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On what day of the cycle is it better to do an ultrasound? How is an ultrasound of the uterus performed? Gynecological ultrasound: on what day of the cycle

Can an ultrasound be done during menstruation or is it better to postpone it? Often women are faced with this choice, especially if the examination is prescribed by the attending physician, as planned, under a mandatory policy health insurance. In this case, you usually have to wait more than one day, or even a month, and it is not possible to calculate in advance what day the examination will fall on, especially if the cycle is irregular. And yet - what could this threaten?

The correct answer to the question will be - depending on which organs are being examined. To the question - is it possible to do an ultrasound? abdominal cavity during menstruation, the doctor will definitely answer yes. Since menstrual bleeding will not interfere with the doctor. It's another matter if you need to check the pelvic organs - the ovaries and uterus. In this case, the examination is prescribed in the first half of the menstrual cycle, but not earlier than the 5th day, since menstruation usually lasts 5-7 days, that is, during this period the uterus has already been completely cleared of the remnants of the old endometrium, and vaginal discharge is minimal, which does not create psychological discomfort for a woman if an ultrasound is performed using a vaginal sensor. It is during this period that it is recommended to conduct examinations for infertility (monitoring the maturation of follicles and the formation of a dominant one), uterine fibroids, etc.

However, there are many reasons when testing should be done immediately, no matter how severe the bleeding.

This need may arise in the following situations:

There is no need to be ashamed of the discharge, even if you undergo a vaginal examination. Preparation for the examination is minimal. You need to wash yourself (for your own comfort) and grab a waterproof diaper (you can buy it at the pharmacy if the discharge is heavy. Your vagina doesn’t need a lot of “cleaning.” Do not douche under any circumstances, it is useless to do this, and moreover, it is dangerous if there is bleeding, because

Let's look at what a pelvic ultrasound shows on days 10 and 20 of the cycle.

Ultrasound examination appeared not so long ago. But the benefits of its use are invaluable. Thanks to it, obstetricians and gynecologists can monitor the health of not only pregnant women and babies in the womb, but also ordinary patients who come for appointments every day. The examination of the pelvic organs has its own characteristics, and therefore it is worth knowing which day of the cycle is best suited for this procedure.

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs

A doctor may prescribe this procedure for various reasons:

  • Discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • Unplanned or rebleeding from the vagina;
  • Inflammatory processes.

What can be determined by this procedure:

  • Royal or ectopic pregnancy;
  • Determine the size and shape of the uterus or ovaries;
  • See the presence of uterine fibroids, cysts, fibroids, tumors.

Diagnosis is done in several ways. Which one you choose depends on your diagnosis and what your doctor decides. There are three options in total:

  1. Transabdominal ultrasound is a familiar option for everyone, when a sensor lubricated with gel is moved over the surface of the abdomen. In this case, you should know that this procedure is done completely bladder. Thanks to this, the result of the examination of the pelvic organs will be carried out as accurately and efficiently as possible;
  2. Transrectal ultrasound is a fairly rare test option, although depending on your problem it is quite applicable. It is most often used for men;
  3. Transvaginal ultrasound is a frequently used diagnostic option. Here the picture is completely opposite to the first option - the procedure is done on an empty bladder. Therefore, try not to drink liquids for several hours before the test. And don't forget to tell your doctor if you have allergic reactions for latex products.

Whatever diagnostic option your doctor chooses, you must remember that for various kinds gynecological examinations there is a corresponding day of the menstrual cycle. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Which day to choose

The universal time for carrying out various manipulations in relation to one or another pelvic organ is considered to be the first five days after the end of menstruation. Or is it the first 10 days of the general menstrual cycle. On days 5-7 of the menstrual cycle, it is possible and recommended to conduct examinations of the ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes. Diagnosis of the ovaries is carried out several times throughout the entire cycle to obtain more accurate and reliable results.

If there is no delay in menstruation, elevated temperature, but the test shows negative result, also visit your doctor immediately. At the beginning of the cycle, it is easy to detect the formation of a cyst.

Why the first phase of the cycle?

There are reasons for doing research in the early days.

If you want to do ultrasonography uterus, then you should know that it is during this period that its mucous membrane is the thinnest. If there is a tumor, unclear formation or other kind of pathology inside this organ, then they can be seen with maximum accuracy and reliability during this period. Starting from the second phase of the cycle, the mucous membrane becomes much thicker and visibility through it is not so clear. It is important to know on what day of the cycle to prescribe an ultrasound of the uterus, so that medical diagnosis was 100% accurate.

Ovarian examination will also work best at this time. This will make it possible to accurately determine the presence of a cyst, and not a follicle, which forms immediately before the onset of menstruation and is very similar to it. In the first half of the cycle, diagnostics of this pelvic organ will show a 100% result. In addition, you should know that cysts are divided into several types. This may be a formation that is natural and associated with normal operation ovary or is it a pathology. In the middle of the cycle, it is quite difficult to accurately answer this question, which means you cannot be sure whether it will be necessary surgical intervention or you can do without it. Agree that this is a fairly serious decision and doubts are unacceptable here. In this case, you will have to wait for the start of the next cycle, and precious time will be lost.

It is best to carry out all studies after the complete completion of menstruation. It is not recommended to perform an ultrasound of the uterus during this process. The fact is that bloody discharge will not allow you to carry out qualitative research and your doctor may miss something important. If you are not sure when to go for this procedure, contact your doctor and he will tell you the day of the cycle that is most favorable. But if you have problems with the ovaries, then menstrual flow will not be an obstacle at all. Here it comes down to the patient’s personal feelings - for many ultrasounds during menstruation, especially transvaginal, or when a full bladder is needed, causes discomfort - and for aesthetic reasons.

In order for everything to go well, you need to do an ultrasound examination of a particular pelvic organ correctly. Not only the doctor, but also the patient must be vigilant and aware. Attending doctors repeat their instructions several dozen times a day and cannot always remember who was told about the specifics of performing an ultrasound and who was not. If you do not know the details, do not hesitate to ask your doctor yourself or read about it in the relevant literature. Such knowledge will help you not waste time because sometimes such minutes can be worth their weight in gold. If you know what needs to be done, then the ultrasound will always be 100% efficient for you.

Gynecological transvaginal ultrasound of the pelvic organs is done on days 5-7 of the cycle to detect the presence of fibroids or cysts.

Often, representatives of the fairer sex have to visit an ultrasound diagnostic room. Such a study allows you to detect existing pathologies in time and begin correct treatment. If you are wondering about the timing of a pelvic ultrasound, when to do it (on what day), this article will tell you.

Visit a doctor

When is it necessary to do a pelvic ultrasound? The manipulation is usually prescribed by a gynecologist. The following situations may be prerequisites for research:

  • disturbance or prolonged bleeding;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • neoplasms in the pelvic cavity;
  • pregnancy or suspicion of it;
  • poor smear test result;
  • enlargement of organs (ovaries and uterus) detected by palpation;
  • pelvic inflammatory processes and so on.

When is it better to do a pelvic ultrasound (before or after your period), your gynecologist will tell you. Much depends on the situation itself (symptoms, the patient’s condition, her age, and so on). Let's consider several options for conducting diagnostic manipulation.

General examination

If you are recommended to have a pelvic ultrasound, when should you do the test? For standard manipulation, it is recommended to schedule the procedure for the first half of the cycle. Gynecologists advise going to a specialist immediately after the bleeding is completed. It simply doesn’t make sense to do an ultrasound before. During menstruation, the uterus is filled with blood. Diagnostics will not be able to provide reliable information.

Conducting research before menstruation is also not recommended. The fact is that in the second phase of the cycle progesterone is actively released. This hormone helps thicken the endometrium. If you visit an ultrasound room at this time, the specialist may simply not see minor defects in the mucosa reproductive organ. These may be polyps or fibroids.

First half of the cycle - best time for performing pelvic ultrasound. When to do the procedure? At normal cycle this is the 5-7th day. If menstruation is short and the cycle is short, then this will be the 3-5th day. With a long female period diagnostics can be carried out from the 5th to the 10th day.


If you are planning a pregnancy, then you are advised to have a pelvic ultrasound. When is the best time to track ovulation? In this situation, doctors usually recommend conducting a study in the middle of the cycle. However, much depends on individual characteristics women. If the standard duration of the second phase is 10-14 days, then by simple calculations you can determine the approximate day of ovulation. Diagnosis begins several days before.

Folliculometry begins after menstruation and ends before the next bleeding. The final stage of the procedure involves the detection of the corpus luteum and confirmation of ovulation. This can be done already in the second half of the cycle.

Definition of pregnancy

If you suspect pregnancy, then to obtain reliable data you need to perform a pelvic ultrasound. When to do it in this case? This diagnosis involves detection in the uterine cavity ovum. A set of diagnostic cells can be seen only two weeks after the expected day of menstruation. Some devices have more modern approach. They detect pregnancy a few days after the delay.

Establishing the fact of pregnancy always occurs in the second phase of the cycle. Diagnostics is prescribed if there is no menstruation for more than five days.

After abortion or childbirth

When is it better to do a pelvic ultrasound - after menstrual cycle or before? If we're talking about about a complete abortion, then diagnostics should be carried out approximately 5-7 days after curettage. These days, women experience bleeding, which doctors do not classify as menstruation. The recovery of the cycle will occur gradually over several months. Ultrasound diagnostics after an abortion, it involves examining the uterine cavity for remnants of the fertilized egg. If any are detected, then the woman needs additional medical procedures.

After the birth of a child, all women should undergo ultrasound examination. This is usually carried out in maternity hospital on the 5th day after birth. Wherein menstrual cycle will not recover quite soon (provided breastfeeding). It turns out that after childbirth, an ultrasound scan must be performed before menstruation (during the release of lochia).

During menopause

Women over 40 years old are prescribed regular pelvic ultrasound. When is the best time to do it? At this age, most representatives of the fairer sex enter menopause, which is replaced by permanent menopause. During these periods, patients experience irregular breakthrough bleeding. The women themselves call them next menstruation. It is worth noting that the period from one bleeding to another can be several months. Therefore, in such a case An ultrasound is performed before the onset of menstruation (without waiting for it).


You learned about what time is best to do it. In many ways, the chosen days of the cycle depend on the reasons for the diagnosis. If the study involves examining the cavity of the reproductive organ, it is recommended to choose the first days of the cycle (after menstruation). When the target of diagnosis is the ovaries, preference is given to the middle of the menstrual cycle.

If you are in doubt about when to do a pelvic ultrasound, contact your gynecologist. Be prepared to tell your doctor about the nature of your menstrual cycle (its duration, bleeding intensity, and regularity). After this, the specialist will set the dates that suit your case. All the best to you, don’t get sick!

Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs in men and women can be considered the most informative diagnostic method, advantageously distinguished not only by accessibility, but also by the absence of restrictions on use. However, in most cases, to get the most complete information about the state of health of the genitourinary system, represented by a group of organs located in the pelvis, it is necessary to have a complete understanding of their anatomical and functional features.

The choice of the optimal time to do a pelvic ultrasound depends entirely on the purposes of the study and the organ being examined. For example, when diagnosing diseases of the prostate gland in men or the bladder in both sexes, there are no specific time requirements, while examination of the female organs reproductive system requires a more thorough analysis of the condition of the uterus and appendages with reference to certain days of the menstrual cycle.

Cyclic changes in the uterus and appendages

All processes causing change in the uterus are caused by phase changes occurring in the ovaries during the menstrual cycle.

All stages of physiological changes in the uterus and appendages are aimed at creating optimal conditions for the formation and further development of pregnancy and are regulated by several hormones:

  • estradiol;
  • luteinizing hormone;
  • progesterone, etc.

At the same time, hormones have a stimulating effect not only on the growth of the egg, but also on the endometrium - a special type of epithelial cells covering inner surface uterus and are highly sensitive to hormonal changes. If during the period of formation and development of the follicle (days 1–10 of the menstrual cycle) the endometrium is at relative rest and its thickness is no more than 4–9 mm, then after ovulation the process of preparation for the appearance of an embryo, that is, a fertilized egg, begins.

During this period, the mucous membrane begins to thicken, immature cells actively grow, and more glands and blood supply increases. The process occurs especially intensively during the formation phase of the corpus luteum and reaches a peak immediately before the onset of menstruation.

The entire process of formation of the mature endometrium is supported by hormones produced by the follicle, which is in the corpus luteum phase. If fertilization does not occur, the egg is destroyed (the egg dies) and the entire functional layer The endometrium is shed and removed during menstrual bleeding. At the same time, the base layer of mucosa begins to form new cells and a new cycle begins.

Important! The thickness of the endometrial layer is one of the leading factors determining the timing of the study, since in some cases its thickening can veil signs of pathology, and in some, on the contrary, contributes to its detection.

Indications for ultrasound

The period when it is better to do a pelvic ultrasound completely depends on the reasons that prompted the woman to undergo the examination. As a rule, diagnosis is performed for the purpose of prevention, during pregnancy, as well as in the presence of symptoms indicating the presence of pathological processes V genitourinary system women.

Usually, alarming symptoms should be considered:

  • heavy bleeding during menstruation (requiring changing more than 4 pads per hour);
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation or in the second and third phases of the cycle;
  • irregular periods;
  • appearance bloody discharge at the end of menstrual bleeding, that is, in the middle of the cycle;
  • infertility.

Using ultrasound, it is possible not only to identify diseases such as the formation of myomatous nodes, endometriosis, cystic formations ovaries and the uterine cavity, but also to carry out systematic monitoring of the functional activity of the ovaries, starting from the phase of follicle maturation to ovulation. At long absence menstruation, ultrasound can be done at any time, without adhering to the deadlines established for the examination.

Infertility always indicates the presence of pathological processes in the pelvis

Screening ultrasound

As a rule, a routine ultrasound is performed in order to timely detect any pathological changes in a woman’s genitourinary system, at a stage when the disease can be seen visually, but the symptoms are not expressed or absent. The optimal time for screening ultrasound is the beginning of the menstrual cycle, that is, 4–7 days from the start of menstruation.

During this period, the endometrial layer of the uterus is at its thinnest, which makes it possible to accurately diagnose even small neoplasms (polyps, cysts or tumors). In addition, at this time the doctor has the opportunity not only to identify the presence of pathological processes, but also to make a fairly accurate differentiation of the nature of the detected pathology, for example, to distinguish an endometrioid cyst from a corpus luteum cyst by the degree of echogenicity.

It is quite acceptable to conduct a planned study on any other day of the cycle, however, it is important to inform your doctor the exact date the last menstrual period, so during the examination all the results obtained will be analyzed taking into account the changes occurring in the corresponding menstrual phase.

Table: Changes in endometrial thickness on ultrasound, in accordance with the days of the menstrual cycle.

Important! You should not do an ultrasound directly on the day of menstruation, since the rejection of the functional layer of the endometrium, which occurs in layers or flakes, can lead to distortion of the data obtained.


Endometriosis is a fairly common pathology in which there is an uncharacteristic proliferation of endometrial tissue both within the internal genital organs (uterus, cervix and fallopian tubes) and beyond (peritoneum, bladder or rectum). Depending on the intensity of the flow, there are 4 degrees of development:

  • Single small lesions.
  • Single deep lesions.
  • A large number of deep lesions, with the formation of small endometrioid cysts in the uterine cavity or on the ovaries.
  • A large number of deep lesions, with the formation of large endometrioid cysts of both ovaries, through invasion of the vagina or bladder wall.

Since the initial stages of endometriosis development are blurred symptomatic picture, a targeted study based on the patient’s complaints is most often carried out when the disease is already at stage 2 of development.

As a rule, an ultrasound examination to detect endometriotic lesions is done 2–4 days before the expected start of menstruation, that is, on days 24–26 in a 28-day cycle.

Due to the fact that the endometrium is a hormone-sensitive tissue, all pathological foci during this period, regardless of location, increase under the influence of progesterone, which makes it possible to accurately determine the presence of cysts and nodes. Not only a visually detected cyst, but also the uncharacteristic shape of the uterine body, which in case of endometriosis can have an asymmetrical shape or an uneven echo contour, has a certain informative value when making a diagnosis.

In this case, an ultrasound examination must also be done on days 4–7 of the cycle, which will make it possible to compare whether the uterus is known to have irregular shape, or the deformity is caused by endometrial hyperplasia. Although ultrasound is often used to diagnose endometriosis, initial stages development of the disease, ultrasound is uninformative. Laparoscopy can be considered the most effective and widely used method for diagnosing endometrial hyperplasia.

In the third phase of the cycle, the endometrioid cyst always increases in size, which greatly facilitates diagnosis


Myoma is benign neoplasm, having a round shape and consisting of chaotically growing muscle fibers myometrium – muscle tissue uterus. The frequency of diagnosed cases of fibroids is more than 20% of all gynecological diseases, but, according to some data, the real prevalence of the disease can reach 50%.

As a rule, fibroids have a denser structure than the surrounding myometrium, which during ultrasound is reflected in the form of round-shaped foci with reduced echogenicity. Depending on the presumed location of the node, the time for performing the study also varies.

Do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs for primary diagnosis the presence of myomatous nodes is necessary in the first phase of the menstrual cycle. A thin layer of the endometrium, during this period, makes it possible to detect even small neoplasms located in the muscular layer of the uterus. On days 11–13, the thickness of the endometrial layer increases, and the information content of ultrasound is significantly reduced.

Thus, fibroids located inside the muscle layer (interstitial) are diagnosed using ultrasound on days 5–7 of the cycle. To detect fibroids located with outside uterus, it does not matter on what day the diagnosis is performed, since the growth of the endometrium inside the uterus does not affect the ultrasound picture of its external contour. Submucosal neoplasms, on the contrary, are clearly visualized on days 20–25 of the cycle.

Important! A correctly developed tactic for diagnosing fibroids is to perform an ultrasound scan within the generally accepted time frame, followed by re-diagnosis in the last phase of the cycle to clarify the diagnosis, if the presence of submucous fibroids is suspected.

Monitoring folliculogenesis

All stages of egg development, from the follicle until the release of a mature egg (ovulation), are called folliculogenesis. Using ultrasound, you can monitor the evolution of the follicle and determine the presence and quality of ovulation. In addition to monitoring the growth of the egg, overall rating changes in reproductive organs women and their compliance with all phases of the cycle.

To carry out monitoring, ultrasound must be done at least 4 times during 1 cycle, and the procedure must be repeated at least 2 cycles in a row. So, the first study is carried out on days 7–10 (with a 28-day cycle). If menstruation is not regular, then the count starts from the first day of menstruation, performing diagnostics 3 days after their end. At regular cycle However, having a longer or shorter time period, the time of the first diagnosis is considered 5 days earlier than the established mid-cycle.

Further sessions are performed at intervals of 2–3 days until pregnancy or the final formation of the corpus luteum. Simultaneously with the ultrasound examination, it is necessary to take a blood test for hormones, while the doctor analyzes the correspondence of the hormone levels to the data obtained using ultrasound.

The use of transvaginal ultrasound makes it possible to diagnose ectopic pregnancy at early stages


Ultrasound during pregnancy should be done in every trimester, however, this does not exclude the possibility of performing the procedure at an earlier date to confirm the fact of pregnancy and exclude the possibility of ectopic localization of the ovum. With a transabdominal examination, pregnancy can be diagnosed at 4 weeks, and with a transvaginal examination as early as 2-3 weeks. The information content of the procedure in this case does not depend on the connection to the menstrual cycle and can be done at the time of application.

The improvement of ultrasound systems today makes it possible to use them not only in the study of static organs, but also to study dynamically changing systems, for example, the blood supply to the uterus during surgical treatment fibroids, by embolization of the uterine arteries. The use of ultrasound is no less valuable when monitoring placement or removal. intrauterine device. Three-dimensional echography allows you to obtain three-dimensional images of detected tumors, however, the accuracy of measurement and assessment of the quality of these pathologies completely depends on the correct timing of the study, determined by the doctor.

Let's figure out which day of the cycle is best to perform an ultrasound of the pelvic organs? It is done to find out what general state genital organs of patients, whether they have the correct structure. The specialist will carefully examine the space around the uterus and the ligaments that support it. Gynecological examination using ultrasound can be performed on different days of the cycle. The specialist will choose suitable way research will tell you what. Now you understand that depending on what area in the pelvis needs to be examined, it is better to do an ultrasound on one day or another.

Uterine examination

Ultrasound of the uterus is done both prophylactically and to establish and clarify the diagnosis. Indications for ultrasound examination are:

  • In the menstrual cycle there are disturbances;
  • No menstruation for a long time;
  • The woman is suspected of infertility;
  • The menopause has arrived;
  • Menstruation is too heavy;
  • From one period to another, bleeding appeared;
  • The woman has noticeable pain in the lower abdomen.

After the examination, the ultrasound specialist, and then your doctor will find out whether you have:

  • Mucosal hyperplasia;
  • Salpingitis;
  • Fibroids in the uterus;
  • In the ovaries there is polycystic disease;
  • Neoplasm;
  • inflammation in the genitals;
  • Endometriosis;
  • There is pathology in the cervix;
  • You are pregnant;
  • There is a benign neoplasm in the ovaries.

Diagnosis is made using suitable ultrasound examination techniques.

For what reasons are there restrictions?

The doctor most often refers the patient to the first ultrasound of the uterus when the menstrual cycle is in phase 1. For what reason? At this time, the endometrial layer in the uterus is thinner than at other times. You can make an excellent overview of the organ, notice the pathology, how the endometrium develops.

When the 2nd phase of the cycle, a preliminary examination is done and a repeat examination will be required, but now the endometrial layer in the uterus will be thick. The ultrasound specialist will not be able to see on the screen whether there is a cyst or tumor. They will hide in the endometrial layer.

Why else are ultrasounds done? different days cycle? Due to the maturation of the egg. A follicle cyst occurs on the ovary. If it is up to 3 cm, this is within normal limits. It is difficult for a specialist to understand where a normally maturing egg is in a follicle, and where is a pathological cyst? When your period ends, the natural cyst will disappear, but the pathological one will remain. From the beginning of the next cycle it is easy to detect.

On what day of the cycle should an ultrasound be done? In the middle of the cycle, an examination is prescribed if they want to observe how the egg matures and ovulation occurs. This will help to understand why a woman has problems conceiving a baby, is she really infertile?

When is it optimal to perform a gynecological ultrasound?

Gynecological ultrasound is best performed from 3 to 5 days, when menstruation ends. But no later than from 7 to 10 days of the cycle. The fallopian tubes the ovaries are examined at the same time as the uterus. This is from days 5 to 7 of the cycle.

When a doctor needs to assess how much the ovaries are functioning (follicles are developed in them, a corpus luteum has formed), an ultrasound examination is prescribed 2 times. From 8 to 10 days 1 and from 14 to 16 days 2. You can also perform a 3rd examination from 22 to 24 days.

If there is a delay and when more than 14 days have passed since ovulation, and tests show that you are not pregnant, you need to ask your gynecologist for a referral for an ultrasound. These signs may indicate the formation of a cyst.

Why is it better to do an ultrasound in phase 1 of the cycle?

During this period, the endometrium, or mucous membrane inside the uterus, is thin. If there is a polyp on it, with submucosal myoma or hyperplasia, then they are perfectly visualized on the monitor. When phase 2 of the cycle begins, the endometrium thickens and hides polyps and other small tumors.

"Advice. Get diagnosed at the time recommended by your doctor." From the middle of the 1st cycle or into the 2nd phase, there are 2-3 cm follicles in the ovaries. Cyst corpus luteum. which appears after ovulation is normal phenomenon V female body and it will last from 10 to 14 days.

Menstruation will begin, and when it ends, from days 3 to 5, small cysts, 7 to 12 mm in diameter, will be visible in the ovaries in the screenshot. In the 2nd half of your cycle, it is difficult for a specialist to accurately determine whether it is a natural cyst or a pathological one, the removal of which is performed surgically.

to install correct diagnosis, you will be sent for an ultrasound again from 3 to 5 days after the end of menstruation. In the middle or in the 2nd half of the cycle, an examination is prescribed for those who find out whether they are infertile or not. The doctor observes how mature the follicle is and whether it has ovulated.

Normal parameters of female organs in the pelvis

If you are of childbearing age, then the normal uterus is from 40 to 59 mm, the average is 52 mm. Body thickness varies from 30 to 42 mm, with an average of 38 mm. The width of the body is from 46 to 62 mm, and on average 51 mm. The length of the cervix varies from 20 to 35 mm.

The menstrual cycle affects the size of the uterus. It is least when the end of the proliferative period and the beginning of the secretory period. Enlarged before the onset of menstruation.

A specialist cannot always detect an ovary. It is oval, homogeneous inside, and has average echogenicity.

The vagina is tubular in structure and small in diameter. Its echogenicity is low. An echogenic line runs down the middle. Walls from 3 to 4 mm.

Getting ready for the event

An ultrasound can be performed without preparation, but to make it reliable and as informative as possible, listen to the doctor’s recommendations. Best before diagnosis:

  1. 3 days before the examination, try not to eat foods that can cause increased gas formation in the intestines. these are legumes, soda, etc. If the intestines are swollen, the ultrasound specialist will not be able to give a correct conclusion on the examination of the uterus and other genital organs.
  2. Don't have the desire or ability to stick to a diet? 2 days before the procedure, take 3 tablets per day activated carbon. You can take Espumisan, the dose is in the instructions.
  3. On the day of diagnosis, the intestines should be clean. If you empty it every morning, then everything is fine. If not, do an enema.
  4. To do an external ultrasound, you need a full bladder. In 30 min. Before diagnosis, drink coffee or tea or mineral water. These drinks are diuretic and you will quickly feel that your bladder is full. Drink 1 liter of liquid. During transvaginal diagnosis, the bladder needs to be emptied. Before the ultrasound, you need to take a shower at home.

No other procedures are required. Diagnostics lasts 5-30 minutes. Screenshots will be taken during the examination. Based on them, the doctor will establish the correct diagnosis. Will tell you if you have pathological changes in the uterus, endometrial layer, ovaries, etc.

"Advice. The examination method is accurate. No other additional ones are required."

How can a woman prepare for an ultrasound:

In order for the study to be complete and accurate, carry it out on the right day of the cycle, using the right method. It is good when the examination is carried out using modern equipment, and the results are interpreted by a highly qualified doctor.

If you feel pain in the lower abdomen? appeared unpleasant discharge, immediately go to see a gynecologist. He will send you for an ultrasound and tests. Soon the specialist will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Now you know which day of the cycle is best to do an ultrasound.