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What benefits are available to a working disabled person of group 2? Benefits for disabled people of the second group: list and registration rules. Benefits for the purchase of medicines

Every Russian knows that upon reaching a certain age threshold, he becomes a pensioner, a recipient of state benefits in old age and the holder of some state preferences. Sometimes, due to limited capabilities due to health reasons, an elderly person acquires the additional status of “disabled person”.

What benefits there are for disabled pensioners is determined by federal, regional, and local legislation. Much depends on the established disability group.

Who has benefits

Disability is awarded based on a decision medical and social examination(ITU). It is both a medical and legal procedure. The appointment procedure is regulated by Government regulations and the Order of the Ministry of Health.

A pensioner can be assigned disability group 1, 2 or 3. It is not established for life (only in rare exceptions), but for a period of time designated by law:

  • 1 group - 2 years;
  • Groups 2 and 3 - 1 year.

After the expiration of the period, you will need to undergo re-examination.

New in 2017 was the emergence of the concept of “habilitation” as a criterion for determining disability. Rehabilitation and habilitation are activities aimed at social adaptation people with disabilities. If rehabilitation is the restoration of lost abilities, then habilitation is the formation of new skills.

Federal Law No. 181 reveals in detail the relationship of people with disabilities with society, establishes different kinds state assistance.

What benefits are provided?

The laws of the Russian Federation provide for privileges in the following areas:

  • taxes;
  • healthcare;
  • employment;
  • working conditions;
  • internal transport.

Cash payments are provided in the form of:

  • pension benefit;
  • monthly compensation (in case of refusal of benefits).

Housing and communal services

An elderly citizen can count on, if his family is classified as low-income, spending a significant portion Money to pay for housing and communal services. The federal threshold is 22%; regions provide a similar or lower ratio.

The presence of documented disability will oblige social services to take advantage of the provisions of Article 17 of Federal Law No. 181. According to the postulates of the article, 50 percent compensation of funds spent by disabled pensioners is provided for:

  • maintenance of living quarters, repair of common property, rental (relative to municipal housing);
  • utilities taking into account consumption standards (all forms of housing ownership);
  • purchase and delivery of fuel for houses without central heating;
  • (for 1-2 groups).

There are no benefits for capital repair contributions for working pensioners and group 3 disabled people.

Lonely old man can receive a 50 percent discount for major repairs if it does not work and is over 70 years old, 100 percent - if over 80 years old (Article 169 of the Housing Code). Disabled people of group 3 are assessed according to the same criteria.

Privileges apply to the disabled person himself and do not extend to his family members.


The taxation procedure for property - real estate, transport, land - is regulated by Chapters 32, 31,28 of the Tax Code.

  1. Article 407 (Chapter 32) says that disabled people of groups 1-2 (clause 2), as well as pensioners due to age (clause 10), have the right to claim one piece of real estate of each type. If real estate received by a disabled person by inheritance, then no duty is charged for this object.
  2. When calculating (Chapter 31), a deduction is applied. 10 thousand rubles are deducted from the cost of the plot according to the cadastre ( federal standard) for disabled people of groups 1-2.
  3. There are no contributions for owning a special vehicle for a person with disabilities. A car purchased through social security authorities will be charged a duty with a 50% discount when its power is less than 100 hp.

Most of the powers to regulate the implementation of benefits have been transferred to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Regional and municipal authorities independently decide to what extent their budget allows them to provide additional preferences in tax collections.

In many populated areas For disabled pensioners, a different procedure for collecting land and transport duties has been organized.

Standard deductions, applied before personal income tax is calculated, in 2019 will be:

  • 500 rubles - for disabled people of groups 1-2;
  • 3,000 rubles - to the liquidators of the nuclear power plant accident, former military personnel, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who received disability due to injury.

This applies to those retirees who continue to work.


When providing services to disabled pensioners, medical institutions offer payment benefits:

  • prescribed medications, rehabilitation products;
  • spa treatment;
  • prosthetics;
  • orthopedic shoes.

Having a disability of group 1 will provide a pensioner with a 100% discount on:

  • prescription drugs, medical equipment;
  • prosthetics of teeth, limbs;
  • orthopedic shoes;
  • a trip to a sanatorium;
  • transportation costs to the vacation spot (including accompanying persons).

Benefits for disabled pensioners of group 2 are identical to the preferences assigned to group 1.

An exception is that the travel of those accompanying the beneficiary to the place of treatment is not paid.

Benefits for disabled pensioners of group 3 are significantly less.

  1. Discount on medicines and medical equipment - 50%.
  2. The cost of the trip depends on the pensioner’s income and whether he has a salary in addition to his pension. The patient's illness also matters.
  3. Travel to and from the place of treatment is free if the trip is carried out by Russian Railways trains; a discount is provided for air travel and other domestic transport.

A person’s illness and infirmity will serve as the basis for assigning a social worker to a needy person, who will:

  • buy food, medicine;
  • do cleaning;
  • Cook;
  • provide sanitary and hygiene services.

Other types of privileges

It is much more difficult for a person with a disease to gain access to infrastructure facilities:

  • social;
  • engineering;
  • transport.

Article 15 of Federal Law No. 181 obligated authorities at all levels of government to provide conditions for unhindered access to these objects on an equal basis with other persons.

For example:

  1. Pharmacies and other social facilities are equipped with ramps.
  2. Institutional employees should provide assistance in overcoming barriers to services that arise.
  3. 10% parking spaces reserved for disabled vehicles (use free of charge).

Subjects of the Russian Federation, based on 181-FZ, provide benefits when traveling by intracity and suburban transport for elderly disabled people:

  • allocate free road maps;
  • develop special tariffs;
  • pay compensation for expenses.

When an elderly person with disabilities wants to find a job, the company will consider his candidacy for a place with a quota for disabled people. In this case, the employer will offer a shortened working week, additional leave without maintenance (60 days). Upon dismissal, the administration will not be able to force such a person to work for 2 weeks.

According to Article 17 of the Federal Law-40, elderly people with disabilities of any degree pay 50% of the cost of the compulsory motor liability insurance policy. But only if the car has special equipment that meets medical indications.

Federal Law No. 178 (Article 6.1) states that people with disabilities have the right to apply for a set of social services, which includes:

  • sanatorium vouchers;
  • medications;
  • travel by suburban and intercity transport to the place of treatment.

The components of the kit and the procedure for provision were approved by order of the Ministry of Health (No. 328).

If the pensioner does not want to use the designated list, the Pension Fund will calculate an additional payment to the pension, which will be formed monthly.

For 2019, compensation in kind for the package of social services for persons of the 1st disability group is equal to 3,538.53 rubles. The amount of payments taking into account group 2 disability for pensioners is 2527.06 rubles. Compensation payments if there is a disability of 3 groups for a pensioner, it will be 2022.94 rubles.

The Pension Fund maintains a register of people with disabilities and resolves issues regarding pension provision and additional payments. The preferences provided by regional and municipal authorities to people with disabilities are much broader than the federal ones. Local social service authorities will inform the applicant about all existing benefits and help implement them.

It is important to understand that the privilege can only take place at the request of the pensioner. Government employees will not be granted privileges by default.

Knowing your rights will allow an elderly person with a disability to realize possible government benefits.

Disabled people are one of the most vulnerable categories of citizens in need of legal and social support. The state provides them with a certain list of privileges and benefits and tries to create comfortable conditions for their residence, management labor activity. Group 2 disabled people and their benefits are one of the main issues considered by the Government annually.

Important! Thanks to government support, it has become easier for people with disabilities to get a job. In many commercial and municipal organizations There are special quota positions provided for “special” employees.

Who can be recognized as a group 2 disabled person?

The category is assigned on the basis of a medical and social examination, which is carried out by authorized state medical institutions. As part of the procedure, a group is established taking into account the requirements specified in Government Decree No. 95 of 2006 in part 2.

The conditions for assigning disability are:

Important! Group 2 disabled person – a person with minor physical disabilities. Such violations include the consequences of trauma received during childbirth or serious injury.

This category of persons has the right to work if they have necessary conditions(shortened day, additional break, observation medical workers). The group is assigned for a year, with subsequent re-examination.

Social privileges and their types

Every year, government support for this category of citizens is growing. Benefits for disabled people of group 2 can be divided into several main areas.

According to the form of submission:

  • in financial terms - privileges for major repairs, tax benefits, benefits, one-time payments;
  • moral support - service out of turn;
  • in kind – things, basic products;
  • medical services and free medicines.

Important! Group 2 disabled people are partially limited in self-care and work activity, therefore, when creating optimal conditions can perform work without the help of outsiders. Consequently, the assigned pension is a share of compensation in addition to the basic salary.

By frequency of provision:

  • One-time payment. For example, free MGTS services (conducting telephone line) at the place of registration of a citizen of a special category.
  • Regular - benefits for disabled people of groups 2 and 3 for major repairs, utilities, electricity (Mosenergosbyt). Payment for intercity transport is free every year.

Important! Within the framework of the legislation in Russia, citizens caring for persons with the second category of disability are not provided with material remuneration, since the latter’s capabilities are only partially limited.

From the cause of disability:

  • since birth;
  • trauma acquired as a result of military service;
  • loss of vision due to serious illness, injury;
  • participants in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident.

An unemployed beneficiary has the right to receive free medications according to a doctor's prescription, provided for by order of the Ministry of Health. The state also provides disabled people with the opportunity to receive prosthetic limbs at the expense of the treasury.

Payments and benefits provided for in 2017

The amount of compensation and payments may vary annually. You can find out accurate information regarding the conditions for receiving them and the amount of benefits from the Pension Fund at your place of permanent residence and from social security employees.

Social pension accruals:

  • 1st category and disabled people of 2nd childhood groups - 8,647 thousand rubles;
  • 2nd category – 4.323 thousand rubles. 74 kopecks;
  • 3rd category – 3.675 thousand rubles. 20 kopecks;
  • disabled children of the first group - 10,376 thousand rubles.

Important! One-time payments for disabled people of group 2, as well as children injured as a result of the Chernobyl disaster - about 2 thousand rubles.

Additional payments are provided for:

  • participants, disabled people of the Great Patriotic War who received injuries, prisoners of camps - 1 thousand rubles. monthly;
  • persons awarded orders and medals of the USSR - 500 rubles.

This category of citizens has the right not only to receive compensation for major repairs, utilities, tax bonuses for individual entrepreneurs , but also for free sanatorium spa treatment. The voucher is issued on the basis of the conclusion of the medical commission at the place of registration of the beneficiary. Duration of treatment: for adults – 18 days, children – 3 weeks, patients with brain or spinal cord– 24-42 days.

Benefits for major repairs

This category of people does not have the opportunity to fully pay this line of the receipt, since many are owners of fairly spacious apartments, and the payment for 1 sq.m. amounts to a significant amount and is set depending on the region. The state of the Russian Federation foresaw this fact and introduced benefits for major repairs.

Important! According to Federal Law No. 181 of 1995, Art. 17 disabled people and families with children with disabilities are given a 50% discount on utility bills. For persons over 70 years of age, a 100% discount is provided for major repairs and housing and communal services. The decree has been in force since 2015.

Benefits for major repairs of an apartment building are provided to disabled people upon payment of the payment. Based on receipts, funds are reimbursed in the amount of 50% of the total amount of the service. The funds are transferred to the account of a person with disabilities or remain with utility companies, which in turn exempt citizens from paying for housing and communal services for some time.

Privileges for utilities and housing payments

Benefits for disabled people of groups 2 and 3 provide discounts on major repairs and housing and communal services provided for by Federal Law 181, Article 17.

The state provides this category of citizens with the following privileges:

  • discount for utilities - 50% (water, gas, Mosenergosbyt, cleaning the area near the house) and payment for rented housing;
  • reimbursement for the purchase of solid fuel – 50% – for residential buildings not equipped with a heating system;
  • compensation for major repairs of an apartment building - for disabled people of group 2.

Bonuses are awarded based on current consumer standards utilities for 1 person. To receive benefits or compensation for major repairs, you must contact social protection, providing an identity card, a document confirming the disability group, a certificate of family composition, as well as a technical passport for the living space.

Providing the beneficiary with an apartment

The state has provided a list of cases on the basis of which a disabled person has the right to receive living space. Citizens of this category can count on the privilege if:

  • a person with disabilities lives in a dormitory;
  • the citizen does not have his own housing, and he is staying in an apartment on the basis of a lease agreement in a building of a municipal, federal, or public fund for a long time;
  • a disabled person of the second group lives in a house, being the owner of the same premises with people who are not related to him;
  • the living space does not meet established sanitary and technical standards;
  • a disabled person lives in an apartment, the owners of which are several families at once, and one of the residents is sick with an incurable serious illness;
  • The family in which a person with disabilities lives has an apartment that does not meet the established standards.

Federal Law-181 specifies the nuances of providing living space to group 2 disabled people who received the category from birth or during life. If citizens registered before 2005, then they are given an apartment:

  • at the expense of the local housing stock of an individual entity;
  • The size of the living space is calculated to be 18 sq. m. per family member;
  • money may be provided to purchase a house, provided only for disabled people during the Second World War.

Persons admitted to state registration after 2005:

  • living space is provided taking into account the health status of the residents according to the list;
  • the apartment is issued under a social sublease agreement, which increases the area requirement per person;
  • housing must be equipped with special devices in accordance with the rehabilitation program;
  • a disabled person may be given land to build their own home.

All benefits are provided in accordance with current legislation, on the basis of a package of documents provided for a specific program. Such information can be obtained from an employee of an authorized organization.

Transport privileges, bonuses

Important! The Pension Fund of Russia is responsible for providing travel benefits and compensation for major repairs. To do this, you need to contact your local office with an application and a package of documents confirming the legality of the requirements. After checking the papers, employees will issue a certificate allowing them to enjoy privileges.

Transport bonuses provided for disabled people of group 2 include:

  • free travel in urban underground or overground, rural transport: trolleybus, bus, metro, except taxis, minibuses;
  • annual travel from region to region and back to the place of sanatorium treatment (does not apply to an accompanying person);
  • exemption from transport tax for cars with a power of no more than 100 l/s and special devices.

Important! For disabled people of the 3rd category there is a 50% discount on intercity travel by any type of transport from September 1 to May 15 next year inclusive.

In accordance with Federal Law-181 Art. 23 employers cannot enter into contracts with disabled people of categories 2 and 3 that worsen their position at work or working conditions compared to other employees. The working week cannot exceed 35 hours without loss of wages.

A person of any age is not immune from becoming disabled. Disability is a health disorder associated with a persistent disorder in the functioning of the body, caused by some disease or consequence of injury. All these factors lead to limitations in human life and create a need for social protection.

The disability group is determined by specially authorized medical social institutions Federal significance.

According to normative act, there are 3 conditions by which disability is determined:

  • A health disorder where the underlying cause is a physiological injury, disease, or defect.
  • The need to receive social protection and rehabilitation.
  • A person is limited in life activity partially or completely, cannot move independently, navigate in space, or take care of himself in everyday life.

Roughly speaking, group 2 disabled people include people whose impairment of certain body functions is expressed in moderate degree. Eg:

  • When moving in space, contacting people, receiving and transmitting personal information, a person requires partial assistance;
  • The ability to receive training at home, while using special means, such a person can independently transmit and remember information;
  • A person can carry out labor activities, but in the presence of specially created conditions.

For this category of people, the law prescribes a number of social benefits in 2017, which we will discuss below. After all, everyone knows the standard of living of disabled people, but improvements have even affected deductions for transport tax. The latest news in this area has simply excited the network.

Benefits for housing

The government has clearly established cases when there are grounds for providing disabled people of group 2 with housing:

  • A person does not have his own home and lives in a rented apartment of a municipal, state or public housing stock.
  • An apartment that does not meet banal sanitary and technical requirements.
  • A disabled person lives in a hostel.
  • A disabled person lives in an apartment that is owned by several family owners, but one of its members is sick chronic disease in severe form, which makes living in one apartment simply impossible, etc.

As you can see, the list for obtaining housing is quite consistent with the realities of life. Although similar conditions have been established for pensioners, given that a person can become disabled at any age, this question is even top level not settled.

In addition, the conditions for obtaining housing are divided depending on whether people were on the waiting list before 2005 or after.

When a disabled person was registered before 2005, then he is entitled to housing at the rate of 18 m 2 for each family member, and such living space is provided at the expense of the constituent entities of the Federation.

If citizens are registered after the agreed period, then the benefits of obtaining housing, due to disabled people 2 groups, slightly different:

  • Housing space is provided as a benefit, i.e. queues, and the health status of residents is taken into account.
  • Housing for disabled people must be equipped with special devices that are designated according to individual program rehabilitation.
  • A person also has the right to receive his own plot for building a house.

Although, many experts have doubts that in 2017 the matter of providing adequate housing will move forward.

Benefits for housing and communal services

Disabled people of group 2 enjoy a 50% discount on utility bills and housing payments under a social rental agreement. Also, such a person receives a 50% discount on deductions for major home repairs and the purchase of solid fuel. In fact, benefits for disabled people of group 2 for paying utility bills have been fully taken into account.

The news about the discount on housing and communal services pleased many. After all, everyone knows what housing and communal services tariffs are now.

Health benefits

In order to get a ticket to Spa treatment, a disabled person of group 2 should contact a local clinic. There, the local doctor issues all the necessary medical certificates and referrals for treatment. For an adult, the required rest is up to 18 days, and for children with disabilities – 21 days. Next, the person applies to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation with the necessary package of documents (photos, certificates, copy of passport, etc.). Also in 2017, the list of sanatoriums for group 2 was expanded.

Benefits for medical care

At the expense of the state, disabled people of group 2 receive free medications based on a prescription from the attending physician, and there is also the opportunity to undergo prosthetic limbs at state expense.

Although this is practically nothing, at least some benefits are better than theirs complete absence, especially for pensioners who, on top of everything else, have disabilities.

Benefits in the transport sector

Of course, if a person at least partially needs assistance in moving, or he cannot navigate space very well, then the legislator simply could not help but provide benefits for disabled people of group 2:

  • Free travel on all ground transport, except private minibuses. These can be all kinds of trams, trolleybuses, buses and other types of transport, except for private ones.
  • No more than once a year a person can exercise the right to a free trip to a sanatorium. Although this benefit does not apply to those accompanying such a person. This can be expensive for accompanying pensioners.
  • Also, such persons are generally exempt from paying transport tax if they have a car with a special device with a volume of no more than 100 hp.

Although the establishment of transport tax benefits caused controversial discussions, everyone expected more than the current transport tax benefits for group 2 disabled people.

Land concessions in Moscow and the Russian Federation

Continuing the topic of tax breaks, not only is transport tax no longer scary, but now a group 2 disabled person can count on a reduction in land tax payments. To be more precise, such a person will have the cadastral value of the land reduced by 10,000 rubles when calculating land tax.

Let us remind you that the cost of the tax is calculated from its cadastral value, which is determined by each municipality independently.

As you can see, the new year 2017 will give people with group 2 disabilities even more opportunities for their social protection and adaptation. Not far from here full list benefits that a group 2 disabled person has. A last news give hope that they will finally try to make life better for disabled people.

A person's disability is determined by the state of his health. The most severe disability group is the first, in which the patient requires constant care. In comparison, group II looks lighter and sometimes even works. However, about living full life With this degree of disability, there is no need to speak. A person is forced to change his previous job in order to work under easier conditions.

Often the second group means that the patient experiences not only restrictions physical activity. He may have mental or mental functions body. At the same time, a person is sometimes able to take care of himself, but at the same time needs constant medical and social supervision. Accordingly, he has the right to the benefits that the state provides him to make his life easier.

Definition of the second disability group

The use of disability benefits is possible only after its official establishment. To do this, a person must undergo a medical and social examination, which ends with a conclusion on whether the person being examined meets a particular disability group.

  • limited ability to move freely;
  • has difficulty assimilating the information received;
  • cannot work fully (special working conditions are required);
  • has difficulty with orientation in space or time;
  • has difficulty communicating.

If a person, without outside help, cannot maintain balance, walk independently and cope with obstacles, this is already grounds for establishing a group 2 disability. The same applies to issues with training and classes. professional activity. The commission conducting the examination takes into account all the nuances, after which it officially records each of the restrictions. After the MSA has been carried out, the person receives a conclusion.

It must be remembered that the state should not initiate an examination and determination of disability, regardless of the group. A person must independently ask for an appointment for an examination and does this by contacting medical specialists. In this case, the doctor is obliged to respond and, if necessary, issue a referral to medical examination.

Benefits for disabled people of group 2

Assistance to disabled people is regulated by the law “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” (N 181-FZ of November 24, 1995). Governmental support, provided to people with disabilities, implies certain payments and benefits. These include:

  • disability pension;
  • social charges;
  • housing benefits;
  • medical benefits;
  • discounts on the use of transport.

A pension for disabled people of the second group is provided based on two factors. Not only the total length of employment, but also the number of dependents can be taken into account. Moreover, pension accruals can be calculated depending on congenital or acquired disability. For example, in 2017, children with disabilities receive about 9,000 rubles. The social pension is about 5,000 rubles. If in the care of a person, recognized as disabled, there are dependents, the pension increases - so, if there are three dependents, the accruals in 2017 amount to just over 9,600 rubles.

Social benefits imply the receipt of certain social services or, in return for them, cash payments received monthly. Thus, a disabled person of the 2nd group has the right to receive discounts on medicines and on the use of transport, as well as on resort and sanatorium treatment. If he refuses these services, the state replaces them with EDV - a monthly cash payment. When complete failure In 2017, a group 2 disabled person receives 2,527 rubles from services. If he partially uses the services, then a recalculation is carried out with a deduction of the funds used for the services.

Housing benefits consist of discounts on payment for:

  • major repairs;
  • housing and communal services and apartment living;
  • fuel (wood and coal in the absence of central heating).

All listed discounts are 50%. In addition, a person with disabilities has the right to benefits when obtaining housing. In this case, the state either allocates an amount for the purchase of living space or provides an apartment from the housing stock.

As for medical benefits, working disabled people purchase medicines at a half discount, and those who are completely disabled receive them free of charge. Such people can also use free services prosthetics. This also includes annual treatment in sanatoriums.

Transport benefits also have great importance for many disabled people, including those with group 2. These benefits include:

  • free trip to spa treatment once a year;
  • free travel on public transport;
  • no transport tax on special vehicles (no more than 100 horsepower).

It should be noted that we're talking about about a car equipped by special means so that a disabled person can control it independently. As for travel by public transport, this does not include private minibuses and taxis. For travel on these types of transport, a person with disabilities must pay on a general basis.