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Italian Greyhound (photo): graceful and playful favorite of the royal nobility. Italian Greyhound: description of the breed, myths and reality Small Italian Greyhound

The Italian greyhound belongs to the greyhound dogs and is the shortest representative of this group. The breed's name comes from the French word meaning "hare". Despite the fact that it belongs to the decorative breeds, Italian greyhounds have retained their original hunting qualities, and are larger in size than other decorative dogs.


One of the most ancient dog breeds, the origins of which can be traced back to Ancient Egypt. Images of the immediate ancestors of the Italian Greyhound are also found on antique vases, but special attention These dogs were used in Ancient Rome: the ladies of those times loved to keep them with them.

The Renaissance in Italy was the heyday of Italian Greyhounds. You can often find their elegant images on the canvases of famous artists. Later, the fashion for Italian greyhounds spread among European royal courts and the highest nobility of the Old World.

The spread of this fashion almost became disastrous for Italian Greyhounds - the breed was heading towards steady degeneration due to excessive hobby inbreeding in order to preserve, as was then believed, the purity of the breed.

By the beginning of the 20th century, the problem was recognized, and then vigorous measures were taken to preserve and strengthen the breed. Work on crossing Italian greyhounds with whippets and miniature pinschers gave excellent results, and by the 30s of the 20th century the position of the breed had stabilized.


These small dogs weigh from 3.5 to 5 kg and reach a height of 33-38 cm. They are characterized by a narrow chest with a retracted belly, long slender legs and a long cone-shaped neck ending in a head with a thin muzzle and expressive eyes. The tail of Italian Greyhounds always points downwards.

The entire look of the Italian greyhound is distinguished by great grace and elegance. The coat is smooth and short. There is a wide variety of recognized colors, from black and white to sand and reddish in all shades.


Italian Greyhounds are very lively, active and active dogs. Their energy requires constant outlet in games and walks. At the same time, the relatively fragile constitution of the dog requires control over its behavior by the owner. In this regard, Italian Greyhounds are not very suitable for families with small children who do not yet know how to balance their efforts in games. For older children, on the contrary, the Italian Greyhound will be an excellent companion.

The dog is considered ideal for older people seeking active image life, and single married couples. The Italian Greyhound becomes attached to its owners and shows friendly interest in other familiar people. Quite careful with strangers. He often reacts to sharp unfamiliar sounds by growling and barking.

The hunting instincts of the Italian Greyhound are fully preserved. For example, in Europe these dogs are still sometimes used in hunting hares. However, this can be a problem during a walk, as Italian greyhounds tend to rush after small animals. Therefore, it is better to walk your dog on a leash.

Training Italian greyhounds requires a lot of persistence; the dog rarely follows commands after a small number of repetitions, but education is necessary, otherwise it may become overly capricious.


On average, Italian greyhounds live up to 13-14 years, and with sufficient physical activity and care often reach 15-16 years of age. This is one of the most healthy dogs, Italian greyhounds have practically no typical breed diseases. Her only weak point is her eyes, which tend to develop cataracts and some other diseases in old age.

Many people are interested in what the Italian greyhound's personality is - the dog of this breed is friendly and welcoming, but it does not get along with everyone. An animal may act aloof if a stranger is in the house. Italian Greyhound dogs belong to the Italian greyhound or small greyhound species. Puppies of this breed are valued among wealthy individuals.


Home-raised Italian greyhounds reach 37 cm in length. The weight of a mini dog varies depending on gender:

  • the average weight of a female is 5 kg;
  • males - 7;
  • the weight of some individuals can reach 8 kg.

The Italian greyhound dog breed has been in demand since ancient times. Graceful mini-dogs have a calm character and are also valued for their beauty and light weight. Unlike decorative breeds, Italian Greyhounds are not as demanding to care for. To raise an animal, you need to provide it with proper living conditions.

The Italian greyhound is a very fragile creature.

If you look closely at it, you can see protruding ribs. Distinctive feature Italian greyhound dogs have thin paws. The animal can eat a large number of feed, but remain fragile. An Italian Greyhound puppy, just like an adult animal, should not go hungry. The baby needs a sufficient amount of food, but you should not overfeed either. Make sure your dog drinks clean, unstagnant water.

Despite its fragility, the small Italian greyhound has a strong, well-developed back. Some animals have massive muscles, but all have thin legs. In fact, the Italian Greyhound is significantly smaller than a dog greyhound species, but it cannot be compared with a decorative breed. If you look closely at the Italian greyhound, you will see that it is completely similar to the standard greyhound, but smaller in size. Unlike the latter, the Italian greyhound is not able to hunt or overcome many obstacles.
It is worth considering the description of the breed in more detail.

The Italian Greyhound has a specific build, a slightly curved, elongated muzzle. Feature breed - a massive back and thin paws. An Italian greyhound can run at a speed of 35 km/h. The structure of its head and muzzle is the same as that of an ordinary greyhound. The dog has an elongated head. In adult animals it appears large in comparison with the body. The muzzle is compact and elongated. The eyes are large, the nose is predominantly black, but can also be brown.

The Italian Greyhound is distinguished by its outstretched ears. If she pays attention to something, her ears turn forward.

When the breed first began to spread, the dogs' ears were erect. However, today such hearing organs are considered birth defect. Italian Greyhounds have a short, smooth wool, the villi are the same in length, their color is uniform. The color of the body can be different: animals with white paws and a white chest are common. In nature, there are puppies with brindle black spots: they are compared to representatives of the Rottweiler breed.

How does an Italian Greyhound behave?

The character of the Italian greyhound is similar to that of a large greyhound. The Greyhound does not behave like decorative dogs: it is more persistent, and some animals show independence. Most animals are soft in nature. The Italian greyhound becomes a true friend for the owner. She gets along well with children, but if there is a child living in the house, then you should think twice before getting her. It must be remembered that this animal is quite fragile, and a child may accidentally injure it while playing. The miniature dog prefers to be away from loud sounds, she is reluctant to get involved in outdoor games.

If a child begins to actively play with a dog, it may become frightened. The Greyhound is capable of living well with an older person. If you invite a stranger into your home, your pet may become completely frightened (here it all depends on upbringing).

If you don't socialize your greyhound, it will grow up to be fearful.

The animal has a good sense of smell and its hearing is well developed. When someone approaches front door, the greyhound signals this, however, its bark is not very loud. A dog of this breed cannot be made watchdog: Dimensions and character do not allow. The animal has developed telepathic abilities. If stress levels increase in the house, it instantly reacts to this.

If the owners swear all the time, the dog begins to be in a tense state, which can cause it to get sick. Those who like to sort things out are advised to get a more resilient pet. The Italian Greyhound quickly becomes attached to its owner and does not tolerate separation well. If a person is at work for a long time, the animal begins to get nervous and feel sad.

Italian greyhounds can be friends with dogs, but the perception of their own kind also depends on the level of socialization. Due to its character, the Greyhound can grow up shy. If you don't give your pet enough attention, he will become nervous.

Neighborhood with other pets and training

It is better not to keep a Greyhound in the same house as large dogs. If it were not for such small dimensions, a representative of the Italian greyhound breed could become a hunting dog. The Greyhound has well-developed instincts. It is not recommended to keep a pet of this breed together with hamsters, squirrels, and lizards. An Italian Greyhound will get along well with a cat: the latter may be larger in size. The Greyhound is difficult to train due to its independence. The animal can grow up to be very stubborn. The owner should not show excessive severity, but also should not indulge all the whims of the Italian greyhound.

Education should be moderate.

If it is necessary to teach an animal commands, the owner should not be rude. This will not give results, in addition, the pet will be driven into a state of stress. Achievements in training should be rewarded with treats. Don't forget to praise your pet.

The disadvantage of the breed is that it is difficult to toilet train a puppy. Greyhound has a small one bladder Moreover, the animal is reluctant to go for a walk in cloudy weather. It can take 3-4 months to develop toilet habits. Greyhound, as well as representatives of other hunting breeds, you need to walk on a leash. If an animal notices a bird, it will immediately run towards it. Then you are unlikely to be able to catch up with him. Without training, an Italian greyhound will not respond to commands.

Advantages of the breed

While in the apartment, the pet behaves restrained and relaxed. He enjoys playing with his owner and lying on the couch with him. If we talk about the advantages of the Italian greyhound, then she is energetic, friendly, and clean. If a pet grew up in a private home, it will be more friendly and active, since in these conditions it will spend more time outdoors. If we talk about training abilities, it is worth noting that German Shepherd smarter than a greyhound. Some animals can be called homebodies: they would gladly not leave the apartment. Italian greyhounds live a long time, on average 13 years.

How to care for your pet?

Dogs of this breed have short hair. You can bathe them 1-2 times a month. After a walk, you need to wipe the coat with a damp sponge. An important advantage of puppies is that they do not shed. If you can't stand it well dog hair, you can get a dog of the breed in question. It is always worth remembering that the Greyhound has thin skin. In winter, the dog needs to be protected from the cold. It is better not to walk her in severe frost. Your pet should not sleep on the floor. It's better to make a soft bed for him. Most Italian Greyhounds climb onto their owner's bed.

Among the disadvantages of the breed, it should be noted that the dogs’ bones are quite fragile.

If she accelerates too much, she may break her paw. Italian Greyhound requires especially careful handling. The pet may suffer from awkward movements of the owner. There are cases when Italian greyhounds develop periodontal disease. This is due to the fact that the dog has big teeth and a scissor-like taste. Periodontal disease can develop when the animal reaches the age of 2 years. Because of this disease, a pet can lose teeth. Treatment in this case is carried out until they are completely restored.

Greyhound teeth should be brushed regularly. It is important to say that dogs of this breed have a minimum of subcutaneous fat. When treating diseases that require the use of anesthesia, this feature must be taken into account. Remind your veterinarian that Greyhounds require a minimum dose of anesthetic.

Italian Greyhound is an ancient breed of dog. It was first mentioned in Ancient Rome, when greyhound dogs became widespread. Scientists cannot say where the Italian Greyhound was bred. Some experts believe that the homeland of the mini-dog is Greece, others suggest that it is Turkey, and still others believe that it is Italy. The Greyhound began to spread during the Renaissance. At that time, dogs of this breed were bred by noble people. Gradually, the Greyhound became popular throughout England.

The Italian greyhound is similar to its predecessors, the greyhounds. Large and small greyhounds have developed vision. The dog can catch birds even at night. Italian Greyhounds run quickly, especially if they see a small animal. Some experts believe that the Greyhound appeared at the same time as the first dogs, about 15 thousand years ago. Such animals have been spotted in the Middle East. The owners decided to tame them. This was necessary in order to protect the dogs from wolves.

The first dogs were common in Egypt and Mesopotamia. After a couple of thousand years, nobility began to appear in these regions. The nobles loved to have fun, and hunting was considered their main pastime. Influential people began to breed big hunting dogs, then they crossed and new species were born. The Greyhound did not immediately become in demand. The Saluki is the first breed of the greyhound species. It is believed that other greyhounds originated from her. Saluki dogs - ancient ancestors Italian greyhounds. This includes the Afghan Hound.

Due to the development of trade and society in general, compact Italian Greyhounds began to be bred in Greece. Greyhounds were valued by the people of Egypt. Among the archaeological finds there are many paintings depicting small and large greyhounds. Italian Greyhounds were obtained by crossing both breeds. Some scientists believe that it was carried out in Ancient Greece (a small part of which today belongs to Turkey). The Greyhound gradually began to spread throughout this territory.

The first Italian greyhounds accompanied the kings and politicians of the past era.

Ordinary people bred dogs for hunting. However, the exact reasons for the formation of the breed are unknown. Scientists also suggest that the small greyhound breed was bred to hunt rodents. Other experts believe that Italian Greyhounds were bred to accompany their owners on the street.

Gradually, this breed became popular in the Mediterranean. Dogs were with their owners during times of invasion. Gradually, Italian greyhounds spread to other territories. During the Renaissance, painting and art developed. One could see artists who painted nobles along with their favorites: among the latter were Italian greyhounds. In the portraits one could see all the grace of the dogs, their beauty and grace.

During the Middle Ages, dogs began to spread throughout Europe. They came to England at the beginning of the 17th century: then they were also started by people from high society. It was the British who began to call the Italian Greyhound the Italian Greyhound. In Europe you can hear the name “Levrier”: translated into Russian it means “Italian greyhound”. Mischievous, friendly dogs were also adopted in France. Among the admirers of this breed were:

  • Queen Victoria;
  • Catherine II;
  • Queen of Denmark - Anne.

At the beginning of the 18th century, exhibitions showing Italian Greyhounds became popular. In those days, stud books became widespread, thanks to which it was possible to improve the breed. In the middle of the 18th century, breeders began to standardize Italian greyhounds. As a result, the dogs became more graceful and elegant. The British mainly took part in improving the breed.

How much do Italian Greyhounds cost? Compared to other greyhound breeds, they are not too expensive. The cost mainly depends on the quality of the rock, that is, on the presence of impurities.

The average price of a puppy reaches 20 thousand rubles.

In conclusion, it should be noted that Italian Greyhounds were often used to hunt small animals. For their owners, they have always been companions.

Some historians consider Italian Greyhounds to be useless dogs. For hunting it is worth using larger greyhounds, however, miniature dogs will create a feeling of warmth in the house. In addition, as already noted, they have a well-developed instinct, and they will always warn that a stranger is standing behind the door.

(small Italian greyhound, Italian greyhound) - indoor - decorative breed. Ideal for greyhound lovers who... various reasons, cannot afford to maintain big dog. This small dog is very graceful and elegant, it resembles an ancient graceful figurine.

In its habits, the Italian greyhound is very similar to a cat, it loves to bask in the sun, cannot stand cold and rain, many are happy to learn to use the litter box, just so as not to have to go outside again. They will become a loyal and reliable friend for you; they are a one-owner dog. But he loves and respects all family members. The initial task is to become faithful companion and companion, always accompany and warm the owner. They love to sit on your hands and can do this for hours.

The small greyhound appeared in the Mediterranean more than two thousand years ago, in the areas where modern Greece and Turkey are located, they are considered the homeland of the Italian greyhound.

In the 16th century in Italy, it gained great popularity among rich people. The Italian Greyhound served as a court dog like any other miniature breed. With their grace and sophisticated appearance, they decorated the royal courts and became the favorites of many royalty.

Interesting fact, some sources claim that the King of Prussia kept 50 Italian Greyhounds.

The world heard the famous phrase: “The more I get to know people, the more I love dogs” from his lips.
In the Middle Ages, the Italian greyhound appeared in southern Europe.

During the Renaissance or Renaissance, they gained great popularity and became a symbol of wealth and luxury. They were often depicted on expensive canvases in order to convey in the picture the wealth and greatness of the owner. Italian greyhounds have always been considered a favorite among Italian aristocrats; for court ladies they served as an expensive accessory or decoration. Perhaps that is why the Italian name was assigned to it.

As a result of selective breeding, with a light weight of 2.5 - 4.5 kg, and a miniature size, all the signs of their larger brothers of the greyhound breed have been preserved. The Small Greyhound runs fast, reaching speeds of up to 40 km/h, which is 10 km/h faster than any other small breed of dog. He has excellent dexterity and flair, acute hearing and excellent vision.

Italian Greyhound photo near the Christmas tree

  • White
  • Red (all shades)
  • Black
  • Sand
  • Blue
  • Grey
  • Dark grey
  • Black
  • Fawn (any shade)
  • Cream
  • Isabella (lilac)
  • Piebald (with the exception of black-fawn or brindle)

By nature, the Italian greyhound is a sweet, gentle, kind creature, with great with a loving heart And charming eyes. Depending on the temperament of the owner, the Italian Greyhound is different: playful, obedient, sedate, or quite capricious. From a puppy you can raise the one that is right for you.

They do not need long walks, although walking on fresh air they love it, and it’s even useful for them. But they won’t pester you if you decide to cancel your walk. They are easy to train to the tray.

The Italian Greyhound is such a graceful dog that it is called a cat-dog. Along with grace and elegance, they are extremely resilient. Nature has endowed this small dog with excellent muscles; it is easy to train and can perform various tricks. They are gentle and reverent, many of them are naturally timid. They can be supported by single people who will love, protect and cherish. And families with active children school age, with which the dog can run and frolic. For families with small children this is not the best option.

Get along well with other pets, dogs or cats. They are quite trainable, but you should start with 3 one month old, since Italian Greyhounds are timid and nervous by nature.

Be sure to teach, do not be afraid of street noise, loud music and other things. They need early socialization, introduce them to the world around them, other dogs, and allow them to communicate with children.

When walking, it is better to keep your Italian baby on a leash. Due to the strong developed hunting instinct, she can ignore commands and simply run away after a bird or a cat. And if she runs away, you won't be able to catch her.

Italian greyhound care

Italian Greyhound is smooth-haired with a short, smooth, soft and shiny coat. She is very clean, there is no specific unpleasant “dog smell”. Does not require special or complex care. Most of all, she needs your care, love and attention.

Wool: comb once a week with a special mitten or a natural bristle brush. This will be a great massage and will improve blood circulation.

Bath: once every 10 days, or when soiled. Choose a soft shampoo for short-haired breeds. After bathing, dry thoroughly with a towel, try to use dryer less, dry air leads to peeling and redness of the skin.

Eyes: healthy eyes of a small greyhound, without souring or tearing. To prevent souring, wipe the dog’s eyes once a week with a damp soft cloth soaked in warm tea leaves. If there is redness, swelling or severe souring, do not self-medicate, but be sure to seek help from a veterinarian.

Claws and paws: regularly inspect and wipe with a damp cloth after walks. Trim claws with a nail clipper once a month. Smooth out sharp ends with a nail file. Always remember about the fifth arrived finger, it is shorter than the others and the claw on it does not wear off.

Up to 1.5 years, watch your pet especially carefully. They have thin bones that become stronger with age. Avoid jumping off a sofa or high scaffolding to avoid injury, fractures and lameness.

Ears: inspect regularly; you can wash them with a cotton pad dipped in warm water.
There are also special means to clean the ears, you can find them in a veterinary pharmacy.

Teeth: check them; once a week you should brush them with a special toothpaste using a brush or a finger attachment. There is a wide selection of different brushes and toothpaste at the pet store, and which one is better to choose, consult your veterinarian. A dog should be accustomed to brushing its teeth from the age of two months, then it will calmly react to this unpleasant procedure. To prevent tartar, include pieces of fresh tomato in your diet.

Clothing: With a very short coat, these dogs are sensitive to cold. In cold weather, rain or snow, wear overalls or a sweater. You don’t have to wear an Italian greyhound in an apartment so that the body can be slightly hardened.

With good care, Italian Greyhounds live quite a long time. They retain good health until old age. physical fitness. You can buy an Italian greyhound in a special nursery, or from a breeder, because this breed is gaining more and more popularity.

Nutrition is one of the main points in its content. What you feed your pet will determine its condition and activity. Despite its sophisticated appearance, the Italian Greyhound is different good health, A right choice nutrition will ensure her activity for many years.

Breeders constantly argue on the topic: “what is the best way to feed an Italian Greyhound?”; each has their own well-founded arguments on this topic.

There are two types of feeding for dogs:

  • natural food
  • ready-made dry food

If you choose to feed dry food, always make sure that it is high class“premium”, and the pet always received a sufficient amount of water after feeding.

This type of nutrition has its advantages.:

  • you don't need to cook it
  • easy to take with you on the go
  • it doesn't spoil for a long time
  • the portion is indicated on the package
  • When a dog chews solid food, teeth are cleaned of tartar

Cons of food:

When choosing to feed your Italian greyhound with natural food, remember that it should be fresh, at room temperature, prepared from foods that are healthy for the dog.

Scroll healthy products :

  • porridge (rice, buckwheat)
  • lean meat with cartilage and veins (beef, turkey, chicken breasts, before eating, scald with boiling water or lightly boil, drain the broth, do not give it)
  • sometimes offal (heart, liver, lungs and tripe must be boiled)
  • milky - sour foods (low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk)
  • seasonal vegetables and fruits (give carefully, in small portions, watch for allergic reactions)
  • 1 tsp. sunflower, olive oil per day (add to food, you can season vegetable and fruit salads)
  • tripe (boil, discard broth)
  • fish (sea fish only, without bones)
  • greenery

Prohibited foods for Italian greyhounds:

  • smoked meats
  • fatty meat (pork)
  • seasonings
  • legumes
  • chocolate
  • sweets
  • sweet pastries
  • bird bones

Never mix natural food and dry food in one feeding, this leads to gastrointestinal upset in dogs.

Italian greyhound diseases

  • Glaucoma
  • Juvenile cataract
  • Progressive retinal atrophy
  • Corneal dystrophy
  • Epilepsy
  • Cryptorchidism
  • Color mutational alopecia (hair loss or impaired growth)
  • Baldness

Photo of Italian Greyhound

Videos of Italian Greyhounds

Italian Greyhound (Piccolo levriero italiano) is the shortest breed belonging to the group of greyhounds. Less common breed names such as Italian Greyhound and Italian Greyhound are also well known.

History of the origin of the breed

The origin of the breed dates back to the period of the Ancient Roman Empire and the prosperity of Egypt. Currently, there is no single version about the territorial origin of the Italian greyhound, however, according to the most famous or widespread variants, the first breed representatives appeared in Turkey, Persia, Egypt or Greece.

The Italian greyhound owes its incredible popularity and the name “Italian greyhound” to its very original appearance and demand in Italian aristocratic circles. Animals of this breed were brought from Italy to England, and already in the seventeenth century, the Italian greyhound became extremely popular in almost all developed European countries.

Despite the fact that dogs of this breed were very actively used in hunting, the unusual appearance of the Italian greyhound made this animal popular as a companion dog.

This is interesting! Breeders made attempts to reduce the dog's height as much as possible, which caused the birth of a large number of disproportionately built animals with noticeable defects and various pathologies.

After the appearance of the Italian greyhound suffered quite badly as a result of numerous experiments aimed at reducing the size of the breed, only in the last century a club was formed, which began to return to its previous characteristics.

During the war there was a significant reduction in the overall population of the breed. However, thanks to the well-preserved livestock in America, the Italian greyhound, incredibly popular in many countries, was quickly revived.

Description of the Italian Greyhound

Italian Greyhounds are characterized by grace, have an aristocratic appearance, and also have a square format and small size. Externally, the Italian Greyhound is a typical miniature greyhound, and is also considered a true example of elegance and grace.

To the most important proportions refers to the length of the body, which should be equal to or slightly less than the height of the animal at the withers. total length cranium adult dog equal to ½ the length of her head. The height of the dog at the withers is 32-38 cm and weighs no more than 5.0 kg.

Breed standards

In accordance with the FCI classification, the Italian Greyhound or Italian Greyhound belongs to the Greyhound group and the Shorthaired Greyhound section, and also has the following breed characteristics:

  • the nose is characterized by a dark, preferably black, lobe with well-open nostrils;
  • the muzzle is wedge-shaped, with thin and tightly fitting lips, the edges of which have very dark pigmentation;
  • the jaws are elongated, with incisors arranged in a semicircle, not protruding beyond the boundaries of the general line;
  • the teeth are large, healthy, in full set, set perpendicular to the jaws, with a scissor bite;
  • cheekbones with muscles of a fairly dry type;
  • eyes are large, round in shape, expressive, almost straight set, not deep and without protrusion, with a dark iris and pigmented eyelids;
  • ears with a distinctly high set, small in size, pulled back occipital region, not thick meat;
  • the upper line of the neck is characterized by curvature and interruption at the very base of a fairly developed withers;
  • the topline when viewed in profile is straight, with a slight convexity in the dorso-lumbar region;
  • the back area is straight, characterized by well-developed and pronounced muscles;
  • croup with a noticeable slope, wide, muscular type;
  • narrow and deep rib cage quite strong, with an elegant structure and slightly curved ribs, lowered to the height of the elbow;
  • the abdomen is clearly defined, relatively short, with a curved sternum, which has a smooth transition;
  • a low-slung tail, thinned at the base, with a gradual narrowing towards the end and a bend in the second part, covered with short hair;
  • generally straight forelegs with a vertical stance and lean muscles, with slightly inclined shoulder blades, straight forearms and graceful bones;
  • the front paws are almost oval in shape and not large in size, with arched toes, dark or black claws;
  • The hind limbs have well-defined angles, straight and parallel when viewed from the rear of the animal, with long and lean thighs, with relief and quite pronounced muscles.

The breed is characterized by springy, harmonious trot movements with insufficiently high elevation of all limbs and a pronounced seizure of space. Gallop is fast, accompanied by sharp jumps. The skin is thin, with a tight fit and tight tension over almost the entire body, with the exception of the elbow areas.

The coat is short, silky and fine, without feathering. The coat color can be black, gray and isabella, and the presence of white hair is allowed only on the paws and in the chest area.

Dog character

The Italian greyhound is distinguished by its special, simply extraordinary affection, devotion to its owner, therefore a pet This breed prefers to be near its owner almost all the time. This is a very affectionate and family-loyal breed that absolutely does not tolerate rudeness or shouting.

A characteristic feature of the domestic miniature greyhound is considered to be an innate sense of obedience, but the dog needs proper education. It is advisable to begin training and raising a dog of this breed at the maximum permissible level. early age. The Italian Greyhound is very smart and loves praise, but is an excellent manipulator, able to take advantage of even the slightest weaknesses of its owner.


The average, officially confirmed life expectancy of an Italian greyhound is no more than eleven years. But if such a pet is provided complete care and a well-designed diet, a dog of this breed can easily live even fifteen years.

Short-haired and completely devoid of warm, protective fur, a pet must be kept exclusively in the home.

This is interesting! Remember that representatives of this breed at low temperatures literally become completely defenseless and may well catch a cold or die as a result of even not too severe, but prolonged hypothermia.

Thanks to its small size, the Italian Greyhound can be kept both in a large country cottage and in a small apartment, but placing a pet in an enclosure is strictly prohibited.

Care and hygiene

Caring for the coat of an Italian Greyhound involves regular brushing with a soft or rubberized brush. The shedding process, despite the rather short coat, can be clearly visible, especially in females, so daily brushing is very advisable.

The bathing procedure is carried out, as a rule, in conditions of extreme necessity, since the characteristics of the skin can provoke various pathologies. When bathing, you should use only special shampoos designed for any short-haired dog with sensitive skin.

This is interesting! Greyhounds, which also include Italian greyhounds, naturally have very strong and healthy teeth, not only milk teeth, but also molars, so, as a rule, no special problems arise in this area.

Eye and ear care includes daily examinations as well as preventive visits. veterinary clinic, which is due to the breed's tendency to ophthalmological diseases. The owner should be alerted to the appearance of severe redness, tearfulness or clouding of the mucous membrane of the eyes in a pet.

Italian Greyhound's food

Properly selected food should not cause allergies, dandruff or any other negative effects. side effects. The diet should be beneficial to the pet in terms of the quality characteristics of all its ingredients. Besides everything else, good food are eaten by the Italian greyhound completely and with great appetite.

Products such as onions or garlic, chocolate and persimmons, raisins and grapes, tubular bones, potatoes and broccoli, yeast dough, alcohol, and raw foods are strictly contraindicated for dogs. chicken eggs, mushrooms and nutmeg. You should also avoid giving your pet very fatty foods.

This is interesting! Italian Greyhounds have a very good metabolism, so an adult pet can be fed once a day, but puppies should be fed at least three times a day.

When using natural products in the diet, the Italian greyhound's diet may well be represented by skinless chicken breast with warm carrot and zucchini puree, as well as slightly stewed pieces of lean beef with vegetables and a small handful of brown rice.

Very valuable products are veal kidneys and liver, which are complemented by stewed vegetables and buckwheat. Soft-boiled chicken or quail eggs can be an excellent source of protein.

Diseases and breed defects

To the most common hereditary diseases Italian greyhounds should be classified as:

  • achalasia cardia;
  • sarcoma of the mammary glands;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • congenital deafness;
  • esophageal diverticulum;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • alopecia of weakened color;
  • follicular dysplasia;
  • partial baldness;
  • baldness on the ears;
  • umbilical hernia;
  • epilepsy;
  • vitreoretinal retinal dysplasia;
  • corneal dystrophy;
  • glaucoma;
  • optic nerve hypoplasia;
  • progressive retinal atrophy;
  • cryptorchidism;
  • dislocation of the kneecap;
  • ectromelia;
  • partial teeth, undershot and overshot, as well as untimely loss of baby teeth.

Aggressive or cowardly dogs, as well as all individuals that clearly demonstrate physical or behavioral abnormalities, are disqualified. Representatives of the Italian Greyhound with a completely or partially depigmented nose, whitish eyes, complete depigmentation of the eyelids, and multi-colored colors are not allowed for exhibitions and purebred breeding.

Education and training

The Italian greyhound is a greyhound dog with a slightly different internal organization, due to which they are considered to be “thinking” dogs. It is very important for such a pet to provide early socialization, but be sure to take into account the timing of the vaccination quarantine.

This is interesting! The Italian greyhound perfectly understands the intonation of his owner's voice, therefore it is categorically not recommended to use harsh punishment for such a pet.

You can start training at home almost immediately after purchasing a puppy, as soon as the pet goes through the adaptation period. You can exercise your Italian Greyhound puppy outdoors from the age of three or four months.

A breed that will not leave anyone indifferent, graceful, enchanting with its elegance - the Italian Greyhound. Active, intelligent, tactful dogs attract people different ages and characters.

Quick wit
Hair loss
Security guard
Difficult to care for
Friendly with children
Country of origin Italy
Lifespan 15 years
Price20-80 tr.
Male heightup to 38 cm.
Bitch heightup to 38 cm.
Male weightup to 5 kg.
Bitch weightup to 5 kg.

History of the origin of the Italian greyhound breed

Origin dates from the period Ancient Rome and Egypt. There is still no single version of the territorial origin of the Italian greyhound; according to the two most well-known options, the first representatives of the breed appeared in Turkey and Greece, or Persian state and Egypt. Thanks to widespread and popularity among Italian aristocrats during the Renaissance, these dogs quickly acquired a second name - Italian greyhound. Then from Italy the breed was brought to England. Large greyhounds are also considered the ancestors.

In the 16th and 17th centuries, the Italian Italian greyhound became so popular that it was found in almost all European countries. During this period, dogs were still used for hunting, but more often they were bred as companions. Breeders sought to reduce growth, as a result of which defects became common and began to appear various pathologies, the appearance of the Italian greyhound suffered, which became less proportional. In the 19th and 20th centuries, a club was created that was dedicated to returning representatives of the breed to their former appearance. World wars significantly reduced the population, but thanks to the remaining population in America, the Italian Greyhound was able to quickly revive and begin to spread again throughout the world.

Italian Greyhound appearance

Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their miniature size (no more than 38 cm). Italian Greyhounds are divided by weight: some weigh up to 3.5 kg, others - 3.5-5 kg. The Italian Greyhound dog breed is distinguished by its elegance and sophistication; an important factor is the overall harmony of the physique.

The muzzle is long, thin, gradually and evenly tapering from the ears to the nose. The eyes are bulging, quite large, round. The ears are set high, curved back, and depending on the dog’s mood, they can be raised or pressed down. The body is quite narrow. The chest is flat and set high. The tail is thin, low, and always tucked or lowered. Depending on the country, there are several color options for the Italian Greyhound. The following are accepted in Russia:

  • gray, various shades;
  • black;
  • isabella

White hair is not desirable, but is acceptable on the paws and chest. The rest of the color should be a solid color.

It is worth considering that Italian greyhound puppies do not particularly resemble an adult, so before choosing and purchasing, you need to see the parents of the future pet.

Italian greyhound character

The Italian greyhound dog breed, these days, is primarily considered a companion, since by nature they are friendly, friendly, and quite energetic.

Having once looked at their thin, skinny body, any person will consider Italian Greyhounds to be fragile, weak, and timid. However, this is fundamentally wrong. In fact, greyhounds are very strong and hardy, so they never resist long walks and love active games. For these reasons, in some countries they are still involved in hare hunting. The Italian Greyhound is delicate, understanding, and sensitive; it will get along well not only with a young family, but will also become a favorite pet for older people. Italian Greyhounds are able to sense the mood of the people around them and easily adapt to it. They are also not at all aggressive and can easily get along with small children. But don’t think that they are childish; if necessary, a four-legged friend can stand up for himself.

Italian Greyhounds do not like loneliness or confined spaces. They get along well with other pets, although when meeting them you should take into account the hunting background of these greyhounds.


Since early socialization is important for an Italian Greyhound, the sooner you start working with it, the better. Of course, everything should happen taking into account the vaccination quarantine:

  • home training can begin from the moment you purchase a puppy;
  • street - from 3-4 months.

From the very day a dog appears in the house, it should be shown who is in charge. Italian Greyhound puppies love to play pranks, but you should not allow your baby to play pranks in the house unattended, otherwise he will grow up to be an uncontrollable hooligan. In addition, it should be remembered that uncontrolled “craziness” can be traumatic. Of course, you should not punish for manifestations of a cheerful character; it is enough to teach your pet to control itself and translate such behavior into calm games. Remember that the punishment must be adequate, not too strict, not cruel, otherwise it will not be possible to regain trust. The puppy must be fully aware of why he is being punished.

The Italian Greyhound dog breed respects strength and strong character, so that she will quickly begin to obey just such a person. They are smart, but for the most part they have no interest in training and do not try to learn new commands. With some persistence, it is, of course, possible to teach them some commands, but a fairly large amount of patience will be required, since the pet will test it regularly.

Be sure to learn with four-legged friend calling commands - to me, here, next to me - otherwise you will only be able to walk on a leash.

How to choose a puppy

It is advisable to devote more time to the issue of choosing and purchasing a puppy, because some defects are not noticeable at first glance. This is especially true for those who are planning a further exhibition or sports career for their small greyhound. As already described above, it is not enough to see the baby himself; it is worth looking at his parents. It would be advisable to visit exhibitions. This will not only help you learn more about the ideal appearance and character of an Italian greyhound, but will also provide you with the opportunity to take a closer look at specific nurseries offering puppies of the breed you are interested in, as well as at certain manufacturers. This approach is considered correct, as it minimizes the risks of purchasing a sick or crossbred pet.

Once you have decided on a nursery, the next step is to gather more information. It is important to evaluate the living conditions of the dogs, inquire about the reputation of the breeders, and look at the already grown offspring. If this is your first dog, it is not recommended to make a choice based solely on a photograph or video. The best option would be to visually observe the behavior of the babies, preferably for a couple of hours. Italian Greyhound puppies should be active, sociable, and smell good. The place of detention is clean and spacious.

The Italian greyhound dog breed is not popular, however, the price of puppies is quite reasonable and starts from 20,000 rubles.

Looking at such a pet, I would like to say that it is a very pampered and heat-loving creature. In general, this is true. The Italian greyhound dog breed really does not tolerate cold well. They are absolutely not suitable for being kept in an enclosure, especially on the street. The Italian Greyhound is a pet, but it is worth remembering that it is a greyhound, which means it requires significant physical activity. As a recommendation, we can advise going to a specialized pool, this will help preserve the dog’s physical characteristics and lose excess energy. If necessary, you can easily teach your puppy to eliminate his natural needs in the tray.

In terms of feeding, the Italian Greyhound dog breed is not too picky. They tolerate it well natural nutrition, and industrial feed. You just need to avoid or minimize in your diet foods that can provoke allergic reactions: chicken, legumes, buckwheat, etc.

Maintenance is not difficult. The dog's coat must be cleaned daily with a special glove. During the process, it is necessary to examine the pet and, as necessary, clean the eyes, teeth, and ears. You should wash your Italian greyhound only when absolutely necessary. Remember, a draft is extremely undesirable, so dry the animal’s fur thoroughly.

Health and illness

The life expectancy and health status of the Italian Greyhound directly depends on physical activity. If you pay enough attention to this issue, they often live up to 16 years. In general, the Italian Greyhound dog breed is considered one of the healthiest, but, of course, there are a number of diseases that they cannot avoid:

  • dental and periodontal diseases;
  • eye diseases (cataracts and glaucoma, retinal atrophy);
  • rare, but epilepsy and cryptorchidism occur;
  • Light-colored Italian Greyhound puppies may have receding hairlines (alopecia).

In addition, you should be aware of the fragility of the bones of these speed enthusiasts. Teach your pet to move more calmly and have better control of his body - this will help minimize the risk of injury. Remember that the Italian greyhound may simply not calculate the speed of stopping or see the object ahead too late. Otherwise, there are practically no difficulties, since Italian Greyhounds themselves are not aggressive, and they treat unfamiliar dogs with suspicion.

Photo of Italian Greyhound

You can see a photo of the Italian Greyhound breed below; it has made quite a big contribution to the fine arts. In many paintings, ladies of high society were depicted with their favorites. Nowadays, a photo of a dog is becoming an element of the portfolio of many famous photographers.

Descriptions of these four-legged friends almost always begin with the words sophistication and elegance. Since ancient times, the Italian greyhound breed has been associated with aristocracy. If you feel that you are lacking this, then this dog will become good decision. Just don’t forget that, even if it’s small, it’s still a greyhound.