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How fertilization occurs - description by day. Natural and artificial insemination of a woman

Sorry to disappoint you, but unfortunately there is no research or conclusive evidence that any particular position for conceiving a baby is better than others. However, some experts believe that successful conception still depends on the number of sexual acts and the correct individual position.

Couples who dream of becoming parents are advised to take breaks between lovemaking sessions on the same day. You should not choose a position that at least one of the partners does not like. During pregnancy, stress and discomfort will directly interfere with the fertilization of the egg.

Try not to choose positions that cause sperm to leak out. Although, some experts believe that if not a large number of seminal fluid has leaked out, it’s not a big deal, because the most active sperm will do their job.

What positions are considered the best for conception?

  1. "Missionary" - man on woman face to face. Thus, the closest contact occurs.
  2. “Spoon” - on the side, the man is behind the woman. This position is one of the most comfortable for many couples and very effective.
  3. “Doggy style” - the woman is on her knees, leaning on her hands, the man is behind her. This position is very comfortable for those women who have a very sensitive G-spot.

Conception of a girl

The sperm carrying the X chromosome, which is responsible for, has a slightly heavier weight and moves more slowly. Despite these disadvantages, these sperm are more tenacious and resistant to the external environment.

The most best poses for conceiving a girl, those that involve minimal penetration so that the path to the egg is beyond the power of the Y-sperm. These poses include:

  • "missionary";
  • "spoon";
  • the man is on top, and the woman is below with her back to him.

Conception of a boy

The sperm that carries the male genotype (Y chromosome) is more mobile, has greater speed, but is highly susceptible to influence external environment and lives less. The best conditions for of this conception there will be deep penetration and female orgasm. This can happen with the following poses:

  • "doggy style";
  • deep penetration position - the woman lies with her legs thrown over her partner’s shoulders;
  • woman on Top;
  • standing, man behind;
  • “missionary” if you put a pillow under a woman’s pelvis.

How does a child become conceived? This question worries many young couples who are planning to have offspring. Everyone knows that fertilization is most likely during periods of fertility, when the egg is mature enough for this. These processes, unique in nature, give rise to a new life, the development of which in the mother’s body adheres to the program set for everyone for 9 months. However, in order to keep them under control, it is necessary to understand when and how the process of conceiving a child occurs.

The mechanism of the conception process

To put it simply, the whole mechanism consists of several steps, the first of which is fertilization, which is essentially the penetration of the most active sperm into the egg. They then fuse to form a zygote and the zygote is placed in the uterus to transform into a fetus.

The most favorable period for pregnancy occurs precisely in the middle of the menstrual cycle, when an egg ready for fertilization is released from the ovaries, that is, ovulation occurs. It is this moment that can provide an opportunity for the birth of a new organism and it will last no more than a day and a half. In the case when fertilization does not occur, the egg, without waiting for the sperm, dies and is released with menstruation. Sometimes it happens that a woman produces not 1 fertilized egg, but 2 or even several, then when they are fertilized with sperm, two or more children are obtained - twins, triplets, etc. If an egg that has already undergone fertilization divides, then twins are born.

How do the processes of conceiving a child occur?

During ovulation, millions of sperm rush to the cervix, located at the back of the vagina. In order for the fertilization of the egg to take place and the process of conception to occur, the sperm has to do the following:

  • pass through the cervix (about 2 cm);
  • overcome 5 cm of the uterine cavity;
  • pass through the fallopian tube, the length of which is on average 12 cm.

The entire progression takes at least two to three hours, after which the sperm unites with the egg in the ampulla.

Difficulties of the way

The vaginal environment is not very conducive to sperm life, so they most of are not able to reach the uterus and die in the vagina after 2 hours. The process of fertilization in the egg is possible only if a sufficient number of sperm enter the uterus and are activated in it. Subsequently, the sperm move along fallopian tube, in which fertilization itself occurs. When the egg is not fully prepared for the processes of further development, sperm are able to wait for it while maintaining their abilities for several days. In order for the entire conception process to be successful, the temperature during this period is maintained within 37.

Detailed description by day

How does the process of conceiving a child take place with the most significant changes that are characteristic of this period? Briefly this picture looks like this:

Help from modern advances

The important thing is how modern achievements in the field of gynecology, they can solve many problems for those who cannot achieve pregnancy on their own. The problem is not that one or both spouses are defective; they produce both full-fledged eggs and viable sperm, but there are some barriers to success. This can happen in cases where sperm cannot meet the egg due to obstruction of the tubes, or their mobility at this moment is insufficient and the sperm does not have time to reach the egg.

Interesting video:

Insufficient sperm count can also be a significant cause of infertility. Even reasons such as incompatibility at the immunological level and unknown reasons can disrupt reproductive functions. Medicine in such a case capable of conceiving a child in vitro, that is, performing IVF. To carry out this procedure, an egg is taken, which is fertilized with a sperm, after which the fertilized egg is transplanted into the woman’s uterine cavity. Similar procedure is completely natural and the fetus subsequently develops as usual.

Who said that curing infertility is difficult?

  • Have you been wanting to conceive a child for a long time?
  • Many methods have been tried, but nothing helps...
  • In addition, for some reason the recommended medications are not effective in your case...
  • And now you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that will give you the long-awaited baby!

A woman can become pregnant by having sex in any position, but some options can still significantly increase the chance of conception, while others, on the contrary, reduce it. If you cannot get pregnant for a long time, try alternating the most “successful” positions to achieve results.

Successful positions for conceiving a child

Which position is easier to conceive?

Difficulties with conceiving often occur in women with a bent cervix. A good option in this case would be the messianic position, i.e. face to face, man on top. At the same time, experts recommend that women after the end of sexual intercourse do not go straight into the bath, but lie on their back or side for 10-15 minutes. At the same time, the likelihood of conception will increase if you place a pillow under the pelvis.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to correct the bend of the cervix, and even surgical intervention, as a rule, gives only temporary results. However, conception is quite possible, you just need to try

One of the best options for conception is the doggy style position. It provides deep penetration and also correct location reproductive organs, in which it is easiest for sperm to enter the uterus. After the end of sexual intercourse, you can put a pillow under your stomach and rest a little, and only then go to the bathroom.

In some cases, the doggy style position can be painful for a woman. This especially often becomes a symptom of diseases of the kidneys and appendages. In this case, you should not endure discomfort– it’s better to choose a different position

If you want to add variety to sex life Without reducing the likelihood of conception, try placing a pillow under your hips and throwing your legs over your partner's shoulders. You can also try the face-to-face and side pose. Another interesting, albeit somewhat difficult option is a position in which the woman lies with her hips raised, and the man kneels in front of her. It can be simplified by placing high pillows under the buttocks. Finally, the side position, in which the man hugs the woman from behind, is also suitable, but only if the partner can provide sufficiently deep penetration.

What poses are best to avoid?

All positions in which a woman is on top are not suitable for conceiving a child, including those in which a man should not lie down, but sit. In any of them, the penetration of sperm into the uterus is difficult, especially if the cervix is ​​curved.

If you want to get pregnant, you should also avoid any variants of standing poses. It is also inappropriate for a woman to sit and a man to stand in front of her. In such cases, the likelihood of conception decreases sharply. If you like these positions, you can start intercourse with them, but then move on to options that are more suitable for your goals.

Is artificial insemination a real chance for infertile couples to find parental happiness or an unnatural procedure, the chances of success of which are negligible?

Motherhood is the greatest happiness and joy for a woman, her calling and most natural state. When, for some objective reason, a woman cannot become a mother, then artificial insemination comes to the rescue. What is it, what methods of artificial insemination exist, what are the features of the procedure, as well as other issues that concern women will be discussed in this article.

The importance of artificial insemination

Artificial insemination is modern method solving the problem of infertility, when conceiving a child cannot occur naturally. The artificial insemination procedure can be performed for a number of reasons, in which both one or both partners are infertile.

The main indications for artificial insemination are:

  • polycystic ovary syndrome
  • endometriosis
  • low quality of the partner’s sperm, which can manifest itself in low sperm motility, low concentration and a large number of pathological units
  • hormonal infertility
  • tubal infertility
  • infertility, the causes of which are not established

Thanks to advances in medicine, hundreds of thousands of infertile couples can finally experience the joys of motherhood and fatherhood, because artificial insemination gives the opportunity to have children with forms of infertility that in the past put an end to reproductive function.

Video: In vitro conception

Artificial insemination methods

When it comes to artificial insemination, many people think about the common and popular IVF procedure. In fact, there are several methods of artificially solving the problem of infertility:

  • ISM is a method in which the sperm of her husband is transferred into a woman’s uterus. This technique is used in cases where a woman’s reproductive functions are not impaired and she cannot become a mother due to the poor quality of her husband’s sperm or when the mucus in a woman’s vagina is aggressive environment for the existence of sperm and they die before reaching the egg

  • ISD - if the husband’s sperm is unsuitable for conception or he is completely infertile, then the spouses are offered the method of artificial insemination with donor sperm. The procedure itself for this method is practically no different from the previous one: the woman is also injected with sperm into the uterus, but the sperm donor is not her husband

  • GIFT - when the cause of infertility lies in the fact that a woman’s egg does not exit into the fallopian tube for fertilization, then the method of intratubal transfer of gametes is effective. It consists of transferring an egg previously taken from a woman into the fallopian tube, artificially connected with male sperm. Male reproductive cells can belong to both the spouse and the donor

  • ZIFT is a method in which a fertilized egg is introduced into the uterus prepared by hormones. First, a healthy egg suitable for conception is taken from a woman by puncture of the ovary and fertilized outside the female body with sperm. The embryo is then inserted through the cervix

  • ICSI - effective method artificial insemination, which involves fertilizing an egg with a sperm using a very thin needle. Through a puncture of the testicles, the most active sperm is removed and implanted into the egg

  • IVF is the most common type of artificial fertilization of an egg outside the woman’s body, after which the embryo is implanted into the uterus

IVF method of fertilization

In vitro fertilization - modern reproductive technology, which is most often resorted to not only in our country, but throughout the world. What explains such popularity of the method? Firstly, this technique gives the best results; secondly, with the help of IVF you can achieve pregnancy even in very difficult cases infertility, when both partners have serious reproductive problems.

Artificial insemination procedure

IVF requires multiple eggs. But since only one egg can be formed in a woman’s body during one cycle, the amount of egg production is stimulated by hormones.

When an ultrasound determines that the ovary is enlarged and eggs have formed in it, they are removed. After this, the oocytes are washed from the follicular fluid and placed in an incubator, where the eggs are kept until artificial insemination.

If it is not possible to obtain eggs from a woman, then donor eggs are used.

On the same day, sperm are collected, which are obtained by masturbation or interrupted sexual intercourse. Spermatozoa are isolated from the resulting sperm and the most active ones are selected. After this, the required number of active sperm is added to the test tube with eggs, at the rate of 100-200 thousand per egg. It is also possible to use donor sperm.

Within 2-3 hours, the sperm fertilizes the egg. Next, the resulting embryo is placed in a favorable environment, where it remains for 2 to 6 days. All this time, the necessary vitamins, physiological ions, substrates and amino acids are introduced into the test tube. After this, the embryos are directly transferred into the uterus, which is carried out in a matter of minutes on a gynecological chair.

If a woman cannot carry a pregnancy herself, then they resort to surrogacy.

Video: In vitro fertilization. Komarovsky

In vitro fertilization pros and cons

Despite the fact that IVF opens up the opportunity for people suffering from infertility to have children, this procedure can also have negative consequences, which sometimes become disastrous:

  • violation hormonal levels
  • ovarian hyperstimulation
  • fetal malformations
  • multiple pregnancy, in which it is necessary to kill “extra” embryos for the survival of at least one or two

In addition, the IVF procedure is an expensive undertaking that not everyone can afford, and sometimes childless couples have to give up any hopes of becoming parents, since the amount is simply unaffordable for them.

On the other hand, in society there is a prejudiced attitude towards the procedure of artificial insemination - “test tube children” are mistakenly mistaken for inferior and developmentally delayed.

Today, the IVF procedure is being improved in many ways. New technologies are used, the exact dosage of hormones is established, which ensures the necessary processes and at the same time causes the least harm to the woman’s body.

It is also important that it is extremely rare that a large number of embryos are placed into the uterine cavity, usually only two, which prevents the need to eliminate an extra embryo. And the joy of motherhood itself exceeds everything possible risks and undesirable consequences that the IVF procedure may cause.

How much does artificial insemination cost?

The price of the issue depends on the method of artificial insemination. It may vary in different clinics, but on average the price list looks like this:

  • IGO from 28 to 40 thousand rubles
  • IVF from 40 to 100 thousand rubles
  • ICSI from 100 to 150 thousand rubles

Other methods of artificial insemination are not common in Russia due to lower efficiency.

Artificial insemination of single women

For women who do not have a partner to conceive a child, but desperately want to have a child, the procedure of artificial insemination will help. During this procedure, active donor sperm are placed into the woman's uterus, after which the egg is fertilized.

Immediately before the procedure, the woman undergoes examinations and tests, and, if necessary, hormonal stimulation is performed.

Artificial insemination at home

The artificial insemination procedure can also be performed at home. Its essence lies in the fact that a dose of sperm obtained during ejaculation is injected into the woman’s uterus using a syringe and catheter. Thanks to this manipulation, the chance of fertilization increases significantly, because all the sperm are sent to the egg, whereas during natural fertilization, part of the seed is poured out and neutralized by the vaginal mucus, without even entering the uterus.

To carry out artificial insemination at home, you need sterile:

  • syringe
  • catheter
  • gynecological speculum
  • pipette
  • disinfectant
  • tampons
  • towel
  • gynecological gloves

It is important to carry out the procedure during ovulation, which can be determined using a special test.

The problem of artificial insemination

Detailed instructions on how artificial insemination is carried out at home can be obtained from a gynecologist, but it is important to understand that carrying out such an important process at home may carry the risk of introduction into the uterine cavity various infections, due to the possible unsterility of the devices used.

Artificial insemination: reviews

Having analyzed the reviews of women who decided to undergo artificial insemination, several key aspects of the procedure can be identified:

  • pregnancy does not always occur. There are couples who decided to undergo IVF five or six times in a row, but never achieved their desired goal.
  • Many infertile women are concerned about the moral aspect, because the problem of artificial insemination still causes discussions in various circles, especially from the church, which considers such events unnatural, and condemns families who do not have children, since they must bear their cross and not go against the will of God

  • artificial insemination is a colossal burden on a woman’s body, both morally and physically
  • Despite the problems faced by married couples who still decide to undergo artificial insemination, the positive result and joy of having a child exceeds all the risks and negative points and many are stopped only by the cost of the procedure from having a child artificially again

It is very important for any woman; it precedes conception, embryo implantation and the birth of a child. Any girl should know about this. This information will be especially useful for those who are planning to give birth to a healthy child.

The main stages of fertilization are the same for all women, however, each of them has individual characteristics. The process of conceiving a child can be divided into three main periods:

  • Maturation of the egg;
  • Conception (after ovulation);
  • Division of a fertilized egg.

Each of them has important in the process of fetal formation, therefore the impact unfavorable factors and infections before and after ovulation can lead to disruption of embryo development and various genetic diseases, early miscarriage and other consequences. During the period of fertilization, it is very important to follow the rules of intimate hygiene, reliably protect yourself from infection with viruses and maintain healthy image life.


Ovulation period healthy woman with a normal menstrual cycle, it usually occurs in the middle of the cycle - during the release of the egg from the ovarian follicles. It is accompanied by slight pain, tingling and a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. However, some girls do not feel any changes in their body during ovulation.

This process occurs in a healthy woman on the fifteenth or sixteenth day of the menstrual cycle. If hormonal levels are disturbed, deviations from the norm are possible, which leads to various difficulties and problems that arise in the process of planning pregnancy and childbirth. Thus, the release of the egg may occur earlier or later than the generally accepted norm.

During ovulation (the release of a mature egg from the ovaries), an increase in basal temperature occurs, caused by an increase in the production of the hormone progesterone in the blood. However, it remains viable for 12 to 36 hours, which depends on individual characteristics woman's body.

Once the egg is released, it becomes lodged in the villi of the fallopian tube, which contract rhythmically and help prevent it from disappearing into the abdominal cavity. One tube becomes dilated as a result of the action of the hormone estrogen and increased blood supply to the tissues of the female genital organs, while the other remains physiologically closed.

If fertilization does not occur during this period of time, the egg is rejected by the body along with the endometrial layer. In some cases, during ovulation, not one, but two or three female cells are released, in others, there may be none. Thus, a woman can give birth to twins or triplets.

During ovulation, many different biochemical processes occur that help conception. For example, the production of mucous fluid in the cervix changes, which allows the cervical canal to open and allow sperm to enter. At this time, the girl also experiences the following changes:

  • mood improves;
  • sexual activity increases;
  • blood supply to the internal genital organs and main erogenous zones increases.


After ovulation, within 12-36 hours, the sperm must penetrate the walls of the egg. If unprotected sexual intercourse occurs at this time, the girl in most cases becomes pregnant. After sex, sperm enter the vagina, then the uterus and fallopian tubes. They cover this distance in 2–6 hours, depending on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body.

During ovulation, sperm meet a developed egg. After which they actively fight on its surface, trying to penetrate inside, thereby disrupting its elasticity. This process continues until one of them gets inside. As a result, the shell of the egg becomes impenetrable to the rest. Fertilization process female cell is equivalent to conception.

From this moment, the egg begins to move from the ovaries along the fallopian tubes to the uterus. A long period can reach seven days. In addition, active cell division occurs at this time. On the 20th day of the menstrual cycle, the zygote enters the uterine cavity and attaches to the mucous membrane of the walls.

In some cases it may settle on inner shell fallopian tubes, which will indicate an ectopic pregnancy. With an ultrasound examination, the doctor will be able to detect this pathology even in the early stages. In any case, if you suspect such a pregnancy, you must urgently consult with a specialist, since the consequence may be the rupture of one of the tubes or its complete removal.

Remember, timely consultation with a doctor is the key to the birth of a healthy child.


Video about implantation and embryo development

After the fusion of the female and male cells, the unification of genetic information, the active process of division and development begins.

The development of the embryo goes through the following stages day by day:

  • First - third day. The first division of the zygote begins one day after fertilization, and it ends after 24 hours. These two cells are called blastomeres. They do not increase, but after division they become half as large. As a result, a blastula is formed. Cell division occurs every 12 - 16 hours. These processes continue for three days after conception. At this time, six to eight blastomeres are included in the embryo.
  • On the fourth day, the number of cells increases to sixteen. By this time, intercellular contacts in the embryo are compacted, and its surface is smoothed. It's already falling into the pipes. It is important to know that improper development, slow movement and penetration of the zygote into the tube mucosa can lead to an ectopic pregnancy.
  • On the fifth to seventh day, embryo development continues. It enters the uterus and also moves freely along it until it is fixed on the surface. During this period, the woman’s basal body temperature rises.
  • Twelfth day. At this time it happens final stage implantation, when the egg stops dividing into segments from which it will form in the future various organs child. Also in the first two weeks, placentation occurs, namely the formation of primary and secondary chorionic villi and decidual transformation of the endometrial layer in the uterus.
  • On the thirteenth day, almost all tests can determine the presence of pregnancy, since after final implantation there is an increase in the content of female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone in the blood and urine. At this time on ultrasound examination the unborn child looks like a small dot. However, already during these two weeks the zygote manages to undergo the most complex development.

How does a child become conceived? This is very difficult process, which leads to changes in hormonal levels and other various biochemical processes. That is why any girl should know about this in order to warn unwanted pregnancy or plan the birth of a baby.

The female body is very complex, therefore any girl must approach the menstrual cycle, egg maturation and the process of fertilization very carefully and carefully. Information about these processes can help a girl plan the birth of a child or, conversely, protect herself from an unplanned pregnancy.

Fertilization is the very first stage in the birth of a new life. It begins with the meeting and union of two sex cells: male and female - sperm and egg. At the site of their fusion, a zygote is formed - a cell that combines a complete set of 46 chromosomes with genetic information obtained from the parent cells. At the stage of fertilization, the sex of the future person has already been determined. It is chosen randomly, like a lottery. It is known that both the egg and the sperm contain 23 chromosomes, one of which is the sex chromosome. Moreover, the egg can contain only the X sex chromosome, and the sperm can contain both the X and Y sex chromosomes (approximately 50% each). If a sperm with an X-sex chromosome connects with an egg, the child will be female, and with a Y-chromosome, the child will be male.

How does the fertilization process occur?

About in the middle monthly cycle a woman ovulates - from a follicle located in the ovary, in abdominal cavity a mature egg is released that is capable of fertilization. It is immediately picked up by the cilia-villi of the fallopian tubes, which contract and push the egg inside. From this moment, the woman’s body is ready for fertilization, and for about a day a viable egg in the fallopian tubes will wait to meet a sperm. For it to happen, he will have to go through a long, thorny path. Having entered the vagina with a portion of seminal fluid during sexual intercourse, almost half a billion sperm, wagging their tails to speed up, rush upward.

Before the cherished meeting, you need to walk a distance of about 20 centimeters, which will take several hours. On the way of the sperm there will be many obstacles, overcoming which, the majority of the tailed animals will die. The hardiest sperm will reach the goal. For fertilization to take place, at least 10 million must penetrate the uterus and help pave the way for each other. Only a few thousand will reach the finish line, and only one of them will get inside. Not necessarily the strongest, but rather the lucky one who will be closest to the hole-entrance, which everyone worked to dig in order to break through the protective shell of the egg.

As soon as the sperm is inside the egg, their fusion occurs, i.e. fertilization. Now it is no longer a sperm and an egg separately, but a single cell - a zygote. Soon it will begin its first division, forming two cells. Then they will further divide into four, eight cells, etc. Gradually, the dividing cells will turn into an embryo, which the fallopian tubes, contracting, will push towards the uterus. He needs to leave this place as soon as possible, because... if it is delayed, implantation will occur directly in the oviduct, which will lead to an ectopic pregnancy. Around the fifth or sixth day, the embryo reaches its goal: it enters the uterus, where it will float freely for a couple of days, looking for a place to attach. Embryo implantation occurs on average on the seventh to tenth day after fertilization, sometimes a little earlier or later. Having found comfortable spot, it will spend almost two days, like a gimlet, biting into the lush endometrium in order to gain a stronger foothold. Plunging deeper, it touches the blood vessels located in the wall of the uterus, so small hemorrhages occur at the site of implantation. At this time, a woman may notice minor bloody issues, which are called implantation bleeding and are classified as early symptoms pregnancy. The implanted embryo begins to release hCG into the mother’s blood, the pregnancy hormone, which pregnancy tests respond to. Therefore, ten days after ovulation, you can try taking the first test. If pregnancy is confirmed and its development is successful, the embryo will continue to grow and form, and after 9 months it will be born new person.

Artificial insemination

Artificial insemination helps couples conceive a long-awaited baby in the case of male or female infertility. Depending on the cause of infertility, one or another method of artificial insemination is prescribed. Pregnancies resulting from any of these are completely natural and do not require further special monitoring. There are three main methods of artificial insemination:
— AI (artificial insemination);
— IVF ( in vitro fertilization);
— ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection).

The simplest and most accessible is artificial insemination. With this procedure, male seminal fluid through a catheter it is inserted directly into the woman’s uterus, then the sperm move independently into the fallopian tubes to meet the egg, where fertilization occurs naturally. Before injection, the sperm is specially prepared: weak sperm are rejected, the most active and mobile ones capable of fertilization are left.
Before AI, the couple undergoes a medical examination, tests for sexually transmitted infections, the man has a spermogram (sperm analysis), and the woman’s fallopian tubes are checked for patency in order to avoid ectopic pregnancy. Often, for greater benefits, the procedure additionally stimulates ovulation medications.

Artificial insemination prescribed for:
- lack of ovulation;
- vaginismus, when due to spasms and involuntary contractions of the pubococcygeus muscle in a woman, penetration of the penis is extremely difficult;
- cervical factor of infertility, when sperm cannot penetrate the uterus and die in the vagina;
sexual disorder partner and the inability to have full sexual intercourse;
- poor sperm analysis;
- infertility in young couples. AI is being chosen as the first option to combat unexplained infertility.

Efficiency this method averages 20-25%. This percentage may be higher or lower depending on the age of the couple, sperm quality and other factors.

IVF is in vitro fertilization, the procedure is quite lengthy and labor-intensive. It is prescribed when all methods of treating infertility have been tried, but there are no results. Initially the couple goes full medical checkup and examination, they take urine, blood tests, tests for sexually transmitted infections, hormones, women undergo a pelvic ultrasound, check the patency of the fallopian tubes, and men have a spermogram. Then they proceed directly to the IVF procedure. It consists of several stages. First, a woman undergoes ovarian hyperstimulation by injecting certain hormones into her body so that several full-fledged eggs, ready for fertilization, mature. These eggs are then removed: general anesthesia punctures are made in the lower abdomen from the side of the ovary or under local anesthesia A needle is inserted through the vagina.

Before fertilization, a selected portion of male semen undergoes preparation: sperm are separated from seminal fluid, transferred to an incubator and placed in a nutrient medium. Next, the most active and complete sperm (about 100 thousand) are mixed in a glass bowl with eggs removed from the woman. In a day it will be possible to see whether fertilization has occurred. If this has happened, then the most viable zygotes are selected to grow into embryos. After another 24 hours, it can be determined whether embryo development is occurring. They are given another 2-3 days to grow and are transplanted using a thin catheter through the vagina into the uterus.

Usually two or three embryos (sometimes more) are transferred so that at least one of them takes root. The remaining high-quality embryos are frozen and stored at a temperature of -196C. In the future, if the couple wants to have more children, there will be no need to re-fertilize; it will be enough to use ready-made embryos. If the transplantation was successful, the embryos took root and were implanted into the uterus, further developing normal pregnancy. If menstruation begins after 10-14 days, then the attempt was unsuccessful. The probability of pregnancy using IVF is 20% when transferring two embryos, and 30% when transferring three embryos.

In those in rare cases when 3 or more embryos engraft during the IVF procedure, according to medical indications or at the request of the woman, reduction can be performed. Excess embryos are removed without posing a threat to the remaining ones. Depending on the reduction method chosen, the procedure is carried out between 5 and 10 weeks of pregnancy.
Just a few decades ago, in vitro conception seemed like a fantasy, but now it is a reality.

ICSI – intraplasmic sperm injection, is prescribed for male factor infertility, when for some reason the sperm cannot penetrate the egg. Most often this happens due to a small number of motile sperm, the absence of sperm themselves in the seminal fluid, teratospermia and other sperm pathologies.

In this procedure, the sperm is inserted into the egg using a very thin needle. The egg is first removed from the woman's ovary. All manipulations are carried out under a microscope. First, the egg is treated with a special solution to dissolve outer shell, then the sperm is injected with a needle.

During the ICSI procedure, the couple undergoes the same preparation and examination as during IVF. The difference is that with IVF, sperm are present with the eggs in a special solution and penetrate inside on their own, while with ICSI, one, the healthiest and most viable sperm is selected and placed inside the egg with a needle. Sperm selection occurs under very powerful microscope, with four hundred times magnification. IMSI is considered a variation of the ICSI method, when sperm selection is performed under a more powerful microscope, with a magnification of 6000 times. The chance of pregnancy with ICSI is approximately 30%.

Probably every girl was interested in how conception occurs. On the one hand, it is very simple and pleasant. But, if you delve deeper into the processes of the female body, it becomes obvious that everything is not so simple.

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Even minor health problems can become an obstacle to pregnancy. Moreover, not only the woman, but also the man is responsible for the process. Very often there are situations when the head of the family is forced to undergo treatment for infertility.

In order for pregnancy to occur as quickly as possible, you need to know your body well. It is important to understand how long it lasts menstrual cycle when ovulation occurs. If you want to conceive a child, it is worth understanding in detail how this happens.

Fusion of male and female cells

How the process works

If you wish, you can watch a video on how the mysterious process of conceiving a child occurs. It is divided into several stages.

  1. Ovulation.
  2. Fertilization of the egg.
  3. Division of a fertilized egg.

The fusion of male and female cells is not enough. It is important that ovulation occurs successfully and the mature egg leaves the follicle. This way she will be ready for fertilization and division. The eggs mature every month due to the work of hormones released in the pituitary gland. When they work correctly, follicles appear in the ovaries, from which an egg emerges.

In men, sex cells, called sperm, also appear with the help of hormones. Sperm mature in the testicles, then move into the epididymis, and then into the prostate gland and seminal vesicle. Here they, together with the secretion, form sperm fluid, which is necessary for fertilization.

Ovulation is the day in the middle of a woman's menstrual cycle. To get pregnant, you need to know on what day after ovulation conception can occur. On average, this happens 14 days after the first day of menstruation. But this is an average figure, since the cycle lasts from 21 to 24 days. Sometimes there are exceptions, because everyone female body individual.

During this period, the volume of mucus in the uterus increases, so sperm can easily penetrate inside. Simultaneously with this process, the follicle ruptures, and a mature egg is released into the fallopian tube. It consists of pulsating villi that help it move into the uterus. Conception occurs after:

  • the sperm enters the egg;
  • the embryo appears.

Pregnancy occurs after it attaches to the walls of the uterus. Before you find out on what day the long-awaited conception usually occurs, you need to understand that it will not happen without ovulation. The egg lives for a maximum of 24 hours. During this time, fertilization must occur. If all else fails, then conception can only be expected next month, when the new menstrual cycle arrives.

It is impossible to accurately calculate how long after sexual intercourse conception will occur. If the time is favorable, the process will occur approximately an hour after unprotected sex. A healthy sperm is capable of moving at a speed of about 4 mm/min. However, sperm can live in a woman’s body for 2 to 7 days until the egg is released. Therefore, no one will tell you how many days after sex you will conceive. It depends.

  1. Day of the cycle.
  2. Individual characteristics of the body.
A weekWhat's happening
2 Usually, at the 2nd week of pregnancy after conception, mothers are interested in what is happening in their bodies. During this period, implantation begins when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall.
3 At this time, the length of the fetus reaches approximately 0.18 mm, and the weight is about 3 mcg. A protein begins to be produced, which has a “soporific” effect on the woman’s immune system.
4 At the 4th week of pregnancy from the accomplished conception, the formation of the fetal head occurs, which can already be seen on a high-quality ultrasound machine. Extraembryonic organs begin to develop.
5 If you are interested in knowing what is happening in the body in the 5th week of your pregnancy after conception, information about the development of the child will not hurt. He develops fingers, the makings of a mouth, a spine, a brain, and a heart. The digestive and nervous systems begin to develop.

The sperm entered the egg

What types of discharge are there?

When, after successful sexual intercourse, when conception still occurs, the body experiences hormonal changes. It causes slight swelling of the genitals and heavy discharge. Usually they come in two types:

  • white or transparent;
  • yellow or brown.

So, if conception has occurred, then after ovulation, discharge begins. Typically clear or white, but also yellow or brown. The discharge is similar to that which appears, so some women think that their period has come. But that's not true. After some time, protective lubricant begins to be produced and clear or white discharge appears. There can be a lot of them, but you shouldn’t worry, since they only indicate serious changes in the body and the onset of pregnancy.

Such a protective lubricant protects the female body from harmful microorganisms that disrupt the state of the microflora. Lubrication is especially abundant during sexual arousal and during intercourse. There is no need to worry about this phenomenon. It's worse when the vagina is dry. In this case, you should definitely contact a gynecologist for advice. Since no special sensations appear after ovulation, even if conception does occur, it is the increased secretion of lubricant that may indicate positive result.

How to find out about fertilization

Probably every girl has thought about how she can find out whether the long-awaited conception has really occurred. You can find out the exact result only two weeks after past ovulation. From this time on, changes begin to occur in the female body, which indicate a positive result.

Determining the presence of pregnancy by a sonologist

Subjective signs also appear, for example:

  • nausea;
  • aversion to smells.

These symptoms of toxicosis appear from about the second week. A woman needs to know not only how exactly conception occurs, but also ways to determine that it has occurred. There are several ways.


The information published on the website is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Site visitors should not use them as medical recommendations! The site editors do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! Remember that only full diagnostics and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help you completely get rid of the disease!

WayThe essence
Pregnancy testsThis is a 100% way to determine pregnancy after 2 weeks. Home diagnostics should be carried out in the morning on an empty stomach.
Blood test for hCGWhen the blood contains increased level human chorionic gonadotropin, which means you are most likely pregnant. The blood test must be taken in the morning on an empty stomach.
Basal temperature measurementUsually on the day of ovulation, body temperature rises to 37 - 37.3 degrees. In the absence of pregnancy, the temperature returns to normal within a few days. If the result is positive, it can last for several weeks.

A rather complex process of merging two cells. It’s amazing what nature was able to create in the process of evolution, because we almost never think about all the intricacies of the process of conceiving a child. The human body is so complex and self-organized that in 9 months a new life can form in it - another person. In this article we will talk about how fertilization and conception of a child occurs.

Conception process

You need to prepare mentally and physically for the conception procedure. First you need to take the path of truth: lead active image life, stop drinking and smoking, start eating right, etc. These truths, although they look simple, have a profoundly positive effect on the processes of conception and the unborn child. It should be noted that ignoring these rules is simply unacceptable, especially for those couples who have repeatedly, but unsuccessfully, tried to give birth to a new life.

Did you know? During sexual intercourse, between 150 and 250 million sperm are released.

Many people wonder how to conceive a child the first time, but most of them do not know about such a thing as fertility. In fact, it's very important characteristic process of procreation. is the ability of the female body to conceive a child.

When the follicle matures in the ovary, an egg is released from it, which is ready for the mechanisms of fusion with male sperm. This factor is the basis for the normal and rapid process of conception, which takes an average of 2 weeks. During a given period of time, the following stages occur in a woman’s body:

  1. Fertilization of the egg.
  2. Fragmentation of embryonic cells.
  3. Introduction of the embryo and its attachment to the mucous membrane.
It is after 2 weeks (sometimes 3-) that the woman begins to feel the first symptoms. However, only 24-36 hours pass before the onset of the first stage of conception (fusion of female and male reproductive cells).

How does this happen

The mechanism of fertilization of a female egg and the further development of the embryo is a whole science. Below we will briefly describe the fertilization scheme and talk about where such a complex process occurs in a woman’s body.

During sexual intercourse, sperm in the male testicles begin to show activity. After some time (2-7 minutes) they begin to move along the vas deferens. When sperm reach the seminal vesicles, the process of their fusion with the seminal fluid occurs. After this, they become ready to fertilize the female egg.

Together with seminal fluid, sperm travel a long way through urethra men and then under high pressure fall into the feminine. From this time on, millions of mobile male reproductive cells begin to rush forward in search of an egg.

Important!British scientists have found that smoking women have 22% less chance successful pregnancy.

The main task of the mobile “cavaliers” is now to penetrate the uterine cavity, and then into the fallopian tube. On the way to achieving their goal, millions of sperm will be killed immune system female body. They are selected according to the laws of genetics: only those cells remain that are the strongest and capable of producing healthy offspring.
Then everything happens as in beautiful pictures, or in an instructional video called “how to make a baby.” About a hundred surviving and strongest sperm surround the egg. Only one will be able to penetrate its cavity - the chosen one and the most suitable (according to genetic parameters). When that same unique sperm penetrates the cavity of the egg, the process can be considered started.

Splitting up

At this stage, the male and female reproductive cells merge into one. Now their genetic material is combined and becomes one. A day later, the process of division of the resulting cell begins, which lasts about 96 hours. After this time, the embryo already consists of 32 cells.
In general, the crushing mechanism occurs in geometric progression, that is, with each act of division the number of cells doubles. It should also be noted that division occurs both at the stage of advancement of the embryo to the uterus, and at the stage of implantation, and, accordingly, at the stage of formation of all organs and systems.

Entry of the embryo into the uterus

After successful fertilization of the egg and the start of the crushing mechanism, the process of attaching the embryo to the uterus begins. The movement of the embryo through the fallopian tubes begins on the fourth day and continues until the seventh day. For about three days, the embryo is “free floating” and is looking for a place to attach to the uterus. At this point there is always a possibility.

Did you know?Male reproductive cells (sperm) are 85,000 times smaller in size than a female egg.

Four days after the start of conception, the zygote turns into a blastocyst. During the “journey” through the fallopian tubes, the embryo accumulates necessary substances, which will further contribute to normal implantation processes. Also at this stage, villi begin to appear on the blastocyst, which serve as a nutritional element. During this period, the mother’s body also prepares for the attachment of the embryo: hormones begin to be actively released, making the uterus a favorable place for attachment.

Implantation of the embryo into the uterus occurs on the fifth day after the start. In total, the implantation process proceeds according to the following scheme:

  1. After the embryo attaches to the lining of the uterus, the latter will begin to fill with fluid. As a result of this filling, the fertilized egg will gradually press against the endometrium.
  2. Next comes the adhesion stage. Adhesion is the beginning of interaction between the embryo and the uterus through villi.
  3. The last stage is invasion. At this stage, the embryo breaks down the lining of the uterus and attaches to blood vessels mother. From this moment on, the fetus shares a common blood flow with the mother. At the time of infection, a pregnant woman may experience minor uterine bleeding, which do not entail dangerous consequences.
The above three stages are the basis of the mechanism of implantation of the embryo into the uterus. Violation of at least one of these stages can lead to.

Favorable and unfavorable days

An important step along the way correct conception child is keeping a diary. Every woman should monitor regularity, since there are days on which it is simply impossible to start the process of a normal pregnancy.

If the menstrual cycle is standard and regular, it is possible to calculate the days for the most favorable conception a certain child. When chaotic critical days There is always a hormonal imbalance that interferes with the normal mechanism of the birth of a new life.

Important!For successful conception new life a woman needs to drink 8 glasses clean water in a day.

The entire critical cycle can be divided into favorable and unfavorable days for conceiving a child.

The most favorable periods it is generally accepted:

  • The period is 2-4 days before the start of ovulation.
  • The true moment of ovulation.
  • The next 24 hours from the start of ovulation.

Unfavorable days are those on which the egg is simply not ready for contact with sperm:
  • Any day of the menstrual cycle.
  • 48 hours after the end of ovulation (an egg that has not come into contact with a sperm simply dies).
  • The first 48-72 hours after the end of the critical days.
  • 6-7 days before the start of ovulation.
If you want to become pregnant with a child of a certain gender, you need to take the advice of experts. Of course, they will not give a 100% result, but they will increase the chance of success in becoming pregnant with a boy or. If sexual intercourse between a man and a woman occurred before the onset of ovulation, then most likely the couple in love will have a girl. The process of intercourse after ovulation with a larger share will probably bring a son to the parents.

Did you know? Sperm travel such a long distance to the egg that if they were the size of a person, their journey would be 6,500 kilometers.

The basics of successfully conceiving a child

Over time, every couple begins to think about adding a child to their family. It is not always possible to give birth to a new life, because the normal process of conception is sometimes hindered by certain factors. There are many rules that married couples who want to bring themselves and the world another person must follow:

We hope this article has become useful source information. Now you know how pregnancy occurs and what conditions are necessary for the normal processes of conceiving a baby. All that is required of you is to follow the basic rules before starting a new life.

Birth of a child is the result of thousands of amazing processes occurring inside the female body. A caring mother wants to be aware of everything related to her baby.

It is for this reason that many future parents are interested in how fertilization occurs.

    Fertilization process

    Nature decided to arrange it so that a woman can become pregnant only on one day during the entire cycle, this day is called. It is on this day that it leaves the follicle and moves along the fallopian tube in the hope of being fertilized.

    REFERENCE! At average speed in a few hours reach the goal, however, due to the “harsh conditions” of overcoming the path, most of the tadpoles will die and the most persistent and “worthy” will reach the goal.

    2. Only one tadpole will take part in the fertilization process, the rest are destined to die. Performing intense thrusts, he breaks through the covering of the female egg. Once the tadpole is inside, fertilization occurs. From this moment on, the cell is called zygote, which soon begins its division.

    Movement towards the uterus

    For next days the zygote continues to divide and continues to move along the fallopian tube towards the uterus. The flickering of the cilia of the fallopian tube helps her in this. From time to time, contraction of the tube muscles is performed to accelerate the movement of the zygote, which, as a result of divisions on the 5th day, is called a blastocyst. 6-7 days after fertilization the embryo is ready for implantation.

    IMPORTANT! After the blastocyst is fixed in the body of the uterus, it begins to actively interact with it, which contributes to the synthesis of a huge number of new hormones.

    For successful attachment ovum the following conditions are required:

    • the outer layer must have suitable thickness for the subsequent development of the embryo, and also contain the required amount of nutrients;
    • in the female body the concentration of progesterone should be exceed norm, because it is this hormone that blocks the onset of menstruation, allowing pregnancy to develop.

    If such conditions are not met, the egg is not able to attach to the uterine lining, which leads to menstrual bleeding. Thus it happens embryo rejection, and they begin in the ovaries.

    How does the woman feel?


    After fertilization, the expectant mother is able to detect some symptoms, which manifests itself in the period from the moment of connection and before the embryo is implanted into uterine wall. During this period of time, the female body undergoes changes:

    • changes slightly intensity breathing. This can be explained by the fact that the splitting zygote experiences a huge oxygen need;
    • the metabolism of substances such as calcium, phosphorus and carbohydrates changes. Future mom can reveal this by increased appetite and specific taste preferences;
    • the level increases free amino acids;

    ON A NOTE! All these symptoms are not obvious; it is quite difficult to identify them and independently discover that fertilization has occurred.


    After implantation of the embryo into the uterus has taken place, and missed periods has not yet happened, a woman is theoretically capable of feeling some signs of pregnancy. Namely: