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Can I buy Mifepristone and Misoprostol in a pharmacy? Pills for abortion of early pregnancy without prescriptions in a pharmacy: names, list

Mifepristone is produced in tablets that have a light yellow, may also have a greenish tint. The tablets are contained in packages or in polymer jars of 3 or 6 pcs.

pharmachologic effect

Mifepristone is a steroidal synthetic antigestagenic drug. Under its influence, the tone and contractile activity of the myometrium increases. Once in the body, the active substance blocks the effect at the receptor level. It does not demonstrate gestagenic activity; antagonism of the substance with GCS is noted due to competition at the level of communication with receptors.

The contractility of the myometrium under the influence of the drug increases due to stimulation of the release of interleukin-8 in choriodecidual cells, as well as an increase in the level of sensitivity of the myometrium to prostaglandins. As a result, under the influence of the drug, desquamation of the decidua occurs and the fertilized egg is expelled.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

After the drug has been taken orally at a dose of 600 mg, maximum concentration active substance noted after 1.3 hours, amounting to 1.98 mg/l. The level of absolute bioavailability is 69%.

Mifepristone is 98% bound to blood proteins.

The half-life is 18 hours. The substance is eliminated from the body in two phases: first, it is slowly eliminated over a period of 12 to 72 hours, after which the concentration of the component in the plasma is reduced by half. Next comes the phase rapid removal mifepristone.

Indications for use

The product is used in the following cases:

  • for the purpose of interrupting the uterine for up to nine weeks (no menstruation for up to 63 days) by medicinal method, combining with synthetic analogues of prostaglandins;
  • for conservative cervical dilatation before surgical termination of pregnancy up to 12 weeks;
  • to potentiate the influence prostaglandins in the process of terminating a pregnancy, the duration of which is 13-22 weeks (carried out for social and medical reasons);
  • For labor induction in case of fetal death in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.


There are a number general contraindications for taking Mifepristone tablets:

  • long-term treatment with GCS;
  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • renal or liver failure in acute or chronic form;
  • porphyria ;
  • anemia in severe form;
  • inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs;
  • hemostasis disorders (also during treatment anticoagulants , prior to taking the medication);
  • heavy extragenital pathology (cannot be taken without prior consultation with a specialist);
  • high sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • provided that the patient is over 35 years of age and regularly smokes.

Contraindications for medical abortion:

  • presence of suspicion of ;
  • in the absence of clinical confirmation of pregnancy;
  • pregnancy period is more than 42 days amenorrhea ;
  • during pregnancy, which occurred during the use of intrauterine devices contraception or after discontinuation of hormonal contraceptives.

Contraindications in case of preparation and induction of labor:

  • preeclampsia ;
  • in severe form;
  • eclampsia ;
  • post-term or premature pregnancy;
  • abnormal position fetus;
  • discrepancy between the fetal head and the size of the mother’s pelvis;
  • the presence of bloody discharge from the genitals during pregnancy, the origin of which has not been established.

Patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases should take Mifepristone with caution. , arrhythmia , arterial hypertension , heart failure in a chronic form.

Side effects

Side effects that occur when taking Mifepristone tablets:

  • feeling of discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • feeling of general weakness;
  • , headache ;
  • vomit , nausea ;
  • hyperthermia ;
  • subinvolution of the uterus.

Side effects associated with medical abortion:

  • bloody issues from the genitals;
  • feeling of pain in the lower abdomen;
  • exacerbation of inflammation of the uterus and appendages.

When conducting combination therapy, which includes , can develop, vaginitis , , feeling of anxiety, anemia , asthenia , state of fainting.

Mifepristone tablets, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

It should be borne in mind that the instructions for use of Mifepristone provide for the use of tablets only in medical institutions that have necessary equipment and supervision of specialists.

In order to terminate pregnancy in the early stages, a single dose of 600 mg of the drug (three tablets) is prescribed. You should take the tablets in the presence of a doctor, this should be done 1-1.5 hours after a light meal. Take the tablets with half a glass of water.

The doctor must observe the patient for at least two hours. 36-48 hours after taking the pill, the woman needs to visit medical institution and spend ultrasonic testing. If necessary, prescribe .

It is important to re-examine and monitor the ultrasound after 10-14 days. If necessary, the doctor prescribes the patient to determine the level human chorionic gonadotropin to confirm the spontaneous abortion .

If the effect of using the medicine is absent on the 14th day (that is, an incomplete abortion has occurred or the pregnancy continues), the gynecologist performs vacuum aspiration and subsequent histological examination of the aspirate.

Mifepristone to induce labor during a full-term pregnancy must be taken at a dose of 200 mg, that is, one tablet once a day. After 24 hours, a similar dose is re-prescribed. After 48 to 72 hours, the condition of the birth canal is assessed. If necessary, the patient is given an appointment or prostaglandins .

When this treatment regimen begins to take effect depends on the woman’s condition. As a rule, expulsion of the fetus occurs within less than 10 hours after applying the treatment regimen.

Mifepristone IV is not used.

Misoprostol and Mifepristone

For the process of abortion on early stages Mifepristone is often used together. The medicine Mifepristone promotes softening of the cervix and its contractions, Misoprostol induces uterine contractions.

Despite the fact that there are instructions on how to take Mifepristone and Misoprostol, the exact dosage regimen is determined by the doctor. Tablets can only be taken under the supervision of a specialist and in specialized institutions. You can buy these medications directly from medical institutions. The price of mifepristone and misoprostol depends on the brand name of these drugs. Reviews from women indicate that this combination of drugs is effective for terminating pregnancy in the early stages.

Mifepristone and Mirolut

When carrying out medical abortions, the drugs Mifepristone and , the active substance of which is misoprostol. These medications should also be used only under the supervision of a doctor, who will determine how to take the pills. This cannot be done at home. As a rule, Mirolut is prescribed at a dose of 400 mg 36-48 hours after taking Mifepristone at a dose of 600 mg.


When using the drug in a dose of up to 2 g negative manifestations are not developing. If an overdose of the drug occurs, the patient may experience adrenal insufficiency.


When using Mifepristone and GCS simultaneously, the dose of the latter should be increased.

Terms of sale

Mifepristone is supplied to specialized medical institutions.

Storage conditions

The product belongs to list A. It should be stored in a dark and dry place, out of reach of children.

Best before date

Can be stored for 2 years. Cannot be used after the expiration date.

special instructions

It is imperative to inform women that if they do not notice the effect of using the medicine 10-14 days after taking it, it is necessary to terminate the pregnancy in another way, since there is a possibility of developing birth defects in the fetus.

When using the medicine you need to warn Rh alloimmunization and carry out other general activities that are practiced during abortion.

Application is carried out exclusively in a hospital setting. It should be taken into account that during the development heavy bleeding Immediate surgery may be required.

Women who have an artificial heart valve or patients with infective endocarditis must take a course preventive treatment is an analogue medicine that contains active ingredient mifepristone. This drug has a similar effect and is used in a similar way. Which medicine to choose depends on the doctor's recommendations. Both medications have an extensive list of contraindications and can only be used in a hospital under the supervision of a specialist.

For children

Not applicable.

During pregnancy and lactation

The use of tablets involves stopping natural feeding for three days after taking the tablet in case of medication interruption pregnancy.

If Mifepristone is prescribed to prepare the cervix for labor, breast-feeding its future use has no effect.

pharmachologic effect

The drug is a synthetic steroid antigestagen. Blocks the action of progesterone at the receptor level. It does not have gestagenic activity; antagonism with GCS is noted (due to competition at the level of communication with receptors).

Increases myometrial contractility by stimulating the release of interleukin-8 in choriodecidual cells and increasing the sensitivity of the myometrium to prostaglandins. As a result of the action of the drug, desquamation of the decidua occurs and excretion ovum.



After a single oral dose of 600 mg, Cmax is reached after 1.3 hours and is 1.98 mg/l. Absolute bioavailability is 69%.


Plasma protein binding is 98% (with albumin and acid α 1 -glycoprotein).


T 1/2 - 18 hours. Elimination is carried out in two phases: first, slow elimination of the drug over 12-72 hours (the concentration of mifepristone in the blood plasma decreases by 2 times), then a phase of rapid elimination of the drug.


- interrupt intrauterine pregnancy in the early stages (up to 42 days of amenorrhea);

- induction of labor during full-term pregnancy.

Dosage regimen

The drug should be used only in specialized institutions with the necessary equipment.

For medical termination of pregnancy in the early stages the drug is prescribed in a dose of 600 mg (3 tablets) once. In the presence of a doctor, the drug is taken orally 1-1.5 hours after a meal ( light breakfast), washed down with half a glass of boiled water.

The patient should be monitored for at least within 2 hours after using the drug. 36-48 hours after taking Mifepristone, the patient should report to the hospital for ultrasound control and, if necessary, she should be prescribed misoprostol.

After 10-14 days it is repeated clinical examination and ultrasound control, if necessary, determine the level of human chorionic gonadotropin to confirm spontaneous abortion.

If there is no effect from the use of the drug on the 14th day (incomplete abortion or ongoing pregnancy), vacuum aspiration is performed, followed by histological examination aspirate.

For induction of labor in full-term pregnancy the drug is prescribed in a dose of 200 mg (1 tablet) 1 time/day. The drug is taken in the presence of a doctor. After 24 hours, the drug should be re-prescribed at a dose of 200 mg. After 48-72 hours, the condition of the birth canal is assessed and, if necessary, prostaglandins or oxytocin are prescribed.

Side effect

Related to taking Mifepristone: feeling of discomfort in the lower abdomen, general weakness, headache, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, hyperthermia, lochiometra, uterine subinvolution.

Related to the medical abortion procedure: bloody discharge from the genital tract, pain in the lower abdomen, exacerbation of inflammatory processes of the uterus and appendages.

Contraindications for use

General contraindications

- adrenal insufficiency;

long-term use GCS;

- acute or chronic renal failure;

- acute or chronic liver failure;

- porphyria;

- uterine fibroids;

- severe anemia;

- hemostasis disorders (including previous anticoagulant therapy);

inflammatory diseases female genital organs;

— the presence of severe extragenital pathology (without consulting a therapist);

smoking women over 35 years old;

increased sensitivity to the components of the drug (in history).

For medical termination of pregnancy

- suspicion of ectopic pregnancy;

- unconfirmed pregnancy clinical studies;

- pregnancy for more than 42 days of amenorrhea;

- pregnancy arising from the use of intrauterine contraception or after discontinuation of hormonal contraception.

During preparation and induction of labor

- severe gestosis;

- preeclampsia;

- eclampsia;

- premature or post-term pregnancy;

- discrepancy between the sizes of the mother’s pelvis and the fetal head;

- abnormal position of the fetus;

- bleeding during pregnancy from the genital tract of unspecified etiology.

WITH caution the drug should be prescribed for chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, bronchial asthma, arterial hypertension, arrhythmias, chronic heart failure.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

When prescribing the drug, breastfeeding should be stopped for 3 days after taking Mifepristone in case of medical abortion.

The use of Mifepristone to prepare the cervix for childbirth does not affect subsequent lactation.


Taking Mifepristone in doses up to 2 g does not cause adverse reactions. In cases of drug overdose, adrenal insufficiency may occur.

Drug interactions

With the simultaneous use of Mifepristone and GCS, it is necessary to increase the dose of the latter.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug can only be supplied to medical obstetric and gynecological institutions belonging to the state health care system, as well as to municipal and private institutions that have licenses for this type of activity.

Storage conditions and periods

List A. The drug should be stored in a dry place, protected from light, out of the reach of children. Shelf life – 2 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Use for liver dysfunction

Contraindication: acute or chronic liver failure;

Use for renal impairment

Contraindication: acute or chronic renal failure;

special instructions

Patients using Mifepristone to terminate an early pregnancy should be informed that if there is no effect from the drug on days 10-14 (incomplete abortion or ongoing pregnancy), the pregnancy must be terminated in another way due to the risk of congenital malformations in the patient. fetus

The use of the drug requires the prevention of Rh alloimmunization and other general events accompanying abortion.

Should be avoided simultaneous administration Mifepristone with NSAIDs.

Synthetic steroid antigestagenic agent. Blocks the action of progesterone at the level of gestagen receptors. It does not have gestagenic activity; antagonism with GCS is noted (due to competition at the level of communication with receptors).

Depending on the phase menstrual cycle causes an increase in the contractility of the myometrium, stimulating the release of interleukin-8 in choriodecidual cells, increasing the sensitivity of the myometrium to prostaglandins (to enhance the effect, it is used in combination with a synthetic analogue of prostaglandin), resulting in desquamation of the decidua and the removal of the fertilized egg. Causes inhibition of ovulation, changes in the endometrium and prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg.

Sex hormones, especially progesterone, play a key role in the pathogenesis of uterine leiomyomas. Blockade of progesterone receptors can help both inhibit tumor growth and reduce the size of fibroids and the uterus.

Release form

1 PC. - contour cellular packaging (1) - cardboard packs.
3 pcs. - contour cellular packaging (1) - cardboard packs.


For medical termination of pregnancy: orally, in the presence of a doctor, a single dose of 600 mg (1-1.5 hours after a meal, with 100 ml of water). In order to enhance the effect of mifepristone, a synthetic analogue of prostaglandin E1, misoprostol, is prescribed at a dose of 400 mg. The patient should be monitored medical personnel for at least 2 hours after use. 36-48 hours after taking mifepristone, the patient should undergo ultrasound control. After 8-14 days, a clinical examination and ultrasound are repeated, and the level of human chorionic gonadotropin is determined to confirm that a miscarriage has occurred. If there is no effect from the use of mifepristone on the 14th day (incomplete abortion or ongoing pregnancy), vacuum aspiration is performed, followed by histological examination of the aspirate.

To prepare and induce labor: orally, in the presence of a doctor, a single dose of 200 mg of mifepristone. After 24 hours - repeat dose of 200 mg. After 48-72 hours, the condition of the birth canal is assessed and, if necessary, prostaglandins or oxytocin are prescribed.

Postcoital contraception: orally in a dose of 10 mg (regardless of the phase of the menstrual cycle), 2 hours before or 2 hours after a meal (in the next 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse).

Uterine leiomyoma: orally at a dose of 50 mg 1 time/day, treatment duration - 3 months.


When using mifepristone and corticosteroids simultaneously, it is necessary to increase the dose of the latter.

Side effects

From the outside digestive system: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

From the side of the central nervous system: dizziness, headache.

From the reproductive system: bloody discharge from the genital tract, menstrual irregularities, amenorrhea, exacerbation of inflammatory processes of the uterus and appendages, lochiometer, subinvolution of the uterus.

Allergic reactions: urticaria.

Other: discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen, weakness, hyperthermia.


Termination of intrauterine pregnancy in the early stages (up to 42 days of amenorrhea); induction of labor during full-term pregnancy; emergency post-coital contraception (after unprotected sexual intercourse or if the method of contraception used cannot be considered reliable); uterine leiomyoma (size up to 12 weeks of pregnancy).


General contraindications: adrenal insufficiency, long-term use of corticosteroids, acute or chronic renal failure, acute or chronic liver failure, porphyria, uterine fibroids, severe anemia, hemostasis disorders (including previous anticoagulant therapy), inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, severe extragenital pathology (without consulting a therapist), smoking women over 35 years of age, hypersensitivity to mifepristone (history).

In case of medical termination of pregnancy: suspected ectopic pregnancy, pregnancy not confirmed by clinical studies, pregnancy for more than 42 days of amenorrhea, pregnancy that occurred during the use of intrauterine contraception or after discontinuation of hormonal contraception.

In preparation and induction of labor: severe gestosis, preeclampsia, eclampsia, premature or post-term pregnancy, discrepancy between the size of the maternal pelvis and the fetal head, abnormal position of the fetus, bleeding during pregnancy from the genital tract of unspecified etiology.

With leiomyoma: submucosal location of myomatous nodes, the size of uterine leiomyoma exceeding 12 weeks of pregnancy in size, ovarian tumors, endometrial hyperplasia.

Caution should be used for chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, bronchial asthma, arterial hypertension, arrhythmias, chronic heart failure, and cardiac arrhythmias.

Features of application

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

If mifepristone is necessary, breastfeeding should be stopped for 14 days.

The use of mifepristone to prepare the cervix for labor does not affect subsequent lactation.

Use for liver dysfunction

Contraindicated in acute or chronic liver failure.

Use for renal impairment

Contraindicated in acute or chronic renal failure.

special instructions

Patients using mifepristone to terminate an early pregnancy should be informed that if there is no effect on days 10-14 (incomplete abortion or ongoing pregnancy), the pregnancy must be terminated in another way due to the risk of congenital malformations. in the fetus.

The use of mifepristone requires the prevention of Rh alloimmunization and other general measures accompanying abortion.

Patients with prosthetic heart valves or infective endocarditis should receive prophylactic antibiotic therapy while receiving mifepristone.

Concomitant use of mifepristone with NSAIDs should be avoided.

The use of mifepristone for postcoital contraception does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS.

In this article you can find instructions for use medicinal product Mifepristone. Feedback from site visitors - consumers - is presented of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Mifepristone in their practice. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Mifepristone analogues, if available structural analogues. Use for induction of labor and medical abortion in early stages in women, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Mifepristone- the drug is a synthetic steroid antigestagen. Blocks the action of progesterone at the receptor level. It does not have gestagenic activity; antagonism with glucocorticosteroids (GCS) is noted (due to competition at the level of communication with receptors).

Increases myometrial contractility by stimulating the release of interleukin-8 in choriodecidual cells and increasing the sensitivity of the myometrium to prostaglandins. As a result of the action of the drug, desquamation of the decidua occurs and the fertilized egg is expelled.


Absolute bioavailability is 69%. Plasma protein binding is 98% (with albumin and acid alpha1-glycoprotein). Elimination is carried out in two phases: first, a slow elimination of the drug over 12-72 hours (the concentration of mifepristone in the blood plasma decreases by 2 times), then a phase of rapid elimination of the drug.


  • termination of intrauterine pregnancy in the early stages (up to 42 days of amenorrhea);
  • induction of labor during full-term pregnancy.

Instructions for use and dosage regimen

The drug should be used only in specialized institutions with the necessary equipment.

For medical termination of pregnancy in the early stages, the drug is prescribed in a dose of 600 mg (3 tablets) once. In the presence of a doctor, the drug is taken orally 1-1.5 hours after a meal (light breakfast), washed down with half a glass of boiled water.

The patient should be observed for at least 2 hours after administration of the drug. 36-48 hours after taking Mifepristone, the patient should report to the hospital for ultrasound control and, if necessary, she should be prescribed misoprostol.

After 10-14 days, a clinical examination and ultrasound control are repeated; if necessary, the level of human chorionic gonadotropin is determined to confirm spontaneous abortion.

If there is no effect from the use of the drug on day 14 (incomplete abortion or ongoing pregnancy), vacuum aspiration is performed, followed by histological examination of the aspirate.

To induce labor during full-term pregnancy, the drug is prescribed at a dose of 200 mg (1 tablet) once a day. The drug is taken in the presence of a doctor. After 24 hours, the drug should be re-prescribed at a dose of 200 mg. After 48-72 hours, the condition of the birth canal is assessed and, if necessary, prostaglandins or oxytocin are prescribed.

Side effect

  • feeling of discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • general weakness;
  • headache;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • hyperthermia;
  • lochiometer;
  • subinvolution of the uterus;
  • bloody discharge from the genital tract;
  • exacerbation of inflammatory processes of the uterus and appendages.


General contraindications:

  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • long-term use of GCS;
  • acute or chronic renal failure;
  • acute or chronic liver failure;
  • porphyria;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • severe anemia;
  • hemostasis disorders (including previous anticoagulant therapy);
  • inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs;
  • the presence of severe extragenital pathology (without consulting a therapist);
  • smoking women over 35 years of age;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug (history).

For medical termination of pregnancy:

  • suspected ectopic pregnancy;
  • pregnancy not confirmed by clinical studies;
  • pregnancy for more than 42 days of amenorrhea;
  • pregnancy that occurs during the use of intrauterine contraception or after discontinuation of hormonal contraception.

When preparing and inducing labor:

  • severe gestosis;
  • preeclampsia;
  • eclampsia;
  • premature or post-term pregnancy;
  • discrepancy between the sizes of the mother's pelvis and the fetal head;
  • abnormal position of the fetus;
  • bloody discharge during pregnancy from the genital tract of unspecified etiology.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

When prescribing the drug, breastfeeding should be stopped for 3 days after taking Mifepristone in case of medical abortion.

The use of Mifepristone to prepare the cervix for childbirth does not affect subsequent lactation.

special instructions

Patients using Mifepristone to terminate an early pregnancy should be informed that if there is no effect from the drug on days 10-14 (incomplete abortion or ongoing pregnancy), the pregnancy must be terminated in another way due to the risk of congenital malformations in the patient. fetus

The use of the drug requires the prevention of Rh alloimmunization and other general measures accompanying abortion.

Concomitant use of Mifepristone with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should be avoided.

Drug interactions

With the simultaneous use of Mifepristone and GCS, it is necessary to increase the dose of the latter.

Analogues of the drug Mifepristone

Structural analogues of the active substance:

  • Agesta;
  • Gynepristone;
  • Ginestril;
  • Genale;
  • Miropriston;
  • Mifegin;
  • Mifeprex;
  • Pencrofton.

If there are no analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and look at the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

To terminate an early pregnancy, you can use over-the-counter pills. To do this, you need to learn about the features of each drug, weigh possible risks and prepare for potential side effects. Self-administered medical abortion requires a subsequent ultrasound examination to monitor the result.

The most significant advantages this method termination of pregnancy:

  1. No impact on a woman's reproductive potential. Unlike classic abortions, taking pills does not affect the likelihood of subsequent conceptions, pregnancy and the birth of a baby.
  2. Absence mechanical damage reproductive system. This eliminates the risk of infection and further serious injury.
  3. Abortion pills early pregnancy without prescriptions usually cost an order of magnitude less than paid ones surgery and anesthesia.
  4. It is not necessary to undergo the procedure in a medical facility; you can take the pills at home. The main thing is to take into account the features active substance and possible side effects, which will be discussed below, and also perform an ultrasound examination afterward to ensure the success of the procedure.
  5. Compared to regular abortions After a medical termination of pregnancy, the body restores all its functions much faster. There are no long-term consequences.


Disadvantages include possible complications and Negative consequences. But it's determined individual characteristics body.

Until when can I take it?

It is important to use pills to terminate early pregnancy without prescriptions during the first 7 weeks of pregnancy. At the same time in medical practice defined deadline medical termination of pregnancy – 63 days of gestation. By obstetric standards, this is 9 weeks.

Pills to terminate early pregnancy are not recommended for use later than 7 weeks after conception

The instructions for most medications indicate that they should be taken as soon as possible after unprotected sexual intercourse. But already at a period of less than 5 weeks, the uterine receptors may not be sensitive enough to some components of the tablets.

To understand the timing, it is enough to determine what is needed - emergency contraception (usually used in the first 3 days) or medical abortion. When doing the latter yourself, it is better to focus on a period of 5-6 weeks.

Where can I buy

Pills to terminate an early pregnancy without a prescription can be bought at any pharmacy. This applies to a greater extent to inexpensive analogues of original drugs. The latter are issued by a doctor who monitors the patient’s condition during a paid procedure.

At the same time, in some medical institutions You can come with the tablets you have already purchased. This is usually allowed if Pharmacy, where they were purchased, is located directly in the hospital or on its territory.

Under no circumstances should you purchase such tablets online or by hand, as the seller does not give any guarantees for proper storage the drug, which may determine not only its effectiveness, but also the likelihood of serious complications.

List of drugs that terminate early pregnancy

For emergency contraception To prevent the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine wall, one of three is most often used the most famous drugs:

To terminate an early pregnancy, drugs of both domestic and foreign production can be used.

Among them:

It is necessary to take any of these drugs in strict accordance with the instructions for the drug.

Chinese pills – can I take them?

Chinese-made early pregnancy termination pills, which can be purchased without a prescription, are a wide variety of drugs. The regimen for taking them differs significantly from the regimen for taking pills for medical abortion, which are common in our country.

Chinese tablets should be taken 2 pieces for three days, and on the fourth day take 3 pieces. It's important to have full instructions in Russian with adequate translation and fully comply with it. You should not use the drug if there is no paper version of the instructions, and all necessary information found on the Internet.

The absence of paper instructions may indicate the illegal import of tablets into our country, which almost certainly means a violation of storage and transportation conditions.

IN pharmaceutical products there is a correctly translated and detailed instructions. But even in such cases, experts recommend using such drugs under the supervision of a doctor. This is due to the increasing number of cases severe complications. Among them are deaths And life threatening condition. Chinese-made tablets are not recommended to be taken at home.

What to use: the original drug or a cheap analogue?

Early pregnancy termination pills are purchased without a prescription for emergency contraception. And it involves taking the drug during the first few days after unprotected sexual intercourse. For this purpose, they are usually purchased inexpensive analogues original products. The difference between them often comes down to the dose of the active substance. This is the expected effect.

For example, the widespread and well-known “Mifepristone” is needed in its original form in a concentration of 600 mg to terminate an already existing pregnancy, another 200 mg is needed to stimulate birth process, in other words, embryo rejection, 50 mg is prescribed for treatment tumor diseases reproductive system and 10 mg is contained in emergency contraception.

When choosing tablets, you need to focus on the goals and condition of the body. If pregnancy occurs even with independent use drug, it is worth doing an ultrasound examination to exclude ectopic pregnancy, on which the drug will not have an effect required action. Not to mention, such a life-threatening condition needs to be diagnosed as early as possible.

In addition, when choosing analogues of the original substance, it is worth remembering that they will not always be much cheaper than the original. The cost usually depends on the country of origin. It is expected that foreign drug will be more expensive than domestic. It is also important how long ago the tablets were synthesized. Usually means latest generation have a much higher price than their predecessors.

Among the advantages of analogues that have recently appeared on the market, there is a low likelihood of complications and severe side effects combined with almost 100% efficiency.

Is it possible to have an abortion on your own, without a doctor?

It is possible to perform an abortion on your own, without a doctor, at home, however, you can cope with possible complications and not everyone is capable of taking risks.

The advantage of going to a clinic is that when prescribing dosages, doctors proceed not only from the instructions, which are available to anyone, but also from the availability concomitant diseases, including those recently transferred, laboratory research blood, general condition, gestational age, patient’s body weight and other physiological parameters.

For self-medication abortion, you can purchase Cytotec and Ginestril. They contain 4 tablets with 50 mg of mifepristone and 2 tablets with 300 mcg of misoprostol. In total it costs approximately 4 thousand rubles. A similar procedure in a hospital setting will cost more.

Independent use of these substances requires strict adherence to recommendations and careful monitoring of well-being with the most accurate recording of any deviations from normal condition, be it vomiting, fever and other related phenomena.

It is highly desirable that during the procedure there is another adult in the house with the woman who can provide first aid. medical care and call ambulance if necessary. Such cases are rare, however, many experience dizziness, in which, without outside help not enough.

A week after taking the second drug, you need to undergo an ultrasound examination to make sure that the goal has been achieved.

Possible complications


There are a number of cases when taking pills to terminate a pregnancy and even for emergency contraception is impossible.

Emergency contraception is contraindicated:

  • under the age of 16;
  • with lactase deficiency;
  • severe liver failure;
  • the onset of pregnancy;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug.

Medical abortion is contraindicated if:

If you have doubts about contraindications and the general condition of the body, it is better to go through additional examinations and take care in advance to overcome possible side effects and complications to preserve health and life.

Article format: Vladimir the Great

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