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It needs to be done by a man before conception. The right approach to choosing underwear. How to take a vitamin complex

One of the most pressing questions that worries any person is the question: “Why do we live?” It cannot be answered unambiguously, but there is one undeniable answer: the meaning of life for any living creature, including humans, is to leave behind offspring, to create conditions for children to grow up healthy and also be able to “inherit” your immortal genes.

Unlike animals, for humans, having children is not the only purpose of existence. An important place in our lives is occupied by education, professional self-realization, interesting communication, new experiences, for which some people turn to TV, while others go on trips. Human sexuality today includes not so much a procreative function (reproduction), but recreational (receiving pleasure) and relational (communication with a loved one, cognition and self-awareness, unity) relationships. The birth of a child in most cases is no longer an unconditional reflex act, but a reasonably planned event in the life of a family. But biological basis reproduction remains essentially the same as millions of years ago, when the first mammals appeared. And, in fact, the sexual aspect has changed little, i.e. behavior aimed at preserving the family: choosing and “conquering” the most promising partner in reproductive terms, caring for the future mother and children, teaching the offspring the necessary life skills. Does anything in this chain of actions depend on us or did nature wisely provide for everything itself?

Is it possible to “plan” the sex of a child?

Most people know that the sex of the unborn child depends on the man. Unlike women, who have two sex X chromosomes in their cells, identical in size and shape, men have one Y chromosome and one X chromosome in their cells. The Y chromosome contains hereditary information that directs the development of indifferent gonads along the male path, turning them into testicles.

When chromosomes diverge during cell division, which occurs in the testicles during the formation of germ cells, each sperm gets 23 chromosomes out of the original 46, i.e. Not only does the number of chromosomes in each cell decrease by half, but also the exchange of similar sections of chromosomes that the man once inherited from his father and mother occurs. That is why all sperm turn out to be genetically different and carry different sets of characteristics. In this case, from a pair of sex chromosomes, one sperm gets a Y chromosome, the second - an X, so half of all sperm contain a Y chromosome, half - an X. If an egg is fertilized by a sperm of the first type, a boy will be born, and a girl of the second type will be born. These processes are random and do not depend in any way on the will and desire of the future father or on his lifestyle. Therefore, during natural conception floor planning a future child is impossible. No amount of diets or predictions from astrologers will help here; the birth of a child of the desired sex can be achieved only after fertilization of the egg “in vitro”, when a genetic study is carried out to find out which chromosomes are contained in the sperm being studied, and embryos of the desired sex are transferred into the uterine cavity.

When will pregnancy occur?

When planning the birth of a child, you need to remember that the onset of pregnancy is a process that depends on many factors: the quantity and quality of sperm in the ovary, the presence and timing of the female egg (the release of the egg from the ovary), patency fallopian tubes etc. It has been shown that the probability of conception depends, among other things, on the frequency of sexual intercourse: for healthy partners with sexual intercourse 2 times a week, the probability of pregnancy within one female cycle is 20-25%, with a frequency of 4-5 times a week it increases to 40-42%. The likelihood of conception with repeated sexual intercourse is reduced due to the fact that the second portion of sperm contains fewer full-fledged sperm, and the excess volume leads to its leakage from the vagina. Currently, it is generally accepted that pregnancy should normally occur within a year of regular sexual activity without contraception.

Of course, the likelihood of pregnancy depends on the quality of the sperm. The lower the number of sperm, the more immobile sperm, the less chance that the egg will be fertilized. It is important to remember that a man's potency does not automatically confirm his fertility, i.e. ability to have children. There are often cases when sexually weak men have excellent sperm and, conversely, sexually active men have reduced sperm content or no sperm at all. The quality and potential fertilizing ability of sperm can be assessed only after special laboratory tests which include determination of the number, motility and structure of sperm, the acrosomal reaction 1, which characterizes their functional maturity, and the presence of antisperm antibodies 2.

1 During the interaction between the sperm and the egg, an acrosomal reaction of the sperm occurs, during which enzymes are released from a part of the sperm - acrosomes, which destroy a small area of ​​the egg shell.
2 Antisperm antibodies are antibodies to male sperm that are found in the blood of men.

It is now generally accepted that men (and males in general), although they are considered the “strong” sex, are more susceptible to negative factors external environment. Evolutionarily, this is due to the peculiarity of their biological role. Males in nature are the main material of evolutionary selection, various combinations of genes that nature tries for survival. (It is well known that more boys are born, but fewer survive than girls.) The appearance of offspring is also a “reward for courage,” which in the animal kingdom does not go to all males. Every day, a man produces tens and hundreds of millions of sperm, and they are all genetically different, while a woman only produces 1-2 eggs every month. Of these millions of sperm, only one fertilizes the egg - it has passed through the sieve of natural selection, which first occurs in the genital organs of the man himself, and then continues in the genital tract of the woman. The basis of selection is that all sperm are genetically different. Sperm selection begins in the testicles themselves, then continues in the epididymis and seminal vesicles, where sperm accumulates before ejaculation. It is estimated that normal man Every hour, about 100 million sperm are formed, and in the sperm, during abstinence for several days, they contain several tens of millions, i.e. 100 times less. “Defective” sperm are eliminated (removed) by special eater cells. Of those sperm that entered the vagina through cervical canal Less than 1% of cells also pass into the uterus: only a few hundred participate in the siege of the “fortress” that is the egg.

The maturation process of sperm is much faster than that of eggs. In men, the duration of spermatogenesis is about three months. In women, reproduction of germ cells occurs in the prenatal period. Each no more than 30 potential eggs enter further maturation, of which last stage one dominates.

We can say that a man, in evolutionary terms, is the bearer of genetic and behavioral mobility. A woman, on the contrary, is a genetic “conservator”: she preserves and passes on to children what was accumulated by previous generations. Therefore the reasons female infertility much more often associated with malfunctions in the functioning of the female body itself, while a man is often fatally influenced by external circumstances. If conditions are unfavorable, offspring should not appear. This regulation is ensured by the close relationship between the reproductive system and all other systems of the body, primarily the nervous system. Reflation of sperm formation is carried out by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland - structures located in the brain, with the participation of other organs of the reproductive system: appendages, prostate, vesicles, etc. At each stage of this process, disturbances can occur.

Male infertility: risk factors

What can cause a decrease in a man’s reproductive potential?

Some factors are congenital, caused by genetic abnormalities or developmental defects. This includes genetic syndromes Klinefelter, Raifinstein, Kalman, etc., as well as the absence of some elements genitourinary system. In this case, there are very few or no sperm in the semen, which makes pregnancy natural cycle almost impossible.

Many of the risk factors are "man-made" and depend on lifestyle person. Among them, the most widespread should be considered smoking, alcohol abuse, poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyle, psycho-emotional stress, sleep deficiency, and sexually transmitted infections.

Inflammatory processes in the genital organs or even asymptomatic carriage of infections such as chlamydia and mycoplasma are one of the most common causes of infertility. Infectious process leads to damage to sperm by active radicals and other factors inflammatory reactions, obstruction of the reproductive tract - formation of sperm on the path, disorders endocrine function gonads, the development of immune reactions against one’s own sperm. If antibiotic treatment is started promptly, sperm quality problems are usually reversible. If the process has acquired chronic course and led to organic changes in the organs of the reproductive tract, the prognosis is less favorable.

Low physical activity, sedentary work, passive rest, too tight jeans and thick underwear, excess weight, deposition of lipids in blood vessels ( fatty acids and their derivatives) interfere with blood circulation in the pelvic area and lead to stagnation of blood in the vessels. Where there is stagnation, there is a lack of oxygen, increased content metabolic products, inflammation. The causes of varicocele are associated with overheating and the accumulation of harmful metabolic products - male disease, in which the veins of the spermatic cord are dilated. This is usually observed in the left half of the scrotum. Circulatory disorders are aggravated by overheating and vibration, so professional drivers who spend more than four hours a day behind the wheel have a higher incidence of infertility than men in other professions. The problem of the influence of elevated temperature on fertility is purely male. It is no coincidence that the place of sperm formation - the testicles - is located in a special skin bag - the scrotum. The temperature in the scrotum is normally several degrees lower than body temperature. Therefore, too warm trousers, especially synthetic ones, thick blankets or electrically heated blankets, constant baths, saunas and hot baths negatively affect the quality of sperm. Finnish researchers found that those who visit the sauna twice a week have a statistically higher risk of developing it compared to those who steam once a week. Any febrile conditions such as influenza, measles and other diseases lead to a deterioration in sperm quality, and such a decrease in quality can be observed for up to 3 months. — this is how long each sperm continues to mature in the testicle and epididymis. Fortunately, damage caused by moderate overheating is usually reversible.

All men know that the groin area is very sensitive to any blows. Bruises, ruptures, and cuts of the testicles in the vast majority of cases lead to infertility. But recently, including our research, it has been convincingly proven that even mild injuries that do not immediately cause serious consequences, which the patient barely remembers, trigger an invisible mechanism of autoimmune warfare when the immune system“attacks” its own cells. Many years after such a trauma, it turns out that the body has long ago turned against the sperm it produces itself and the man has immune infertility. Risk groups here include martial arts athletes, wrestlers, and cyclists.

Separately, it is worth mentioning alcohol consumption. In small quantities, alcohol is not dangerous, it even improves blood circulation, and today it is considered as a preventive measure for diseases vascular system, namely, these diseases often affect the quality of sperm. But a safe dose of alcohol is about 25 milliliters of alcohol per day, that is, 150-250 grams of dry wine or 60 grams of vodka. Exceeding this dose turns alcohol from a “medicine” into a poison. How many Russian men are able to limit themselves to a glass or two of wine? In situations when it comes to planning a pregnancy, it is better not to drink at all than to drink too much.

It is well known that smoking has not only direct toxic effect on the body, but also leads to prolonged vascular spasms, causing the same vascular disorders, harmful to sperm. It is especially bad when smoking is combined with other risk factors: excessive alcohol consumption, sedentary lifestyle, overheating, stress. And when risk factors are combined, their negative impact is multiplied and intensified tenfold. A healthy lifestyle is incompatible with smoking.

Chronic stress is common and quite dangerous factor risk of infertility in men. The function of sperm production is not necessary to maintain the life of an individual. This product of the gonads is addressed to the future. But it is obvious that with biological point In view of this, the offspring should be born as quickly as possible favorable conditions environment, which will allow still helpless creatures to survive. Therefore, any stress - a reaction to threatening situations - is a signal to the body about unfavorable conditions and the need to stop childbearing. As a result of the interaction of the nervous, endocrine and reproductive systems, this leads to suppression of the process of sperm formation and the development of temporary sterility.

Do you need to prepare for conception?

So, if you are planning to expand your family, then both spouses should prepare for this joyful event. The minimum preparation period for a man is 3 months, which is how long it takes for sperm to mature. During this time, in addition to natural restrictions on smoking and alcohol, the future father should refuse to visit baths and saunas, as well as work with various varnishes, paints and hydrocarbon-based solvents. Also pose a potential hazard heavy metals, contact with sources of ionizing radiation and powerful electromagnetic microwave radiation.

And, what is also important, and perhaps most importantly, men need to love the women with whom they want to have children.

Vladimir Bozhedomov
Urologist-andrologist, head. Department of Andrology, Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences.


Hello! please tell me how to restore ovulation? Thank you very much in advance.

05/14/2018 08:01:50, Lesya111!

Very interesting article, did not know the X and Y chromosome. We did not plan the gender of the child; we had problems conceiving. The husband took for a long time spermactin to restore sperm quality. With such a problem, we didn’t care whether the child was born a boy or a girl.

The materials presented in the article, although superficial, are undoubtedly useful. Do not forget that a child must be conceived out of love. It is based on the spiritual unity of a man and a woman, and the fruit of love will be a baby.

12/19/2006 18:42:54, Alexey

Dear Julia! All fears are somatic, i.e. you are telling yourself what you heard, saw, said. Advice: Stop collecting this information. The process of labor is influenced by our consciousness, and not by childbirth as such. Groff’s theory of matrices helped me; I think on this site I found “The first feat in my life” about how a child feels when passing through the birth canal, and why he needs it. If you don’t find it, write to me by e-mail, I’ll share: [email protected]

Dear Julia! The theory about Groff matrices helped me. write, I will send it to your address [email protected]
While I was preparing to become a mother, I realized that fear is something that does not affect childbirth and childbirth has nothing to do with it, our consciousness is what we need to work on, it can work wonders!!!

Maybe someone can tell me, I’m 18, my husband is 23, we want to have a child, but I’m very afraid of childbirth, contractions, etc., can someone tell me how to get rid of this fear?

04/16/2005 20:33:44, Julia

Thank you very much good article, I will certainly take her advice into account, especially regarding frequent visits baths

04/06/2005 10:58:31, Andrey

It remains unclear what is meant by the phrase: During this time, in addition to natural restrictions on smoking and alcohol, the future dad should refuse to visit baths and saunas, as well as work with various varnishes, paints and hydrocarbon-based solvents - So is it still possible to drink and smoke or not?

10.29.2004 10:50:54, KATYA

I would also like to receive clear information about the effect of medications, in particular antibiotics - the planning period after their use.

08/27/2004 23:17:06, Lara

I really liked the article - it was so complete and interesting. I have a friend who can’t have a child with her boyfriend, despite the fact that he (and not just her) really wants it. It even came to the point of his reproaches against her. I think I'll give her a link to your site so she can check it out and talk to him seriously about the possibility of researching it.

08/27/2004 16:16:18, perseveration

Comment on the article "Preparing for pregnancy: what depends on the man"

My husband drank before conception. A vital decision needs to be made. There are many different articles on the Internet, but all this is information in general. Please share your experience. There are people here whose husband so happened to drink regularly before and (or) during conception.


It’s really not clear what drinking means? A couple of glasses of wine? A couple of beers? Or half a liter of vodka daily? In the first and second cases, if it meant anything, France and the Czech Republic would not have existed a long time ago, they would have died out completely. In the third case, of course, there may be problems.

What's it like to get pregnant at 42? Preparing for conception. Pregnancy planning. I would turn to specialists to get examined. For example, when we were planning a child, we went to the Intime IVF clinic.

Preparing for conception. Pregnancy planning. We want to conceive our first child; we have never been pregnant before. How can a man prepare for pregnancy, what tests and examinations need to be done before planning a pregnancy.


I also remembered about the center, but not the state one - Medsi on Belorusskaya. I get treatment there with insurance, I like it. The doctors there are civilized and competent, there are almost no queues compared to government institutions. It’s worth going there if you want to save time, nerves and don’t need highly specialized help. But as far as I understand, you don’t need it.
They have a program comprehensive survey couples for pregnancy planning "We want a child." They promise to do it in short time, I think within a week. Since the program is comprehensive, there may be savings. [link-1]

But the tests that are included [link-1]

Perhaps something similar - tests are available "in bulk" in invitro. Try to find out and compare prices.

We want to conceive our first child; we have never been pregnant before. In general, you want to make sure that everything is in order, and if not, carry out the appropriate procedures.
In general, normal pregnancy planning is necessary in order to be calm when conceiving.

Gender of the child: how to conceive a girl? Rare sex and 4 more ways. Pregnancy planning: how to prepare for the birth of a child. Girls, who got pregnant? Poses, etc. Position during conception and gender of the child. How can a man prepare for pregnancy, what tests and...

Section: Preparing for conception. How to prepare for conception mentally and physically? Share your experience! Recently, planning a child is normal occurrence, in which both parents can prepare physically and mentally.


I think you are already mentally ready;)
And I would suggest the following plan: read the relevant sections on the websites to recharge yourself with information. If you want I can give you a few of my favorite links.
Well, to be even more specific, I suggest:
1. Visit a therapist and check if all the sores are more or less smothered, well, your favorite hemorrhoids or stomach :)
2. Visit the dentist.
3. Start taking multivitamins + extra folic acid.
4. News more healthy image life - move more in the fresh air.
5. Observe yourself and your cycle in order to calculate the days of ovulation as accurately as possible.
6. Find a good gynecologist.
That's all it seems :)

“What do you need to do (probably, I’m not doing) to be so confident that, knowing your days of conception, you can calmly have sex without protection?”
You probably have to really want it! To want specifically, to feel that you are ripe to get pregnant and give birth, and not rely on chance - it will work out, well, that’s good! It seems to me that preparation begins in the head, and this first stage of pregnancy planning is no less important than subsequent tests, vitamins, etc... When the calm feeling of the _need_ of pregnancy comes, the realization that you can no longer do otherwise, then this subconscious fear that makes you “run to apply” will disappear preventive measures"! :)

Conception according to Anastasia. Preparing for conception. Pregnancy planning. Conceiving a child: when a man has problems. Sperm quality and male infertility: what to do. Pregnancy planning: how to prepare for the birth of a child.


I read this book at one time... There are a lot of wise things, it’s a pity that not all of them can be brought to life, although I probably wouldn’t. But I made some conclusions for myself and something “moved” in psychology :)
As for the forest, this one is correct :) I still have it within the confines of my apartment (but it’s almost a jungle), and I talk to the plants as if they were family members. It's funny, of course, but sometimes it seems that they feel and understand...

:)) I really like her books, but I will get pregnant in my own way, since you can’t take Anastasia’s head and put it on yourself. Or you can think about your child, imagine him, and a bunch of other things. For example, I quite quickly fell for the bait of fixation when I really thought about the child during conception. And I realized for myself that a child is born from love, which means it is desirable to think and feel the present: yourself and your husband :)) In any case, good luck to you!

And in terms of preparation: if you feel problems: taking a spermogram and STD, there is no need to be afraid of anything, there are fewer problems when there are fewer doubts, IMHO, of course. It’s good to play sports, swim, for example, protein diet, vitamins, some kind of Vitrum and folic acid 2-3 tablets, walnuts in small quantities.

Let's discuss timing...When is the best time to conceive a child? Position during conception and gender of the child. About 20% of pregnant women think about how to prepare for childbirth, and about how to prepare for conception - about Preparing for Conception. Pregnancy planning.

Sports and conception. Moderate exercise increases the likelihood of conception several times!!! This is some interesting information I read: Conception - a sacrament and calculation. How to choose the day to conceive a child. Print version. In order for fertilization to occur...

Today we will talk about what a man needs to eat before conceiving a child, and what foods it is better to avoid. About the fact that during pregnancy planning to the expectant mother Everyone knows you need to reconsider your diet. But many people forget that two partners are involved in the process of conception, and therefore future dad I also have to eat differently.

What a man needs to eat before conception: healthy and unhealthy foods

Proper nutrition when planning pregnancy is doubly important, since everything harmful that we consume affects not only our health, but also the health and development of the unborn child. To be born healthy baby, and conception did not take long to occur; a few months before conception, a man needs to eat the following foods:

  1. Selenium-rich foods, namely meat (lean), fish, millet, beef liver. The fact is that a lack of selenium negatively affects male body and often the reason male infertility lies precisely in the lack of this substance.
  2. Before conception, a man needs to eat foods rich in zinc, as they have a positive effect on sperm quality. It is zinc that increases the vitality of sperm, and also accelerates and increases their productivity. Zinc can be taken as a dietary supplement, but it is much better to get zinc from foods. Rich in zinc: fish, seafood (especially mussels and oysters), spinach, mushrooms, asparagus, and also legumes. When planning to conceive, be sure to increase the amount of these foods in your diet.
  3. Vitamin-rich foods should be eaten by a man before conception. That is why we replace the usual sweets with fruits, and a heavy side dish in the form of peeled rice - fresh vegetables. The fact is that fast carbohydrates, such as White bread, sweets, are absorbed very quickly and at the same time have an effect on sperm, changing its composition, and in no way better side. Fruits and vegetables, on the contrary, nourish the body essential vitamins and microelements, improving how your general health, so the quality and motility of sperm.
  4. Foods rich in folic acid should be eaten by a man before conceiving a child, as folic acid restores normal sperm production and regulates it. If a man consumes for 3 months before planning conception. a large number of foods rich in folic acid, or drinking it in vitamins, the viability of sperm will increase, as well as the chances of early conception.
  5. Before conception, a man needs to eat as much as possible natural products. Let it be meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy products. But a variety of artificial additives, flavors, dyes, preservatives, GMOs, etc. should be excluded. Since these substances negatively affect the health and development of the unborn child. The greatest number of harmful substances is found in smoked foods, sweets, sausages, semi-finished products, and sweet carbonated drinks.
  6. Before conceiving, a man needs not only to eat the right and healthy foods, but also reconsider the drinks. It is best to drink enough fluid, 2 to 3 liters per day, depending on your weight. Wherein, the best drinks are pure water, freshly squeezed juices, can be diluted with water, herbal teas. But it is better to exclude coffee, black tea, and sweet carbonated drinks.
  7. And, of course, if a man wants to know what to eat before conception, then he is ready for some restrictions. If you are planning a child, you should not drink alcohol; even light beer drunk in large quantities can cause serious harm. Therefore, before planning a child, you should give up alcohol.

So, we told you what a man needs to eat before conception, and what foods he should not eat. As you can see, the restrictions are not too severe, and every man who wants to become the father of a healthy baby can follow such a diet.

Planning a pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most wonderful moment of life in every family. This event should be taken seriously seriousness and responsibility.

Planning a pregnancy contains many subtleties that you should familiarize yourself with in advance. For conception to be successful and unborn child was born healthy, you need to know how to prepare for pregnancy correctly.

If a man or woman has hereditary diseases in the family, then the degree of likelihood of transmitting the disease to the child should be determined. If so, it's worth a visit. doctor-.

There is an analysis that determines the level of compatibility of partners. It must be carried out if pregnancy does not occur for a long time.

In certain situations, conception may only be possible during artificial insemination.

REFERENCE! Experts deny the existence of absolute infertility. Even in the most difficult situations there is a small percentage that a couple can become parents.


No one is immune from serious illnesses during pregnancy. Therefore, it is advisable to first vaccinate against the most common diseases. These include:

  • Chickenpox.
  • Rubella.
  • Hepatitis B.
  • Diphtheria.
  • Flu.

Most vaccinations are optional. Opinions about the need for them vary. But experts recommend protecting your body as much as possible from possible diseases. Most vaccinations need to be done six months before the actual moment of conception.

ON A NOTE! A woman can get vaccinated at the antenatal clinic to which she is assigned.

Preparing the body for pregnancy

For the success of conception a huge impact renders the lifestyle of a married couple. The process of bearing a child is incompatible with the use of and. Should be abandoned bad habits at least three months before pregnancy. This applies not only to the woman, but also to her life partner. and affect, reducing the chances of a possible pregnancy.

At the pregnancy planning stage, welcome sports. They significantly strengthen the body, preparing it for a new situation. It is also recommended to monitor your daily routine. Preference should be given healthy food . It is better to give up fast food, sweets, smoked, salty and spicy foods.

Need to eat more protein And plant products nutrition. You can use nuts, dried fruits, vegetables, fruits, curd desserts, etc. as snacks. good health And general health of the body.

Stressful situations during pregnancy planning should be avoided. Against this background, violations may occur menstrual cycle, which makes conception almost impossible. A woman should keep a schedule for the onset of her period, writing down all the data in a separate notebook. This information will allow the gynecologist to determine the causes of possible problems.

REFERENCE! Yoga and stretching strengthen the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, which has a beneficial effect on the body's endurance during pregnancy.

If you have excess weight, then you need to get rid of it. He may hinder pregnancy. Particular attention should be paid healthy sleep , walks in fresh air and a psychological mood.

It is advisable to replenish your supply of vitamins even before planning a pregnancy. Certain vitamins have an effect on specific life support systems body. Therefore, vitamin deficiency can have an extremely negative impact on conception and the health of the unborn child. Most often women are prescribed vitamin complexes. For men there are also special drugs. To the most important vitamins include:

  • folic acid;
  • vitamin C;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • calcium;
  • B vitamins;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • vitamin D

It is very difficult to overestimate the benefits of vitamins during the preparation for pregnancy. When planning a child, the female body requires a lot of strength and nutrients to bear the fetus. Thanks to their presence, the baby will be able to fully develop.

Despite the fact that vitamins are extremely necessary for the body, you should not start taking them without consulting a doctor. Hypervitaminosis of some vitamins can also negatively affect the development of the baby, as well as deficiency.

ON A NOTE! Beneficial substances need to be drawn not only from synthetic drugs, but also from food.

The key point in preparation for motherhood is the determination of favorable days for conception - period. Without it, the process of conception is impossible. Each cycle in female body eggs grow and mature.

But fertilization ability, as a rule, only one of them receives. When the sperm and egg fuse, a fertilized egg is formed, which is soon implanted in the uterine area.

You can determine ovulation using the following methods:

  • special ovulation test;
  • by measuring basal temperature;
  • ultrasonography.

There are many factors that can increase probability of success. These include certain positions during sexual intercourse, calculating ovulation, taking certain medications, etc.

Some women experience a pathology such as a bent uterus. It does not greatly interfere with the process of conception. But depending on the side of the bend, poses are chosen. Get up abruptly and go to the shower after sexual intercourse Not recommended for women. It is better to lie down for a couple of hours, placing your pelvis on a high pillow.

Some couples have a desire to conceive a child of a certain gender. In fact, it is difficult to deceive nature. But there are ways by which you can increase probability of having a girl or a boy.

Sperm with male chromosome faster, but they have a shorter lifespan. Sperm with female chromosome They are slow, but despite this, they live a long time.

If sexual intercourse occurs before ovulation, there is a possibility that a sperm with a female chromosome will meet with the egg. In order to get pregnant with a boy, you need to practice sexual intimacy on the day of ovulation.

REFERENCE! You can choose your gender during IVF if there are medical indications for this.

lack of ovulation. To stimulate the release of an egg, a woman is prescribed hormonal medications.

Sometimes pregnancy fails in the early stages due to insufficient endometrial volume or low progesterone levels. These problems can be solved by using hormonal drugs on certain days. menstrual cycle.

In situations where hormonal drugs are helpless, surgical intervention is used. This may be laparoscopic or abdominal surgery. Laparoscopy is considered a diagnostic procedure, but within its framework it is also possible to remove various formations on the genital organs. Abdominal surgery is performed in the presence of more serious problems.

IMPORTANT! Treatment may take some time. Therefore, future parents should be patient and control their psychological state.

Femibion, Elevit Pronatal, Vitrum and Complivit.

ON A NOTE! The dosage of drugs is prescribed based on the woman’s hormonal background. Before starting treatment, it is very important to donate blood to check your hormone levels.

For increase male fertility Prescribe medications containing zinc, selenium and folic acid. Medicines such as Speman, Tribestan, Spermactin, Himcolin and Verona are widely used. It is not recommended to take these medications without a doctor's prescription.

Compliance pregnancy planning rules ensures its favorable course in the future. The better the preparation for the new situation, the more problems can be avoided.

Health of any person largely depends on heredity. And both parents make their contribution to the child’s genetics. Is this a strong enough argument for you to think about your health before conceiving a child? If yes, then below is a simple list of actions that you can take to increase your chances of having a healthy baby.

Preliminary stage

This stage at different people It may take different time: from several days to six months. We must remember that the main goal is to determine whether there are any diseases that can reduce your reproductive capabilities, interfere with conception, or harm the expectant mother.

  • Get tested for sexually transmitted diseases, HIV, hepatitis B and C. Since some of them are asymptomatic, you cannot be sure in advance that they are absent.
  • To make sure you don't have chronic infectious diseases, visit a therapist and tell him about your plans. Most likely, you will be offered to hand over general analysis blood, do fluorography/x-ray. Chronic diseases can be dangerous for two reasons. First - Negative influence on sperm quality, which means a decrease in the likelihood of conception. The second is the possibility of infecting a woman when she is already pregnant.
  • If you have any diseases that make conception unlikely, you can find out from an andrologist. Some of them are treated surgically (varicocele, hydrocele, or dropsy, inguinal hernia, obliteration of the vas deferens due to infectious and inflammatory diseases or injury).
  • If you are not confident in your reproductive capabilities (for example, you had mumps in childhood, your work involves contact with harmful chemicals etc.), take a spermogram. Its indicators will allow you to assess the likelihood of conception.
  • Get tested for Rh factor. The mother of the unborn baby will also do the same analysis. Different Rh factors themselves do not affect the likelihood of conception, but since Rh conflict can cause miscarriage, it is better to know about it in advance. Modern medicine allows you to cope with this problem if you know about it right away.
Important to remember
It is important to remember that some examinations can negatively affect male reproductive abilities, and antibiotics and other medications impair sperm quality. Therefore, ask your doctor how long after the end of the examination or treatment you can plan to conceive.

Preparing for conception

In this period The main goal is to improve male fertility. It depends not only on potency, but also on the quality of the sperm - the number of living, motile sperm of the correct structure in it. Since sperm mature in 72 days, a period of 3 months is considered optimal for preparing for conception.

What can negatively affect sperm quality?
  • Fever in the genital area (+35 °C is optimal for sperm development). Therefore, it makes sense to refuse not only work in extreme conditions, but also from the sauna, hot bath, heated car seats.
  • Tight underwear and tight jeans. They not only increase the temperature, but also impair blood circulation in the testicular area. This limits tissue nutrition and oxygen supply.
  • Smoking also impairs blood supply and increases oxidative stress in the testicles, which can lead to defective forms of sperm.
  • Excess weight - adipose tissue produces female hormones, an excess of which is undesirable in the male body. Therefore, you can gradually normalize your weight by refusing or reducing the amount of flour, sweet and fatty foods and gradually replacing them with vegetables, fruits and whole grain cereals.
  • Alcohol. Stop using alcoholic drinks possible 3 months before conception.
  • Chronic nervous tension. It is a serious enemy of male fertility. Therefore, try to avoid stress.
How to improve sperm quality?
  • Naturally, sperm quality will improve if you eliminate the above factors and follow temperature regime, give up smoking and alcohol, try to lead correct image life.
  • In order for sperm to mature and develop correctly, they require useful material: L-carnitine in high dosages, folic acid, selenium and zinc, as well as vitamin E. To provide reproductive system With these substances, you can use the SPEROTON complex, designed specifically to improve sperm quality.
  • If a man has smoked for a long time or smokes (and cannot give up this habit), comes into contact with harmful substances, then the result is oxidative stress, during which both the sperm themselves and the genetic material contained in them are damaged. Relieving oxidative stress requires taking antioxidants. "Sinergin" contains 6 powerful natural antioxidants and will be useful for a man during preparation for conception.

The period of pregnancy planning is a crucial moment for both parents, since the health of the unborn baby depends on their actions. If the wife cannot get pregnant, then the man needs to pay Special attention the process of preparing for conceiving a child to improve sperm quality.

As is known, big influence The quality of the ejaculate influences the fertilization process. The worse a man’s sperm, the lower his chances of conceiving, even against the background of the woman’s absolute health. Let's look at how a man can prepare for conceiving a child so that a woman can become pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby.

There are many recommendations, methods and folk remedies, with the help of which a man can improve the quality of his semen before conception. But the most important of them is a consultation with a specialized doctor and a comprehensive examination.

Before you start undergoing any treatment, you need to find out what quality the sperm is, who is to blame for infertility, and for what reason the wife cannot get pregnant. It is quite possible that the husband’s sperm is excellent, and the woman is infertile, then the man does not need special preparation for conception at all.

To check the quality of sperm, a man must submit his sperm for an analysis called a spermogram. With the help of such a study, it is possible to evaluate sperm in general, the quality of germ cells, their motility and viability. How better result, the higher the chance of successful conception.

If abnormalities in the quality of sperm are detected, the man will have to undergo a more in-depth examination. In particular, they will prescribe blood tests, urine tests, smears for infections, pelvic ultrasound, etc., depending on the preliminary diagnosis.

If a man is looking for an answer to the question of how to get his wife pregnant, it is better for him to talk to his woman and go to a fertility specialist together. But it is worth remembering that normally pregnancy can occur even after 6-12 months. If you were unable to conceive in the first cycle, then it’s okay. You need to prepare for conception and try again. Infertility is diagnosed only after 12 months of unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant.

Treatment after the examination may be delayed, but it is fertilization against the background of complete health that will help a man conceive healthy child. If the egg is fertilized by a bad sperm, then there is a high probability that a miscarriage will occur, or the baby will be born with a severe chromosomal disease or genetic pathology.

Treatment will depend on the cause of the sperm quality disorder. That is, the infection will be cured by antibiotics, but the varicocele will have to be removed surgically, as well as obstruction of the vas deferens, etc. The doctor will draw up a treatment plan individually.


If a man is healthy and his sperm is of high quality, it means that he is capable of conceiving. No specific therapeutic measures in this case, it will not be necessary; to prepare for pregnancy, you only need to lead a healthy lifestyle and take vitamins if prescribed by a doctor.

Proper nutrition is the most important part preparation for conception, both for men and women. If the doctor does not give any special instructions, then the diet is as follows:

  • The diet should be balanced energy value must correspond physical condition and male activity.
  • Must be observed drinking regime, at least 2 liters clean water per day.
  • The diet should include only approved healthy products, only fresh and prepared with your own hands; there should be no semi-finished products or fast food on the menu.
  • It is very important to eat in small portions, 5-6 times a day.
  • All are excluded harmful products from the prohibited list.
  • The use of alcohol, drugs and cigarettes in any form and quantity is completely prohibited.

It is important to note that if a man is completely healthy and his sperm quality is normal, then he may not adhere to such a strict diet. The diet should be balanced, but you can allow yourself to eat small quantities of tasty and slightly junk food. If the sperm quality is poor and the man is still obese, the diet must be strictly followed.


Prohibited foods:

  • fatty meat, sausages, canned food;
  • any food fried in oil;
  • ketchups, mayonnaise and other sauces from the store with harmful additives;
  • products with big amount salt;
  • very spicy food;
  • smoked;
  • very sweet foods, chocolates, candies, etc.;
  • baked goods, cakes;
  • chips, flavored crackers, and other snacks.


Before conception, a man must compose his diet from natural products:

  • cereals, for example, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, etc.;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • vegetables, greens;
  • fruits, berries, nuts;
  • milk and fermented milk products;
  • eggs;
  • lean meat, poultry, fish, seafood;
  • vegetable oils.

When preparing to conceive a child, a man is advised to eat enough protein and vegetables. You should not neglect carbohydrates and fats, as they are very important for the functioning of the body and the performance of a man.


Preparing for conception for men is always accompanied by exercise. Daily exercise has the following effects on the process of conception:

  • gets rid of excess weight, stimulating the restoration of hormonal levels;
  • makes a man sexy, giving his body beautiful shapes, increases libido;
  • improves blood circulation in all organs, the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, improves erection and the process of spermatogenesis.

In addition, physical exercise helps prevent many fatal diseases such as heart attack, stroke, arterial thrombosis, arthritis, etc.

But here it is very important not to overdo it. To conceive a child you need moderate training, heavy physical exercise V gym contraindicated. They cause fatigue and impair the process of spermatogenesis. Therefore, if a man wants to conceive a child, there is no need to go to extremes; he needs to train to the best of his ability.

Charging is carried out daily, except on days feeling unwell. That is, you should not deal with fever, hypertension, broken leg, etc. Such efforts most likely will not lead to anything good.

Training always begins with a warm-up, like in a physical education lesson. A man must rotate his head, shoulders, wrists, etc. Then bend in all directions, jump, squat.

  • deep squats;
  • lunges;
  • scissors;
  • bike;
  • Kegel exercise for men;
  • bar;
  • pushups.

The workout ends with a slow stretch of all muscles.

The number of repetitions will depend on the preparation of each person. If a man is an athlete, then he can perform interval training, combine it with cardio training, for example, running. For a beginner, a simple warm-up and performing exercises 5-10 times will be enough. Over time, the number of repetitions can be increased by supplementing the training with intervals. It all depends on the man’s well-being.


What a man needs to know before conceiving a child is that he should not use any medications on his own. Self-medication with medications can lead to severe complications, up to infertility and deformities in the baby. Therefore, if a couple is planning a baby, the man should consult with his doctor about the possibility of taking certain medications.

If, according to the results of a spermogram, the quality of the semen is poor, then the question arises of what a man should do before conception so that his wife becomes pregnant. To improve sperm quality, it is imperative to undergo treatment for the underlying disease; doctors can also prescribe dietary supplements. Vitamin complexes for men will help improve the quality of ejaculate and increase the chances of natural conception.

These drugs include:

  • Speman;
  • Spermaplant;
  • Viardot;
  • Speroton;
  • Verona;
  • Spermactin;
  • Tentex forte, etc.

Currently on pharmaceutical market you can find a large number of means to prepare a man for conception. It is better that they contain substances such as L-carnitine and L-arginine, as they improve sperm motility and quality. It will also be useful for a man to use royal jelly, folic acid, vitamin complex.