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A cat gave birth to a dead kitten: reasons and what the owner should do. Causes and symptoms of miscarriage in a cat

- This difficult process, all the nuances of which only a veterinarian can understand. What to do if the kitten was born dead or very weak? Let's figure out how to save and protect the lives of babies.

If you are serious about becoming a cat breeder, accept it as a fact that some of the kittens obtained from your pet will die. Your task is to provide the pregnant cat with adequate care and reduce mortality among kittens as much as possible.

To clarify the causes and dependence of kitten mortality, studies were conducted that showed that the offspring of breeding cats have more high level mortality.

According to the research results:

  • 9% of babies die within 2 months after birth. Most of these 9% did not survive the first 3 weeks.
  • The next point of the study is even more frightening - only 75% of kittens that lived to 8 weeks reached one year of age.

Kittens can die in the womb due to infection, congenital pathologies or poor quality care for a pregnant cat. Sudden complications may occur during childbirth. In such cases, both mother and offspring are at serious risk. Childbirth is a long, labor-intensive and quite dangerous process, for which the owner must prepare with all responsibility.

Advice: Take your cat to the vet as soon as you have determined she is pregnant. After determining the gestational age, the veterinarian will give an estimated date of birth. Try to agree in advance veterinary clinic about the possible visit of a doctor to your home (on the day of birth) if the cat needs help.

Intrauterine death of kittens - causes and consequences

More often The reasons for the death of kittens before birth lie in intrauterine developmental disorders. Some embryos may die when multiple pregnancy. In this case, we can say that the body gets rid of excess load. In this case, the mother's body absorbs dead embryos. Birth defects developments that turn out to be incompatible with life may arise due to genetic defects or poor quality care for the mother in the early stages of pregnancy.

Quite often, intrauterine malformations associated with chronic diseases pregnant cat. Constant stress, cold, physical damage, trauma and others can lead to intrauterine death of kittens. external factors. It has been established that a deficiency of taurine in a cat's diet leads to a slowdown in the development of muscles and bones in fetuses. During cat pregnancy, it is not advisable to use any medications (especially toxic ones) without the prescription and supervision of a veterinarian.

Read also: Care domestic cat after childbirth

If a pregnant cat is infected with the distemper virus (panleukopenia), stillborn offspring are considered a consequence of the disease. When an infection rages in the body, the development of the embryo stops, which leads to improper formation of the brain and deformation of the skull.

Chronic and – one more dangerous pathology, which results in the death of the entire litter. Most often, kittens are born alive, but die within the first day after birth. In veterinary medicine, this phenomenon is called fading kitten syndrome.

Death of kittens during childbirth - reasons

Complications that may occur during childbirth cannot be predicted. The death of kittens during childbirth, in most cases, is due to the fact that the baby gets stuck in the birth canal.

Note! Each kitten develops in an individual amniotic sac, which is filled with fluid. The baby's body is supplied with nutrients and oxygen through the umbilical cord (with blood).

The second most common reason is umbilical cord entanglement. Umbilical cord entanglement in kittens is fraught with several serious complications at once and here’s why:

  • The kitten is connected by the umbilical cord to the placenta, the length of the umbilical cord is 5–6 cm.
  • The placenta remains attached to the uterus when the kitten is born, and the kitten remains connected to the placenta by the umbilical cord.
  • If entanglement occurs, the umbilical cord becomes shorter and becomes very tight during the pushing process, which can lead to injury in the kitten and rupture of the uterine wall in the cat.

The birth is considered complete immediately after the expulsion of the last kitten. Unfortunately, in a relatively short period of time, part of the litter may die. Statistically, most newborn kittens die in the first 7 days after birth.

Again, based on statistics, the causes are rarely associated with infections. The situation is complicated by the fact that newborn kittens almost always die suddenly, and owners rarely notice specific symptoms and have time to provide help. Even experienced veterinarians note that the symptoms of fading in newborn kittens are very vague.

Note! If the kitten does not crawl to the mother’s nipples, cannot take the nipple, does not suck milk well and does not reach out to the other kittens (towards warmth), it must be taken from the nest and carefully observed. A decrease in natural activity and weak unconditioned reflexes are the first symptoms of extinction.

Newborn kittens can die within hours due to hypothermia. Just after being born, babies cannot control own temperature bodies. The mother of the kittens usually takes care of maintaining normal temperature in the nest. Hypothermia is especially dangerous because it can cause a decrease in heart rate and respiratory activity.

Read also: Preparing for birth in a domestic cat

Small kittens need to breathe frequently and deeply., otherwise there is a high risk of cardiovascular failure. Even with mild hypothermia, kittens experience a loss of strength, due to which they cannot actively suckle milk. Normal temperature The body temperature of newborn kittens fluctuates between 36 and 38 degrees. The temperature in the nest must be maintained between 38 and 39 degrees.

Newborn kittens have serious nutritional needs. useful substances and calories. Normally, the kitten gets enough nutrients, antibodies and friendly bacteria from the mother's colostrum. If a kitten is sick or weakened, it cannot actively suckle milk, which quickly leads to exhaustion. The most dangerous aspect of exhaustion is sharp drop blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia). The clinical picture in newborn kittens develops very quickly, the baby squeaks loudly, breathes heavily and trembles.

Dehydration is especially dangerous for newborn kittens, especially if the baby cannot suck milk normally. In a kitten’s body, the mechanisms for retaining water work very weakly, and dehydration leads to a decrease in the elasticity of the tissues of the kidneys, lungs and other organs. may be a consequence of severe or protracted labor, injury or blood loss in the cat.

Particular attention should be paid to cats that naturally have flat or depressed noses. The problem is that the cat is naturally deformed respiratory tract, suffers from oxygen starvation in childbirth. The mother's body acts in the interests of preserving own life Therefore, kittens are often exposed to hypoxia (suffocation).

Important! A kitten that died in childbirth from hypoxia needs resuscitation!

Reanimation of a kitten or declaration of death

When was the cat born? dead kitten she may ignore the baby and start licking him own wool. Your task is to react quickly and provide the newborn with all possible assistance. To resuscitate babies, you should have the following kit on hand:

  • Sharp, sterile scissors.
  • Syringes without needles or a baby syringe.
  • Paper and cloth towels.
  • Warmer.
  • Dental or cotton floss.
  • Cat milk replacer.

Act carefully but confidently! Open it up amniotic sac in the muzzle area. First, try to break the bubble with your fingers; if all else fails, cut it with scissors. Remove the bubble from the kitten and place the baby on paper towels. Open the kitten's mouth and try to remove as much amniotic fluid as possible.

The birth of a stillborn kitten is a situation that every owner can face. pet. If a cat gives birth to a stillborn kitten, it is important to have an idea of ​​what leads to such consequences and how to prevent the death of the baby in the future.

Why do kittens die

Among the reasons and factors, the following stand out::

What to do if a kitten is born dead?

When a cat gives birth to dead kittens, it is mainly a moral blow for the owner.

The first step is postpartum resuscitation measures. In some cases, this helps to save the kitten within 15-20 minutes after birth:

  • The kitten should be turned down: the bubble is eliminated, which will leak bile from the mouth and lungs. Remains can be sucked out using a syringe.
  • Two exhalations are made from the kitten’s mouth and nose. The mouth should completely cover the baby's face.
  • You can check your heartbeat with a stethoscope. Rib cage Light pressure is applied between the index finger and thumb.

As practice shows, if a cat gives birth to dead kittens, it is not possible to carry out resuscitation operations due to the lack of skills and appropriate equipment. In addition, we must not forget that diseases of a dead fetus can be transmitted to the cat's owner.

If there is no result, the dead baby is isolated from the mother and wrapped in a bag. When there is not one dead kitten, but several, each is isolated separately.

The second step is a consultation with a veterinarian. The specialist will perform an autopsy of the dead fetus and identify the factors that influenced the death. The female and male (if possible) should be seen by a doctor after two to three days, when the cat has recovered from the birth. The veterinarian’s task is to identify or refute the presence of inflammation in the reproductive part of the body and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

How to protect future offspring?

You can help your cat give birth to kittens alive and healthy through pregnancy prevention and preliminary preparation:

A cat needs care during pregnancy. This concerns nutrition and safety: the slightest injury can become critical for the fetus.

Sometimes a pet's pregnancy ends with a miscarriage. From the article you will learn why a cat miscarries, what preventive measures can be taken, and what to do in the future. emergency situations.

Before determining the most effective preventive methods, you should find out why such a situation could become a reality for your beloved cat.

One of the common factors that stimulate spontaneous abortion in a pet is an injury that she may have received during pregnancy. However, besides this, it is quite enough for the animal serious danger represents any infection picked up after the formation of the fetus in the womb of the expectant mother.

Among the key reasons that you should first pay attention to are:

  • crossing too early or too late. If a cat is mated with a male under the age of one year or after 8 years, all this can result in a miscarriage and other health problems for the pet;
  • incorrectly composed diet. When an animal does not receive enough vitamins and components necessary for the formation strong immunity, pregnancy will be the greatest stress for a cat physiologically. The same can be said about a sharp change in the daily menu for a future woman in labor;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • poisoning;
  • pathologies of the feline reproductive system;
  • vaginal infections;
  • inbreeding (the cats that were crossed had a blood connection);
  • drug therapy;
  • stress;
  • hormonal imbalances.

Be sure to find out why your beloved cat gave birth to dead kittens. In this case, you can prevent a similar situation next time.

Video “Bleeding in cats”

From this video you will learn what it is bleeding in cats during pregnancy.

Varieties and their symptoms

Miscarriage in a cat can occur in different ways. The thing is that there are several types of spontaneous abortion in a tailed pet. The least dangerous thing for a pet is considered to be a miscarriage. early stages, which is notable for the resorption of the fetus in the womb. It is asymptomatic. Sometimes this spontaneous abortion is partial, since some of the fetuses are resorbed, and some develop and grow as usual.

Miscarriage due to intrauterine fetal death is a pathology that can occur at any stage of pregnancy in a cat. As a rule, the pet begins to bleed, purulent and mucous discharge from the vulva. The fetuses die in utero, after which the cat’s body rejects them. Sometimes such miscarriages go unnoticed by the animal’s owners. The cat is very clean, so it will actively lick itself and also eat its afterbirth and fruits.

Intrauterine fetal death without miscarriage is also possible at any stage of pregnancy. This variety is the most dangerous for your pet, because the fruits remain in the uterus or genital tract of the cat, where they mummify and decompose. As a result, the animal begins acute inflammation which is accompanied by bloody and purulent discharge.

Pet health hazard

If resorption of fetuses occurs in a cat on early stage pregnancy, there is no need to worry about her health. As for spontaneous abortions that occur in later, they cause serious damage reproductive organs pets (ruptures of the uterus or birth canal). Very often, pus accumulates in the uterine cavity large quantities. In the rarest and most advanced cases The cat develops intoxication of the body, which can lead to its death. That is why timely provision of assistance is very important.

How to act as an owner

When a cat gives birth to dead kittens (or when all the signs of a miscarriage are present), you should not try to help the animal at home. You will only waste time.

The best solution is to take your cat to a veterinary hospital and have her examined by a veterinarian.

If possible, call a specialist to your home so as not to further disturb your cat, which is already suffering from pain. Try to stop the bleeding on your own purulent discharge Not worth it if you don't want to harm the cat.

A specialist will need to examine your furry creature, conduct a hematological blood test, and developmental tests infectious diseases, hormone analysis, radiography, ultrasound abdominal cavity, as well as examination of smears from the genital organs. After this, the veterinarian will clearly establish the cause and accurate diagnosis.

Prevention measures

Dead kittens can be born to cats various reasons. That is why the best solution for you is to carry out the necessary preventive actions, with which you will protect your pet from serious health problems.

What you should think about first is finding a healthy partner for the cat, always a non-blood relative. It is not recommended to plan mating for animals that are over 6–7 years old. It is also advisable to create a balanced daily diet for your cat, which will include taurine, vitamins and minerals.

It is very important to make sure that your pet does not consume products of questionable quality or stale ones. This could cause her poisoning. In addition, during pregnancy, encourage your cat to physical activity, but try to limit access to high surfaces. Another key moment: Just before mating, try to check both partners for the presence of infections in the body.

Sometimes, in the early or late stages of pregnancy, a cat has a miscarriage. How to save your pet and her offspring is a question every cat lover may face. What is a miscarriage in a cat and why does it happen is the topic of our article today.

In this video, your veterinarian will explain why a pregnant cat may have bleeding.

Varieties and their symptoms

One of the types of miscarriages that represent least danger For your pet, it is worth highlighting the resorption of the fetus in the early stages of pregnancy. In fact, the process may go unnoticed by you. The fruits do not necessarily all dissolve; sometimes some of them continue to develop into normal mode. Much more serious is intrauterine fetal death, which can occur at any stage of pregnancy.

As for intrauterine death of fetuses without miscarriage, this is the most serious problem. In this case, your pet begins to bleed heavily, as well as purulent discharge (key symptoms). In addition, the cat refuses food, begins to vomit, and the temperature rises. The only sure way out is to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

What is the danger?

If fruit resorption is at an early stage serious consequences does not cause, then due to intrauterine fetal death (especially if the miscarriage itself does not occur), the cat may develop damage to the reproductive organs. Ruptures of the uterus or birth canal - all this can weaken the health of your pet. In addition, it is dangerous heavy bleeding. If you do not provide your cat with qualified treatment in time medical care, she may develop blood poisoning, which will lead to the death of the animal.

Even if you show your pet to the vet in a timely manner and the bleeding is stopped, it is possible that the cat will no longer be able to bear kittens. In addition, she is significantly impaired hormonal background. In any case, the animal must be helped promptly. In this case, you can hope for her full recovery.

What should the owner do?

What to do if your cat gives birth to stillborn kittens is to call your veterinarian. It is advisable for a specialist to come to your home so that you do not have to disturb the woman in labor again. If this is not possible, you need to take her to a veterinary hospital as carefully as possible.

The veterinarian will take everything from her first. necessary tests(hematological blood test, analysis for the presence of infectious diseases, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, etc.). Once an accurate diagnosis is made, your pet will be prescribed treatment.

Prevention rules

Of course, sometimes the cat owner has no control over the reasons why a cat gives birth to dead kittens. However, some preventive measures will still reduce the risk of developing such pathologies. For example, try to avoid inbreeding between cats.

If the animal is about 6–7 years old, it is better not to mate, since fertility in this case begins to decrease significantly. When a cat becomes pregnant, it is necessary to give her at least minimal physical activity.

A balanced diet is also important.

Pregnant cats should also be protected from staying on high surfaces in the apartment, otherwise they may be injured if they accidentally fall.

Based on materials from the website www.icatcare.org

Unfortunately, when awaiting the birth of kittens, you must be prepared for the fact that some of them may not survive. Pedigree cats have a level early mortality kittens are slightly higher than domestic ones. One study found that about 7% of purebred kittens are stillborn and 9% die within the first eight weeks of life ( for the most part from the first to the third week). The number of kittens surviving after 8 weeks of life varies for different breeds(75% to 95%), Persian kittens are the most likely to die.

Most kittens that are not destined to survive die before birth (they are stillborn) or in the first week of life. The number of deaths in kittens that lived for more than a week is significantly less. As a rule, while the cat is nursing kittens, death occurs from “non-infectious” causes; mortality from infectious diseases increases after the kitten is taken from its mother. This is because kittens receive protection against many infections through their mother's milk. Kittens that die between birth and weaning are called “fading.”

Neonatal isoerythrolysis.

For some cat breeds, neonatal isoerythrolysis is quite common cause death of kittens. The cause of death in this case is the incompatibility of the blood groups of the cat and the kitten.

The kitten should begin suckling within the first 2 hours of life. Kittens receive antibodies from the cat's milk by absorbing them during the first 16 to 24 hours of life, so it is important that they nurse well during this period. Milk is necessary not only for good nutrition, but also to acquire maternal derived immunity that protects them from infections.

The effectiveness of maternal immunity usually decreases at 3-4 weeks of life, individually for each kitten; by this time the amount of antibodies should be sufficient. The kitten's own immunity has not yet developed, and since most vaccination programs begin after 8 weeks, kittens are exposed to increased risk infectious diseases. Kittens that suckle poorly will not receive enough colostrum and will therefore not be protected by maternal immunity, becoming especially susceptible to infectious diseases at an early age.

Among the factors that increase the risk of infectious diseases in a kitten are the following:

  • Insufficient amount of colostrum;
  • Malnutrition;
  • Low birth weight;
  • Lack of oxygen during childbirth;
  • Congenital diseases (especially of the immune system);
  • Stress peritonitis;

In kittens bacterial infections are often secondary to viral infections(cat flu, leukemia, immunodeficiency, peritonitis, parvovirus), although they can be primary. Clinical signs depend on the nature and severity of the infection, may include diarrhea, cough, difficulty breathing, arthritis, dermatitis, as well as less obvious, more typical signs of fading kittens. Ultimately, many of these infections lead to septicemia (a form of sepsis when there is a large number of bacteria) and death.