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Bt 36 5 before menstruation. Video: What is the importance of measuring basal temperature. What does an increase in BT mean on different days of the cycle?

In their practice, doctors have long used the values basal temperature for the diagnosis of many conditions and diseases of the female reproductive system. What do changes and fluctuations in the basal temperature graph mean in different phases? menstrual cycle, we understand in the article.

What should be the basal temperature before menstruation?

Data Collection Rules

Basal is the temperature of the mucous membranes, which can be measured in the oral cavity or rectally, the latter data being the most preferable. Their systematization is necessary to identify the moment of ovulation. But there are also additional appointments. Thus, gynecologists recommend keeping a basal temperature chart for:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • with prolonged and negative attempts to conceive;
  • calculating the moment of ovulation;
  • suspected inflammatory diseases of the appendages;
  • calculating the estimated date of menstruation.

The menstrual cycle consists of several phases that replace each other and are associated with changes in hormonal background women, therefore, with changes in the temperature of the mucous membranes.

Basal temperature before menstruation should be measured strictly at the same time of day, immediately after waking up, while lying in bed. Its changes will help determine when ovulation will occur, when menstruation will occur, etc.

Basal temperature before menstruation: chart

The average cycle lasts 28 days: the time when menstruation begins and the last day before bleeding begins. To draw up a graph, you need a coordinate system - temperature indicators from 36.5 to 38.0 and the days of the cycle. It is necessary to enter indicators and data daily - put the appropriate mark and draw up a curve.

What is the normal basal temperature before the onset of menstruation?

In the first phase, that is, the follicular one, the temperature remains within 37ºC, usually 36.5 - 36.8ºC. Before the onset of ovulation, about a couple of days later, it decreases, and then follows a phase of its sharp increase by 0.4 - 0.6º (37.2 - 37.4º). The permanent result lasts throughout the luteal phase, usually 12 - 16 days. High basal temperature before menstruation is characteristic of the entire second phase.

When there are a couple of days left before menstruation, the basal temperature drops. During menstruation, as a rule, the thermometer does not rise above 37ºС. Such fluctuations are the norm of basal temperature before menstruation. The most important thing is not the numbers themselves, but the difference between them, which should not exceed 0.4 - 0.5ºС.

Drawing up a chart of basal temperature before menstruation requires attentiveness and scrupulousness from the girl. Only correctly collected and analyzed data will help you navigate and understand whether everything is fine in your body or whether there are any abnormalities.

What does an elevated basal temperature before menstruation indicate?

The normal basal temperature before menstruation is no more than 37ºC. Some girls feel an increase in temperature about 7 days before the onset of menstrual bleeding. This is due to an increase in the hormone progesterone, which affects the thermoregulation center in the brain.

Result of 36.9ºC before menstruation, with no fluctuations in the graph in the ovulatory phase of the cycle - indicates the absence of a mature ovum. Most likely, the analyzed cycle is anovulatory, which may be a variant of the norm. In young girls age group 20-25 years old, anovulatory cycles are diagnosed several times a year.

Basal temperature 37º before menstruation, and its increase by 0.2ºС is considered an indirect sign of successful conception. With a combination of elevated basal temperature before menstruation and its delay even by a day, we can talk about pregnancy. When the temperature rises above 37.3ºС, this is a deviation from the norm. This can be explained by chronic stress, inflammatory diseases reproductive system.

Indicators at 37.4ºС can be regarded as a lack of functioning of female sex hormones - estrogens. In this case, it will not be possible to get pregnant; a certain list of studies and treatment is required. Often such patients are treated by two specialists at once - a gynecologist and an endocrinologist.

A basal temperature of 38º before menstruation is considered very high and is a sign of serious inflammation.

When does basal temperature drop before menstruation?

Measuring temperature at the beginning of menstruation makes it possible to assume some pathological processes in the body of a girl. A drop in basal temperature before menstruation may be associated with endometritis.

Gynecologists have been using it for a long time. Already in the last century, temperature fluctuations in different days cycle, and later it turned out that sex hormones influence it. Also great importance has temperature measurement before menstruation. Its indicators can tell about possible pregnancy, the beginning of menstruation or about various gynecological diseases. This method very relevant in our time. What basal temperature should be before menstruation?

Normal basal temperature before menstruation

On a standard measurement chart rectal temperature in the luteal phase lasts 14-20 days, while the temperature is in the range of 36.8-37.5 degrees. At the beginning of menstruation, it always decreases, and this happens about a couple of days before them.

During menstruation, the basal temperature, as a rule, does not rise above 37 degrees, that is, lower than in the second phase. In this case we can talk about normal level rectal temperature. However, the indicators themselves are not too important; the main thing is to maintain the temperature difference in both phases.

The temperature rises before menstruation - what is it?

If the temperature normally decreases before menstruation, then what could its increase mean? After ovulation, the production of progesterone begins to increase, which has a strong effect on the thermoregulation center in the brain. In this case, some women a week before their period may feel slight increase temperature. And after they start, she returns to normal. However, this reaction is not observed in many people.

In addition, the basal temperature before menstruation may rise due to pregnancy. This happens as a result hormonal changes. However, you can talk about pregnancy only after a delay, then the woman must do it.

Therefore, by monitoring the temperature, you can find out if you are pregnant. However, it is advisable to measure it rectally. If the rectal temperature rose after ovulation and fell before menstruation, then pregnancy did not occur. If it rises within 37.5 degrees and if there is a delay, it is assumed that conception has occurred.

Basal temperature before menstruation - deviations

The temperature at the beginning of menstruation makes it possible to identify pathological changes, these include:

  • Inflammation of the uterus (endometritis) is characterized by a slight drop in temperature before the first day of menstruation, while during it it is more than 37 degrees.
  • Progesterone deficiency, that is, luteal phase deficiency, is characterized by a slow (more than 3 days) rise in temperature values ​​with a difference of less than 0.4 degrees. In addition, the second phase is shortened to 10 days. In this case, menstruation occurs earlier due date. In addition, the rise in temperature can last less than a week.
  • May indicate possible pregnancy indirect sign– basal temperature is more than 37 degrees for 14 days, and there is no drop in temperature. In this case, menstruation is delayed. If the temperature persists, but discharge begins, you may suspect a threat of miscarriage.
  • With inflammation of the appendages, the temperature in follicular phase rises to 37 degrees in a few days. High rates are also present in the second phase. Before menstruation they do not decrease, and during it the temperature is more than 37 degrees.

Depending on what rectal temperature was maintained before menstruation, it is possible to determine not only the presence of pregnancy, but also some pathological conditions genitals.

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Basal temperature before menstruation helps determine the onset of pregnancy, the onset of menstruation, or a disorder intimate health women.

If you regularly keep a basal temperature chart for three months, it will help your doctor discover some reasons why conception is not occurring and the development possible diseases. Elevated and decreased performance at the end of the cycle can be an important reason to visit a gynecologist.

Normally, in the first half of the cycle, the basal temperature does not rise above 37.5 degrees. 2-3 days before menstruation, the indicator always decreases and cannot exceed 37 degrees. Therefore, there must be a clear difference in temperature on different days of the cycle.

Some women experience an increase in temperature in the week before menstruation due to increased output progesterone. This hormone affects thermoregulation and provokes such a reaction.

However, in most cases the change normal temperature before menstruation indicates pregnancy. Conception did not occur if the rectal temperature increased after ovulation and fell before the onset of menstruation. If in addition to elevated temperature(37 - 37.5) you are experiencing a delay, you are probably pregnant.

Let's see what the basal temperature can be before menstruation and what this means.

  1. 36.9 - if no changes in values ​​are observed in the second half of the cycle, the egg is not mature. In many cases this is not a cause for concern, since even healthy women Anovulatory cycles may occur. But it’s worth consulting a doctor even in such a typical situation.
  2. 37.0, 37.1, 37.2 - if such indicators are accompanied by a delay in menstruation, there is a high probability of pregnancy.
  3. 37.3 - an overestimated indicator may be associated with a previous illness or stress, as well as with inflammation in the body. So make an appointment with your doctor.
  4. 37.4 - a signal of estrogen deficiency, which indicates hormonal abnormalities and therefore about difficulties in conceiving. Visit a gynecologist and endocrinologist to rule out a possible hormonal disorder.

Some pathological changes in reproductive system can be detected by changes in basal temperature at the end of the cycle.

  • Endometritis (inflammation of the uterus) - within a few days before the first day of menstruation, the temperature drops slightly, and during discharge it remains above 37.
  • Lack of progesterone - a slow rise in temperature over several (more than three) days with a difference below 0.4 degrees in the first phase. The second phase is reduced to 10 days. Your period comes earlier than expected.
  • Inflammation of the appendages - throughout the entire cycle, including discharge, the temperature is equal to or exceeds 37 degrees.

Measuring basal temperature is a fairly simple procedure, but it can be used to find out in what condition the a large number of processes in human body. Of particular interest is the method of measuring basal temperature to determine the condition female body: ovulation and pregnancy. If a woman is planning a pregnancy, then monitoring basal temperature is a daily necessary manipulation. In our article we will try to describe in detail what certain values ​​of basal temperature before menstruation indicate.

What can be the basal temperature before menstruation?

Before writing about the possible values ​​of basal temperature, we should talk about the method for measuring basal temperature. This procedure is carried out in the morning, without getting out of bed, using an ordinary thermometer. The normal basal temperature before menstruation, in the absence of ovulation and in the absence of pregnancy, is 36.9 ° C. This value may indicate either that there is no longer ovulation, or that .

An increase in basal temperature before menstruation to 37-37.2 ° C most likely indicates pregnancy - in this case, you can not wait for menstruation.

A slightly elevated basal temperature before menstruation - 37.5°C - indicates the presence of inflammation in the pelvic organs, and this should be a reason to contact a gynecologist.

A high basal temperature before menstruation may be a consequence of insufficient estrogen levels, which can cause infertility. This symptom also requires consultation with a gynecologist and endocrinologist. In some women, an increase in basal temperature before menstruation may be associated with the effect of progesterone on the thermoregulation center. During menstruation, the basal temperature is 37°C.

A decrease in basal temperature below 36.9°C before menstruation is also alarm signal, in which you can see the reason for the failure of pregnancy. So, a low temperature can be due to inflammation inner wall uterus (), then in the first days of menstruation it rises above 37 ° C.

I would like to note that you can track the dynamics of basal temperature in your body during the menstrual cycle only if you take daily measurements for at least three menstrual cycles.

Normal basal temperature before menstruation

If you analyze the normal graph of basal temperature before menstruation, you can see that a few days before menstruation (2-3 days) the temperature is minimal (36.7°), during the luteal phase (14-20 days) there is a tendency for it to increase and reaches its maximum at the time of ovulation (37.0-37.2°C).

If pregnancy occurs, then the basal temperature will be the same before menstruation. In the case when a woman has bloody issues, and basal the temperature remains elevated, then we can talk about the threat of termination of pregnancy. If conception has not occurred, then before menstruation the basal temperature will be 36.9°C.

Thus, having studied the feasibility of studying basal temperature throughout the menstrual cycle, we can say that this rather simple method can allow one to suspect infertility, anovulatory menstrual cycles, and inflammatory lesions of the pelvic organs in a woman. If a woman is planning a pregnancy, then a schedule for measuring basal temperature over three menstrual cycles will provide all possible assistance in diagnosis.

One of the hidden signs of a long-awaited pregnancy is a convincing change in basal temperature. The method, which is based on drawing up its schedule and its subsequent analysis, has been known for quite a long time. But even now, despite the diversity modern diagnostics, it is relevant and successfully used. With its help, it is possible to determine days favorable for successful conception, relax and not use contraceptives on “safe” days, and learn about problems in the body. Some women consider it too troublesome, others scrupulously fulfill all the requirements and find out that they will become a mother even before their period is missed. What do fluctuating basal temperature readings before menstruation signal and how can you get them as correctly as possible?

The essence of the method is how basal temperature changes before menstruation

Basal temperature should be recorded in the morning, immediately after waking up and before starting any active actions. The place where it is measured is not the usual armpit, but one of three possible places of your choice - the vagina, oral cavity, anus. Most experts advise giving preference to the latter, as it is the most convenient and gives reliable results. In order not to distort the correct picture, you should follow the simplest rules:

— carry out measurements at a time exactly set by you, after a full night’s rest, without getting out of the comfort of bed. It is not advisable to take basal temperature readings on the day before menstruation - the procedure should be preceded by a three-hour good sleep, but even in this case the readings may be incorrect;

- use a special thermometer, which is inserted rectally for 5 minutes. It is better to prepare it the day before - shake it and put it on the bedside table. You cannot exchange a mercury device for an electronic one and vice versa; the same one must be used throughout the entire cycle;

- to draw up an individual schedule, it is necessary to carefully record the results obtained immediately after the procedure, otherwise they can be forgotten, noted incorrectly and change the overall picture of the observation;

— the presence of accompanying factors that may affect the correctness of the results, it is advisable to indicate in detail in your daily notes. The reliability of the figures may raise doubts if consumed the day before alcoholic drinks, insufficient deep and long sleep, presence of intimate relationships, existing activity disorder gastrointestinal tract, stress.

The method is based on temperature changes depending on the current phase of the menstrual cycle. To understand the expected results, you should briefly familiarize yourself with what basal temperature before menstruation should correspond to the norm.

At the first stage of the cycle, the base temperature readings should be in the range of 36.3° - 36.8°. After the release of a safely matured egg, a rapid jump in temperature occurs immediately by half a degree, the resulting value is maintained almost until the start critical days. The culprit for changes in basal temperature before menstruation is progesterone, which is in a hurry to begin active preparation for possible conception. On at this stage the most reliable answer to the question of what basal temperature should be before menstruation will be 36.8 - 37.5°. The last 3 days before the onset of discharge, in the absence of conception, are marked by a decrease in discharge; the standard temperature is 37°. To briefly summarize the above, we note that a sharp and rapid increase in basal temperature in the middle of the cycle signals successful ovulation, and its decrease just before the arrival of the critical days indicates the failure of conception.

The doctor suggests regularly monitoring changes in basal temperature if:

- various hormonal disorders;

- within 12 months, an attempt to get pregnant ends in failure, and there is a suspicion of infertility;

- need to be determined favorable days, suitable for successful conception;

- needs to be checked hormonal levels on different stages menstrual cycle.

For a convenient visual comparison of what basal temperature should be normal before menstruation and what its values ​​are present in your records, it is most convenient to draw a graphic image.

Easy and quick - we draw up a basal temperature chart before menstruation

This is very easy to do - all you need is a piece of plain squared paper. In the horizontal direction, the days of the menstrual cycle are arranged in order, in the vertical direction - the readings obtained when measuring basal temperature, where the cell corresponds to 1/10 of a degree. At the level of 37°, for clarity, it is better to draw a horizontal dividing line, which will serve as the boundary between the two main phases of the cycle. In an ideal description, the graphic would look something like this:

1. Starting from the first day of menstruation until the end of discharge, the temperature gradually decreases to 36.3° - 36.6°. They remain in this range until ovulation, creating ideal conditions for the successful maturation of the egg.

2. A rapid jump in parameters above 37° convincingly indicates successful ovulation. The absence of a promotion, or the situation when it gradual increase lasts for 2-3 days, are a signal of existing problems with ovulation. Perhaps the egg has not matured, or has already died.

3. Throughout the phase monthly cycle after successful ovulation, the basal temperature before menstruation exceeds 37°, and only 2-3 days before the arrival of the critical days it begins to drop slightly. With the onset of menstruation it reaches 37°. If the compiled graph clearly shows single drops in temperature below the designated horizontal line, alas, most likely the egg has died.

The finished drawing, if all values ​​do not go beyond the normalized limits, and the body does not have pathological changes, resembles the wingspan of a seagull - one of them represents the first phase and is located below the horizontal line, the second corresponds to the temperature indicators of the second phase and is located slightly higher.

What do deviations in basal temperature before menstruation indicate?

If conception does not happen, the last two to three days before menstrual flow Rectal temperature readings decrease slightly and do not exceed 37 degrees. If they are higher, you can, while still timidly, rejoice at the onset of pregnancy; a delay will also testify in favor of this. However, not only a happy event can change the basal temperature before menstruation. Accession of the meager brown discharge according to the type of menstruation can be a formidable sign of a possible ectopic pregnancy or a warning about the existing threat of miscarriage.

If available acute inflammation in the appendages, a decrease in basal temperature before menstruation will not occur, and during critical days it will even rise to 37.3 - 37.5°. Endometritis has almost the same manifestations, only allowing the temperature to drop quite a bit before the appearance of discharge. An increase in basal temperature before menstruation to 37.4° sometimes serves as a manifestation of insufficient estrogen levels. In this case, a consultation with an endocrinologist will not hurt, and desired pregnancy you'll have to wait a little. The doctor will definitely ask what basal temperature before menstruation was observed during the last cycles, so its chart will come in handy.

Any deviation from your normal temperature parameters, down or up, is a reason to visit a doctor. This applies to stable changes that were observed over at least three cycles. It is quite possible that you won’t have to worry, since the basal temperature depends on many different factors - excessive anxiety, incorrect measurements, moving to another area, hypothermia, fatigue, etc. When diagnosing, the doctor not only analyzes what basal temperature was observed before menstruation during the last cycles, but also takes into account important nuance- the difference between the average temperature values ​​in different phases. Experts believe that normally this figure should be 0.4-0.5 degrees. It is the anomaly of this parameter that indicates pathology.

Basal temperature before menstruation - are the indicators reliable?

All acceptable values ​​for what basal temperature should be normal before menstruation are based on morning measurements. Doctors and women themselves focus on them, because the temperature obtained at other times of the day can differ quite significantly from the morning readings. The difference between evening and morning readings can be as much as a degree, and the basal temperature before menstruation the day before can reach its maximum. This cannot be considered a pathology, since it is due to the fact that any activity of processes occurring in the body reaches its peak levels in daytime. By taking measurements at the wrong time and comparing the results with what basal temperature before menstruation should be according to regulatory indicators, you can get completely unpredictable results.

Immediately after waking up and performing even minimal actions, the body is affected by many habitual influences. external conditions- psycho-emotional and physical exercise, eating and many others. They can distort the basal temperature readings before menstruation the day before and prevent the correct chart from being obtained. They cannot be avoided and taken into account when analyzing the graph, therefore, to ensure the reliability of the result, you should still measure the basal temperature before your period in the morning. You should also not use this method while taking hormonal drugs, the result will be obviously false. Some other factors may also introduce inaccuracies:

- travel and relocation, especially long-distance;

— presence of infections;

- short-term or excessive long sleep(more than 12 hours);

- sexual intercourse;

- taking certain medications (consultation with a doctor is advisable in this regard).

What basal temperature before menstruation is a reason to visit a gynecologist?

It should be noted that the reason for visiting a doctor can be not only the temperature indicator; you should also pay attention to the number and duration of both phases of the cycle. You should not neglect the advice of a specialist if:

- basal temperature is lowered, or vice versa, increased, throughout the entire cycle and does not change before menstruation;

— in the second phase, the basal temperature before menstruation increased by less than 0.4°;

— there is an insufficiently rapid rise in temperature in the middle of the cycle;

- there is an abnormal change in the time component of the cyclic phases - the first should not last longer than 17 days, and the second should last less than twelve.

Measuring and analyzing basal temperature before menstruation gives excellent results with reasonable planning of the desired family composition, complex diagnostics hormonal pathology and all kinds inflammatory processes, detection and treatment of infertility. The effectiveness of the method is quite high, provided that fairly strict rules for measuring and comparing data of at least three cycles are observed. However, you should not make a diagnosis on your own, much less prescribe treatment, based solely on the obtained readings of basal temperature before menstruation. This should be done by a specialist, and he will prescribe additional examination. Modern methods There are enough diagnostics, and their reliability is beyond doubt, and the research method using basal temperature takes its rightful place among them.