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Causes of chest pain. The appearance of pain during breastfeeding. Hormonal abnormalities in the body

Constant pain in mammary glands occurs for many reasons. It makes a woman uncomfortable, causing her to worry and think about the worst. Why does my chest hurt?

The most common disease that results in constant pain in the chest, is mastopathy. The main symptom is the proliferation of breast tissue as a result of hormonal imbalance. There are two types of mastopathy: diffuse and nodular.

Diffuse mastopathy

Diffuse mastopathy is accompanied by the proliferation of breast tissue with the formation of small nodules. This type of mastopathy most often manifests itself in premenstrual days. Such symptoms are found in more than 40% of women of childbearing age. After forty years, diffuse mastopathy develops in more than half of the female population. Why does this disease occur? The main reason is impaired estrogen metabolism, which develops as a result of:

  • stressful situations;
  • smoking;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • long-term use of hormonal drugs;
  • poor nutrition;
  • overweight.

The initial stage of diffuse mastopathy begins with symptoms of breast tension and swelling immediately before menstruation, which quickly disappear after its onset. Over time, the pain begins to be constant, independent of the phase of the cycle, and is accompanied by the spread of pain to the arm, armpits and shoulder. Seals that are benign in nature appear in the mammary glands. Various discharge from the nipples, enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits.

Nodular mastopathy

This disease can occur on its own or develop from diffuse mastopathy. Why does nodular mastopathy occur? Causes:

Nodular mastopathy often leads to oncological processes in the mammary glands, which is why it is important to be examined and treated on time. This disease is mainly treated surgically with further supportive therapy.


Why does my chest hurt? Only a specialist can answer this question. But from the moment the first discomfort in the chest appears, it is necessary to regularly conduct self-examination. This procedure is performed in front of a mirror. First of all, the symmetry of the mammary glands, the color of the nipples and breast skin are studied. You should also palpate the glands while standing and lying down. It is better to place a pillow under your shoulder, place your hand behind your head, and with the other hand feel the area of ​​your armpits and breast tissue. You should also press on the nipple tissue and make sure that there is no discharge. If discharge, asymmetry of the mammary glands, or nodules are detected, you should consult a mammologist.

Most best time for self-examination – the sixth day from the start of menstruation. These days, the mammary glands are usually in calm state, without unnecessary tension.

Examination by a mammologist

First of all, the mammologist will conduct a visual examination and prescribe tests. In order to determine why the chest hurts and changes have appeared, the specialist will prescribe appropriate studies, including ultrasound and mammography. If formations are detected in the tissues of the glands, a biopsy procedure is performed, which determines the nature of the tumor.

Treatment of mastopathy

So, the diagnosis of “mastopathy” is made only by a specialist after all the studies have been carried out. Indications for contacting a specialist include chest pain, swelling of the glands, identification of changes in their shape, symmetry, changes in the tissues of the nipples, and the appearance of discharge from them.

It often happens that a doctor advises diagnosing a liver condition, reproductive organs, nervous system.

Treatment of mastopathy involves the use non-hormonal agents or at the most severe cases- hormonal drugs. A specialist often prescribes courses vitamin complexes, including vitamins A, E, C, group B. The composition should contain microelements such as iodine, zinc, selenium. Sometimes it is recommended to take homeopathic medicines. Surgical intervention prescribed for serious forms of mastopathy.

Do not forget that prolonged exposure to the sun or frequent visit Solariums can provoke the development of breast diseases. If changes in the breast are detected, sunbathing in a solarium or in the sun is contraindicated. Also, experts do not recommend visiting baths, saunas, or various physical procedures.

If a woman has pain in the mammary gland, changes have appeared in it, after examination by a mammologist and diagnosis, in any case, smoking, drinking alcohol should be minimized, and included in the diet fresh food and try to avoid stress.

Other reasons

Pain in the mammary glands sometimes occurs for other reasons. This could be a muscle strain in the chest area, inflammation, herpes zoster, or disturbances in the chest itself. Pain can appear as a result of previous operations or the use of medications, including hormonal ones. Pain in the mammary glands also appears during pregnancy, which is associated with changes in the balance of hormones in a woman.

Why does pain occur during lactation?

Why does the mammary gland hurt in a nursing woman? This problem is most often associated with lactostasis and mastitis.

Pain with lactostasis is constant. This phenomenon is associated with blockage of the ducts in the mammary gland, as a result of which the breast area turns red and swells. Lactostasis occurs for several reasons:

  • infrequent breastfeeding;
  • improper nipple latching;
  • tight underwear;
  • bruise of the mammary gland;
  • lack of feeding at night;
  • stress;
  • holding the breast with a finger during feeding, which leads to compression of the duct.

With advanced lactostasis, a woman may develop a fever and mastitis. Mastitis develops when microorganisms enter the ducts and lobes of the mammary gland. The pain in the mammary gland intensifies, and pus may form. The inflamed area becomes very dense. The pain may radiate to the armpit or arm. This situation requires immediate appeal to a specialist. Mostly mastitis is treated surgically, then antibacterial therapy is used.

It is impossible to feed a baby with mastitis, as there is a danger of infection of the child and the entry of antibacterial drugs into his body.

If you have lactostasis, you should carefully express all breast lobes and establish night feedings. It is also important to learn how to position your baby correctly so that he grasps the entire nipple.


Chest pain that is constant in nature appears after various reasons. In nursing mothers, it occurs due to the development of lactostasis or mastitis. In women who are not breastfeeding or pregnant, possible reasons may be diffuse and nodular mastopathy resulting from hormonal dysfunctions. If changes appear in the mammary glands, redness, asymmetry, detection of compactions and nodules, various secretions from the nipples, you should consult a specialist to exclude this serious illness like a malignant tumor. Diagnostics are usually prescribed using ultrasound, mammography, laboratory research. If a malignant process is suspected in the mammary glands, a biopsy is performed.

Chest pain is a fairly common complaint for premenopausal women, but it is much less common in older women. If your chest hurts, there may be several reasons, and some of them pose a serious threat to life and health.

Types of pain

Basically, doctors distinguish between two types of chest pain:

Such pain is not a pathological condition and worries many women on the eve of menstruation. There is no point in worrying about them and seeing a doctor every month.

  1. Non-cyclical. If the chest hurts without any system, then the pain is called non-cyclical. Most often it hurts not in both glands at once, but only in one. There are several reasons that provoke the development of this unpleasant syndrome.

Non-cyclical pain in the mammary gland is usually aching, but the pain can intensify in response to movements and touches to the chest, and sometimes it also hurts in the armpit area, thus limiting movements in the arm.

Common reasons

The reasons why one mammary gland is affected by pain are very diverse.

  • Mastitis. Mastitis is a process of inflammation that affects breast tissue. If this disease develops in postpartum period, then the first signs can be noticed already 3-4 days after birth. The breast becomes a place of stagnation of milk - this is why mastitis develops in women in labor.

This pathology occurs not only in women who have recently given birth and breastfeeding, but also in completely healthy ones. If a woman’s immunity is weakened, and the body goes chronic processes, for example, sinusitis, then pathogenic microorganisms may enter the mammary gland.

  • Mastopathy. Mastopathy is another reason why one breast may hurt. This disease is characterized by the formation of benign neoplasms, which are represented by the proliferation of ducts inside the lobules, vesicles of the gland and the gland itself. connective tissue.

As a result, some structures in the chest become excessively compressed while others expand too much, resulting in a feeling of soreness that can radiate to the armpit and limit the movement of the arm.

Mastopathy usually forms against the background of strong hormonal disorders and is dangerous because benign neoplasms with an inattentive approach to treatment, they degenerate into malignant ones.

Fibroadenoma is closely related to the work of the hormonal glands, since if you conduct an examination the day before or during menstrual cycle– a decrease in tumor size can be noted.

  • Cancer. This pathology is especially dangerous and does not provoke pain if it is at an early stage - this is its main insidiousness.

As the tumor grows and spreads, it begins to affect the nerve endings, which leads to the development of pain in the gland affected by the tumor. Complaints describing pain may differ from patient to patient depending on the location of the tumor.

Untreated mastopathy, as well as late labor contribute to the development cancerous tumors in the mammary glands.

More rare causes

  • Fat necrosis. Why does fat necrosis develop in the mammary gland? The most common reason This pathology is trauma in the area of ​​the mammary glands. Due to the similarity of symptoms, this pathology is often confused with cancer.
  • Cyst. If there is pain in the breast, then the development of a cyst may explain why this symptom appears. A cyst is a cavity made of connective tissue that is filled with fluid.

The reason why they form cystic formations, is still completely unknown, although there are many assumptions. The most dangerous cyst in the mammary gland is that with the slightest injury there is a risk of damage to the walls, which is why the contents of the cyst spill into the surrounding tissue.

The pain in women with cysts is usually severe and cannot be ignored.

  • Incorrectly selected underwear. A bra that is the wrong size or made of synthetics is why the mammary gland often hurts.

This happens due to the fact that due to too dark tissue in the gland, stagnation occurs and proper blood circulation is blocked. If you don't stop in time harmful effects, then the mammary gland can become the site of the formation of malignant neoplasms.

Should I go to the doctors?

If you are worried about non-cyclical pain in one gland, then this is undoubtedly a reason to consult a doctor. In what cases is it immediately clear why it is necessary not to postpone a visit to a specialist?

  • The mammary gland has noticeably changed in size and shape, and asymmetry of the bust can be seen.
  • The nipple is changed: it can be retracted into the gland, or it can respond by releasing fluid to pressure.
  • When palpated, it is possible to detect a compaction in or around the gland.
  • There is pain when pressed.
  • The skin of the breast or around it has undergone any noticeable changes: it has become rough, redness, and peeling have appeared.

It is necessary to carefully assess the condition of the bust and if suspicious symptoms appear, do not postpone a visit to a specialist so that the situation does not worsen.


Pain in one gland is not a symptom of any specific disease, which is why it is necessary to consult a specialist to understand the cause of the disease. The doctor, after listening to the complaints, evaluates:

  • Duration of pain.
  • Dependence of sensations on the menstrual cycle.
  • Localization of pain.
  • Are there any seals and where are they located relative to the site of pain?
  • Are there any changes in the nipple?
  • Could the changes in the glands be associated with taking hormonal medications?

After evaluation general condition patient and breast examination, the doctor will have a rough idea of ​​what tests and diagnostic methods are best prescribed to confirm the suspected diagnosis. Also, after receiving the examination results, it will be possible to choose treatment tactics.

Most often, women complaining of pain in one breast are prescribed:

  • General blood analysis.
  • Blood chemistry.
  • X-ray chest.
  • Mammography.

In some cases, when diagnosis is difficult, they resort to repeating studies using contrast agents.


The choice of treatment method for pain that occurs in one breast depends on the specific disease that caused it.

Unsystematic treatment, based on a single symptom and not taking into account the diagnosis as a whole, may not only not relieve a woman of pain, but also aggravate the situation.

You can start treatment only when it is established accurate diagnosis and the doctor chose a treatment regimen. In some cases, therapy only involves taking medicines to achieve this or that result, and sometimes you have to resort to surgical operations to eliminate pathology.

If a woman notices pain in her breasts or any changes in its shape and structure, then this is a reason to consult a mammologist rather than self-medicate at home. Survey and correct therapy will help you get rid of pain and avoid more serious consequences.

Almost every representative of the fair sex has at least once encountered unpleasant condition when they hurt mammary glands. Symptoms of the problem can range from mild discomfort to acute pain attacks that affect a woman's quality of life. For this reason, it is important to diagnose the pathology in time and begin to treat it.

Causes of periodic and constant pain

Among the main reasons for the cyclic manifestation of pathology are:

If the mammary gland constantly hurts, then the reasons for this are related:

  • with inflammatory processes occurring in the tissues of the mammary glands;
  • from glandular structures;
  • with formations of benign and oncological nature;
  • with surgical interventions;
  • with chest injuries;
  • with abnormal development of the milk lobes;
  • With large size breasts;
  • with stagnation of milk during breastfeeding;
  • wearing a low-quality or tight bra.

Due to hereditary abnormalities in the structure of breast tissue, pinching of nerves and blood vessels occurs. As a result, inflamed areas appear, which, growing, form cysts, hematomas and adhesions.

What diseases does chest pain indicate?

In most cases, the cause of the disease is identified by the doctor using ultrasound examination mammary glands. But sometimes clinical picture pathologies, you can independently suspect a particular disease. This is especially true for symptoms that appear in only one of the breasts.

If it hurts left breast, then this indicates:

  • about problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • about nodular, provoked by the formation of benign nodules;
  • about fibroadenoma, in which the mammary glands hurt in the middle

If it constantly hurts right breast, then the reason for this is:

  • breast-feeding;
  • cysts are benign formations filled with fluid;
  • infectious diseases;
  • rachiocampsis.

Pain in the mammary glands may occur before menstruation. Sometimes pain in the lower abdomen also occurs in parallel, which indicates such serious pathologies as adenomyosis and.

Causes of pain in the mammary glands in nursing mothers

Often when breastfeeding, women notice pain in the mammary glands. This condition occurs:

  • at ;
  • with lactostasis;
  • with an abscess;
  • with lactocele.

The most common cause of pathology is lactostasis or milk stagnation. The disease usually manifests itself in the first months after childbirth and is associated with a violation of the feeding regime, incorrect technique for attaching the baby to the breast, and the fact that the child inactively sucks milk.

Lactostasis is the most common cause of pathology

Disease risk groups

Breast problems occur more often in women:

  • have given birth less than 2 times, or nulliparous;
  • those who refused breastfeeding children;
  • leading a promiscuous or irregular sex life;
  • have had an abortion more than once;
  • genetically predisposed to breast tumors;
  • suffering;
  • subject to frequent emotional stress;
  • having excess weight;
  • living in unfavorable conditions environmentally regions.

Breast tenderness can also occur due to bad habits(addiction to alcohol, smoking) and chronic pathologies some internal organs– liver, spleen or thyroid gland.

Dangerous symptoms

Urgent need to apply for professional help if chest pain is accompanied by other symptoms:

  • compactions appear in the mammary glands, palpable on palpation;
  • body temperature rises;
  • nipples hurt and mammary glands swell;
  • the lymph nodes located near the breast become enlarged;
  • rashes appear on the nipples;
  • The mammary glands are deformed.

Sometimes women wonder: why do the mammary glands hurt, but there are no periods? In this case, you should visit a doctor, as the sign may indicate pregnancy. A treatment regimen for the pathology is prescribed by a mammologist, having first identified the nature of the pain in the mammary glands.

Ways to combat pathology

If uncomfortable state is not associated with dysfunction of the mammary gland, then the doctor prescribes symptomatic therapy, for example, using drugs that lower the level of the hormone prolactin in the body.

Main disadvantage hormonal treatment– displacement or disruption of the menstrual cycle. That's why this method combating the problem is used only in advanced cases.

Pathology on early stages eliminated with:

  • diet;
  • herbal medicine;
  • vitamin therapy.

Advice! During the diet, it is necessary to exclude carbonated drinks, tea, coffee and chocolate products from the diet.

Drug therapy

Periodic chest pain before menstruation is considered a safe phenomenon. However, if the mammary glands hurt and this is noted in the middle of the cycle, then it is necessary to be examined and treat the pathology.

First of all, the patient should undergo a consultation with a mammologist. The doctor conducts a preventive conversation with the woman or prescribes her a series of diagnostic procedures.

TO preventive measures applies:

  • refusal to wear tight underwear;
  • weight loss;
  • dietary adjustments;
  • taking oral contraceptives.

Medicines will temporarily stop ovulation and prevent sharp jumps hormones in the body. Usually pain symptoms in the chest after taking oral contraceptives decrease or disappear completely.

Drugs with similar effects include:

  • non-steroidal drugs - Paracetamol or Ibuprofen;
  • steroids – Tamoxifen.

The last group of medications is used only for the treatment of mastopathy in advanced stage, occurring with severe pain.

You should know! Cure mastopathy with just one homeopathic medicines impossible. The effectiveness of this group of drugs in combating diseases of the mammary glands has not been proven.


In case of swelling and tenderness of the mammary glands, compresses can be used in combination with drug therapy on the recommendation of a doctor. Medicines are prepared from natural ingredients:

  • Burdock: several leaves of the plant are crushed to a pasty state and mixed with 30 ml and 25 ml olive oil. All components are mixed until smooth. The resulting paste is applied to gauze and applied to the affected area of ​​the chest overnight.
  • Pumpkins. To prepare the medicine, choose 1 ripe vegetable. A small piece of the plant is ground using a meat grinder to a puree. The puree is laid out on a cloth and tied to the painful area of ​​the chest.

Advice! Cover the top of the pumpkin compress with a towel or cling film.

  • Cabbage: plant leaves are crushed and mixed with 50 ml sour milk. The resulting mixture is applied to the fabric and bandaged to the sore chest.


Lotions prepared according to recipes can help you get rid of severe pain traditional medicine. The basis of the lotions is plant juice.

  1. St. John's wort. To prepare the product, take 1 tbsp. plants and pour 300 ml of boiling water. The product is infused for 45 minutes, and then the cloth soaked in it is applied to the problem area for several hours.
  2. Clover. Clover tincture is prepared according to the following recipe: 1 handful of inflorescences is poured into 300 ml. vodka and infused for 2 weeks in a dark place. A cloth soaked in the tincture is applied to the affected area.
  3. Sagebrush: 2 bushes of the plant are poured with 200 ml of boiling water and simmered in an enamel container for another 3-4 minutes. The decoction is used warm so that its active ingredients penetrate into the lower layers of the skin.

The condition of the mammary glands largely depends on the moral state of life. Statistics show that those women who are happily married and do not experience constant stress are less susceptible to the problem.

Painful sensations in the sternum can occur completely unexpectedly and cause serious discomfort to a person. The causes are quite normal life processes, but sometimes these symptoms are a signal of the presence dangerous diseases. Breast pain in women often occurs in the area of ​​the mammary glands, which is a sign of mastopathy or indicates possible pregnancy. In men, pain in the chest area can be a signal of diseases of the esophagus, disorders heart rate and other diseases.

What is chest pain

Painful attacks inside the sternum vary in nature, duration, and etiology. Pain in the sternum can be aching, sharp, stabbing, cutting. It can be constant or occur in attacks with sudden appearance. Most cases of painful manifestations are associated with diseases such as:

Why does a woman's breasts hurt?

Pain in a woman in the area of ​​the mammary glands may be associated with normal life situations. For example, breast tenderness often occurs during menstruation and while breastfeeding. For long periods pain that bother you periodically, you need to undergo a breast examination to determine the causes of discomfort. The diagnosis can only be made by a doctor after laboratory examination. Unpleasant sensations in the chest can be a sign of serious diseases such as breast cancer, mastopathy, etc.

One breast hurts

Unpleasant sensations may result blunt trauma breast tissue (for example, from a fall). At the same time, the chest that has been bruised aches. Damage to the mammary gland is accompanied by pain on palpation, redness, and swollen parts. Other causes include diseases of the internal organs. When they worsen, sharp, stabbing, aching pain may be observed on one side or the other of the sternum.

If the right chest hurts, the following diseases are possible:

  • hepatitis;
  • inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • diseases of the esophagus;
  • diaphragm damage;
  • spinal injuries with disc displacement to the right.

When the mammary gland on the left side hurts, it may be due to:

  • disorders of the spleen;
  • gastritis, pancreatic diseases;
  • pancreatitis;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • heart diseases (acute pericarditis, angina pectoris).

It's a dull pain

If the pain is nagging and prolonged, this may indicate mastodynia. This condition occurs as a result of hormonal imbalance. The woman feels cyclical pain, which tends to intensify. The cause may be gynecological diseases, stress, menopause. Mastodynia also occurs during prolonged hormonal therapy. Additional signs of the disease include swelling and enlarged glands. After the start of menstruation, the pain goes away.

Pain in the mammary gland when pressed

A woman may experience discomfort when touching her breasts. Often pain in both mammary glands occurs when feeding a child. This happens with lactostasis (milk stagnation). It occurs due to an excess of milk fluid or when the baby does not suck well. Pressing on the chest can create pain during mastopathy. This is a pathology of the mammary glands that occurs against the background of frequent experiences, hormonal changes body. Mastopathy is accompanied by discharge from the nipple, swelling, and aching in the breast tissue.

Stitching pain

Painful attacks of an acute nature can occur with intercostal neuralgia. A person feels stabbing, piercing pains that can radiate to the chest, shoulder blade, and lower back. The same sensations appear during attacks of angina pectoris, pericarditis, and other acute heart diseases. Sometimes tingling occurs due to mental disorders. Acute pain may occur with pleurisy, pneumonia. They are accompanied by shortness of breath and cough.

Breast pain, no lumps

Pulling sensations in the chest area may appear due to muscle spasms. This effect can occur when playing sports, physical exercise. Sometimes breast pain causes hormone therapy or a woman taking oral contraceptives. Breast tenderness may indicate pregnancy. This means that the body has begun to adapt to hormonal level. The intensity of pain can vary: from mild to strong.

When tilted

If your chest begins to hurt when performing some movements, the cause may be a previous injury. By pressing on the sternum you can locate the painful area. If damaged, it will be painful to touch the injured area. Pain when lowering or turning the body can be observed due to diseases of the esophagus (hernia). The cause of pain that appears after bending the body may be intercostal neuralgia.

The mammary gland is swollen and hurts

Some diseases cause tumors or an increase in breast size. These include:

  • fibroadenoma;
  • mastopathy;
  • mammary cancer;
  • cyst formation;
  • lactation mastitis.

A cyst can form in healthy women. This is a cavity inside the mammary gland that fills with fluid. In most cases, these formations resolve on their own. Fibroadenoma is a benign tumor. The formation cells grow and put pressure on the milk ducts, which causes pain. Mastopathy is characterized by an increase fibrous tissue glands. It is accompanied by swelling and roughening of the skin. Swelling and pain in the breast may be signs of breast cancer.

Pain under the nipple

During the feeding procedure, a woman may develop microcracks, which causes inflammation of the nipple. This causes damage nerve endings which causes pain. The cause of these unpleasant sensations may be long-term use of hormonal drugs. Also, pain under the nipple can be caused by the following diseases:

  • acute mastitis;
  • herpes virus;
  • nipple cancer;
  • mammalgia;
  • some types of lactostasis.

In the middle of the cycle

Small painful sensations in the breasts of women 8-10 days before the onset of menstruation are considered a normal physiological phenomenon that does not require treatment. Sometimes this can be a sign of pregnancy. Factors such as stress and fatigue can contribute to discomfort. The woman feels fatigue, lethargy, and headaches appear. In this case, swelling of the mammary glands is often observed. If symptoms do not go away after menstruation, and the pain intensifies, you should consult a doctor to prescribe treatment.

Chest pain in men

In representatives of the stronger sex, pain in the sternum may appear after a chest injury. Pain is felt when pressing on the damaged area. For diseases of the spine pain syndrome occurs in the sternum, shoulder blades, on the side of displaced vertebrae. In men, painful sensations in the chest may appear due to the following diseases:

  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, disruption of internal organs;
  • inflammation of the heart muscle;
  • lesions of the musculoskeletal system;
  • inflammation of the pleura of the respiratory tract, tracheitis;
  • neuroses, mental disorders.

At pulmonary diseases inflammation occurs in the pleural cavity. This process is accompanied by a sharp severe cough, shortness of breath. Lesions of the pleura of the lungs often occur in smokers. This serious disease, which is difficult to get rid of. At pulmonary infarction burning sensations appear, stabbing pains, which radiate to the back, stomach, shoulder blades. Similar sensations can be caused peptic ulcers esophagus. The causative agents of inflammation are viruses or infections. Diseases are characterized muscle spasms, which cause severe pain in the sternum.

Necrosis occurs during myocardial infarction muscle tissue heart organ. The pain is localized in the upper or central part of the body. The consequences of this disease are very serious. The inflammatory process in the myocardium causes the death of the heart muscle. Characteristic features are nausea, severe shortness of breath, cold sweat. Heart attacks are accompanied by a feeling of fear and dizziness. The pain does not go away after taking nitroglycerin.


Women are advised to periodically examine their breasts on their own in order to promptly notice the presence of lumps in the mammary glands. This increases the chances of detecting cancer and other dangerous diseases at early stages. In case of severe pain, changes in the shape of the mammary glands, or other negative signs, you should immediately consult a doctor for examination. Diagnostics in medical institutions includes actions such as:

  • collection of information, palpation of the chest;
  • Ultrasound of the sternum area;
  • mammography;
  • X-ray;
  • tissue biopsy.

You can contact a therapist at your place of residence, and he will then schedule a consultation with a specialist, depending on the results of the examination. If there is severe pain in the mammary glands, women can immediately visit a mammologist. What will be prescribed:

  1. If a heart attack is suspected, it may be prescribed CT scan.
  2. If the cause of sternum pain is esophageal disorders, a FEGDS procedure is performed, in which the stomach is examined inside using a special apparatus. Tissue sampling is done to detect inflammation and infections.
  3. Blood and urine may be taken for analysis to detect viral microorganisms.


To get rid of chest pain, you need to cure the underlying disease, the symptoms of which are pain. Therapy can only be prescribed by a specialist, based on the research conducted. During the course of treatment, it is necessary to adhere to the motor regimen prescribed by the doctor (rest, walks, etc.). Depending on the disease present, treatment may include:

  • drug therapy;
  • herbal medicine;
  • physical therapy;
  • taking vitamin complexes, drugs that strengthen the immune system;
  • Spa treatment.

An effective medicine used to treat the mammary glands is Danazol. This is a synthetic hormone that reduces ovarian activity. In addition, the drug produces an analgesic effect. It is prescribed for mastopathy, breast hypertrophy, presence benign formations. The product successfully eliminates tumors, lumps, and relieves pain.

The disadvantage of the medicine is that it is not prescribed during pregnancy, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy. It has a big list side effects, including: liver dysfunction, allergic reactions, weight gain, etc. The advantage is high efficiency drug in the treatment of mammary gland pathologies. Danazol can be prescribed to children who have reached puberty.

Tamoxifen is a potent antitumor agent. Active substance the drug suppresses the action of sex hormones, thereby slowing down growth malignant tumors. Tamoxifen has been successfully used in the treatment of breast, uterine, and ovarian cancer. When taking this drug, patients stop the inflammatory process and reduce cancer formations.

The disadvantage of this medicine is the large number of contraindications. It should not be taken for diseases of the blood, liver, or eye pathologies. The list of undesirable manifestations is also long. Side effects may manifest as nausea, heaviness in the stomach, weight gain, and itching of the genitals. The downside of the medicine is the possibility of the appearance benign tumors after long-term treatment. Among the advantages, doctors indicate a strong anti-cancer effect.

Mastodinone – medicine based on natural raw materials. It has soft action on the body. Used to treat mastopathy and menstrual irregularities. The active substance – extract of vitex, a tree-like shrub – restores natural hormonal balance among women. Additionally, Mastodinon exhibits an analgesic effect.

The advantage of the drug is the absence of hormones. Mastodinon is made using herbal ingredients, so it is harmless. Thanks to this, the medicine has a gentle effect on the female body. For sustainable results The complex needs to be taken for 2-3 months. On to the cons homeopathic remedy There is a ban on its use by pregnant and lactating women.


Many women at one time or another in their lives have encountered the problem of chest pain. The appearance of these symptoms should not cause panic or fear, but they should not be taken lightly either. In order for every woman to have peace of mind about her health, and, if necessary, to be able to undergo the necessary course of treatment in a timely manner, she needs to become familiar with the symptoms and causes of pain in the mammary glands.

Cyclic and non-cyclical chest pain

Pain localized in the mammary glands has a medical name - mastalgia. Mastalgia is divided into two groups - cyclic and non-cyclic.

Cyclic mastalgia or mammalgia- pain in the mammary glands of a woman, which occurs on certain days of the menstrual cycle, namely two to seven days before the onset of next menstruation. For most women, this pain does not cause discomfort - it is not very strong, more like a feeling of fullness of the mammary glands, a burning sensation inside them. Within a couple of days, these sensations disappear without a trace.

A woman's breasts change throughout life. In one menstrual cycle, the influence of various hormones that are produced in the female body stimulate the tone or relaxation of the walls of the excretory ducts in the mammary glands and affect the tissue of the lobules. About a week before the onset of menstrual bleeding, accumulation of a large number of epithelial cells, lobular secretion. The mammary glands swell, more blood flows to them, they become larger in volume and dense, painful to the touch. Cyclic breast pain in women always manifests itself simultaneously in both mammary glands.

In some women, cyclic mastodynia manifests itself pathologically strongly. The pain sometimes becomes simply unbearable, and the woman cannot lead a normal lifestyle, exercise business as usual, feels very bad on days like this. As a rule, increased pain in the mammary glands is a sign that some pathological process is beginning in the body, and the woman needs to see a doctor for examination and subsequent treatment, if necessary.

Non-cyclical pain in the mammary glands are not associated with a woman’s menstrual cycle; they are always provoked by some other factors, in some cases pathological.

When a woman's body undergoes changes associated with hormonal changes - the level of female sex hormones increases. Under the influence of estrogen and human chorionic gonadotropin The lobules of the mammary glands begin to swell, secretion is formed in the ducts, and at the end of pregnancy - colostrum. From the first days of pregnancy, a woman's breasts acquire increased sensitivity, even pain. As you know, soreness and engorgement of a woman’s mammary glands are. This breast soreness in the first weeks of pregnancy can also vary - from a slight burning sensation, tingling of the nipples, to severe tension in the mammary glands and dull pain, radiating to the shoulder blades, lower back, arms. Such phenomena usually disappear completely by the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, that is, by the 10th – 12th weeks.

A woman's breasts are intensively preparing for the upcoming feeding of the baby and lactation. Women note a significant enlargement of the mammary glands, various tingling sensations in them, feelings of tension, engorgement. But these phenomena are not painful; normally they should not be accompanied by severe pain. If a woman notices pain that does not go away, and even more so if the pain is localized only in one mammary gland, she should seek advice from her gynecologist in order to exclude various diseases And pathological processes, not related to pregnancy.

What signs indicate that a woman should immediately consult a doctor?

  • Chest pain occurs regardless of the menstrual cycle.
  • The nature of the pain can be described as an unbearable burning sensation, severe compression in the glands.
  • The pain is localized in one breast, is not distributed throughout the entire mammary gland, but is expressed only in a certain area.
  • Pain in the mammary glands does not go away, but intensifies over time.
  • In parallel with pain or discomfort in the chest, a woman notices an increase in body temperature, deformation of the mammary glands, nodes and any formations in the breast, the most painful areas, redness of the glands, discharge of fluid or blood from the nipples (not associated with the last months of pregnancy) .
  • The woman notices pain every day for a long period of time, more than two weeks.
  • Pain in the mammary glands prevents a woman from doing her daily activities, causes neurasthenia, insomnia, and does not allow her to wear regular clothes due to pressure on the breasts.

What diseases are accompanied by pain in the mammary glands?

Mastopathy– these are fibrocystic growths in the mammary glands of a woman, an imbalance between the connective and epithelial tissues. Mastopathy causes non-cyclical pain in the mammary glands. Mastopathy appears in women in case of hormonal instability, under the influence of various unfavorable factors that change normal hormonal levels female body. These factors include abortion, neuroses, chronic inflammatory and infectious diseases of the female genital area, diseases of the thyroid gland, pathological conditions of the pituitary gland, liver diseases, cessation of breastfeeding when enhanced lactation, irregular sex life.

Mastopathy in women does not appear suddenly. It is formed over several years, while in the mammary glands of a woman, when normal physiological processes foci of epithelial tissue grow, which compress the ducts, nerve roots, interfere with the normal outflow of secretion in the ducts, and deform the lobules of the mammary glands. Today mastopathy is the most common benign disease mammary glands, it is observed mainly in women 30-50 years old. With mastopathy, a woman notes a feeling of burning, bloating, and compression in the mammary glands. She may also experience other symptoms - nausea, lack of appetite, dizziness, abdominal pain. Mastopathy is pathological condition, which requires observation by a doctor, and in many cases, systematic treatment.

Infectious and inflammatory processes in the mammary glands - diseases that can cause both chest pain and increased general temperature body, deterioration of a woman’s well-being. Pain due to infectious and inflammatory diseases mammary glands can be of different types, but most often they are shooting, aching, radiating to the shoulder blades, armpits, and stomach. Most often, mastitis is observed in women who have recently given birth, during the period of breastfeeding the baby. These diseases require urgent treatment at the doctor's.

Breast cancermalignancy in the mammary gland, which is characterized by the formation of large accumulations of atypical cells in it, which form a tumor over time. In some cases, breast cancer develops asymptomatically until a certain stage, so a woman should be especially attentive to any changes in her body. The most common changes in the mammary gland during cancer – « Orange peel» in a certain area of ​​the skin, severe peeling of the mammary gland and nipple, deformation of the nipple and the shape of the mammary gland, thickening, retractions in the mammary gland, bloody issues from the nipple, nipple retraction. If pain occurs in the mammary glands, especially in one of the glands, and this pain is in no way related to the menstrual cycle or pregnancy, you should consult a doctor for advice to exclude the development of cancer.

What conditions and diseases of women also cause pain in the mammary glands?

  • Treatment hormonal drugs for infertility or hormonal imbalance menstrual cycle, menopause.
  • Very big size breasts; Tight underwear that does not match your breast size.
  • Other diseases that cause pain radiating to the mammary glands - herpes zoster, thoracic osteochondrosis, heart disease, intercostal neuralgia, diseases lymph nodes axillary areas, cysts in the fatty tissue of the breast, furunculosis.
  • Taking certain oral contraceptives.

At unpleasant symptoms and pain in the mammary glands that continues long time, and are accompanied by additional pathological symptoms, a woman should definitely contact her treating gynecologist, who, if necessary, will refer her for consultations and examinations with a mammologist and endocrinologist.

Examinations that a woman undergoes for pain in the mammary glands not related to pregnancy:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, which is performed a week after the start of menstruation.
  • Study of hormonal levels (thyroid hormones, prolactin).
  • Oncological markers (a set of diagnostic procedures to identify the degree of risk of developing cancer tumors in the mammary gland).
  • Ultrasound of the breast, which is performed in the second half of the menstrual cycle.

Why might your chest hurt? Real reviews:


A few years ago I was diagnosed fibrous mastopathy. Then I went to the doctor complaining of very severe pain, and this pain was localized not in the mammary glands themselves, but in the armpits and shoulder blades. On initial examination The gynecologist felt nodes in the glands and sent me for a mammogram. During the treatment, I had an ultrasound of the mammary glands and puncture of nodes in the mammary gland. The treatment took place in several stages, with a gynecologist. At the very beginning, I underwent a course of anti-inflammatory treatment, since I also suffered from salpingitis and oophoritis. I was then prescribed hormone therapy using oral contraception. As the doctor said, the development of mastopathy could have been influenced by taking oral contraceptives of the old generation, with a high content of hormones.


I was diagnosed with mastopathy at the age of 33, and since then I have been under constant supervision of my gynecologist. Every year I had an ultrasound of the mammary glands, and a year ago the doctor suggested I have a mammogram. All these years I have been bothered by very severe chest pains, which were most severe before menstruation. After the mammogram I was prescribed complex treatment, which immediately alleviated my condition - I forgot what chest pain was. Currently, nothing is bothering me; the doctor gave me a follow-up appointment only in six months.


Throughout my life I have not been bothered by pain in the mammary gland, although sometimes I felt discomfort and tingling before menstruation. But last year I felt at first a slight and then increasing pain in my left chest, which I initially mistook for pain in my heart. Having turned to a therapist, I was examined, received a consultation with a cardiologist - nothing was discovered, they sent me to a gynecologist and mammologist. After undergoing tests for oncological markers and ultrasound of the mammary glands, I was sent to the regional oncology clinic in Chelyabinsk. After the biopsy, additional research I was diagnosed with breast cancer (tumor 3 cm in diameter, with unclear boundaries). As a result, six months ago I had one mammary gland taken away, which was affected by oncology, I underwent chemotherapy courses and radiation therapy. IN given time I am under treatment, but the latest examination did not reveal any new cancer cells, which is already a victory.


I have been married for two years, there have been no abortions, no children yet. About a year ago I had gynecological disease– salpingitis with pyosalpinx. The treatment was taken in a hospital, conservatively. A month after treatment, I began to experience pain symptoms in my left breast. The pain was dull, aching, radiating to the armpit area. The gynecologist did not find anything, but referred me to a mammologist. I had an ultrasound, no pathology was detected in the mammary gland, but pain occurred periodically. I was diagnosed with intercostal neuralgia. I took treatment: Mastodinon, Milgama, Nimesil, Gordius. The pain has become much weaker - sometimes I feel tension in my chest a week before my period, but this goes away quickly. The doctor advised me to go swimming, do exercises, and exercise therapy.

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