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What is pharyngitis and its symptoms in children. Causes and symptoms of chronic pharyngitis in children. Acute pharyngitis in children: symptoms and treatment

Pharyngitis is an inflammatory process localized to back wall throats. The main symptom of this disease, which a child may complain to parents about, is pain and discomfort in the throat. In most cases, pharyngitis develops against the background of acute respiratory infections, together with other catarrhal processes in the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract, much less often as an independent pathology. It occurs in children of various ages. The smaller the child, the more severe the disease and the more difficult the choice. medicines.


Causes of the disease

Pharyngitis in children can develop as an independent disease or be a consequence of some other disease. In most cases, inflammation of the pharynx occurs against the background of damage to the body by acute respiratory viral infections (influenza virus, parainfluenza, adenovirus, rhinovirus, coronavirus) and other viruses (cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus). Less commonly, the cause of pharyngitis is bacterial pathogens(streptococci, staphylococci, Haemophilus influenzae and diphtheria bacillus, meningococci). The greatest risks of pharyngitis occur in children attending kindergartens and schools in the autumn-winter period during seasonal epidemics of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections.

Promote development inflammatory process on the back wall of the pharynx can be the following factors:

  • difficult nasal breathing, leading to inhalation of cold, unpurified air through the mouth and drying out of the mucous membrane oral cavity and throat;
  • posterior rhinitis, in which infected mucous discharge does not come out through the nasal passages when blowing the nose, but flows down;
  • hypothermia;
  • weakening local immunity;
  • frequent use vasoconstrictor drops in the treatment of runny nose, flowing down from the nasal cavity, irritating the mucous membrane of the back wall of the throat and reducing it protective properties;
  • exacerbation of some chronic diseases(rhinitis, adenoiditis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, stomatitis, caries);
  • removal of the palatine tonsils, accompanied by atrophic changes in the pharyngeal mucosa;
  • lack of vitamins (A and group B);
  • gastroesophageal reflux, as a result of which stomach contents often enter the pharynx, irritating its mucous membrane.

Sometimes the causes of pharyngitis are allergic reactions, arising in response to the contact of an allergen with the mucous membrane of the throat. Inflammation of the pharynx can also be caused by mechanical damage to its mucous membrane by foreign bodies or surgical operations, exposure to vapors of chemical solvents, dust, tobacco smoke, hot air. Also, inflammation of the pharynx develops as a result of eating too hot, rough, spicy or sour foods.

Types of pharyngitis

Taking into account the etiological factor, pharyngitis in adults and children can be infectious (viral, bacterial, fungal), traumatic, allergic, or caused by contact of the pharyngeal mucosa with irritating factors. Treatment of the disease directly depends on its type.

According to the nature of the disease, the disease occurs in acute or chronic form. In the first case, children experience acute inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa. Chronic pharyngitis is a sluggish inflammatory process that lasts several months or more and is characterized by phases of remissions and exacerbations. Most often it occurs as a result of incompletely cured acute pharyngitis or as an independent disease due to prolonged irritation of the pharyngeal mucosa by aggressive factors.

Depending on the severity of the inflammatory process, chronic pharyngitis occurs:

  • simple, or catarrhal, manifested in the form of hyperemia of the pharyngeal mucosa;
  • granulosa, or hypertrophic, accompanied by the proliferation of tissues affected by the inflammatory process;
  • atrophic, accompanied by drying or thinning of inflamed tissues;
  • mixed, in which pathological changes in the mucous membrane, characteristic of the hypertrophic and atrophic type, are simultaneously present on the back wall of the throat.


Symptoms of pharyngitis in children differ depending on the form of the disease and severity. A characteristic feature acute inflammation is:

  • redness and swelling;
  • sharp pain in the throat, noticeably increasing when swallowing, especially solid and hot foods;
  • increase in body temperature up to 38°C;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • coughing caused by a feeling of soreness and soreness in the pharyngeal mucosa;
  • irradiation of pain to the ears (if inflammation affects the tubopharyngeal ridges).

With chronic pharyngitis, the symptoms are less pronounced; there is dryness and a sore throat. This form of inflammation is not characterized by an increase in temperature and a change in general condition and child activity. However, during exacerbations, the symptoms of chronic pharyngitis intensify and the clinical picture is similar to acute pharyngitis.

With granulosa chronic pharyngitis, a viscous coating of thick mucus accumulates on the back wall of the pharynx, red swollen plaques form, the submandibular lymph nodes may be enlarged and painful on palpation, and may be present. nagging pain in the back of the head.

The atrophic form of chronic pharyngitis in children is diagnosed extremely rarely. It is characterized by pallor and dryness of the mucous membrane of the throat, the formation of crusts on it, which are dried mucus, and the appearance of a vascular pattern on the back wall of the pharynx.

Features of symptoms depending on the cause

With pharyngitis that occurs against the background of ARVI, the inflammatory process spreads to the entire pharynx, including the tonsils and soft palate. It is often accompanied by a runny nose, conjunctivitis, cough, and gastrointestinal disorders.

Pharyngitis caused by pathogenic bacteria is characterized by a long course, headache, fever, and tonsillitis. When the throat is affected by fungi, cracks and erosions form on its mucous membrane and in the corners of the mouth, a characteristic white cheesy coating appears on the back wall of the pharynx, and the posterior cervical lymph nodes become enlarged.

If the cause of pharyngitis is an allergen on the mucous membrane of the throat, it manifests itself in the form of a dry cough and is not accompanied by fever and severe sore throat.

Features of symptoms in young children

Parents can suspect pharyngitis in infants who cannot yet express themselves and show where it hurts based on the following signs:

  • moodiness, tearfulness;
  • anxiety and bad dream;
  • periodic coughing;
  • decreased appetite and regurgitation after feeding;

For young children under 2 years of age, acute pharyngitis is severe. If its cause is ARVI, then it is combined with acute inflammation mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx, runny nose, cough, accompanied by a rise in body temperature, general weakness and lethargy, and decreased appetite.

Diagnosis of the disease

If you suspect pharyngitis in children, parents should consult a doctor. Self-diagnosis and self-medication are fraught with complications, and the younger the child, the more serious they can be. Confirmation of the presence of an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the posterior pharyngeal wall, as well as its form and causes, is established on the basis of:

  • complaints from the child or parents, if the child is small;
  • examination of the mouth and throat (pharyngoscopy);
  • palpating the lymph nodes in the neck;
  • results bacteriological culture throat swab.

With pharyngitis, there is moderate redness, swelling and infiltration of the posterior wall of the pharynx, velopharyngeal arches and, less commonly, the soft palate.

A sore throat can be a symptom not only of pharyngitis, but also of tonsillitis, measles, and scarlet fever. Unlike pharyngitis, sore throat is characterized by rapid development dynamics clinical picture. The next day, purulent plaque and plugs appear on the tonsils, their redness and increase in size are observed, and the body temperature rises sharply to 40°C.

Treatment of pharyngitis

Drugs and procedures for the treatment of pharyngitis in children should be prescribed by a local pediatrician or pediatric otolaryngologist, taking into account the patient’s age, the cause of the disease and the severity of the patient’s condition. Treatment is carried out at home. In uncomplicated forms of the disease occurring against the background of ARVI, the inflammatory process subsides on its own within a few days.


For acute pharyngitis and exacerbation of chronic pharyngitis in children, the following medications are used for treatment:

  • preparations for preparing solutions for gargling (rotocan, furatsilin, chlorophyllipt);
  • solutions for lubricating inflamed mucous membranes (protargol, Lugol's solution);
  • lozenges and lozenges with antiseptic, emollient and analgesic effects (lizobact, septefril, faringosept, strepsils, imudon);
  • sprays and aerosols for irrigating the pharynx (hexasprey, ingalipt, jox, tantum verde, cameton, miramistin);
  • antibacterial drugs locally, less often systemically (with precisely established bacterial etiology diseases and determining the sensitivity of the pathogen to specific antibiotics);
  • immunomodulatory drugs for pharyngitis against the background of ARVI (viferon, laferobion, immunoflazid, aflubin);
  • solutions for inhalation (buffered soda, decasan, saline solution);
  • antipyretics based on paracetamol or ibuprofen when the temperature rises above 38°C.

To treat pharyngitis in a child under 3 years of age, do not use sprays and aerosols, since when injected they can provoke a reflex spasm of the larynx and an attack of suffocation, as well as gargling due to the difficulty self-execution this procedure for babies.

For fungal pharyngitis in children, treatment consists of treating the throat with local antifungal drugs. Inflammation of the pharynx caused by an allergic reaction is treated by taking antihistamines in the form of tablets, drops or syrups (fenistil, erius, zyrtec, cetirizine, zodak).

Folk remedies

Among the traditional methods of treatment for pharyngitis, after consultation with a doctor, children can be given steam inhalations and gargling with decoctions of medicinal plants (chamomile, sage, calendula, eucalyptus, St. John's wort, oak bark), which have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and healing effect. For rinsing they also use simple saline solution(1 tsp salt per glass of water).

At night you can give the patient warm milk with honey or mineral water, which will have a warming and softening effect. However, before using such folk remedies treatment, you should make sure that the child is not allergic to the herbs and honey used.

Features of patient care

Of great importance for the speedy recovery of the child is plenty of warm drinking (still mineral water, tea, compote, berry fruit drinks) and fresh moist air, to which the famous pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky draws special attention to parents. All this will contribute to the effective hydration and cleansing of the affected area. pharyngeal mucosa.

To reduce injury and irritation of the inflamed mucous membrane of the throat during illness, the child should adhere to a gentle diet. It is not recommended to give him too rough, hard, spicy, salty, sour, hot or cold food.

Video: Pediatric ENT about symptoms and treatment of pharyngitis

Possible complications and prevention

In the absence of timely and correct treatment, acute pharyngitis in children can lead to complications, the main of which are:

  • transition of the disease to a chronic form;
  • spread of infection to the lower organs of the respiratory system (laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis);
  • peritonsillar and retropharyngeal abscess;
  • autoimmune diseases (rheumatism);
  • angina.

To reduce the risk of acute or chronic pharyngitis in children, it is necessary to follow simple preventive measures, which are aimed primarily at increasing immunity and minimizing contact with potential pathogens. These include regular walks in the fresh air, good nutrition and rest.

Hypothermia should be avoided. In the room where the child lives, it is important to create a normal level of humidity and temperature regime(cool, humid air), avoid contact with polluted air, tobacco smoke, dust. It is necessary to promptly treat rhinitis, sinusitis, and adenoiditis to prevent prolonged nasal congestion and forced breathing through the mouth, as well as prevent contact with sick people during seasonal epidemics of ARVI.

Yesterday the child was hypothermic, and in the morning he complains of a sore throat, weakness and pain when swallowing? Pharyngitis makes itself felt immediately, and this is the first sign of the rapid spread of inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa. There are other symptoms that indicate this disease, and what is more important: how and with what to treat the disease in children?

Pharyngitis - symptoms in children

Weak the immune system child, hypothermia, germs - all this possible reasons appearance of the disease. What are the signs of pharyngitis that help diagnose the disease? inflammatory in nature? This is dry mouth, pain when swallowing, heat, swelling of the soft tissues of the back of the throat, cough. Symptoms of pharyngitis in children can manifest themselves to varying degrees, and they are distinguished following features:

  • localization (superficial catarrhal or granulosa);
  • scale (limited to the sides of the ridges or spread over the entire surface of the pharynx);
  • nature (acute, chronic).
  • source (viruses, bacteria, allergens).

Acute pharyngitis in children

Before puberty, this form of the disease occurs more often than others. Acute pharyngitis in children can be caused by bacteria (streptococci), which cause the tonsils to swell and turn red, then white spots appear, and the lymph nodes become enlarged. Inflammation of the soft tissues may be accompanied by nausea, which is a sign of the nature of the disease. When viral in nature, inflammatory processes resemble a cold, while often acute pharyngitis is not a single disease, but develops together with others.

Chronic pharyngitis in a child

If the disease starts or the body does not have enough strength to cope with viruses and bacteria, then the prognosis is disappointing. The progressive course of the disease threatens the appearance of chronic pharyngitis in the child, and this is a serious threat to health. It is believed that the lack of improvement after two weeks is a direct fact indicating a protracted illness. Bacteria penetrate the child’s gastrointestinal tract, causing gastritis and pancreatitis. The causes of the chronic form of the disease can be: foreign body, adenoids, dry air, tobacco smoke, chronic runny nose.

How to distinguish a sore throat from pharyngitis

Sore sensation, moderate pain, smooth increase temperature, combination with other signs of a cold - all this general signs inflammation of soft tissues. If you know how to distinguish a sore throat from pharyngitis, pharyngolaryngitis, pharyngotonsillitis, you will be able to cure your child faster. With pharyngitis it is unpleasant to swallow, and with a sore throat it is painful; The first type of illness is characterized by a low temperature, and the difference between the second is a rapid rise to 40 degrees, while pharyngitis is often accompanied by a runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, and watery eyes.

Treatment of pharyngitis

It is difficult for a weakened child’s body to resist the effects of viruses. Strength is taken away by an increasing pain in the throat and a gradually rising temperature, so the first rule for a speedy recovery is rest. How to treat pharyngitis in a child at home? It is recommended to carry out following procedures:

  1. Gargle at least three times a day.
  2. Give plenty of warm fluids to prevent dehydration.
  3. Ventilate the room more often, humidify the air.
  4. Do not lower the temperature if the thermometer shows less than 38 degrees.
  5. To numb the throat, use aerosol (spray) or lozenges.
  6. To reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa, drops can only be instilled after consulting a doctor.

Viral pharyngitis

The cause of an active inflammatory process may be viral infection, which makes the symptoms of pharyngitis in children similar to a cold. This type of disease, which affects the mucous membrane and the back wall of the pharynx, accounts for about two-thirds of all cases of the disease. The causative agents of viral pharyngitis represent a wide group - from adeno-, rhino- or coronaviruses to influenza viruses and cytomegaly.

Bacterial pharyngitis

The second most common type of illness that is caused by certain types of microbes. Factors that provoke the appearance of the inflammatory process can be mycoplasma (fungi) or a decrease in immune defense. Then the disease takes over severe form, and bacterial pharyngitis - symptoms, treatment in children - requires serious attention. For streptococci, staphylococci, meningococcal infection required drug treatment, which is based on antibacterial drugs local action or systemic antibiotics are prescribed.

Allergic pharyngitis

Not only viruses, bacteria, hypothermia, a weak immune system, but also irritating factors can provoke the appearance of the disease. Allergic pharyngitis, which is rarer according to statistics, is more difficult to diagnose, and this form of the disease is dangerous due to the appearance of a chronic form. Dust, the smell of tobacco, and some other potent substances can lead to inflammation of the mucous membrane. Allergens enter the child’s body, and if the treatment is chosen incorrectly or contact with the irritant is not eliminated, then recovery is delayed for a long time.

Pharyngitis in an infant

In the youngest, this disease is aggravated by a combination of inflammation of the mucous membrane and acute rhinitis. The developing immune system is not able to resist infections, and the baby cannot complain or show where it hurts. It is difficult to treat pharyngitis in an infant at home, because a systematic approach is required (drinking plenty of fluids, taking medications, dry neck warming, compresses, massage), in addition, you will have to monitor the cough and carry out procedures aimed at improving lung drainage and sputum discharge.

How to treat pharyngitis

If the diagnosis has been made correctly, the next step on the path to recovery will be treatment. Antiseptic solutions, for example, herbal ones, are necessary for gargling. To help the child’s body cope with the disease more quickly, aerosols can be used, and the frequency of use of these agents will be the same as with antiseptics: at least three times a day. How else to treat pharyngitis in a child:

  • Lozenges with a softening effect, such as Lisobact, significantly speed up recovery.
  • There are also popular folk methods (rinsing, decoctions, rubbing).

Treatment with antibiotics should be for purulent, herpetic form of the disease or for acute development an illness that threatens the appearance of nasopharyngitis. With infection, when pharyngitis - symptoms and treatment vary in children - the drug Azithromycin copes well. An infectious cough becomes a threat only when the inflammation of the oropharynx is viral, and an illness caused by bacteria can be transmitted only by sharing household items. Good way preventing the inflammatory process is hardening the child.

Antibiotics for pharyngitis

The use of medications in this group is allowed only after administration and examination by a pediatrician. The specific properties of these drugs limit the range of possible use, because when prescribing antibiotics for pharyngitis, the doctor will have to take into account: age, type and spectrum of bacterial activity, toxic effect, allergic reactions. If the disease is viral in nature, taking antibacterial drugs is contraindicated, but if complications are observed or the mucous membrane is affected by microbes, then you cannot do without them. For children, a solution or suspension is considered a more convenient option.

Antiseptics for throat

Treatment of pharyngitis in children will be faster if done at home useful procedures. These include irrigation with throat antiseptics. Such remedies as Miramistin, Furacilin, Hexoral, Chlorophyllipt help relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Reddened tonsils can be treated with steam inhalations with essential oils or use drugs that are good for treating tonsillitis: Iodinol, Lugol, Yox. If there is no allergy to the anesthetic, the child can be given pain-relieving lozenges to dissolve.

How to treat pharyngitis at home

This question is one of the three most popular, along with what pharyngitis looks like and how long the disease lasts. How correct diagnosis, selection of a drug treatment regimen, and home methods - all this contributes to speedy recovery baby. How to treat pharyngitis at home:

  • Garlic will help cope with a sore throat, but the product should not be exposed to heat treatment, it is better to grind in a blender and add to warm soup.
  • It is recommended to gargle with juice white cabbage, saline solution, herbal decoction (eucalyptus, pine, chamomile, St. John's wort).

Video: treatment of pharyngitis in children

Pharyngitis can be caused by a number of reasons. The most famous of them:

  1. Bacteria. Most often, the mucous membranes and lymphoid tissue are affected by pneumococci and streptococci.
  2. Viruses. The activators of the problem in this case are adenoviruses or influenza.
  3. Mushrooms. may be caused by a fungal infection called candida.
  4. Complications of other diseases. A number of diseases of the nasopharynx and adjacent organs, in particular rhinitis, and even caries, in advanced stages, activate the development of pharyngitis.
  5. Physiological reasons. The disease may not be infectious nature, in particular, induced by the influence of chemical irritants on the body, inhalation of very cool, hot or dirty air.
  6. Allergy. Natural and drug allergies also provoke the development of pharyngitis.


The main symptoms of pharyngitis in children usually include:

  1. Severe pain and, especially during food consumption and swallowing.
  2. High temperature, usually between 38 and 40 degrees Celsius.
  3. Lack of appetite and severe lethargy.

The younger your baby is, the more severe the symptoms of pharyngitis will be. This disease is especially dangerous in a child under one year of age, since it causes swelling of the mucous membrane, which ultimately, taking into account the underdevelopment respiratory system may cause throat spasms and...

Types of pharyngitis

Acute pharyngitis

This type of disease develops rapidly and immediately after the mucous membrane of the throat is damaged by an infection or an irritating factor. In this case, a high temperature immediately rises, and a full “bouquet” of the above-described symptoms is observed.

Chronic pharyngitis

The chronic form of pharyngitis almost never forms on its own and is either a transitional process between acute phase the above-mentioned disease, or as a result of constant irritation of the mucous membranes by an unfavorable factor. Chronic pharyngitis has phases of remission with temporary disappearance of symptoms and exacerbations, similar in clinical manifestations for the acute form of the disease.

Granular pharyngitis

With granulosa pharyngitis, not only the mucous membrane, but also the lymphoid tissue is severely affected, resulting in the formation of peculiar “red nodules” on the back wall of the pharynx, formed from the altered structure of the epithelium. These "pellets" are very annoying trigeminal nerve, the mucous membranes become very dry, fibrosis of other tissues in the pharynx and atrophy of the glands are also observed.

Atrophic pharyngitis

The last stage of development of untreated pharyngitis is characterized by a strong pathogenic change in the glandular, lymphoid and mucous apparatus of the pharynx. Hypotrophy of such structures leads to serious complications not only with accompanying organs, but also negatively affects the intestines and stomach.

The symptoms of pharyngitis and tonsillitis should be distinguished - they are similar in symptoms, however, the infection in these two cases is localized in different places. Strong chest cough and coughing at night usually indicates the manifestation of symptoms of bronchitis - the infection descends lower and affects the associated parts of the respiratory apparatus.

Treatment of pharyngitis in children

It will not be possible to cure pharyngitis in a child with just a miracle spray or magic sucking tablets, especially if the disease is advanced and is at the final stage of development. Act systematically and correctly!

In children 1-12 months

In very young children, pharyngitis is very painful, and it is also quite problematic to use rinsing in this case, since the child simply does not know how to do it. It is highly undesirable to carry out any activities on your own, since you can harm the baby’s fragile body. In case of acute pharyngitis, it is necessary to urgently seek qualified medical help.

If a baby's pharyngitis occurs in mild form, there is no high temperature and there are no contraindications for use, then you can put a honey-mustard compress on your child’s throat.

It is also worth giving your baby plenty of warm liquids to drink. Ventilate and humidify the rooms where the baby is constantly located. The affected throat can be moistened antiseptics, free of alcohol, menthol and other irritants. If they are not available, grind one Faringosept tablet into dust, dip the pacifier in the ground mixture and let the child suck. Maximum dose however, it should not exceed ¼ tablet, no more three times in a day.

In children 1-2 years old

In children of this age, pharyngitis is also severe, but not as intense as in infants. They also need to be given plenty of fluids, apply compresses if there are no contraindications, and also carry out inhalations, preferably with a nebulizer, using saline or Borjomi water as the active substance.

At this age, you can already start using antiseptic sprays - these are Givalex and Yox: they disinfect the affected throat and promote a speedy recovery. In addition, the room where the child is constantly located must be regularly ventilated and ensure normal humidity.

For children over 3 years old

With the onset of the disease, the child needs bed rest and plenty of drinking with alkali. Try to organize a diet that is gentle on the body, remove as much as possible all sweet, sour and fried foods, saturating your diet with fruits.

For pharyngitis, honey compresses on the feet, as well as hot foot baths, help. It is rational to carry out inhalations both using a nebulizer and using classic decoctions of medicinal mixtures.

From the age of three, children already know how to gargle - both with special antiseptic medicinal liquids and mixtures prepared independently: dissolve two drops of iodine and furatsilin in 300 milliliters of warm boiled water, then bring the temperature to room temperature and let the child gargle by typing in mouth the liquid, throwing his head back, sticking out his tongue, opening his mouth wide and saying “ahh”.

In addition, as an alternative, use antiseptic sprays in the throat - these are iodine-based Yox and Givalex. If your child already knows how to dissolve tablets, then it is recommended to give him lozenges and tablets against pharyngitis: Faringosept, Septolete, Angisept, etc.

Antibiotics for pharyngitis in children

A separate dispute between doctors and parents is the need to use antibiotics for pharyngitis. A fairly large number of cases of this disease can actually be cured without resorting to extensive antibacterial therapy, however, in particularly difficult cases you cannot do without it, especially when it comes to a threat to the life of a child or advanced stage diseases up to atrophy of the mucous membrane.

In this case, the best of possible options will use non-antibiotics wide range actions, but local remedies that do not have such a negative impact on the liver, kidneys and heart of your child. In addition, for the antibiotic to be truly effective in such a situation, it is worth taking it together with corticosteroids, also for local use.

The most popular drugs of this type used in the treatment of pharyngitis are Bioparox, Biseptol, Hexoral.


Basic measures to prevent pharyngitis:

  1. Maintain normal humidity in the premises, especially in the autumn-winter period.
  2. Drive your child through dusty and gas-polluted areas as little as possible.
  3. Don't smoke around your child.
  4. During the onset of seasonal epidemics, take multivitamin complexes, give your baby interferon and homeopathic medicines, increasing immunity. For preventive purposes, do daily evening inhalations with infusions of rose hips, chamomile and sea buckthorn, as well as Borjomi water.
  5. If possible, begin to harden your child.

Useful video

Dr. Komarovsky talks about the dangers of pharyngitis in children, as well as methods of treating it.

Pharyngitis is an inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane and lymphoid tissues throats. This disease is often diagnosed in childhood and usually does not pose a serious threat to health. Treatment of pharyngitis in children is based on therapy aimed at strengthening the general and local protective functions of the body, as well as reducing the severity accompanying symptoms disease. The disease in childhood most often occurs as a result of hypothermia or under the influence of pathogenic microorganisms.

Causes and symptoms

A sore throat can be infectious or non-infectious.

Among the main symptoms accompanying the disease in childhood are the following:

  • burning, feeling of a foreign object in the throat;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat and back of the palate;
  • enlargement of the upper cervical lymph nodes;
  • rhinitis;
  • hoarseness, soreness;
  • increased body temperature;
  • dry cough;
  • fatigue, loss of appetite.

Intoxication of the body with pharyngitis is usually not significant, therefore children over six years of age, who have previously encountered a similar infection, tolerate the disease more easily than infants, for whom there is a high probability development of complications.

If pharyngitis occurs in children and treatment is not started in a timely manner, then there is a risk of complications developing and the disease progressing to the chronic stage, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of a viscous secretion in the nasopharynx;
  • constantly sore throat;
  • emergence occasional dryness and burning sensation in the nasopharynx;
  • frequent relapses of the disease under the influence of unfavorable factors.

Important! If pharyngitis in a child is not treated, complications may arise in the form of bronchitis, otitis, adenoids and other serious diseases.


Most often for production correct diagnosis It is enough for the pediatrician to conduct an examination and analyze the complaints. However, sometimes to confirm the diagnosis, determine the type pathogenic microorganism that caused the disease, it is necessary to additionally donate blood and urine, and a throat swab for bacterial culture. Depending on the causes of the disease, the pediatrician chooses a method for treating pharyngitis in children.

  1. If a viral cause of pharyngitis is determined, the inflammation is treated with antiviral drugs approved for children (interferon drugs, Arbidol, Remantadine, Anaferon).
  2. If a bacterial infection occurs during the course of the disease, then further therapy for pharyngitis should be carried out using antibiotics (Sumamed, Augmentin).
  3. For decreasing pain in the nasopharynx use special antiseptic sprays, tablets, lozenges (Chlorophyllipt, Miramistin, Ingalipt, Tantum Verde, Lizobakt, Septefril).
  4. Local antibacterial drugs in the form of sprays (Bioparox, Hexasprey) are also effective.

Important! Most of antiseptic drugs for the throat in the form of sprays is contraindicated under the age of three years, as their use can cause nausea or a feeling of a lump in the throat.

  1. If the temperature rises above 38 degrees, then it is necessary to use antipyretic drugs (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen in accordance with age-specific dosages).
  2. Drinking a sufficient amount of liquid allows you to moisturize the nasopharyngeal mucosa and reduce the level of intoxication. For this purpose, compotes and teas are used using medicinal herbs(chamomile, sage), fruit drinks, regular boiled water. It is important that the liquid is not too hot or cold, sour freshly squeezed juices (orange, lemon) should also be excluded.
  3. A gentle diet is also indicated: the child should be offered soft, porridge-like food, pureed vegetable puree, chopped soup, broth. Spicy, salty, smoked foods are contraindicated. It is also necessary to exclude cold and hot foods and drinks.
  4. Maintain optimal climatic conditions in the room where the child is located. The air temperature should not exceed twenty degrees, humidity should be maintained at 50-70%. You can achieve the desired indicators by ventilating the room, frequent wet cleaning, and using a humidifier.

Excess of medications often causes the development of dysbiosis in the oral cavity and an increase in the number of dangerous bacteria.


Gargling is an effective remedy for eliminating infections in the nasopharynx, this procedure useful in complex therapy pharyngitis. As medicinal solutions can be used:

  • Decoctions of herbs such as chamomile, sage, plantain, calendula, elecampane. To prepare the product, twenty grams of dry matter is poured into a glass of boiling water, infused, filtered and used for rinsing several times a day until the symptoms completely disappear.
  • A soda-salt solution with added iodine is also a good remedy for treating a throat. It is not difficult to prepare such a remedy: take five grams of salt, soda and two drops of iodine per liter of drinking water. All components are mixed well and the procedure is carried out.

Important! For children, it is necessary to use preparations containing iodine with caution, as such products may cause Negative influence on the functioning of the thyroid gland.

When rinsing, the following rules should be observed:

If a child does not know how to gargle or is afraid of this procedure, then pediatricians recommend irrigating the throat with these solutions using a spray bottle or instilling a saline solution into the nasal passages.

Traditional methods of treatment

Subject to general recommendations: drinking enough liquid, maintaining optimal levels of humidity and temperature in the room, as well as proper diet in the treatment of uncomplicated pharyngitis, the use of traditional medicine methods is sufficient.

  1. Beetroot juice can be used as effective remedy for rinsing and in the form of nasal drops. To do this, the vegetable is washed, peeled, grated and the juice is squeezed out. The resulting product can be stored for no more than a day in the refrigerator.
  2. Propolis is powerful natural antiseptic. This product is used as disinfectant at various diseases organs of the nasopharynx. Propolis solution can be used both for rinsing and as a means for irrigating the pharynx. As a treat, small children can be offered to chew a piece of propolis, or moisten a piece of refined sugar with the solution.
  3. Essential oils (eucalyptus, tea tree, fir, sea buckthorn, peach) are used for instillation into the nose. These products have a long-lasting moisturizing effect on the nasopharyngeal mucosa, preventing drying out during a long night's sleep.
  4. A glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of honey helps moisturize the mucous membrane of the throat and soften a dry cough.
  5. Inhalation over warm steam using infusions of medicinal herbs, essential oils, alkaline water, have antiseptic effect, help moisturize the mucous membrane, eliminate pain.

Important! Before using essential oils and bee products to treat a child, you must ensure that there are no allergic reactions.

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The onset of autumn cold weather traditionally entails a significant increase in the number infectious diseases. Children are most susceptible to harmful bacteria and viruses.

A fragile body, frequent disobedience and splashing in puddles, long walks in wet clothes - many children's pranks serve as an excellent breeding ground for the development of diseases.

Pharyngitis - what is it and why do we get sick?

Symptoms of pharyngitis in a child are characterized by an acute inflammatory process of the mucous membranes in the throat and pharynx. The disease can have an independent form - it can proceed like a normal disease, but most often pharyngitis is one of the dangerous complications of an acute viral infection.

In children early age(up to 2 years), a more severe course of the disease is often observed with additional severe symptoms of rhinitis and inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx.

What causes pharyngitis? The main reasons are:

  • Inhalation of polluted air vapors. Contact with the mucous membrane of the throat by cold or too hot air.
  • Exposure to the respiratory system of chemical irritants (gases, tobacco smoke, the smell of spicy food, dust). The frequent request “pharyngitis in children from passive smoking” is confirmed by medical sources.
  • The result of infection with harmful microorganisms (staphylo- or streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella, etc.). These can be bacteria, viruses, and less commonly fungi. Most often this is a consequence of influenza and similar infections.
  • Infection with fungi (genus Candida).
  • Focal reaction to immediate inflammation (if the pathological focus is close to the pharynx - with rhinitis, sinusitis, neglected form caries – its transfer to neighboring organs is observed).
  • Genetic and hereditary factor. In this case, pharyngitis itself does not develop initially, but there is an increased predisposition to its formation due to the abnormal structure of the pharynx. Its mucous membrane turns out to be less resistant to the irritants discussed above.
  • Acute allergy.
  • Hypovitaminosis.
  • Chronic diseases or endocrine disorders (for example, diabetes).
  • Congenital anomalies, mechanical damage, burns.

Types of pharyngitis in children, photos and table

Considering the causes of the disease, two stages of the active course of the disease are distinguished. So, if there is a direct effect on the pharyngeal mucosa of the causative factor, an acute form of the disease develops (successfully treated with antibiotics, antiviral agents, the choice of which depends on the reason).

When detected late and in an advanced form, the disease develops into a chronic form. In this case, the role of the root cause factor fades into the background. Chain of events pathological changes is already associated with long-term inflammation. Delayed treatment can lead to a number of dangerous consequences.

The summary table reflects the forms of the disease and their clinical and morphological features.


Superficial (catarrhal) - according to localization of distribution The lesion of the delineated local part is only the mucous membrane of the pharynx.
granular Inflammation of lymphoid follicles, which are located deep in the mucosa.
Limited Only the side ridges are affected.
Common Pronounced symptoms on the entire surface and back wall of the pharynx.
Acute (according to the form of the course) The main symptoms are dry cough, tickling, fever. The inflammation lasts for 2 weeks.
Subacute Mild symptoms with active division of microorganisms.
Chronic During the period of exacerbation, symptoms appear acute form.

It is important to promptly and correctly treat the acute form of pharyngitis in order to prevent it from becoming chronic in the future.

Symptoms of pharyngitis in a child + photo

Symptoms of pharyngitis photo

Pharyngitis in children, symptoms and treatment, which must correspond to the underlying cause, are extremely important to determine early stage development of the disease. If parents notice their baby has a red throat and lack of appetite, this is a good reason to sound the alarm and seek advice from a specialist.

  • Timely identification of the disease is the key quick treatment and no complications.

Fever, cough with pharyngitis in children are traditional signs of the disease. Among the others common symptoms can also be highlighted general weakness body, fatigue and weakness, increased drowsiness or complete absence sleep.

  • The child becomes irritable and refuses to eat due to pain when swallowing.

Reliable signs for identifying the disease when initial examination- This is a red throat and pronounced swelling of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and velopharyngeal arches. If pharyngitis is caused by a virus, then vesicles (small bubbles) or bright dotted inclusions form on the back wall.

Parents can also examine the throat, but an inexperienced eye is unlikely to detect minimal changes. Therefore, consultation with a specialist must be carried out without fail and in a timely manner.

Important nuance! Differential diagnosis allows you to distinguish pharyngitis from tonsillitis by the level of pain when swallowing. So, in the first case, a sore throat is expressed only when eating solid food. With a sore throat, it is difficult to swallow even water or other liquids.

Features of cough

Cough is a classic sign of any inflammatory process in the throat area. During the first day, the cough with pharyngitis is unproductive and dry (caused by swelling and irritation of the cough receptors).

On the 3rd day, slight sputum production may be observed - this is the first sign of relief in the child’s general condition, because toxins begin to be partially eliminated with mucus and pathological secretions.

Treatment of pharyngitis in children begins with getting rid of the cough that torments the body. Drugs that inhibit the functioning of the cough center (codeine, Tusuprex - drink only after consultation with your doctor) will help eliminate this symptom.

Treatment of pharyngitis in a child - drugs and traditional methods

Features of treatment and the prescription of a specific drug depend on the cause of the disease. Potent drugs– antibiotics – are prescribed only if there are clear indications (for example, an increase in temperature over 38-39 ° C) and with a reliable connection with a bacterial pathogen.

  • In case of chronic pharyngitis, all efforts should be directed toward increasing general immunity; antibiotics are indicated only during exacerbations.

Treatment of acute pharyngitis in children involves the use of local antiseptic drugs that relieve pain and irritation. These are special lozenges, sprays, oil solutions etc.

Auxiliary methods for effective treatment of the disease:

  • warming the throat by inhalation;
  • various compresses;
  • drinking plenty of purified water;
  • exclusion of solid foods from the diet.

Cough relievers include syrups and lozenges. Chronic pharyngitis requires integrated approach and a course of fortification.

Among the verified folk recipes- gargling with potato decoction or inhaling its vapors, infusions of grated garlic, blackberry leaves. It should be remembered that home treatment– only a bonus to qualified assistance. But you shouldn’t make it the main one!

Dr. Komarovsky is a famous pediatrician whose advice is listened to by millions of parents across the country. Regarding pharyngitis, the doctor has several important recommendations. It is recommended to supplement therapeutic measures drinking plenty of fluids and frequent ventilation of the children's room.

Completely eliminate the influence low temperatures(wiping with a cold towel, applying ice) and rubbing with vinegar or vodka.

  • Regular use of antipyretics is prohibited - the drugs do not cure, but only relieve one of the symptoms.
  • No self-treatment– it is impossible to find out the root cause on your own and prescribe the correct course of medication.
  • Stick to the dosage prescribed by your doctor and do not deviate from the instructions.

Nebulizer efficiency

New technologies modern medicine suggest that parents use a nebulizer, a device for home or hospital inhalation, to relieve the symptoms of pharyngitis. This new product allows for maximum local impact on the affected area.

Products are divided into powder, dosed and nebulizer. The latter type is highly effective due to the deep penetration of the smallest particles of the drug into the tissue.

Pharyngitis treatment with a nebulizer involves the use of special solutions. Fluimucil, Gentamicin, Furacilin destroy microorganisms and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Alkaline mineral water or physiological composition can also be used in the treatment process. For a more effective result, it is recommended to add essential oils (aloe juice, mint extract) to the solution.

  • Before starting the course, be sure to follow the instructions and consult with a specialist.

Possible complications of pharyngitis

If neglected or improperly treated, a number of complications can develop. First of all, in such a situation, the ears, nose, joints (in some cases, the heart) suffer.

Due to untreated pharyngitis develops chronic form a disease that cannot be completely cured in the future. The period of exacerbation and excruciating pain can occur from the influence of even the slightest factors (tobacco smoke or cold temperature).

Peritonsillar abscess can develop from bacterial pharyngitis. Its main symptoms are intense sore throat, enlarged lymph nodes, and spasms of the jaw muscles.

IN extreme cases– infection enters the blood and develops sepsis. It is extremely important to prevent this mortal danger and consult a doctor promptly.

Other complications:

  • retropharyngeal abscess - extensive suppuration of the retropharyngeal space of the throat;
  • chronic form of bronchitis;
  • tracheitis and laryngitis - inflammation of the structural elements of the trachea and larynx, respectively;
  • acute form of articular rheumatism due to autoimmune damage to the musculoskeletal system;
  • hearing loss, sharp pains ear - observed after 1.5 - 2 weeks;
  • poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis - a complication in the kidney area;
  • cervical lymphadenitis - inflammation of the lymph nodes in the cervical region.

Other possible negative reactions include sialadenitis (inflammation salivary glands). The complication is very rare.

Don't start the disease! The child's body is not adjusted to active struggle with viruses and infections. Do not self-medicate.

Pharyngitis is not a complex disease and has a favorable prognosis with timely detection and prompt treatment. The chronic atrophic form requires systematic therapeutic procedures.

To prevent the occurrence of an acute form, regular prevention should be carried out, taking into account the main pathogenic factors and possible causes.

  1. Prevent hypothermia child's body. Avoid drafts.
  2. Carry out hardening.
  3. Saturate your child’s diet with vitamins and only healthy foods.
  4. Do not start purulent-inflammatory diseases (runny nose, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, influenza).
  5. Regularly sanitize the oral cavity.

Prevention will not be effective in the presence of local or common reasons. Therefore, it is necessary to minimize the influence of all irritating factors. Smoking and tobacco smoke, dusty rooms, irritating solid foods are the main causative agents of the disease.

Children's health is the most great wealth and parental achievement. You need to pay attention to the slightest changes in behavior, lack of appetite and low activity. Timely detection of the problem will minimize the risk and guarantee good health baby in the future.