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Paid dentistry for children. Children's dentistry

Pediatric dentistry has its own characteristics, specifics and differs significantly from the treatment of adult patients. Every year, more and more specialized children's clinics appear, aimed at treating and diagnosing primary teeth. We offer you an overview of children's dental clinics in Moscow and some useful information for parents.

How to prepare your child for a trip to the dental clinic?

To begin, select a clinic. This is easy to do via the Internet, everyone has serious medical institution There is a website where you can make an appointment with a pediatric dentist (this can be an online appointment, by phone or electronic appointment). Choose a doctor responsibly, since pediatric dentistry has not one, but several directions:

  1. A dental therapist treats caries, puts fillings, conducts preventive examinations and gives referrals to more specialized specialists.
  2. The surgeon trims the frenulum, removes teeth, and performs other surgical procedures.
  3. deals with prosthetics.
  4. The orthodontist corrects the abnormal bite and installs braces.

Expert opinion. Pediatric dentist Akulshina L.N.: “Never scare your child with the dentist, because sooner or later you will have to go to him, don’t create problems. Do not deceive the child; there is no need to say that the doctor will not do anything to him. Tell them that the dentist will examine your teeth and cure the sick ones. You can create a situation of going to the doctor at home. Place the baby in a chair, let dad be the doctor, and you, for example, the assistant. Invite your baby to open his mouth and examine his teeth. This situation will prepare the child for the real visit.”

Important nuances

Bright drawings, toys, and a special atmosphere will distract the baby from worries.

What should you pay attention to when studying the website of a children's dental clinic? When choosing a clinic for your child, be sure to study the following information:

  • clinic location: choose the one that is closest. It is difficult to travel long distances with a child (considering that you need to go there and back),
  • clinic phone number and other contacts. Call before taking your child to the dentist. Firstly, this is necessary to make an appointment with a pediatric dentist. Secondly, there are times when the doctor you need is not available (vacation, sick leave),
  • Almost all sites have the opportunity to leave reviews. Based on patient reviews, you can evaluate the quality of services,
  • work schedule (there are clinics open around the clock),
  • the type of services that the clinic provides: for example, there may not be an orthopedic doctor,
  • be sure to study the cost of services from several clinics, so you can not only find more low prices, all kinds of discounts and promotions,
  • if the clinic has a consultant who works around the clock, you can check with him the information that interests you in more detail,
  • Pay attention to the photographs of the clinic: the presence of a children's room and toys will make a visit to the dentist not a stressful experience for your child, but an interesting adventure.

Read also:

Pediatric dentistry "Markushka"

Address: Uralskaya street, building 23, building 4.

On the clinic’s website you can make an appointment with a pediatric dentist online or by phone, there is also the option feedback. On the website you can see photographs of offices, read patient reviews, and compare prices.

Clinic Feature: Here we treat children with special needs (Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, epilepsy, heart pathologies, bronchial asthma and other serious diseases). If necessary, dental treatment can be performed under general anesthesia, use of sedation.

Dental services "Markushka":

On the site you can find a lot of useful information about the health and treatment of children's teeth, and discuss some issues on the forum.

"Dental Fantasy"

Children's dentistry "Dental Fantasy" has been operating for 10 years. This is a network of 4 clinics:

  1. Molodogvardeyskaya street, building 2, apartment 1.
  2. Mira Avenue, building 36, building 1.
  3. Palekhskaya street, house 21.
  4. Garibaldi street, house 15.

Ask if the clinic has a games room.

Services provided by the Dental Fantasy clinic:

  1. Diagnostics and prevention: laser diagnostics, CT, visiograph, mouth guards, enamel fluoridation.
  2. Therapeutic treatment of caries, pulpitis, stomatitis, frenuloplasty, tooth extraction.
  3. Correction malocclusion.
  4. Aesthetic dentistry.
  5. Treatment of children with special needs.

Dentistry for teenagers “Baby Smile”

Address: Novoslobodskaya street, building 67/69.

The website describes in detail how to get to the clinic, how to public transport, and in your own car. The site contains patient reviews, helpful information, “Question and Answer” section. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the prices for services at the Baby Smile clinic (check the cost of services with the administrator).

Children's dentistry offers to the youngest patients Better conditions for treatment and removal of teeth, as well as for solving other problems oral cavity. We are for children:

  • The doctors

    With the skills to communicate with the most demanding patients

  • For free!

    Admission of children under the preventive examination program of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

  • Even an injection without pain!

    Application of topical anesthesia (spray). Your child will not feel the injection

Not just any dentist can work with a child. A doctor who knows how to help him not be afraid to treat or remove teeth can only be found in a good clinic. Next to such a doctor, the baby will feel very calm.

Pediatric dentistry in Moscow- These are highly qualified specialists who take a special approach to children. They know all the features of the child’s body. The clinic's specialists do not use drills in their work; they are a thing of the past. Now a laser is used that does not emit noise. And for pain relief, for example, lidocaine spray can be used.

The dentist will help solve any problem: from removal baby tooth before the filling is installed. Offered very wide range services for the youngest patients.

Before the child gets into the chair, he is invited to play with toys and chat with the doctor in an informal setting. This is conducive to high-quality and calm treatment.

Our dentistry offers dental treatment for the whole family at once. Each family member can be treated by one dentist. This is very convenient, because both children and parents are much calmer!

On this moment Pediatric dentistry is developing rapidly, offering a wide range of services and the most modern equipment. Children visit the pediatric dentist until they reach adulthood. The main disease associated with teeth was and remains caries. But timely and regular visits to the dentist can be a method of preventing caries in children. Nowadays, a child can have caries as early as 2-3 years of age, because due to poor nutrition, consumption of sugar-containing products in a child develops this disease. For children under 2 years of age, caries can be treated without a drill, by silvering the affected areas of the tooth. After 3 years of age, a child can already be given anesthesia and use a drill. One of the methods for preventing caries is to fill the grooves of chewing teeth with a special solution to prevent the spread of microbes. The teeth may also be coated with a special gel or varnish to ensure a smooth surface.
It is very difficult for a dentist to find an approach to a child, because this requires special skills. In private clinics, doctors can spend more time contacting the child before the procedure so that the child is less afraid. Clinics offer various services for its treatment depending on the stage of neglect. The materials for filling teeth in children differ significantly from those in adults. Another direction of children's dental clinics is the correction of malocclusion in children. This will be more difficult to do as an adult.
Mainly in children's dental clinics provide services such as caries treatment, tooth extraction, and installation of braces. Concerning surgical intervention, operations to trim the frenulum of the tongue and lips are also performed. A speech therapist can refer a 5-6 year old child to trim the frenulum. Due to a short frenulum, the child may develop speech and individual sounds incorrectly. If the child's frenulum is in the area upper lip. It often prevents the upper incisors from closing. As a result, a disease such as diastema may occur. This is a gap between the teeth, which can later be corrected, for example, with the help of veneers. Ideally short bridle visible from birth, a child in infancy will be referred to a dental surgeon. A specialist can carry out the frenulum trimming procedure right away.
Reasons for patient's referral to pediatric surgeon may be the following: tooth extraction, abscesses, injuries and dental cysts, also lymphadenitis.
The task of a pediatric dentist is to make the dental treatment procedure less painful and comfortable. To make the child feel more comfortable in pediatric dentistry, one of the parents is offered to be next to the child in the office. To prevent oral diseases, it is necessary to visit the dentist every 6 months in order to prevent them in time.

Who is a pediatric dentist?

A pediatric dentist is a doctor who has received special training in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries of both individual teeth and jaws, as well as other organs: everything located in the maxillofacial area and the oral cavity. Pediatric dentists must study all related areas of medicine and child psychology. They must find an approach to children aged 1 to 14 years.

What do pediatric dentists treat?

The competence of pediatric dentists includes preventive and unscheduled examinations:

  • mucous membrane;
  • oral cavity;
  • frenulum of the tongue and lips.

Besides, pediatric dentist must:

  • assess the state of dental hygiene;
  • identify emerging pathological processes arising in the oral cavity for one reason or another;
  • identify the causes of pathologies and eliminate them if possible;
  • lead dynamic observation the process of teething in babies;
  • give advice on correcting oral hygiene, train parents on how to properly care for the oral cavity of a newborn and an older child;
  • draw up a treatment plan for identified problems;
  • perform the necessary manipulations;
  • monitor the implementation of your recommendations.

What symptoms should you contact a pediatric dentist for?

People turn to a pediatric dentist in Moscow about caries, malocclusion, and also in situations where there is insufficient functioning of the child’s masticatory apparatus. In addition, people are referred to pediatric dentists in Moscow if:

  • the child has problems gaining weight;
  • the child was born with a tooth or teeth;
  • baby is experiencing severe pain during teething;
  • the child has an increased pain reaction to irritants (cold, hot, sour, etc.).

Having examined his young patients in Moscow - visually and using available instruments - the pediatric dentist can refer them to additional examination for diagnostics:

  • caries;
  • mucous membrane;
  • marginal periodontium.

In some cases, the pediatric dentist may send for an x-ray or use a cytological examination method, during which erosions, cracks, ulcers, the presence of vesicles and blisters with peripheral signs of hyperkeratosis are detected.

Where in Moscow can you get this specialty?

A doctor practicing in the field of pediatric dentistry must have more knowledge than a specialist treating adult patients. In order to become a real pediatric dentist, you will need to study the developmental features human body, become a real child psychologist and so on. Departments of dentistry that train pediatric dentists are located in such large universities in Moscow as:

  • Russian Medical Academy;
  • MMA im. I. M. Sechenov;
  • RNIMU named after. N. I. Pirogova;
  • Moscow State Medical and Dental University;
  • RUDN;
  • MGMSU and others.

Famous Moscow doctors who worked in the field of pediatric dentistry

Teeth and problems associated with them have been studied since ancient times. Interesting data is contained in the writings of Hippocrates. Doctors from ancient Babylon, Assyria, and Egypt wrote about dental diseases. Much information can be gleaned from Ibn Sina's canon of medicine. Pediatric dentistry did not immediately become an independent specialty. Many doctors have devoted themselves to studying the development of diseases of the dental system in early age. Among them it is worth noting the 19th century surgeons Bush, Sobolev, Pirogov, Korovin. In the 20th century, doctors Dauge, Evdokimov, Platonov, Semashko, Novik, Shkolyar made a huge contribution to pediatric dentistry. Many works on pediatric orthodontics belong to Betelman, Kalvelis, Ilyin-Markosyan, Khurgin, and Limberg, Vasiliev, Dubov, Khitrov, Kolesov, Kasparova, Novoselov, Davydov, Soloviev and others were actively involved in pediatric surgical dentistry.

Most adults in Russia have been afraid of the dentist since childhood. But what if it can be prevented? From early childhood instill in your child the habit of taking care of his teeth, and convince him that the dentist is a friend, not a tormentor. The main direction of modern pediatric dentistry at the SM-Doctor clinic is prevention and specialized treatment teeth of children under 18 years of age.

Areas of pediatric dentistry at SM-Doctor

Experienced dental therapists at our clinic treat breast and permanent teeth, as well as diseases of the oral mucosa in children of any age without pain and fear. In addition to dental treatment, hygiene and preventive actions, including training in oral hygiene. The clinic offers dental treatment under anesthesia.

The SM-Doctor clinic in Moscow provides surgical dentistry services: tooth extraction, operations to correct anomalies and malformations of the dental system, as well as treatment inflammatory processes and neoplasms in the oral cavity.

Our orthodontists correct bite pathologies in children using modern devices, mouthguards and trainers, manufactured individually. The clinic uses a variety of brace systems that reliably correct teeth misalignments. Each child is developed individual plan treatment.

In some cases, pediatric dentistry in a dream is the only opportunity to carry out quality treatment child's teeth. In our clinic, for sedation we use only safe drugs Before using anesthesia, the child must be examined to identify possible contraindications.

Features of pediatric dentistry

Treatment of children at the dentist is usually complicated by the fact that children do not know how to behave at the doctor’s and are very afraid strangers. Therefore, every doctor who treats children should be good psychologist and be able to find an individual approach to each child. For the first time, children go to the dentist about a year after being referred by a pediatrician for a comprehensive examination.

If you undergo such an examination at the paid pediatric dentistry “SM-Doctor”, the child will not develop a fear of the doctor and dental care. This is very important, because baby teeth are covered with thinner enamel, the strength of which is less than that of enamel permanent teeth and carious processes in them develop very quickly.

Therefore, in primary and mixed dentition, you cannot put off a visit to the dentist even for a day, especially if parents notice that the child is bothered by pain or discomfort. We recommend a preventive examination every 6 months. You cannot delay the treatment of baby teeth, hoping that they will be replaced by permanent ones - after all, the damage extends to the rudiments of permanent teeth, which means that the child will become a frequent visitor to the dentist for a long time.

Malocclusion, which is also one of the main reasons for visiting the dentist in children, modern dentistry It fixes itself much faster than before. The main thing is a timely visit to the pediatric dentistry clinic.

Modern approach to the treatment of children at the SM-Doctor clinic

By making an appointment at the pediatric dentistry department of the SM-Doctor clinic, you can be sure that your child will leave the doctor with a smile. Our pediatric dentists are highly qualified specialists qualification category. The doctor will always take the time necessary for the child for adaptation in the office, especially if this is the first visit. Gently and kindly, in game form will explain what happens during treatment.