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Recommendations before follicle puncture. Preparation for follicle puncture. Important questions about artificial insemination

It is hardly possible to imagine a full-fledged family without children. As they say, “people meet, people fall in love, get married,” but, unfortunately, not everyone succeeds with offspring. Modern medicine successfully resolves this issue. One method is in vitro fertilization. Follicle puncture during IVF in this case is a mandatory procedure.

What is IVF?

IVF (in vitro fertilization) is the artificial conception of a baby, as a result of which eggs extracted from the ovary are mixed in a test tube filled with a nutrient medium with male sperm. A few days after artificial insemination, the egg is placed in the uterus, where it implants. Women are recommended to take the hormone progesterone, which prepares the womb for bearing a child.

In most cases, the embryo engrafts successfully. Often, to increase the chances of pregnancy, two or even three embryos are implanted. A pregnancy test after individual fertilization is taken seven to ten days.

If after the procedure there are “extra” embryos left, they are frozen to be used in the future (the first time or when the couple wants a second child).

Eggs, like sperm, can be used from your own or from a donor. Method in vitro fertilization indicated for those couples who suffer from infertility, women with and also men with incompetent (slow) sperm.

On average, one IVF procedure takes from three to six weeks and costs 120-150 thousand rubles. Trying to get pregnant using artificial insemination should be stopped if IVF has failed three times.

Stages of IVF

Before IVF, you need to undergo full examination and consult your doctor about possible risks and complications. The specialist must examine the patient on the chair, do an ultrasound and prescribe everything necessary tests(blood for hormones, cytological studies smears, smears for STDs, and so on).

For successful artificial insemination, a woman and a man need:

  • Be healthy, free from acute and chronic inflammatory processes.
  • News healthy image life, give up bad habits, including coffee.
  • Limit physical activity.
  • Follow a diet and take vitamins daily.
  • Do not take any medications unless prescribed by a doctor.

In vitro fertilization is carried out in several stages and can take from three to six weeks.

First stage- Preparation. Includes a full examination of both partners.

Second phase- stimulation of ovulation. Everyone is normal healthy women During one menstrual cycle, one egg matures. For successful implementation IVF doctors need to obtain two or more eggs. Therefore, ovulation is stimulated with the help of various hormonal drugs (“Megonin”, “Diferelin”, “Orgalutran”, “Menopur”, etc.). Only a doctor can prescribe such medications. The tablets are taken under the strict supervision of specialists. An ultrasound may be performed from time to time to determine the growth of the follicles.

When the follicles reach 16-20 mm, begin third stage. This is a puncture of follicles during IVF - the extraction of mature eggs using a special needle. The procedure takes from 15 to 30 minutes and is carried out under local anesthesia with the participation of ultrasound. Simultaneously with the puncture, the partner must donate sperm.

The egg and sperm are sent to the laboratory for further examination and fertilization.

Fourth stage- fertilization. Mature eggs are placed in a laboratory test tube with a nutrient medium. Then sperm are injected there. The container is placed in an incubator for one or two days (rarely - five), where conception occurs. When a cell begins to rapidly divide, it is called an embryo that is ready for implantation.

Fifth stage- movement of embryos into the uterine cavity. The process takes a few minutes and is absolutely painless. Embryo using special catheter inserted into the uterine cavity. "Extra" embryos are cryopreserved for future use.

The first two weeks the embryo takes root in the uterus. Pregnancy can be diagnosed 10-14 days after the procedure. There are cases when pregnancy does not occur the first time. Don't despair. After some time, you can try again. After three unsuccessful attempts, IVF is no longer prescribed.

One of the in vitro fertilization programs is surrogacy. It is used in cases where a woman cannot bear a child on her own. Surrogacy is officially permitted in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and several US states. In other countries it is either prohibited or not regulated in any way by law.

Follicle puncture during IVF

Follicular puncture is the extraction of mature eggs for further fertilization in vitro. The procedure is performed transvaginally (through the vagina) under B in rare cases can be done. Egg retrieval is controlled by ultrasound. Time 10-15 minutes.

Before follicle puncture, it is important to comply with the following requirements:

  • Two to three days before the procedure you should abstain from sexual intercourse.
  • Follow a special protein diet. Avoid foods that cause fermentation for a while.
  • The manipulation must be carried out in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • One and a half days before the puncture you need to give an injection hCG drug, which will accelerate the maturation of follicles.

After the procedure, the patient may feel slightly dizzy and have pain in the lower abdomen. The ovaries enlarge after puncture of the follicles, sometimes up to 12 cm in diameter. Bloody discharge may also appear. This condition is considered normal.

You should be concerned about nausea and vomiting, sharp pains And heavy bleeding. You should immediately notify your doctor about the symptoms, as this can be dangerous not only for IVF, but also for the health of the patient herself.

The main component of artificial insemination is follicle puncture during IVF. Reviews about the procedure vary widely, but without it, conceiving a baby is impossible.

How to behave after IVF?

A married couple who has decided on IVF undoubtedly really wants to have a child. After a successful embryo transfer, a woman needs increased love and care. It is better for her to spend the first days after the procedure at home in bed.

Successful implantation of the embryo is already the beginning of pregnancy. However, such a pregnancy has its own “whims”. Very often, at first, a woman’s body, in particular the uterus, behaves aggressively towards the implanted embryo and rejects new life. Therefore, after IVF, miscarriages occur much more often.

It's worth saying goodbye to everyone bad habits, which often cause miscarriages.

Healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and vitamins - everything that is necessary to maintain pregnancy. It is important to remember to have a positive attitude and good emotions. After all, thoughts materialize!

A pregnancy test, as well as blood for hCG, must be taken at least two weeks after IVF. At five to six weeks of pregnancy you need to undergo ultrasonography, which will finally confirm the growth and successful attachment of the embryo to the uterus.

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

It should be noted that puncture of follicles during IVF (reviews about the procedure vary) is one of the most important stages of fertilization. However, for its implementation you need as many healthy mature eggs as possible. To do this, ovulation is stimulated using special hormonal drugs. By-effect medications - hyperstimulation syndrome, which leads to the formation of cysts on them, rupture of these cysts and accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity.

To avoid unpleasant consequences possible with the help of thorough examinations that are carried out before fertilization. A hormone test is required. Thanks to it, you can calculate the exact dosages of drugs and avoid hyperstimulation.

If the patient experiences the following symptoms - pain and distension in the lower abdomen, rapid weight gain, increased waist circumference - she should immediately consult a doctor. This may be the beginning of hyperstimulation syndrome, moderate and severe degrees of which require hospital treatment.

Complications after IVF

Any procedure that is performed without training or by an inexperienced professional may have Negative consequences. This also applies to IVF. Thus, stimulation of ovulation sometimes leads to hyperstimulation. As a result, ascites may develop - a collection of

Complications sometimes arise after such a simple procedure as follicle puncture. Reviews from some patients are frightening - terrible pain, heavy bleeding. This is because during the puncture of the follicle, other pelvic organs may also be affected.

An equally common consequence of artificial insemination is infection. The main reason is medical negligence and unsterile conditions.

Therefore, you need to choose a clinic for IVF very carefully. And if such a manipulation as follicle puncture has negative reviews from patients, then the hospital that performs it should be avoided.

Contraindications to IVF

IVF is a medical procedure that gives infertile families a chance to become parents. However, this procedure has its contraindications. This:

After treatment of the listed diseases, you can begin the IVF program. If the treatment of diseases does not bring results, the only way out is to use the surrogacy service.


Thanks to new medical technologies, IVF gives many couples hope for the birth of a baby. Thousands of families have already taken advantage of this opportunity and successfully became parents.

Puncture of follicles during IVF is a mandatory component, without which conceiving a new life is impossible. An egg for fertilization can be given either by a woman who is going to become a mother or by a donor woman.

Follicle puncture is one of the stages of IVF. The degree of success of the result depends on the preparation for this procedure. If both parents prepare correctly, it will significantly increase the chances of conception.

In vitro fertilization is a method of combating infertility that allows the process of conception to occur. It is carried out outside the body of the expectant mother. A favorable environment is prepared for sperm and eggs in which their fusion occurs.

Eggs implanted in the uterus do not always take root. Sometimes the fetus dies and a miscarriage occurs.

If the procedure goes well and the woman becomes pregnant as a result, she needs constant monitoring. The expectant mother needs to periodically undergo tests, undergo examinations, and consult with a doctor.

Interesting! In vitro fertilization is an expensive procedure, starting from $20,000. Not every family can afford this, but the state annually allocates quotas for the poor so that they also have a chance to have children.

IVF is carried out if naturally A married couple is unable to conceive a child.

There are various reasons for this:

  1. The woman has no fallopian tubes or their patency is impaired.
  2. The expectant mother suffers from endometriosis.
  3. A man has poorly motile sperm or their number is limited.
  4. There are complications after an abortion, miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.

Less commonly, infertility is caused by illness endocrine system, genital tract infections.

Stages of implementation

The process of in vitro fertilization is divided into the following stages:

  1. Preparing men and women for it.
  2. Examination, consultation with a doctor.
  3. Hormonal stimulation of the ovaries.
  4. Follicle puncture.
  5. Obtaining sperm from a man, removing sperm from it.
  6. Placing the egg and sperm in a special environment until they fuse.
  7. Growing an embryo until it transforms into a blastocyst.
  8. Implanting it into the uterus to the expectant mother.

If necessary, auxiliary manipulations are carried out - selection of the most active spermatozoa, genetic analysis fertilized egg. When the implanted embryo does not take root, all stages are repeated again.

How to prepare properly?

First stage IVF – preparing a man and a woman for this procedure involves following certain recommendations. Wherein you need to start not the day before the puncture, but 2-3 months before, because any rare changes in lifestyle are stressful for the body.

He also experiences additional stress when doing so, so you shouldn’t expose yourself to double stress. This may interfere with conception.

As part of the preparation, the expectant mother needs to:

  1. Follow a special diet and drink more fluids.
  2. Normalize your weight if possible. Excessive fatness can cause problems during fetal development.
  3. Accept vitamin complexes in agreement with a specialist.
  4. Treat existing diseases. If there are chronic diseases, warn your doctor about this.
  5. Make sure you have all your vaccinations, especially against jaundice.

A man needs:

  1. Get tested.
  2. Stop wearing tight clothes that squeeze your groin. This reduces the chances of conception.
  3. Do not contact with paints and varnishes.
  4. Refrain from masturbation.

Attention! Married couples who smoke and drink alcohol spend 2-3 times longer on fertilization than those who lead a healthy lifestyle.

It is advisable to reduce coffee consumption and not have sex 3-4 days before IVF to improve sperm quality. Moderate physical activity will be beneficial. Men and women should not visit the sauna or soak in a hot bath during this period.

Diet before the procedure

The emphasis is on balanced menu saturated with proteins. 2/3 of the daily food intake should consist of animal proteins.

  1. Chicken eggs, whole milk.
  2. Fresh fruits.
  3. Green tea, natural juices.
  4. Seafood, sea fish.
  5. Poultry, rabbit, pork, veal.

Important! It is advisable to eat homemade meat. In industrial conditions, chickens or pigs are raised with the help of hormones, stimulants active growth. Eating their meat can interfere with the process of conception.

You can’t eat a lot of salt - up to 5 g per day, fried and smoked foods.

On what day of the cycle is it done?

For follicle puncture there is certain deadlines. The date depends on the nature of the in vitro fertilization protocol.

The procedure is carried out on certain days:

  • Days 12-22 – for a long protocol.
  • Days 14-40 – for a short protocol.
  • 10-14 days – for the ultra-short protocol.

At this time, the man donates sperm while mature eggs are removed from the woman under anesthesia. Sometimes frozen sperm are used.

What size should follicles be?

The size of the dominant follicle grows by several mm every day. When ovulation occurs, it normally reaches 18-24 mm in diameter. The follicles must be of this size in order to puncture them.

But if they are smaller, this is not a reason to worry. Follicles sometimes range in size from 10-22 mm. Their diameter does not indicate the presence of an egg in them. It may be the other way around - the small ones will contain eggs, but the large ones will not.

How many should there be in an ovary?

A healthy lifestyle is a guarantee successful conception after puncture of the follicles and implantation of the embryo into the uterus. Sports activities in normal quantities are definitely needed.

Don't overload yourself intensely. The doctor can choose special gymnastics to perform several times a week for 30-40 minutes.

Walking on fresh air. It is better to walk away from the roadway - in the park, outside the city in a forest or meadow. The duration of stay on the street should be at least 1.5-2 hours a day.

Preparing for follicle puncture is a responsible undertaking. The success of fertilization depends on this. If a man and woman carefully prepare for the procedure, the chances of conceiving a child will increase significantly.

On the appointed day, early in the morning, my husband and I arrived at the clinic for follicle puncture. We sat down on a sofa in the hallway and began to wait for us to be called. That day we were not the only ones who underwent the ovarian puncture procedure - there were three of us. First, they called the spouse, and half an hour later, the spouse was called to collect seminal fluid. It was a little scary, although from the department where the couples entered, there wasn't a sound to be heard.

Ovarian puncture during IVF: how it happens

Finally it was our turn. I went to a special box. In preparation for the procedure, I was told change clothes in the disposable cape provided, cotton boots were put on his feet shoe covers with ties, a cap on the hair. In general, everything is the same as for an operation. It became completely scary. Previously, I read on the Internet that puncture of follicles during IVF is carried out transvaginally using a long needle, which in diameter resembles a knitting needle. It is used to reach the ovaries through the vaginal walls and the oocytes are collected. Most likely, this was the case, but I didn’t have time to feel anything. They put me on a special couch, put on a mask and gave me anesthesia. After they stroked me on the head like a mother and said: “ Sleep", I fell asleep. I woke up when everything was done. I felt normal - there was no pain, just a little dizzy after the anesthesia.

During the puncture of the ovaries, they were able to take 8 mature oocytes from me. This is a pretty good result, considering that in some women only one egg matures. In this case, the chances of successful IVF are significantly reduced.

On what day is the puncture performed during IVF?

I had it Day 16 of the cycle. The date of oocyte retrieval may vary depending on the length of the protocol.

I was told lie on the couch another twenty minutes and independently move to the room that was behind the wall. I didn’t feel the need to lie down, since my head was wasn't spinning, and in general I felt fine. I went into the ward, there were girls who came in before me. They were already getting dressed and leaving. I lay there for about five minutes and also started getting ready to go home. The doctor gave us parting instructions in the form of an appointment Utrozhestan to prepare the uterine microflora for embryo transfer.

My feelings after follicle puncture

There was no pain after follicular puncture - according to at least while I was in the clinic. Later, when we were already on our way home, the painkillers began to take effect. weaken. When I was thrown up on the bumps, I felt how everything inside hurt. To the question: “Is it possible to drive a car after follicular puncture?” you can safely answer “No.” I definitely wouldn’t have been able to drive on my own that day. Yes, I haven’t tried it. We went with my dad, and he and my husband took turns driving the car. Getting home on your own behind the wheel after puncture of follicles during IVF – definitely not worth it. Especially if you need to cover a distance of 500 km. Because your stomach hurts a lot and at some point you may take your mind off the road because of the pain.

Ovarian hyperstimulation - my story

By evening it became much better. The temperature did not rise during the day. In this regard, everything went relatively calmly. And in the morning she greeted me in all its glory ovarian hyperstimulation. The doctor warned that this was possible. But, like everyone else, I hoped that this “joy” would pass me by. It felt like I was going to be torn apart like a hot water bottle. And this lasted quite a long time - about 10 days. However, I had mild degree"hypers"(I can’t imagine what women experience in severe cases), so the embryo transfer was not postponed to a later date.

This is how your belly can swell after follicle puncture

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is an incorrect response of the ovaries to stimulation with gonadotropins. In addition to increasing ovaries in size, vascular permeability increases and liquid accumulates in the abdominal cavity.

How to behave with such a complication?

Need to follow special diet, which will be prescribed to you at the clinic and the hypera will go away on the 9th or 10th day after the puncture.

In case severe form of ovarian hyperstimulation, the transplant is postponed until complete recovery. Some girls I know were unable to cope with this side effect on their own, and surrendered to the mercy of doctors for outpatient treatment.

On the second or third day they called me from the clinic and told me how many oocytes were fertilized after the puncture - these were five eggs out of eight. At that moment, I was in the laboratory and donated blood for D-dimers (this was necessary for embryo transfer). My joy knew no bounds. To be honest, I thought that I wouldn’t succeed.

Four days after the follicle puncture, I was invited to embryo transfer.

By the way, the clinic has the opportunity cryopreservation or freezing of embryos. This procedure costs about 18 thousand rubles one time and about 2 thousand of the same “wooden” rubles per month for storage. These are approximate figures; you need to check everything with your clinic by phone. If the IVF attempt was unsuccessful, then in the future it will be possible to simply defrost the embryo and immediately proceed to the transfer procedure, bypassing stimulation.

In vitro fertilization (IVF) gives women who are unable to conceive a chance to become mothers. This procedure is performed in many large clinics. It is already quite well studied and consists of several stages. One of these stages is follicle puncture.

Follicle puncture is a minimally invasive gynecological operation. Its principle is as follows: after hormonal stimulation of the development of eggs in the ovaries in outpatient setting carry out short-term surgery– collection of a follicle from the ovary by sucking it through a special needle. The time of such an operation is about 10-15 minutes. This is one of the most important stages of IVF, the success of which determines the further course of pregnancy.

Preparation for follicle puncture

In order for such an important stage as obtaining eggs to be successful, a woman must prepare for it. During the month before the procedure, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Do not take any medications without a doctor's prescription.
  2. Exclude nutritional supplements, canned foods and other sources of foreign chemical substances in food.
  3. Carefully protect yourself from infection infectious diseases, avoid crowded places, contact with sick people, and if necessary, wear a medical mask.
  4. Take as prescribed by your doctor folic acid and multivitamins.
  5. Eat nutritiously, avoid foods that are too salty, fatty foods, refined carbohydrates. It is recommended to eat more nuts vegetable oils, fermented milk products. It is advisable to avoid products causing bloating intestines - flour products, fruits, vegetables. It is advisable to increase fluid intake - water, unsweetened compotes, fruit drinks.
  6. Quit smoking, drinking alcohol, reduce tea and coffee consumption.
  7. Do not visit baths and saunas, refuse hot baths, lower back massage, cosmetic procedures, visits to the solarium.
  8. Avoid heavy physical labor and intense sports.
  9. 3-4 days before the intervention, you need to temporarily abstain from sexual intercourse in any form.
  10. The evening before the operation (at 18:00) you need to have a light dinner, empty your bowels in the morning and bladder. You should not eat or drink in the morning.
  11. Is it necessary to do an enema before a puncture? Most often, a woman cleanses her intestines on her own using the drug Fortrans. If this has not been done, you can cleanse the intestines in the morning with an enema at home or in a medical facility.
  12. You should come to the procedure without contact lenses, with unpainted nails, no makeup. It is usually recommended to have a shirt, slippers, and a robe with you.
  13. It is very important to come to the clinic on time. When follicles are punctured, the clock counts. Therefore, you should leave home in advance, taking into account the traffic situation.

When is the intervention carried out?

Follicle puncture is one of the stages of in vitro fertilization. After suppressing one’s own gonadotropins, superovulation is stimulated with hormones introduced into the body from the outside. The purpose of this effect is to create in the ovaries a large number of functionally mature follicles containing eggs ready for fertilization. At the same time, the condition of the follicles growing in the ovaries is carefully monitored using ultrasound. Stimulates the final maturation of the oocyte, ovulation trigger - drug human chorionic gonadotropin or a gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist.

The intervention is carried out exactly 34 or 36 hours after the introduction of the ovulation trigger, stimulating the full maturation of oocytes. If the puncture is performed before this time, the eggs will be immature. A delay of more than 38 hours will lead to spontaneous ovulation and the release of eggs in abdominal cavity.

The size of follicles for puncture should be greater than 15-18 mm. At least three eggs must “mature” at the same time, which increases the chance of successful fertilization.

Pain relief during follicular puncture

General or local anesthesia for follicular puncture is used upon the joint decision of the doctor and the patient, that is, she can insist on one or another method of pain relief or refuse it. When determining the method of anesthesia, it is preferable to choose one of two options:

  • general anesthesia using a facial or laryngeal mask;
  • intravenous anesthesia using Propofol and Rapifen.

If the puncture is performed laparoscopically, intubation and necessary monitoring of vital functions are required.

Local anesthesia is not used. If a woman refuses general anesthesia An hour before the intervention, she is given an injection of an anesthetic drug or given it orally in the form of a tablet. Performing a puncture without anesthesia is justified if there are few mature follicles and the ovaries are well accessible. Most often this is resolved immediately before the intervention during ultrasonic testing. It is believed that the administration of anesthesia may adversely affect the quality of the eggs obtained and reduce the likelihood of a successful pregnancy in the future. Therefore, in many foreign clinics anesthesia is not used for follicular puncture.

Before administering anesthesia, the doctor must collect a so-called allergy history - information about the tolerance of drugs, food and other products. You should think in advance and remember which medications the patient did not tolerate well previously (for example, during dental treatment). If there are several such medications, it is advisable to prepare a list of them. This will make the doctor’s work easier and reduce the likelihood of complications.

How does follicle puncture occur?

Usually, transvaginal puncture of the follicles is performed, that is, through the vaginal vault, using a special needle. If such access is not possible (wrong location of the ovaries, etc.), eggs can be obtained using laparoscopy.

The woman sits on a gynecological chair. After the anesthetic is administered, she falls asleep. At this time, the doctor inserts a special device containing a puncture needle through the vagina. Through the vaginal vault, under ultrasound guidance, the doctor advances the needle to the ovary, and then aspirates the contents of the mature follicles. The resulting liquid containing the eggs is immediately sent to the laboratory. There, an embryologist immediately selects the highest quality oocytes, placing them in a nutrient medium.

It should be noted that modern systems for aspiration of follicles have special processing internal surfaces, protecting eggs from damage. A tiny air bubble is retained at the end of the needle, which improves its visualization on the monitor screen. The system is completely sealed and allows for smooth and gradual aspiration of the contents of the follicles without unnecessary trauma.

After this, the doctor can take measures to prevent hyperstimulation syndrome: by moving the puncture needle along the surface of the ovary, he removes all unnecessary follicles in both ovaries. Wherein experienced specialists Often, only an initial puncture is used to avoid the risk of infection or injury to internal organs.

After removing the puncture needle, the effect of the anesthetics gradually wears off, and after a few minutes the woman regains consciousness. She is transferred to a ward where she remains under medical supervision for at least two hours. She is prescribed a single dose of antibiotic wide range actions to prevent infectious complications. If everything went well, the patient, accompanied by her husband, is sent home, having given detailed written recommendations and agreed on subsequent actions. It is not recommended for the patient to drive independently on the day of follicle puncture.

If a woman decides to have a puncture without anesthesia, then she will feel discomfort or stomach pain. Their intensity depends on individual sensitivity, psychological readiness the patient, the skill of the doctor, as well as the number of follicles and their location. In case of severe pain, the doctor always has the opportunity to administer an anesthetic at the patient’s request.

Simultaneously with the operation to collect follicular fluid and eggs, the husband donates sperm. If he may have difficulty with this, he should inform the doctor of this information in advance. In this case, the sperm is collected in advance, freezing it in a special container.

A few days before sperm collection, a man is advised to wear loose underwear made of natural materials, not to overheat, and not to drink alcohol or take medications. On the day of collecting ejaculate in the morning, you need to thoroughly wash the penis with fragrance-free soap.

What happens after the puncture

Pain after follicular puncture is most often aching, and can be relieved by taking no-spa or paracetamol. There may be weakness and slight dizziness, body temperature rises slightly, pinkish mucous discharge from the genital tract appears. All these phenomena usually disappear within 1-2 days.

How to behave after follicle puncture?

During this time, you need to rest more and recuperate. Thermal procedures and intense stress, including sexual activity, should be avoided.

How long does your stomach hurt after the procedure?

This depends on the number of follicles punctured, as well as on the method of obtaining them and the likelihood of developing hyperstimulation syndrome. With the transvaginal method, the pain goes away quickly. If the eggs were obtained by laparoscopy, pain may persist for 3-5 days. Constipation and bloating may occur.

A severe form of hyperstimulation syndrome is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, bursting pain in the abdomen and lower back, loose stools, fever, pain when urinating, heavy discharge from the genital tract. If there is a threat of developing hyperstimulation syndrome, treatment after puncture is carried out in a hospital. Drugs such as Dostinex, Magne B6, ascorbic acid, and solutions for infusion therapy are prescribed.

Immediately after selecting high-quality eggs and obtaining sperm, doctors begin the fertilization process in order to then transfer the resulting embryos to the uterus. All information about this stage can be obtained from your doctor. Typically, embryo transfer is carried out on days 2–5 of embryo culture. It takes another two weeks to understand whether the pregnancy is developing or not. If the embryo does not take root, the woman stops taking hormonal drugs, and only then does she begin to menstruate. Your period after a failed IVF attempt may be longer and heavier than usual.


The puncture is rarely complicated by any pathological conditions. However, in some cases, injury to a blood vessel and bleeding from it into the abdominal cavity, as well as injury to the pelvic organs, is possible. Rare cases of the formation of an abscess of the ovary, tubo-ovarian space, and small pelvis have been described. It is believed that the frequency of such complications does not exceed 1%.

Very rare complications of the intervention are torsion of the ovarian cyst or its rupture, damage to the ureter, inflammation of the appendix (appendicitis), and intolerance to anesthesia.

When you need to see a doctor urgently:

  • discharge after puncture becomes profuse, bloody or mucopurulent, acquires bad smell(signs of an infectious complication);
  • body temperature rises above 38˚C;
  • appear severe pain in a stomach;
  • arises severe dizziness, loss of consciousness, pale skin, cold sweat(signs of internal bleeding);
  • after puncture of the follicles, the ovaries hurt, nausea and vomiting bother, decreased arterial pressure, unexplained shortness of breath appears, abdominal circumference increases (signs of hyperstimulation syndrome).

For most patients, the procedure goes well without causing any complications. There should be no fear of this intervention. It should be viewed as another inevitable step on the path to motherhood.

The follicle puncture procedure is not simple or common. And although special difficulties and it does not imply complications, it is worth approaching its implementation and the recovery period after it with due attention.

The procedure is aimed at taking mature ones from the ovaries for subsequent artificial insemination and planting the resulting embryos into the body of the uterus of the expectant mother.

After discomfort often occurs and even painful sensations. In addition to them, the following may appear:

  • light, spotting discharge with blood;
  • pain in the lower abdomen and ovaries;
  • increase in body temperature up to 38 degrees;
  • bloating;
  • feeling of tension and increased tone internal organs.

REFERENCE. If a woman’s condition after puncture does not allow her to work fully, the doctor may issue a sick leave for the period of the patient’s recovery.

Typically, these symptoms do not intensify and disappear within a few days. But sometimes the following complications may occur:

  • copious discharge with blood;
  • nausea and stomach upset;
  • pain in the lower back and back;
  • strong increase in body temperature.

All these are signs of hyperstimulation. In this case it is advisable immediate appeal to the doctor.

How you feel after the procedure

Despite the above list of symptoms, Not every woman necessarily exhibits symptoms.

During the puncture, the patient is under the influence of anesthesia so he doesn't feel anything. After waking up, you may experience weakness, drowsiness, and dizziness.

This condition may be accompanied by aching pain in a stomach, slight increase temperature.

GOOD TO KNOW. The procedure is carried out on an empty stomach, and on the day before the puncture it is advisable to adhere to a light diet with a low-fat dinner. This is done to facilitate recovery from anesthesia.

After the procedure, it is advisable to provide the woman with peace. Typically, clinic specialists monitor the patient’s condition for several hours before discharging her.

If your temperature rises

This parameter is not a cause for great concern. This normal reaction body for the operation performed. If the temperature is not high, does not exceed 38 degrees, there is no need to worry. If the temperature rises above 38 degrees, you should immediately go to the hospital.

Condition of the ovaries

Procedure performed doesn't go completely unnoticed for the ovaries. After the puncture, they may swell slightly and increase to 10 cm in circumference.

Due to the heavy load on the internal genital organs Some women experience spotting and bloody discharge, can grow vascular network. Due to these changes, the stomach begins to hurt and becomes bloated.

Stomach pain - is this normal?

Overall presence and strength painful sensations after puncturing depends on the number taken, and on the individual characteristics of the female body.

When performing a puncture using the intravaginal method, the pain stops quite quickly. If laparoscopy was performed, painful sensations may last several days.

IN severe cases pain may have a strong character and accompanied by diarrhea, bloating, back pain, bloody discharge and fever. In this case, the patient’s condition deviates from the norm and requires medical intervention.

How many days does recovery take?

In the absence of complications and following the doctor’s instructions, the lower abdomen stops hurting on the 2nd day of the post-puncture period. During this time, the ovaries have time to recover.

But in some cases, the duration of bed rest and the woman’s unfavorable state of health may be due to her individual characteristics and other reasons. The pain can also be prolonged due to the development of hyperstimulation.

If hematomas occur The recovery process may take up to a week. If they form, the pain lasts up to several months. In both cases medical assistance is already obligatory initial stage occurrence of the disease.

How to relieve unpleasant symptoms?

If the recovery process goes without complications and is tolerated quite easily by the patient; no auxiliary medications are required. To make the post-puncture period a little easier, you can take analgesics.

If the pain is severe, the doctor often prescribes Ketonal, Diclofenac or Voltaren suppositories, rectally.

INFORMATION. It is important to remember that a number of drugs can cause intestinal disorders, which can cause confusion in the flow recovery period and cause suspicion of hyperstimulation. In this case, it is appropriate to consult your doctor for advice.

To relieve fever, antipyretic drugs such as Panadol are used.

Before taking any of the above medicines consultation with a specialist is required, since some drugs are contraindicated in the period after puncture. Do not self-medicate.

The appearance of discharge

This moment usually associated with vascular damage when the body of the vagina and ovaries is punctured, which causes a small amount of blood to appear.

Spotting is considered a normal consequence of puncture. Their color may vary. If bright blood is added to the daub in copious quantities - this is an alarming sign that requires medical attention.

What happens to the follicles and corpus luteum?

During the puncture process using special therapy artificial and controlled growth is achieved follicle. When the desired size is reached, the eggs are collected.

IMPORTANT. Shouldn't be perceived this procedure, How surgical intervention. Essentially, this is just the insertion of a needle into the follicle.

The withdrawal process does not last long; the entire procedure takes no more than half an hour.

The puncture needle is attached to the probe, as a result of which everything that happens is displayed on the monitor. A specialist uses a device to find mature follicles, removes them and places them in a special container. Next, the material is sent to an embryologist.

At the sites of punctured follicles, follicles are formed. The same situation occurs in the normal process, when a corpus luteum appears at the site of the ruptured follicle, promoting the production of progesterone, necessary for embryo attachment.

But During the puncture period, this process is disrupted, which causes an imbalance of hormones. For this reason, additional medicinal support of functions is carried out corpus luteum to normalize the proportional ratio of hormones.

What medications are prescribed?


This drug contains the hormone progesterone of natural origin. It is used either orally or vaginally. The second method is preferable because it has the most strong effect and speed of action, entering directly into the uterus, bypassing other organs.

Release form of the drug – capsules for administration orally and intravaginal.

It is prescribed to be taken immediately after the puncture and until 10-15 weeks of pregnancy.


Before the puncture, the doctor plans 1 day, during which the patient’s body “rests” and prepares for the operation. On this day, a woman is prescribed hormonal drugs , supporting the general condition of her internal genital organs.

Clexane is one of these drugs. Dosage and rules of administration vary for each patient individually.

The drug is intended to thin the blood and stop the formation of blood clots.


Blocks the production of a hormone that promotes lactation. It is prescribed to bring into balance the hormonal system disturbed by puncture, to restore the menstrual cycle, to normalize the timely maturation of follicles and the onset of ovulation.

It is also used to prevent hyperstimulation.


In order to prevent the occurrence infectious process During the puncture, a broad-spectrum antibiotic is administered.

It is important to remember that all of the drugs listed can only be used after the recommendation of a doctor and under his supervision.

What to do immediately after the procedure?

After the puncture need to adhere to bed rest. The clinic will give the patient the opportunity to rest after surgery for some time before being discharged.

This usually takes at least 4 hours. IN this period the doctor may prescribe IV drips and will also monitor general condition patients.

After discharge, you cannot drive a car.

What regime to follow and how to behave?

After the puncture it is highly advisable to comply bed rest . You can ask the doctor to give sick leave for a few days. During the recovery period, you should not be exposed to severe physical activity, stress.

You should abstain for two weeks from going to the sauna, swimming pools, solariums, it is undesirable to take a hot bath.

After the event Rest and proper nutrition are important. Due to discomfort in the abdominal area and the appearance of bloating, it is advisable to adhere to a certain diet without loading the stomach heavy food. Usually during this period it is prescribed protein diet, but not every woman can stick to it without consequences.

If the intestines are unable to absorb a large number of protein, you can help it by diversifying your diet with other foods. Consume oatmeal with the addition of prunes, drink kefir, flavor your dishes with vegetable oils.

Useful the following oils cold pressed:

  • sesame;
  • walnut oil;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • pumpkin seed oil.

This product will help solve the problem of constipation. Don't go overboard with fiber-rich foods(raw vegetables, fruits, brown bread and legumes).

Drinks you can drink still water or unsweetened fruit drinks, the amount of liquid consumed per day should reach up to 3 liters. You cannot drink coffee, strong teas, or alcohol.

Is it possible to have sex?

The procedure applies female body heavy load, requiring considerable effort to restore. Sex can lead to breakup follicle and disrupt the functioning of the ovaries.

Orgasm and arousal are also able to tone the genitals, which may jeopardize the entire therapy process. For these reasons intimacy undesirable after puncture.


After the procedure, if it went without complications, menstrual cycle starts after 3-4 days. Subsequent cycles may be disrupted, which can be corrected by contacting your doctor.

REFERENCE. If implantation is prescribed after the puncture, and the procedure is successful, menstruation should not occur.

Polycystic disease or hyperstimulation can also manifest itself as disruptions in menstruation, so monitoring by a doctor during this period is important.

Consequences and complications

Usually the puncture takes place in normal mode without being complicated by pathologies. In rare cases due to injury blood vessels possible hemorrhage into the abdominal cavity, trauma to the pelvic organs. An abscess of the ovaries or pelvis may occur.

If a cyst is present, it may be torsioned or ruptured., inflammation of appendicitis, violation of the integrity of the ureter. But in practice such situations rarely occur.

In most cases the procedure goes well, without complications. Mild discomfort is corrected medicines, the entire recovery process is carried out calmly. You should not worry or be afraid; the thought that all efforts will lead to the birth of the long-awaited baby should be a consolation.