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Free online diagnostics for parents of a sick child. Express diagnosis online How to identify a disease by symptoms online

Localization of the complaint.
Feel.(what exactly does the patient feel?)
- Times of Day(at what time of day does it weaken or strengthen?)
- Temperature(how does local and general heat affect?)
- Weather(how does rain, cold, wind, or weather change affect?)
- Movement and rest(the influence of movement and rest, sudden movements?)
- Body position(how does the symptom change while standing, sitting, lying (on the back\stomach\right and left side)?
- Other irritants(the influence of touch, pressure, tight clothing, body shaking, noise, light, odors, etc.)
- Food(changes before, during and after meals? What is the effect of skipping meals?)
- Drink(changes after drinking? Cold/hot drinks?)
- Dream(changes during and after sleep, from lack of sleep?)
- Menses(changes before, during and after menstruation?)
- Sweating(changes from sweating and its suppression?)
- Emotions(The influence of strong emotions: anger, grief, etc.)
Associated symptoms Their appearance is associated with a complaint, but is not pathogenetically related to it (for example, during pain in the heart, itching in the nose).
! Etiology(this is the factor after which the complaint appeared)


How long ago did your complaints start? What do you think caused them to occur? What were the first manifestations of the disease? In what order did the complaints appear, and what can you attribute the appearance of each complaint to?
Did the disease develop gradually or spasmodically? What, in your opinion, provoked the exacerbation of the disease?
How did you treat your complaints? Have you been treated by a homeopath before? If so, what drugs did he prescribe and with what effect? From other doctors? What diagnosis were you given, and on what basis? What did previous doctors prescribe to you and what was the result?
Did your relatives have the same diseases as you? Did they cause their early deaths? Have you or your relatives suffered from cancer, gonorrhea, or syphilis? Any other serious illnesses?


Head. Do you often have headache and what character? Dizziness?
Breath. Do you have cough? Is it dry or not? What type of sputum is produced? Do you have asthma attacks?
Heart. Are you experiencing chest pain, what kind? Palpitations, interruptions in heart function? Jumps, or just high blood pressure?
Musculoskeletal system. Do you have joint pain? In back? In other places? Are there any contractures somewhere?
Digestion. Do you have abdominal pain, what kind? Worried about belching? Is there a lot of gas coming off? Is the stool normal (how many times a week, appearance, smell, consistency, blood)?
Urinary system. How many times a day and night do you urinate? Unpleasant sensations in progress? What type of urine, color, smell? What volume? Is there any sediment? Is there urinary incontinence when laughing, coughing, sneezing?
Menses. When did you start your period? You currently have impairments menstrual cycle(duration, frequency, regularity)? What type of discharge (color, abundance, smell, consistency)?
What is your physical and mental condition before, during and after menstruation?
Do you have leucorrhoea? What are they like in color, consistency, smell? Aren't they annoying?
Dream. Do you suffer from insomnia? What is this connected with? How quickly do you fall asleep? Do you wake up at night and why? What position do you sleep in? Some people talk in their sleep, scream, toss and turn, grind their teeth, laugh or cry, sleep with with open eyes. And you? Do you often have nightmares? Similar dreams?
Sweating. Are you a sweaty person? How and under what circumstances do you sweat? Which areas of the body sweat the most? How do you feel during and after sweating? What is the nature of your sweat, its appearance and smell?
Leather. What's unusual about your skin? Is there itching, rashes, neoplasms, birthmarks, freckles, cracks, ulcers, etc.?


Time. What time of day do you feel your worst? The best thing?
At what time of year do you feel better or worse?
Is there any periodicity in the manifestations of the disease?
Temperature. Are you a chilly or hot person? How do you react to heat, including the room, bed, radiator?
How do you tolerate cold and freezing, do you often freeze? How do you dress in winter and in cold weather, do you wear gloves? Some people do not tolerate both heat and cold well. And you?
How do you cover yourself at night when you sleep? Do you stick your feet out from under the blanket?
How do you cope with drafts?
Weather. How do you cope with changing weather?
Extreme cold? Is it hot? High humidity? Dry weather? Bright sun? Fog? Snow? How do you feel before, during and after a thunderstorm? How do you feel about strong wind? Southern or northern?
Geography. How do you feel in the mountains? On the sea? In a pine forest? Which climate seems most harmful to you? Where would you like to spend your holidays?
Air. Some people can work comfortably in an unventilated area. And you? Do you often go outdoors?
Water. How do you feel about water procedures(bath, shower, swimming, sea ​​water)? What water temperature is most comfortable for you? If you get wet feet or get caught in the rain, how will this affect your health?
Movement/rest, body position What body position is most comfortable for you - lying, sitting, standing, walking, etc.? Why? Which one is the most comfortable and why?
Endurance. Are you involved, or have you been actively involved in any kind of sport or fitness before? Do you like to dance? Do you consider yourself a resilient person? How do you feel during and after physical activity?
Water exchange. Do you ever get thirsty? How much water do you drink per day? Do you usually drink cold or hot drinks? Do you have a tendency to edema?
Eating. How do you feel before and after eating? What's your appetite? Do you feel hungry at any unusual time? Do you get up at night to eat? How do you cope with skipping meals?
Food cravings. What foods do you love most, if you throw away all inhibitions? Which ones disgust you? What makes you feel worse? (How do you feel about sweets, baked goods, salty foods, beer and strong alcohol, tea and coffee, sour, spicy, fatty foods, eggs, meat, fish, smoked meats, bread, butter, cabbage, onions, garlic, fruits, milk, cheese, ice cream, vinegar, etc.) Do you like hot or cold food?
Smoking. How many cigarettes do you smoke per day? How long ago? How do you feel after smoking or being in a smoky room?
Medicines. What medications can you not tolerate? How does intolerance manifest itself? What vaccinations did you have? Were there any consequences after them?
Bleeding and regeneration.
Tolerance of tight clothing.
Fainting. Do you often faint? When does this happen?
Transport. How do you feel in transport (car, bus, ship, plane, elevator, subway)?


What about your character would you like to change? Would you call yourself irritable? Hot-tempered? Very jealous? What character traits stand out to you? How has your character changed since the onset of the disease? Does it happen that you feel melancholy, sadness, or doom? When and why does this happen?
Have there been difficult, sad events in your life that you still remember? Can you say that after such an event you began to have health problems?
All people cry from time to time. And in what cases can you cry (films and books, reproaches, insults, etc.)? Some people hold back, others don't, what about you? How do you feel after crying? How do you respond to comfort?
Have you ever fallen into despair? Under what circumstances do you experience feelings of horror, anxiety, fear? Some people are afraid of the dark, heights, loneliness, public speaking, thieves, crowds, some animals, death, illness, loss of reason, misfortune, poverty, noise, water, thunderstorms, etc. What are you afraid of?
At the worst moments of your life, do you have thoughts of death, forebodings, obsessions, disgust for life, etc.? (Some are thinking about suicide, others are talking about it, others are going to commit it, there are those who lack the courage. What about you?)
How do you feel about company and loneliness? How do you feel in a crowded room?
Do you often have angry outbursts? Do you turn red or pale when angry? How do you feel after an attack of anger?
How do you cope with waiting (in traffic, in line)? At what pace do you walk, talk, write, eat? Do you gesture a lot?
Some people suffer when their things are not put away in a strict order, while others do not care at all. How do you feel about this? Can you call yourself a lazy person? Do you often put things off until later?
(Assess the patient's behavior during the consultation).


Many homeopaths believe that the importance of symptoms is graded as follows: etiology > unusual symptoms(they cannot be explained from the position of pathogenesis) > mental symptoms > general symptoms> private symptoms.
You also need to take into account the severity and subjective significance of the complaint. According to this data, in the search you can select the strength of the complaint from 1 to 4 points. Or choose the force that maximally reflects the significance of the complaint for the search from your point of view.

Checking the symptoms of illness in children until they learn to consciously express their thoughts causes certain difficulties. Thus, many diseases affect general condition body, which often leads to changes in normal mental activity.

In turn, infants this may be accompanied by:

Checking Symptoms in Adults

Checking for symptoms of the disease in adults is usually not difficult. As a rule, when there is a significant disruption to life, people themselves turn to a specialist for help.

However, if symptoms do not lead to strong change well-being, people can long time do not visit a doctor. Usually in such situations, people conduct self-diagnosis in order to identify the disease by symptoms and quickly recover without the help of others.

Sometimes they even take medications on their own, which does not always improve the patient’s condition. This is due to the lack of clinical thinking among ordinary people, which provides an understanding of the essence of pathological changes in the body.

This not only makes it useless self-treatment, but also often makes it dangerous.

Special group adults are represented by pregnant women. Typically, pregnancy is special condition organism, which leads to a set of changes that can be interpreted as pathology.

However, at the same time, many diseases occur atypically. In this regard, when unpleasant symptoms Pregnant women need to seek help from a specialist.

Self-administration poses a great danger to the health of mother and fetus. medicines. At the same time, even those drugs that were taken without fear before pregnancy can lead to unfavorable outcomes.

IN modern world injuries are also widespread and are often associated domestic injuries, road traffic accidents and hobbies (usually extreme sports).

As a rule, signs of pathology are closely related to the history of injury. In most cases, to clarify the nature of the pathology, additional methods tests such as radiography and CT scan.

Checking symptoms in older people

Among elderly patients, the prevalence chronic diseases non-infectious nature is broad in nature. In addition, in most cases these diseases cause death.

There are a huge number of signs of one or another chronic pathology, but often these diseases develop over many years, and therefore the patient may not pay attention to their manifestations for a long time.

The most common pathologies that occur in older people include:

  • cardiovascular diseases (CHD and hypertonic disease);
  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • cognitive impairment.

Screening for symptoms in older adults can be challenging. So, elderly people in the background chronic pathologies may feel significantly worse pathological changes in organism.

An example is the formation of ulcers against the background diabetic foot and dry gangrene in severe stages of atherosclerosis, accompanied by impaired sensitivity.

Also, due to the fact that older people often live alone and have little contact with others, the detection of diseases in them may occur with a significant delay.

Often, older people, due to a decrease in the amount of communication with others, develop depression, which can cause death due to suicide.

The presented online service "Diagnosis by symptoms" of diseases operates on the principle of intelligent medical reference book pointing to the doctor possible options diagnosis of diseases. The operating principle compares the symptoms of diseases selected for a given patient and the symptoms of diseases in the directory database. A list of 589 symptoms allows you to convey in detail clinical picture at the patient.

The list of 330 diseases describes all segments of practical medicine. Eventually differential diagnosis, the doctor receives a list of disease diagnoses possible in the presence of a selected combination of symptoms, in which the disease diagnoses are sorted in descending order of probability.

Online diagnostic reference book for a general practitioner, with elements differential diagnosis diseases, is intended for use by practicing physicians in clinics, emergency departments of hospitals and for doctors treating patients in hospitals. It can also be used as a teaching tool for diagnosing diseases in the training of students of medical institutes.

Selecting symptoms and performing analysis

Questions and answers about the service

Question:Hello, I am 18 years old, lately it has been very difficult to breathe (when inhaling) - it especially gets worse when lying down; constant yawning and feeling tired; The heartbeat is also very noticeable. What could it be?

Answer: There can be many reasons. You need an in-person consultation with a doctor for examination and examination.

Question:Hello! My mom's throat is on fire. And when it burns very strongly, a little blood appears. What could it be? Lore also had them d-z pharyngitis. The gastroenterologist diagnoses pancogastritis. They've been treating me for two months, but there's no point. Could these diagnoses cause blood during intense burning? Or maybe tell me something else. Thank you.

Question:Hello. Every evening I start with a sharp spasm in the lower back, it rises up, nausea and sudden vomiting begin gastric juice. what could it be?

Answer: You need a face-to-face consultation with a therapist to prescribe the necessary examination.

Question:Hello! I am 28 years old. A month ago I had a stomach ache. It's started now severe diarrhea. Sometimes even vomiting. The pain intensifies after eating. She didn't take any medications.

Answer: Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, stomach ulcers, cholecystitis, etc. You need to be examined by a gastroenterologist.

Question:Can there be heaviness in the stomach and pain during abdominal pain?

Answer: This is possible, but cardiovascular and neurological signs are decisive.

Question:Hello! I have a formation on my gum with a white spot (hardens over time, and then softens again). Doesn't hurt, doesn't interfere. I consulted with many people, they say it’s a cyst. But I can’t rely only on the opinions of friends, can you tell me what it could be?

Answer: Only a dentist can answer this question during an in-person consultation.

Question:Hello. 10 days ago, while playing football, I collided with an opponent and was hit in the head. I went to the hospital about the injury, and they took an x-ray. They wrote that there was a bruise of the soft tissues of the frontal part. My head still hurts, less so, but it still hurts, which prevents me from working fully. What to do in such a situation?

Question:Hello, I’m 12, everything was fine with my health, but when I woke up last week, a lot of health problems appeared, a sore throat, temperature jumps up to (39 degrees), drool became stickier and thicker, my neck started to hurt when I get up from the couch within the first 2-3 seconds sharp pain in my head, medications hardly help. Make a diagnosis if possible, and whether it can be cured.

Answer: The cause of your condition can be many diseases (from the flu to more dangerous ones), so we recommend that you undergo a full medical examination. Start with a therapist.

Question:Hello, I have small blisters on my tongue at the base and sides, also small white coating at the base of the tongue, itching on the tongue.

Answer: Maybe, fungal stomatitis. Contact your dentist in person.

Dear Parents!

Have you noticed that your child is getting sick, that he has some painful symptoms that worry you? But you are not a doctor and you yourself cannot make at least a preliminary diagnosis, and, therefore, you do not know which specialist should show your child. Meanwhile, it often even seems harmless symptoms symptoms that appear in a child can serve as the first sign of a fairly serious disease.

We invite you to our system for preliminary diagnosis of your child’s illness (free online diagnosis). You are offered a list of symptoms, which is divided into subsections according to the localization of the symptom. Carefully reviewing the list, note the symptoms that you currently observe in your child. But we warn you: do not mark all the symptoms in a row, since our system has a limit on the number of main symptoms for each disease and may accidentally not take into account most important symptoms. In this case, the preliminary diagnosis " online diagnostics diseases by symptoms" will be placed incorrectly.

In addition, for each disease, especially those occurring in acute form, there are main (dominant) symptoms. But there may also be side symptoms, such as, for example, headache or stomach pain due to the flu. This is just one example. That is, one child will show side symptoms, but the other will not. Note also that the series acute diseases not all symptoms, even the dominant ones (for example, a certain type of rash), do not appear on the first day. Therefore, naturally, our system, online diagnostics, will not be able to make an unambiguous diagnosis in most cases.

As a result, you will be presented with a list possible diseases child, as well as recommendations on which specialist to contact. This cannot be considered an official diagnosis, the task of our service is " online diagnostics according to symptoms" - performing advisory functions on issues of contacting certain specialists who will provide correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment for the child.

Do not self-medicate under any circumstances. Consult a doctor! This will serve as a guarantee get well soon your child.