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Immunoglobulin e is 99.15 and the proper value is 100.80. Immunoglobulins E (gamma globulins E, IgE, Immunoglobulin E)

Immunoglobulins E are antibodies. They are produced by plasma cells various organs: tonsils, stomach, spleen, intestinal mucous membranes and respiratory tract. Immunoglobulin e IgE is able to quickly attach to the surface of mast cells and basophils of the mucous membranes and skin. Upon repeated contact with the antigen, vasos are released on the surface of these cells. active substances(histamine, serotonin, heparin) and an immediate allergic reaction is triggered. Immunoglobulins E are involved in protective anthelmintic immunity. At the Yusupov Hospital, an IgE immunoglobulin test is carried out for the purpose of diagnosis and evaluation of the effectiveness of therapy for allergic diseases, diagnosis of hyper-IgE syndrome and helminth infections, to assess the risk of developing allergic diseases in children.

The research results are interpreted by candidates and doctors medical sciences, doctors of the highest category. After comprehensive survey For patients, allergists draw up an individual treatment regimen for diseases in which there is a pathological change in the concentration of IgE immunoglobulins. To treat patients, recommendations from European and American allergists are used. Doctors prescribe to patients the most effective medications registered in the Russian Federation, which have minimal side effects.

Common immunoglobulin IgE - what is it?

A test for general immunoglobulins E in the blood is used to diagnose allergies, but to search for the causative allergen, immunoglobulins E specific to it are identified. IgE, contained in free form in the blood serum, makes up 0.002% of all antibodies. When interpreting the indicators of total immunoglobulin ig e, allergists at the Yusupov Hospital take into account a number of factors:

  • in approximately 1/3 of patients with atopic diseases the level of total IgE does not exceed the norm;
  • Some patients with bronchial asthma have increased sensitivity to only one antigen, as a result of which their total immunoglobulin E level may be within normal limits, while specific immunoglobulin E and skin test results will be positive;
  • the concentration of total immunoglobulin E also increases with helminthic infestation, bronchopulmonary aspergillosis and some forms of immunodeficiency and normalizes after treatment;
  • angioedema and chronic recurrent urticaria are not mandatory testimony to determine total immunoglobulin E, since in most cases they are non-allergic in nature;
  • antibodies of other classes that are specific for a given allergen may cause false negative results;
  • exclusively high concentrations total ig e immunoglobulin may be due to nonspecific binding to various antigens.

Preparation for the IgE immunoglobulin test

The IgE immunoglobulin test is carried out strictly on an empty stomach. For research nurses Yusupov Hospital is being fenced venous blood, observing the rules of asepsis and antiseptics. Before the test, it is not recommended to eat food for 10-12 hours, and fatty foods and alcohol should be excluded from the diet the day before the test. You can drink clean still water.

During the several days preceding the study, patients are not ultrasound examination, they don’t put IVs in and don’t do x-rays. They are not recommended to visit the solarium, sauna or sunbathing. 2-3 days before the study you need to stop playing sports and fitness. The IgE immunoglobulin test is carried out within 3 days. Research results in difficult cases discussed at a meeting of the expert council. Doctors at the Yusupov Hospital make a collective decision on further treatment tactics for the patient.

Norm and changes in IgE immunoglobulin levels

The normal concentration of immunoglobulin IgE in newborns is considered to be up to 1.5 IU/ml, in children 1-5 years old - up to 60.0 IU/ml, 6-9 years old - up to 90.0 IU/ml, 10-15 years old - up to 200 .0 IU/ml. Normally, the level of immunoglobulin ig e does not exceed 100.0 IU/ml. Total immunoglobulin e IgE may be high in patients who receive antibacterial drugs penicillin series, decreased when taking phenytoin.

An increase in the level of immunoglobulin IgE is observed in patients suffering from atopic allergic diseases ( allergic rhinitis, atopic bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, allergic gastroenteropathy). Immunoglobulin IgE may be high in patients with the following diseases:

  • anaphylactic reactions(systemic anaphylaxis, angioedema);
  • allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis;
  • helminthiasis;
  • hyper-IgE syndrome (Job syndrome);
  • Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome;
  • selective IGA deficit;
  • thymic aplasia (DiGeorge syndrome);
  • IgE myeloma.

The concentration of immunoglobulin Ig e increases in the case of graft-versus-host disease. A decrease in IgE immunoglobulin levels may indicate a significant deterioration in function immune system, the presence of immunodeficiency or myeloma.

Make an appointment with an immunologist at the Yusupov Hospital by calling. The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe an IgE immunoglobulin test. After discussing the results of the study, treatment will be prescribed.


Prices for diagnostic tests

*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not public offer, determined by the provisions of Art. 437 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For accurate information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic. List of services provided paid services indicated in the price list of the Yusupov Hospital.

*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, defined by the provisions of Art. 437 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For accurate information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic.

Skin rashes, redness, swelling of the mucous membranes - all these are negative reactions of the body to external stimuli. Immunoglobulin E total (ig e total) is responsible for such manifestations. This is a type of antibody that is produced in the submucosal layer of tissues - in respiratory tract, adenoids, tonsils, skin, digestive system– and are an immediate reaction of the immune system to foreign cells.

The structure of immunoglobulin E

What does immunoglobulin E show?

Immunoglobulin E is a special type of protein that is produced by group B lymphocytes. Using special receptors, antibodies attach to the surface of mast cells and basophils - cells that produce biologically active substances during the development of allergies.

A blood test reveals:

  • general;
  • specific (already associated with a certain type allergen) immunoglobulin E.
The test for total IgE is a determination of the total concentration of protective proteins in the test material.

Bronchial asthma common symptom high lgE

The main function of class E immunoglobulins is to protect the external mucous membranes of the body from pathogenic microflora. When harmful organisms enter, antibodies of this class provoke an acute inflammatory process in the affected areas, which causes an allergic reaction (redness of the skin, swelling of the mucous membranes, bronchospasms).

Norms of indicators in adults and children

IN in good condition the concentration of total immunoglobulin E in the blood plasma is very low. This is explained by the fact that in the absence of atopic antigens, almost no protective protein is produced.

When measuring the amount of serum immunoglobulin, it is customary to take the international unit per milliliter (IU/ml).

The norm of total igE in children changes dynamically with age and may differ from the values ​​of an adult.

Table “Normal amount of class E antibodies in blood plasma in a child and an adult”

From the first day of life until the age of 15 years, the IgE level gradually increases. Closer to puberty, the values ​​are finally established and do not change over the years. A decrease in the number of protective class E antibodies in old age is normal.

Elevated immunoglobulin E - what does this mean?

When an allergenic antigen enters the body, the IgE level rises sharply.

This may indicate the following conditions:

  1. Atopic pathologies – dermatitis, bronchial asthma, rhinitis, allergic gastroenteropathy.
  2. Anaphylactic diseases - urticaria (angioedema), systemic anaphylaxis.

Provoking factors for such manifestations may be:

  • dust;
  • nutritional supplements;
  • foreign protein;
  • pollen;
  • medicines;
  • metal derivatives;
  • substances of chemical origin.

IgE levels can be increased by pollen

An increase in total immunoglobulin E is also possible due to defects in T-lymphocytes (responsible for the strength and duration of the immune response).

In this case, if IgE is elevated, this is evidence of:

  • hyperimmunoglobulinemia;
  • deficiency of selective protein IgA;
  • thymic aplasia;
  • myeloma (uncontrolled growth) of IgE proteins;
  • congenital immunodeficiency (thrombocytopenia, eczema).

Another reason increased amount total immunoglobulins there is a conflict between donor and host cells after tissue transplantation. In this case, the transplanted cells perceive the new organism as a threat and attack it (usually the skin, mucous membranes, and digestive system are affected).

Table “Indicators of total IgE at the time of pathological changes in the body”

The level of immunoglobulin E in the blood can be moderately increased (mild course of the disease) or go off scale (acute course). In order to correctly identify the allergen and the cause of the pathology, deciphering the results and making a diagnosis must be done exclusively by a specialist.

Low immunoglobulin E

Class E protein in the blood can not only be increased, but also greatly decreased. A sharp decrease in serum immunoglobulin indicates ataxia-telangiectasia (the development of a severe gynenic disease of the central nervous system). The cause of this condition is defects in normal functioning T-lymphocytes (hereditary or acquired immunodeficiency).

How to get tested

To reliably detect allergens in a person’s blood, it is better to take the test on an empty stomach in the morning.

To do this, it is important to prepare properly:

  1. Do not consume food or any drinks prior to collection biological material. You can only drink plain water.
  2. 48 hours before donating blood, it is important not to eat fatty, fried, spicy and salty foods, and also avoid alcoholic beverages.
  3. Do not smoke for at least 24 hours before the test.
  4. 2-3 days before taking a blood test, avoid physical and emotional fatigue.
  5. Before collecting the material, it is important not to use any medications for 14 days.

Before collecting blood, you can only drink water

You cannot donate blood for immunoglobulins on the day when physiotherapy or medical examination procedures (ultrasound, x-ray of the lungs) were carried out. It is better to hold off on manipulation for at least a day.

How to lower immunoglobulin E?

At the heart of the decline high level Serum immunoglobulin is used to eliminate the allergen that caused one or another negative reaction from the immune system. Only after accurate diagnosis appointed drug therapy, which can be supported by folk remedies.

Treatment with drugs

Groups of drugs directly depend on the identified source of negative reactions:

  1. Antihistamines. They suppress the functioning of those receptors that react to the immediate allergen. Most effective drugs are: Suprastin, Cetirizine, Zodak, Diazolin, Clemastine, Loratadine.
  2. Medicines local use. Help eliminate external symptoms diseases and prevent complications. Bepanten ointment, Diprosalik, Radevit, Eplan cream, Imakort, Fenistil-gel are often prescribed.
  3. Drugs to stimulate the immune system (Arbidol, Amiksin). For patients with Ig-dependent allergies, immunity is increased by gradual increase doses of allergens that are introduced into the body. This allows for a long-term lull in allergic manifestations.
  4. Antihelminthics – Pyrantel, Piperazine, Levamisole, Albendazole.
Drug treatment is selected by the doctor, taking into account all the features of the disease, its cause and severity.

Suprastin is an antihistamine

How to reduce with folk remedies

Support general state and reduce unpleasant symptoms folk recipes will help with allergies.

You will need:

  • St. John's wort leaves – 60 g;
  • centaury grass – 75 g;
  • corn silk – 15 g;
  • horsetail – 30 g;
  • chamomile inflorescences – 45 g;
  • rose hips (berries) – 60 g;
  • dandelion root – 45 g.

Herbal decoction will help reduce immunoglobulin E

Grind all ingredients thoroughly and mix. In 250 ml hot water infuse 15 g herbal mixture. After 6–7 hours, place the infusion on water bath and bring to a boil. After at least 4 hours, strain and drink a third of a glass before each meal. Duration of treatment is 3–5 months.

Eggshells and lemon juice

Shell a few boiled eggs peel off the film and grind into a powdery mass. Take 1 tsp. (2-3 times a day), after sprinkling with a few drops fresh juice Limo n a. The course of treatment is from 1 month.

Shredded eggshell relieves allergy symptoms well

Dandelion and burdock

Grind the roots of dandelion and burdock (taken in equal parts). Select 2 tbsp. l. plant collection and pour 600 ml of water, leave for 12 hours. Boil the liquid for 7–10 minutes, leave for 15 minutes and strain. Take 100 ml of decoction 4-5 times a day. Treatment lasts at least a month.

A decoction of dandelion and burdock lowers immunoglobulin E

Using recipes traditional medicine to lower immunoglobulin E, it is important to remember that this must be agreed with your doctor. Alternative Methods- an auxiliary link in the complex drug treatment allergies, which must be used with caution.

Allergies are becoming a real scourge of our generation. Dust, citrus fruits, and animal dander are just a few of the potential sources of allergens. And when you come to allergists with your problem, the first thing you hear is an instruction to take an immunoglobulin E test. But what is this substance and how is it related to your illness? This article will help you figure this out.

Immunoglobulin E. Friend or Foe?

Immunoglobulins are a family of special antibodies, staunch guards of your body, protecting it from any external influences. Including allergens. Immunoglobulin E, or IgE, is responsible for fighting the latter.

Of all immunoglobulins, IgE has the lowest concentration in the body - less than 100 IU/ml in an adult. But as soon as allergens are detected in your blood, the number of antibodies begins to grow at tremendous speed. And along with them, the amount of active substances they produce also increases. First of all, the hormones serotonin and histamine, which cause inflammatory processes. Sneezing, runny nose, rash - these are all consequences of the work of immunoglobulin E.

When is the test prescribed?

The fact that IgE is activated exclusively by allergenic substances makes it an ideal tool for detecting allergic diseases. His study is prescribed in the following cases:

Allergists and immunologists recommend that their patients undergo this analysis every six months. This ensures constant monitoring of the body's condition. This is especially true in the spring and summer, when allergenic diseases peak.

Carrying out the analysis and its results

Give anal
You can test for immunoglobulin E in most clinics. A similar service is also provided in any medical laboratory in your city. The material for research is taken from the antecubital vein using a vacutainer or a traditional syringe. Blood sampling occurs in the morning, on an empty stomach.
As in the case general analysis blood, you need to prepare for donating blood for IgE. Otherwise, the readings may be seriously distorted. To ensure the most accurate results you will need to:

  1. Avoid alcohol 3-4 days before the test;
  2. Limit physical activity for the same period;
  3. The day before the test, exclude spicy and fried foods from your diet;
  4. Do not eat food 8-12 hours before the test;
  5. Do not smoke on the day of the test;
  6. Drink only non-carbonated drinking water.

One more important factor The medications you take may affect the test results. Primarily antibiotics based on penicillin. Therefore, it is better to stop taking them a few days before the test. If this is not possible, be sure to inform your doctor about taking them.

Decoding the results of the Immunoglobulin E test takes several days, after which you will receive all the indicators. Normally, the IgE level should have the following values:

  • Newborns and children up to 3 months– 0-2 IU/ml;
  • Children from 3 to 6 months– 3-10 IU/ml;
  • Children from 6 to 12 months– 8-20 IU/ml;
  • Children from 1 year to 5 years– 10-50 IU/ml;
  • Children from 5 to 16 years old– 16-200IU/ml;
  • Children over 16 years old and adults– 20-100 IU/ml.

If the decoding of your analysis instead of International Units per milliliter (IU/ml) indicates Kilounits per liter (kE/l), do not be alarmed. This does not change the meaning. Some laboratories use alternative measurements, such as µg/L, but this is the exception rather than the rule. If you encounter this, know that the conversion factor is as follows:

· 1 IU/ml = 0.42 µg/l

What to do with the IgE test result?

Once you receive the result, you need to contact your doctor. Moreover, this should be done not only if the test results for immunoglobulin E are elevated, but also if reduced level antibodies. The cause of IgE deficiency can be either congenital deficiency or serious illnesses in a hidden form. Primarily immunodeficiency and oncology.

In most cases, after examining the level of immunoglobulin, a search for possible allergens is performed. This way the doctor will be able to determine the cause of the disease and prescribe optimal treatment, which will prevent possible complications.

Of course, there are drugs that reduce IgE levels. For example, phenytoin. But apply similar medicines It is possible only as prescribed by the attending physician. Otherwise, the results of the next immunoglobulin E test will be greatly distorted.

Allergy is a very unpleasant disease. In addition to many inconveniences for you and your loved ones, it can bring with it a number of complications. That's why we have prepared several for you simple tips that will help you survive the period of exacerbation more calmly:

  • Watch your diet carefully. Avoid carbonated drinks, citrus fruits and alcohol;
  • Limit consumption of processed foods and fried foods in favor of boiled or stewed food;
  • Try to consume more fermented milk products and rosehip decoction;
  • Wet clean your premises more often and install an air purifier in your home;
  • Try not to go outside in sunny weather. It is better to walk and move around during or immediately after rain;
  • Carefully monitor your response to different medications. If you notice intolerance, be sure to report it to your doctor.

The immunoglobulin E test is without a doubt one of the essential tools in the fight against allergies. It is simple, reliable and efficient. But even the best detection tools are useless without appropriate treatment. Remember this and live a long and healthy life.

Choosing a competent specialist

In the 1960s, immunoglobulin E was first isolated from the serum of patients with atopy ( allergic disease) and multiple myeloma. Already in 1968, WHO (World Health Organization) identified it as an independent class of immunoglobulins.

Antigen and antibody

An antigen for the human body can be any substance, compound, microorganism, even its own cells. They are perceived by the cells of the immune system as foreign, “non-native” and therefore the immune system reacts to them by producing appropriate antibodies.

Antibodies (also known as immunoglobulins) are blood serum proteins that have binding sites for antigens. In the process of differentiation of B lymphocytes, plasma cells are formed, which release immunoglobulins into the blood. These cells are species specific, that is, they secrete only 1 out of 5 possible types antibodies (immunoglobulins M, G, A, E, D).

Immunoglobulin E has the same structure as other antibodies. It consists of two light (kappa - k or lambda - l) and two heavy (epsilon - e) chains. They are arranged in the form of a slingshot, where they distinguish two Fab sites - the sites where the antibody binds to the antigen, and one Fc site that interacts with the receptor, which is located on the surface of cells or certain proteins.

The main feature in the structure of various classes of immunoglobulins is the heavy H-chains. Immunoglobulins are named after the type of these chains: IgM - μ, IgG - γ, IgA - α, IgE - ε, IgD - δ.

Place of synthesis

The main cells that produce immunoglobulin E are plasma cells, which can be found on the mucous membranes, skin, lungs and peripheral organs of the immune system (lymph nodes).

Interaction with other cells

The Fc fragment of immunoglobulin E can be recognized by receptors located on mast cells, basophils, and eosinophils. As a result of this, granules are released (degranulation) with biologically active substances (serotonin, histamine) and inflammatory mediators, which contributes to the development clinical symptoms.

There are general and specific immunoglobulin E. General IgE assesses the state of the body, whether there is hypersensitivity, sensitization of the body, is a nonspecific indicator that requires in-depth study. Specific IgE is formed in response to a specific allergen. Based on the level of this immunoglobulin, one can conclude the cause of the disease.

The released active substances help to increase the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, swelling occurs, the secretion of mucus in the glands increases, and the muscles of the organs contract. Everyone can imagine what happens to someone who is allergic, for example, to pollen. The person begins to sneeze, rashes appear on the skin, long-term action allergen may develop.

Table 1 presents possible allergens and characteristic pathological diseases.

Table 1. Allergens and possible diseases.

It is worth noting that immunoglobulin E is mainly responsible for the development of type 1 allergic reaction (immediate hypersensitivity) and anthelmintic immune response.

Reasons for ordering an immunoglobulin E test

Immunoglobulin E is checked when:

  • allergic reaction (itching, skin rashes, );
  • immunodeficiency;
  • infectious process;
  • malignant neoplasms.

For qualitative assessment Immunoglobulin E levels need to be prepared for analysis:

  1. Blood is donated in the morning on an empty stomach.
  2. Avoid eating fatty, fried, salty foods, as well as alcohol.
  3. Don't overexert your body stressful situations and exhausting physical activity, rest for a day or two before donating blood.
  4. It is recommended to refuse admission medicines, as they may distort the results of the study.

If you have other medical procedures planned on the day of the test (, X-ray irradiation, physiotherapy), these activities should be separated.

Normal blood test results for IgE

Normally, there are low concentrations of immunoglobulin E in the blood. The level of these antibodies changes with age in children and reaches its maximum value during puberty (12 – 15 years, different for everyone). Table 2 presents age-specific concentrations of immunoglobulin E. This indicator is measured in international units (IU) per milliliter (ml).

Table 2. Normal values immunoglobulin E.

The presence of antibodies of other classes, for example, immunoglobulins G, due to their nonspecific binding to the antigen (allergen), can lead to a false negative result.

Methods for determining the level of total and specific IgE

Determination of total immunoglobulin is carried out by radioimmunoassay. The patient's serum is added to antibodies to immunoglobulin E sorbed on a solid carrier, and the antibodies and antigens bind. Next, they are labeled with an isotope and, based on the level of radioactivity, a quantitative value of immunoglobulin E is obtained.

Specific immunoglobulin E is determined using skin tests. Various types of allergens are applied to the forearm and after 15 minutes they look at what develops an allergic reaction in the form of the formation of a red spot more than 0.8 cm. To quantify the level of specific immunoglobulin E, ELISA is used ( linked immunosorbent assay) or RAST (radioallergosorbent test).

If you have an allergy, you need to find out what could be its source in order to avoid future contact with the allergen and prevent the development of clinical symptoms and serious complications.

There are other possible reasons:

  • Hodgkin's disease ();
  • systemic leukemia;
  • IgE myeloma;
  • (gluten intolerance);
  • idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis;
  • drug-induced interstitial nephritis;
  • Wegener's granulomatosis;
  • periarteritis nodosa;

In children increased level immunoglobulin E can be caused by serious diseases:

Allergic reactions occur in humans as a result of certain allergens entering the body. Any substance that comes into direct contact with the defenses can cause them. There are several types of allergens, which can only be determined under special conditions.

Allergens Ige

At first glance, elements that are safe and familiar to humans can lead to allergies. Plant pollen, home care products, beauty care products, and even food products. All this can cause indignation of the immune system.

The most severe reaction is provoked by food and animal hair. To determine the allergen, special tests are performed. If you have a food allergy, the patient’s blood will have an increased level of allergens. Often the patient is not able to distinguish a true allergy from intolerance to certain foods.

Traditional food allergy Ige is an acute reaction that occurs in 2–3% of the population. It is characterized by dangerous manifestations in the form of suffocation and anaphylaxis. Signs develop quite rapidly, within 5–15 minutes from the moment the aggressive substance enters the body. This type of allergy can be caused by any food that is rightfully considered openly allergenic. For example:

  • chocolate;
  • peanut;
  • eggs and so on.

Allergens Igg

Indicate a delayed allergic reaction, that is, food intolerance. The problem occurs in more people (about 20%). Appears several hours, sometimes days after consuming a certain substance. This makes diagnosis very difficult, since it is difficult to determine what exactly caused the body’s negative response.

Arises pathological condition on the foods that a person most often consumes. Therefore, many do not even realize that they are the culprit of the problem. In addition, this disease is not as easy to cure as a true allergy. Diagnosis is also difficult due to the similarity of symptoms to other diseases. The danger lies in the ability of allergies of this type call serious illnesses internal organs.

Specific IgE allergens

A person who suspects he has allergic reactions, first of all, you must take an immunoglobulin test. This will become the basis for further diagnostics and research. It should be taken into account that the concentration of the substance changes with age. In babies infancy, up to 1 year it is 0–15 kE/l. In adults, the figure increases to 100 units.

We should not forget that an increased content of these elements leads to serious problems with health. Sometimes patients receiving treatment for bronchitis, asthma, dermatitis and so on do not get the desired result. The point here is not the ineffectiveness of therapy, but the cause of the problem. Until it is eliminated, treatment will not give the desired effect.

Individual allergens Igg

The solution to any problem must be comprehensive. This truth is also relevant for research when making a diagnosis. Therefore, even if the patient normal level IgE immunoglobulin needs to be tested for Igg. In this case, be sure to take into account:

  • seasonality of the problem;
  • type of allergen;
  • region of residence;
  • patient's age.

In addition, it is important to remember that manifestations of an allergy to the smell of food often occur in the form of a cough. Any chronic illness may be due to increased content IgG allergen.

What is the difference between IgG and IgE allergens

The main difference between the elements in clinical picture diseases. The interval between consumption of an allergen and the onset of symptoms. With food intolerance, an increased level of IgG allergen is detected. Signs of allergies appear later certain period time ranging from several hours to 2–3 days.

The symptoms are not acute and do not pose a danger to human life. Often expressed in disruption of the functioning of the digestive organs, stool disorders, and rash. High content of the element leads to reactions of types 2, 3 and 4. Unlike allergen IgE skin tests give negative results. Allergies appear as a result of consumption large quantity a separate product, as well as when mixing different substances.

The IgE element provokes immediate, life-threatening reactions. Depending on the amount of allergen, they may appear on the skin, for example, hives. So in the respiratory organs:

  • swelling of the mucous membranes of the larynx and mouth;
  • dyspnea;
  • asthma attacks;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • anaphylactic shock.

Skin tests give positive results. Signs of the disease appear after consuming even a minimal amount of a dangerous product.