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Gynecological ultrasound. On what day of the menstrual cycle should girls undergo an ultrasound on women's issues?

Usually the decision on which day of the cycle to do an ultrasound of the uterus is made by the attending gynecologist. And the choice of day will largely be determined by the specific situation that the woman has. Situations can be different: from pathological condition genital organs or diagnosing pregnancy before a banal preventive examination. During the ultrasound procedure of the uterus, the doctor will evaluate its condition (healthy or pathological), structure, size and shape, anomalies in the structure (if any).

On what days should I have a gynecological ultrasound?

It is better to do an ultrasound to examine the female genital organs on days 5-7 menstrual cycle, but no later than 10 days from the beginning of menstruation. The doctor doesn't just prescribe gynecological ultrasound specifically for the first phase of the menstrual cycle.

This is explained very simply. It is during this period of time that the endometrium (the mucous membrane inside the uterus) takes on its minimum thickness. Existing pathologies in the uterine cavity or in the endometrium (for example, hyperplasia, fibroids, polyps) are easier to visualize on ultrasound with a minimal layer of endometrium than with a dense layer.

The thickening of the endometrium corresponds to the second phase of the cycle. Therefore, the smallest polyps can hide in its layer, remaining unnoticed.

In the second half of the cycle, the follicle begins to mature in one of the ovaries, resulting in the formation of cysts (2-3 cm in diameter). Such formations are natural physiological structures and act either as cysts corpus luteum, or a follicle in which ovulation will occur in the near future.

The presence of small cysts (7-12 mm in diameter) in the ovaries in the first 3-5 days from the beginning of the menstrual cycle and at its very end is considered normal. But their external structure is little distinguishable from pathological cysts that must be removed.

Observations of the maturation of the follicle to confirm the situation of ovulation are the basis for prescribing an ultrasound in the second half of the menstrual cycle or in its middle. Such a study can be carried out by women who are registered with a gynecologist for infertility.

Do I need to go through menstruation?

Bloody discharge during menstruation does not allow the doctor to fully examine the uterine cavity from the inside. But to examine the condition uterine walls and ovaries ultrasonography V this moment time to perform makes sense.

How to prepare for a gynecological ultrasound?

Girls who have not previously been sexually active should fill bladder. Why you need to drink a liter and a half of non-cold water and not urinate for 40 minutes before the start of the session. Other women, on the contrary, should come for a gynecological examination with a bowel movement. bladder. This is explained by the fact that the first procedure will be carried out abdominally (the sensor is moved along the surface of the abdomen), the second - transvaginally (directly into the vagina).

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How is the gynecological ultrasound procedure performed?

Ultrasound in gynecology can be an independent type of examination, or be part of an examination by a gynecologist. Often, the obstetrician-gynecologist himself performs an ultrasound, which requires the presence of a device in his office.

If the woman is not a virgin, the doctor will ask her to empty her bladder. Before the procedure, you will have to remove some of your clothing and take horizontal position on the couch.

The vaginal sensor, through which an ultrasound is performed by a gynecologist, is called abdominal. Externally, it looks like an elongated cylinder with a diameter of 2-2.5 cm.

Before inserting the sensor into the vagina, the doctor will put a special condom on it and treat it with gel to facilitate the passage of ultrasound. Then he will insert it into the vagina. This manipulation does not cause pain and does not last long - from 10 to 20 minutes.

After completing the session, the doctor will hand over the conclusion to the patient.

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What can be diagnosed with an ultrasound of the uterus and appendages?

This type of diagnosis can confirm any female disease.

This is a pathology of the uterus in which the endometrium (inner mucous membrane) grows outside the uterine cavity. The endometrium is necessary for fixation of the fertilized egg.

Adenomyosis can also be diagnosed when the endometrium grows along the myometrium (in the muscle layer of the uterus). Ultrasound of the uterus does not provide a 100% guarantee of a correct diagnosis. But the chances of revealing the presence similar disease there is everything. As a result, the gynecologist may suggest that the patient perform a number of additional diagnostic measures.

Symptoms of endometriosis: painful periods, pain during sexual intercourse, spotting in addition to periods, non-specific odor vaginal discharge, infertility.

With this disease, a benign neoplasm occurs in the myometrium.

The study reveals an increase in the size of the uterus. They look at its location in comparison with other organs and in general in the peritoneal cavity. The use of ultrasound for fibroids is considered an indispensable condition for diagnosing the disease. This examination allows you to find fibroids even minimum sizes(about 1 cm).

Indications for examination are alarms: pain in the lower abdomen different days cycle, during sexual intercourse, urination, stool, discharge of blood from the vagina outside of menstruation, or the protracted nature of the latter.

Polyps on the endometrium

This type of diagnosis is made when there is an increased increase in the mucous membrane of the inner layer of the uterus. The disease can take asymptomatic, but can be traced individual signs in the form of bloody vaginal discharge or infertility. During the session, the doctor may observe an excessively enlarged and thick layer of the endometrium on those days of the cycle when this should not happen.

Anomalies in the structure of the uterus

Like any organ, the uterus also tends to have various developmental defects. Using ultrasound it is quite easy to identify this, since its structure is completely visible under the influence of ultrasound.

If this woman’s organ has structural abnormalities, the doctor may prescribe additional diagnostics to confirm the diagnosis. For example, radiography with contrast transmission. In this case, the uterine cavity will be filled contrast agent and confirm the ultrasound results.

In this case, deviations from normal development are considered: discrepancy in size, position, irregular shape(saddle, double and even two-horned). “Baby uterus,” or underdevelopment of a woman’s organ, is also one of the developmental defects.

Cervical and endometrial cancer

A neoplasm, especially a malignant one, will differ on ultrasound from healthy areas in its echogenicity. Therefore, on an ultrasound examination of the uterus cancer tumor is determined simply. The endometrial tumor is also well visualized. However, it can be confused with fibroids. In this connection, the diagnostician will not rush to make such a threatening verdict. First, the patient will be given a tissue biopsy at the site of the tumor. Then the diagnosis will be made unconditionally.


With this disease, an inflammation process occurs in the appendages, that is, in the fallopian (or fallopian) tubes and in the ovaries themselves. In conclusion, a diagnosis of adnexitis may be made.

The ultrasound scanner monitor will show a violation of echogenicity in these organs. Therefore, the gynecologist will refer the patient for further examination in order to confirm or refute the ultrasound data.

Symptoms: painful sexual intercourse, pain during bowel movements and menstruation, irregular female cycle. These signs may be separate, but a set of them may be noted.

Ovarian cyst

This pathology is widespread among female patients. The cyst is considered as tumor process. It may resolve on its own or take on such dimensions that only surgery will be effective.

The cyst is clearly visible against the background of healthy tissue areas. This is a vial with a serous liquid substance (which is an essential component of a healthy body).

The symptoms of a cystic growth are the same as with many other gynecological pathologies: characteristic pain and cycle disruptions. Polycystic disease can be detected when more than one cyst is present in both ovaries at the same time.

Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs allows you to assess health reproductive system. This procedure must be carried out if pathologies are suspected. It is simple, safe and informative.

Pelvic ultrasound shows true results only on certain days of the cycle

Ultrasound does not require special preparation, but to obtain the most reliable information, it should be performed only on certain days of the cycle. The doctor will tell you what period to choose for this.

Optimal time for the procedure

It is necessary to carefully plan your visit to an ultrasound specialist. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure on any day of the cycle. Gynecologists advise doing an ultrasound 3 days after completion menstrual flow. Already on days 7–10 the data will not be as reliable as possible.

Such a narrow gap is associated with changes in the uterus, ovaries and other pelvic organs during female cycle. All these processes are controlled by hormonal level brain structures - the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. They influence the duration of the menstrual cycle and the duration of its individual parts.

It makes sense to perform an ultrasound of the pelvic organs only in the first half of the menstrual cycle, in its follicular phase. At this time, the following pathologies can be detected:

  • hyperplasia;
  • polyps;
  • structural anomalies;
  • myoma;
  • cervical cancer

These conditions can only be diagnosed in the first days after the end of menstruation. During menstruation, the loose endometrium lining the inside of the uterus is shed. This layer grew and thickened throughout the previous cycle in order to serve as an attachment site for the fertilized egg. If a mature oocyte does not meet a viable sperm on its way, conception does not occur, and the egg leaves the uterine cavity along with menstrual blood. In parallel with this, unnecessary endometrium is eliminated.

Immediately after menstruation, the inner layer of the uterus has a minimum thickness. Therefore, even small deviations from the norm can be seen on ultrasound. It is for this reason that gynecologists advise carrying out diagnostics from 3 to 5 days after the end of menstruation.

There is another reason why it is worth checking your pelvic organs a few days after your period. Towards the middle of the cycle, follicles begin to grow in the ovaries. One will release a mature egg at the time of ovulation. At this time, ultrasound can detect compactions in the ovaries, the size of which reaches 3 centimeters in diameter.

Normally, this may be a corpus luteum cyst or a protruding part of the follicle itself. However, starting from the 10th day after menstruation, it is difficult to distinguish a typical lump from a pathological one.

At first after menstruation, normal formations will have a small diameter. Typically it ranges from 7 to 12 millimeters. These cysts are normal. They should not arouse suspicion.

The first half of the cycle is optimal for ultrasound

Ultrasound before menstruation

The doctor will best determine which day is suitable for examining the pelvic organs. Usually this time is from 3 to 5 days after menstruation. However, in some cases, the doctor may suggest undergoing the procedure before menstruation.

An ultrasound is performed in the second half of the cycle if a woman is undergoing infertility treatment. This is necessary to determine on what day ovulation occurs. The doctor will also monitor the condition of the follicle. The uterus itself should normally be located strictly in the center; no compactions or neoplasms should be visualized in its cavity.

Immediately before menstruation, the size of the uterus is determined using ultrasound. It should be at its maximum at this time.

An ultrasound of the pelvic organs a few days before menstruation can identify a number of diseases:

  • During this phase of the cycle, the existing uterine fibroids are clearly visualized. This is a benign neoplasm.
  • Before menstruation, the first signs of endometriosis can be detected. This is evidenced by small bubbles located inside the uterus.
  • Cervical cancer can also be diagnosed using an ultrasound before menstruation. The device will show the size of the tumor and its location.

For a complete examination of the ovaries, repeated ultrasound may be required. different phases cycle. In addition, research is often carried out in the second half of the cycle fallopian tubes. No matter what day of the luteal phase the procedure is performed, it will show the presence of salpingitis - inflammation of the fallopian tubes. This pathology is fraught with the formation of adhesions, which further reduces patency and leads to infertility.

Uterine fibroids are well visualized before menstruation

Ultrasound during menstruation

The only period when doing an ultrasound to examine the uterus is not recommended is menstruation. During this period, the organ cavity contains blood and clots of rejected endometrium. This will not allow us to fully evaluate its structures.

Gynecologists explain in what situation it is advisable to perform an ultrasound during menstrual phase cycle. This must be done in the presence of strong and sharp pain in a stomach. In this case, the procedure will help the doctor determine the cause of the discomfort.

If there are uterine fibroids or ovarian cysts, one of the scheduled ultrasound procedures must be performed during menstruation. This will allow the doctor to assess the dynamics of the disease.

In addition, examination of the ovaries, fallopian tubes and walls using the transabdominal method is allowed. This involves studying internal organs through abdominal wall. The transvaginal sensor is not used during menstruation.

There are no periods of the cycle prohibited for performing ultrasound. However, gynecologists, to obtain the most accurate information, recommend doing this 3 days after menstruation.

Ultrasound is used to diagnose diseases in gynecology. It is very in an accessible way studying the condition of internal organs. However, it is harmless to patients due to ultrasonic vibrations and can be performed during pregnancy. But on what day of the cycle should a pelvic ultrasound be done depends on various circumstances.

To conduct standard ultrasound diagnostics, this procedure is prescribed in the first half of the cycle.

To perform an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, you should contact a specialist as soon as menstrual bleeding stops on the 5-7th day of the cycle. There is no point in performing it earlier, because at this time the uterus is filled with blood and the examination will not be able to show accurate results. If the menstrual cycle is short, then the optimal study is on the 5th day, and if it is long, from 5 to 10.

Doctors also do not recommend carrying out a study before the onset of menstruation. The reason for this is the active formation of progesterone. This hormone leads to thickening of the endometrium. Therefore, when contacting a specialist during this period, it is possible to do an ultrasound, but it will not be impossible to identify pathologies and defects in detail (for example,). That is why it is necessary to perform an ultrasound of the pelvic organs in the first half of the cycle.

Detection of a cyst

When there is a certain discomfort and pain upon palpation, this indicates the presence of a neoplasm. Before diagnosing an ovarian cyst, it is necessary to understand what it is. It is a formation that is filled with fluid and is located in the middle of the ovary. The pathology does not pose any particular extreme danger, especially if its size is small. But its presence may be the result of the development of serious disorders in the body.

An ovarian cyst on ultrasound looks like a hollow formation. Also, a transabdominal and transvaginal (vaginal) ultrasound sensor is used to study it. This device is a small device. In some cases, the study can be performed with a transrectal ultrasound sensor.

Before this procedure, it is necessary to fill the bladder, for which you drink first a large number of fluids approximately one hour before the start of the examination. On an ultrasound, the pathology will be visible, even if its size is very small.

According to the descriptions it is liquid formation in the shape of a ball, which can have a different structure, as well as the level of coloring. Often diagnosed with follicular cyst, as well as those that go away on their own and do not pose a serious danger. Their size is usually small. There are also other types that are pathological. They usually require surgical treatment:

After detection of pathology

Biopsy is a procedure for removing cells from formations for further examination.

After detection of pathology and suspicion of development malignant neoplasm ovary, can be performed histological examination. This procedure is necessary to obtain accurate information about the origin of the pathology. The study allows us not only to recognize ourselves cancer cells, but some methods make it possible to establish the reasons for their occurrence. To do this, a biopsy of the ovarian cyst is first performed. It allows you to take a specific piece of education to study it. This procedure is necessary to obtain accurate information about the origin of the pathology.

Histology of an ovarian cyst is carried out when the presence of cancer is suspected and consists of studying the structure of the tissue of the formation. The histology of an ovarian cyst consists of studying the structure of the tissue of the formation. On average, the procedure takes about 10 days. With its help, you can understand the nature of the pathology and whether it is malignant. Once the type of formation has been established, it is recommended to remove it. For this purpose, therapeutic and surgical methods are used.

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On what day of the cycle is folliculometry done?

Folliculometry is a test to detect ovulation in the current cycle. When there are pregnancy plans, doctors recommend diagnosis at the beginning of the second half of the cycle. But there is also certain dependence from time to time individual characteristics the structure of the body of every woman. In cases where average duration the second phase lasts 2 weeks, then with basic calculations you can calculate the approximate day of ovulation.

Therefore, diagnosis must be carried out several days before its onset. In this case, it is carried out after menstruation, but during the period when bleeding has not yet begun. The final stage This diagnosis is to confirm that ovulation has completed.

Ultrasound after childbirth or abortion

In cases where we are talking about ultrasound of the pelvic organs after an abortion, then such a study must be carried out at least 5-7 days after curettage. If bleeding is observed, then this is normal, because it does not apply to menstruation. The cycle itself will gradually, over several months, be restored. Ultrasound of the ovaries, in this case, is necessary in order to identify the remains of the removed fetus in the uterine cavity. And if they are detected, additional medical procedures to eliminate them.

After the birth of a child, an ultrasound scan is mandatory for every woman. Often it is carried out in maternity hospitals on the 5th day after the birth. Besides menstrual cycle in this case, it will not be restored soon (especially if breastfeeding is carried out).

Therefore, after childbirth, this type of examination is carried out before the onset of menstruation.

According to generally accepted rule, Ultrasound of the uterus is performed 3-5 days after menstruation. If you count from the beginning of the cycle, then the examination should be carried out no later than the 10th day of the menstrual cycle.

Compliance with the timing of menstruation is important because in the first phase the lining of the uterus (endometrium) is thinner, which allows it to be examined in detail. Thanks to this, the doctor can detect modifications of the mucosa, fibroids, polyps, tumor neoplasms and other pathologies of the uterus at preclinical stages. If diagnostics are carried out in the second half of the monthly cycle, the endometrium becomes thicker and visualized pathological changes mucous membranes become much more difficult. In addition, compliance of this rule due to the course of cyclical changes that occur in the body. And the results of the study will depend on what day the examination was carried out.

Taking into account what day of the cycle the ultrasound of the uterus was performed, the following changes are indicated in the protocol:

  • Regeneration phase (3-4 days) - restoration of endometrial cells after the end of menstruation;
  • Proliferation phase (5-14 days) - gradual thickening of the uterine mucosa;
  • The secretory phase of the cycle (starting from day 15) is the maximum development of the endometrioid glands, which indicates the preparation of the uterus to receive the egg.
To obtain reliable diagnostic results, ultrasound of the uterus is performed on certain days of the menstrual cycle. The optimal time for performing the study is determined by the doctor, taking into account the age, condition and complaints of the patient.

In any case, the time for an ultrasound scan of the uterus is determined by the doctor. individually. This takes into account the age, characteristics and condition of the patient, as well as the goals of the study and the presence of pathological symptoms.

Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages - on what day of the cycle should the procedure be performed for patients of different age categories

Gynecological pathologies can appear at any age, so ultrasound scanning uterus is performed on women of different age categories:

  • For girls who have not yet menstruated, an ultrasound examination of the uterus can be prescribed on any day. If the patient has had menstruation, the doctor should take into account the time of its onset and perform an ultrasound within the usual time frame;
  • Women who have entered menopause ultrasound diagnostics also performed at any time, since the endometrium does not change as often as in female patients reproductive age;
  • In women with irregular cycle menstruation, the day of the ultrasound is determined by the doctor after studying complaints and anamnestic information;
  • Pregnant women ultrasound examination prescribed 3 times in each trimester (in the absence of pregnancy pathologies).

For patients of reproductive age, an ultrasound examination of the uterus is performed taking into account the day of the menstrual cycle. In the presence of next indications Ultrasound diagnostics is carried out in the first days after the end of menstrual flow:

  • Inflammatory processes of the uterine cavity;
  • Tumor neoplasms different stages development, degree of malignancy and localization;
  • Uterine fibroids;
  • Onset of pregnancy;
  • Ovarian dysfunction;
  • Cysts in the uterus.

In addition, an ultrasound of the uterus may be performed during menstruation. Conducting research in this period allows reproductologists (when preparing in in vitro fertilization) determine the number of follicles in the ovaries.

For some women, minor symptoms remain for 3-5 days. bloody issues. Patients need not worry about this. Their presence is not a limitation to the study. IN such a case You need to have a tight gasket with you.

Ultrasound of the uterus - safe and painless diagnostic method, which can be recommended to women on any day of the cycle. Using this technique you can early stages detect various pathologies and carry out appropriate treatment. It is important for women not to ignore routine examinations and regularly visit a gynecologist. Only a doctor can tell when it is best to conduct a study after a preliminary consultation and gynecological examination.

When is the best time to undergo a gynecological ultrasound?

Gynecological ultrasound is best performed 3-5 days after the end of menstruation, but no later than 7-10 days of the cycle, if you count from the beginning of menstruation from the first day. Patients ask why gynecological ultrasound is best done in the first phase of the menstrual cycle. It's simple: during this period, the endometrium, which is the mucous membrane lining inner part uterus, quite thin. If there are any pathologies of the uterine cavity or endometrium, for example, fibroids, hyperplasia, polyps, it is easier to examine them on ultrasound thin endometrium than with fat. The endometrium thickens in the second phase of the cycle and small polyps can hide in its thickness, remaining unnoticed.

From the second half of the cycle, a follicle begins to mature in one of the ovaries, which explains the appearance of cysts with a diameter of 2-3 cm. These cysts are normal physiological structures and are either a corpus luteum cyst or a follicle that should soon ovulate. In the first 3-5 days from the beginning of menstruation and at the very end of the menstrual cycle, small cysts with a diameter of up to 7-12 mm are distinguished in the ovaries. This is considered the norm. However, to distinguish them by external structure from pathological cysts that need to be removed is almost impossible.

Indications for a gynecological ultrasound in the middle or second half of the menstrual cycle are observations of follicle maturation in order to confirm the fact of ovulation. This study indicated for women seeing a specialist for infertility.

Is it worth performing a gynecological ultrasound during menstruation?

Menstrual blood does not allow the doctor to properly examine the internal cavity of the uterus, however, to assess the condition of the ovaries and uterine walls, it is advisable to conduct an ultrasound examination during this period.

Preparation for gynecological ultrasound. What and how?

Girls who have not previously had sexual intercourse (virgins) must have a full bladder before the study. To do this, it is enough to drink 1-1.5 liters of non-cold liquid and avoid urinating for 40 minutes before the procedure. In other cases, it is necessary, on the contrary, to empty the bladder before a gynecological ultrasound.

Stages of gynecological ultrasound

Gynecological ultrasound can be performed either as an independent examination or as part of an examination by a gynecologist. Very often, it is the gynecologist who performs the ultrasound examination. In this case, the ultrasound machine will be located in the gynecological examination room.

  • Before the test, your doctor will ask you to empty your bladder if you are not a virgin. Before starting the procedure, you need to remove some of your clothes and lie down on the couch.
  • A gynecological ultrasound is performed using a vaginal probe called an abdominal probe. This sensor is an elongated cylinder with a diameter of 2-2.5 cm. Before inserting the sensor into the vagina, the doctor will put a special nozzle or condom on it and apply a special gel that facilitates the passage of ultrasonic waves.
  • After this, the sensor will be inserted into the vagina. This procedure It is completely painless and should not frighten the patient. A gynecological ultrasound lasts only 10-20 minutes.
  • At the end of the study, the doctor gives the patient a conclusion. Thanks to modern equipment, it is possible to shoot short films and take photographs, recording them on digital media. These images and films can be subsequently transferred to another doctor to review the patient’s medical history and obtain another independent opinion for a more complete picture of the condition of the female reproductive system.

IN medical center“Norm”, every woman will be able to undergo a gynecological ultrasound and find out everything about the state of her health. They work in the clinic experienced specialists on modern equipment that allows full diagnostics diseases reproductive organs, based on its results, make an objective diagnosis and, if necessary, prescribe effective treatment.