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How to get rid of depression on your own: advice from a psychologist. Best Ways to Cure Depression

To understand whether the possibility of overcoming is really real, it is necessary to understand what exactly depression is and for what reasons it occurs. Let us make a reservation that this note cannot include such an analysis and description, especially detailed recommendations; we will present only the basic theses. First of all, it is important to distinguish between such concepts and phenomena as the direct definition of depression, its causes, triggers, symptoms, biophysiological mechanisms and reactions. All this, unfortunately, is not yet fully clearly differentiated and often one is replaced by another.

In order. Definition or definition. is a prolonged experience of a depressed, gloomy mood and numerous other somatic and mental symptoms affecting thoughts, feelings, behavior, the entire body and having Negative influence to all areas of human life. Treated as a disorder mental health only when this condition lasts at least four weeks in a row. In short-term cases it is considered temporary Bad mood, loss of strength, depression, blues. If these short-term attacks occur very often, then recurrent transient depression can be suspected. In any case, only a competent specialist can diagnose this or that type of depression.

Real reasons prolonged experience of depressed mood (without action triggers or with them), which causes many severe psychosomatic symptoms lie exclusively in the personal aspect (in what, as they say, is “between the ears”). These are the so-called four absences (sometimes there is confusion with them - a person says: “I feel like I’m lost”) of the basic worldview components necessary for a more or less planned course of human life:

  • lack of meaning in life,
  • lack of plans for the future,
  • lack of humility,
  • lack of a moral (spiritual and moral) core.

Lack of meaning in life plays a critical role in the etiology of neurosis. Ultimately, neurosis should be understood as the suffering of a soul that does not find its meaning... About a third of my cases are suffering not from some clinically detectable neurosis, but from the meaninglessness and aimlessness of one’s own life.
Carl Gustav Jung

These components may not be fully realized and may not be able to formulate, but they must be present in one or another quality sufficient for a given individual, and note that everyone will have their own, individual, satisfying this particular person. Unfortunately, the format and topic of this note do not leave us the opportunity to consider them in detail - this is a reason for a separate, more voluminous conversation.

Our psyche often uses depression to get our attention and indicate to us that there is a lie hidden somewhere deep within us.
James Hollis

We will attribute everything else that is often called the causes of depression to trigger mechanisms - to those moments from which the countdown of the disease begins, i.e. immediate symptoms begin. But it is important to understand that triggering moments are not the very cause of depression, since almost all of us have experienced an unexpected loss or a difficult conflict, but not all of us have fallen into a depressive state. Its development is precisely facilitated by the above four factors, because they are what is the antidote in the case of an immediate threat of the development of the disease. And if they are not there or there are obvious problems with them, then nothing can resist the disease. Another criterion: overcoming the causes of the disease in combination with competent therapy leads to recovery. The expiration of the triggering factor, even in the presence of therapy, will not mean a mandatory recovery, while the formulation of answers to the four questions posed will allow us to state a way out painful condition and consolidate the results of the restoration process.

Having achieved true peace(having resolved the identified issues - author's note) , we will not lose it, even if the whole world turns against us, indignant with anger. If our own mind is restless, outraged and full of bad intentions, then others, even those who do not at all seek to harm us, will seem unkind and dangerous. This is a reflection of our own mood, hidden feelings and experiences. Because of them, we will drag out our days in inescapable fear, worry, anxiety and uncertainty. Even living in abundance, enjoying all the benefits of this material world, we will not know peace if our mind is disturbed. May we be surrounded by relatives and best friends, because of our own attitude, we will deprive ourselves of happiness. So the inner attitude plays a major role.

Dalai Lama

So what can help? trigger mechanism, the impetus for the development of depression as a disease? disasters, serious illnesses and trauma, loss, disappointment, overload, threats, unsuccessful attempts, sudden changes in life - any negatively colored events. Moreover, the intensity of these events can also be very variable, and everyone will have their own pain perception threshold. And it’s immediately clear, because we're talking about about events, i.e. about what is limited in time, we understand that with the end of the action of these factors, we can talk about the beginning of the recovery process, if a person’s psychosomatics has suffered so much that it needs restoration. In case of jet shock or nervous breakdown recovery proceeds at a fairly rapid pace, precisely due to the presence and action of four specific basic points that help to mobilize the body’s internal reserves; in the event of their absence and the development of depression, recovery can last for many years.

Here it is necessary to note that clinical depression, which usually has a very severe course, may not have any visible and clearly differentiated trigger points at all; it seems to develop on its own “from scratch,” i.e. only due to the basic absences listed at the beginning.

With the onset of depression as a mental disorder, various symptoms, which can be divided into four large groups:

  • physics/somatics (dizziness, weakness, nausea, tremors, tics, decreased/increased appetite, failure of the hormonal-endocrine system, vegetative-vascular disorders, exacerbation chronic diseases and so on.),
  • psyche (fears, emotional disturbances, apathy, tearfulness, etc.),
  • consciousness/mind (negative and self-deprecation, hypercriticality, etc.),
  • social (changes in behavior, inadequate reactions, increased conflict, limited contacts, etc.).

Difficulties and confusion arise with the beginning of the mutual influence of some symptoms on others, causing the next set of symptoms (i.e. when some symptoms become the cause of others) and closing them into a certain vicious circle, from which it is almost impossible to escape without the intervention of specialists and medications. For example, mental symptoms cause a malfunction of the hormonal-endocrine system, bringing the disease to the somatic level, which, in turn, gives rise to new mental problems, etc. But we repeat that the basis is still psycho-conscious problems.

We can say that depression in the early stages is not yet a disease; it is unresolved problems of self-formation and self-determination of the individual (as well as the whole society as a whole, because it is environment largely forms the worldview system of the individual), which, with further aggravation of spiritual and intellectual symptoms due to a malfunction of the energy and hormonal-endocrine centers of the body, begin to have a direct impact on physiology and somatics, thereby transforming mental problem actual complex disease. And not vice versa, as many modern theories accepted as the basis of therapy try to claim.

A sick and dead soul transmits its illness and darkness to the entire psychosomatic being of a person.
Metropolitan Hierotheos (Vlahos). Orthodox psychotherapy.

A set of causes, triggers and symptoms directly indicates the necessary therapeutic measures(as well as possible preventative ones). As a rule, this is a mandatory combination of: medication and psychotherapy, and. One way will support and ensure the success of the other. And since, as we have already found out, the basis of everything is still the problem of self-awareness, then the main therapeutic direction will be in self-knowledge and self-improvement, in the development of spiritually conscious awareness (for example, one of the practical methods is the education of “hygiene of consciousness”) , improving yourself and your life with the help of all kinds of methods and specialists, be it “official” psychotherapy and religion or “unofficial” teachings, movements, etc. The main thing is that they should help you find answers to four basic questions, and each of you will look for what is necessary and will satisfy exactly his needs. In the process of this work, it is necessary to 1) learn to monitor and control the flow of thinking and emotional reactions, 2) break the vicious circle negative thoughts and experiences, 3) gradually replace them with positive-constructive paradigms, incorporating all this into a holistic worldview concept, which will provide answers to the four points outlined above.

Weakness and treatment of the soul come down mainly to weakness and treatment of the mind, heart and thoughts.
Metropolitan Hierotheos (Vlahos). Orthodox psychotherapy.

Here it can be noted that the more universal the systems and methods used, the more global and progressive worldview they represent, the more effective the results can be expected. For example, the presence in a program of fanatical, xenophobic or racist or any other restrictions on human rights immediately indicates the dubious quality of the methods.

It's all in the thoughts. Thought is the beginning of everything. And thoughts can be controlled. And therefore, the main thing to improve is to work on thoughts.

Lev Tolstoy

Expecting that everything will happen by itself with the help of one tablet No. 4 is, perhaps, unbearably stupid, although incredibly tempting. Believing in miracles is generally tempting, but it is fraught with great disappointments. The process of overcoming depression is incredibly difficult and often unbearably long. But he is real. As evidenced by them, which also confirm and demonstrate the severity of the path of overcoming and defeating oneself.

Time and chance can do nothing for those who do nothing for themselves.
J. Canning

It turns out that in order to answer more or less competently the question of whether it is possible to overcome depression, you need a) a clear definition of concepts, b) diagnosis of a specific case (for example, is depression just a phase of bipolar syndrome), c) an honest, unbiased analysis of the causes , trigger factors, symptoms and consequences, d) a set of qualified competent techniques, e) the sincere desire, capabilities and efforts of the patient, f) a competent therapist or consultant, as well as a support group of relatives or colleagues in misfortune, g) accompanying conditions, which are sometimes called luck or luck, but they are of secondary importance.

And if all the answers to the questions posed have been found, our answer to the question in the title - with a slight adjustment to the active role of the patient himself - is affirmative: YES, depression can be overcome. You will need great courage, incredible strength, endless patience, competent help, competent knowledge and techniques, warm support and undying hope. And in the most difficult, darkest moments, remember Patience, strength and good luck to all those who do not give up!

P.S. If we proceed from the thesis that depression is the antonym of happiness, we will understand that just as happy experiences cannot last continuously throughout life, depressive moments can occur in connection with certain disturbances and be overcome many times.

P.P.S. People see that something is not good in their life and that something needs to be improved. A person can improve only one thing that is in his power - himself. But in order to improve myself, I must first of all admit that I am not good, and I don’t want that. And so all attention turns not to what is always in your power - not to yourself, but to those external conditions, which are not in our power and the change of which can no more improve the situation of people than shaking wine and pouring it into another vessel cannot change its quality. And it begins, firstly, idle, and secondly, harmful, proud (we correct other people) and evil (you can kill people who interfere with the common good), corrupting activity.
L. Tolstoy. The path of life.

P.P.P.S. The perfection of knowledge is followed by sincerity of thoughts, the sincerity of thoughts is followed by straightness of the heart, the straightness of the heart is followed by the perfection of personality, the perfection of personality is followed by the equality of the family, the equality of the family is followed by the orderliness of the state, the orderliness of the state is followed by the balance of the Celestial Empire. For one and all - from the son of Heaven to the commoner - the improvement of one's personality is the root.
Confucius. Lun Yu.

    Can depression be cured?


    This is one of the most common and very first questions in depressive stories. Let's try to answer. Depression cannot be cured, but depression can be cured, or more precisely, depression can be overcome. Like any psychosomatic illness(and I would also add – a disease of the mind/consciousness), depression cannot be cured with exceptional external influence procedures and medications, the desire and active participation of […]

Depression is clinical condition, an illness as real as a cold or flu. To understand whether a person is depressed or just having a bout of blues, it is necessary to determine the frequency of symptoms. Treatment for depression varies from person to person, but there are some approaches that work more often than others. At proper treatment you will minimize the symptoms of depression and reduce its impact on your life.


Diagnosing depression

    Track your well-being for 2 weeks. If you feel depressed and don't like the things you used to like, you may be depressed. These symptoms should be observed throughout the day and almost every day for at least 2 weeks.

    Pay attention to other symptoms of depression. In addition to sadness and loss of interest in favorite activities, other symptoms may be observed (daily for 2 weeks or more). If you have at least 3 of the following symptoms within 2 weeks, you are depressed.

    • Lack of appetite or weight loss.
    • Sleep disturbance (insomnia or sleeping too long).
    • Fatigue or lack of energy.
    • Hyperactivity or complete apathy.
    • Feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt.
    • Difficulty concentrating or indecisiveness.
    • Persistent thoughts of death or suicide, suicide attempts, or a current suicide plan.
  1. If you are thinking about suicide, seek help immediately by calling 112 or going to your nearest hospital. Don't try to get rid of such thoughts without the help of a professional.

    Know the difference between depression and blues (melancholy). A person feels sad when he is in under stress, or when major changes occur in his life (both positive and negative), or even in bad weather. The line between depression and blues is in the severity and frequency of symptoms. If you have symptoms every day for 2 weeks or more, you are depressed.

    Write down what you have been doing over the past few weeks. For example, they went to work, played sports, took a shower. Notice your behavior patterns. Also pay attention to reducing the frequency of certain activities that you usually enjoy.

    Talk to people close to you about changing your behavior. Not only your opinion is important, but also the opinion of people who know you well.

    Ask your doctor if your physical state cause of depression. Some illnesses cause depressive symptoms, especially those associated with thyroid gland or hormones.

    Ask your chosen specialist about the treatment methods used. There are three main treatment methods (and many less practiced ones): cognitive- behavioral psychotherapy, interpersonal therapy and behavioral psychotherapy. Your specialist will determine the treatment method that is right for you.

    • Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy. Its goal is to change the patient's beliefs, attitudes and prejudices that are believed to underlie depressive symptoms, and change his inappropriate behavior.
    • Interpersonal therapy. It focuses on addressing social isolation, social skills deficits, and other interpersonal problems that may contribute to depression. This therapy is especially effective when depression is caused by a specific event (for example, the death of a loved one).
    • Behavioral psychotherapy. It aims to minimize unpleasant experiences through activity planning, self-control, social skills and problem solving.
  2. Be patient. The effect of such consultations is gradual. You will have to attend regular consultations for at least several months before you notice any improvement. Don't lose hope - let the treatment do its job.

    Combine drug treatment with psychotherapy to enhance the effectiveness of medications. To do this, visit a specialist regularly and take medications.

    Take your medications regularly. Antidepressants take time to work in the brain because they slowly and gently change the brain's chemical balance. Any lasting effect from taking antidepressants can be noticed no earlier than three months later.


    Record your mood patterns. Keep a journal and write down things that affect your mood, energy, health and sleep. Keeping a journal will also help you understand the reasons for your poor health.

    • There are people who teach journaling, books about journaling, and websites where you can start an online journal.
  1. Write down notes every day, even if you only write a few lines. Some days you will be ready to write more, and other days you will be ready to write less (when you don't have the energy or desire). Writing will become easier if you do it as often as possible.

    Keep a pen and paper (or journal) with you so you can take notes at any time. On the other hand, to do this, you can use a special application for entering notes on your phone, tablet or other device that you carry with you.

    Write down everything you want. Write down the words that come to your mind; don't worry if they don't make sense. Also, don't worry about spelling, grammar or style and what other people will think of you.

    Show your posts to other people only if you want to. You don't have to show your journal to anyone, or you can show it to family, friends, or your doctor if you think it will help you. You can also start a public blog.

Proper nutrition

    Avoid foods that contribute to depression. Meat products, sweets, sugary desserts, fried foods and high-fat dairy products cause symptoms of depression.

    Eat foods that help relieve depression. For example, fruits, vegetables and fish. Increased consumption of these foods will supply your body with nutrients and vitamins, which will improve your health.

    Follow a Mediterranean diet. To do this, eat fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, legumes and olive oil.

    • This diet eliminates the consumption alcoholic drinks which cause severe depression.
  1. Increase your omega-3 intake fatty acids and folic acid. Although there is no clear evidence that consuming these acids will relieve depression, they may help treat depression when used in conjunction with other therapy.

    Monitor how your diet affects your mood. Observe your mood a couple of hours after eating certain foods. If your mood has improved or worsened, associate it with a dish you recently ate.

    • You don't need to write down every food you eat in detail. It's important to pay attention to what you eat and how it affects how you feel.

Physical exercise

  1. Before exercising, talk to your doctor or personal trainer to find out what exercises you should do (based on your physical and mental health).

    • This person will also help you determine what exercises are safe and fun for you and motivate you to continue exercising.
  2. Physical exercise improves your mood. Exercise has been proven to be almost as effective as medication. Physical activity helps the body produce neurotransmitters and hormones, and also helps improve sleep.

    • The good thing about exercise is that some of it doesn't cost you money, like running.
  3. Set goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely.

    • Start with achievable (easy) goals so you can taste victory early. This will also give you the confidence to set your next goal. Challenge yourself to do something more (for example, walk for 10 minutes), and then force yourself to do it more often (for example, walk for 10 minutes every day for a week, then a month, then a year).
  4. Consider each workout as a step forward. Think about how each workout is aimed at improving your mood. Even simple walking for five minutes is better than no exercise. Take pride in every exercise you complete (even the easiest ones) because it will motivate you to move forward on your path to recovery.

    Do cardio exercises. For example, swim, run, ride a bike. These are ideal exercises for treating depression. Choose cardio exercises that don't put stress on your joints, such as swimming or cycling.

    Exercise with a friend or family member. They will motivate you to study physical exercise(in the fresh air or in the gym). Explain to them that motivating you will not be easy, but you will be grateful for any help from them.

Other treatments

  1. Increase your sun exposure. Some studies show that increased amount sunlight lifts the mood. This is due to vitamin D, which comes into the body from various sources(and not just due to the sun's rays). On a sunny day, go outside and just sit on a bench in the sun.

    • Some counselors prescribe sunlight lamps for depressed patients who live in areas with low level sunlight in winter. These lamps have the same effect as if you were standing in bright sunlight.
    • If you are going to be in the sun for more than a few minutes, take reasonable precautions by applying sunscreen to open areas skin and wearing sunglasses.

What should you do to get rid of depression on your own? In what cases can you not do without the help of specialists and taking antidepressants?

Good afternoon friends! Dmitry Shaposhnikov is in touch with you.

If this disease has affected you or your loved ones, know that you are not alone. Remember that people who managed to overcome depression took action. Fortunately, as evidenced medical science, depression usually responds well to treatment.

Read our article about how to cope with depression on your own without pills or doctors.

1. Treat depression with pills and doctors or get rid of depression on your own?

Tip 9. Do something nice for other people selflessly - show love

You might be surprised, but one way to overcome your own depression is to help others. Show love and care to those who need it, and you will see how your own condition changes.

Selflessly helping others not only helps you take your mind off your own problems, but also makes the world a better place. Place good deed there will always be one: just think about which of your family, friends and acquaintances needs help, and provide them with this help.

There are many inspiring films that sow good, eternal and reasonable things.

You can select one of the following ribbons:

  • “Not yet played in the box”;
  • "Medicine Man";
  • "Knockdown";
  • "Into the Wild";
  • "Forrest Gump";
  • "Family man";
  • "Jerry Maguire";
  • "New Cinema Paradiso";
  • "Knockin 'on Heaven";
  • "1+1";
  • “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” and others.

If the condition does not improve, consult a doctor

If no improvement is expected, no matter what you do, all that remains is to apply for professional help. Modern medicine copes quite successfully with depressive states, even long and protracted. Antidepressants and psychotherapy are not scary at all and are very effective.

For clarity, let’s combine all the tips into a single table:

Treatment method Implementation Features and nuances
1 Taking responsibility Look for a way out in your own changeSuitable for those who tend to blame others for their misfortunes
2 Using Affirmations Repeating affirmations that influence the subconsciousSelected individually
3 Avoiding solitude Chat with people, attend crowded eventsCommunicate with people without alcohol stimulation
4 Willingness to accept help from others Let family and friends take part in your destinyBe sure to thank people for their help
5 Turning to Spirituality Read sacred texts, works of great philosophersUse the practical aspects of the teachings - prayer and meditation
6 Complete sobriety Eliminate alcohol and drugsYou can also switch to a balanced diet
7 Maintaining a daily routine Go to bed on time, get up on time, get enough sleepThe earlier you go to bed and the earlier you get up, the better.
8 Physical activity Play sports physical work, walk in natureDon't overdo it in the gym
9 Selfless service to others Provide sincere help to those who need itCaring for others changes how you feel about yourself
10 Watching a motivational movie Watching inspiring filmsExamples of people who pass life's trials with honor are inspiring.

Using at least some of these rules in your life, you are guaranteed to change your condition for the better and get out of depression on your own.

3. Conclusion

Depression is, of course, an extremely unproductive, negative and undesirable condition, which is unwise and dangerous to ignore. But you shouldn’t be afraid of depression either: the disease is quite amenable to therapy, even on its own.

Meet Nick Vujicic (a man who was born without arms and legs, and now lives a full and happy life):

That's all, friends, smile more often!

Write your observations, thoughts on this topic and personal methods of overcoming depression in the comments! And rate our article!

Depression – mental disorder, which is characterized by a triad classic signs: with the inability to feel joy, slowing down of thought processes with constant pessimism and motor inhibition. Main danger depression consists of cognitive or educational disorders, which you can try to treat at home after consulting a psychiatrist.

The depth, degree and type of depression must be determined, and it is advisable to do this as early as possible. The longer depression exists, the more difficult it is to cope with. With true full-blown depression, there is always a danger of suicide, and after the incident, relatives “sprinkle ashes on their heads,” regretting that they did not take the person to the doctor in time, but nothing can be changed.

The incidence of depression is steadily catching up with cancer and cardiovascular diseases According to forecasts, by 2020 the disorder will become the leading one. The disease affects people of prime age from 25 years. More than 60% of suicides occur among people suffering from this disorder. The trigger can be any stress, of which there is plenty - family and career problems, divorce, death of relatives, social difficulties. The rhythm of life does not give a person time to come to his senses and “digest” the negative things that happen from time to time.

Main manifestations of depression:

Symptoms of depression exist on their own, but life and events in it exist separately.

Drug treatment

The following groups of drugs are used:

Medicine Main action
tricyclic antidepressants Amitriptyline, Opipramol - action within 7-10 days from the start of administration, are used only in young people, have many side effects on the cardiovascular system
four-cycle Tetrindole, – antidepressant activity is low, but can be used in the elderly, mild
serotonin reuptake inhibitors , – high antidepressant effect, onset of action 21 days from the start of administration
nootropics , and others – improve metabolic processes V nervous system and cerebral blood flow
psychostimulants Sidnocarb, Caffeine - are used for general lethargy, but always carry the danger of facilitating suicide and the formation of addiction
tranquilizers sedatives - Mebicar, Lorazepam, Bromazepam, activating - Valium, Sibazon, Seduxen. Relieves internal tension, anxiety, restlessness
lithium preparations reduce the incidence of suicide, reduce impulsivity and aggression
sedatives normalize the processes of excitation and inhibition in the brain - bromine preparations, Adonis-bromine
sedatives plant origin Normalize sleep, reduce nervous tension– based on St. John's wort, Valerian-Forte, Motherwort-Sesanna, Bellataminal, Melissa-Forte, Nervohel, Dormiplant

Bringing a person out of depression without disinhibiting him and maintaining his ability to work is a whole art that only an experienced doctor can do.

The market for antidepressants is huge; according to statistics, these medications occupy a third of the total volume of drugs used in our country. In other countries the situation is even worse; sometimes taking antidepressants begins with adolescence. Prescribe the medicine correctly and in the right dosage Only a psychiatrist or a doctor can. If you follow the doctor's recommendations, even in advanced cases the painful condition improves within a month.

The duration of the course depends on the structure of the disease state; sometimes maintenance treatment has to be used for several months. Medicines modify and alleviate depression, but have little effect on the duration of the episode; the disease proceeds according to its own laws.

Find out what is used to treat depressive disorders.

Important addition

Diseases of the soul and body exist on different pages only in textbooks; in reality, everything is interconnected. Any disorder of the body aggravates depression because it changes many physiological parameters. It is advisable to treat everything that bothers a person - from a carious tooth to. Returning functions internal organs The mental state can also be stabilized to normal.

Where to begin?

With normalization of nutrition and daily routine. Many people underestimate the importance rational nutrition. Calorie content is usually sufficient, but the quality composition is rarely given enough attention in everyday life.

The first thing that needs to be adjusted is correct ratio proteins, fats and carbohydrates. An adult man with average physical activity requires about 100 g of protein, 80 g of fat and 400 g of carbohydrates per day. If the main nutrients not enough, many processes of maintaining homeostasis are disrupted.

Animal proteins are the basis for cellular synthesis, source essential amino acids. Without the supply of animal protein, cell renewal, enzyme function, hematopoiesis, endocrine processes, nerve impulse transmission, and much more are impossible.

With a lack of fat, cell membranes and enzymes suffer, memory deteriorates, thinking and thinking are impaired. cognitive processes, processes of concentration, vision deteriorates, and performance sharply decreases.

Excess carbohydrates cause damage vascular wall, provokes obesity and diabetes, shift acid-base balance or metabolic acidosis.

Disruption of the circadian rhythm of sleep and wakefulness is no less harmful. A person has an innate circadian rhythm or daily fluctuations in the biological activity of all physiological processes. Another name for this phenomenon is The biological clock. Each person has a different chronotype, or preferred hours of daytime activity and nighttime rest.

Manages circadian rhythm sunlight, which is perceived by the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the anterior part of the hypothalamus. Signals from the hypothalamus extend to the production of hormones, urine production, body temperature, level blood pressure. At the same time it is vital important organs- heart, kidneys, liver - have their own daily rhythms, which do not always coincide exactly with the main one.

Without normalizing the circadian rhythm, cure is impossible.


The most important part that can rebuild the level of response to problems. The following methods are used:

  • – teaching adequate daily activities, destroying those techniques that support depression;
  • interpersonal – learning social skills, getting help from relatives and friends, trying to see oneself through the eyes of others;
  • family - an attempt to turn the family into a single system in which everyone has their own functions;
  • – an attempt to push a person to realize the meaning of his life, his purpose and the opportunity to realize himself to the maximum;
  • psychodynamic - the study of the subconscious processes of a particular person;
  • or Rogers' therapy, in which the patient becomes an expert for himself, evaluates many of his actions “from the outside.”

Physical activity

Modern experts evaluate it as an alternative to psychotropic drugs. Physical activity improves the transmission of nerve impulses, increases the concentration of endorphins or morphine-like compounds, reduces the level of cortisol or the hormone that “processes” stress, and increases the production of serotonin or the “happiness hormone”. Physical activity also increases body temperature, which speeds up metabolic processes.

At the same time, physical activity improves communication skills, since sports are rarely done alone. Even simple jogging fresh air contribute to the acquisition of new contacts.

Undoubtedly, those who physical exercise They don’t give you pleasure, you shouldn’t force yourself to do them. Instead, you can walk in the fresh air, enjoy the rain or the vagaries of nature. Such walks are needed 2-3 times a week. It’s great if family members keep company, so the patient will feel comfortable.

Treatment with light and color

The correct name is lux therapy. Sunlight works best because it is a natural stimulant.

The effects of sunlight are multifaceted. This includes the synthesis of vitamin D from cholesterol, normalization of calcium and phosphorus metabolism, physical endurance, speed of thinking, regeneration or tissue repair. Under the influence sun rays the overall resistance of the body increases. The red color of the spectrum gives hope and inspires optimism, orange tones give joy and warmth, green gives comfort. The height of the blue sky is calming.

The ultraviolet part reduces blood viscosity, improves tissue respiration, hormone production, and accelerates metabolism. The amount of sunlight a person sees during the day is directly related to their mood. Known phenomenon seasonal depression, when in the fall and especially in winter some people “hibernate,” feel sad and try to wait out the darkness in complete idleness.

Art therapy

This is the impact of art and creativity in the broadest sense of the word. You need to pay attention and spend time on all the wonderful things that are available in given time in this area. Not everyone lives in big cities, where there is an opportunity to contemplate great art - paintings, statues, high examples of urban transformation.

However, for a person who has discovered the joy of life, the place of this very life is not so important. Beauty can be found in everything that surrounds a person - blooming spring, a raindrop on a green leaf, sunset, a quiet river and simple bird roulades. Understanding yourself as an equal part of the world allows you to see signs of joy in almost every minute.


Smells are something that never fades from memory. The event may have long been erased from memory, but it is enough to inhale the forgotten smell - and the memory instantly comes to life. The perfume industry offers a huge selection of natural scents extracted from plants and animals. This is a concentrate of nature in a bottle that you can always use.

Neutral scents that make a person feel positive are mint, rosemary, lemon, rose, and vanilla. Each person has their own scent preferences, it is important to choose something that changes your mood for the better.

New impressions and interests

The best way to reduce symptoms of depression. If possible, then you need to go on a trip. Overseas countries are not at all necessary; there are city excursions, hiking trips, exhibitions, theater premieres, city festivals.

In any small town, you can find something you like. Great for shaking things up the new kind activities. It's never too late to fulfill your dream and do what you've long wanted to do - learn to drive a car, jump with a parachute, do handicrafts, write a story, master computer technology.

The important thing is that in the course of mastering a new skill, new acquaintances and contacts are inevitably made, friends and like-minded people appear.

Herbal infusions

An excellent assistant in overcoming depression (). To improve mood the following are used:

  • , used to treat depression since the 17th century, should be drunk as tea (2 teaspoons of herb per glass of boiling water) for 3 months;
  • mint and lemon balm as an infusion at night to make it easier to fall asleep;
  • motherwort and valerian, brewed like tea and covered with a saucer to essential oils did not evaporate;
  • tea or infusion from a mixture of herbs, to which there is an individual preference.

Comprehensive treatment of depression always leads to a positive result.

Depression is not a temporary seasonal blues that you can get rid of with help. various means without using pharmaceuticals. At true depression You cannot do without taking antidepressants in combination with antipsychotics and other drugs that help restore the balance of biogenic amines: dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin.

Causes of depression

Depression may result from a reaction to external events, have psychosocial or psychological factors. In the absence or non-obviousness of the above reasons, there is essentially no reason for depression to occur. But if mental illness After all, such depression is considered endogenous, that is, occurring from within. The basis of such disorders is an imbalance of biogenic amines.

Normally, neurons communicate with a synapse. The presynaptic parts are filled with neurotransmitters that are intermediaries between norepinephrine, adrenaline, serotonin, dopamine, and acetylcholine. Disruption of interaction between complex processes leads to inhibition of messages between neurons. The result is depression, which without proper treatment can become chronic.

Diagnosis of depression

Diagnosis of depression is carried out using:

  • screening;
  • medical and test assessment of clinical symptoms.

The doctor takes into account that in addition to the main clinical manifestations depression: depressed mood, lack of satisfaction from previously attractive activities and a gloomy outlook on the present and future, patients experience a number of other negative symptoms. Sleep and appetite are disturbed, the ability to make decisions is lost, it is difficult to concentrate on a certain form activity, thoughts of death or suicide arise.

Treatment of depression

Antidepressants play a major role in the treatment of depression. If the patient’s condition is apathetic, melancholy and lethargy predominate, drugs such as Imipramine, Fluoxetine, Cipramil, Nortriptyline, Incazan are prescribed.

Anxious depression with thoughts of suicide and death is treated with the help of Amitriptyline, Azafen, Ludiomil, Remeron, Trittico, Pramolon.

Antidepressants with a balanced action are recommended if lethargy alternates with anxiety during the day. As a rule, if in the morning everything around seems gray and hopeless, the patient does not want to get out of bed to wash, drink a glass of tea or coffee, and by the evening severe anxiety may prevail. Balanced antidepressants include Zoloft, Paxil, and Pyrazidol.

Sometimes greatest effect can be obtained from a combination of antidepressants with antipsychotics, normomics, tranquilizers. Only an experienced psychiatrist can choose the only right direction for full treatment, and you should contact him at the first signs of depression.

All antidepressants begin to show their healing effect after a certain amount of time after the start of treatment.

If the patient has suicidal thoughts and attempts, he is placed in psychiatric clinic, where treatment is carried out under the direct supervision of medical personnel around the clock.

Psychotherapeutic methods for treating depression

Psychotherapy plays an important role in the treatment of depression. Of course, that in acute period the patient is unlikely to adequately perceive everything that the psychotherapist tells him. Therefore, it is rational to start treatment after 1-3 months of taking antidepressants and antipsychotics.

Psychotherapeutic methods are aimed at stabilizing the condition and eliminating relapses, which can occur systematically after a major depressive episode.