, once a day. Only one capsule can be used at a time medicinal composition. It does not need to be broken or soaked in any liquid.

To achieve preventive effect the drug is used for six days. If the medicine was prescribed to eliminate vaginitis or vulvovaginitis, the duration of treatment is twelve days. Positive effect from the use of Polygynax is observed literally within two to four days from the start of consumption.

If one or more doses of the drug have been missed, its use must be resumed. previous regime.

What are the side effects of Polygynax?

IN in rare cases consumption of Polygynax may provoke the development of side effects. In most cases, such symptoms are expressed in the appearance of itching, irritation or burning sensation. Even less commonly, the medicine causes allergic reactions, such as allergic eczema. Long-term use of this medicine may cause side effects common with aminoglycoside-type drugs.

If any alarming or unpleasant symptoms You should seek medical help.

What are Polygynax's analogues?

The only analogue of Polygynax is the medicinal composition called Polygynax Virgo.

Special instructions

During the period of Polygynax therapy, the instructions for use do not prohibit sexual relations. However, it is worth considering that any contraceptive containing spermicides may reduce the effectiveness of the drug composition.

Shortly before treatment with Polygynax, a woman should definitely undergo vaginal smears for analysis, as well as carry out a bacteriological examination. Many doctors insist on limiting the period of use of this medicinal composition due to the fact that microorganisms can develop resistance to the antibacterial components that are in its composition.

Polygynax should be used only after it has been prescribed by a doctor.