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The kitten was born dead. Causes and symptoms of miscarriage in a cat

The duration and course of pregnancy in cats is individual and depends on a number of factors, including the health of the animal. However, even healthy cats not always able to bear offspring. As a result, pets often experience termination of pregnancy, which may indicate the presence of a pathology, the most common of which is miscarriage - the expulsion of living but nonviable or already dead fetuses.

Symptoms and types of pathology

Among the varieties of this pathological condition highlight:

  • Miscarriage on early stage pregnancy, which occurs with the resorption of embryos in the uterus. The main cause of the pathology is genetic predisposition and inbreeding. External symptoms do not always manifest themselves, so such a miscarriage often goes unnoticed by the owners.
  • Intrauterine death of the fetus without its removal from the uterine cavity. During the development of pathology, the embryos are located in the womb, they dry out or fester, which is accompanied by an inflammatory process and bleeding.
  • Intrauterine death with miscarriage. The occurrence of pathology is possible on different stages pregnancy. The fruits die in the womb, after which they are excreted from the body along with the membranes. Such spontaneous abortion is accompanied by bleeding and mucus discharge.

Some symptoms in pets may not always be noticeable. Sometimes owners do not even suspect that the cat eats aborted fetuses and licks the discharge.

Due to the fact that it is not possible to identify the symptoms of miscarriage in all situations, difficulties arise in diagnosing the pathology.

  • Among the main signs according to which a cat gives birth to still kittens, it is customary to note:
  • lack of signs of timely labor; abdominal asymmetry or complete absence
  • abdominal growth;
  • loose stools, occasional vomiting;
  • lack of appetite;
  • weakened, depressed state;
  • the presence of fruits and afterbirths if the cat did not have time to eat them;
  • significant weight loss;
  • pain when pressing on the abdomen;
  • unpleasant odor from the pet;

If the cat has not given birth, then sometimes the discharge may not be detected due to the fact that the animal licks the perineal area. As a result, a large percentage of spontaneous abortions occur without leaving a trace and unnoticed by the owners.

Causes of stillbirth in cats

The causes of stillbirth are infectious and non-infectious. Infectious causes are:

In case of spontaneous abortion in a pet, it is necessary to conduct a detailed study of the embryos. The animal must undergo a full course of examination, which consists of ultrasound, x-rays and blood biochemistry.

The most common reasons why a cat may give birth to a stillborn baby are: non-infectious nature pathologies:

  • genetic defects leading to developmental disorders of embryos;
  • inbreeding;
  • mating period (up to 1 year or after 7 years);
  • incorrect positioning of the fetus in the womb and its possible deformation;
  • food poisoning;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the genitourinary system;
  • application medicines during pregnancy;
  • stressful situations, various types of injuries and bruises;
  • insufficient amount of protein, vitamins and minerals, taurine in the diet.

In some situations, the cause of periodic miscarriages in cats is their age. It is advisable to sterilize animals older than seven years, because by this period the cat accumulates genetic mutations in eggs, germ cells age, and inflammatory processes develop reproductive system.

Actions of the owner upon the birth of stillborn kittens

Cat owners are not always mentally prepared for the birth of a premature kitten. To begin with, it is advisable to carry out certain resuscitation measures. If appropriate manipulations do not help revive the cub within 25 minutes, then the animal can be considered dead. In this case, it is recommended to isolate from cats dead offspring, wrap in cellophane.

Sometimes in the early or later During pregnancy, a cat has a miscarriage. How to save your pet and her offspring is a question every cat lover may face. What is a miscarriage in a cat and why does it happen is the topic of our article today.

In this video, a veterinarian will tell you why a pregnant cat may have bleeding.

Varieties and their symptoms

One of the types of miscarriages that represent least danger for your pet, it is worth highlighting the resorption of the fetus on early stages pregnancy. In fact, the process may go unnoticed by you. The fruits do not necessarily all dissolve; sometimes some of them continue to develop into normal mode. Much more serious is intrauterine fetal death, which can occur at any stage of pregnancy.

As for intrauterine fetal death without miscarriage, this is the most serious problem. In this case, your pet begins to bleed heavily, as well as purulent discharge(key symptoms). In addition, the cat refuses food, begins to vomit, and the temperature rises. The only sure way out is to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

What is the danger?

If fruit resorption is at an early stage serious consequences does not cause, then due to intrauterine fetal death (especially if the miscarriage itself does not occur), the cat may develop damage reproductive organs. Ruptures of the uterus or birth canal - all this can weaken the health of your pet. In addition, it is dangerous heavy bleeding. If you do not provide your cat with qualified treatment in time medical care, she may develop blood poisoning, which will lead to the death of the animal.

Even if you show your pet to the veterinarian in a timely manner and the bleeding is stopped, it is possible that the cat will no longer be able to bear kittens. In addition, she is significantly impaired hormonal background. In any case, the animal must be helped promptly. In this case, you can hope for her full recovery.

What should the owner do?

What to do if your cat gives birth to stillborn kittens is to call your veterinarian. It is advisable for a specialist to come to your home so that you do not have to disturb the woman in labor again. If this is not possible, you need to take her to a veterinary hospital as carefully as possible.

The veterinarian will take everything from her first. necessary tests(hematological blood test, analysis for the presence of infectious diseases, ultrasound abdominal cavity and etc.). After it is delivered accurate diagnosis, your pet will be prescribed treatment.

Prevention rules

Of course, sometimes the cat owner has no control over the reasons why a cat gives birth to dead kittens. However, some preventive actions will still reduce the risk of developing such pathologies. For example, try to avoid inbreeding between cats.

If the animal is about 6–7 years old, it is better not to mate, since fertility in this case begins to decrease significantly. When a cat becomes pregnant, it is necessary to give her at least minimal physical activity.

A balanced diet is also important.

Pregnant cats should also be protected from staying on high surfaces in the apartment, otherwise they may be injured if they accidentally fall.

The first sign that a cat is about to give birth is a change in its behavior. She begins to look for a secluded place and collect material (pieces of newspapers) for the nest. This is called the first stage of labor. The cat does not notice the expensive box prepared for it, but prefers cabinets or carton boxes. She will give birth to kittens only where she wants, and no amount of your efforts will change her decision. It's best to wait until she chooses a spot and then cover her with clean newspapers. The second stage of labor begins with obvious abdominal tension (pushing), you should note the beginning of this stage for yourself. The kitten emerges from the vulva in a fluid-filled sac, then the amniotic sac emerges. The cat breaks the membrane with its teeth and, freeing the kitten, begins to lick it to clean and dry it. Kittens may squeak during this procedure, but this is a sign of their health.

There are three stages of childbirth.

In the first period, the cervix dilates and the birth canal opens; in the second, kittens are born; in the third, the placenta comes out (is born).
The cat's uterus is bicornuate. The horns, at the point of their connection, pass into the uterine canal, which passes through the cervix into the vagina, and it, through the vestibule of the vagina, into the vulva - this is the birth canal. The fetuses, protected by the amniotic membrane and fixed to the wall of the uterus by the placenta, are located in the horns of the uterus.
First stage of labor . May last from 12 to 24 hours. IN initial stage it may not be noticeable. It all starts with chaotic, voluntary contractions of the uterus (pushing), breathing quickens, the cat purrs to the beat. These contractions, in the form of peristaltic waves from the top of the uterine horn to its body, are at first rare and weak, the pain is of an unclear nature.
A few hours before contractions, the vagina swells slightly, and a thick, sticky discharge of clear, yellowish or bloody color. At this time, the animal is restless, licks the vulva (loop), strains, as if during defecation, meows pitifully, and rake in the bedding. The uterine horns contract alternately, pushing the fetuses into the uterus.
As the birth process contractions become more frequent, their duration increases, and the pain intensifies. When the uterus contracts (contractions), the fetus is pushed towards the cervix and it dilates. At the same time, the abdominal muscles contract and the fetus moves into the vagina. The cat at this time is completely at the mercy of childbirth. A first-time cat can be extremely frightened; she screams pitifully and seeks help from her owner. While watching her, constantly talk and pet her.
Increases during contractions intrauterine pressure and a break occurs choroid(chorion). The amnion (water membrane) and allantois (urinary membrane), filled with fluid, are introduced into the cervix, expanding its canal like a hydraulic wedge. From this moment on, the cervix, uterus and vagina form one wide birth canal.
During the formation of the birth canal, the presentation and articulation of the fetus is established for its exit from the uterine horn.
Gradually, pushing joins the contractions. They are caused reflexively, as a result of irritation of the nervous elements in the tissues of the cervix and pelvic walls by the presenting parts of the fetus. If you put your hand on the female's belly while pushing, you can feel it hardening. The pain continues to intensify, causing the cat to meow more and more pitifully and breathe frequently (like dogs in the heat). In between attempts she relaxes. Under the influence of contractions, supported by pushing, the fetus passes deeper and deeper through the birth canal.
Gradually moving forward, the kitten comes out into the pelvis, and then is forcefully pushed further towards the exit from the vagina, passing part of the way with a strong contraction.

Second stage of labor.
Usually on this section of the path the strength of the contractions is greatest. The water sac (amnion) surrounding the fetus appears between the labia of the vulva, ruptures, and a straw-colored fluid flows out. This is moving away amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid lubricates the passage, facilitating the advancement of the fetus. Finally, part of the kitten (paw, head, tail) appears from the loop, appearing and then disappearing again.
As a rule, at this moment the cat relaxes and rests to gather strength. In classic cases, the cat makes two strong attempts at once and expels the kitten, connected by the umbilical cord to the afterbirth. The kitten is born with or without the membrane. About 70% of kittens are born in the "diver" position - with their forelimbs and nose first.
The cat independently processes the baby, gnawing the membranes (if any), intensively licking the kitten's face, cleaning its nose, mouth and body, thereby stimulating its breathing and blood circulation, causes the first separation of feces, after which it gnaws the umbilical cord. The kitten commits sharp breath, his lungs expand and he begins to breathe.
Maternal instinct - this is a very important connection. The cat understands that this is her “baby” and she is obliged to take care of him. Sometimes from the outside it seems that she does everything rudely, but in fact she stimulates the cub’s breathing and blood circulation.
The cat rests for some time after the birth of a kitten, then contractions and pushing resume, and the next kittens are born. Most cats kitten at intervals from 15 minutes to an hour. Two or three kittens may be born one after the other, but the next ones can be expected within another 3-4 hours, and sometimes longer.
If a cat who is handling another kitten forgets to remove the amniotic sac, you must do it for her very quickly, otherwise the kitten will suffocate.

Third stage of labor.
The separation of the placenta (baby place) is noted, which comes out a few minutes after the birth of each kitten. The mother will try to eat some or all of the placentas. This is a purely instinctive reaction, which may have been preserved from those ancient times when the animal had to strengthen its strength and destroy all traces of childbirth in order to save its offspring. However, she may not do this. Eating afterbirth leads to a laxative effect, that is, diarrhea. You can limit the amount of afterbirth she eats or not let her eat any at all. For wild cats the placenta provides food for a short period until they are able to hunt after birth. Therefore, there is nothing to worry about if domestic cat eat the placenta and afterbirth.

Cats gnaw the umbilical cord, grinding it (in this case blood vessels are twisted and pinched, and there is no bleeding). If it is crossed too smoothly or too close to the navel, bleeding occurs. In these cases, sterile scissors cotton buds and towels should be at hand. The umbilical cord should be squeezed, tied with thread and cauterized with iodine or brilliant green. It is important not to pull the umbilical cord too much, so as not to provoke hernia.
Once some or all of the kittens have been born, the cat lies on her side and pushes them towards her nipples. Sucking kittens stimulates uterine contractions and the secretion of colostrum (mother's first milk), which contains all the necessary maternal antibodies.

There are no identical births; all cases are individual. It is quite difficult for a breeder with no experience to determine the boundary between the norm and the anomaly. It happens that a cat that has given birth to 3-4 litters without any problems suddenly develops complications during subsequent births and has to undergo C-section. And vice versa.

Giving birth to cats is a fairly lengthy process, but you have to keep an eye on it. Not all cats like to give birth in front of people, but some, on the contrary, definitely need the presence of the owner. During childbirth, cats rarely need help, so it is better to leave them alone and never touch them.

Do I need to call veterinarian?

This remains questionable, especially if labor began at night. The cat's condition will tell you what to do. If she purrs and actively licks the kittens, then everything is fine. If she is suffering, it will immediately become clear from her behavior. If within 30 minutes the attempts do not result in the birth of a kitten, and the cat is spinning in place and cannot settle down, then this is a signal to consult a veterinarian by phone. Always be prepared to take your cat to the veterinarian . Cover the already born kittens warmly and consult with your veterinarian whether or not to take them with you. In a warm environment, kittens will survive until their first feeding. All of the above should not cause you to panic.

When to go to the veterinarian?
1. If pushing continues for 30 minutes without results, call your veterinarian.
2. If the cat is on the second day after birth dark discharge With unpleasant smell, then take the cat to the veterinarian.
Z. If the kittens constantly squeak, are cold and hard to the touch, call a veterinarian at home.
4. If during lactation the cat has a fever and one or more mammary glands become inflamed and hardened, take the cat to the veterinarian.

What to do if a kitten is stuck in the birth canal?
This is a relatively rare occurrence, but if this happens, the owner should be able to help the cat even in the absence of a veterinarian.
Use a hand towel or flannel handkerchief to make a kitten loop. Carefully place it on the kitten's body. Without putting much effort, pull out the kitten's body little by little, following the cat's attempts.

What to do if a kitten is stillborn?
Newborn kittens often appear dead. Reasons may be low temperature in the room or strong cat contractions.
Another cause may be blockage of the airways with mucus and fluid.
The room where the cat gives birth should be warm, dry and draft-free. Clear Airways kitten if the cat refuses to do so, and place it in a box lined with soft cloth. Some seemingly dead kittens only need to be held upside down by the hind legs for a few seconds to stimulate breathing, then dried with a towel.
Such kittens must be persistently forced to suckle their mother.

Sometimes a pet's pregnancy ends with a miscarriage. From the article you will learn why a cat miscarries, what preventive measures can be taken, and what to do in the future. emergency situations.

Before determining the most effective preventive methods, you should find out why such a situation could become a reality for your beloved cat.

One of the common factors that stimulate spontaneous abortion in a pet is an injury that she may have received during pregnancy. However, besides this, it is quite enough for the animal serious danger represents any infection picked up after the formation of the fetus in the womb of the expectant mother.

Among key reasons, which are worth paying attention to first of all, it is necessary to highlight:

  • crossing too early or too late. If a cat is mated with a male under the age of one year or after 8 years, all this can result in a miscarriage and other health problems for the pet;
  • incorrectly composed diet. When an animal does not receive enough vitamins and components necessary for the formation strong immunity, pregnancy will be the greatest stress for a cat physiologically. The same can be said about a sharp change in the daily menu for a future woman in labor;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • poisoning;
  • pathologies of the feline reproductive system;
  • vaginal infections;
  • inbreeding (the cats that were crossed had a blood connection);
  • drug therapy;
  • stress;
  • hormonal imbalances.

Be sure to find out why your beloved cat gave birth to dead kittens. In this case, you can prevent a similar situation next time.

Video “Bleeding in cats”

From this video you will learn what bleeding is in cats during pregnancy.

Varieties and their symptoms

Miscarriage in a cat can occur in different ways. The thing is that there are several types of spontaneous abortion in a tailed pet. The least dangerous for a pet is considered to be a miscarriage in the early stages, which is notable for the resorption of the fetus in the womb. It is asymptomatic. Sometimes this spontaneous abortion is partial, since some of the fetuses are resorbed, and some develop and grow as usual.

Miscarriage due to intrauterine fetal death is a pathology that can occur at any stage of pregnancy in a cat. As a rule, the pet begins to bleed, purulent and mucous discharge from the vulva. The fetuses die in utero, after which the cat’s body rejects them. Sometimes such miscarriages go unnoticed by the animal’s owners. The cat is very clean, so it will actively lick itself and also eat its afterbirth and fruits.

Intrauterine fetal death without miscarriage is also possible at any stage of pregnancy. This variety is the most dangerous for your pet, because the fruits remain in the uterus or genital tract of the cat, where they mummify and decompose. As a result, the animal begins acute inflammation which is accompanied by bloody and purulent discharge.

Pet health hazard

If fetal resorption occurs in a cat at an early stage of pregnancy, there is no need to worry about its health. As for spontaneous abortions, which occur in the later stages, they cause serious damage to the reproductive organs of the pet (rupture of the uterus or birth canal). Very often, pus accumulates in the uterine cavity large quantities. In the rarest and most advanced cases The cat develops intoxication of the body, which can lead to its death. That is why timely provision of assistance is very important.

How to act as an owner

When a cat gives birth to dead kittens (or when all the signs of a miscarriage are present), you should not try to help the animal at home. You will only waste time.

The best solution is to take your cat to a veterinary hospital and have her examined by a veterinarian.

If possible, call a specialist to your home so as not to further disturb your cat, which is already suffering from pain. You should not try to stop bleeding and purulent discharge on your own if you do not want to harm the cat.

A specialist will need to examine your furry creature, conduct a hematological blood test, development tests infectious diseases, hormone analysis, radiography, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, as well as examination of smears from the genital organs. After this, the veterinarian will clearly establish the cause and an accurate diagnosis.

Prevention measures

Dead kittens can be born to cats various reasons. That is why the best solution for you is to carry out the necessary preventive measures with which you will protect your pet from serious problems with health.

What you should think about first is finding a healthy partner for the cat, always a non-blood relative. It is not recommended to plan mating for animals that are over 6–7 years old. It is also advisable to create a balanced daily diet for your cat, which will include taurine, vitamins and minerals.

It is very important to make sure that your pet does not consume products of questionable quality or stale ones. This could cause her poisoning. In addition, during pregnancy, encourage your cat to physical activity, but try to limit access to high surfaces. Another key point: immediately before mating, try to check both partners for the presence of infections in the body.